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22282251? ago

Sounds like it would link to the 93 Cult

22282257? ago

AND the 27 Club too. <

22287984? ago


"The number of musicians who died at 27 is truly remarkable by any standard. [Although] humans die regularly at all ages, there is a statistical spike for musicians who die at 27."[10]

The deaths of several 27 year-old popular musicians between 1969 and 1971 led to the belief that deaths are more common at this age. Statistical studies have failed to find any unusual pattern of musician deaths at this age, comparing it to equally small increases at ages 25 and 32, with a 2011 BMJ study noting instead that young adult musicians have a higher death rate than the rest of the young adult population, concluding: "Fame may increase the risk of death among musicians, but this risk is not limited to age 27


Nothing jumping out for 27 http://www.gematrinator.com/calculator/index.php

22291695? ago

Try 77 as this is what 27 (two sevens) really ciphers, with 11 and 66 doing the dance within the shell of the 77.

This is what is known as 'The Game', and is symbolically represented by two dice > a game of Craps.

(((They))) hate 1 and 1 (Snake Eyes) and it's bad luck for them.

11 is Pi and 66 is Satan >

6 X 6 = 36 >

3 sixes (36) = 666

Try 77.

Try 666.

Try 111.


22288012? ago

Urban myth

22187825? ago

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22152058? ago

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22130185? ago

You put up a book here, a fantastical amount of research. So first of all Thank You for your hard work. You are taking research seriously as opposed to 90% of anons on QRV who are here for social or shill reasons. Lazy bunch, to be honest.

I want to make one comment and then have a few question, if you have the time. In the book series "Law of One", which I have read once, Ra the supposed 6th density being is asked about Jesus and his identity. Ra said that he was a good man, a wanderer, who volunteered to be incarnated on earth for the sole purpose of teaching mankind about LOVE. He was not the Saviour but a teacher and much of it by example. Ra then said that when he ascended, he went to 5th density on one of the Saturn Moons, where I believe the Council of Saturn is located. I am not sure what portion of the council is positive and what portion is negative. Do you know anything about this?

Second question, what do you think of Astrology?

22139280? ago

P.s. > I agree that QRV needs some serious researchers and hard workers, committed to our Cause. That's why I am not over at 8kun, even though I would probaly get a lot more serious interaction over there.

But this place seems a bit negelcted, and Q sent us here, so I am making sure it stacks up, when Normies turn up here out of curiosity looking for information, in a user friendly environment.

The rest of the time I am doing research, or I am on Search and Destroy Missions, hunting Shills. <

22139558? ago

One more question, how would the Society of Saturn be different from the Council of Saturn, if any?

22139589? ago

One is on Earth, and one is in Space. Hence the Space Force. <


22139624? ago

The Council of Saturn is on a Saturn Moon, from my understanding. Yet you say they are evil. The Society of Saturn therefore must be on earth. Yet the Cabal is on earth too. Doesn't make sense. I have heard of the Earth Alliance which is apparently working with aliens and could become Space Force. So many questions to be answered.

22139712? ago


Council of Saturn

Post by LoneBear » Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:43 pmThe Ra Material, Session 7:

Questioner: Who are the members, and how does the Council function?

Ra: I am Ra. The members of the Council are representatives from the Confederation and from those vibratory levels of your inner planes bearing responsibility for your third density. The names are not important because there are no names. Your mind/body/spirit complexes request names and so, in many cases, the vibratory sound complexes which are consonant with the vibratory distortions of each entity are used. However, the name concept is not part of the Council. If names are requested, we will attempt them. However, not all have chosen names.

In number, the Council that sits in constant session, though varying in its members by means of balancing, which takes place, what you would call irregularly, is nine. That is the Session Council. To back up this Council, there are twenty-four entities which offer their services as requested. These entities faithfully watch and have been called the Guardians.

The Council operates by means of, what you would call, telepathic contact with the oneness or unity of the nine, the distortions blending harmoniously so that the Law of One prevails with ease. When a need for thought is present, the Council retains the distortion-complex of this need, balancing it as described, and then recommends what it considers as appropriate action. This includes: One, the duty of admitting social memory complexes to the Confederation; Two, offering aid to those who are unsure how to aid the social memory complex requesting aid in a way consonant with both the call, the Law, and the number of those calling (that is to say, sometimes the resistance of the call); Three, internal questions in the Council are determined.

These are the prominent duties of the Council. They are, if in any doubt, able to contact the twenty-four who then offer consensus/judgment/thinking to the Council. The Council then may reconsider any question.

Questioner: You mentioned the nine who sit on the Council. Is this “nine” the same nine as those mentioned in this book? (Questioner gestures to Uri.)

Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry. In one case, the channel became the scribe. In the other, the channel was not the scribe. However, without the aid of the scribe, the energy would not have come to the channel.

Questioner: The names that you spoke of. Were they Mark Probert and Henry Puharich?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: I am interested in the application of the Law of One as it pertains to free will and what I would call the advertising done by UFO contact with the planet. That is, the Council has allowed the quarantine to be lifted many times over the past thirty years. This seems to me to be a form of advertising for what we are doing right now, so that more people will be awakened. Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. It will take a certain amount of untangling of conceptualization of your mental complex to reform your query into an appropriate response. Please bear with us.

The Council of Saturn has not allowed the breaking of quarantine in the time/space continuum you mentioned. There is a certain amount of landing taking place. Some of these landings are of your peoples. Some are of the entities known to you as the group of Orion.

Secondly, there is permission granted, not to break quarantine by dwelling among you, but to appear in thought form capacity for those who have eyes to see.

Thirdly, you are correct in assuming that permission was granted at the time/space in which your first nuclear device was developed and used for Confederation members to minister unto your peoples in such a way as to cause mystery to occur. This is what you mean by advertising and is correct. The mystery and unknown quality of the occurrences we are allowed to offer have the hoped-for intention of making your peoples aware of infinite possibility. When your peoples grasp infinity, then and only then, can the gateway be opened to the Law of One.




Post by sky » Sat Oct 22, 2005 6:36 am

The Council of Saturn has not allowed the breaking of quarantine in the time/space continuum you mentioned. There is a certain amount of landing taking place. Some of these landings are of your peoples. Some are of the entities known to you as the group of Orion.

LoneBear...this is the group I was talking about that were allowed to come here to influence us in a negative way...some think they are the angels that were thrown out of the heavens by our Creator...what do YOU think?


Re: council of saturn

Post by LoneBear » Sat Oct 22, 2005 3:31 pm

raytheonsky wrote:
LoneBear...this is the group I was talking about that were allowed to come here to influence us in a negative way...some think they are the angels that were thrown out of the heavens by our Creator...what do YOU think?

The study of fallen angels is an interesting one. Once in human form, they often became the vagabonds, nomadic trouble-makers often having a purpose (like a "gun for hire"), but never having a home here. In the old days, they were referred to in Latin as "Homo Errans", the angel fallen from heaven (higher densities), in human form. It is interesting that the medieval Latin, "homo errans", is translated in modern English as "Wanderer."

Both groups, both positive and negative, have something to offer. You cannot see light, unless there is darkness to contrast it. You cannot find your way in the dark, without light. The positive and negative influences exist in balance; it is only when one upsets that balance that one becomes more noticeable than the other.

In any case, neither side can violate the law of Free Will. It always comes down to your choice. Like that old Native American story posted elsewhere on this board, with the two wolves... one good, and one evil. Which one will survive? The one that you feed.


Some interesting comments. <

22139818? ago

Also, the Orions definitely are among us and are considered 4th and 5th density, but of Negative orientation. They are also thought to be the Grays in Ufology. The Pleiadians are supposedly of positive orientation and 5D and 6D.

22140132? ago

Yes I understand this to be true.

22139805? ago

It is interesting that the medieval Latin, "homo errans", is translated in modern English as "Wanderer."

This comment is interesting because in LoO somewhere, Ra mentions Jesus as being a "wanderer". Hence the interpretation of Jesus being a teacher of Love, showing mankind the way through words and action, rather than a Savior.

22140172? ago

Jesus indeed was a wanderer, spreading a message of love and peace, and through His sacrifice, our sins (which we cannot avoid > Original Sin) are forgiven, as we are fallible.

It was to pay a Divine debt due to God (one cannot go against God's Laws without punishment, requiring a divine payment). Thus God sent his only Son to pay the debt, as he knew Man could not.

Christ's sacrifice also replaces the ritual of human and animal sacrifice, by replacing flesh with the Symbolic body of Christ (Bread), and Blood of Christ (Wine).

Once One turns to Jesus and His teachings, the whole world opens up, and the Ascension process begins. It's happening to me.

Where do you think I am getting all these gifts from...?

May The Holy Spirit be upon you, always, and in ALL ways. <

ICU Fren 'o-o' < and I hope those on the 'Moons of Saturn' serve Humanity for good, rather than Evil.


Kindest regards,


22141894? ago

So, if the Orions and Pleiadians are neg and pos respectively, how would Jesus fit into their existence? Are you applying the concept of original sin to ONLY humans on earth? I have a hard time believing in original sin since babies are born pure. I did once but changed my mind (I went to Bible College and have a degree in Theology). If it is indeed the truth, did these aliens fall under that designation of sin? Both ascended but in each of their case neg and pos. How would they ascend, through what merit/means? Jesus obviously wasn't even born yet when they arrived in their constellations. They are beings with a soul so we can logically assume they are similar to us. Did the Creator intervene in some way on their behalf through some other sacrifice like Jesus? This is where it gets muddy for me. God is Love, how could a God of love consider people sinners and condemn them to punishment through no fault of their own (inborn)? And what about, say Chinese, Egyptians and other Gentiles who were born before Christ's time? Are they going to be punished even though Jesus wasn't born yet in their lifetimes? This becomes the Contradiction for me and Contradictions in reality cannot exist in the Universe. It is impossible because all nature flows in unison without contradiction.

22144279? ago

There is a lot there to consider. I will think it over before replying, so as to do this subject justice.

Remember Jesus was with God at the beginning. It says this in The Bible.

The Earth is a very special place indeed.

22144544? ago

Yes, the earth and earthlings are very special, which is why beings from other planets are surrounding us at this point and ready for an intervention should things get out of control. If the cabal becomes desperate enough they could set off nuclear bombs from their submarines or satellites, if they still have some in their control. The aliens surrounding earth would intervene and neutralize/turn off the nuclear systems. They have done it in the past. I believe the missile that was aimed at AF1 from Hawaii when Trump returned from the Orient was shot down by this kind of intervention by the forces surrounding earth. Draining the Swamp itself is a Divine intervention IMO.

Have a good day Patriot.

22144729? ago

I think you are right about all of that. <

Peace and Love > Unity and Respect.

22139643? ago

I don't have all the answers yet. When God reveals the truth I will know for sure and get back to you.

I can't travel to the moons of Saturn with my body, but I CAN travel there in my mind.

Astral projection and remote viewing are very real.

I can see things that others do not.

I try to see this part of the puzzle, and it is not clear, but I know there is a while other world up there.


22139542? ago

lol..............yeah shills. Morons.

22139595? ago

They keep it entertaining.

22139127? ago

The Council of Saturn is purely Evil.

I don't believe the Law of One fully (even though it has some great material to consider), and it is a product of the New Age movement, which is Luciferian at it's core.

Jesus was indeed the saviour, and his second coming is set in stone.

In the Pantheon of the Universe, His role is the most critical.

The Aliens are angels both of the light and the fallen > Inter-dimensional beings, with a higher density existence than those here on Earth.

We are all waking up, as has happened to me.

Astrology is based on the Precession of the Equinox, and forms a circle or Pie in the sky > Pi in the sky, and a circle with a circumference of Pi has a diameter of 666. This is the cosmic clock.

There is the duality in the circle and the ticking of the diameter line.

Astrology is critically important to all this decoding, and (((their))) mystery religion.

This (astrology0 as well as The Tarot, is my next research project.

I will post each section of that drop in smaller prices over time, and I just needed to get all that information in one sopt.

Putting together the body of information I have posted, as well as all the decodes of Gematyria and other things, I am doing my best to provide the best information for Anons in one place.

I am having a lot of fun doing it to be honest, and have learned more than I thought was even possible only a couple of years ago.

22139463? ago

Thank you for your response. I have been delving into both astrology and tarot to find out what it is, offers, good or evil, etc. I find it absolutely amazing how much accuracy there is in both. I am still working on this and am not committed on either. I bought two sets of tarot cards to examine and understand their meaning. One thing is for sure they all use a lot of symbolism which appears very spiritual. Is it of Luciferian or Godly symbols, that is the question. I bought the most traditional tarot set and then a Zen (Budhism) set. The Zen deck is very much about inner spirituality in its symbols and the explanation given in the book. So I will do further research on it. I will be honest with you I do not buy into fundamentalist church religion. Most of it is symbolism of Lucifer in the case of Catholicism and in the case of Evangelicals, they are not much different and put too much emphasis on "feelings", disregarding the mind and intellectual thought. Gematria too though is about symbolism in a way, except it has a valid math aspect to it. Who is correct? That is the million $$$ question as I see it. Will we ever know for sure? I am not going to put my faith in any touchy/feely ideas. The answer for me has to be of the mind, as much as we are capable of it. Spiritual feeling are valid as long as they are backed up by facts, not fiction.

My quest is to get away from fiction and since so much of our history is fiction I have difficulty believing all that is written in the Bible. Constantine (a Moloch worshipper) had too much of a hand in it's rewriting..

By the way, are you Numberfag or SB2 or neither?

22139571? ago


The Bible is the most tested document in the history of the world.

It has played out perfectly over time, and even though the books were written by the hands of Men, they were guided by the Mind of God. <

Prophesy has been accurate down to a tee.

I am not a crazy fundamentalist, but I do believe the things I do, not just on Faith, but because I have done so much heavy research, to find all the things that I was not taught growing up Catholic.

I have a personal relationship with God, and I understand our struggle, and who our true enemies actually are.

The Bible is spot on Fren, or I wouldn't be typing these words to you.

Thanks heaps.


22129901? ago

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22129467? ago

Appendix 20 >

Tavistock Institute from Hell

The Tavistock Institute was fincanced by the Rockefeller Foundation and is a research program involved in human behavior, social sciences, and psychology. What it really does is implement psychological torment on those who expose corruption in society. Today the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networking sites, alternative media, conspiracy forums and gang stalking operations. The USAF and DARPA run covert programs on the internet using research developed from the Tavistock Institute. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking and psychological torture on those researching "conspiracy" or on those opposing the criminals running society. The word "Conspiracy Theorist" is a term these criminals created as a form of neuro-linguistic programming to automatically discredit those that research or investigate criminality. The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government and the House of Windsor. The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons working for the British Crown. Usually mentioning the word "Tavistock" on a conspiracy website will get you banned immediately. The websites Conspiracy Outpost, Godlike Productions, and Lunatic Outpost are entirely Tavistock operations. The moderators Cinnamon and UKshep on Conspiracy Outpost are highly trained Tavistock agents and extremely sadistic. Cinnamon is a psychotic child murdering Amazon-feminist and electronic gang stalker. Craig Oxley is a high level member of the Tavistock Institute which was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and one of his agents is Ed from Outer Light. There is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. Craig Oxley's site states on its header "Support the Promethians." Craig Oxley is a blatant con artist and proven liar. Oxley speaks with a slithering lisp. David Rockefeller Jr. and the Rockefeller Foundation are involved in financing Tavistock's agendas. Rockefeller Jr. is pure evil and he needs to be hunted down and executed. Jay Rockefeller was a US Senator for 30 years up until 2015 and he still has high level authority in the United States. The Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families in the United Kingdom are also covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. The Carnegies created the Carnegie Mellon University which is involved in technologies including human-computer interaction and cognitive sciences. The Carnegies develop electronic torture systems. John D Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were both friends and rivals. The Carnegies are currently a British nobility headed up by David Carnegie the 4th Duke of Fife and his sons Charles Duff Carnegie the Earl of Southesk, George William Carnegie, and Hugh Alexander Carnegie. The Carnegies are ruthless and evil.

Andrew Russell the 15th Duke of Bedford and Marquess of Tavistock is the top overseer of the Tavistock Institute and he is worth over 500 million. Andrew Russell is one of the most evil creatures on the planet. The Russell family also co-founded Yale University and Skull and Bones which is a military death cult that uses electronic weapons like voice to skull torture. The actress Keri Russell is from this family and she is a ruthless sadist directly working with Skull and Bones and the Bush family. The Bush family are top members of Skull and Bones and work with the Tavistock Institute and command the use of voice to skull torment technologies. These attacks not all electronic either. This has been going on for thousands of years before these electronics existed. The Bush family are related to the Von dem Buscche family of Germany which have an alliance with the House of Hesse. The Rockefeller family which financed the Tavistock Institute also have German ancestry and are really the Wied-Runkel family of Hesse. The Tavistock Group is an international investment firm headquartered in the British Crown's commonwealth of the Bahamas. Tavistock Group is owned by the Lewis family with Joe Lewis and they also have a charitable foundation connected with their investment firm. Joe Lewis is worth about 5 billion and was a business associate of George Soros and they both made billions on Black Wednesday. They use their billions to finance criminal agendas like Tavistock's psychological torture programs or social mind control programs. Charities are often used as a disguise for criminal pay offs. The Tavistock Institute is pure evil and involved with ruthless mind control and has the entire internet running brain reading software developed by DARPA. Dr Eliat Aram, Robert Branagh, Joel Featherman, Joanna Hill, Julie Newlan, Christopher Warhurst, Alice Long, and Cliff Oswick are all Council members of the Tavistock Institute and also lawless criminals working under the Russell family. The Tavistock Institute also works with MI6 headed up by Alex Younger and MI5 headed up by Andrew Parker. These agencies work with the CIA and USAF. They are involved with most of the major alternative media outlets like Godlike Productions, Lunatic Outpost, Conspiracy Outpost, David Icke Forum, Infowars, Reddit Conspiracy, and DiscloseTV. Godlike Productions is a headquarters for Tavistock agents in the United States. Caylus Ark and Ghetto Monk are two ruthless Tavistock agents that have gone into hiding. Alternative media channels like these use brain reading software along with disinformation agents that gather intel on people who speak out. American Intelligence Media is a very evil Cointelpro-Tavistock alternative media operation. They hire commenters to dictate the narrative and gatekeepers to target people who disrupt their programs. Their goal is to understand and control the minds of their opposition. They are also involved in electronic harassment. They develop Alternative Media programs or themes like QAnon which are intended to distract, undermine, and misdirect the opposition against corruption. The ones involved in these Tavistock operations are ruthless sadists and all out criminals.

Andrew Russell the 15th Duke of Bedford and Marquess of Tavistock is one of the most wicked British nobles and he is involved in terrorism, torture, and murder. Andrew Russell deserves to be burned alive for an execution. He is a psychotic and robotic terroristic tormentor. This sub human devil needs to be killed immediately.

Joe Lewis is a Jewish billionaire worth about 5 billion as the owner of the investment firm Tavistock Group. Joe Lewis finances Tavistock Institute programs and gang stalking.

END Appendix 20

22129465? ago

Appendix 19 - Part 4 >


Serco Group plc is a British provider of public services with headquarters based in Hook, Hampshire.[3] Serco operates in six sectors of public service provision: Health, Transport, Justice, Immigration, Defence, and Citizens Services.

Nicholas Soames is a British Crown knight and member of the British parliament. Nicholas Soames is the brother of Rupert Soames and a Spencer-Churchill. Their grandfather was Winston Churchill.


Sir Arthur Nicholas Winston Soames (born 12 February 1948), sometimes known as Nick Soames, is a British Conservative Party politician who has been the Member of Parliament for Mid Sussex since 1997. He was first elected to Parliament in 1983 for Crawley.

Soames was Minister of State for the Armed Forces from 1994 to 1997 in the government of John Major. His main political interests are defence, international relations, rural affairs and industry. He is a grandson of Winston Churchill.

Soames was chairman[29][30] of the private security contractor Aegis Defence Services which was bought[31] in 2015 by GardaWorld, for whom he now acts as a member of the International Advisory Board. Aegis had a series of contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars to provide guards to protect US military bases in Iraq from 2004 onwards. From 2011, the company broadened its recruitment to take in African countries, having previously employed people from the UK, the US and Nepal.


Aegis Defence Services is a British private military and private security company with overseas offices in Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Somalia and Mozambique. It is part of the Aegis Group of companies, which includes Aegis LLC, which is based in the United States. It was founded in 2002 by Tim Spicer, who was previously CEO of the private military company Sandline International;[2]

Edward Spencer-Churchill is extremely evil and he works with Prince Valerio Massimo. Edward Spencer-Churchill is extremely sadistic and hateful. Edward Spencer-Churchill and Prince Valerio Massimo founded Auctus Industries and SCM Capital Partners.




Location: London

Edward is an investor / founder in a number of smaller companies, co‐founded SCM Capital Partners with Valerio Massimo di Roccasecca in 2011 and Auctus Industries in 2013.

Alexandra Spencer-Churchill with Prince Valerio Massimo




Location: London & Los Angeles

Valerio co‐founded SCM Capital Partners with Edward Spencer Churchill in 2011 and Auctus Industries in 2013.

Spencer coat of arms with the seashell a symbol for Venus and really for Pleione a Greek female Oceanid nymph.


Pleione (Ancient Greek: Πληιόνη or Πλειόνη[1] means 'sailing queen'[2]) was an Oceanid nymph in Greek mythology.

Birth of Venus being born out of the ocean from a seashell.

Zachary Neath is a former US Marine and works as a prison guard where he tortures prisoners because he is a sadist. Zachary Neath is also a military-prison faggot that is involved with raping other men for control. He is another psychotic blasphemer working for the Spencer-Churchills which are top members of the Cult of Venus. It is idiotic. They have a shell on their coat of arms and their minions all claim to be Zeus. Venus is depicted being born out of a seashell from the ocean.


Zachary Neath (Zeus)

State of Delaware

Correctional officer · January 2016 to present

U.S. Marine Corps


Danny Morrow on the left and he lives in Glasgow, Scotland and is a ruthless gang stalker working for the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Massimos. When I first exposed the con artist below Danny Morrow started harassing me on Facebook which is why I know what he is. Danny Morrow is a member of a Glasgow street gang and is involved with human trafficking. On one of his images on his Facebook he has 666 around his eye.

This imposter calling himself "Zeus Ombrios" lives in Neath Port Talbot near Wales and he works for the Massimos and Spencer-Churchills as well as the Windsors. This devil is one of the most evil, ruthless, and depraved psychopaths to ever exist. He deserves an extremely painful death. Prince Stefano Massimo is his primary boss. He is one of the most narcissistic, vain, murderous, and depraved devils to ever exist. Many people refer to him as Satan and Beelzebub. He is obsessed with sodomy or sexual cannibalism. His original profile picture was of him looking like he is in love with himself while he had a blood red cross painted on his face. He bathes in human blood and is a member of the Order of the Bath. He might be the most vain person to ever exist. He throws psychotic hissy fits when he can't bathe in the blood of murdered children. There is another similar con artist in Delaware whose name is Zachary Neath and he also calls himself Zeus. Neath Port Talbot uses two red dragons on its coat of arms. This con artist specializes in turning women into sexual cannibals. Two female satanic whores named Ashley Esther Dalene and Sarah Blue work under him and they are torturous sadists and extremely parasitic. Ashley and Sarah pretend to be innocent and act cute and sweet but are extremely evil and sadistic. All they care about is cannibalism, money, and vanity most of all. He is a coward who hides behind women. Him and the Massimos, Windsors, and Spencers use electronic weapons to increase blood flow to the sexual organs while they radiate cannibalistic thoughts at people especially women. This group has corrupted thousands of women and turned them into vain and hollow cannibalistic sexual cannibals. They will turn every woman you know into robotic cannibals. They turn wives into cannibalistic sexual sadists that sacrifice their husbands. These women will cannibalize their dead husbands genitals and then have sex with other men while thinking about their dead husbands and what they did and get off to it. That is how evil and sick they all are. They all hate love and seek to destroy all love. They are like an alien invasion. Internally they are not human anymore. They are demonic, depraved, ruthless, selfish, greedy, vain, spiteful, hateful and completely without remorse. They have no conscience. Once they turn these women into cannibals there is no coming back from that. They only get more evil as time goes by. Anyone who has a woman they care about should want these devils executed by any means necessary. Most female gang stalkers work under him. Taylor Swift worships him and she is a cannibalistic monster.


Zeus Ombrios

Margam, Neath Port Talbot, United Kingdom

Current city

Favorite Quotes

'There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.'

Neath Port Talbot coat of arms

Spencer-Churchill Duke of Marlborough coat of arms

Taylor Swift worships the con artist in Neath Port, Talbot. In his image she has two candlesticks designed as serpents next to her. There are serpent all around her as well. Taylor Swift is a sadist and tormentor. Serpents represent deceit, predation, cold bloodedness, and evil and Taylor Swift is deceptive, predatory, cold blooded or ruthless, and evil.

Taylor Swift with her serpent microphone. Taylor Swift has progressively become more and more evil over the years. She is a narcissistic blasphemer and idiotic false accuser. Tylor Alison Swift manages a female gang stalker named Alison McCarthy-Senatro. There does not appear to be any humanity left inside of Taylor Swift at this point. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest cannibals in the entertainment industry. She has murdered children and she goes to underground butcher shops that sell the private parts of children. The police are covering this up because they are in and because these satanic women do them sexual favors to cover it up.

Taylor Swift with the "Pizza Delivery Hero" wearing a Taylor Swift serpent shirt. This fake media story about a Pizza Delivery Hero meeting Taylor Swift represents a human flesh trafficker delivering Taylor Swift human flesh. The initiated members of Satanic and Luciferian groups are cannibals. They eat people and especially eat children. It has been exposed that the Occult or Illuminati refer to children as pizza.

Taylor Swift holding up an apple for the "forbidden fruit" which is human flesh. The only real thing that is forbidden for people to eat is people. The terms "Fruit of My Loins" and "Apple of My Eye" are metaphors for children. Taylor Swift is a ruthless and torturous sadist obsessed with cannibalism.


22129458? ago

Appendix 19 - Part 3 >

Blenheim Palace is owned by the Spencer-Churchills. They are extremely wealthy and use private bank accounts.

Matthew Freud with his ex-wife Elizabeth Murdoch the daughter of the billionaire Rupert Murdoch who owns News Corporation. Freud and Murdoch were married at Blenheim Palace which is the residence of James Spencer-Churchill the 12th Duke of Marlborough. Caroline Freud is the ex-wife of Charles Spencer. The Freuds are working closely with the Spencers. Matthew Freud is the owner of Freud Communications and the great grandson of Sigmund Freud the fraudulent psychoanalyst.


Matthew Freud (born 2 November 1963) is head of Freud Communications, an international public relations firm in the United Kingdom.

Freud is the son of June Flewett and the writer and politician Sir Clement Freud. His sister is television interviewer Emma Freud. His great-grandfather is Sigmund Freud and he is doubly related to the "father" of public relations, Edward Bernays, whose father was Sigmund Freud's brother-in-law (Sigmund Freud's wife's brother) and whose mother was Sigmund Freud's sister.


For a man used to courting the press on behalf of his celebrity clients, public relations fixer Matthew Freud went to some lengths to keep his own wedding to Elisabeth Murdoch last night in the grounds of Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire a private affair.

Jordan Peterson is a Freudian psychoanalyst and propagandist working for the Spencers and Freuds. Peterson was educated at McGill University which was established by a royal charter which means the British Crown created and own McGill University. The Spencers are married with the British royal family. Royals use universities for recruiting agents like Jordan Peterson who instead of focusing on govern-ment corruption and oppression blames its victims. Jordan Peterson is extremely evil, narcissistic, and blasphemous. Jordan Peterson eats human brains because he thinks it makes him more intelligent. He is obsessed with being idolized as a genius. He is not and he uses scientific words while he talks down to people like children. He is a con artist.

George Spencer-Churchill the Marquess of Blandford is apparently a model.

Anderson Cooper is a two time CIA intern and from the wealthy Vanderbilt family. Anderson Cooper was involved in staging the fake Sandy Hook massacre and pushing anti-self defense laws because he is a major pedophile who wants society disarmed so criminals like him can traffic children. They have taken the Sandy Hook fake mass shooting to the point where they threaten people for speaking out against it and the only correct response is to use violence against them. They stage a mass shooting of children, threaten people who expose their fake shooting, and then push anti-self defens laws. That is an act of war and an act of violence on society.


So an interesting thing happened today. A Web site has published an article saying that I once worked for the CIA.

As a college student, I had a number of summer jobs and internships, including working at the CIA.

For a couple months over the course of two summers, I worked at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

Posted By Anderson Cooper: 12:09 PM ET


Anderson Hays Cooper (born June 3, 1967)[1] is an American journalist, television personality, and author. He is the primary anchor of the CNN news show Anderson Cooper 360°.

Cooper was born in Manhattan, New York City, the younger son of the writer Wyatt Emory Cooper and the artist, fashion designer, writer, and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. His maternal grandparents were millionaire equestrian Reginald Claypoole Vanderbilt and socialite Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt, and his maternal great-great-great-grandfather was business magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt, who founded the prominent Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune.[3]


Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan (formerly Consuelo Spencer-Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough; born Consuelo Vanderbilt; 2 March 1877 – 6 December 1964) was a member of the prominent American Vanderbilt family. Her marriage to The 9th Duke of Marlborough has become an emblem of the socially advantageous, but loveless, marriages common during the Gilded Age.


Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was born into the aristocratic family of the Dukes of Marlborough, a branch of the noble Spencer family on November 30, 1874 to Lord Randolph Churchill and Jennie Jerome. Jennie Jerome, was an American socialite who was the daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome. Leonard Jerome was known as ‘The King of Wall Street”, he held interests in several railroad companies and was often a partner in the deals of Cornelius Vanderbilt.

Andrew Parker is the Director General of MI5 or British Secret Service and he was educated at Churchill College in Cambridge which was founded by Winston Churchill. The Spencers oversee MI5. Prince William the Duke of Cambridge has interned with MI5 and he is a Spencer through his mother Princess Diana. The intelligence agencies in the UK have private meetings with the royal family. Queen Elizabeth II has executive authority in the UK and is the commander-in-chief of the British Armed Forces.


Sir Andrew David Parker KCB (born 1962) is the Director General of MI5, the Security Service, which is the United Kingdom's domestic security and counter-intelligence agency.

Parker was educated at Churchill College, Cambridge where he studied natural sciences.[1]

Rupert Soames is a Knight of the Order of the British Empire and the CEO of Serco. Rupert Soames is a Spencer-Churchill through his mother Mary Spencer-Churchill. Serco is a privatized corporate government company which manages health, transport, law, immigration, and military services for the government. The Spencer-Churchills have covert shares in Serco.


Rupert Christopher Soames OBE (born 18 May 1959) is a British businessman, CEO of the outsourcing company Serco.[1]

Soames was born in Croydon, Surrey, to Lord and Lady Soames. He is a grandson of Sir Winston Churchill,[2] a nephew of the former Defence Secretary Duncan Sandys and Diana Churchill; the journalist Randolph Churchill and the actress and dancer Sarah Churchill

See Appendix 19 - Part 4 >

22129452? ago

Appendix 19 - Part 2 >

Winston Churchill was a Knight of the Order of the Garter which is really a continuation of the Knights Templar of London reestablished under a new name a few decades after they were disbanded. The Order of the Garter and Knights Templar both use the red cross of Saint George. The Knights Templar were Christian Crusaders that fought to conquer over Jerusalem. They were also bankers and merchants. The name Church Hill has the same meaning as Temple Mount. Temple Mount is a religious site in Jerusalem and where King Solomon built the first temple. King Solomon was considered to be a sorcerer who used "demons" to build his temple. The Knights Templar or Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon took their name from the ruins of Solomon's Temple during the Crusades. Freemasonry is partly based on the Knights Templar and the Freemasons and other similar groups use sorcery or witchcraft to mind control people into doing their bidding like building temples. Winston Churchill was a Freemason and member of the Studholme Lodge No. 1591. The Spencer-Churchills are a high authority over York Rite Freemasonry. Winston Churchill's grandfather John Spencer-Churchill the 7th Duke of Marlborough was a member of the Apollo University Lodge located at the University of Oxford. George Spencer was another member of this lodge. Winston Churchill was Secretary of State for the Colonies during the British Mandate for Palestine which is when many Zionists under contract with the British Crown migrated into Israel. This was supported by the Balfour Declaration issued by the Knight of the Order of the Garter and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Arthur Balfour who was a political associate of Lord Randolph Churchill the father of Winston Churchill. Andrew Parker is Director General of MI5 and was educated at Churchill College. The Spencer family have been using Aegis Defence Services mercenaries in Syria which are human traffickers and terrorists. Aegis was founded by the British Knight Tim Spicer. During the war in Iraq videos linked with Aegis Defence Services were released that showed mercenaries shooting at civilians. Richard Spencer is US Secretary of the Navy and worked at Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, and Merrill Lynch and he is an agent of the Spencer-Churchills. The name Spencer refers to dispensing or distributing. The Spencer family gave over their machining company to the Iraqi government to make weapons which were likely used to kill American and British soldiers during the wars in Iraq. They also helped to give out land that wasn't theirs to Zionists because the Spencer family are Christian-Zionists and when they get scared they finance Nazi propaganda and blame Jews for their crimes. The Spencers and Churchills are ruthlessly evil and tyrannical.

Charles Spencer the 9th Earl Spencer is a ruthless and disgusting child murderer. The Spencers rape, murder and cannibalize children. Almost all of the royals and nobles are involved in rape, pedophilia, murder, and cannibalism. They also drink human blood and bathe in the blood of murdered children. Those are their initiations. The Spencers are top members of the Order of the Bath.


Brother of Diana, Princess of Wales. Broadcaster, journalist

Charles Spencer was the only brother of Diana, Princess of Wales. His speech at Diana's funeral was judged one of the 14 best of the 20th century by The Guardian.

Educated at Eton College, and Magdalen College, Oxford, Charles worked as a reporter for NBC News's TODAY Show, from 1986 until 1991, and again from 1993 to 1995. He also worked for NBC's Nightly News, Sunday TODAY, and NBC Super Channel. He worked in 30 countries during his NBC years.

Viscount Louis Spencer the Viscount of Althorp is murderously vain and absurdly narcissistic. When they cannot bathe in human blood and parasite off humanity they respond with bombing countries. The Spencers have ordered bombings in Syria when they cant bathe in human blood. They are murderously vain psychopaths. They would murder every person on the planet if it enhanced their appearances. They are like ruthless satanic machines. They have absolutely no humanity inside of them. They are gone. There is nothing more evil and more oppressive than their vanity.

Kitty Spencer is murderously vain and goes into hate filled rages when she cant bathe in the blood of children her and her family murders. They also use human fetuses for their black market beauty products. They have access to neuro-computer interface and can electronically harass people like a synthetic telepathy. When Kitty Spencer doesn't get what she wants like murdering babies she will terrorize a person going "I haaaate youuu" a thousand times a day to that person. That is no exaggeration. Sarah Blue is one hundred percent evil. Sarah Blue is insolent and idiotic. Kitty Spencer needs to be killed and scraped off the face of existence and then spit on. That is what this psychotic child murdering piece of trash deserves. They are ruthless thieving extortionists and terrorists. The royals and nobles are ruthlessly vain parasites and the Spencers are the worst. She manages Taylor Swift and also a satanic whore named Sarah Blue who is extremely depraved and filled with psychotic hatred just like Kitty Spencer when she cant bathe in the blood of murdered babies or get human fetuses for their black market beauty products. Sarah Blue is a satanic whore which means she is paid to sexually target men for intelligence gathering and to infiltrate their lives for persecution. Kitty Spencer and Sarah Blue are the most vain women on the planet.


ADF reports that “The City Court of Budapest has found eight people guilty of illegally harvesting embryonic stem cells and tissue from aborted babies and using them for profit in cosmetic procedures.” This heinous crimes are a fruit of a system that legalizes death at varying stages of development, leading to opportunistic outcomes such as what happened in Hungary:


Chinese cannibalism of infant flesh outrages the world

South Korean customs officials recently seized thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh arriving from China. Since August 2011, South Korean officials have intercepted more than 17000 pills smuggled from China.

South Korean officials became aware of a horrific practice of eating aborted fetuses after Seoul Broadcasting System showed a documentary on Chinese doctors who performed abortions and then ate the fetuses. One Chinese doctor on the documentary took out fetuses from his refrigerator


Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts: ADF's Response

Conspiracy Outpost was a conspiracy forum that is now closed. It was ran by Cinnamon and UKShep and they are Tavistock agents working under the Spencers. Cinnamon is a top feminist cult leader and a major child murderer. She is one of the most evil. She is the most insane and demented feminist to ever exist. She is so evil that after I exposed them as Tavistock agents UKShep and Cinnamon staged a public fight between each other and then shut down their website. Then Cinnamon hired someone to post some claim that she was shot in the face which she deserves but that did not happen. The story below is completely made up.


This summer has suddenly become unavailable conspiracy forum conspiracyoutpost (COP). Its creators and moderators were American with the nickname Cinnamon and the Englishman with the nickname Shep.

In the last message says that a U.S. citizen was shot to Cinnamon, though in the face of firearms. Now the woman is in a serious condition in hospital. The details of her condition be announced later.

James Spencer-Churchill the 12th Duke of Marlborough is a ruthless psychopath.

See Appendix 19 - Part 3 >

22129448? ago

Appendix 19 - Part 1 >

House of Temple Mount

​The Spencer bloodline is an extremely evil British nobility with influences in government, media, and military. The Spencer-Churchills run Serco. Various members of this family have been Knights of the Order of the Garter including John Churchill the 1st Duke of Marlborough. They originate from the Despencer family and Hugh le Despencer the 1st Baron of Despencer who held the position of Justiciar of England which is similar to the modern position of a prime minister. The Despencer family held high level positions in the English government. Winston Spencer-Churchill was a well known Prime Minister of the UK. Winston Churchill's grandfather was Leonard Jerome an American financier and friend and business associate of the wealthy Vanderbilt family. Consuelo Vanderbilt was married to Charles Richard Spencer-Churchill the 9th Duke of Marlborough. Anderson Cooper is a two time CIA intern and member of the Vanderbilt family. Anderson Cooper runs propaganda for CNN. The actor Timothy Olyphant is a Vanderbilt and a blood drinking psycho. The Whitney family are an American business clan originally from London and they married with the Vanderbilts. The Whitneys and Vanderbilts oversee York Rite Freemasonry in the United States. Jeffrey Rothschild is a unofficial relative of the Rothschild banking family however he works for the Vanderbilts and Spencers through his education at Vanderbilt University. Jeff Rothschild is worth over 3 billion and was a high level executive at Facebook. Ross Perot Jr. is worth 2 billion and was also educated at Vanderbilt University. The Pease family are also married with the Vanderbilts and they are British bankers with Richard Pease the head of Crux Asset Management. His father Baron Richard Pease was Chairman of Yorkshire Bank and Vice-Chairman of Barclays. The Vanderbilts also married with the Cecil family with George Henry Vanderbilt-Cecil and his ancestor was Chief Advisor to Queen Elizabeth I in the 17th century. Princess Diana of Wales was a Spencer so Prince William is closely related to this family. Charles Spencer the 9th Earl Spencer is a high level member of this family along with his wicked son Louis Frederick Spencer the Viscount of Althorp and daughter Kitty Spencer. Louis Spencer is a member of the Order of Bath and involved in bathing the human blood. Charles Spencer is involved with the mainstream media and worked for NBC. Randolph Churchill was a politician and journalist. The Spencer family are connected with the Freud and Murdoch families which run News Corp. and Freud Communications which is a marketing and public relations firm. Matthew Freud was married to Charles Spencer's ex wife and remarried Rupert Murdoch's daughter at the Spencer's Blenheim Palace. Emma Freud is a Dame of the British Empire and works in radio and television. Matthew Freud's ancestors are Sigmund Freud the brainwasher and fraudulent psychoanalyst as well as the propagandist Edward Bernays. Jordan Peterson is an agent for the Freud family and works as a brainwasher and architect for psychological warfare. Jordan Peterson basically blames the victims of govern-mental psychological warfare, gang stalking, and emotional abuse. Jordan Peterson is a ruthless devil that cannibalizes human brains. Cannibalism is a top initiation in secret societies.

James Spencer-Churchill the 12th Duke of Marlborough is the head of the House of Spencer along with his son George Spencer-Churchill the Marquess of Blandford. They own the very large Blenheim Palace. Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill is married to Nathan Gelber the CEO of Stamford Associates which is an investment advisory company. The half brother of James Spencer-Churchill is Edward Spencer-Churchill and he is a business associate of Prince Valerio Massimo and they founded the aerospace company Auctus Industries and SCM Capital Partners. Edward Spencer-Churchill and Prince Valerio Massimo are extremely sadistic. The knight of the British Empire Rupert Soames is the CEO of Serco and a grandson of Winston Churchill. Serco is a company that privatizes governments and runs health care systems, prisons, military agencies, information services, and transportation for governments. Serco Marine Services is in contract with Denholm Group and they are international human traffickers which have an operation at Neath Port Talbot which uses two red dragons for its flag like the Spencer coat of arms. They are making human sacrifices to a con artist and criminal that is falsely calling himself "Zeus Ombrios" and he lives in Neath Port Talbot. If this ruthless con artist was to call himself anything in reference to Greek Mythology it should be Eurymedon. The child murdering cannibal Taylor Swift worships him and she uses snake symbols and has images of herself holding an apple and this refers to the forbidden fruit which is human flesh. The Spencer family have shares in Serco. Nicholas Soames is also a relative of Winston Churchill and was the Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. Nicholas Soames is currently chairman of the private military group Aegis Defence Services. Aegis has set up criminal operations in Syria. There are towns all over the United Kingdom and its commonwealths that are named Churchill. Charles Spencer's ex wife Karen Spencer established Whole Child International which is involved with orphanages around the world and has been financed by the Clinton Foundation. The royal and noble families are known for their involvement in trafficking children. They use fake charities as fronts. Various members of the Spencer-Churchill family have been involved with military. They founded The Churchill Machine Tool Company which then established Matrix Churchill a precision machining company that was given to the Iraqis which used the company to machine parts for artillery and rockets. The Spencer's agent created Marks & Spencer retail and Marks & Spencer bank which was sold to HSBC. Marks & Spencer through Swiss HSBC bank divisions is used for money laundering by the House of Spencer-Churchill. Henry Engelhardt is an agent of the Spencer-Churchills and a US billionaire that co-founded the UK based Churchill Insurance. Engel-hardt refers to his family's origins in England.

See Appendix 19 - Part 2 >

22129437? ago

Appendix 18 >

Grosvenor Templar Merchants

The Grosvenor family are a top British bloodline involved in banking, politics, and military. Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster is the current head of the family and worth about 16 billion since his father's death in 2016. His father Duke Gerald Grosvenor was a knight of various British orders as well as the Order of the Garter and a Freeman of the City of London Corporation. Duke Gerald Grosvenor was knighted under the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies' Royal Order of Francis I and Prince Carlo of Bourbon Two-Sicilies is also a Freeman of the City of London. These two families work together just as Rome and London are secretly working together. The Grosvenor family are related to the Grosso family of Northern Italy. Many of the Grosvenor dukes have been Knights of the Order of the Garter. They own Grosvenor Group which is an investment and property company with properties all over Europe, Asia, and the United States and with assets estimated at around 9 billion. There is a hotel in Dubai called Grosvenor House named for this family. Richard Elden founded GCM Grosvenor an asset management firm located in the United States that manages over 45 billion in estimated assets and hedge funds. Richard Elden was educated at Harvard which is a university established by the British Crown. Hellman & Friedman is part owner of GCM Grosvenor and its founders also went to Harvard. The British Crown established Harvard which is used for recruiting their Crown agents.

Grosvenor Casinos is the name of a large gambling company in the United Kingdom. The word Gros means big or large from the Latin word Grossus and Venor means to pursue or seek from the Latin word Venari. Their wealth originated from renting out local properties in the United Kingdom. The family also does corporate business from the City of London Corporation. The Knights Templar of London were disbanded in 1312 and were covertly reformatted as the Order of the Garter in 1348 as well as the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. The City of London Corporation and the Order of the Garter used the same red Templar cross. The Templars were merchants and bankers and the Order of the Garter are the ones really overseeing the City of London Corporation today which many major banks and companies are connected with through their layered subsidiaries. The Grosvenor family are extremely wealthy and are close friend with the Windsor royal family. They have dogs on their coat of arms and this symbolizes their loyalty to the British Crown. They are the Dukes of Westminster which is a part of central London and the Palace of Westminster is where the House of Lords and the House of Commons meet. They are the wealthiest and one of the most powerful noble families in the United Kingdom.

END Appendix 18

22129433? ago

Appendix 17 - Part 2 >

Thomas Gallagher as Chairman of Pepper Hamilton which is a law firm co-founded by John Daniel Miller Hamilton whose firm was merged with the original company.

Alison McCarthy is an attorney for Pepper Hamilton and she works in intellectual property out of Boston. She is also working the Irish Mafia and she is involved in cyber stalking and intellectual property theft. Pepper Hamilton is working with the Irish Mafia and is involved with intellectual property theft. They steal intellectual property and attempt to patent and license it. They have attempted to claim credit for my writings and have attempted to claim ownership of my personal images and have targeted places online where I share my articles. Pepper Hamilton is also involved in cyber stalking. Alison McCarthy is a psychotic and thieving tyrant and she manages a female gang stalker also named Alison McCarthy-Senatro who steals intellectual property and oversees online disinformation programs like the Event is Coming Soon shill channel on YouTube.

James Douglas-Hamilton the Baron Selkirk of Douglas is the uncle of Alexander Douglas-Hamilton and a Scottish politician.

Count Gustaf Douglas is a Swedish noble and member of the Scottish House of Douglas which established a nobility in Sweden. Count Gustaf is worth about 4 billion and owns Securitas AB which owns Pinkerton which was founded by the Scottish-American Allan Pinkerton who was a Freemason.


Count Gustaf Archibald Siegwart Douglas (born 3 March 1938) is a Swedish aristocrat, billionaire businessman, and politician. He has been a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences since 2007.[2]

Gustaf Archibald Siegwart Douglas (born 3 March 1938) is the oldest son of Count Carl Ludvig Douglas (26 July 1908 Stjärnorp - 21 January 1961 Rio de Janeiro), a Swedish nobleman and diplomat who was Royal Swedish Ambassador to Brazil, and his Prussian wife Ottora Maria Haas-Heye (13 February 1910 Partenkirchen - 17 July 2001).

His patriline is Scottish, of the Swedish-German branch, descended via two obscure generations,[3] from the youngest son of James Douglas, 1st Lord Dalkeith, ancestor of the 15th century Earls of Morton. All these Douglases were of the Morton branch of the ancient Douglas family.

After that he founded his company Investment AB Latour in 1984, through which he now controls security firm Securitas AB


Securitas AB is a security services (security guarding and mobile patrolling), monitoring, consulting and investigation group, based in Stockholm, Sweden.[1] The group has over 300,000 employees in 53 countries worldwide.[1] Securitas AB is listed at Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Large Cap segment.

In February 1999, Securitas acquired Pinkerton,[9]

The Freemasonic Pinkerton criminal spy network.


Pinkerton, founded as the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, is a private security guard and detective agency established in the United States by Scotsman Allan Pinkerton in 1850 and currently a subsidiary of Securitas AB.[1] Pinkerton became famous when he claimed to have foiled a plot to assassinate president-elect Abraham Lincoln, who later hired Pinkerton agents for his personal security during the Civil War.[2] Pinkerton's agents performed services ranging from security guarding to private military contracting work. Notably, the Pinkerton Detective Agency hired women and minorities, a practice uncommon at the time.[3] Pinkerton was the largest private law enforcement organization in the world at the height of its power.[4]

Count Bjorn Hamilton is a Swedish noble and politician and from the Scottish Hamilton clan.

John William Douglas-Hamilton

Mellerstain House is owned by the Baillie-Hamiltons.

George Baillie-Hamilton the 14th Earl of Haddington and his family are known to be worth at least tens of millions. They are likely worth more through private bank accounts. Coutts & Co. is a private bank founded by the Scottish Campbell family and conceals wealth for Scottish nobles.

Alexander Hamilton was a founding father of the United States and the son of the Scottish noble James Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton was a Freemason and the United States Secretary of Treasury. Alexander Hamilton also co-founded what is now called the Bank of New York Mellon.


The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, doing business as BNY Mellon, is an American worldwide banking and financial services holding company headquartered in New York City. It was formed on July 1, 2007, as a result of the merger of The Bank of New York and Mellon Financial Corporation. It is the world's largest custodian bank and asset servicing company,[2][3][4] with $1.7 trillion in assets under management and $33.1 trillion in assets under custody as of December 2018.[1]

The first bank in the U.S. was the Bank of North America in Philadelphia, which was chartered by the Continental Congress in 1781; Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were among its founding shareholders.[5] In February 1784, The Massachusetts Bank in Boston was chartered.[5]

The shipping industry in New York City chafed under the lack of a bank, and investors envied the 14% dividends that Bank of North America paid, and months of local discussion culminated in a June 1784 meeting at a coffee house on St. George's Square which led to the formation of the Bank of New York company; it operated without a charter for seven years.

When the bank opened on June 9, 1784, the full $500,000 had not been raised; 723 shares had been sold, held by 192 people. Aaron Burr had three of them, and Hamilton had one and a half shares. The first president was Alexander McDougall and the Cashier was William Seton.[6][7][8][9]

The bank provided the United States government its first loan in 1789. The loan was orchestrated by Hamilton, then Secretary of the Treasury, and it paid the salaries of United States Congress members and President George Washington.[10]

In 2005, the bank settled a US federal investigation that began in 1996 concerning money laundering related to post-Soviet privatization in Russia. The illegal operation involved two Russian emigres, one of whom was a Vice President of the bank, moving over US$7 billion via hundreds of wires.[21][22]

On December 4, 2006, the Bank of New York and Mellon Financial Corporation announced they would merge.[31]

Charles Scharf was the CEO of BNY Mellon which manages 1.7 trillion in assets and he is now the CEO of Wells Fargo. The Bank of New York Mellon has paid millions in fines for its involvement in money laundering of billions from Russian accounts through the BNY Mellon and then into other banks.

END Appendix 17

22129427? ago

Appendix 17 - Part 1 >

Hamilton & Douglas Crime Firm

The Hamilton and Douglas bloodlines are a high level Irish and Scottish Peerage involved with Freemasonry, politics, law, and organized crime and they have command over the Pinkertons criminal spy network. The Hamiltons hold the current titles of Dukes of Hamilton, Dukes of Brandon, Dukes of Abercorn, Earls of Selkirk, Barons of Dalzell, Barons of Epsom, Lords of Belhaven and Stenton, Barons of HolmPatrick, and Viscounts of Boyne. James Hamilton the 5th Duke of Abercorn is an Irish-British Peer, politician, major landowner, and current Chancellor of the Order of the Garter. The founding father of the United States and 1st United States Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton was from the Hamilton nobility and a double agent serving the British Crown and helped to turn the Virginia Company into the United States. Alexander Hamilton co-founded the Bank of New York Mellon or BNY Mellon which today has manages 1.7 trillion in assets and is headed up by its CEO Charles Scharf. The Hamilton family have covert shares in BNY Mellon. BNY Mellon has been fined millions for laundering billions from Russia. Matthew Mellon II died in 2018 and his brother is Christopher Mellon is a US intelligence officer. Timothy Mellon is a billionaire and his direct ancestors created Mellon Bank. Hamilton is a town in South Lanarkshire, Scotland not far from Glasgow which has a high rate of organized crime and street gangs. The Hamilton family are part owners of some Irish Mafias and Scottish Glasgow gangs. Arthur Hamilton the Lord Hamilton is a judge from Glasgow and has worked as Lord Justice General and Lord President of the Court of Session. Raymond Hamilton was a member of the Barrow Gang during the Great Depression and involved in murders and armed robberies. The family also established Bavarian and Swedish noble branches. Bjorn Hamilton is a Swedish Count and politician today. A branch of the Hamilton family merged with the Douglas family and have intermarried with various Scottish and British nobles. The Bavarian Prince Max Wittelsbach is currently married to the Swedish Countess Elisabeth Christina Douglas from the Douglas family which has established itself in Scotland, Germany and Sweden. The Douglas and Hamilton families have both produced multiple Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Thomas F. Hamilton was the founder of Hamilton Standard which has through a series of mergers absorbed into UTC Aerospace Systems.

Hamilton College was named after Alexander Hamilton and David Solomon the CEO of Goldman Sachs went to Hamilton College. Solomon is an agent of the Hamiltons which are a powerful banking dynasty. Andrew Hamilton was from the Hamilton peerage and was a lawyer that established himself in Philadelphia. His son was James Hamilton also a lawyer, land owner, and mayor of Philadelphia. Pepper Hamilton is a US law firm founded by George Wharton Pepper in Philadelphia who merged his firm with several other lawyers including the Hamilton family's hidden ancestor John Daniel Miller Hamilton who moved to Philadelphia to become the head of Pepper Hamilton. Pepper Hamilton is one of the most corrupt law firms in the United States and it is working with the Irish Mafia. The Hamilton family of Ireland and Scotland are part owners of the K&A Gang or Northeast Philly Irish Mob which is involved with methamphetamine production, labor rackets, burglary rings, and various other criminal activities including extortion and blackmail. The Irish Mafia have put their associates in at Pepper Hamilton with Thomas M. Gallagher as Chairman, Bill Belanger as the Intellectual Property Department head, and Alison McCarthy is a lawyer involved in IP due diligence and licensing and patent litigation. Alison McCarthy is attempting to claim ownership over my articles and even my image. She is a completely insane, lawless, criminal and thief who is illegally tracking me and censoring me to protect the criminals I am exposing. Pepper Hamilton is violating my 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech and 4th Amendment right to be secure in my person, house, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. This insane woman Alison McCarthy has even attempted to claim patent rights to a photo of me as an attempt to cover up that I am a real person. Pepper Hamilton is claiming patent rights to my writings and is criminally stalking me online. Pepper Hamilton is a completely lawless law firm that needs to be shut down for violations of human rights. There is another woman in my region named Alison McCarthy-Senatro different from the lawyer and she is a satanic witch that works with a Freemason and murderer named Brandon Morales just as the House of Hamilton are the Dukes of Brandon. Prince Harry also manages Brandon Morales. Alison McCarthy-Senatro is a raging liar, false accuser, slanderer, egomaniac, intellectual thief, gang stalker, cyber terrorist, pedophile and psychotic zealot.

The House of Hamilton are a very large family and there are dozens of towns in the United States named Hamilton. The Hamiltons have authority over Scottish Rite Freemasonry through Lodge Hamilton Kilwinning No. 7. The Swiss Hamilton Watch Company was founded in Pennsylvania and named after the lawyer Andrew Hamilton. The family owns Lennoxlove Castle and the Baillie-Hamilton family branch own Mellerstain Castle. The Baille-Hamiltons are worth at least tens of millions in wealth and assets. The Hamilton family married with the German Baden family similar to the Douglas family which became nobles of Baden, Germany. Both the Douglas and Hamilton families established themselves in Sweden. The House of Baden and Swedish royal family are intermarried. The Hamilton, Douglas, Baden, and Bernadotte families have an alliance. Count Gustaf Douglas is a Swedish billionaire whose ancestors were the Scottish Lords of Dalkeith and he owns Securitas AB which owns the old Scottish created Pinkerton intelligence agency which is used for criminal spying and blackmail. Gustaf's sons are Eric Douglas and Carl Douglas. The Hamilton family claim the Douglas titles today. The Dukes of Hamilton also owned coal mines in Scotland and this is how they obtained some of their wealth during the Industrial Revolution. Members of the wicked Hamilton family include James Hamilton the 5th Duke of Abercorn, James Hamilton the Marquess of Hamilton, Alexander Douglas-Hamilton the 16th Duke of Hamilton, Sophie Rutherford the Duchess of Hamilton, John William Douglas-Hamilton, James Douglas-Hamilton the Baron Selkirk of Douglas, John Andrew Douglas-Hamilton the Lord Daer and Master of Selkirk, Gavin Goulburn Hamilton the 5th Baron Hamilton of Dalzell, Archibald Gavin Hamilton the Baron Hamilton of Epsom, Robert Anthony Carmichael Hamilton the 13th Lord Belhaven and Stenton, Frederick Carmichael Arthur Hamilton the Master of Belhaven, William Richard Hamilton, Gustavus Hamilton-Russell the 11th Viscount Boyne, George Baillie-Hamilton the 14th Earl of Haddington, Thomas Richard Baillie-Hamilton, Benjamin Robert Hamilton-Baillie, Laurence Benjamin Hamilton-Baillie, Hans James David Hamilton the 4th Baron HolmPatrick, Ion Henry James Hamilton, Evelyn William James Hamilton, and Ross Andrew James Hamilton.

James Hamilton the 5th Duke of Abercorn is an Irish-British Peer, politician, major landowner, and current Chancellor of the Order of the Garter.


James Hamilton, 5th Duke of Abercorn, KG (born 4 July 1934),[1] is a British nobleman, peer, and politician.

He owns more than 15,000 acres (61 km2). His seat is Baronscourt, near Newtownstewart, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. The Dukedom of Abercorn is in the Peerage of Ireland and did not carry an entitlement to a seat in the House of Lords, but until 1999 the Duke was entitled to sit there under his subsidiary title Marquess of Abercorn, in the Peerage of Great Britain. He was appointed Chancellor of the Order of the Garter on 17 October 2012.[11]

James Hamilton the Marquess of Hamilton with his wife Marchioness Tanya


James Harold Charles Hamilton, Marquess of Hamilton (born 19 August 1969) is a British aristocrat. He is the heir apparent to the Dukedom of Abercorn.

Archibald Gavin Hamilton the Baron Hamilton of Epsom

Alexander Douglas-Hamilton the 16th Duke of Hamilton and Duke of Brandon with his wife Sophie Douglas-Hamilton. They have authority over the Pinkertons and are involved in the crimes of censorship, theft, blackmail, and extortion. Duke Alexander Douglas-Hamilton is the most evil member of these clans and he needs to be violently killed.

See Appendix 17 - Part 2 >

22129414? ago

Appendix 16 >

Sassoon and Sutherland Cartel

The British Crown and Vatican control much of the East through their empires and East India Company. Jesuits established themselves in Asia around the 16th century. The British Crown and France made war on China forcing them to open their ports and allow their merchants to do business internally. Hong Kong was a British Colony until 1997 and the banks and merchant companies are still dominated by British bankers today. HSBC is a British-Hong Kong based bank with assets estimated at over 2.3 trillion. HSBC was founded by Thomas Sutherland of the Clan Sutheland who was also a British Crown knight. Countess Elizabeth Sutherland is the current head of this family along with her son Alastair Sutherland. The Sutherlands married with the Scottish Gordan clan and handed over their titles of Earl of Sutherland to them. Granville Gordan the 13th Marquess of Huntly is the current Chief and his son is Alastair Gordon the Earl of Aboyne. Peter Sutherland was a relative of Thomas Sutherland and former Director of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Peter Sutherland founded the World Trade Organization and Hong Kong is a member of the WTO. Peter Sutherland was Jesuit educated, a Vatican Knight of St Gregory, British Knight of the Order of St Michael and St George, French Knight of the Legion of Honour, Bilderberg member, and was a member of the Hong Kong Chief Executive's Council of International Advisers. Lui Che-woo of Hong Kong is worth about 11 billion and is a Member of the British Empire. Ka-shing Li from Hong Kong is worth about 37 billion and is a Knight of the British Empire. Yang Huiyan is a Chinese billionaire worth about 28 billion and went to Ohio State University.

Hong Kong has economic leverage over the rest of China. Under the British Colony they set up Queens College in Hong Kong which is where Norman Chan was educated. Norman Chan is Executive Director of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and former Regional Vice-Chairman of the London based Standard Chartered Bank. Joseph Yam was the first Executive Director of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and a Knight of the British Empire as well as on the board of directors for UBS. Chris Patten was the last Governor of Hong Kong under Queen Elizabeth II a position that existed until 1997. The position was replaced by the position of Chief Executive of Hong Kong with Tung Chee-hwa as the first head who was educated the University of Liverpool in England. Tung Chee-hwa is worth nearly a billion. Robin Li is a Chinese billionaire worth about 18 billion and he went to the University of Buffalo in New York. Jack Ma who is worth over 40 billion and owns Alibaba which was initially financed by Goldman Sachs with a 3-5 million start up investment before later receiving 20 million from Softbank. The Kwok brothers of Hong Kong are worth tens of billions and were born in Portuguese controlled Macau which was partly established by Jesuits. Raymond Kwok went to Harvard and Cambridge. Pansy Ho is worth about 5 billion and was Jesuit educated at Santa Clara University and also from Jesuit-Portuguese Macau. The Triads are an international crime syndicate mostly based out of Hong Kong and Macau.

India was also part of the British Empire not long ago and has been "westernized" and Romanized. Jagatjit Singh was a Emperor in British India and a Vatican Knight of St. Sylvester and Knight of the British Empire. Jagatjit ruled until his death and then India was reformatted. India is a corporate government transformed out of the East India Company the same way that the United States is basically the continuation of the Virginia Company. The Sassoon family are extremely wealthy bankers known as the "Rothschilds of the East" and set up banks in India and China under the British Crown and their East India Company. Michael Kadoorie is a Jewish billionaire in Hong Kong and Knight of the Legion of Honour. The Kadoorie family worked for the Sassoon family and helped manage their businesses in Mumbai and Hong Kong. The Sassoon family have intermarried with the Rothschild family several times. Albert Sassoon was a British Knight of the Order of the Bath and Knight of the Order of the Star of India. Albert Sassoon set up banks and merchant companies in India and Hong Kong like the David Sassoon & Company which built the Sassoon Docks for trading in Bombay. Baron James Sassoon is the current head of this family. The Sassoons of Singapore own Sassoon Investment Corporation with Victor Sassoon, Michele Sasoon, and Sunny Sassoon who lives in California. Sassoon Investment Corporation is involved in real estate, technology, retail, and education. Rahul Bajaj is an Indian billionaire worth over 4 billion and went to Harvard which was established by the British Crown. Sunil Vaswani is an Indian born billionaire that was educated in London and lives in Dubai.

Baron William Mackinnon established the British-India Steam Navigation Company which did business in India and Asia and eventually absorbed into DP World now owned by wealthy businessmen in Dubai like the Sulayem family who also own Dubai World. Dubai and the United Arab Emirates were also established by the British Crown after they set up oil and industrial businesses like the Anglo-Persian Oil Company before propping up Arab nobility to rule which still continue to serve the British Crown's interests through business contracts. Under British rule the Vatican Romanized much of India. There are many Jesuit universities all through out India today. Kalanithi Maran is worth about 5 billion and went to the Jesuit's Loyla College in Chennai, India and was also Jesuit educated at the University of Scranton. Anil Agarwal is an Indian billionaire and his Vedanta Resources is headquartered in London. The British Crown attempted to take over China by using opium to weaken the people and this caused the Chinese government to ban opium so the British Crown seized Hong Kong. Yusuff Ali M.A. is an Indian billionaire that does business in the UAE. Through the Convention of Peking the British Crown and Russia claimed lands and embassies in China. Joseph Lau of Hong Kong is worth about 15 billion and went to the University of Windsor in Ontario which is a continuation of the Jesuit's Assumption University. The British Crown and London businessmen still have major influences over banks and companies operating in India and China.

Alastair Sutherland the Lord Strathnaver and Master of Sutherland. The Sutherlands are the head of the Asian human trafficking networks. Alastair's mother Countess Elizabeth Sutherland is one of the most wicked and diseased witches on the planet and she has probably murdered and cannibalized hundreds of Asian children.

Thomas Sutherland was born in Scotland and founded HSBC which today has 2.5 trillion in assets.


HSBC is named after its founding member, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between Europe, India and China.

The inspiration behind the founding of the bank was Thomas Sutherland, a Scot who was then working for the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. He realised that there was considerable demand for local banking facilities in Hong Kong and on the China coast, and he helped to establish the bank which opened in Hong Kong in March 1865 and in Shanghai a month later.

Dunrobin Castle is owned by the Sutherlands. The Sutherlands are one of the most powerful Scottish clans and worth at least billions and they conceal their wealth in private Swiss HSBC accounts.

Peter Sutherland who died in 2018 was a relative of the Clan Sutherland. He was their banking agent who founded the World Trade Organization with Hong Kong as a member of the WTO. Peter Sutherland was Jesuit educated, a Vatican Knight of St Gregory, British Knight of the Order of St Michael and St George, French Knight of the Legion of Honour, Bilderberg member, and was a member of the Hong Kong Chief Executive's Council of International Advisers.

Baron James Sassoon


James Meyer Sassoon, Baron Sassoon, FCA (born 11 September 1955) became an executive Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings and of Matheson & Co. in January 2013. He is also a director of Hongkong Land, Dairy Farm and Mandarin Oriental. He is Chairman of the China-Britain Business Council.

Sassoon was the first Commercial Secretary to the Treasury from May 2010 to January 2013, a ministerial position in HM Treasury, the UK's finance ministry. Sassoon had a long career in the financial sector and previously served in various roles at the Treasury from 2002 to 2008, at which point he began advising David Cameron on financial issues. He was appointed to the House of Lords as a Conservative in connection with his ministerial appointment.


Leaked documents from Appleby show that Sassoon and several family members have been beneficiaries of a Cayman Island trust fund called the DCR Herschorn Settlement, established by Sassoon’s grandmother decades ago. Information from the files indicate that it was originally operating under Bahamian law. Documents state that the trust owns Orchard Limited, an investment holding company listed as residing in the Bahamas. In 2002, Orchard held $124 million, according to financial statements. By April 2007, its holdings had nearly doubled to $236 million, and that year, Orchard distributed $8 million to beneficiaries, according to the records.

Victor Sassoon


SassCorp is the operation and investment holding platform of the Sassoon family across the Asia Pacific and the Americas.

END Appendix 16

22129405? ago

Appendix 15 - Part 4 >

Goldsmith Crime Syndicate

The Goldsmiths are an extrmeely powerful and evil banking dynasty that established Bischoffsheim Goldschmidt & Cie Bank and it merged with Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas French which later became BNP Paribas a French based banking group.

Campbell Cartel

Torquhil Campbell the 13th Duke of Argyll is a high level Scottish noble and his family the Campbells founded Coutts with John Campbell which is a private bank located in London with 34 billion in assets. The Campbells married with the Middletons which also ran and partly own Coutts bank.

Royal Stuart Crime Clan

The Stuart family is a very large royal criminal bloodline with current noble titles of peerage in Ireland, Scotland, Nova Scotia, and England. They are the essence of evil and self righteousness.

Howard & Maxwell Crime Firm

The Howards are a high level English nobility and they are also Roman Catholic. The Howards have frequently married with Italian nobles in recent years and past centuries and also frequently married with the House of Stuart which are mostly Roman Catholic and ruled as monarchs of England.

Masonic Jesters

The Royal Order of Jesters is a Masonic division of the Shriners and headed up by the Furstenberg family of Germany and the Colonna family of Rome. The Furstenbergs have a jester on their coat of arms and they really descend from the Bosonid dynasty and Boso the Elder. The word bozo means a fool.

Royal Wiccans

Most of these witches are connected with Nazism and they are all sadists that burn children alive. They all make sacrifices to the child murdering witch Roxanne Civitello who has worked as an elementary school teacher and she is their modern day Moloch.

Masonic Mafia

The United Kingdom is operating as a proxy government for the House of Windsor and their Scottish-British noble peerages like the Mountbattens, Howards, Gordons, Bowes-Lyon, Spencers, Wellesleys, and Campbells.

International Secret Intelligence Agency (ISIS)

MI6 also called Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) created and controls the ISIS program which is really International Secret Intelligence Service with intelligence agencies all around the world involved like the CIA headed up by the tormentor Gina Haspel, Mossad headed up by the murderer Yossi Cohen

Quakers, Bankers, and Anonymous Hackers

The Fox family are an Anglo-Scot-Irish clan involved with the British Peerage, British government, and the founding of the Quakers. The banks Lloyds and Barclays were founded by Quakers and both have been involved with cyber crimes and money laundering.

Royal Arab Crime Syndicate

The Muslim royal families are working closely with the European royal families and Black Nobility and they manage Shriners, the Nation of Islam and Five Percenters which are all masonic organizations operating in the United States.

Islamic Black Hashishins

The Islamic supremacist and rapper Jay Electronica is a top masonic cult leader in the Nation of Islam and Five Percent Nation. Jay Electronica, the Five Percenters, and Nation of Islam's real goal is enslaving white women as sex slaves and killing white men.

Robber Barons of the Red Shield

The Rothschild family are top bankers in society and own various investment firms and businesses and hold titles of nobility in France, Austria and the United Kingdom. Lynn Forester de Rothschild is CEO of E.L.

Sassoon and Sutherland Cartel

The British Crown and Vatican control much of the East through their empires and East India Company. Jesuits established themselves in Asia around the 16th century. The British Crown and France made war on China forcing them to open their ports and allow their merchants to do business internally.

Hamilton & Douglas Crime Firm

The Hamilton and Douglas bloodlines are a high level Irish and Scottish Peerage involved with Freemasonry, politics, law, and organized crime and they have command over the Pinkertons criminal spy network.

Montagu Banking Cartel and Percy Mercenaries

The Montagu family are British Peers with dukedoms all over the United Kingdom. The family is also deeply involved in merchant banking and are strong supporters of British-Zionism. They were the founders of the Bank of England.

Brewers and Bankers of Ireland

The Guinness family are a powerful Anglo-Irish bloodline equal to royalty. They partly own the Guinness beer company, were members of the UK Parliament, and also bankers that established Guinness Mahon Bank which they later sold.

Royal Institution of Hollywood

The royal and noble bloodlines have deep connections with Hollywood and the entertainment industry especially through marriages. Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes at the Odescalchi Castle.

Wizards of Strange

The Barons Strange in the United Kingdom have a high level authority in the British Peerage and specialize in advanced and bizarre mind control and satanic sexual programming. The family has been involved in politics, military, and many members of this family have been knighted by the Crown.

Masonic House of Lies

Freemasonry refers to building or constructing. Freemasonry is about constructing elements in society intended for control over populations. Masons build mind control programs involving religion, politics, philosophy, and entertainment.

Cargill-MacMillan Masons

The Cargill-MacMillan family are worth nearly 50 billion. They have an illegal monopoly on agriculture in the US. Dave MacLennan is the CEO of their company Cargill. They are a ruthless family.

Hearst and Disney

The Hearst family are one of the most evil bloodlines in the United States and they work closely with the Disney family. They have Irish ancestry and they covertly work with the Irish Mafia and Kennedy family as well as the Irish McMahon family.

Thirty Wicked Bankers

Jacob Frenkel is Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International, member of the Trilateral Commission, he served two terms as the Governor of the Bank of Israel, and is Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the G30.

British Crown Agents

Yale and Harvard along with several other "prestigious" universities like Columbia were established and are technically owned by the British Crown. The British Crown has their agents running BlackRock, Vanguard Group, Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, Citigroup, and much more.

Clinton Crime Company

The Clintons are one of the most corrupt families in the United States and they are working with German nobles like the Furstenbergs, the Vatican and Black Nobility and the Clinton noble peerages in the United Kingdom headed up by Robert Edward Fiennes-Clinton the Earl of Lincoln and Gerard Neville

United States Corp.

The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002, section 15. The 14th Amendment infers that people born in the jurisdiction of the United States are subject to the United States which is defined as a corporation.

Well of Tyranny

The Wellesley family are a high level British nobility with some Welsh ancestry and they are involved in military and have alliances with the House of Orange, House of Hohenzollern, House of Bonaparte, Spanish House of Bourbon, and British Crown.

House of Romulus

Mitt Romney is like the modern day Romulus and a top political authority in the United States. Romney means Roman and both derive from the name Romulus who was considered a founder of Rome. Romulus was a founder and ancestor of the Kings of Alba just outside of Rome.

Merchant Bankers of London

The City of London Corporation is a one mile square block in London where the 110 Livery Companies operate from. Peter Estlin is the current Mayor of the City of London Corporation.

Tavistock Institute from Hell

The Tavistock Institute was fincanced by the Rockefeller Foundation and is a research program involved in human behavior, social sciences, and psychology. What it really does is implement psychological torment on those who expose corruption in society.

Witches and Warlocks of Ireland

The Parsons family are a high level Anglo-Irish nobility with authority over a portion of Ireland within County of Offaly and they specialize in engineering, politics, and law.

Grosvenor Templar Merchants

The Grosvenor family are a top British bloodline involved in banking, politics, and military. Hugh Grosvenor, 7th Duke of Westminster is the current head of the family and worth about 16 billion since his father's death in 2016.

House of Temple Mount

​The Spencer bloodline is an extremely evil British nobility with influences in government, media, and military. The Spencer-Churchills run Serco. Various members of this family have been Knights of the Order of the Garter including John Churchill the 1st Duke of Marlborough.

Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks

Satanism is sadism. In most cases Satanists are openly evil while Luciferians which are also sadists use false light of materialism and religion to conceal their depraved nature. The Rock Music industry is filled with Satanists which work closely with biker gangs.

Clan of Gehinnom (The Windsors)

The House of Windsor are one of the most wicked and satanic bloodlines. They are involved with human sacrifices, mind control, satanic ritual abuse, cannibalism, drinking blood, bathing in blood, human trafficking, opium trafficking, terrorism, money laundering, and war crimes.

END Appendix 15

22129388? ago

Appendix 15 - Part 3 >

Hannah de Rothschild the daughter of Jacob de Rothschild has been knighted by the House of Windsor and their Order of the British Empire.


THE QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty’s Birthday, to give orders for the following promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire:


To be Ordinary Commanders of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:

The Honourable Hannah Mary ROTHSCHILD

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild is a British banker and he was knighted by the House of Windsor. He owns E.L. Rothschild which owns a portion of the Economist Group a British media company with the Agnelli family owning the larger portion. The Rothschilds are married with the Agnellis of Italy. Prince Charles is President of the National Trust which owns Rothschild's home the Ascott Estate.

Marcus Agius and his wife Kate de Rothschild. Marcus Agius is a banker and a Roman Catholic.


Marcus Ambrose Paul Agius (/ˈeɪdʒəs/; born 22 July 1946) is a British financier and former group chairman of Barclays. He previously served on the BBC's executive board as a senior non-executive director.[2]

Marcus, a Roman Catholic,[20] married Katherine (born 1949), daughter of Edmund de Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family of England, and has a close involvement with the Rothschild family estate, Exbury Gardens in Hampshire. They have two children.[21]

Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife British-American wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild with the Clintons. The Rothschilds have been major donors to the Clinton elections. A foreign banking dynasty finances US presidential candidates. That is foreign election meddling. Lynn Forester de Rothschild is a part owner of E.L Rothschild and she is a financier of child trafficking.

David Mayer de Rothschild wearing the red string Kabbalah bracelet which represents the Gevurah a sephirah or sphere in the Kabbalah Tree. The Gevurah represents Mars the red planet, fire, and anger. David Mayer de Rothschild is a top authority over the Kabbalah Centre which is headquartered in Los Angeles with many in Hollywood as members. David Mayer de Rothschild can be seen associating with members of Hollywood like Sylvester Stallone, Glenn Close, Kevin Spacey and Luke Evans. This devil David Mayer de Rothschild is a psychotic blasphemer as well as a child murderer, blood drinker, and cannibal and he needs to be killed.

Jessica de Rothschild is a child murderer that manages the Rothschild's charity front to finance child trafficking. This disgusting pig is a major child murderer and cannibal.

David Lau is the Chief AshkeNazi Rabbi of Israel and one of the most evil devils in Israel today. David Lau is extremely insolent and he spews out constant lies and false accusations against people who oppose Saturn worshiping Zionist tyrants. David Lau cannibalizes babies and drinks their blood and the proof of this is in the Talmudic practices of circumcision called Brit Milah. They also have a meal after they remove the flesh of babies. It's obvious what they are eating. Not only is the Brit Milah ritual pedophilia and vampirism but it has also caused deaths of babies through spreading viruses.


The brit milah (Hebrew: בְּרִית מִילָה, pronounced [bʁit miˈla]; Ashkenazi pronunciation: [bʁis ˈmilə], "covenant of circumcision"; Yiddish pronunciation: bris [bʀɪs]) is a Jewish religious male circumcision ceremony performed by a mohel ("circumciser") on the eighth day of the infant's life. The brit milah is followed by a celebratory meal (seudat mitzvah).

A scalpel is used to detach the foreskin. A tube is used for metzitzah In addition to milah (the actual circumcision) and p'riah, mentioned above, the Talmud (Mishnah Shabbat 19:2) mentions a third step, metzitzah, translated as suction, as one of the steps involved in the circumcision rite. The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck creates a danger, and should be dismissed from practice".[33][34] Rashi on that Talmudic passage explains that this step is in order to draw some blood from deep inside the wound to prevent danger to the baby.[35]


New York City is investigating the death last September of a baby who contracted herpes after a "ritual circumcision with oral suction," in an ultra-Orthodox Jewish ceremony known in Hebrew as metzitzah b'peh.

In a practice that takes place during a ceremony known as the bris, a circumcision practitioner, or mohel, removes the foreskin from the baby's penis, and with his mouth sucks the blood from the incision to cleanse the wound.

Baroness Ariane de Rothschild of Switzerland with Benjamin Millepied and his Israeli-American wife Natalie Portman who is a Kabbalist and a vicious tormentor.


"Ashton has taught me more about Judaism than I think I have ever learned from anyone else," says Portman, who was born in Jerusalem. "Ashton's a very serious student of Kabbalah and Judaism.

Baroness Nadine de Rothschild is an Austrian noble residing in Switzerland and her son is Benjamin de Rothschild. The Rothschilds established a banking branch in Austria and they were given Austrian titles of nobility by the Imperial House of Habsburg. Their current titles of Baron and Baroness are from the Habsburgs. They were and still are Court Factors for the Habsburgs and the Swiss Rothschilds are not currently subject to the French Rothschilds. These titles were later given back to a branch of the French Rothschilds which established themselves in Switzerland. The Swiss Rothschilds are still Court Factors for the House of Habsburg and the German House of Hesse.

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild with his wife Ariane de Rothschild and they reside in Switzerland and own and run Edmund de Rothschild Group. Benjamin de Rothschild is worth several billion and he is a financier and agent for the Habsburgs and Hesses. Benjamin's great grandfather Edmund James de Rothschild was an extreme Zionist that purchased large amounts of land in what is now modern Israel. Benjamin is an Austrian noble by title and serves both the Habsburgs and Hesses. The Habsburgs are claimants to the title of King of Jerusalem and the Hesses were the Rothschilds first employers. Edmund de Rothschild Group uses the old Hessian coat of arms red lion. Benjamin de Rothschild is a leader of the criminal Zionists in Israel and conceals and launders their wealth.

See Appendix 15 - Part 4

22129381? ago

Appendix 15 - Part 2 >

Alexandre de Rothschild is the current head of the Rothschild bank and he finances gang stalking and human trafficking. He is a Rothschild and an Aldobrandini. Alexandre de Rothschild is extremely evil.


Alexandre de Rothschild

Executive Chairman

Alexandre de Rothschild joined the Rothschild & Co group in 2008 to focus primarily on the establishment of the Merchant Banking division. Before joining the group, Alexandre gained substantial experience in investment banking and private equity in New York and London with Bear Stearns and Bank of America respectively.

Since 2011 Alexandre has been a member of the Group Executive Committee. He was appointed a General Partner of Rothschild & Cie Banque (the former name of Rothschild Martin Maurel) and Rothschild & Cie in Paris in 2013 and is also member of several boards within the Rothschild & Co group. In 2014, Alexandre joined the management board of Rothschild & Co Gestion, and he became its Executive Deputy Chairman in March 2017. Since 17 May 2018 he is the Executive Chairman of Rothschild & Co Gestion.

Ill Bill is a Jewish gangster rapper from New York that is involved with organized crime including weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, and gang stalking. Ill Bill and Necro are working under the Aldobrandini and Rothschild families and they run a Jewish Mafia.


William Braunstein (born July 14, 1972), better known as Ill Bill, is an American rapper and record producer from Brooklyn, New York.

His brother Ron is also a rapper and producer, known as Necro.[1]

Necro is a Jewish gangster rapper from New York and brother of Ill Bill. They are members of the modern Jewish Mafia in New York and they are involve with criminal activities. The name Necro means death.


Ron Raphael Braunstein (born June 7, 1976), better known by his stage-name Necro, is an American rapper from Brooklyn.[1][2][3][4]

He is the owner of Psycho+Logical-Records founded November 1999. He is the younger brother of rapper Ill Bill.[5]

Necro was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in the Glenwood Houses, where he lived for eight years from about 6 years old to age 14, when he moved to Canarsie. Born into a Jewish family, he is the son of Israeli expatriates, with ancestry from Israel and Romania.[6] Necro's father was a Romanian-born Israeli soldier and his mother an Orthodox baal teshuva.[7]

Aldobrandini tomb in Italy with the reaper of death.


From Ancient Greek νεκρο- (nekro-), combining form of νεκρός (nekrós) "dead".

Baron Eric de Rothschild with Princess Alessandra Borghese. The Borghese papal and banking family married with the Aldobrandinis. The current Aldobrandini family was established under the Borgheses. Princess Olympia Aldobrandini de Rothschild is also a Borghese. Eric de Rothschild is a part owner of Rothschild Co. and he works as a financier for the Black Nobility of Rome and for the French royal House of Orleans.

Baron Edouard de Rothschild is a French banker and part owner of Rothschild & Co. and IMERYS a French mineral industrial company founded by the Rothschilds.


Édouard Étienne Alphonse de Rothschild (French pronunciation: ​[edwaʁ etjɛn alfɔ̃s də ʁɔtʃild]; born 27 December 1957) is a businessman and part of the French branch of the Rothschild family.

In July 2003, Édouard de Rothschild was made head of Rothschild & Cie Banque, the Paris-based bank he founded in 1987 with his half-brother David René de Rothschild and cousin Éric de Rothschild. He stepped down in June 2004 saying he would remain involved as the non-executive chairman of the bank's supervisory board while taking on projects unrelated to finance.[3] Until May 2005, he was a member of the Supervisory Board at Imerys S.A., a company the family had been a majority or significant shareholder in since 1880.

In January 2005, Édouard de Rothschild invested €20 million for a 37% controlling stake in the French newspaper Libération.[3] The left-wing daily was founded by philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and Maoist militant journalist Serge July in 1973 but in recent years has sustained substantial losses.

He owns a share of the Château Lafite vineyard.[3]

Baron Jacob Rothschild is a British noble and financier for the British Crown and House of Windsor. The Rothschilds finance propaganda, gang stalking, and human trafficking. Baron Jacob Rothschild's daughter Beth Rothschild married into the Italian Tomassini family which are a Florentine noble family. The Rothschilds are secretly related to the Florentine Bardi family.


Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, OM, GBE, CVO, FRCA (born 29 April 1936) is a British investment banker and a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family. He is also honorary president of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.[1]

His country estate has been a venue for visiting heads of state including Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Margaret Thatcher received French President François Mitterrand there at a summit in 1990. He hosted the European Economic Round Table conference in 2002, attended by James Wolfensohn, former president of the World Bank, Nicky Oppenheimer, Warren Buffett and Arnold Schwarzenegger.[19]

In 1961, Rothschild married Serena Mary Dunn, a granddaughter of the Canadian financier Sir James Dunn, and they have four children. Lady Rothschild died in 2019.

The Honorable Beth Matilda Rothschild Tomassini (27 February 1964). She married Antonio Tomassini in 1991 and they were divorced. They have three children:

Jacob Ferdinand Fulvio Tomassini (25 May 1992)

Edoardo Philip James Tomassini (9 June 1994)

Tess Anna Jude Tomassini (6 October 1996)


The Tomasi (erroneously cited by some authors as Tommasi [1]) are an ancient Italian noble family, according to the original tradition of Byzantium (330), and then later passed to Ancona (about 640) then branched to Recanati (Leopardi), Siena (around 1100), Cortona , Comacchio, Verona (Tommasi), Petritoli, Fermo (Tomassini), Lazio (Tomassi), Capua, Gallipoli (de 'Tomasi), Puglia (de' Tommasi) and in Sicily.

Francesco son of Thomaso, born 1445, Florentine consul in Ancona, where he had moved, married Giovanna Vittoria Tomassini and became the progenitor of this branch of the Tomasi who took the surname Tomassini, then moving from Ancona to Petritoli and Fermo.


The Bardi family were an influential Florentine family that started the powerful banking company Compagnia dei Bardi. In the 14th century the Bardis lent Edward III of England 900,000 gold florins, a debt which he failed to repay along with 600,000 florins borrowed from the Peruzzi family, leading to the collapse of both families' banks.

The Bardi family had thirteen different branches located in Barcelona, Seville and Majorca, in Paris, Avignon, Nice and Marseilles, in London, Bruges, Constantinople, Rhodes, Cyprus and Jerusalem.[7] Some of Europe’s most powerful rulers were indebted to the Bardi family. This was one of the main reasons of the bankers’ downfall.[8]

Nathaniel Rothschild is a British financier worth about 1 billion and he began his banking career at Lazard. Nathaniel Rothschild is co-chairman of Asia Resource Minerals and resides in Switzerland where banking is private.

Baron Jacob Rothschild is a noble under the British Crown and he was also knighted by the House of Windsor. Jacob Rothschild is a member of the Finance and Audit Committee for Prince Charles' Duchy of Cornwall. The Rothschilds are probably worth tens of billions in assets and private bank accounts although many propagandists claim they are worth 500 trillion. The royals and nobles of Europe are collectively worth trillions and they conceal their wealth in assets like gold, silver, and art as well as in corporate shares through proxy holding companies and in private bank accounts in Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. The Rothschilds work for royals and nobles which funnel their criminal wealth through Rothschild banks.


The Prince's Council

The financial strategy for the Duchy is driven by the Finance and Audit Committee. Financial expertise comes from: James Leigh-Pemberton, Receiver General, who is a managing director with the merchant bank Credit Suisse; Robin Broadhurst, currently a non-executive director of Grosvenor Estates and a consultant to Sir Robert McAlpine, and previously European Chairman of Jones Lang LaSalle, a real estate services and money management firm; Nick Hood who is chairman of @Bristol and was previously chairman of Wessex Water; Sir Michael Peat, a chartered accountant, who is the Prince of Wales’ Principal Private Secretary and who worked in the City with KPMG before joining The Queen’s Household as Keeper of the Privy Purse and Treasurer to the Queen; Sir Nicholas Bacon, the Lord Warden of the Stannaries; and Lord Rothschild Chairman of J Rothschild & Co Ltd, Five Arrows Ltd, and RIT Capital Partners. Nick Hood, James Leigh-Pemberton, and Nicholas Bacon also sit on the Remuneration Committee.

See Appendix 15 - Part 3

22129375? ago

Appendix 15 - Part 1 >

Robber Barons of the Red Shield

The Rothschild family are top bankers in society and own various investment firms and businesses and hold titles of nobility in France, Austria and the United Kingdom. Lynn Forester de Rothschild is CEO of E.L. Rothschild and her British knighted husband Evelyn de Rothschild is a financial adviser for Queen Elizabeth II. Their son David Mayer de Rothschild hypocritically pushes environmentalist propaganda used to oppress everyday people while the rest of his family is involved in mining, corporate consumerism, banking monopolies, and forcing natives off their land. David Mayer de Rothschild can be seen wearing the red string Kabbalah bracelet for the Gevurah which represents anger, fire, and holocaust. David Meyer de Rothschild is a high level authority over the Kabbalah Centre and its Hollywood members and he is ruthless, depraved, thieving, blasphemous and all around evil. David Meyer de Rothschild also manages the well paid YouTube shill Paul Romano. David's sister Jessica de Rothschild sacrifices children. Jessica de Rothschild manages the Rothschilds charity racket the ERANDA Foundation which like all charity rackets does some help for people as its disguise and then also uses it for criminal financing and bribes usually related to child trafficking. Baron Jacob Rothschild is another British banker and the Baron in Hertfordshire, England. His son Nathanael Rothschild resides in Switzerland and works as co-chairman of Asia Resource Minerals. Baron David Rene de Rothschild is the head of the French family branch and is Chairman of N M Rothschild & Sons as well as a top executive for other financial and merchant institutions like De Beers and Groupe Casino. De Beers is a diamond company. Jewelers are often involved in money laundering and criminal payoffs because jewelry does not really have a fixed value. They can manipulate the price for money laundering. His son Alexandre Guy Francesco de Rothschild is also an executive for N M Rothschild & Sons. David Rene de Rothschild's wife is Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini of Roman Black Nobility. Eric de Rothschild is a British-French banker that manages and partly owns Paris Orleans holding company which absorbed into Rothschild & Co. Edouard de Rothschild is another French banker and head of the Rothschild & Cie Banque with David Rene de Rothschild as a senior partner. The House of Rothschild are used to monopolize wealth and use their banks for funneling cash through for pay offs to corrupt businessmen and politicians disguised as fake investments. The Clintons are known friends of the Rothschilds. Baron Norman Lamont of Lerwick is a British noble and politician that previsouly worked as director of Rothschild Asset Management and as Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Rothschilds were first employed by the German House of Hesse and they still employ the Swiss Rothschilds with Baron Benjamin de Rothschild. The German Rothschilds had business deals with the Bleichroeder family and they created Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder investment bank in New York which was purchased and renamed First Eagle Investment now owned by Blackstone. Baron Cyril de Rothschild-Goldschmidt is the current head of the German Rothschilds and a baron under the House of Hohenzollern.

Baron Benjamin de Rothschild holds an Austrian title of nobility today and is the head of Edmond de Rothschild Group along with his wife Ariane de Rothschild and they reside in Switzerland where there are banking secrecy laws. His mother is Baroness Nadine de Rothschild. Benjamin de Rothschild partly owns Faro West Lobeke hunting company which has been involved in forcing natives off their land so they can hunt endangered species. Benjamin de Rothschild's banks operate in Israel and he is managing secret bank accounts for the criminals running Israel. His great grandfather Baron Edmond James de Rothschild was premeditatedly involved in large land grabs in Palestine at the end of the 19th century and before the British Crown seized the land during WWI. The Rothschild family are married in with various Kabbalistic-Jewish bankers like the Goldsmith and Sassoon families. The Rothschilds are involved with Freemason and have the Ferdinand de Rothschild Lodge in Aylesbury. The Concordia Lodge was created to honor the Rothschilds. The wicked Rothschild family are propped up as the leaders of the global crime syndicate to deflect from the higher level royalty they work for and to shift all blame onto Jews as part of their Nazi agenda. There are thousands of videos on the internet claiming they own all the central banks and are worth 500 trillion dollars. The high level royal and noble families claim ownership over corporate governments and central banks and have been concealing trillions in private banks. The Rothschild family are one family among many. The Rothschild family are vaguely mentioned the "guardians of the papal treasure" in the Jewish Encyclopedia. The Rothschilds have banking contracts with the Torlonia family who are the Vatican's treasurers. Roth-schild means "red shield." Guardians and shields are not owners. The Rothschilds guard the Torlonias which own the only private bank in Italy called Banca del Fucino. They are extremely evil Court Factors working for royal and papal courts. The British Rothschild family are barons and knights under the House of Windsor. I believe the Rothschild family were various banking families of northern Italy which merged to become one dynasty. The Bardi family of Florence that financed the English Crown with hundreds of thousands in gold which was never paid back appear to be part of the British Rothschild's ancestry. The Rothschilds are currently married with the Tomassini family which have been a noble family of Florence. The French Rothschild branch seems to be related to a mixture of Venetian and Genoese banking families. The French Rothschild family are married in with the Aldobrandini and Brandolini families of Italy and they work for the Roman Curia and are in banking contract with the Borghese-Torlonia owned Banca del Fucino. The Aldobrandinis have a statue of a reaper at their tomb. The Jewish gangster rappers Ill Bill and his brother Necro work under the Rothschilds and Aldobrandinis. Necro means death. The Rothschilds are not descendants of actual Hebrews, Judeans or Israelites and instead are a mixture of Babylonian, Edomite, and Ashkenazi. David Lau is the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel and serves the Rothschilds. David Lau is a sadistic psychopath who lies and slanders people constantly. Many rabbis cannibalize the private parts of babies and suck the blood from genitals after circumcision which is a demonic practice created by Babylonians. The Rothschilds are Saturn worshiping frauds who claim to be something they are not out of insecurity. The Rothschilds are ruthless evil and they need to be hunted down and exterminated.

Baron David Rene de Rothschild with his wife Princess Olympia Aldobrandini de Rothschild. The French Rothschilds are loyal to the Black Nobility and House of Bonaparte. The French Rothschilds are currently the head of the Rothschild banking dynasty.


Baron David René James de Rothschild

Husband of Olimpia Anna Liliana Aldobrandini

Father of Private; Private; Alexandre Guy Francesco de Rothschild and Private


Matrilineality in Judaism or matrilineal descent in Judaism is the tracing of Jewish descent through the maternal line.


The Aldobrandini are an Italian noble family from Florence, with close ties to the Vatican. Its Roman fortunes were made when Ippolito Aldobrandini became pope under the name Pope Clement VIII.

Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family.[1]


Something analogous occurred in England when the century-long competition of the Barings and the Rothschilds culminated in the failure of the former in 1893; but in this case the Rothschilds came to the rescue of their rivals and prevented a universal financial catastrophe. It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Roths-childs that at the present time the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.


Rothschild loans to the Holy See refers to a series of major financial loans arranged between the Rothschild family and the Holy See of the Catholic Church.

However, Alessandro Torlonia (acting for the Holy See) held direct negotiations with James Mayer de Rothschild and thrashed out an agreement, signed on 30 November 1831. Thus in 1832 the Rothschilds’ agreement to provide a loan to the Holy See for £400,000 (equivalent to £36.5 million in 2018) came into force.[1]


The princes Torlonia are an Italian noble family from Rome, who acquired a huge fortune in the 18th and 19th centuries through administering the finances of the Vatican. The first influential member of the Torlonia family was Marino Torlonia (Tourlonias; 1725 – 21 March 1785), who rose from humble origins in the Auvergne region of France to become a very rich businessman and banker in Rome.

See Appendix 15 -Part 2 >

22129364? ago

Appendix 14 - Part 3 >

Following Jay Electronica’s verse on “We Made It,” Jay Z raps, “I’m ready to chase the Yakub back into caves/These are the last days, but do I seem fazed/Showed up to the last supper in some brand new J’s/I’m the true and livin’, book of Hov.”

LeBron James doing Jay Z's Roc symbol. The Roc is really an Illuminati secret society created by Jay Z and it is a black supremacist cult. LeBron James is a black supremacist and he has an extreme alpha male mentality and he claims to own all women and claims all women worship him. LeBron cheated on his wife similar to how he cheats in the NBA. LeBron James violently attacks white men that he is envious of and white men that make him feel insecure.


Moorish Kings of England: King James VI and I of Scotland and England 1566 – 1625 and his daughter

Fake image of King James VI.

Carmelo Anthony wearing a Five Percenter chain because he is a racist that hates white people.

RZA wearing a Five Percenter chain. RZA is probably the most evil member of this entire group. RZA is a Beelzebub or dung worshiping cannibal. Some Beelzebub rappers working with RZA include GZA, Inspectah Deck and his brother 9th Prince, 4th Disciple, Prodigal Sunn, Hell Razah, Killa Priest, Cappadonna, and Shyheim.

Ghostface Killah and Raekwon are converts to Islam and associates of the Five Percenters. Members of Wu-Tang have numerous lyrics referring to white women as sex slaves.

Nas and AZ are Five Percenters and the proof is in their lyrics. Again the Five Percenters are racist black supremacists who work with the Nation of Islam which call for the murder of all white people. AZ and Nas are Beelzebubs that lust to cannibalize white women and children.


“We were beginner’s in the hood as Five Percenters / But something must’ve got in us, ‘cause all of us turned to sinners…” - AZ on Nas’ “Life’s a Bi#ch”

Prince Zera Yacob Amha Selassie of the Ethiopian House of Solomon oversees Black Hebrew Israelite cults and the Cult of Solomon. The ancient Israelites were white and looked like normal Europeans. The Bible is completely distorted record of facts and history. Moses was a black agent of the Egyptians and the dynasty of Sets and Moses and his people eventually settled around Israel and started raping white Israelite women to produce whitish offspring which eventually crept into Israel by infiltrating bloodlines. Solomon was a direct descendant of Moses and he was a Beezlebub sorcerer. The Egyptian sun deity Khephri is depicted as a dung beetle. Sun worshipers are all excrement eaters that also get off to cannibalism and turning other people into dung which they then also eat.


Khepri (Egyptian: ḫprj, also transliterated Khepera, Kheper, Khepra, Chepri) is a scarab-faced god in ancient Egyptian religion who represents the rising or morning sun.

Khepri was principally depicted as a scarab beetle


Dung beetles are beetles that feed on feces (dung). Some species of dung beetles can bury dung 250 times heavier than itself in one night.[1]

All the species belong to the superfamily Scarabaeoidea; most of them to the subfamilies Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae of the family Scarabaeidae (scarab beetles).


In Ancient Egypt, the dung beetle now known as Scarabaeus sacer (formerly Ateuchus sacer) was revered as sacred.

The rapper Shyne is a top authority over the Black Hebrew Israelites and an owner of Belizean gangs. The ancient Israelites were not black however some black tribes working with Canaanites did invade Israel after the original ancient Israelites left and moved to Greece. The hat Shyne is wearing the Yarmulke is Babylonian and also worn by Catholic priests just as their Mitre cap is derives from Babylon.

Erik Alexander Hofemeister is a black supremacist who is mixed race and he also works with the Black Hebrew Israelites. Erik Hofemeister is extremely evil and hateful towards white men. Erik Hofemeister is as evil as evil gets. Erik Alexander Hofemeister is a Beelzebub or dung worshiping cannibal and he is one of the most evil gang stalkers to ever exist. Erik Hofemeister is an insolent liar who as these black Five Percenters and Black Hebrew con artists' propped up front man terrorizes people by falsely accusing and condemning people while he claims to be their god. He is a disgusting abomination that needs to be thrown alive into an incinerator.

RZA is a dung worshiping cannibal and Beelzebub that commands an army of similar gang stalkers.

GZA is a Beelzebub and cannibal who manages gang stalking cults.

Inspectah Deck is a Beelzebub and cannibal and gang stalking commander.

9th Prince is RZA's brother and a cannibal and Beelzebub and gang stalking commander.

Prodigal Sunn is a Beezlebub and cannibal and gang stalking commander.

Cappadonna is a cannibalistic Beelzebub and gang stalking captain.

Killah Priest is a Beelzebub, cannibal, and leader of a group of gang stalkers.

Papoose is a self identified Five Percenter based on his rap lyrics and he runs a massive street gang in Brooklyn involved in weapons trafficking and trafficking crack-cocaine. It is believe that Papoose was a crack head before he became a gangster rapper. Nearly all of Papoose's lyrics have references to the Fiver Percenters. Papoose's close friend and personal DJ is KaySlay who is an admitted Five Percenter. Papoose and KaySlay are mobsters and basically architects and managers of the Five Percenters.

DJ Kay Slay is a top Five Percenter and African American mobster and a ruthless devil.

END Appendix 14

22129358? ago

Appendix 14 - Part 2 >

Some members of the Five Percenters include the NBA player Carmelo Anthony and the rappers from Wu Tang RZA, Raekwon and Ghostface Killah as well as Rakim, Nas, AZ, Papoose and DJ Kayslay. The rapper Nas is an associate of the Five Percenters and a black supremacist. These rappers are all involved in organized crime and many praise the Italian Mafia in their lyrics. When I first exposed there is an Islamic Mafia operating at New Jersey ports and working with the Italian Mafia I had thugs parked in front of my house at 3 am the next night. RZA subtly let me know that he knows where I live through covert gang stalking and cyber stalking tactics right before this. RZA is also a top military commander over Wiccan cults and works with various secret societies. RZA is pure evil and has a literal army of Beelzebub gangster rappers working with him including members of Wu-Tang like GZA, Inspectah Deck and his brother 9th Prince, 4th Disciple, Prodigal Sunn, Hell Razah, Killa Priest, Cappadonna, and Shyheim. They are all dung worshiping cannibals and criminals connected with black supremacy and Five Percenters. Jay Electronica has been teaching other rappers and members of these groups the more advanced mind control techniques he has learned while in London. Wiz Khalifa takes his stage name from the Arabic word Khalifa which is also the name of the current ruling family of Bahrain with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. Wiz is for wizard. Their sorcery is mind control. Jay Electronica who thinks he is Allah is extremely murderous and destructive. Erykah Badu is highly trained in voodoo witchcraft and very sadistic. They are involved in satanic sexual ritual abuse and mind control and they specifically target white people. They are also involved in murder, persecution, and organized crime through covert methods. The Nation of Islam is ran by the millionaire Louis Farrakhan who is an FBI COINTELRPO agent and part of the FBI's Project Megiddo. Farrakhan is like the Islamic and black version of David Duke. COINTELPRO is about the FBI using their agents to infiltrate political and religious groups as a means to radicalize them. COINTELPRO is considered a criminal operation carried out by elements in the FBI. Their goal is Armageddon or a Holy War in the US. The rapper Tupac Shakur or Lesane Parish Crooks came from a family of Black Panthers another black supremacist group and COINTELPRO organization. The New Black Panther Party is closely connected with the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam also has a paramilitary division called the Fruit of Islam. David Muhammad is another high level member of the Nation of Islam. The rapper Professor Griff is an associate of the Nation of Islam, a black supremacist, and a Hermeticist. Barack Obama was knighted by the House of Saud and frequently used drones for targeted killings of Shia Muslims and enemies of the House of Saud in Yemen. Barack Obama implied he has Muslim faith in an interview. Obama is a psychotic Beelzebub worshiper and he electronically harassed the woman Miriam Carey and through electronic weapons caused her death as a sacrifice.

The Saudi royals use the Muslim Brotherhood as a proxy and the Muslim Brotherhood uses the Nation of Islam and Five Percenters as their proxies. Members of black supremacist groups and Islamic supremacist groups are also being financed to spread racial division as a form of divide and conquer. Jay Z finances and directs shills in liberal media channels like CNN. Mid Eastern billionaires funnel their wealth through Mid East banks based in Geneva, Switzerland where bank accounts are private like Arab Bank, NBAD Private Bank, NBK Bank, and QNB Bank and then use US based investment companies like BlackRock Investment to mask transactions through foreign shell companies. Julia Louis-Dreyfus' second cousin in law is Margarita Louis Dreyfus of Switzerland and her boyfriend is Philipp Hildebrand the Vice Chairman of BlackRock which is headquartered in NYC. The Dreyfus clan came into Europe during the Moorish invasion known as Marranos or half-Jews which were Babylonian Horite-Sephardics. The Egyptian Sawiris family are said to be worth around 36 billion and have global enterprises and operations in Switzerland. The Mansour family are Egyptian billionaires and all three brothers went to school in the United States. There is no one to investigate the Arab billionaire royals who rule their own nations and that is why they are used for money laundering and making these criminal payoffs. Wealthy millionaires and billionaires like Jay Z often use their large amount of wealth to mask the money laundering and criminal transactions. This group is a greater threat to America than ISIS. There is a plot involving criminal and occultic organizations within Islam that want to destabilize the United States and take it over. The Muslim Brotherhood, Nation of Islam, and Five Percenters are radical Islamic supremacists and terrorist organizations. King Mohammad VI of Morocco is a major leader of these groups. The House of Saud and their allies in the UAE and other Sunni-Arab nations are also the ones behind much of the Islamic fascism. Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman and his brother Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud are the primary leaders of this group.

Jay Electronica is wearing the Five Percenter chain and wearing the Fruit of Islam uniform. Jay Electronica is an Islamic Assassin involved in commanding Islamic-African-American gang stalking cults that target white people.


Jay Electronica’s recent performance at the The Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival resonated throughout the hip-hop underground. It was a rare performance by Jay Electyarmulke who has been making his presence more known in recent months. Electronica went on a little hiatus after signing with Jay Z’s RocNation label, even carrying on an affair with a married member of the powerful Rothschild clan.

The performance at the Brooklyn Hip Hop festival turned a lot of heads with guest appearances, most notably by Jay Z who put his infamous Five Percent Nation chain around Electronica’s neck during his homecoming. Another point of interest was Electronica’s stage attire, a military-style, Fruit of Islam uniform. He was also flanked by an FOI security detail. This upset some in the Nation of Islam community who feel that he acted irresponsibly by using unsavory language while wearing the FOI uniform. Minister Louis Farrakhan, leader of the NOI came to Electronica’s defense in a letter published in the Nation’s, Final Call newspaper.

Farrakhan wrote, “I understand that some criticized Brother Jay Electronica’s use of profanity while wearing the uniform of the Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.) of The Nation of Islam. I humbly and respectfully ask: Has any of us who have accepted Islam and its required high degree of moral excellence and civilization ever said or done anything that is less than representative of what we believe? I am sure that all of us, if we are honest, would have to say that we have.”

Louis Farrakhan the head of the Nation of Islam and FBI COINTELPRO agent who calls all white people devils and says white people the devil need to be killed.


Farrakhan Explains the White Devil at around 3:30 into the video.

Jay Z wearing a Five Percenter chain. Jay Z wants to kill and or enslave all white people.


On “We Made It,” Jay Z references Yakub, an individual who is described by the Nation of Islam as a black scientist who created the white race.

See Appendix 14 - Part 2 >

22129353? ago

Appendix 14 >

Islamic Black Hashishins

The Islamic supremacist and rapper Jay Electronica is a top masonic cult leader in the Nation of Islam and Five Percent Nation. Jay Electronica, the Five Percenters, and Nation of Islam's real goal is enslaving white women as sex slaves and killing white men. The Nation of Islam is like an Americanized and Masonic version of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Nation of Islam was founded in Detroit, Michigan. The Dearborn Mosque in Michigan is run by the Muslim Brotherhood and using proxy groups that have been promoting Sharia law in the United States. The Five Percenters and Fruit of Islam operate like the modern day Hashashins or Assassins. Five Percenters teach Supreme Mathematics which is a form of numerology. Masons used numerology for designing their mind control programs. These groups are also connected with Islamic and black supremacist groups like the Black Hebrew Israelite movement with a murderous member named Erik Alexander Hofemeister. Erik Hofemeister is a cannibalistic lunatic and psychotic tyrant. Jay Electronica dated Kate Rothschild and resided in London for a period of time where he was trained by the British Knights Templar Freemasons in advanced Solomon witchcraft and mind control. Solomonists are Beelzebubs. Beelzebub is a dung devil. The scarab beetle or dung beetle is a symbol for Ra the sun deity. Sodomy is really sexual cannibalism. These demonic freaks get off to turning genitals and body parts they are attracted to into dung or sod. Sod means dirt. The House of Solomon are the Egyptian royal family currently headed up by Prince Zera Yacob Amha Selassie and they oversee Black Hebrew Israelites and African-American Solomonic cults. The Nation of Islam and Five Percenters share similar ideologies as the Muslim Brotherhood which is a Sunni organization founded in Egypt. Mohamed Al-Fayed is a Egyptian billionaire that set up his business operations in Italy and London. Several high level British peers. The Templars worked with the Masonic al-Ḥashashin or Assassins during the Crusades. Occult means hidden or secret. They are occultic assassins. Abdallah Bin Bayyah is Saudi Arabia's top Sufi occultist. Five Percenters are like the modern day Assassins and many of their agents are murderous and target white people and especially target white women. The Arab royal families and merchants were known for sex trafficking of European and African women. Arab and Berber Barbary pirates kidnapped European women for sex slaves and sold them in Africa and the Mid East. Jay Electronica is an admitted member of the Five Percenters and Nation of Islam which are both Islamic-Black supremacist groups. Jay Electronica changed his name from Timothy Elpardo Thedford to Elpadaro F. Electronica Allah. Jay Electronica's girlfriend is Erykah Badu who is a follower of Farrakhan, had Allah tattooed on her, and said "I saw something good in Hitler."

Adolf Hitler was allied with Muslims during WWII and one of the founders of the Nazi ideology was Rudolf von Sebottendorf a convert to Islam and a Sufi occultist. Jay Electronica is signed to Jay Z's Roc-Nation and uses the name Jay for Jay Z who is also a member of the Nation of Islam and a top boss of the Almighty Vice Lord Nation. Jay Z wears a Five Percenter chain and says in a song with Jay Electronica "I'm ready to chase Yakub back into the caves, These are the last days, But do I seem fazed" and to Five Percenters Yakub refers to the "creator of white people" Jay Z runs large black supremacist gang stalking cults all over the United States. Jay Z is worth over 800 million. The organized crime group Almighty Vice Lord Nation (AVLN) was founded in Chicago and was financed by the Rockefellers through a grant. The Nation of Islam is also headquartered in Chicago. This is why Jay Z calls his record company Roc-a-fella. LeBron James is a friend of Jay Z and can be seen doing the Roc Nation symbol. LeBron James is an extremely evil black supremacist and covert member of the Black Hebrew Israelites and that is why he nicknamed himself King James. Black supremacists claim King James was really black and they use fake depictions of King James as a black man for their claim. Jay Z is the top crime boss of the AVLN and involved in money laundering, criminal financing and domestic terrorism. The AVLN are a black supremacist street gang. Members are African-American and refer to themselves as almighty. The Black Disciples and Almighty P Stone Nation are similar gangs that work with the AVLN. Jay Z was involved in financing and commanding the gang stalkers that relentlessly targeted my cousin which lead to him committing suicide. Jay Electronica is a Muslim, member of the Nation of Islam, and has connections with the Rothschild family. The French Rothschilds are intermarried with the Aldobrandinis of Rome. The name Aldobrandini derives from the Arabic word Aldebaran and they have an Arabic ancestry from the Moorish invasion. The Moors invaded Europe and were involved in the sex trafficking of European women as a continuation of the Arab slave trade. Moors were mostly Arabs and Berbers and used some non Arab Africans as mercenaries. The Black Nobility of Rome, Rothschilds, and House of Saud are all working together and directing and financing various secret societies, organized crime, and supremacist groups. The link between all of these groups is occultism and satanism. Pope Benedict XVI who has a Moor on his papal coat of arms was good friends with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. When they had a meeting at the Vatican they were holding hands. The House of Saud are Sunni Muslims like the Muslim Brotherhood and they basically share the exact ideologies of imposing their religious Sharia law as state law.

See Appendix 14 - Part 2 >

22129340? ago

Appendix 13 >

Royal Arab Crime Syndicate

The Muslim royal families are working closely with the European royal families and Black Nobility and they manage Shriners, the Nation of Islam and Five Percenters which are all masonic organizations operating in the United States. The Muslim royalty intermarried with various royal and noble bloodlines after the Moorish invasion around 700 AD. The royal families that came in with the Moors settled in Spain, Portugal and Italy as well as smaller groups in France and Germany. Joseph Ratzinger has a Moor on his papal coat of arms. The British Crown established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Treaty of Darin and then fully through the Treaty of Jeddah. During WWI the European nations conquered over most of the Mid East and North Africa and then later put into power the royalty which also run the oil fields. Former King Fahd and former King Abdullah were Knights of the British Empire. France and Spain conquered Morocco before granting it independence with the House of Alawite as the reigning monarchs. King Mohammed VI of Morocco is a Knight of the British Empire, French Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Knight of three different Spanish orders as well as a wealthy billionaire. The royal family of Morocco own a faction of the Arabian Mafia with gangster rapper Tony Moxberg as a street boss. The Moors invaded Spain and established large populations there. The British Crown conquered Bahrain and secured the House of Khalifa as its rulers while going into oil contracts with companies in Bahrain. Several members of the Khalifa royal family went to school in the United Kingdom. The rapper Wiz Khalifa works for the House of Khalifa and he is involved in trafficking children. Mohammed bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi the Crown Prince of Fujairah was educated in London.

The British Crown conquered the land now called the United Arab Emirate States and established mining and oil industries there before handing the land over to the Al Nahyan family and they are believed to be worth about 150 billion. They own the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority which is worth over 1.3 trillion in assets. British Petroleum formerly Anglo-Persian Oil Company and the French Total petroleum company went into contract with the oil miners in Abu Dhabi. The House of Grosvenor are one of the most powerful and wealthiest families in the United Kingdom and own properties and hotels all over the world. The Grosvenor House in Dubai is named after them and officially owned by the mega billionaire Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum. Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum has an honorary degree from the University of London and is likely in business contracts with the Grosvenor family which is why he named his hotel after them. Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem is CEO of DP World which bought the British P&O ports and shipping company for about 6 billion. George Walker Bush approved the sale of US ports in New York, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New Orleans, and Miami to DP World and they then sold it to American International Group (AIG). DP World was already running these ports before the sale and likely have influences there even after reselling them to AIG. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the primary owner of Dubai World and Dubai Holdings. His son Sheikh Rashid bin Mohammad Al Maktoum is a wealthy businessman that is a Partner of Noor Bank and was educated at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom. Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi is a ruler in Ras al-Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates and him and his son went to school in the United States.

The Saudi Prince Khalid bin Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud is married to Lucy Caroline Cuthbert and she is the niece of Ralph Percy the Duke of Northumberland. Ralph Percy's son George Percy went to the University of Damascus, speaks Arabic, and did business in Abu Dhabi. George Percy is the CEO of Hotspur Geothermal which does oil drilling in Africa. King Mohammed VI of Morocco is worth about 6 billion and has major shares in Moroccan companies that are in contract with many European companies. King Mohammed VI has also been exposed for high level corruption involved in business and politics. Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud is the Governor of Mecca and is close friends with Prince Charles. Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud is also a Knight of the Order of Francis I under the Italian House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies with Prince Carlo the Duke of Castro as the sovereign head. A close relative of the Duke of Castro; Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma is a member of the Dutch royal family through his mother Princess Irene of the Netherlands and worked for the ABN AMRO Bank. The House of Orange-Nassua established the Netherlands Trading Society which later established ABN AMRO Bank and ABN AMRO partly owns Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia. Abdullah bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa paid the serial child molester Michael Jackson for his court fees when he was prosecuted for pedophilia for the second time. Michael Jackson faked his death and has been hiding out somewhere in the Mid East to evade any more criminal charges.

The Kingdom of Jordan was established by the United Kingdom through the British Mandate for Palestine and then fully through the Treaty of London of 1946 which appointed the House of Hashemite as the reigning monarchs. King Abdullah II of Jordan is a member of the British Army and also went to the Jesuit University of Georgetown in Washington DC. King Abduallah II is a knight of various military orders including in Italy and in the United Kingdom. The House of Thani in Qatar and Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani run several banks in Luxembourg through Precision Capital. Luxembourg uses private banking like in Switzerland which enables money laundering and tax evasion. Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani and his company went into contract with BAE Systems in New Jersey and their accounts were froze for an investigation into money laundering. Hamad paid off the Jersey officials with 6 million and they then dropped their investigation. Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani is an Italian Knight of the Order of Merit and French Knight of the Legion of Honour. The Getty family who created Getty Oil purchased oil fields from the House of Saud and this made them one of the wealthiest families in the United States for a period of time. The Getty family are currently intermarried with the Italian Ruspolis.

The various royal families in the Mid East have an accumulation of hundreds of billions of dollars and are working closely with the European royal families who put them into power in their regions. Many of the Islamic royal families do business at the City of London Corporation and are in contracts with companies owned by the royal families like British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell. The royal families of Europe use the Mid Eastern royal families as financiers for their agendas as part of their contracts for being allowed to be wealthy and rule their nations. They have some authority over the Shriner Freemasons, Five Percenters, and Nation of Islam. They use their wealth to fund these organizations and other secret societies like Wiccan cults. They have a covert Arab Mafia headquartered in New Jersey and have infiltrated the ports in the United States. Islamic royal families include the House of Saud, House of Alawite, House of Khalifa, House of Thani, House of Hashemite, Al Sharqi family, Al Nuaim family, Al Mu'alla family, Al Qasimi family, Al Nahyan family, Al Maktoum family, bin Laden family and bin Sulayem family as well as others. These families are predatory and are targeting people from other nations. The House of Saud are extremely fascist and oppress their own people. Many of the Mid Eastern royal families are tyrannical. They rule their nations sovereignly in most cases however the Black Nobility and European royal families have leverage over the royal families of the Mid East.

King Mohammad VI of Morocco is a wealthy businessman and ruler of the nation of Morocco. King Mohammad VI manages Shriner Freemasons.

Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco manages Wiccan cults.

Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is a disgusting tyrant who finances gang stalking and human trafficking. Prince Mohammad is the biggest Islamic terrorist on the planet and needs to be hunted down with hellfire missiles and not having meetings at the White House.

Trump doing some occultic ritual with King Salman of Saudi Arabia.

Prince Faisal bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud is a high level manager of Islamic terrorists, Nation of Islam, Five Percenters, and Shriner Freemasons.

Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud is the Governor of Mecca and he is friends with Prince Charles and an Italian knight under the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is the Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Dubai. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and his family own Dubai World which owns DP World an international port company involved in criminal trafficking including human trafficking. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is a child trafficker and an extremely evil devil.

Rashid bin Mohammad Al Maktoum is a banker and businessman and here he is with his father Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.

Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi the ruler of Fujairah

Mohammed bin Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi the Prince of Fujairah in the UAE.

Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem is an owner and head of DP World which is an international port, shipping, and container company which has owned ports in the United States. George Bush sold them US ports.

Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi is a ruler in Ras al-Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates and he was educated in Michigan where the Nation of Islam was founded.

END Appendix 13

22129336? ago

Appendix 12 - Part 3 >

Some Quakers founded banks and financial institutions, including Barclays, Lloyds, and Friends Provident; manufacturing companies, including shoe retailer C. & J. Clark and the big three British confectionery makers Cadbury, Rowntree and Fry


George Fox (July 1624[2] – 13 January 1691) was an English Dissenter, who was a founder of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the Quakers or Friends.


The fox appears in the folklore of many cultures, especially European and East Asian folklores, as a figure of cunning or trickery

Kuma Lisa is a fox from Bulgarian folklore and Russian folklore who usually plays the role of the trickster.

In Scotland, the trickster figure of the fox (or tod in traditional Scots) was represented as Lowrence

In Europe, in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, foxes, which were associated with wiliness and fraudulent behavior, were sometimes burned as symbols of the Devil.[4]

Atalanta Foxwell with her son Prince Valerio Massimo of Roccasecca who has reddish hair like a fox.

Matthew Freud and his wife Elisabeth Murdoch who were married at the Spencer-Churchill's residence of Blenheim Palace.


Matthew Freud (born 2 November 1963) is head of Freud Communications, an international public relations firm in the United Kingdom.

Freud's first wife was Caroline Hutton, with whom he had two sons: George Rupert Freud and Jonah Henry Freud. Caroline subsequently married the 9th Earl Spencer, brother of Diana, Princess of Wales.

His second wife was Elisabeth Murdoch, second daughter of media magnate Rupert Murdoch, head of News Corporation. When the couple began dating (while working as colleagues), she was pregnant with a second child by her first husband and business partner, Elkin Pianim (the son of Ghanaian financial and political mogul Kwame Pianim). The couple married 18 August 2001 at Blenheim Palace,[9]


Blenheim Palace

Following the palace's completion, it became the home of the Churchill (later Spencer-Churchill) family for the next 300 years

Prince Valerio Massimo is a devilish trickster that manages sadistic computer hackers involved in cyber stalking or tracking, cyber theft, electronic harassment, electronic vandalism, and criminal censorship as well as crimes involving child pornography and snuff films. Since Valerio and his hacker associates are criminals which the FBI is protecting then the only solution is disregarding the law and hunting him down and executing him and his criminal associates that the FBI refuses to deal with. For the FBI agents who protect him and these hackers they too are going to be hunted down and executed as accomplices to these non stop crimes. The FBI was created by Charles Bonaparte and the Bonaparte family married with the Gabrielli family of Italy which married with the Massimo family and that is why the FBI is protecting them. The Bonaparte family also married with the Borghese family which are currently married with the Massimos.




Location: London & Los Angeles

Valerio co‐founded SCM Capital Partners with Edward Spencer Churchill in 2011 and Auctus Industries in 2013.



Location: London

Edward is an investor / founder in a number of smaller companies, co‐founded SCM Capital Partners with Valerio Massimo di Roccasecca in 2011 and Auctus Industries in 2013.

Edward Spencer-Churchill is an extremely evil member of the British nobility and he works closely with Prince Valerio Massimo and their cyber crime syndicate. Edward is also going to get hunted down and killed. Anonymous is an FBI COINTELPRO operation. A criminal hacker named Matthew Ayasse is a member of Anonymous and he has admitted to working for the US government. My electronics are continually hacked and I have had thousands of dollars worth of property including cars destroyed by these hackers who continue to do this untouched after being exposed for years.


Anonymous is a decentralized international hacktivist group

Anonymous members (known as Anons) can be distinguished in public by the wearing of Guy Fawkes masks

The group's few rules include not disclosing one's identity, not talking about the group, and not attacking media.[24] Members commonly use the tagline "We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us."[25]


A Roman legion (Latin romanum legio from legio "military levy, conscription", from legere "to choose") was a large military unit of the Roman army.

Reynard the fox depicted similar to Guy Fawkes with his hat and feather.


Reynard the Fox is a literary cycle of medieval allegorical Dutch, English, French and German fables.

Guy Fawkes


Guy Fawkes (/fɔːks/; 13 April 1570 – 31 January 1606),[a] also known as Guido Fawkes while fighting for the Spanish, was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605

Guy's mother's family were recusant Catholics, and his cousin, Richard Cowling, became a Jesuit priest.[5]


The arms were granted on August 15, 1966.

The green, silver and blue wavy horizontal bars represent the Borough's connection with the New River, the Green Belt areas and open spaces. The principal charge, as in the arms of the former Borough of Enfield , is a mythological heraldic creature, known as an "Enfield", which has the head of a fox, the chest of a hound, the talons of an eagle, the body of a lion and the hindquarters and tail of a wolf.


Don Stefano Sean Francesco James Filippo Gabriel Charles Massimo

Birthdate: January 10, 1955

Birthplace: Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Coat of arms of Enfield, London with a chained up lion and an unchained red fox hybrid.


Over the past few weeks, authorities in the Enfield area have tweeted out several photos of teens of color who have gone missing. A post about the teens went viral on Thursday (Dec. 7) after many noticed the teens vanished within days of each other.

END Appendix 12

22129331? ago

Appendix 12 - Part 2 >


A Barclays bank insider who conspired to launder over £2.5 million from the Ealing branch he worked at has been jailed.

Jinal Pethad, 29, of Whistler Gardens, Edgware, acted as "personal bank manager" to cyber money launderers Pavel Gincota and Ion Turcan, setting up 105 sham bank accounts for them using false ID documents.

He was sentenced to six years and four months at the Old Bailey on Tuesday (December 12) for his role in the money laundering scam in which millions of pounds were stolen using Dridex malware.

Mark Cains, from the NCA’s National Cyber Crime Unit, said: "Jinal Pethad abused his position of trust at the bank to knowingly set up sham accounts for Gincota and Turcan, providing a vital service which enabled them to launder millions.


Fraudsters behind a £113 million international money laundering ring conducted one of Britain's biggest ever cyber scams cold-calling bank customers.

Police said the criminals, who targeted Lloyds and RBS business banking customers, made between £1 million and £2 million a week at its peak and operated like a nine-to-five business.

Police believe they were using information from corrupt insiders. No insiders from within the RBS banking group were discovered, but three Lloyds insiders have been convicted.

Antonio Horta-Osorio is the Portuguese CEO of the British based Lloyds Banking Group and he is closely connected to Spain and the House of Osorio and he is a Spanish knight of the Order of Civil Merit. Antonio Horta-Osorio is a criminal associate of the Galician Mafia which is partly owned by the Spanish House of Osorio. Lloyds is closely working with cyber criminals and Anonymous.


António Mota de Sousa Horta-Osório (born 28 January 1964) is a Portuguese banker, who is the group chief executive (CEO) of Lloyds Banking Group.


Lloyds bank workers who helped a gang of fraudsters to steal millions of pounds from rich customers using a string of impersonators have been jailed.

Bank workers Courtney Ayinbode, 29, Tajinder Galsinh, 35, Molly Jones, 24, and Benjamin Omoregie, 26, were all involved in the “high-level and sophisticated” scam.

The insiders scoured the computer system for dormant accounts holding large sums of money and passed on the details.

They also ordered new bank cards and altered phone numbers and addresses so that imposters could pose as the customers and set up transfers of hundreds of thousands of pounds at a time.

The money was then laundered through a series of bogus companies before being moved offshore to prevent it being recovered.

One victim lost more than £750,000 after a unknown man used a fake driving licence in his name to set up two transfers over three days.


In the summer of 2011, an employee of Lloyds Banking Group based in Scotland emailed three senior colleagues about an ongoing police investigation into an alleged fraud at the bank.

Ms Masterton told the bankers — senior figures in the commercial lending division — how she had been urged by a senior colleague in the high risk unit to shred documents and delete electronic records in an unrelated case involving an HBOS client.

This goes beyond the conduct of middle-ranking and divisional managers. Increasingly under the spotlight is the bank’s highly paid chief executive, António Horta-Osório himself.

The report also warned that right from the moment of the HBOS takeover in January 2009, senior executives at Lloyds had received, and failed to act on, information about the fraud both from customers and from internal investigations that had found evidence of theft and money laundering.

Among those detained was Lynden Scourfield, a former banker at HBOS. As head of the high risk unit in the bank’s Reading branch, Scourfield had overseen the affairs of its struggling small business customers in south-east England. He was arrested on suspicion of conspiring with an external consultant, David Mills, to defraud those same small firms.

She also looked into some of the Reading cases, such as that involving Paul and Nikki Turner, two customers whose music business became insolvent under the influence of Mills and Scourfield.

Despite evidence of theft and money laundering in a 2007 internal HBOS report, Lloyds continued to harass the Turners, seeking to repossess their home no less than 11 times between January 2009 and August 2010, when the judge suspended proceedings pending the conclusion of the fraud prosecution.

Liam Fox is a British war criminal.


Liam Fox (born 22 September 1961) is a British politician serving as Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade since 2016.[2] A member of the Conservative Party, he has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for North Somerset since 2010. Fox was first elected as the MP for Woodspring in 1992. He also served as Secretary of State for Defence from 2010 to 2011.

and Shadow Defence Secretary from 2005 to 2010.

He voted for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

James Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch the co-chairman of NewsCorp and CEO of Fox Corporation. James Murdoch is on the board of directors for NewsCorp.

Rupert Murdoch is worth about 20 billion and is Chairman of Fox Corporation. Rupert Murdoch is a Vatican Knight of the Order of Saint Gregory.


Pope John Paul II has awarded papal knighthood to comedian Bob Hope, news magnate Rupert Murdoch and entertainment executive Roy Disney--all non-Catholics--along with 64 prominent Los Angeles-area Catholics.

Hope, Murdoch and Disney all have Catholic wives, who were named Dames of St. Gregory, the female equivalent of a knighthood.


Fox & Friends is a daily morning conservative[1][2][3][4][5] news/talk program that airs on Fox News Channel, hosted by Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade.


Quakers, also called Friends, are a historically Christian group of religious movements formally known as the Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends or Friends Church.[2]

See Appendix 12 - Part 3 >

22129328? ago

Appendix 12 - Part 1 >

Quakers, Bankers, and Anonymous Hackers

The Fox family are an Anglo-Scot-Irish clan involved with the British Peerage, British government, and the founding of the Quakers. The banks Lloyds and Barclays were founded by Quakers and both have been involved with cyber crimes and money laundering. Jinal Pethad worked for Barclays and was convicted for helping cyber criminals steal and launder millions. Lloyds was involved in enabling money laundering, covering up money laundering, and harassing whistleblowers and customers related to Lloyds subsidiary HBOS and its convicted fraud on customers. Lloyds employees scammed customers and then Lloyds harassed them and tried to "repossess" or rather steal their customers property based on fraud that Lloyds employees committed against them. At a higher level Barclays and Lloyds are financing cyber criminals and members of the group Anonymous which are involved in electronic harassment, criminal spying, cyber theft, censorship which is a crime and violates freedom of speech, and electronic vandalism and that is why there is a pattern of cyber crimes with these banks. Three Lloyds banking insiders were convicted for assisting cyber criminals in stealing over 100 million from customers. The Fox family were founders of Barclays Bank. The Fox family are the Earls of Ilchester in the UK and own large amounts of land. Robin Maurice Fox-Strangways is the 10th Earl of Ilchester and his son is Simon James Fox-Strangways the Lord of Stavordale. Another branch from Cornwall helped to establish the Quakers and were involved with the merchant trades and banking. George Fox established the Quakers or Religious Society of Friends. Catholic is defined as universal and claims to control all Christian denominations including the Quakers. The Fox family are intermarried with the Barclay family who are also Quakers and they co-founded Barclays Bank which has assets estimated at over 1.2 trillion today and headed up by its CEO Jes Staley. The Barclay family were involved in the slave trade and Malcolm Barclay-Harvey was a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Braclays has been involved in money laundering for cyber criminals. David Barclay and Frederick Barclay are relatives of this family and worth about 8 billion. The Barclay brothers own Press Holdings and Telegraph Media Group. The Fox family established Fox, Fowler and Company which was bought by another Quaker bank called Lloyds Bank and Lloyds Banking Group with assets estimated today at over 817 billion. Antonio Osorio is the head of Lloyds. The Massimo family with Prince Carlo Massimo is married to Princess Elisa Osorio. Liam Fox is an influential British politician with an Irish Roman Catholic background from Scotland. Liam Fox is Secretary of State for International Trade, President of the Board of Trade and was previously the Secretary of State for Defence where he supported using military force against Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

The name Fawkes as in Guy Fawkes is pronounced as Fox and Guy Fawkes was really a Fox who changed his name. Guy Fawkes was a leader in the Gunpowder Plot carried out by Vatican agents and Jesuits to overthrow the British government. The fox is considered a clever and cunning animal. There is a red fox on the coat of arms of Enfield a borough in London and there is a high rate of missing black children in that area. The Irish mafia specifically manage the African-American Mafia and the Massimos of Roccasecca are owners of the Irish Mafia. The Italian Mafia and Camorra also have a documented human trafficking ring from Africa into Italy. Today the Cointelpro group called Anonymous wear the Guy Fawkes mask while they censor and cyber stalk people who speak out against Rome as they pretend to be opposed to corruption. They are tricksters and one of the most malicious and evil groups on the internet. Reynard is a character in fables who is a red fox and trickster. Anonymous members refer to themselves as Legion. Roman regiments were called Legions. The Massimo family are the primary owners of the Holy See and are intermarried with the Foxwell family of London. Prince Stefano Massimo married Atalanta Foxwell who descends from British Peers and their son is Prince Valerio Massimo who recently founded an aerospace company called Auctus Industries with the House of Windsor's cousin Edward Spencer Churchill. Prince Valerio and Edward also co-founded SCM Capital an investment company involved in money laundering. The Spencer-Churchill family have connections with the Murdoch family which own Fox News with Matthew Freud marrying Elizabeth Murdoch at the Spencer castle and Freud's ex-wife Caroline married Charles Spencer. Prince Valerio and Duke Edward Spencer-Churchill are extremely evil have been plotting a take over of the Virgin Aerospace companies. Prince Valerio Massimo (Foxwell) specializes in cunningness and trickery like a fox. Rupert Murdoch is a Vatican Knight of the Order of St Gregory, is the owner of Fox News and is worth 20 billion. Fox News promoted the lawless wars in the Mid East by using Christian Crusader ideologies. Fox News had spread lies about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction and hundreds of thousands of people were murdered because of those lies. Fox News is run by Vatican and Templar knights who try to blur Libertarianism with their right wing Fascism. Rupert Murdoch and his sons James and Lachlan are war criminals that need to be executed for their crimes and murders. The Vatican oversees Fox News and uses it for promoting wars and ideologies that serve its interests. The Murdoch family are Scottish and it was Scottish clans that established the Quakers or Society of Friends which covertly practice Freemasonry within their religion. Quakers are often called Friends and Fox News has a show called Fox and Friends.

David Barlcay and his twin brother Frederick Barclay and they are worth about 8 billion as the owners of Press Holdings which owns Telegraph Media Group. They also own the island of Brecqhou in the Channel Islands. They have residences in Monaco for tax avoidance.


Barclays plc (/ˈbɑːrkliz, -leɪz/) is a British multinational investment bank and financial services company, headquartered in London. Apart from investment banking, Barclays is organised into four core businesses: personal banking, corporate banking, wealth management, and investment management.[3]2]

Barclays traces its origins back to 1690 when John Freame, a Quaker, and Thomas Gould started trading as goldsmith bankers in Lombard Street, London. The name "Barclays" became associated with the business in 1736, when Freame's son-in-law James Barclay became a partner.[8]

The Barclay family were connected with slavery, both as proponents and opponents. David and Alexander Barclay were engaged in the slave trade in 1756.[10]

Jes Staley the CEO of Barlcays is an international money launderer working with cyber criminals.

See Appendix 12 - Part 2

22129322? ago

Appendix 11 >

International Secret Intelligence Agency (ISIS)

MI6 also called Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) created and controls the ISIS program which is really International Secret Intelligence Service with intelligence agencies all around the world involved like the CIA headed up by the tormentor Gina Haspel, Mossad headed up by the murderer Yossi Cohen, GID of Saudi Arabia headed up by Khalid bin Ali Al Humaidan, and CNI of Spain headed up by Felix Sanz Roldan. Alex Younger is the head of MI6 and former MI6 head John Sawers works as a corporate international intelligence agent for Macro Advisory Partners. The British Crown established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Treaty of Jeddah and Treaty of Darin. All of the heads of MI6 are knighted by the British Crown because they serve the British royal family. MI6 is leading this criminal ISIS operation and involved with staging terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States. MI6 and the CIA also financed billions of dollars to the Mujahedeen along with the Pakistani intelligence creating Al-Qaeda. The intelligence agencies then carried out 9/11 and disproportionately linked their Al-Qaeda creation with the Taliban and invaded Afghanistan. The CIA and MI6 have been openly cultivating and internationally trafficking Afghani opium which gets processed into heroin. The CIA and MI6 created the same type of Mujahedeen program in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon known as ISIS which is connected with the German-Nazi established Hezbollah. "ISIS" in the Mid East is used for destabilization and conflict as an excuse to bomb Syria for the purpose of controlling Route M5 which leads into Israel. The British Crown established their modernized Israel after seizing the land under the British law of Mandatory Palestine. Aleppo is on Route M5 and they want to control the criminal trafficking networks that lead into Israel. Within Europe and the United States the ISIS program is more artificial and staged. Western intelligence agencies staged the ISIS beheading videos however there are Islamic militant groups that really do behead people in the Mid East. The Nation of Islam, Five Percent Nation, and Muslim Brotherhood are Mujahadeen organizations inside the United States and work with the intelligence agencies.

The Belgian royal family were exposed for their tax schemes on the United States so MI6 staged the Brussels Bombings as an excuse to increase security for the Belgian royal family and their corrupt bankers. Jaak Raes is the head of the Belgian VSSE intelligence agency and was involved in the staged Brussels Bombings. The Treaty of London established the Kingdom of Belgium and appointed the House of Windsor's cousins the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha family as the head of Belgium. The 1871 District of Columbia Organic Act established Washington DC as a municipal corporate state based on debts owed to foreign entities like the Kingdom of Belgium, Irish government, and Hudson's Bay Company. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel Switzerland is in contract with the US government and most central banks around the world through fraudulent tax contracts like continuations of the Belgian Scheldt Dues and siphons off wealth. The money is then transferred and laundered into private Swiss bank accounts. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is married into the Belgian royal family and has worked as a banker in Rome, Paris, and London. Prince Lorenz of Belgium is a managing partner for Gutzwiller Bank which is located in Basel Switzerland right near the Bank for International Settlements and he is managing the private accounts of the royal and noble families of Europe who are stealing from the central banks. Once this was all exposed MI6 staged the ISIS bombings in Brussels as reason to increase security for the royal family and their bankers. The House of Windsor are controlling MI6 or SIS which is headed up by the wicked British Knight of the Order of St. Michael and St. George Alex Younger. An Islamic US Marine and human trafficker in the New Haven region named Alex Alvarez works for MI6 through Yale's Skull and Bones and he is an Islamic terrorist involved in assassinations, threats, and human trafficking. MI6 commands CIA agents through British Crown universities like Yale and Harvard. Former CIA director Mike Pompeo serves Alex Younger through his Harvard education. Former CIA director Porter Goss, former deputy director David Cohen, and General Counsel for the CIA Courtney Simmons Elwood serve MI6 through their education from Yale.

Alex Younger is the ruthless and diabolical head of MI6

Jaak Raes is the head of the Belgian VSSE intelligence agency and he staged the Brussels Bombings in 2016 with MI6.


On the morning of 22 March 2016, three coordinated suicide bombings occurred in Belgium: two at Brussels Airport in Zaventem, and one at Maalbeek metro station in central Brussels.[10] Thirty-two civilians and three perpetrators were killed, and more than 300 people were injured. Another bomb was found during a search of the airport. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attacks.[11]

Yossi Cohen the head of Mossad is a ruthless terrorist and child murderer.


Revealed: the Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces

More children than Palestinian fighters are being killed in the offensive on Gaza. The name, age, sex and location of 132 of the 155 Palestinian children killed have been collected by the Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights

Felix Sanz Roldan the head of Spanish CNI intelligence agency.


2017 Barcelona attacks

On the afternoon of 17 August 2017, 22-year-old Younes Abouyaaqoub drove a van into pedestrians on La Rambla in Barcelona, Spain, killing 13 people and injuring at least 130 others, one of whom died 10 days later on 27 August. Abouyaaqoub fled the attack on foot, then killed another person in order to steal the victim's car to make his escape.[4][5][6]

Alex Alvarez is an Islamic US Marine who works with IEDs or Improvised Explosive Devices and he is involved in a human trafficking operation under the Skull and Bones paramilitary headed up by the Bush family. Associates of his have threatened to "blow me up." Alex Alvarez works with paramilitary gang stalkers and hit men and defends the New Haven human trafficking operation. George HW Bush was a British Crown knight. The Bush family have a close alliance with the Spanish House of Bourbon and the Alvarez family are a nobility in Spain. Alex Alvarez is basically a member of ISIS. Alex Alvarez should be treated as a member of ISIS and immediately executed.

END Appendix 11

22129314? ago

Appendix 10 - Part 2 >

Torquhil Campbell the 13th Duke of Argyll is a high level Scottish noble and his family the Campbells founded Coutts which is a private bank located in London with 34 billion in assets. Coutts is the primary private bank the British nobles use for money laundering and tax evasion. There are numerous politicians in the UK and US that have been Campbells including a Prime Minister of the UK. Campbells Soup Company was created by this family and has 6 billion in assets. George Campbell the 6th Duke of Argyll was a 19th century Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Charles Petty-Fitzmaurice the 9th Marquess of Lansdowne is a member of the House of Lords and Lansdowne is a name of the town in India named after his ancestor Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice the 5th Marquess of Lansdowne who was a Viceroy of India. William Legge the 10th Earl of Dartmouth is a British politician and member of European Parliament and member of the EU Committee on International Trade. The Crown chartered Dartmouth College located in New Hampshire is named after his ancestor William Legge the 2nd Earl of Dartmouth who supported and financed Eleazor Wheelock who later created Dartmouth College. The Churchill Downs located in Louisville, Kentucky gets its named from the Churchill Peerage with James Spencer-Churchill the 12th Duke of Marlborough, George Spencer-Churchill the Marquess of Blandford and Duke Edward Spencer-Churchill as current members. James Spencer-Churchill is a convicted criminal that forged prescriptions and was also charged with vandalism. The Churchill family established a branch in Kentucky and they financed Colonel Lewis Clark Jr with the land and this is where the Kentucky Derby is located. They rig horseraces for bets. Derby gets its name from the Epsom Derby in England named after Edward Smith-Stanley the 12th Earl of Derby. Today Edward Stanley the 19th Earl of Derby is the head of the Derby Peerage and the Stanleys which have been Barons of Strange covertly manage the Freemasonic Oddfellow Order. Charles Gordon-Lennox the 10th Duke of Richmond was a powerful member of the Scottish-British Peerage and was on the committe of the World Council of Churches. Richmond Virginia is named after his Dukedom. His son Charles Gordon-Lennox is now the head of this family and married with the wealthy Astor family of bankers. The Gordon family own the Goodwood House and estate. The 11th Duke of Richmond is the President of the British Automobile Racing Club and they covertly oversee NASCAR which is involved in rigging races for bets. The Gordons produced a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The Gordon-Lennox family of Richmond are very high level within the peerage. Alexander Gordon the 7th Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair is a high level British-Scottish noble and his agents created the investment company Standard Life Aberdeen based in Scotland and run by the British knight Douglas Flint. The founding father and Freemason Alexander Hamilton who had Scottish ancestry was from the Hamilton Peerage of Scotland which is today headed by James Hamilton the 5th Duke of Abercorn and Alexander Douglas-Hamilton the 16th Duke of Hamilton. The nobility in the United Kingdom oversee territories in the United States through masonic lodges. All the heads of peerages are Freemasons. Masonic grand masters are like covert barons and dukes overseeing towns, cities, and regions. Freemasonry needs to be outlawed. Freemasons serve the British Crown and are a criminal organization.

Torquhil Campbell the 13th Duke of Argyll is a high level Scottish noble and his family the Campbells founded Coutts with John Campbell which is a private bank located in London with 34 billion in assets. The Campbells married with the Middletons which also ran and partly own Coutts bank. The Middletons are currently married with the British royal family. Coutts is the primary private bank the British nobles use for money laundering and tax evasion. There are numerous politicians in the UK and US that have been Campbells including a Prime Minister of the UK. William Middleton Campbell was a former Governor of the Bank of England in the early 20th century. Campbells Soup Company was created by this family and has 6 billion in assets. George Campbell the 6th Duke of Argyll was a 19th century Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The name Campbell means "Crooked Mouth" which refers to lying. Freemasons are trained liars. Camp is an ancient Greek word for Crooked and gave the name to Campania, Italy where the mafia have a large headquarters. Gamb is a variant of Camp and also means crooked. That is where the term crooks derives from. The Campbells have a covert alliance with the Gambinos and Gottis. There have been many Campbells involved with politics and government in the United States and especially involved with the judicial system. The actor Bruce Campbell is a high level Freemason. Alastair Campbell was the Director of Communications for Tony Blair. The Campbells had an alliance with the German Hanovers which ruled the British monarchy. The Hanovers are a Gothic bloodline. The Campbells are an ancient Gothic bloodline and have a Gothic style castle in Scotland. The Campbells established 19 noble baron branches and they have hundreds of family agents infiltrated into society.

Charles Gordon-Lennox the 11th Duke of Richmond

Alexander Gordon the 7th Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair

William Legge the 10th Earl of Dartmouth

Edward Fitzalan-Howard the 18th Duke of Norfolk.

David Brudenell-Bruce the Earl of Cardigan

James Spencer-Churchill the 12th Duke of Marlborough

Simon Bowes-Lyon the 19th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne

Henry Fitzroy the 12th Duke of Grafton

Charles Wellesley the 9th Duke of Wellington

George Mountbatten the 4th Marquess of Milford Haven and his wife Marchioness Clare.

Edward Stanley the 19th Earl of Derby and his wife Countess Caroline.

Henry Somerset the 12th Duke of Beaufort

END Appendix Part 10

22129305? ago

Appendix 10 - Part 1 >

Masonic Mafia

The United Kingdom is operating as a proxy government for the House of Windsor and their Scottish-British noble peerages like the Mountbattens, Howards, Gordons, Bowes-Lyon, Spencers, Wellesleys, and Campbells. All heads of the English-Scottish peerages are all equal to and above grand masters and they covertly manage lodges all over the world. The Peerage in the United Kingdom are politicians, major landowners, merchants, bankers, and all around the dominating members in British society. Simon Bowes-Lyon the 19th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne is a high level noble. The Bowes-Lyon family covertly manage the Court of the Lord Lyon which regulates all Scottish nobilities and is headed up by Joseph Morrow the Lord Lyon King of Arms and former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England. The The blood appointed monarch from the British royal family appoints and authorizes the Prime Minister who manages Her Majesty's Government. Candidates running in government elections are preselected on both sides and the House of Windsor and their noble peers use their control over the media to influence the election the way they desire. The monarch is the Commander-In-Chief of the British Armed Forces, and has the final authority to veto bills or approve them into law. The British Monarch is not subject to any laws which is stated in the Royal Prerogative. The British Prime Minister is just a front for the royal family to hide behind. The British Monarch has greater authority than a president and they are not elected and instead they are appointed by blood. A constitutional monarch has greater authority than a president through heritage, wealth, and from a lack of political competitors. The Parliament is a proxy system with the monarch as the highest position of authority. The Queen uses privy (secret) councils made up of top politicians, bankers, merchants, and officials and they manage the system in service to the monarch. Media and education promote the idea that modern constitutional monarchies like the British Crown are mostly ceremonially and that is a complete lie. The British royal family established BBC through a Royal Charter. The British noble George Howard the Baron Howard of Henderskelfe was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the BBC. Constitutional monarchies are basically absolute monarchies reformatted to create a layer of deception and protection for the monarch. They used rigged laws and charters as veils to conceal and adapt their continual corruption and tyranny. George Mountbatten the 4th Marquess of Milford Haven is closely related to the House of Windsor and the Mountbattens are a top British noble family. The Mountbattens also have ancestry from the German House of Hesse and male members of the British royal family like Prince Harry take the name Mountbatten. The Mountbattens are part owners of the Aryan Brotherhood. The British nobles are involved with managing, financing, and profiting from the Dixie Mafia, biker gangs, white prison gangs, black prison gangs, and corporate crime.

The Peerage or nobility of the United Kingdom are still running Parliament with an allowed 92 hereditary peers that can serve in the House of Lords. The British Peers are often granted Freeman of the City of London enabling them to do business at the ancient City of London Corporation which is connected to every major industry in society. Guy Innes-Ker the 10th Duke of Roxburghe is a London Freeman for the Company of Fishmongers and he oversees the fishing industry in the UK and the US. Edward Fitzalan-Howard the 18th Duke of Norfolk is a high level British and Roman Catholic noble that owns his large home and estate Carlton Towers. They reside in Yorkshire and are covert managers of York Rite Freemasonry. Edward's father was a high level British knight and member of the British military. The name Howard means High Guard. Alan Howard is a British-American Jewish billionaire that lives in London and he co-founded Brevan Howard which has 18 billion in managed assets. Brevan Howard is headquartered in Jersey however its funds are located in the Cayman Islands and Cayman is known for its involvement in money laundering and tax evasion. The Howards have married with the Gaetani papal and noble family of Italy and this large family also owns Howard Castle. Michael Brudenell-Bruce the 8th Marquess of Ailesbury is director of the investment bank Fiske plc which is chartered from the City of London Corporation. His son is David Brudenell-Bruce the Earl of Cardigan. Many names of universities, counties, and towns used in the United States derive from the British Peerage and their territories. Henry Fitzroy the 12th Duke of Grafton is a British noble related to the British royal family and related to the Schuyler and Van Cortlandt families which are Dutch-American settlers involved in British loyalism, American landownership and US politics. There are about 2 dozen towns named Grafton in the United States. George William Eustace Boteler Irby the 11th Baron Boston is the head of the Barons of Boston today and has a portion of oversight in Boston Massachusetts. Families who name these places and institutions have oversight and authority over them. They use the thousands of Freemasonic lodges in the United States which are under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England, Grand Lodge of Scotland, and Grand Lodge of Ireland as their control networks. James Graham the 8th Duke of Montrose and Charles Wellesley the 9th Duke of Wellington are members of nobility and politicians in the United Kingdom today. Wellington Management Company which has 1 trillion in assets is named after the 1st Duke of Wellington. Charles Wellesley is a high level merchant-banker with authority over the City of London Corporation. The Peers also own large amounts of properties as if they are feudal landowners. Quentin Wallop the 10th Earl of Portsmouth was Director of Grainger plc a residential property company. Henry Somerset the 12th Duke of Beaufort is a high level British peer and a part owenr of the Dixie Mafia. There are numerous towns in the US named Beaufort and Worcester which is another title of this family. Many peers own and manage public housing, social housing, and council estates in the United Kingdom. The peers own their own large personal estates. Also from their former dukedoms and current control over government they establish low income housing which they manage. It is just an evolution of old feudalism disguised under new laws and contracts.

See Appendix 10 - Part 2 >

22129298? ago

Appendix 9 >

Masonic Jesters

The Royal Order of Jesters is a Masonic division of the Shriners and headed up by the Furstenberg family of Germany and the Colonna family of Rome. The Furstenbergs have a jester on their coat of arms and they really descend from the Bosonid dynasty and Boso the Elder. The word bozo means a fool. The Rothschilds are also related to the Bosonids with Richilde of Providence who married with the Bosonids. The Rothschilds manage some Jewish comedians. The Shriners are also known as the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. As a European Masonic Order it is Arabic in relation to the Moorish invasion of Europe. The Furstenberg family have a Jester on their coat of arms and have a broad range of influence in politics, banking, and corporations. Court Jesters were used by royalty in medieval times and this still continues today. The headquarters of the Royal Order of Jesters is in Hawaii where Barack Obama is from. Barack Obama is a Masonic Jester trained in arrogant mockery. Obama made jokes about using drones to kill the Jonas Brothers. The US military uses drones to bomb what they claim are terrorists in the Middle East and admit that they also kill civilians during these attacks. Jesters specialize in mocking the truth and making jokes to deflect away from serious issues. Some Jesters are extremely malicious and specialize in terrorism, trickery, and threats and this type can be seen in entertainment like the Joker in Batman. Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope of Insane Clown Posse are examples of sadistic Jesters and they have a large cult following known as Juggalos with a portion of them part of violent street gangs also called Juggalos. Juggalo gang members are insane blood intoxicated terrorists known for carrying out violent attacks and murder. Jim Carrey is a high level Court Jester in Hollywood and mocks people who expose the Illuminati. Jerry Seinfeld is a high level member of the Order of Jesters. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is likely a female associate of the Jesters and also one of the highest level witches in the United States. Adam Sandler and Kevin James are members of the Royal Order of Jesters and they are evil and depraved. Prince Urbano Riario Sforza Barberini Colonna di Sciarra is an Italian comedian and he oversees the comedic aspect of the Order of Jesters. Jesters are the nature of joyful wickedness. They get joy from terrorizing, humiliating, and torturing people. The Order of Jesters is all about psychological warfare.

The Colbert family were a lower French nobility with Jean-Baptiste Colbert a Minister of Finance in France. Stephen Colbert is has been made the Crowned Jester in the United States and he is a major gatekeeper using comedy to distract from the serious issues and political corruption. Colbert is extremely arrogant. The news media even considers him to be a legitimate member of the news media. The French House of Colbert use a serpent on their coat of arms and that is exactly the nature of Stephen Colbert. Colbert gets paid very well to consciously spread disinformation and lies backed up by comedy to distract society away from criminals that are attempting a full takeover of society. Jesters also operate as an online cult that cyber stalk people exposing criminals and they use mockery to do it. Seth Rogen is a Jewish Joker and he works with the other unfunny Jewish-Kabbalistic comedians including Jonah Hill, James Franco, and Jay Baruchel. They are all very evil and involved with cannibalism, blood drinking, and pedophilia. Unfunny Jewish comedians have a monopoly on comedy because they are from Kabbalistic bloodlines. Seth MacFarlane is a high level Jester who subtly mixes comedy with sadism and evil. Alex Jones was even initiated by the Royal Order of Jesters and did a show as the joker. Alex Jones often acts like a fool which is used to discredit people who speak out against corruption. An FBI report right off the FBI’s website details John Trowbridge as a member of the New York Buffalo’s chapter of the Royal Order of Jesters and he was involved with transporting prostitutes to a Kentucky Jester Lodge and there were also admitted fellow Jesters also involved. Secret societies like Freemasonry and the Order of Jesters are involved with sex slavery, pedophilia, human sacrifice, and a multitude of depravity which is part of their real initiations. These comedians are also pedophiles. They use initiations like this to incorporate others into corruption and so they can blackmail members if they try to leave or expose these groups. The most common practice among these Jesters is pedophilia and the consumption of adrenochrome and adrenaline filled human blood and then terrorizing people like sadistic clowns. It is called the Royal Order of Jesters because it is controlled by the royal families. Prince Heinrich of Furstenberg and Prince Alexander of Furstenberg are the top managers of the Royal Order of Jesters and they oversee the sadistic and terroristic aspect of the Order of Jesters.

END Appendix 9

22129292? ago

Appendix 8 >

Brewers and Bankers of Ireland

The Guinness family are a powerful Anglo-Irish bloodline equal to royalty. They partly own the Guinness beer company, were members of the UK Parliament, and also bankers that established Guinness Mahon Bank which they later sold. The Guinness brewing business was involved in rigging the stock market known as the Guinness share-trading fraud however only executives were arrested and not the family owners. J Rothschild Holdings was involved with this insider trading but were not charged with any crimes. Their Guinness Mahon Cayman Trust laundered profits for drug dealers. The Guinness family have intermarried with the Furstenberg and Rothschild families and do business with the British Rothschild branch. They also married with the House of Hohenzollern and Patrick Guinness inherited their Swiss titles of Count of Neuchatel. Jonathan Guinness is a British Peer and worked as a banker. Patrick Guinness is involved in blood trafficking like many distillers connected with royalty. Some of these Irish clans are working with both the Catholic Vatican and Protestant British Crown. Members of the Guinness family include Arthur Edward Rory Guinness the 4th Earl of Iveagh who is officially worth over 1 billion, Kenelm Edward Lee Guinness the 5th Baron of Ashford, Sir John Ralph Sidney Guinness, the very evil Desmond Guinness, Jonathan Guinness the 3rd Baron of Moyne, Daphne Guinness, Aster Guinness, Hugo Guinness Valentine Guinness and his ex wife and witch Lulu Guinness who is insanely evil, as well as Tom Guinness. Valentine Guinness is a ruthless psychopath that sends me constant death threats. Baron Ken Maginnis of Drumglass is a British politician, baron, and former soldier. The Guinness family branched off from the Maginnis clan. The Guinness family claim to be related to the McCartan family. A ruthless and sadistic gang stalker named Alison-McCarthy Senatro works for the Guinness family and she sacrificed her ex boyfriend and Alison McCarthy-Senatro claims burning children alive is a "paradise." The Guinness Partnership founded by Edward Guinness the 1st Earl of Iveagh is a subsidized housing company that owns 65,000 homes in England. This is modernized form of feudalism. Wealthy families conspire together to monopolize wealth, land, and industry and then provide small homes for the people they are oppressing and call it charity. The right thing to do is to lock up these criminals and seize their monopolized wealth and assets obtained through fraudulency to be distributed among the people they are oppressing.

The Hennessy family is an influential Irish bloodline involved in banking and brewing. The banker Edward L Hennessy Jr. was a financial adviser for the Vatican, Roman Knight of Malta, Papal Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre, and a Papal Knight of St Gregory. Edward Hennessy Jr was also the director of Lockheed Martin, Traveler’s Insurance Company, New York Stock Exchange, Union Texas Petroleum Corporation, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the United States Export and Import Bank. John Leroy Hennessy is called the "Godfather of Silicon Valley" and has been a board member for Google, Cisco Systems, and Atheros Communications. He was president of Stanford University and still has authority at Stanford which oversees most major tech companies in Silicon Valley. A gang stalker named Derek Warriner works for these Irish bloodlines and he like a member of the IRA. He creates homemade explosives and he has sent me about a thousand death threats since Whitey Bulger died. Matthew Hennessy is an Irish computer scientist involved with coding. John Pope Hennessy was an Irish-British politician who was the Governor of Hong Kong during British rule. The Hennessy family own Jas Hennessy & Co the largest producer of Cognac in the world. They merged their Cognac business with Moet et Chandon champagne and created Moet Hennessy and Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton which is ran by Bernard Arnault who is worth about 37 billion. Bernard Arnault does business in London and with Diageo which partly owns LVMH and Hennessy and produces Guinness from London. Bernad Arnault is a Knight of the British Empire so he can do business in London. Jean Hennessy was a French politician descended from the branch that created Hennessy Cognac and also part of a French political dynasty. Jean Hennessy appears to be the father of Kilian Hennessy who merged Hennessy with Moot et Chandon champagne. Patrick Hennessy ran Ford Motor Company in London for decades. John Hennessey created the well known Hennessey Performance Engineering in Texas.

The Bailey Family are another Anglo-Irish bloodline involved in British banking as well as a political family in the United States and United Kingdom. The Bailey family are British Peers as the Barons of Glanusk. Andrew John Bailey has been Chief Cashier at the Bank of England and is currently Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority. Alan Bailey is a Knight of the Order of the Bath and worked for Her Majesty's Treasury. Alice Bailey was an occultist and developer of the New Age religion as well as the co-founder along with her husband Foster Bailey of Lucifer Publishing Company later renamed Lucis Trust. Lucis Trust finances occultic teachings. They are also financing Luciferian cults fronted as "seminars" around the world and have operations in the United Kingdom, United States, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. They organize and finance gang stalking and human sacrifices. There is an extremely evil and ruthless child murdering satanic witch in my region named Jamie Cahill-Bailey and she is married into this family. Jamie Cahill-Bailey has tortured, murdered, and cannibalized children. She has burned children alive. She has cannibalized children and kept them alive so they can watch her cannibalize them. That is how evil she is. There are dozens of British and American politicians with the name Bailey through out the centuries. Bailey's Irish Cream is a popular cream liqueur owned by Diageo which was partly created and owned by Guinness. Bailey's Irish Cream is named after the Bailey's Hotel and its owner James Bailey. Mansfield Brewery was an English brewery established by William Edward Baily and was bought by Marston's Brewery which has over 1700 pubs in the UK with yearly profits of over 20 million. Anthony Bailey is a delegate for the Bourbon-Two Sicilies Constantinian Military Order of Saint George, Knight of the British Empire, and Vatican Knight. Anthony Bailey works in public relations, politics, and charities and his wife Marie-Therese von Hohenberg is of Austrian nobility. Thomas H. Bailey who is worth over 1 billion founded Janus Capital Group which is now Janus Henderson operating from the City of London headed up by the British knight Richard Gillingwater with manage assets at over 300 billion.

Desmond Guinness

Patrick Guinness on the left.

Baron Jonathan Guinness with Daphne Guinness

Arthur Edward Rory Guinness the 4th Earl of Iveagh

Hugo Guinness

Daphne Guinness with Edward Spencer-Churchill

Valentine Guinness with his ex-wife Lulu Guinness

Edward Hennessey Jr.

John Hennessey

Anthony Bailey

Jamie Cahill-Bailey is a psychotic and extremely murderous witch obsessed with burning children alive and obsessed with dung and turning children and genitals into dung. Witches that murder children need to be executed.

END Appendix 8

22129283? ago

Appendix 7 - Part 3 >


Montagu, one of the best-known names in the City, is being brought back into service after a management buyout of HSBC Private Equity.

The business, which has Eu1 billion (£625m) of investments, will be renamed Montagu Private Equity. The division operated under the Montagu brand name, which dates back to 1853, between 1994 and 1996.

HSBC, which acquired the rights to the name in 1992 when it bought Midland Bank, last used Montagu as a brand in October 2000. A spokesman declined to comment on how much the private equity team had paid.


Samuel Montagu & Co. was a British merchant bank founded by Samuel Montagu in 1853.

Today, Samuel Montagu & Co. forms part of the private banking service of HSBC. The name was last used by HSBC in 2000. In 2003, HSBC spun off its private equity business, which took the name Montagu Private Equity.[4]

The Duke of Buccleuch owns Drumlanrig Castle as well as 3 other castles in England and Scotland.

Ralph Douglas-Scott-Montagu the 4th Baron Montagu of Beaulieu is a high level Scottish noble and a demonic sex wizard and pedophile. The Montagus and Percys are top members of the Cult of Neptune. They were the Earls of Halifax which gave the name to Halifax in Canada where there was the Halifax Explosion which caused a tidal wave. The Montagus caused the explosion which killed 2000 people as a mass human sacrifice.


Charles Montagu, 1st earl of Halifax, also called (1700–14) Baron Halifax Of Halifax, (born April 16, 1661, Horton, Northamptonshire, Eng.—died May 19, 1715, London), Whig statesman, a financial genius who created several of the key elements of England’s system of public finance.

With another set of loans he established the Bank of England in 1694. Shortly thereafter he became chancellor of the Exchequer and a member of the small group of Whig leaders known as the Junto.


Halifax Explosion: The accidental blast that killed 2,000 people a century ago

This is the incredible and horrifying story of the Halifax Explosion: the largest human-made, non-nuclear blast in history.

The resulting shockwave instantly killed more than 1,000 people, threw a cargo ship like a bath toy and created a 50-foot-tall tidal wave.

The Montagus of Beaulieu own Beaulieu Palace

Alexander Montagu the 13th Duke of Manchester is an Australian born British noble and convicted criminal who has been arrested in the United States for burglary and making false police reports. The mercenary company Sharp End International is based in Australia. Montagu derives from Mont-acute which means mountain sharp or sharp mountain. The Percys and Montagus are the covert owners of Sharp End and use this criminal private military for human trafficking.


The Australian-born 13th Duke of Manchester will remain jailed in Las Vegas at least until next month following his arrest on suspicion of burglary and making a false police report.

Montagu-Manchester says he has Australian and British citizenship but has lived in the US as a permanent resident since the mid-60s. The Duke of Manchester title dates back 950 years.


The titles Baron Montacute or Baron Montagu were created three and two times respectively in the Peerage of England for members of the Noble House of Montagu. The family name was Latinised to de Monte Acuto, meaning "from the sharp mountain"; the French form is an ancient spelling of mont aigu, with identical meaning.[2]


Sharp End International is an Australian-owned private military company (PMC) that trained government and corporate entities. They offer services in Foreign internal defense (FID) to train companies working in a foreign environment. They follow the standards of the Project Management Institute (PMI). The company utilises many Australian and New Zealand ex-special forces instructors, however their cadre includes specialists from all over the globe.


Sharp End delivers security and protection solutions to Governments and private corporations worldwide. The company integrates security solutions to obtain success for its clients. Key services provided include:

Assessment and analysis;

Technical surveillance countermeasures;

Tactical training;

Full-scale security;

Medical and Trauma training;

Protection operations and life support services to enable you to create and sustain a secure operational environment.

Travis Fimmel is a ruthless devil and is their Vicar of Odysseus. Odysseus traveled the seas like the name Travis is like Travel. Odysseus like odd. He is odd. Travis Fimmel is an Australian actor that was the main character in the show Vikings. In the show he was killed by the King of Northumbria based on the actual King of Northumbria the predecessor of the Duke of Northumberland. In the show he strangles an Asian woman to death. Travis Fimmel literally abuses and rapes women. Travis Fimmel literally makes human sacrifices in the deserts in Australia and has burned people alive. Travis Fimmel is ruthless and sadistic.

END Appendix 7

22129278? ago

Appendix 7 - Part 2 >

George Percy the Earl of Percy is the son of Duke Ralph Percy. George Percy is the CEO of Hotspur Geothermal an energy company and he does business in the Middle East. George Percy was educated at the University of Damascus and speaks Arabic. George Percy dated Pippa Middleton. Coutts private bank was founded by the Scottish Campbells and the Middletons.

Interior of the Syon House in London which is owned by the Percys. They also own Syon Park which has a statue of Hermes in its pond. The Percys are extremely wealthy.

George Percy with Pippa Middleton.

Coutts & Co. is a private bank in England founded by the Scottish Campbells and their relatives the Middletons who were partners and are part owners of this private bank. Coutts is where many of the British and Scottish nobles conceal their wealth.


We have a rich and colourful history spanning more than 300 years – underpinning our values and making Coutts who we are today.

George Middleton was heavily involved with the affairs of the French financier, John Law. Combined with the bursting of the South Sea and Mississippi bubbles in 1720, this involvement resulted in the ceasing of Middleton’s payment for three years. In 1727, George Campbell, the founder’s younger son, joined Middleton before welcoming a third partner, David Bruce, to the bank in 1744. The goldsmith practice had declined since the 1720s, so when Middleton died in 1747, the surviving partners called themselves simply 'Bankers of 59 Strand', the bank’s home since 1739.

Max Percy is a son of Duke Ralph Percy. The Percy, Montagu, and Norman families claim to be Normans which are supposed to be Nordics. Normans are not really Nordics and are Scythian Alanis that settled in France and mixed with actual Nordics. The Percys frequently take the name Alan because they are Alani.


The Alans (Latin: Alani) were an Iranian nomadic pastoral people of antiquity.[1][2][3][4][5]

The name Alan is an Iranian dialectical form of Aryan.[1][2] Possibly related to the Massagetae

A portion of the western Alans joined the Vandals and the Suebi in their invasion of Roman Gaul. Gregory of Tours mentions in his Liber historiae Francorum ("Book of Frankish History") that the Alan king Respendial saved the day for the Vandals in an armed encounter with the Franks at the crossing of the Rhine on December 31, 406). According to Gregory, another group of Alans, led by Goar, crossed the Rhine at the same time, but immediately joined the Romans and settled in Gaul.


Alan de Percy, 2nd feudal baron of Topcliffe (d. circa 1130/5)[4]

Alan Percy (c. 1480 – 1560), son of the 4th Earl, English churchman and academic

Anne FitzAlan, Countess of Arundel (1485–1552), daughter of the 4th Earl

Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland (see below)

Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland (1880–1930)

Henry George Alan Percy, 9th Duke of Northumberland (1912–1940), killed in World War II

Henry Alan Walter Richard Percy, 11th Duke of Northumberland (1953–1995)

Alnwick Castle is owned by the Percy family and it was used in the Harry Potter movies. Harry Potter is used for initiating children into the occult. The Percys are officially worth about a half of billion however they have concealed wealth and they are probably worth several billion.

Prince Richard of Windsor the Duke of Gloucester with his wife Princess Birgitte. Prince Richard is a member of the House of Windsor and his mother was Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-Scott. Prince Richrd oversees the Montagu, Douglas, and Scott bloodlines.


Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, KG, GCVO, GCStJ (Richard Alexander Walter George; born 26 August 1944) is the youngest grandchild of King George V and Queen Mary. He practised as an architect until the death of his elder brother placed him in direct line to inherit his father's dukedom of Gloucester, which he inherited, as the second duke, in 1974. He is a paternal cousin of Queen Elizabeth II

Prince Richard was born at St. Matthew's Nursing Home in Northampton on 26 August 1944.[1] His father was Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, the third son of George V and Queen Mary. His mother was Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester (née Lady Alice Montagu Douglas Scott), a daughter of the 7th Duke of Buccleuch and Lady Margaret Bridgeman.

His Royal Highness Prince Richard Alexander Walter George, Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Ulster and Baron Culloden, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order, Grand Prior of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem.

Alexander Windsor the Earl of Ulster is a militant commander of gang stalkers and he is extremely evil and he needs to be hunted down and executed.


Major Alexander Patrick Gregers Richard Windsor, Earl of Ulster (born 24 October 1974) is a former British Army officer. He is the only son of Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester.

As heir apparent to the dukedom of Gloucester, he is accorded the courtesy title Earl of Ulster, but is commonly known as Alex Ulster.[1]

Richard Walter John Montagu-Douglas-Scott the 10th Duke of Buccleuch owns 4 castles, 280,000 acres of land in Scotland as the largest landowner in Scotland and he is the Chief of the Scott clan. Scotland is named after the Scott clan. The Scott clan established an Italian branch called the Scottis and Marescottis which merged with the Ruspolis. The Duke of Beccleuch is a Trustee for the British Crown's Royal Collection. The Duke of Buccleuch is secretly worth billions.

See Appendix 7 - Part 3 >

22129272? ago

Appendix 7 - Part 1 >

Montagu Banking Cartel and Percy Mercenaries

The Montagu family are British Peers with dukedoms all over the United Kingdom. The family is also deeply involved in merchant banking and are strong supporters of British-Zionism. They were the founders of the Bank of England. They have married with and work closely with the Percys as well as the Scott, Douglas, and Hamilton families of Scotland and England. The Percy family have frequently married with the Montagus and they are headed up by Duke Ralph Percy the 12th Duke of Northumberland, Jane Percy the Duchess of Northumberland, George Percy, Katie Percy, Melissa Percy, and Max Percy. Duke Ralph Percy's mother was a Montagu. The Percys are an extremely evil family and they specialize in military and sexual sadistic mind control. They murder people as human sacrifices. They are extreme sexual sadists. The Percys are covert leaders of the Royal Ark Mariner Freemasons a degree used in various Masonic lodges. Algeron Percy the 6h Duke of Percy worked directly for the Board of Admiralty of the Royal Navy. They established an American branch founded by Thomas George Percy and he established their plantation called Trail Lake. LeRoy Percy was a politician in Mississippi and slave owner and his descendant was Walker Percy. Barbara Pierce Bush was from the Percy clan and Walker Percy took the name Walker for his family's marriage with the Walker family which were slave traders and that family also married with the Bush family. Walker Percy's father was Leroy Pope Percy and his ancestor was Leroy Pope Walker. Their ancient name was Pierce-Eye. The Percys are demonic sex wizards and they own Alnwick Castle where various movies were filmed including Harry Potter. The Percys own Syon House in London as well. On the Montagu's Buccleuch coat of arms they use the six pointed star which is a common symbol for Zionism. Their various family branches own estates and palaces all over the United Kingdom. HSBC recently incorporated Samuel Montagu & Co. into their multi billion dollar private equity firm later reestablished as Montagu Private Equity which manages about 5 billion in assets. The Montagus are married with the Jewish Dreyfus family with Francoise Christiane Dreyfus-Montagu the Baroness Swaythling married to David Charles Samuel Montagu the 4th Baron Swaythling who died in 1998. The Dreyfus family own a major merchant corporation and various banks all over the world including a private bank in Switzerland. The Montagu Barons of Beaulieu have at least billions concealed in private Swiss banks and likely control over tens of billions. The Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland was established by London Bankers and Nazi businessmen like Baron Montagu Norman the former Governor of the Bank of England and his friend Hjalmar Schacht who was a Nazi associate and a banker. Both Baron Montagu Norman and Hjalmar Schacht were original members of the Bank for International Settlements. Baron Montagu Norman takes the first name Montagu for his ancestor Edward Montagu the 1st Baron Montagu of Boughton. The Bank for International Settlements is involved in tax schemes on the nations through its contracts with central banks. Charles Montagu the 1st Earl of Halifax worked at the Crown's Treasury and he developed the Bank of England which is located at the City of London Corporation and he then became the Chancellor of the Exchequer or head of the Crown Treasury. The Montagus are top international bankers. Edwin Samuel Montagu was Secretary of State in India under the British Empire.

The Montagu family are an old Italian-Norman nobility that settled in France before becoming British Peers around 1149 and further gained baronages through serving the Roman Catholic Edward III of England under Baron Simon de Montagu. William de Montagu the 2nd Earl of Salisbury was a co-founder of the Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter are the continuation of the Knights Templar of London and they manage the City of London Corporation. The Knights Templar were the original Zionists. The name Montagu derives from the Latin words Mont for mountain and Acuto for sharp and takes the name from Mount Acuto in Umbria, Italy. The Montagus and Percys control Sharp End International a private military company based in Australia which are covertly involved in human trafficking and contract killing. The Montagus have residences in Australia with Alexander Montagu being born there. The murderous actor Travis Fimmel is from Australia and is an agent of the Percys and Montagus. He was in the show Vikings which included the Percy's ancestral Kingdom of Northumbria which killed Travis Fimmel's character in the show. Travis Fimmel is really evil and murders people as human sacrifices. He is psychotic. Families from Umbria like the House of Baglioni often did business in both Venice and Florence as Umbria is located in the middle. Mont Acuto also established the name of a commune in France called Mont Aigu where the Montagu family first became established. The Montagu family has intermarried with the Percy family of Northumberland and the Norman family are a proxy for them. The Montagu, Percy, and Norman families all have Norman ancestry and are working together. The Percy family came into England in the 11th century after the Norman Conquest. Normans were really Alanis of Scythia and not Nordics. They are imposters. This is why many members of the Percy family take the name Alan including Duke Ralph Percy's dead brother Henry Alan Walter Richard Percy, his grandfather Alan Percy the 8th Duke of Northumberland and Alan Percy of the 16th century. The Percys are officially worth hundreds of millions however they have large amounts of concealed wealth in private banks. George Percy is the CEO of Hotspur Geothermal and was educated at Damascus University and speaks Arabic. Members of the Montagu crime family include the very evil Ralph Douglas-Scott-Montagu the 4th Baron Montagu of Beaulieu, Richard Walter John Montagu-Douglas-Scott the 10th Duke of Buccleuch and 12th Duke of Queensberry, Walter John Francis Montagu Douglas Scott the Earl of Dalkeith and the psychotic criminal Alexander Montagu the 13th Duke of Manchester. Alexander Montagu Prince Richard Windsor the Duke of Gloucester is a Montagu through his mother Princess Alice. Prince Richard is the commander of the Barons Montagu. The Montagu Barons have greater international influences in banking than the Rothschild family. The Montagu family is also involved in financing Nazi style gang stalking, insider trading like most of the British merchants, and also financial fraud.

Duke Ralph Percy the 12th Duke of Northumberland and his wife Jane Percy. Duke Ralph Percy is a Montagu through his mother who was born Elizabeth Montagu-Douglas-Scott. Duke Ralph Percy is a sadistic sex wizard and a top member of the Cult of Neptune and a top authority over the Royal Ark Mariner Freemasons. Ralph and his wife Jane are child murderers. Duke Ralph Percy is their modern day Deucalion who is connected with the Greek flood myth. The floods in the Greek and Hebrew mythologies refer to them making sexual based human sacrifices which cause excessive and unnatural orgasms.


Elizabeth Diana Percy, Duchess of Northumberland (née Lady Elizabeth Montagu Douglas Scott; 20 January 1922 – 19 September 2012)


Henry Alan Walter Richard Percy, 11th Duke of Northumberland ((Deceased))

Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland

See Appendix 7 - Part 2 >

22129244? ago

Appendix 6 - Part 1

Royal Institution of Hollywood

The royal and noble bloodlines have deep connections with Hollywood and the entertainment industry especially through marriages. Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes at the Odescalchi Castle. The Odelscalchi family are Black Nobility connected with the Vatican and headed up today by Prince Carlo Odescalchi. George Clooney got married in Venice at the Aman Canal Grande hotel or Palazzo Papadopoli formerly built and owned by Italian nobility and located right next to the Palazzo Giustiniani. George Clooney has a home in Italy and is friends with Walter Veltroni the former mayor of Rome. They have made George Clooney the ceremonial leader of Hollywood. George Clooney is also friends with the Italian Count Giovanni Volpi di Misurata. Tao Ruspoli is the son of Prince Alessandro Ruspoli and Tao Ruspoli married and divorced the actress Olivia Wilde. Tao Ruspoli is pure evil. Prince Alessandro Ruspoli was also an actor in the movie Godfather III. The actress Jessica Chastain married the Veneto Count Gian Luca Passi di Preposulo who has a high authority in Hollywood. Rita Jenrette is a former actress and television journalist from Texas and she married Prince Nicolo Boncompagni-Ludovisi from the Black Nobility of Rome. Steven Spielberg and the pedophile and sexual predator Kevin Spacey are both Knights of the British Empire. Spielberg is a covert relative of the noble Oettingen-Spielberg family of Germany. Harvey Weinstein is a British Knight. David Mayer de Rothschild can be seen in photos with Kevin Spacey and Sylvester Stallone. The musician Bono of U2 was knighted under the Order of the British Empire and his daughter dates the Spanish noble Diego Osorio. The adopted and honorary Prince Frederic of Anhalt was married to the actress Zsa Zsa Gabor and resides in Bel Air. Prince Harry and Prince William can be seen hanging out at parties with Kanye West in photos. Prince Giudo Torlonia can be seen with Richard Gere and Tilda Swinton. David Mayer de Rothschild can be seen shaking masonic hands with Sylvester Stallone and also associating with the sexual predators Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein and Glenn Close. David Mayer de Rothschild is a top authority over the Kabbalah Centre in Hollywood. Prince Lilio Ruspoli attended a Harvey Weinstein election event. The Berg family with Yehuda Berg are the leaders of the Kabbalah Centre with various singers and actors as members including Madonna, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Ariana Grande, Brittany Spears, and Justin Timberlake. The Kabbalah Centre works with the Church of Scientology which is an occultic organization covertly created by DARPA and both Kabbalists and Scientologists have electronic weapons they use for torturing Americans.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Warren Buffet visited with Baron Jacob Rothschild at his home several years ago. Nicky Hilton-Rothschild is a model and she married James Rothschild of British Nobility. The rapper Jay Electronica had an affair with Kate Rothschild and she is of British Nobility. Prince Frederick Windsor is married to the actress Sophie Winkleman and she is on the show Two and a Half Men with the kabbalist Ashton Kutcher. Prince Frederick's father is Prince Michael of Kent and he is the Grand Master of the Order of Mark Master Masons. Prince Harry Windsor is dating the American actress Meghan Markle. The British actress Dawn Addams worked in Hollywood and was the mother of Prince Stefano Massimo. The Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane is a Knight of the British Empire and he is a ruthless tormentor and pedophile. The actress Brooke Shields is a descendent of the Torlonia family of Rome through her grandmother Princess Marina Torlonia di Civitella-Cesi. The Torlonia family are a powerful banking family deeply connected with the Vatican and hold continual management positions at the Holy See. Donald Trump has worked as a television personality and his former wife Ivana Trump dated the Italian Prince Roffredo Gaetani of Roman Black Nobility who is seen socializing with Donald Trump in photos. Don Lorenzo Borghese of Vatican Black Nobility was on the American show The Bachelor. The American actress Grace Kelly married Prince Ranier III of Monaco and was the mother of the current reigning Prince Albert II of Monaco. The actress Monica Bellucci is friends with Prince Albert II of Monaco. The royal families oversee Hollywood and have propped up their idols as Americanized royalty. They have also weaponized Hollywood through the Church of Scientology. Many actors and actresses torture people in society with electronic weapons. Prince Mario-Max of Schaumburg-Lippe is a German noble and he works in Hollywood and associates with Nicole Kidman, Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, Reese Witherspoon, Taylor Lautner, Miley Cyrus, John Travolta, and David Schwimmer. There are images of him and these actors on his website. Prince Mario-Max is a psycho and a high authority in Hollywood. Nicolas Cage was born Nicolas Kim Coppola from the influential Coppola family of Hollywood which are descendants of the noble Coppola family of Naples, Italy. The Hollywood director and producer Francis Ford Coppola owns the Palazzo Margherita in southern Italy. The Cappoloas work with Italian mafia actors in Hollywood like Robert Di Nero, Joe Pesci, Paul Sorvino, Frank Sivero, and many others who are associates of Cosa Nostra and are actors in Hollywood who constantly play roles of mobsters.

Many members of Hollywood are made idols to act as leaders of secret societies and are initiated into the these groups through the Church of Scientology, Freemasonry, or the Kabbalah Center. Robert Indermaur is of Italian-Swiss-Austrian nobility and is a scientologist that has financed the Church of Scientology and their "super power" initiative. The Roman Catholic and Italian-Polish-American David Miscavige is the head of the Church of Scientology and an agent of the Colonna family of Rome which are an ancient Vatican papal royalty and Italian nobility that established a Polish noble branch. The Church of Scientology was founded on the occult teachings of Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis. The occult and all top members of Hollywood are directly involved with murder, cannibalism, drinking human blood, sadism, and pedophilia. Hollywood actors make human sacrifices to prove their loyalty in order to get big movie roles. The Royal Society and its superior organization the Royal Institution are secret societies or private organizations run by British Peerage involved in the study of sciences. Prince Edward the Duke of Kent runs the Royal Institution today and the biochemist and British knight Richard Sykes is the Chairman of the Royal Institution and a fellow of the Royal Soceity. The Royal Society is an older and similar group and founded based on teachings of the scientific occultist Francis Bacon the 1st Viscount of St Alban. After the Royal Society was established they created the Royal Institution entirely ran by British royalty and nobility with Prince Edward the Duke of Kent as the current official head and he also runs the Grand Lodge of England. Angelina Jolie was knighted as a Dame by Queen Elizabeth II. The Royal Society and Royal Institution are overseeing the creation of electronic weapons which hack the human mind and biology. These British groups are covertly working with Silicon Valley, the Church of Scientology, and Kabbalah Center to develop and merge occult teachings of witchcraft, alchemy, and other forms of sorcery with the electronics. Members of Silicon Valley along with DARPA have weaponized the electronics in society based on occult teachings which can hack into a persons brain and physiology. Occultists trained in hacking and using the dark web can activate these programs and target people. These programs are all hidden in algorithmic code and the frequencies emitted from the electronics and the wireless frequencies are invisible to the eye. Many members of Hollywood through the Church of Scientology and Kabbalah Centre are torturing people in society through these electronic weapons.

David Mayer de Rothschild with the pedophile Kevin Spacey

Olivia Wilde with the pedophile and sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. Olivia Wilde was married to Tau Ruspoli who is from the Italian House of Ruspoli which have held management positions at the Vatican for centuries and have ran the Italian Knights of Malta and work in banking and are married with various billionaire dynasties including the Gettys, Matarazzos, and Ferragamos.

Prince Lilio Ruspoli and his wife the Italian actress Princess Maria Pia Ruspoli at Harvey Weinstein's election night party. Prince Lilio is the uncle of Tau Ruspoli.

Tau Ruspoli with his former wife Olivia Wilde. Olivia Wilde rapes, murders, and cannibalizes children and is probably the biggest female child murdering in Hollywood.

Richard Gere and the British actress Tilda Swinton with Prince Guido Torlonia. Richard Gere is a pedophile that targets little boys. Tilda Swinton is a child murderer and witch.

George Clooney with the Venetian Count Giovanni Volpi di Misurata

Natalie Portman and her husband with Ariane de Rothschild

David Mayer de Rothschild shaking hands with the Sylvester Stallone who has ancestry from Apulia. The Rothschilds are currently married with the Aldobrandini family of Rome who are Dukes of Brindisi in Apulia.

Freddy Windsor with his wife an actress Sophie Winkleman who worked with Ashton Kutcher who is a psychotic Kabbalist who burns children alive while pretending to be against human trafficking with his fake charity organization and while slandering and falsely accusing men who sexually heal women which he seeks to corrupt. Freddy Windsor is a top banker at JP Morgan and his father Prince Michael of Kent is the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons.

Prince Michael of Kent the father of Freddy Windsor.

22129231? ago

Appendix 5 - Part 1

Wizards of Strange

The Barons Strange in the United Kingdom have a high level authority in the British Peerage and specialize in advanced and bizarre mind control and satanic sexual programming. The family has been involved in politics, military, and many members of this family have been knighted by the Crown. They covertly control the Lodge of Oddfellows and its female Daughters of Rebekkah order. Strange is Odd. The name Strange originates with John le Strange at the end of the 13th century. The Drummond, Stewart-Murray, Stanley, and Philips families have all held the titles of Baron of Strange through out the centuries. Harold Stanley was a relative of this family and was a co-founder of Morgan Stanley. Harold Stanley was a member of the Skull and Bones which was founded by the Russell family and William Huntington Russell. The Russell family are related to the Russell noble family in the United Kingdom which are the Marquis of Tavistock. The Russell family married with both the Murray and Stanley families with John Russell the 1st Earl of Russell married to Lady Frances Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound and their son John Russell the Viscount of Amberly married to Katharine Stanley. The Stanley family as Barons Strange ruled the Isle of Manns which uses the triskelion of a three legged spiral and this image is strange or odd. The triskelion is also used on the flag of Sicily and this specific version of a the three legged spiral goes back to the ancient Minoan culture. The spiral is used in hypnotism and the use of three legs adds a strange element to it. The three legs really represent female transsexuals and transvestites. Many members of various secret societies are transvestites including many women. Many evil women use strap ons on men or children and they are a type of transvestite and these women also lust to then kill and cannibalize who they rape. It is Amazonianism and feminism. RuPaul is a high level member of the Oddfellows and also the Boule Society. The Barons Strange and Oddfellows manage various depraved and strange sexual behaviors including bestiality, rape, pedophilia, and sexual cannibalism. RuPaul is a transvestite that runs a large cult of demonic men that want to be women and rape little boys. Prince Oddone Colonna of Rome is a hidden top architect of Oddfellow Freemasonry and involved in depraved sexual programming including pedophilia, bestiality, transsexualism, and sexual cannibalism. The actress Sophie Turner is a really ruthless member of the Daughters of Rebekkah and she is managed by the little person Peter Dinklage who is extremely insecure because of his small size and influences women to become crypto transvestites that want to dominate and emasculate men. The Oddfellows are also involved in using paranormal, ancient mysteries, and the New Age religion for brainwashing. Like the three legged spiral the Oddfellows use a three chain link as their most used symbol. The Stanley Barons Strange were often Knights of the Order of the Garter under the English Crown like George Stanley the 9th Baron Strange. George Murray the 6th Duke of Atholl and 11th Baron Strange was Grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and also Grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of England. John Murray the 4th Duke of Atholl and Baron of Strange was a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England as well. Freemasonry is about deception, mind control, illusions, and covert warfare. The Barons Strange and their Oddfellows specialize in using the feeling of strangeness to enhance hypnotism and mind control. They use strange and satanic sexual ritual abuse. This group is ruthlessly wicked.

The Barons of Strange ruled over Knockin, England where the Jodrell Bank Observatory is located which runs radio telescopes and their program MERLIN or Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network and this includes fixed or grounded satellites. Merlin is the name of a wizard in British-Arthurian legend and the comic book character called Dr. Strange is a sorcerer. They are using satellites and electronics to radiate spells or mind manipulating frequencies into the atmosphere that target society both individually and collectively. Similar to their covert electronic harassment and mind control Rhodri Philipps the 4th Viscount St Davids and Baron Strange of Knockin was convicted of sending "menacing communications" on the internet and received 12 weeks in prison for it. Rhodri Philipps' brother is the musician Roland Augusto Jestyn Estanislao Philipps or Todd Sharpville and he is an active member of the Barons Strange involved in masonic mind control connected in the music industry. Zara Tindall is from the Phillips family and the House of Windsor. Adam Drummond the 17th Baron Strange is a top member of this clan today along with his sister Catherine Strange who inherited the family's wealth and assets. The Stanley family are closely related to them and formerly held the titles of Baron Strange. This nobility is headed up by Edward Stanley the 19th Earl of Derby. Robert Stanley is a New Age false teacher and con artist serving the Stanley family in the UK. The Barons Strange also manage David Icke's operation and his strange or odd false teachings like "reptilian shape shifters" and "holographic reality" as well as other false teachings like "flat earth." David Icke is an Oddfellow Freemason and is extremely evil and works with the con artist Credo Mutwa who manages a black supremacist gang stalker in my region named Charles Eldridge. They are oppressive brainwashers. What David Icke is primarily doing is brainwashing people into thinking life isn't real. David Icke is an extremely disgusting and depraved child molester and cannibal. It's completely obvious that David Icke is a creep and liar yet he has millions of followers and cult members. David Icke is the most evil member of this entire group and he is absurdly blasphemous. David Icke is a blatant shill and what he does is viciously attacks people who expose real criminals claiming that he controls them as an attempt to take credit for their information and knowledge and he does this out of envy. His bosses trigger his envy to get him to do this. David Icke is an alchemist and electronic terrorist who works with the Oddfellows and Royal Institute which has electronic weapons. David Icke's alchemical and electronic attacks are desecration, filth, and dirt. They can hack a body and make you feel like dirt is being rubbed all over your body. That is what David Icke does. He is pure evil and claims to be against evil which is extremely offensive to actual people who suffer for exposing these criminals. L. A. Marzulli is a liar, con artist and agent of the Oddfellows. The Oddfellows is an international masonic order with about 10,000 lodges worldwide and has divisions like the Independent Order of Odd Fellows headed up by Grand Master Larry Ferguson and the female branch called the Daughters of Rebekah. A witch named Rebekah Zavarella is a member and she is a ruthless sadist that lusts to burn children alive. Rebekah Zavarella is extremely evil. The current Jesuit General Arturo Sosa is a covert member of the Oddfellows. Prince William is a crypto transvestite and high level authority of the Oddfellows. Prince William was on the cover of a gay magazine. Prince Edward of Windsor the Duke of Kent and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England manages the Strange peerages and the Oddfellow Order. The Oddfellows have influence over most secret societies.

See Appendix 5 - Part 2 >

22112497? ago

Appendix 4 >

Warrior for Mars

Martyn Ford the gigantic body builder from England and he is the modern day Gigante called Thoon or Thoas. Thoas means "To Rush." It was originally Thoon then this blasphemous giant changed his name to Theos which then became Thoas. Theos means god. The Illuminati only respect violence and force. Thoon is connected with the Hebrew word Tunnanu a word for a serpentine monster. Martyn Ford is 6 foot 8 and over 300 pounds so he is a literal giant. The name Martyn means Warrior of Mars however Martyn Ford is a warrior for Mars and not of Mars. Martyn Ford is related more with the bloodlines that represent Neptune and mostly Uranus which is associated with the core of the brain or basal ganglia and brain stem which connects to the spinal cord and that is the anatomy of a serpent. Martyn Ford really works for Prince William whose brother Prince Harry is a top leader of the Cult of Mars. It is said in Greek Mythology that Thoas was "killed by the Fates or Moirai." Kate Middleton is the head of the Cult of Moirai and their Vicar of Atropos. Prince William their Vicar of Dionysus also called Bacchus runs a large blood drinking cult that worships snakes and specifically constrictor serpents like anacondas which are giant serpents that mostly live in water. They worship the biscione which is a giant serpent swallowing a child. They have sick minds. Some psychotic body builders that work with Ford include David Bautista and Eddie Hall. Eddie Hall is a psychopath best associated with the Klazomenai Boar in the Greek myth based on his appearance. Eddie Hall manages the gang stalkers Robert Nadeau and Adam Ross Hoyt. Martyn Ford is a psychopath juiced up on steroids and is also a blasphemous fake know it all. A gang stalker with English ancestry named Bre-anna Goodrich worships Martyn Ford. Martyn Ford is what gives many of these gang stalkers their arrogance and he supports them making them think they are more powerful than they actually are and once they lose this support they get scared. Martyn Ford is also scared because he realizes his violent attacks actually do little. Martyn Ford is an extremely violent psychopath that manages and supports gang stalkers from all spectrums.

Martyn Ford is a child murdering cannibal and blood drinker that works with every gang stalker on the planet in service to Prince Harry and Prince William.


Martyn Ford is a 320 lbs, 6'8" bodybuilder


The meaning of Martyn is said to be “warrior of Mars.” Mars, in this context, is understood to refer to the Roman God of War and Fertility. The name Martyn could also be translated as “war-like” or the more general “warrior” or simply “of Mars.”


In Greek mythology, Thoas (Ancient Greek: Θόας means "fleet, swift") may refer to the following personages.

Thoas, one of the Giants (also called Thoon), who, together with Agrios, was clubbed to death by the Moirai (Fates) during the Gigantomachy.[1]


According to Beekes, from a Mediterranean Pre-Greek substrate word, possibly related to Hebrew תנין‎‎ (“water animal, sea monster”), and that relations to θύνω (thúnō, “I rush, dart along”) could just be folk etymology.


Tannin (Hebrew: תנין‎; Arabic: التنين‎ Tinnin) or Tunannu (Ugaritic: 𐎚𐎐𐎐 tnn, vocalized tu-un-na-nu[1]) was a sea monster in Canaanite, Phoenician, and Hebrew mythology used as a symbol of chaos and evil.[2]

End Appendix 4.

22107909? ago

Appendix 3 - Part 2

Giusy Morrigi with Princess Giorgia Pacelli. The Pacelli family with Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli made an alliance between the Vatican and Nazi Germany called the Reichskonkordat and after Cardinal Pacelli became Pope Pius XII. Princess Giorgia Pacelli is one of the most evil witches on the planet and she commands international Wiccan cults of child murderers and tormentors. Princess Giorgia Pacelli is probably the most murderous witch in this entire group.

Ginevra Elkann or Princess Ginevra Gaetani is from the billionaire Elkann-Agnelli family which own Exor a holding company with 166 billion in assets. She is married to Prince Giovanni Gaetani from the Black Nobility of Rome which are sovereign Roman princes thatproduced about 2 popes for the Vatican and have numerous titles of prince and count in Italy. The Gaetanis are part owners of the Gambino crime family and the Philadelphia crime family. The Gambinos are the most powerful and most dominant mafia in the world and involved with every crime there is. The Gambinos have been indicted for sex trafficking minors.

Countess Madina Visconti di Modrone is from an old Milanese noble family that is closely connected with the Vatican and Black Nobility. The Visconti family ruled in Milan and also in the southern part of Switzerland. They have a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms. They are child murdering cannibals. All of these witches are child murdering cannibals. Countess Madina is an extremely evil witch that works closely with Venetian Amazon cannibals.

Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano is a Roman noble that resides in Ireland and she works in the entertainment industry. The Colonnas are one of the most powerful bloodlines of the Black Nobility and currently have hereditary management positions at the Vatican. Princess Vittoria is the head of the MK Ultra program that is run on women. MK Ultra also called Project Monarch and Monarch Mind Control is named in reference to the monarch butterfly which she is wearing on her hat and in reference to the monarchs which impose this programming onto women in society. This female satanic programming is about programming women with predatory sexual sadism and sexual cannibalism. Princess Vittoria often manages the gang stalker Ashley Esther Dalene.

Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano is a high level witch and the sister of Princess Vittoria. They reside in Ireland and are both top commanders of female gang stalking cults and Wiccan covens. Their father Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is a top authority in Ireland and he covertly oversees the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. Prince Prospero is a high level warlock and brainwasher that has an alliance with the Irish Guinness banking family. Princess Lucrezia specializes in spreading psychoticness and often manages a gang stalker named Christine Gomez-Martello who works for the Irish-American Hearst family.

Princess Maria Teresa of Thurn and Taxis with her mother Princess Gloria of Thurn and Taxis. These two are extremely evil and hate filled. The Thurn and Taxis family have a badger on their coat of arms and are related to the north Italian House of Torre and Tasso. Taxis and Tasso mean badger. The Mars family which own Mars candy and are worth about 70 billion are really the Candia family of north Italy which were Venetian monarchs and sugar merchants. The Mars family are married with the Badger family an Anglicized version of Tasso. The Mars family are mostly women and they are sadistic witches that finance alchemists to torture people in society. Alchemy is the manipulation of the human body and mind through chemicals. Witches are poisoners. Prince Maria Teresa and her sister manage a female gang stalker and witch named Jessica Connors.

Countess Christine Esterhazy is an extremely evil Austrian witch involved in burning children alive and relentless torture. The Esterhazy family own Forchenstein Castle which has torture chambers because they tortured people for the Habsburgs. The Esterhazys are involved in private banking in Austria and Switzerland and they covertly manage the Zionist Lauder family of billionaires worth about 23 billion. Ronald Lauder is the President of the Jewish World Congress and the former US Ambassador to Austria where the Esterhazys are from. Estee Lauder the founder of the family took the name Estee in honor of their bosses the Esterhazys. Countess Christine manages the sadistic witches Aerin Lauder and her sister Jane Lauder and they are billionaires that are married to bankers. Countess Christine also manages Elizabeth Esty who is a politician and an extremely ruthless witch who manages the gang stalker Ashley Esther Dalene.

Princess Mafalda of Hesse is a top Nazi witch from the German House of Hesse which are a high level royalty involved with landownership, military, and banking. The Hesses were the Rothschilds first bosses. The House of Hesse were directly involved with the Nazis. The Nazis were an occultic group that rounded up people which they labeled all Jews into concentration camps and sacrificed them. The word Holocaust means a wholly burnt offering. Satanic witches are known for burning children alive and cooking and cannibalizing children which is mentioned in many stories about witches. This is also why society hunted down witches and often burned them alive as retaliation for burning children alive. The House of Hesse owned private militaries which often fought on both sides of wars. They employed the Rothschilds which often finance both sides of wars. The Hesses are extremely high level and above the British Crown in authority and they are married with the British Crown and established the Mountbatten relative as nobles in England. The House of Hesse still manage the Swiss Rothschilds with Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariana de Rothschild and they are worth several billion and own a private bank in Switzerland which has operations in Israel.

Duchess Kate of Cambridge is a high level witch and an extreme sadist. Kate Middleton is from the Middleton and Goldsmith families which are both banking dynasties. The Middletons co-founded Coutts bank a Scottish private bank which is one of the oldest banks in Europe. Her mother is from the Jewish Goldsmith family and they own various banks and co-founded what is today Bank Paribas. They finance Wiccan gang stalkers and human sacrifices to witches. Kate Middleton manages the satanic witch Katy Perry who was born Katy Hudson. Kate Middleton's mother is a Goldsmith and the Goldsmiths are married with the Stuart or Stewart families which ruled England as monarchs and founded the Hudson's Bay Company named after their Hudson agent.

Princess Leonie of Saxe-Weimer-Eisenach is a high level German royal from the continuation of the House of Wettin which is the elder house of the Saxe-Coburg and Gothas and they are married with most royal families in Europe. Princess Leonie is a top Kabbalistic witch that manages blond haired Nazi supremacist witches like the actress Alison Lohman as well as the gang stalkers Meghan Parsons and Alison-McCarthy Senatro.

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and her husband King Willem-Alexander's father and grandfather were Nazis. The royals of the Netherlands are extremely wealthy with ownership over various banks and businesses and they finance gang stalking and human trafficking. They also have authority over RAND Corporation which uses brain hacking systems and electronic weapons for covert persecution. The Dreyfus family work closely with the Dutch royals and their company Louis-Dreyfus Company is headquartered in the Netherlands which owns hedge funds, a large agricultural company with a division in shipping which is involved in trafficking children.

Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg is a high level witch and her husband Prince Guillaume is a Georgetown Jesuit educated banker who has worked with the IMF in Washington DC. The royals of Luxembourg are major financiers of child trafficking networks and they have authority over the World Bank, IMF, and Lazard with connections to Arab royals worth billions which funnel their wealth through private banks in Luxembourg and then through Switzerland for criminal financing and bribes. The royal family of Luxembourg also own various banks in Luxembourg. Princess Sibilla's mother was from the Torlonia banking family which are the Princes of Civitella-Cesi and they have owned a villa called the House of Little Owls. Civitella refers to the Italian-French word Civette for owl. The old German House of Luxembourg were the Kings of Bohemia. Bohemian Grove in the United States is a satanic male cult with members from politics, banking, business, and media that meet each year and do mock ritual sacrifices to a giant owl because they worship Moloch. Their Vicar of Moloch is a satanic witch named Roxanne Civitello.

Princess Mary of Denmark has authority over Moller-Maersk one of the largest shipping and container companies in the world that is based in Denmark and it is owned by the Maersk family with Ane Maerks Mc-Kinney Ugla. The name Ugla is a Scandinavian word for owl. Moller like Moloch which is really a owl deity worshiped by child murderers who burn children alive. They traffic children to witches who are members of the Cult of Moloch. The Kardashian family are top members of the Cult of Moloch and extremely sadistic witches that operate like a mafia.

Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece admitting they are all witches to influence more women into becoming witches.

End Appendix - Part 3

22107901? ago

Appendix 3 - Part 1

Royal Wiccans

Most of these witches are connected with Nazism and they are all sadists that burn children alive. They all make sacrifices to the child murdering witch Roxanne Civitello who has worked as an elementary school teacher and she is their modern day Moloch.

Princess Marie Christine of Kent's father Gunther von Reibnitz was a Nazi and her husband Prince Michale of Kent is the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons. Princess Marie Christine is a ruthless sadist and a top witch of female Nazi cults. The House of Windsor were well known supporters of Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis were occultists influenced by the occultic Thule Society and the Rudolf von Sebbotendorf an Islamic Freemason. Holocaust means a burnt offering. Princess of Kent is a ruthless child murderer and psychotic sadist.

Duchess Jane Percy of Northumberland is a top witch with authority in England and Scotland and she manages female Freemasons and Wiccan wives of male Freemasons. The Percys are married with the Montagu, Douglas, and Scott families which are powerful Scottish nobles and bankers. The Montagus co-founded the Bank of England and her husband Duke Ralph Percy's mother was a Montagu-Douglas-Scott. Baron Montagu Norman who ran the Bank of England and co-founded the Bank for International Settlements with German Nazis was a relative and agent of the Percys and Montagus. The Montagus are also married with the British royal family with Prince Richard the Duke of Gloucester. Prince Richard Windsor and Duke Ralph Percy's grandfathers were brothers. The House of Percy are an ancient nobility involved with military and landownership and they establishes a slave owning family branch in Mississippi. They are covert top managers of the Royal Ark Mariner Freemasons and top satanic sex sorcerers as well as child murderers.

Princess Marie-Chantal Miller of Greece is a top witch and her father is Robert Warren Miller a billionaire who co-founded Duty Free Shops headquartered in Hong Kong. Her husband Prince Pavlos of Greece is a banker who founded Ortelius Capital Partners financed by his father in law Robert Miller who also owns Search Investment Group. They use these investment firms for financing gang stalking and child trafficking networks and Robert Miller has used his connections with Hong Kong to finance Asian gangs and child traffickers. The Greek royal family work closely with the Greek merchant families the Niarchos, Onassis, Mavroleon, Kulukundis, Livanos, Latsis families which own shipping and container companies which work with the Greek Mafia and are involved with trafficking children. Prince Pavlos also worked at Charles R Weber a ship brokerage firm in the United States that manages shipping contracts with ports and vessels.

Princess Caroline of Monaco is the wife of Prince Ernst of Hanover and the former wife of the businessman Stefano Casiraghi and mother of Andrea and Pierre Casaraghi. The royal family of Monaco are officially worth about 1 billion however are worth much more. The royals of Monaco rule their own nation which is used as a tax haven for criminals. The economy of Monaco is based mostly on casinos and is a large headquarters for the Sicilian and Russian mafias. The House of Hanover have been one of the most powerful German royalties and are married with the British royal family and once ruled as monarchs in England, Scotland, and Ireland. The Hanovers were involved with the Nazis with her husband Ernst's grandfather and father who were both Nazis. The Hanovers work with various Hanseatic merchant bankers like the Schroder, Berenberg, and Gossler families and the Hanovers have authority over Hapag-Lloyd a large German shipping and container company that is involved with child trafficking networks.

Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is a top Islamic witch. Her husband is the ruling monarch of Morocco and a billionaire worth nearly 6 billion and is invested in banking, real estate, mining, and telecommunications. The royal family of Morocco work closely with the European royals. The flag of Morocco is a pentagram a common symbol used by witches. The royals of Morocco finance gang stalkers with Moorish ancestry. The Moors were Berbers Arabs and African Blacks that invaded Europe and raped white women as well as trafficked white women and children. The Moors worked closely with the Scythians with the Visogoths that established settlements in that region. Middle Eastern royals funnel their wealth through private banks in Switzerland to finance the criminal agendas in Europe and the United States.

Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg is a vicious witch and she has access to neuro-computer interface and electronic weapons. Luxembourg and Belgium are both the primary headquarters for the European Union which owns the Human Brain Project. The Human Brain Project is involved with researching, developing, financing, and implementing neuro-computer interface technologies, neuro simulators which is really for brain hacking, and neurorobotics. Duchess Stephanie was born into the Belgian House of Lannoy and the royals and nobles of Belgium have a close alliance with the royals of Luxembourg. Duchess Stephanie is the most sadistic member of the royal family of Luxembourg. The royal family of Luxembourg are believed to be worth about 4 billion. They are part owners of various banks in Luxembourg and ruled their own nation which uses bank secrecy laws that enable money laundering and tax evasion.

Princess Madeline of Sweden is a disgusting witch involved with torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children. The royal family of Sweden have a lot of authority over European businesses through the European Round Table of Industrialists which was founded by Swedish agents. The Swedish House of Bernadotte also manage the Wallenberg family which manage over 300 billion in European companies as well as NASDAQ. They use the stock market for manipulating economies, making covert bribes, and extorting businesses.

Countess Diana Bernadotte of Wisborg is an owner of the Island of Mainau in Sweden where this evil family makes child sacrifices. The Bernadottes of Wisborg are members of the Swedish House of Bernadotte which rule Sweden however their noble titles were established and still active under the royal family of Luxembourg.

Princess Lilly of Sayn-Wittgenstein is a top German witch and holocaustic Nazi. The House of Sayn-Wittgenstein are basically imperial nobles that work with the Hohenzollerns, Hesses, Saxe-Coburg and Gothas, and Wittelsbachs which are all German royalty. The German royals and nobles engineered Hitler and the Nazi movement and nearly every major German royalty and nobility produced members of the Nazi party and military which they covertly managed. The Sayn-Wittgensteins have had numerous Lutheran and Calvinist members. Princess Lilly manages the Protestant Lutheran US Ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingrich who is a high level witch.

Princess Vanessa of Sayn-Wittgenstein is a high level German witch. The Sayn-Wittgenstein family is currently married with the royal family of Bavaria and they have married with the Roman House of Chigi-Albani della Rovere and the royals of Sweden. Princess Vanessa manages a sadistic Wiccan gang stalker named Michele Champagne.

Princess Anna Chigi-Albani della Rovere on the right and she manages Nazi and Zionist witches. The Chigis were the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta during WWII and many Nazis were members of the Order of Malta. The Chigis have 6 hexagrams on their papal coat of arms because they really have Babylonian ancestry and are top managers of Zionism and Zionist witches. The Chigis originated from Siena when the oldest continual running bank Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena was founded in 1472. Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has donated to the Clinton Foundation which is ran by the satanic witch Hillary Clinton who was caught making a reference about making a sacrifice to Moloch in her emails.

See Appendix 3 - Part 2

22107360? ago

Appendix 2 - Part 2


Uggla ("owl") is the name of Swedish noble family, probably originating in the province of Västergötland.

Khloe Kardashian is a high level witch in the Coven of Nyx and involved with murdering children like her entire family.


An Egyptian writing with a picture of an owl means \"mulak\" denoting the letter \"m\".


Moloch[a] is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice.

Cher with Kim and Kourtney Kardashian. The Kardashians are top members of the Cult of Nyx and they have Armenian ancestry with a Molokan religious background. Molokans are Eastern European sect of Christians that are common in Armenia. The Armenian Mafia are headquartered in Hollywood which is the actual reason the Kardashians are famous. The Armenian Mafia are involved in a child trafficking network into Hollywood. The Pallavicini family of Italy are the owners of the Armenian Mafia and their ancient Iranian ancestors established noble branches in Armenia. The Grimaldi di Nixima family are a Sicilian nobility and they are also managers of the Coven of Nyx and manage Sicilian mobsters which traffic children. The Torlonia family of Rome are Princes of Civitella-Cesi and the Borghese family of Rome are Princes of Civitella-Vicovaro. The Torlonia family owned a villa called the House of Little Owls and the Torlonias and Borgheses are intermarried and own the only private bank in Italy called Banca del Fucino. The Torlonias are currently married with the royal family of Luxembourg and the ancient Daynasty of Luxembourg were the Kings of Bohemia. Bohemian Grove has a giant owl statue used for mock sacrifices. The Torlonias and Borgheses finance child sacrifices to the Coven of Nyx.


The Limburg-Luxemburg dynasty, one of several families from different periods known as the Luxembourg dynasty (French: Maison de Luxembourg; German: Haus Luxemburg) was a royal family of the Holy Roman Empire in the Late Middle Ages, whose members between 1308 and 1437 ruled as King of the Romans and Holy Roman Emperors as well as Kings of Bohemia

Torlonia Villa in Rome called the "House of Little Owls" or Casina delle Civette. The Torlonias are the Princes of Civitella-Cesi. Civella is a French-Italian word for owl. Bohemian Grove located in California is a secret society of male politicians and businessmen who meet each year and make mock human sacrifices to a giant owl which represents Moloch. Moloch has been intentionally distorted and mixed up by historians with Ba'al the bull who is accurately equated with Tartarus in Greek.


Villa Torlonia is a villa and surrounding gardens in Rome, Italy, formerly belonging to the Torlonia family. It is entered from the via Nomentana.

Mussolini rented it from the Torlonia for one lira a year to use as his state residence from the 1920s onwards.

The Casina delle Civette (House of the Little Owls) results from a series of additions to the nineteenth-century “Swiss Cabin”, which was originally intended as a refuge from the formality of the main residence.





From dialectal (Tuscan) cioètta, from French chouette (“owl”).

Bohemian Grove owl and members making a symbolic burnt offering sacrifice to this giant owl which represents Moloch. Secretly these psychopaths make real human sacrifices and do burn people alive. They are sadists. Owls are mostly sexually size dimorphic which means female owls are larger and more dominant than male owls and sometimes kill and eat the male owls. Witches use owls as symbols for this reason. So members of Bohemian Grove which are all men and tend to be conservative worship satanic witches which are mostly liberal.


Sexual dimorphism is a physical difference between males and females of a species. Reverse sexual dimorphism, when females are larger than males, has been observed across multiple owl species.[9] The degree of size dimorphism varies across multiple populations and species, and is measured through various traits, such as wing span and body mass.[9] Overall, female owls tend to be slightly larger than males.


We had a mating pair of adorable little Eastern screech owls on loan from a zoo. One day, I discovered the male missing. Panicked about an animal escaping, I searched high and low. Then I noticed a lump on the female’s chest. Sure enough, her owl pellets later revealed she had eaten her mate.

END Appendix 2

22107347? ago

Appendix 2 - Part 1 >

Coven of Nyx

Roxanne Civitello is one of the highest level witches on the planet and she is the Vicar of Nyx a Greek deity of the night. Roxanne Civitello has worked as an elementary school teacher where she sexually molested and satanically ritually abused countless children. Roxanne is a psychotic and sadistic terrorist who ruthlessly tortures children. Roxanne is creepy and voyeuristic and has zero respect for anyone and she influences all witches to act in the same way. Roxanne falsely accuses other women all the time and she always blames members of the Cult of Venus which are corrupt and can be evil however compared to her are much less evil. Roxanne Civitello and her followers constantly blame Venus for everything evil and blame members of the Cult of Venus for their depraved and disgusting actions. An example of Roxanne's satanic ritual abuse is her ritually telling 5 and 6 year old children "God hates, Everyone hates you, Kill yourself." This psychotic witch thinks tormenting children makes her powerful. She is highly delusional. Roxanne was my first grade teacher and her and another witch attempted to molest me. I was taken out of the classroom and brought into a small dark office where her associate started groping me and sticking her hands down my pants and I responded by telling her no and that I wanted to leave which made them scared. Roxanne Civitello is obsessed with touching, pinching, and spanking children's backsides which she did to all of her students publicly. All satanic witches worship Nyx. All Wiccan cults works under the Coven of Nyx including the cults of Artemis, Calypso, Athena, Chloris, and Thalia. Roxanne has dark black hair and the name Civitello refers to Owls which are nocturnal as in night. Nyx means night. The word Civetta is an Italian and French word for owl. She is similar in appearance to the singer Cher who is a top member of the Coven of Nyx. Cher has Armenian ancestry. Kris Jenner is another top witch of the Coven of Nyx and was married to an Armenian-American. Nyx is accurately associated with Moloch from Hebrew Mythology. Moloch is often associated with owls however modern historians have intentionally mixed up Moloch with Baal the Bull to create confusion. Malak is an Egyptian word for Owl and where Moloch derives from. The Owl in Hieroglyphics represented the letter M. Roxanne Civitello is ruthlessly evil and depraved. She is obsessed with burning children alive and strangling children to death causing them to defecate. Roxanne and satanic witches are utterly obsessed with murdering children and causing them to defecate at death. Roxanne degrades and humiliates children. The Hollywood actress Carrie-Anne Moss is another high level witch in the Coven of Nyx. Carrie-Anne Moss worships Nyx and wants to be her. Satanic witches sacrifice children deep in the woods or in caves and sometimes basements. Nyx in Greek Mythology lives in a cave. Countess Alberta Cavazza who is closely related to the Borghese family is a top manager of the Cult of Nyx and sacrifices children on her personal island. Fully initiated witches are disgusting sadists. They traffic aborted babies and human flesh and blood which they consume. Abortion is a Wiccan agenda. They also sacrifice children that are trafficked.


Nyx (/nɪks/;[1] Greek: Νύξ, Núx, "Night";[2] Latin: Nox) is the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), with Erebus (Darkness).

The theme of Nyx's cave or mansion, beyond the ocean (as in Hesiod) or somewhere at the edge of the cosmos (as in later Orphism) may be echoed in the philosophical poem of Parmenides.


Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includes about 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight.

Kris Jenner is a high level witch in the Coven of Nyx and best associated with the Hadean Nymph called Orphne which is a word for darkness. Orphne for darkness and Nyx for night. Orphne and Orpheus are where the word orphan derives from. They purchase orphans from underdeveloped nations and sacrifice them. Moller-Maersk is a shipping company in Copenhagen, Denmark which is involved in international human trafficking. Moller-Maersk is headed up by Soren Skou the CEO. They traffic children to satanic witches and the Cult of Moloch. Ane Maersk Mc-Kinney Uggla is the chairperson for A.P. Moller Foundation which owns and controls Moller-Maersk. The name Uggla means owl. The Maersk and Uggla families work for the royal family of Denmark with Princess Mary of Denmark as a high level witch and overseer of the Cult of Nyx or Cult of Moloch.


In Greek mythology, Orphne (/ˈɔːrfni/; Ancient Greek: Ὀρφνή, from ὄρφνη, "darkness"), also known as Styx (/ˈstɪks/; Στύξ) or Gorgyra (/ˈɡɔːrdʒərə/; Γόργυρα, from γοργύρα, "underground drain"),[1] was a nymph that lived in Hades.


A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S (Danish pronunciation: [ˈæːˀ ˈpʰeːˀ mølɐˈmæɐ̯sk]), also known as simply Maersk, is a Danish business conglomerate with activities in the transport, logistics and energy sectors. Maersk has been the largest container ship and supply vessel operator in the world since 1996.[2] The company is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, with subsidiaries and offices across 130 countries and around 88,000 employees.[1]

Total assets US$ 61.118 billion (2016)[1]


Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla (born 3 July 1948), often referred to as Ane Uggla, is a Swedish-Danish business executive and the youngest daughter of Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller. Since 2012 she has chaired the A.P. Møller Foundation which owns the controlling stake in the Maersk Group, the world's largest container-ship and supply-vessel operator.[1][2] She is considered to be one of the most powerful women in Denmark.[3]

Ane Uggla is married to the Swedish naval officer Peter Uggla from Stockholm.[3] She has two sons: Johan and Robert, both of whom are developing their careers at A.P. Møller-Mærsk.[2]

In 2005, Ane Uggla was decorated with the Order of the Dannebrog.[5]

See Appendix 2 - Part 2

22100748? ago

Appendix 1 - Part 2 >

Ginevra Elkann or Princess Ginevra Gaetani is from the billionaire Elkann-Agnelli family which own Exor a holding company with 166 billion in assets. She is married to Prince Giovanni Gaetani from the Black Nobility of Rome which are sovereign Roman princes thatproduced about 2 popes for the Vatican and have numerous titles of prince and count in Italy. The Gaetanis are part owners of the Gambino crime family and the Philadelphia crime family. The Gambinos are the most powerful and most dominant mafia in the world and involved with every crime there is. The Gambinos have been indicted for sex trafficking minors.

Countess Madina Visconti di Modrone is from an old Milanese noble family that is closely connected with the Vatican and Black Nobility. The Visconti family ruled in Milan and also in the southern part of Switzerland. They have a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms. They are child murdering cannibals. All of these witches are child murdering cannibals. Countess Madina is an extremely evil witch that works closely with Venetian Amazon cannibals.

Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano is a Roman noble that resides in Ireland and she works in the entertainment industry. The Colonnas are one of the most powerful bloodlines of the Black Nobility and currently have hereditary management positions at the Vatican. Princess Vittoria is the head of the MK Ultra program that is run on women. MK Ultra also called Project Monarch and Monarch Mind Control is named in reference to the monarch butterfly which she is wearing on her hat and in reference to the monarchs which impose this programming onto women in society. This female satanic programming is about programming women with predatory sexual sadism and sexual cannibalism. Princess Vittoria often manages the gang stalker Ashley Esther Dalene.

Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano is a high level witch and the sister of Princess Vittoria. They reside in Ireland and are both top commanders of female gang stalking cults and Wiccan covens. Their father Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is a top authority in Ireland and he covertly oversees the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. Prince Prospero is a high level warlock and brainwasher that has an alliance with the Irish Guinness banking family. Princess Lucrezia specializes in spreading psychoticness and often manages a gang stalker named Christine Gomez-Martello who works for the Irish-American Hearst family.

Princess Maria Teresa of Thurn and Taxis with her mother Princess Gloria of Thurn and Taxis. These two are extremely evil and hate filled. The Thurn and Taxis family have a badger on their coat of arms and are related to the north Italian House of Torre and Tasso. Taxis and Tasso mean badger. The Mars family which own Mars candy and are worth about 70 billion are really the Candia family of north Italy which were Venetian monarchs and sugar merchants. The Mars family are married with the Badger family an Anglicized version of Tasso. The Mars family are mostly women and they are sadistic witches that finance alchemists to torture people in society. Alchemy is the manipulation of the human body and mind through chemicals. Witches are poisoners. Prince Maria Teresa and her sister manage a female gang stalker and witch named Jessica Connors.

Countess Christine Esterhazy is an extremely evil Austrian witch involved in burning children alive and relentless torture. The Esterhazy family own Forchenstein Castle which has torture chambers because they tortured people for the Habsburgs. The Esterhazys are involved in private banking in Austria and Switzerland and they covertly manage the Zionist Lauder family of billionaires worth about 23 billion. Ronald Lauder is the President of the Jewish World Congress and the former US Ambassador to Austria where the Esterhazys are from. Estee Lauder the founder of the family took the name Estee in honor of their bosses the Esterhazys. Countess Christine manages the sadistic witches Aerin Lauder and her sister Jane Lauder and they are billionaires that are married to bankers. Countess Christine also manages Elizabeth Esty who is a politician and an extremely ruthless witch who manages the gang stalker Ashley Esther Dalene.

Princess Mafalda of Hesse is a top Nazi witch from the German House of Hesse which are a high level royalty involved with landownership, military, and banking. The Hesses were the Rothschilds first bosses. The House of Hesse were directly involved with the Nazis. The Nazis were an occultic group that rounded up people which they labeled all Jews into concentration camps and sacrificed them. The word Holocaust means a wholly burnt offering. Satanic witches are known for burning children alive and cooking and cannibalizing children which is mentioned in many stories about witches. This is also why society hunted down witches and often burned them alive as retaliation for burning children alive. The House of Hesse owned private militaries which often fought on both sides of wars. They employed the Rothschilds which often finance both sides of wars. The Hesses are extremely high level and above the British Crown in authority and they are married with the British Crown and established the Mountbatten relative as nobles in England. The House of Hesse still manage the Swiss Rothschilds with Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariana de Rothschild and they are worth several billion and own a private bank in Switzerland which has operations in Israel.

Duchess Kate of Cambridge is a high level witch and an extreme sadist. Kate Middleton is from the Middleton and Goldsmith families which are both banking dynasties. The Middletons co-founded Coutts bank a Scottish private bank which is one of the oldest banks in Europe. Her mother is from the Jewish Goldsmith family and they own various banks and co-founded what is today Bank Paribas. They finance Wiccan gang stalkers and human sacrifices to witches. Kate Middleton manages the satanic witch Katy Perry who was born Katy Hudson. Kate Middleton's mother is a Goldsmith and the Goldsmiths are married with the Stuart or Stewart families which ruled England as monarchs and founded the Hudson's Bay Company named after their Hudson agent.

Princess Leonie of Saxe-Weimer-Eisenach is a high level German royal from the continuation of the House of Wettin which is the elder house of the Saxe-Coburg and Gothas and they are married with most royal families in Europe. Princess Leonie is a top Kabbalistic witch that manages blond haired Nazi supremacist witches like the actress Alison Lohman as well as the gang stalkers Meghan Parsons and Alison-McCarthy Senatro.

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and her husband King Willem-Alexander's father and grandfather were Nazis. The royals of the Netherlands are extremely wealthy with ownership over various banks and businesses and they finance gang stalking and human trafficking. They also have authority over RAND Corporation which uses brain hacking systems and electronic weapons for covert persecution. The Dreyfus family work closely with the Dutch royals and their company Louis-Dreyfus Company is headquartered in the Netherlands which owns hedge funds, a large agricultural company with a division in shipping which is involved in trafficking children.

Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg is a high level witch and her husband Prince Guillaume is a Georgetown Jesuit educated banker who has worked with the IMF in Washington DC. The royals of Luxembourg are major financiers of child trafficking networks and they have authority over the World Bank, IMF, and Lazard with connections to Arab royals worth billions which funnel their wealth through private banks in Luxembourg and then through Switzerland for criminal financing and bribes. The royal family of Luxembourg also own various banks in Luxembourg. Princess Sibilla's mother was from the Torlonia banking family which are the Princes of Civitella-Cesi and they have owned a villa called the House of Little Owls. Civitella refers to the Italian-French word Civette for owl. The old German House of Luxembourg were the Kings of Bohemia. Bohemian Grove in the United States is a satanic male cult with members from politics, banking, business, and media that meet each year and do mock ritual sacrifices to a giant owl because they worship Moloch. Their Vicar of Moloch is a satanic witch named Roxanne Civitello.

Princess Mary of Denmark has authority over Moller-Maersk one of the largest shipping and container companies in the world that is based in Denmark and it is owned by the Maersk family with Ane Maerks Mc-Kinney Ugla. The name Ugla is a Scandinavian word for owl. Moller like Moloch which is really a owl deity worshiped by child murderers who burn children alive. They traffic children to witches who are members of the Cult of Moloch. The Kardashian family are top members of the Cult of Moloch and extremely sadistic witches that operate like a mafia.

Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece admitting they are all witches to influence more women into becoming witches.

END Appendix 1.

22100738? ago

Appendix 1 - Part 1 >

Royal Wiccans

Most of these witches are connected with Nazism and they are all sadists that burn children alive. They all make sacrifices to the child murdering witch Roxanne Civitello who has worked as an elementary school teacher and she is their modern day Moloch.

Princess Marie Christine of Kent's father Gunther von Reibnitz was a Nazi and her husband Prince Michale of Kent is the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons. Princess Marie Christine is a ruthless sadist and a top witch of female Nazi cults. The House of Windsor were well known supporters of Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis were occultists influenced by the occultic Thule Society and the Rudolf von Sebbotendorf an Islamic Freemason. Holocaust means a burnt offering. Princess of Kent is a ruthless child murderer and psychotic sadist.

Duchess Jane Percy of Northumberland is a top witch with authority in England and Scotland and she manages female Freemasons and Wiccan wives of male Freemasons. The Percys are married with the Montagu, Douglas, and Scott families which are powerful Scottish nobles and bankers. The Montagus co-founded the Bank of England and her husband Duke Ralph Percy's mother was a Montagu-Douglas-Scott. Baron Montagu Norman who ran the Bank of England and co-founded the Bank for International Settlements with German Nazis was a relative and agent of the Percys and Montagus. The Montagus are also married with the British royal family with Prince Richard the Duke of Gloucester. Prince Richard Windsor and Duke Ralph Percy's grandfathers were brothers. The House of Percy are an ancient nobility involved with military and landownership and they establishes a slave owning family branch in Mississippi. They are covert top managers of the Royal Ark Mariner Freemasons and top satanic sex sorcerers as well as child murderers.

Princess Marie-Chantal Miller of Greece is a top witch and her father is Robert Warren Miller a billionaire who co-founded Duty Free Shops headquartered in Hong Kong. Her husband Prince Pavlos of Greece is a banker who founded Ortelius Capital Partners financed by his father in law Robert Miller who also owns Search Investment Group. They use these investment firms for financing gang stalking and child trafficking networks and Robert Miller has used his connections with Hong Kong to finance Asian gangs and child traffickers. The Greek royal family work closely with the Greek merchant families the Niarchos, Onassis, Mavroleon, Kulukundis, Livanos, Latsis families which own shipping and container companies which work with the Greek Mafia and are involved with trafficking children. Prince Pavlos also worked at Charles R Weber a ship brokerage firm in the United States that manages shipping contracts with ports and vessels.

Princess Caroline of Monaco is the wife of Prince Ernst of Hanover and the former wife of the businessman Stefano Casiraghi and mother of Andrea and Pierre Casaraghi. The royal family of Monaco are officially worth about 1 billion however are worth much more. The royals of Monaco rule their own nation which is used as a tax haven for criminals. The economy of Monaco is based mostly on casinos and is a large headquarters for the Sicilian and Russian mafias. The House of Hanover have been one of the most powerful German royalties and are married with the British royal family and once ruled as monarchs in England, Scotland, and Ireland. The Hanovers were involved with the Nazis with her husband Ernst's grandfather and father who were both Nazis. The Hanovers work with various Hanseatic merchant bankers like the Schroder, Berenberg, and Gossler families and the Hanovers have authority over Hapag-Lloyd a large German shipping and container company that is involved with child trafficking networks.

Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is a top Islamic witch. Her husband is the ruling monarch of Morocco and a billionaire worth nearly 6 billion and is invested in banking, real estate, mining, and telecommunications. The royal family of Morocco work closely with the European royals. The flag of Morocco is a pentagram a common symbol used by witches. The royals of Morocco finance gang stalkers with Moorish ancestry. The Moors were Berbers Arabs and African Blacks that invaded Europe and raped white women as well as trafficked white women and children. The Moors worked closely with the Scythians with the Visogoths that established settlements in that region. Middle Eastern royals funnel their wealth through private banks in Switzerland to finance the criminal agendas in Europe and the United States.

Duchess Stephanie of Luxembourg is a vicious witch and she has access to neuro-computer interface and electronic weapons. Luxembourg and Belgium are both the primary headquarters for the European Union which owns the Human Brain Project. The Human Brain Project is involved with researching, developing, financing, and implementing neuro-computer interface technologies, neuro simulators which is really for brain hacking, and neurorobotics. Duchess Stephanie was born into the Belgian House of Lannoy and the royals and nobles of Belgium have a close alliance with the royals of Luxembourg. Duchess Stephanie is the most sadistic member of the royal family of Luxembourg. The royal family of Luxembourg are believed to be worth about 4 billion. They are part owners of various banks in Luxembourg and ruled their own nation which uses bank secrecy laws that enable money laundering and tax evasion.

Princess Madeline of Sweden is a disgusting witch involved with torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children. The royal family of Sweden have a lot of authority over European businesses through the European Round Table of Industrialists which was founded by Swedish agents. The Swedish House of Bernadotte also manage the Wallenberg family which manage over 300 billion in European companies as well as NASDAQ. They use the stock market for manipulating economies, making covert bribes, and extorting businesses.

Countess Diana Bernadotte of Wisborg is an owner of the Island of Mainau in Sweden where this evil family makes child sacrifices. The Bernadottes of Wisborg are members of the Swedish House of Bernadotte which rule Sweden however their noble titles were established and still active under the royal family of Luxembourg.

Princess Lilly of Sayn-Wittgenstein is a top German witch and holocaustic Nazi. The House of Sayn-Wittgenstein are basically imperial nobles that work with the Hohenzollerns, Hesses, Saxe-Coburg and Gothas, and Wittelsbachs which are all German royalty. The German royals and nobles engineered Hitler and the Nazi movement and nearly every major German royalty and nobility produced members of the Nazi party and military which they covertly managed. The Sayn-Wittgensteins have had numerous Lutheran and Calvinist members. Princess Lilly manages the Protestant Lutheran US Ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingrich who is a high level witch.

Princess Vanessa of Sayn-Wittgenstein is a high level German witch. The Sayn-Wittgenstein family is currently married with the royal family of Bavaria and they have married with the Roman House of Chigi-Albani della Rovere and the royals of Sweden. Princess Vanessa manages a sadistic Wiccan gang stalker named Michele Champagne.

Princess Anna Chigi-Albani della Rovere on the right and she manages Nazi and Zionist witches. The Chigis were the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta during WWII and many Nazis were members of the Order of Malta. The Chigis have 6 hexagrams on their papal coat of arms because they really have Babylonian ancestry and are top managers of Zionism and Zionist witches. The Chigis originated from Siena when the oldest continual running bank Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena was founded in 1472. Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has donated to the Clinton Foundation which is ran by the satanic witch Hillary Clinton who was caught making a reference about making a sacrifice to Moloch in her emails.

Giusy Morrigi with Princess Giorgia Pacelli. The Pacelli family with Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli made an alliance between the Vatican and Nazi Germany called the Reichskonkordat and after Cardinal Pacelli became Pope Pius XII. Princess Giorgia Pacelli is one of the most evil witches on the planet and she commands international Wiccan cults of child murderers and tormentors. Princess Giorgia Pacelli is probably the most murderous witch in this entire group.

See Appendix 1 - Part 2

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22094962? ago

Youve been busy Sir.

Reading it now.

22094989? ago

Oh yes. This is going to upset a lot of people. <

22093796? ago

Part 57 >

In that same interview, one of the teachers of Berg's centre appeals to a famous Kabbalistic work, Or Hachamah for support of their antinomian behavior. This quote is again a distortion. The author, Rabbi Abraham Azulay (following a principle already established by R. Isaac Luria) merely distinguished between the originally "concealed study" of the Kabbalah and the presently permitted "open study" of the Kabbalah. He does not make it a free-for-all. The alleged attribution that "only through Kabbalah will we forever eliminate war, destruction and man's inhumanity of his fellow man "does not exist, not even by allusion.

The allegation, made in the same interview, that "many scholars credit the Chassidic movement for bringing Kabbalah out of the darkness and to the masses" is sheer nonsense. This goes right counter to the very teachings of Chassidism: both the Baal Shem Tov (founder of the Chassidic movement) and the Maggid of Mezrich (successor of the Baal Shem Tov) cautioned most severely against teaching Kabbalah to an attributed the antinomian and immoral perversions of the Frankist to their improper study of the Kabbalah, undertaken cavalierly without adequate preparation and perspective. [See Sefer Baal Shem Tov, vol. I : p. 27f, and vol. II : p. 198; Or Ha'emet, p.86.]

Lies and More Lies

In context of the shameless incident of duping a dying woman into purchasing books and tapes, and to change her name, the Canadian Jewish News quotes the Kabbalah Centre's teacher's defense: "Marylin was persuaded to change her Hebrew name because it is the center's belief that one should not be named for a deceased relative but rather a figure in the Torah." This is hardly a credible excuse when his mentor, Berg himself, writes in The Wheels of a Soul, p. 110: Parents should always name their children after relatives or loved ones, who were giving people, with whom they felt a soul affinity."

Berg and the Kabbalah Center claim association with the Kabbalistic Yeshivah "Kol Yehudah" in Jerusalem, founded by Rabbi Ashlag in 1922, and later by Rabbi Brandwein. In fact, their billboards identify the centre as "founded in Jerusalem in 1922," and their leader as "Dean," as if the centre is identical with that Yeshivah. The truth is that Yeshivah Kol Yehudah (and there is only one in Jerusalem) denies any association, of whatever kind, with him. Both the families and successors of Rabbi Ashlag renounce Berg and the Kabbalah Centre and their activities, severely criticize them for their antiomian behavior, and call him a charlatan far removed from anything to do with genuine Kabbalah.

In an interview with an American magazine, JEWISH LOOK, April 1975, Berg relates that he met his alleged mentor, Rabbi Brandwein, in the summer of 1962. Then he proceeds to make ignorant as well as false and presumptuous claims:

He states that Rabbi Brandwein made an original contribution by being the first to publish the writings of Rabbi Isaac Luria in a "logical and coherent order." This, of course is nonsense. Rabbi Brandwein merely published most of the major texts of Rabbi Luria as a set, when previously they had been published at various times as individual volumes. For anyone familiar with the contents of the works, a "logical and coherent order" would be quite different than the order (and numbering) of Rabbi Brandwein's edition; a sequence of vol. 4-5, 1-3, 7-8, 12-15, 9-10, 14, 11, 13, 6, makes much more sense. This is not said to belittle, in any way or manner, a truly valuable contribution by Rabbi Brandwein:

a) he made these works available, when most of them were out of print and difficult to obtain;

b) he published them in comfortably readable print, and affordable volumes; and

c) he added references to sources in Biblical and Rabbinic writing and numerous cross-references to the writings of Rabbi Luria.

Berg claims that "Rabbi Brandwein and Berg embarked upon an unprecedented publishing venture - [referring to the above mentioned publication of the writings of the Ari] - Š they published all of the Ari's dazzling writings in 14 volumes."

The truth is:

The first 10 of the 14 volumes published by Rabbi Brandwein appeared in the years 1960-1961, thus before Berg ever heard of Rabbi Brandwein and who - by his own admission - he first met in 1962!

Rabbi Brandwein did not complete the publication. He managed to complete only a small part of the first section of Volume 14 (Peri Eitz Chayim, one of the most important texts) before he passed away. His son completed the edition of that volume (in the same style) many years later. Likewise, the Sefer Halikutim (which became volume 15) was edited and published much later by Rabbi Brandwein's son-in-law. There are many other texts of the teachings of Rabbi Isaac Luria which have not (yet) appeared in that series. Berg also states that "they (i.e. Rabbi Brandwein and Berg) published a 10-volume edition of Ha-Sulam." Berg insinuates that he was instrumental in the publication of this work when it had actually been published already, completely, by the author (Rabbi Ashlag; died 1954) himself, in 21 volumes. There was thus no more than a technical publishing-effort of a photogenic reprint condensed to 10 volumes.

High finances of the Kabbalah Centre

In the 1988 "Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax" submitted to the USA Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, covering the fiscal year July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989, signed by Berg himself on January 14, 1990, Berg's so-called "Research Centre of Kabbalah" of New York, NY, declares: Gross Sales (minus returns and allowances) of inventory (i.e., "Cost of good sold") valued at $241, 744, for the amount of $2, 824, 449, thus a "Gross profit of $2,582,705 (two million and five hundred and eighty two thousand and seven hundred and five dollars"!!!!! This means a gross profit of 1168% (One thousand and one hundred and sixty eight percent). This is in addition to "collecting contributions" of another $648,048. Line 75 of that "Return" indicates that by the end of the fiscal year, Berg's outfit in New York had a net worth of $9,675,448, for a net gain of $6,164,550 from the beginning of the fiscal year! Against this income and profit, their functional expenses for that year are $79,311 for "program services" and $158,853 for "management and general" (including $96,758 for "depreciation, depletion etc."), for "Total functional expenses of $238,164." The same return (Part II, Statement of Functional Expenses) notes that "Research Centre of Kabbalah" acquired right to publishing over 15 books and 15 audio-video tapes, cassettes over the next 10 years worth of $2,585,000." Since their primary publications are Berg's materials, one would assume that this amount paid (largely, if not exclusively) to Berg himself who officially received compensation (salary) of only $12,000 for that year. In comparison, the smaller "Kabbalah Centre" in Toronto, Ont., Canada, reports in their Charity Return for the year ending December 31, 1989, filed on June 28, 1990, receipt of contributions in the amount of $445,780, and assets of $330,852. The Toronto-branch also claims that in 1989 it spent $25,422 for "management and administration costs," and a whopping $399,247 for alleged "charitable programs." (The return-form does not provide for information on value and income of books, tapes etc. sold.)

Is there need for saying anything more? All the above clearly shows who Berg and the Kabbalah Centre are and what they are doing. Let the people see, know and judge for themselves.


22093786? ago

This is good info to research. Thanks

22093945? ago

You're welcome. I was a lot of work to find all this stuff, and the material in my previous posts.

Building up a proper knowledge base, so we get the research and education part just right. <

Thanks again.


22093766? ago

Part 56 >

Jewish law and the Kabbalists explicitly forbid the teachings of Kabbalah to people who do not have a good knowledge of basic Jewish law, and who are not meticulous with the observance of Jewish law and tradition. (See Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah, section 246, par. 4, and the commentators there. Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Or Ne'erav, part I, ch. 6 and part III, ch 1-4; Rabbi Chaim Vital, Introduction to Eitz Chayim; Sidur of Rabbi Isaac Luria, ed. Rabbi Shabtai of Rashkov, sect. Kavanat Halimud, p.130.) In the same context, Jewish law and the Kabbalists state that teachers of Kabbalah must themselves be Torah-scholars of unimpugnable character, people of the highest moral standing and religious observance. (See Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah, sect. 246, par. 8; and the Kabbalah-texts cited above.)

Jewish law forbids the teaching of Torah, let alone Kabbalah, to non-Jews. (See Maimonides, Hilchot Melachim, chapter 10, par. 9. Zohar, vol. II, p. 111b and vol. III, p. 73a.)

Berg recently published a Jewish prayer-book according to the rite of Rabbi Isaac Luria. The basic text is no more than a reprint of earlier such prayer books. Berg, however, added footnotes which copy various gimatriyot (numerical equivalents) of words or phrases etc. which appear in numerous texts. In order to fool naïve people, he tricked a number of prominent Israeli rabbis to write approbation's for this prayer-book. The fact that he tricked them is obvious from the texts of these approbation's: they refer to him as "Rabbi Berg, Rosh Yeshivah (dean) of Yeshivah Kol Yehudah in the USA" In truth, of course, this is a fictitious title and a fictitious school! In America, Berg claims to be the dean of a Yeshivah Kol Yehudah in Jerusalem, and in Israel he pretends to be the dean of a Yeshivah Kol Yehudah in the USA Berg and his disciples parade these approbation's as evidence that he has the support and respect of these rabbis for himself and the work of the Kabbalah Centre. In truth, the approbation's merely recommend the publication of a prayer-book of the rite of Rabbi Isaac Luria. They make no reference to the "personality" or work of Berg, his cult, or his activities. Moreover, these rabbis obviously never saw or examined Berg's prayer-book. They simply gave an approbation for a seemingly innocuous publishing effort. If they had seen Berg's work, they would had no choice but to condemn and ban his prayer-book; for Berg there commits the fatal error of attributing Divine quality to idolatry: In the first paragraph of the Aleinu-prayer there is a verse which reads: "for they [the heathens] bow to vanity and emptiness and pray to a god which helps not." In a demonstration of crude ignorance, Berg understood the word el (god) in that phrase to be a reference to Divinity, and thus attributes to it a gimatriya which applies exclusively to G-d (see his prayer-book, p. 280, note 9; and this fatal error is repeated on pp.359 and 405). We have here a typical example of a Midrashic interpretation on the verse "The fool proclaims his guilt" (Proverbs 14:9), namely, that "A fool proclaims his guilt with his own guilt with his own mouth!" Attention has already been drawn to this blasphemous stupidity, and chances are that Berg will soon reprint his book to hide his ignorance.

Berg's "Prophetic Powers"

A good sample of Berg's keen mystical insights, which cannot be explained by anything but an implied status of prophecy, is to be found in that same tract, The Wheels of A Soul. In chapter 12, titled 'The Man Who Returned as His Nephew,' Berg claims to have determined that a certain individual did not violate the terrible sin of suicide but must have been murdered. His "proof" is as follows. Aryeh was born on Cheshvan 9, 5719, corresponding to the civil date of November 12, 1958. [Berg did not bother to check a calendar. The 9th of Cheshvan 5719 corresponds to October 23, 1958! In my case, no connection is ever made with his birthday.] On August 19, 1978, 'Aryeh' was found dead, and his family was deeply perturbed by the question whether he committed suicide or was murdered. Thus they called on Berg to resolve this question. Berg discovered that Aryeh's brother had a baby born on the 29th of Nissan 5739 (which corresponds to April 26, 1979), and was named after his uncle. From this, Berg concludes that the baby-Aryeh must have been conceived in the preceding (Jewish) month of Elul 5738 (thus between Elul 1, 5738, corresponding to September 3, 1978, and Elul 29, 5738, corresponding to October 1, 1978). Referring to a passage in the writings of Rabbi Isaac Luria about babies corn or conceived in the month of Elul, and combining this with the fact that the dead man and his new-born nephew have the same name, Berg concluded that this "indicates that the two Aryehs were the same" (i.e. that the baby must have been an incarnation of his dead uncle). Now, from September 3 to April 26 there are 235 days, which is 33 weeks and 4 days, or 7 months and 23 days. From October 1 to April 26 are 208 days, which is 29 weeks and 4 days, or 6 months and 26 days. Normative birth occurs in the ninth month. This clearly raises the obvious question: How would Berg know that the child "must have been conceived" between the end of the 7th month and the end of the 8th month prior to birth??? Secondly, Berg claims that there is a Talmudic interpretation that says "anyone below the age of 20 cannot be condemned to death in the event of premeditated murder." In his notes he cites "Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin, p.' - leaving the page number blank. He had to leave it blank as he could not find it for the simple reason that no such quote exists there, or anywhere for that matter. To give Berg some benefit of doubt, we may assume that he might possibly have been confused by remembering something about no punishment being meted out before the age of 20, which appears in the commentary of Rashi on Genesis 23:1, learned by little children in grade 1 or 2 of a Talmud Torah. The source for this can be found in tractate Shabbat 89b and in the Jerusalem Talmud, Bikurim 2:1. The problem however, is that this refers specifically to the punishment of karet (excision of the soul) from Heaven. Indeed, a simple study of the Torah-text, undertaken by even little children and without need of any commentaries, shows that there are several cases in the Torah itself, explicitly prescribing capital punishment for youths below the age of twenty. Berg thus again displays arrogant ignorance and distortion, and on this he bases his case that the baby must have been an incarnation of his uncle. Thirdly, from his "prophetic assumption" that the baby is an incarnation of its late uncle, Berg arrives at the stupendous conclusion that the dead Aryeh must have been murdered and could not have committed the sin of suicide. For, says Berg, if he had committed suicide he would not have been reincarnated! How convenient. First he takes for granted that there is a case of reincarnation, and thus concludes that therefore there could not have been a suicide. Even a child can recognize the absurdity of this circular argument.

Berg the "Inventor"

In his interview with the Canadian Jewish News, Berg claims, in a curious switch from his precious pronouncements on the Mitnagdim, that the Vilna Gaon said that "Kabbalah should be our first pre-requisite, before Talmud, before anything else." While now recognizing the Gaon's connection with Kabbalah, he crudely invents a quote and falsifies the Gaon's statements. It is quite obvious that he is totally ignorant of the writings of the Vilna Gaon. The Gaon clearly follows Jewish orthodox tradition and declares: "He who wishes to deal with the 'great and wondrous things' but will not first observe the laws and learn them, 'shall not be enriched;' for 'who is rich? He who rejoices in his lot' and does not walk in 'great and wondrous things' before filling his belly with the 'bread that sustains the heart of man.' Without this, it is impossible to attain the secrets [mysteries of the Torah];" Gaon's Commentary on Mishlei 21:17. Likewise, the Zohar, volume II (Book of Shemot), end of p. 115a states: "For him who makes an effort [with Torah] the merit the World to Come it is called a 'possession'Š in context of 'the Possessor of Heaven and Earth' (Genesis 14:19), 'Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding' (Proverbs 4:5). After acquiring [it] for himself, he shall have freedom. There is one who is acquired forever, and there is one who is acquired for six years.." In his commentary on this passage, Yohel Or, p. 10c, the Vilna Gaon explains: "'He shall have freedom': that is, he shall then busy himself with the 'Tree of Life', the secrets of the Torah, which is referred to as the 'World of Freedom'. There is one who is': that is, throughout his life he will never attain he secrets.' And there is one': that is, until he will study the Talmud, and thereafter the secrets of the Torah, for thence he will attain the 'inner awe' and make an effort which is not for the sake of receiving a reward. For then he shall be on the level of 'a child in Atzilut', as known. Thus it is said, 'If there is no awe there is no Torah, if there is no Torah [there is no awe: the first [phrase] refers to the external awe and the plain sense of the Torah, and the second to Kabbalah and the inner awe."

See Part 57 >

22093753? ago

Part 55 >

Denying Fundamental Principles of the Torah and Inventing new ones

If all that were not enough, another of his books, modestly, titled "The Ground Breaking Book that tells you all about Reincarnation - THE WHEELS OF A SOUL," p. 46, has the following pronouncements of "orthodox rabbi" Berg.

"We are taught from childhood that if we do something good, G-d will reward us and if we do something bad, He punishes us. Never believe it."

In other words, Berg tells you not to believe one of the "13 Fundamental Principles of Judaism" (Principle 11, in Maimonides' formulation) that "G-d rewards those who perform the commandments of the Torah and punishes those who transgresses its admonitions." According to this "greatest Kabbalist" we are not to believe the numerous passages in the Torah that speak explicitly of reward and punishment, such as Leviticus ch. 26 and Deuteronomy ch. 28-29; or in the Shema recited twice daily - Deuteronomy ch. 11:13ff., to mention but some major sources.

In the same tract, p.29, Berg alleges that "Reincarnation is not a question of faith or doctrine, but of logic and reason.. the Bible is its Fountainhead;" and p. 51: "By now it should be quite clear that reincarnation is discussed and accepted in the Bible, and that by virtue of that acceptance it is an integral part of Judaism and Christianity alike."

Very interesting. Why is it, then, that some of the greatest authorities of Judaism, including Rav Saadiah Gaon (to whom Berg makes several references and who says of the idea of reincarnation that it is no less than "madness and confusion"), R. Abraham Ibn Chinya, R. Abraham Ibn Daud and R. Joseph Albo, denied and rejected the idea of reincarnation? One need not be too great a scholar or student of religion to know that one can hardly imagine something more absurd than Berg's assertion than "Judaism is not concerned with conforming to a strict religious way of life" requiring the performance of certain religious tasks. Religious law and ritual is the very foundation, the beginning and the end, of the Torah and Judaism. Berg's teachings are no more than a poor-echo of the basic claim of the apostle Paul, in the New Testament, and later of the movement of the false Messiahs Shabbatai Tzvi and Jakob Frank, that the laws or rituals of the Torah and Jewish tradition are no longer required. So is his claim that "proper understanding of the Torah," i.e., the teachings and doctrines of Bergism , will remove "the barriers that have been created between Jews and non-Jews."

Berg and his people make constant use of astrology and horoscope-readings to "counsel" those who come to them. They pretend to see all kinds of negative forces or auras threatening their victims, and then advise them that the "pending evil" can be avoided by means of hefty contributions to the Kabbalah Centre. A favorite ploy of theirs is to suggest the amount of $30,000 for reprinting the Sulam-edition of the Zohar, payable either by post-dated cheques or credit-card. The use of astrology, of course, is forbidden by Jewish law. To be sure, there have been a good number of Jewish scholars who believe in the principles of natural forces and influences suggested by astrology. Nonetheless, Jewish law and tradition state quite clearly that Jews are not to consult horoscopes and astrology. Maimonides condemns astrology as a form of idolatry. The Schulan Aruch, the universal Code of Jewish Law, composed by Rabbi Joseph Karo who himself was a great Kabbalist and studied with Rabbi Isaac Luria himself, states unequivocally: "One is not to consult astrologers or fortune-tellers - GLOSS: because it is written 'You shall be wholehearted with the Lord, your G-d' (Deuteronomy 18:13), and how much more so, therefore, it is forbidden to consult those that use divination, enchanters and sorcerers." (Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah, section 179, paragraph 1). The Zohar is also very emphatic in prohibiting a Jew's use or consultation of astrology (see Zohar, vol. I (Book of Bereishit), p. 90b; vol. II (Book of Shemot), p. 172a; and vol. III (Book of Vayikra-Davarim), p. 216b; etc. For Maimonides' condemnation see his Code, Laws of Idolatry, chapter II, par. 8-9 and 16, and his Book of Commandments. Vol. II, par. 32).

See Part 56 >

22093740? ago

Part 54 >

Slander of Rabbis and Halachic Authorities

More selections from Berg's Writings

In the introduction to the book THE ZOHAR: Parashat Pinhas, p. xxxiii-xxxv, Berg repeats his anti-orthodox diatribes: "There are those who pose as religious leaders who, for their own selfish reasons, spread false requisites for the study of the Zohar and discourage people from "indulging" in its sublime treasures. Either these rabbis fear for their positions, because people tasting of the Kabbalah might embarrass them with the incisiveness of their questions, or, perhaps, because their own upbringing deprived them of this because their own knowledge, they see no reason to allow others of "lower standing" to be given the opportunity of partaking of Kabbalah's spiritual elixir.

These kat (cults) of Rabbis have been, and are still in some quarters, blemishes and disfigurements on the face of Rabbinic Judaism. "The arid field of Rabbinism, the P'shat seekers are the fools and hate knowledge." (Tractate Sanhedrin, P. 99B) These Rabbis of ill-repute attempt to conceal from the layman the facts that the foremost Jewish legalists and Talmudists were also famous Kabbalists."

What a stupendous statement! All the great authorities who warned and cautioned about the study of Zohar and Kabbalah that this is for the properly qualified only, authorities which include Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (author of the Zohar), the foremost Kabbalists like Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Rabbi Isaac Luria and Rabbi Chaim Vital, the Vilna Gaon, the Baal Shem Tov, the Siftei Kohen, and so forth, in Berg's view "posed as religious leaders," made their pronouncements for "selfish reasons," "feared for their positions," and were "afraid of embarrassment"!!! They were "cultists" - "blemishes and disfigurements on the face of Rabbinic Judaism," "Rabbis of ill-repute." Berg, knowingly fully felt that his followers are even more ignorant than he and would never bother (or know how) to check his allegedsources, invents from his fertile imagination a quotation from the Talmud, "Tractate Sanhedrin P. 99B." It so happens that his quotation does not exist either there or anywhere else. There is nothing even remotely on that whole folio of the Talmud!

Berg claimed for a "fact" that "the foremost Jewish legalists and Talmudists were also famous Kabbalists." Some, indeed, were. Many, however, were most definitely not, such as, for example, the greatest of them all, i.e., Maimonides. In fact, many Kabbalists severely condemned the super-rationalist approach of Maimonides. Rabbi Isaac Luria who had the greatest respect and admiration for Maimonides, states nonetheless that Maimonides, being of the left pa'eh (corner) did not merit to know the wisdom of the Zohar!" (Sha'ar Hagilgulim, ch. 36. See also Rabbi C. J. D. Azulay, Shem Hagedolim, s.v. Harambam. See also Maimonides' introduction to his Guide, and the comments thereon by one of the foremost Kabbalists, Rabbi Joseph Ergas, Shomer Emunim 1:9)

And where is Berg's evidence for Rav Saadiah Gaon, Rashi, Rabbenu Tam and so many others? (If Berg assumes that a commentary on Sefer Yetzirah, implies involvement with Kabbalah, obviously he does not know anything about Sefer Yetzirah. Many, including Rav Saadia Gaon, read it from a philosophical, non-Kabbalistic - or, at least, not in the normatively understood Kabbalistic - perspective.) C. In this vein, Berg also presents an original revisionist account of history. He writes in the same introduction, pp. xliii-xliv: "The fundamental purpose of Hasidism, which borrowed from the example of the Sephardim, was to inject spirituality into the religion, as opposed to the thoughtless formalism prevailing within the liturgy and ceremonies of their fellow Jews in Lithuania, the Mitnagdim. For this reason the Hasidim did not enjoy either credibility nor popularity among MitnagdimŠ The place that was assigned to the Zohar in the scheme of prayer and ritual by the Hasidim was one of the basic points at issue between the two sectsŠ It was and is essentially a contest between the formalism of dogmatic ritual, as practiced by Mitnagdim and the spiritually-directed practices of the Hasidim. Like the Sephardic Jew, the Hasid maintained that the quintessence of the Jewish religion lay in the internal-spiritual study of Talmud, combined with a determined belief in the efficacy of prayer. Thus, both groups opposed the robotic, despiritualized form of prayer observed within all three factions of Judaism --[reform, conservative, orthodox]. The Mitnagdim, contrarily, although they could not reject outright the validity of the teachings of the saintly Tannah, R. Shimon bar Yohai and his Zohar, regarded Jewish life and religion as consisting of strict obedience to the laws based upon the literal study of the Talmud and the precepts. The Talmud, without the assistance of R. Shimon Bar Yoshai's interpretation, is, to the Kabbalist's way of thinking, an exercise in lifeless, rigid ritualism, the result of which has been an abandonment of the study of Talmud, not only by most Jews, but even by the majority of Orthodox Jews." One need not be a scholar at all to know that the foremost leader of the Mitnagdim, the fiercest opponent to Hassidism, was R. Elijah, the Vilna Gaon. To reduce that confrontation to an argument about the stature, study and use of the Zohar, is absolute ignorance about both the struggle between the Hassidim and the Mitnagdim and personality of the Vilna Gaon, his teachings and writings. The Vilna Gaon wrote some of the most incisive commentaries on the Zohar. Like few before or after him, he wrote extensively about the absolute necessity of studying the Kabbalah (see, for example, the anthology Even Shelemah). His prayer-book, and accounts of his practices and customs, follow Kabbalistic teachings and devotions. He taught Kabbalah to his disciples. Nefesh Hachayim, the major work of the Gaon's principle disciple Rabbi Chaim of Voloszin, is based completely on the Zohar and the writings of Rabbi Isaac Luria. The Lithuanian School of Kabbalah, founded by the Gaon, continued generation after generation, through the author of Aspaklaryah Hame'irah (which is partially printed in the margins of the standard editions of the Zohar) to the recent works of the late Rabbi Shelomoh Eliyashuv. So much for our alleged "doctor in comparative religion"-'s knowledge of Jewish history in general, and history and development of Kabbalah in particular.

See Part 55 >

22093729? ago

Part 53 >

Mockery of Jewish Law and Tradition

Selections from Berg's Writings

Berg masquerades as an observant "orthodox rabbi." Anyone who observes his practices or reads his books, however, will discover an altogether different picture:

The very fact that he is suing a Jew, let alone an orthodox rabbi, in a secular court, instead of - at best - summoning him before a Bet Den (religious court) is one of the most serious offenses against Jewish law which is binding upon all religious Jews, states unequivocally:

"It is forbidden to submit a law-suit for adjudication before gentile judges and their courts of law even if the sentence will conform to Jewish law. This is prohibited even if both parties agree to submit the case before them. Whosoever submits a law-suit for adjudication before them is a rasha (totally wicked person) and is regarded as one who reviles, blasphemes, and rebels against the Torah of Moses our Teacher! GLOSS: The Bet Din is authorized to ban and excommunicate him until he will remove the authority of the gentiles from his fellow (Jew). One excommunication also anyone who supports the one who goes to the gentiles!" (Schulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat, section 26, paragraph 1)

Following here are a few examples of Berg mocking and denying fundamental principles of traditional Judaism in his writings:

Berg writes in his tract called THE KABBALAH CONNECTION, p42:

"Like the scientists, the leaders of the three main streams of Judaism today are interpreting the body of the Torah according to their own Desires to Receive and the Desire to Receive embodied in their congregations. Unhappily, whereas the sages who presented commentaries on the Talmud, from Rashi and Rabbi Tam of the Tosafot and others worked and disagreed with one another in the spirit of pure science inspired by G-d and believing totally in what they wrote, the last century has seen a turning away from the sanctity of Halacha - away from pure science in favor of applied science which, in this case, means conforming more readily and easily to the mainstream of contemporary life. The reality of gufei Torah thus is lost, abandoned and forgotten. We no longer inquire, as did the sages of the Talmud, into the nature and structure of the "cables" of observance - the physical aspect of communication with the metaphysical plane. We have become, instead, obsessed with the need to tailor Judaism to fit as many Jews as possible".

In other words, the gospel according to Berg declares that there is no longer any valid Halacha. Halachic authorities in the last century are but professional "tailors" who cut, weave and sew to order, their Halachic pronouncements seeking to accommodate the desires and caprices of as many customers as possible.

In the same tract, p. 43:

"Judaism is not concerned with conforming to a strict religious way of life in which it is perceived that if one wants to be considered a Jew he has to perform certain ritual tasks. On the contrary, the goal is to connect to metaphysical forces through which we can fulfill our Desire to Receive The Torah, properly understood, can completely fulfill all our needs, and once that goal has been achieved, the barriers that have been created between Jews and non-Jews will collapse".

And on p. 44:

"The aspect of Law does not have its customary secular implication of conformity and sanction. The Halacha of binding of Tefillin each morning is not a rule laid down by the Torah to keep the Jewish people in line. It merely bears witness to the fact that for six days in every week, the Tefillin is in tune with the paths by which energy is flowing, and that if we want to use that energy, this is the means by which we can connect with it. Halacha, properly understood, is therefore descriptive rather than prescriptive. To say, that a particular deed or action is "Halachically incorrect" is not to say that one is doing wrong, is not an observant Jew or is not fitting into the mainstream of Judaism. We are merely making the observation that the particular action is question is not properly connecting with the energy pattern available to it."

Even the most ignorant Jew knows that the word mitzvah (pl. mitzvot) means commandment, thus a Divine edict and obligation. Halacha, regardless of the etymology of that word, means specifically Jewish LAW, in the plain sense of that term.

The Torah states very explicitly that the observance of Mitzvot goes with promises of rewards in the here-and-now or the hereafter, while the violation of mitzvot incurs punishment - ranging from purely spiritual penalties to fines, flogging, excommunication and capitol punishment. [See also further on, chapter VII.]

Berg, therefore, displays sheer ignorance, stupidity, an outrageous perversion of the facts, and a total distortion of the Torah. His nonsense of mitzvot being "descriptive" (suggesting that it is optional) rather than "prescriptive" (which means obligatory), is the typical claim of licentious renegades who seek, and wallow in, anti-nomianism (discarding the legitimacy and relevance of law). The Torah, and all of Jewish tradition, makes it very clear, beyond any shadows of doubt, that to act "Halachically incorrect" is indeed to "do wrong" - which requires (even on the unintentional level) an act of repentance.

There is not a single instance where the authorities mentioned talk in their cited commentaries about manipulating "energies" or connecting "cables." They would condemn this as idolatrous. The Halachic and Kabbalah authorities condemn most severely those who would use "practical Kabbalah" or seek to tap the supernal lights or energies. They state that people like that invariably become wicked and despicable heretics and will have a bitter end.

[For sources see: Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Pardes Rimonim XXVII:27; Rabbi Chaim Vital (citing Rabbi Isaac Luria), in Sha'ar Ru'ach HaKodesh, Tikun III, in Likutei Torah, section Shemot, and also in Sha'ar Hamitzvot, section Shemont. See also Rabbi Yehudah Hechassid, Sefer Chassidim, par. 204-5, and the commentaries there.]

Berg's indiscriminate and unqualified involvement with Kabbalah resulted in precisely all that these warnings predicted. Like the alchemists of old, who pursued the study of the Kabbalah and the occult sciences in order to produce gold to indulge their desires, and like all others who sought to master the Kabbalah for personal gain, Berg reduces the Torah and Jewish tradition into a manual of magic and astrology to manipulate Heavenly forces or energies to attain personal gratification or to avoid personal misfortune. Berg's "system" promises his followers that they can turn Almighty G-d into their private lacky, a genie in a bottle, to do their bidding. The Torah (Halacha), which Jewish tradition sees as the revelation of G-d's Will, G-d's commandments, G-d's prescription for the proper life, behavior and human self-discipline, are discarded by Berg as rabbinic myths, orthodox naiveté, a nefarious plot of ignorant religious fanatics to control the ignorant masses.

Se Part 54 >

22093714? ago

Part 52 >

Documented list of Perversions

Dr. Phil Abramowitz, Director of the Task Force on Missionaries and Cults at the Jewish Federation of New York, circulated a memociting: "Only some if the items have been brought to his attention regarding the work of Dr. Philip Berg:

Two people complained about Berg advising two women to divorce their husbands. He claimed that he had seen it in the Kabbalah or in some mystical dimension that they should divorce. [Note: This, incidentally, is a common and well-documented practice of the Kabbalah Centre: when a married couple disagrees about association with the Kabbalah Centre, especially when this involves immense financial commitments, the one in favor of Berg is usually advised to divorce the disagreeing spouse because "the marriage is spiritually unsuitable."]

A young man from the Chaim Berlin yeshiva claimed that his father's manuscript had been taken by Berg and printed under Berg's own name.

On 42nd Street in Manhattan, Berg's followers have been seen trying to solicit passers-by ( s, Puerto Ricans, Jews and non-Jews) to buy Berg's publications and as well to encourage them to attend his lectures.

An observant family in Toronto had called in to complain of the circumstance where their child was terminally ill. Berg had claimed that he could cure the child through Kabbalah and had required a payment of some thousands of dollars. The child died.

The Toronto Vaad HaRabonim and the Queens Vaad HaRabonim had issued statements to the public about avoiding the learning in Kabbalah Centers as well as purchasing books which were on the market. (This was all enacted to foil the work of Berg.) [Note: The Chief Rabbi , the Bet Din of Johannesburg, and the Rabbinical Association of South Africa, also issued decrees of condemnation against the Kabbalah Centre and managed to drive them out of their country.]

Philadelphia Board of Rabbis complained that Berg's followers had been abusive to their members when demanding that appeals be made for Berg's organization in synagogues. When they were asked for Haskamot (letters of approbation) none were ever produced.)

Numerous calls have been received from Jewish residents in Flatbush and Queens complaining that Berg's representatives are making solicitations on behalf of the Kabbalah center and refuse to leave the premises until they are given money. In fact, they literally put their "foot in the door" - they claim that Berg had taught them that it is better to get abuse in this world and to have the world to come - "A Lichter Gan Eden."

There are stories of kids livings in Berg's basement, being paid a minimal wage and going out promoting his books and seminars.

Complaint was made from the New York City Department of Finance that 3 of Berg's representatives had come to the Department saying that they wanted to give Mishloach Manot gifts - (traditional gifts of food given to friends on the festival of Purim) - to Jews working in the Department. They were furnished with a list of names of Jews working in that Department. When they approached the Jews, they did not admit that they had obtained the names from the Department, but, rather, said that Berg had instructed them according to Kabbalah to buy his Kabbalah books and attend his Shiurim (classes). They were also frightened by the claims of what would happen to them if they would not attend these lectures.

The same memo also cites reports from Rabbi Yitchak Sladowsky, Executive VP of Vaad HaRabonim of Queens:

Parents had complained that children were "taken in" be Berg and were being estranged from their families.

The Vaad have been told that Berg held seances (and ) together with the youngsters and tried and got them to try and make contact with the dead and to transcend their own souls."

The Canadian Jewish News - article quotes Arnold Markowitz, director of the Cult Hotline of the New York Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, that he has received a fair amount of calls complaining of "high pressure" and abusive tactics employed by the Kabbalah Centre's New York branch. "The calls, usually from current and former members and their relatives, tell of people 'totally consumed' by the centre 'while neglecting family and work.'" Markowitz said that the centre exhibits many cult-like qualities similar to "name" cults like the Unification Church of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. He adds that his research "has shown the centre to impart 'an inordinate amount' of submission to its rules - the neglect of other pursuits - a his level of suggestibility, denial of privacy and a strong focus on a self-appointed, charismatic leader, namely, Berg. It also employs some 'hard-sell' tactics usually associated with better-known cult groups. The centre displays a strong inwardness too: 'They see the outside world as unenlightened. It's a very 'us-versus-them' mentality.'" The article cites the same type of reports from Dr. Phil Abramowitz of new York Jewish Community Centre's Task Force on Missionaries and Cults, Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Congress, and Julius Ciss of the Toronto counter-missionary group Jews for Judaism.

See Part 53 >

22093698? ago

Part 51 >


The Truth about

The Kabbalah Centre

Published by Task Force on Cults and Missionaries

Los Angeles, CA 1995

Who is "Dr. Philip S. Berg"?

Philip S. Berg is the charismatic founder and leader of a quasi-Jewish cult functioning under the name of "Research Centre for Kabbalah." It has branches in New York City, Los Angeles, Toronto, London, a few other cities. Berg portrays himself as an orthodox rabbi and proclaims his "Kabbalah Centre" to be a Jewish orthodox institution. IN his youth he did study at an orthodox Yeshiva in Brooklyn NY, and it seems that he was ordained. Berg claims to have a doctorate (all his books go under the name "Dr. Philip S. Berg"). In some of his books he alleges to have a doctorate in "comparative religion," while another source claims his doctorate to be in "jurisprudence in biblical law." When personally confronted about the discrepancies, and questioned about his alleged doctorate, he admitted (in a published interview) that in fact -he has no academic degree at all - and that his alleged "doctorate" is "part of his smichah (ordination)". Everyone knows, of course, that there is no such thing. For his public lectures Berg advertises himself invariably as "the greatest Kabbalist in the world;" "the world's foremost authority on the Kabbalah;" "a living Kabbalist and the rarest of teachers;" or other such flamboyant terms of self-aggrandizement. Outside of his own Centre and circle of followers, neither the academic nor the Jewish religious worlds know anything about him except for the anomalies of his centers. They have absolutely no regard for him, his teachings, writings or activities. In fact, he is universally condemned by both the orthodox rabbinate and contemporary schools of Jewish mysticism in Israel, the USA and elsewhere, as a charlatan.

What is the "Kabbalah Centre"?

One of the most extensive articles about Berg and the Kabbalah Centre was published in a national Canadian Jewish weekly, the Canadian Jewish News, dated March 18, 1993, pp. 2, 6-7 and 9. It exposed, with names, some of the Kabbalah Centre's anomalies, such as:

In the autumn of 1990, a Marilyn McLeod was dying of cancer. She was visited by a "Rabbi" Yardeni of the Kabbalah Centre who persuaded her to purchase a complete hard cover set of the Zohar, as well as a few other books about Jewish mysticism, for hundreds of dollars. Marilyn was also told to change a mezuzah and her Hebrew name. For $250, they changed her mezuzah, gave her about a dozen audio tapes from the centre, and changed her name altogether. Though Marilyn couldn't read any Hebrew, she was told to simply scan the Zohar for its healing properties. Shortly thereafter (January 1991) she dies.

Other cases are cited of people unable to read Hebrew (let alone Aramaic - the language of most of the Zohar), and who could ill afford the high prices charged, who were persuaded to purchase the Zohar and other works, who were told that mere scanning of the books would help them in their quest for spiritual fulfillment.

Young people drawn into the centre were persuaded to help with maintenance of the building and other jobs.

When thoroughly questioned, Berg "readily concedes that 'most' of the students as well as the teachers at the centre would likely not be able to read or interpret a page from the Hebrew Zohar." Nonetheless, he maintains, in an alleged "paraphrase of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai" that :you can learn from someone who doesn't know".

Both in the interview as well as in their promotions, Berg calls his centre "Yeshiva Kol Yehuda," alleging affiliation and association with (as the continuation or successor to) the Yeshivah Kol Yehuda in Jerusalem, originally founded in 1922 by the late Rabbi Yehudah Ashlag and later headed by the late Rabbi Yehudah Tzvi Brandwien. Berg calls himself as "Rabbi Brandwein's chief student." [Note: see further on, chapter X, about this false allegation!]

The Kabbalah Centre offers its classes and publications to an indiscriminate mixture of "man, woman, child, non-Jew," religious or secular.

Berg condemns rabbis who criticize and censure him and his organization as "jealous; they are simply jealous of how we are teaching people."

A former student who spent 18 months studying at the centre and "thousands of dollars on books and tapes," decided to investigate orthodox Judaism and realized how far removed the centre is from traditional Judaism. He said that at first "everything was very impressive. Everything made sense to me. They were in synch with what I knew about spirituality. But then I did a little outside reading and I started to realize that to know Kabbalah you need to be at a level of personal development. They never mention that. They don't talk about kashrut, mitzvot or tefilah (prayer). They never mention G-d. They talk about a light, about power. They offer instant gratification and instant answers."

All the above is extracted from the Canadian Jewish News article. None of these matters was ever questioned or denied by Berg or the Centre.

Berg's Use of "Libel Chill"

Berg has literally millions of dollars at his disposal. The net assets of his New York branch in 1990, according to IRS-returns, are close to 10 million dollars. Using the principle of "libel chill," he scares detractors who will speak out openly against him with expensive libel and slander suits. That is why rabbinic condemnations of him and his centre are usually couched in very careful and often veiled wordings. One rabbi was not that careful: Canadian rabbi Emanuel Schochet, a rabbinic scholar and authority on Jewish mysticism well-known throughout the world, author and editor of numerous primary texts, dared to speak out against Berg and the Kabbalah Centre in a lecture delivered in 1993 in South Africa. On his return to Canada, Berg hired one of Canada's top-paid lawyers in libel to sue Rabbi Schochet for $4.5 million dollars for "libel and slander." Rabbi Schochet condemned the Jewishly unacceptable practices of Berg and his centers of

a) using horoscopes and astrology in general in counseling their victims,

b) the indiscriminate use and teaching of sacred and complex teachings of the Kabbalah to people totally illiterate in anything Jewish and devoid of Jewish observances as well as to gentiles,

c) the exorbitant prices they charge for the sale of the Zohar and other writings pressed upon their victims at mark-ups of over 500% of the fair market-price,

d) acts of extortion by scaring naïve people with all kinds of evil and curses that will come upon them if they refuse to offer money for the Kabbalah Centre, and ludicrous promises of physical health and wealth if they will purchase their publications; and other such flagrant violations of Jewish law and tradition, as well as other samples of immoral behavior.

See Part 52 >

22093517? ago

Part 50 >

Pelosi and the U.S. presidency

By every indication Nancy Pelosi is wangling her political career to assume the presidency of the United States by way of extraordinary political stealth and cunning strategy.

KEY POINT: No one reading this exposé should take lightly the fact that the Speaker of the House is number two in the line of succession should the POTUS pass away, resign or be removed for any reason. Pelosi, therefore, is much closer to the throne than any freedom-loving patriot would ever want to see.

Because her handlers have always known how ruthlessly ambitious she is, they know that there is nothing Pelosi will not do to become POTUS. See: Pelosi really is plotting to become POTUS (Video)

Ever since Rep. Pelosi was re-elected as Speaker she has asserted herself in a manner never witnessed before by the American people. In short, her official (mis)conduct has been nothing short of mortifying. Her reactions to the President’s very reasonable demands to negotiate a quick and tidy end to the ongoing government shutdown have been shockingly juvenile and typically dismissive … while 800,000 plus government workers are still furloughed.

Pelosi’s many embarrassing responses to Trump’s requests are clearly attempts to show the country, and the world, that she is ready to be POTUS. However, with each failed attempt to project strength, she instead presents the profile of a delusional sociopath hell-bent on overthrowing Trump and setting up a globalist-run tyranny.

Here’s just one example of the various plots and intrigues that crop up wherever Pelosi goes these days, all of which are marked by extreme Trump derangement syndrome.

By the way, why is former DNC Chair Donna Brazile tweeting about a “President Pelosi”?

See: Donna Brazile’s cryptic “President Pelosi” tweet and rumors of plot to assassinate Trump

Coup within a coup

Everything points to an ongoing coup within a coup to overthrow Donald Trump and install, first, Nancy Pelosi as POTUS, followed by a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Many Signs Point to a Coup Within a Coup to Oust Trump

Getting Pelosi into the Oval Office is Plan B; executing Plan C on behalf of the still-aspiring Clinton will require a herculean effort. Such a globalist scheme would also mean the final end of the American Republic.

Even if such a harebrained scheme was attempted by the Democrat bolsheviks it would only serve to expose the entire Deep State apparatus that has been trying to topple Trump from day one. Hence, such a foolhardy insurrection would go a long way toward dissolving the Democrat Party forever.

In light of these seditious rumblings, it’s already crystal clear that the Democrat Party mustn’t ever be allowed to control the Executive Branch again. The treasonous conduct of all of these traitors to the American Republic ought to be met with consequences so severe that future revolts would be poignantly and pre-emptively discouraged.

The Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History

Nonetheless, the current crop of Democrats are an incorrigible and reckless bunch of insurgents determined to suffer a terrible fate. Hence, carrying out a coup d’état will also greatly deflate the pernicious influence of the Black Nobility as it will reveal the Mafia’s criminal involvement with American government over many decades.


The Nancy Pelosis of the world need to dealt with decisively. So do their countless minions who use violence and terrorism to achieve their political goals. Those in positions of power like Pelosi, who act like thugs and bullies, need to be removed post-haste. Perhaps military tribunals are the only way to eliminate them all from government service.

MILITARY TRIBUNALS: Why They Are Absolutely Necessary

For the Speaker of the House to disinvite the POTUS from delivering the SOTU address sums it all up. She really feels that the House is her house and that she can do whatever she wants with it. GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE: It’s not Pelosi’s House, it’s the People’s House

Nancy Pelosi is like the bratty little teen who leads the girl’s clique. Because her little camarilla hates ‘class president’ Donald Trump for simply being a patriot, she thinks she can get away with making any insult or causing him any indignity. And she operates her teenage tyranny as though she enjoys complete impunity compliments of the Black Nobility.

However, Nancy Pelosi fails to realize that the higher up she goes, the harder she will fall. And when she does fall, she will have no one to blame but herself while her lackeys, hitmen and political hacks mindlessly follow her over the cliff.

Bottom Line: Although Nancy Pelosi is clearly the product of masterful Machiavellian* manipulation by the Black Nobility, she may not even know who is pulling her strings. For that’s the way the globalist cabal always sets up and controls their figureheads.

*“Machiavellianism is widely used as a negative term to characterize unscrupulous politicians of the sort Machiavelli described most famously in The Prince. Machiavelli described immoral behavior, such as dishonesty and the killing of innocents, as being normal and effective in politics. He even seemed to encourage it in some situations. The book gained notoriety due to claims that it teaches evil recommendations to tyrants to help them maintain their power. The term Machiavellian is often associated with political deceit, deviousness, and realpolitik. For many years Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was a senior official in the Florentine Republic in Northern Italy”[3]

“There’s no better example of how the Mafia lords over American politics than the rise of Nancy “the Knife” Pelosi. Just like the Chicago mob was behind the JFK hit, Pelosi’s California Mafia is softening up their target in the Oval Office for the kill. The woman has no scruples. This is why the Mafia chose her. Women make superior assassins, especially character assassins. And very few suspect them as they twist the knife. Women also make excellent manipulators of men in power as this piece explains in astonishing detail: PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places“

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

In closing, there is no greater conspiracy to subvert the American Republic than to keep the borders open and allow unlimited illegal immigration. This is perhaps Pelosi’s main mission for her Black Nobility masters. Only in this way can armies of foreign mercenaries and ISIS terrorists be secreted into the USA in order to be trained as Gladio cells, ready to strike when the Left really goes violent. For it’s a civil war that the globalists intend to use to advance their globalist agenda throughout America. In this particular regard, Nancy Pelosi is one of the de facto leaders of the left-wing extremist plot whose treasonous goal is to transform the nation into a cultural marxist’s paradise. See BEWARE: The Purple Revolution Comes To America

Special Note: Pelosi was recently prevented from making a trip overseas by President Trump for very good reason. This dramatically publicized incident then opened can of worms regarding Pelosi’s highly suspicious pattern of taking similar junkets with her fellow Democrats to power centers around the world.

For instance, the following screenshot contains radioactive information that is still being investigated by the ever-vigilant Judicial Watch. The $64,000 question here is: Why was Pelosi et al. traveling to “Milan, Rome and Naples, Italy” all in one trip in 2015? How do YOU spell Black Nobility?

*In the modern age, Milan, Italy was established as the secret international banking headquarters for the Black Nobility. It was also the headquarters for Banco Ambrosiano, which was the main shareholder of the Vatican Bank before BA collapsed in 1982 as the biggest banking scandal in Italian history. The last Chairman of Banco Ambrosiano was Milan native Roberto Calvi who was widely known as “God’s Banker”. Calvi was found hanging under the Blackfriars Bridge in London on June 17, 1982 after having flown there from Venice. “Calvi was a member of Licio Gelli’s illegal masonic lodge, Propaganda Due (P2), who referred to themselves as frati neri or “black friars”.[4] The black friars are known within intel circles for working directly with the Italian Black Nobility families.

State of the Nation

January 20, 2019


Regarding the above quote “Real power never changes hands”, it’s important to note that the current “City of London” was founded by the Romans in 47 AD and was known as Londinium. As a matter of historical fact, the incorporated Financial District of today’s City of London is located exactly where the original Roman settlements were as they have experienced one incarnation after another over the past 2000 years.



22282311? ago

What is the plan for Pence?

22095001? ago

n closing, there is no greater conspiracy to subvert the American Republic than to keep the borders open and allow unlimited illegal immigration. This is perhaps Pelosi’s main mission for her Black Nobility masters. Only in this way can armies of foreign mercenaries and ISIS terrorists be secreted into the USA in order to be trained as Gladio cells, ready to strike when the Left really goes violent. For it’s a civil war that the globalists intend to use to advance their globalist agenda throughout America


22095029? ago

So that's how (((they))) are getting all that hardware.

22095044? ago

Its also why patriots want to build a wall. ^

22093512? ago

Part 49 >

KEY POINT: The Bank of America was founded in San Francisco (Pelosi’s district) in 1904 and was previously known as the Bank of Italy. For many years the Bank of America was the largest bank in the USA, as it was the primary funding source (often dirty money, especially drug money) for many successful politicians throughout California and beyond. BANK OF AMERICA: When Black Nobility Banks Took Over America.

As a matter of documented fact, Pelosi has had BIG money supporting her political career every step of the way. Were a forensic accountant to take a fine tooth comb through all of her campaign finance forms, they would surely find sources of donations that were not traceable—ON PURPOSE. Similarly, were a close accounting performed of her various business investments — of which she and her husband have many — these would trace right back to well-hidden Black Nobility interests, shell corporations, offshore tax havens, money laundering operations, investment scams, etc.

History of the Black Nobility

The primary cities in Northern Italy that were home to the original Black Nobility banking families were Venice and Genoa.

Both of these 13th and 14th century power centers, along with Milan, Turin, Bologna and Florence saw the greatest accumulation of wealth in human history in the wake of Marco Polo’s travels to the East and the subsequent opening of trade routes such as the [ORIGINAL] Silk Road.

That exorbitant wealth was accumulated after the eight major Crusade expeditions took place over the previous 200 year period which saw a tremendous amount of riches brought back from the Holy Land to Italy and elsewhere, but especially to Rome. For this is what the Crusades were really about—GRAND THEFT on a truly grand scale.

The crucial point here is that the Black Nobility has been around for a long time. Their money is the ‘oldest money’ on the planet so they have had a LOT of time to concentrate both power and wealth in such a way that their peak positions have always been untouchable. In other words, since they first formed their banking houses and other corporations, their power and influence have only increased and never diminished. Ditto that for their immense wealth.

Paul, Nancy and Paul, Jr. Pelosi — California’s version of “The Sopranos”

Paul Pelosi, the power husband

Georgetown grad and Jesuit-trained Paul Pelosi has the picture perfect resume to act as a frontman for the Black Nobility. Everything points to the great likelihood that his marriage to Nancy D’Alesandro was made you know where (and not in heaven).

Many who are selected to study foreign service at Georgetown University are lifelong Jesuit operatives and/or agents of the Vatican. In that capacity they are actually serving the interests of the Black Nobility, the financial arm of the Roman Catholic Church.

Paul Pelosi owns “a San Francisco-based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm” which is right in line with his wife’s needs for a rainmaker. This is the primary reason why Pelosi was re-elected Speaker; she threatened to stop the rain from falling in the form of so many campaign contributions to the financially strapped Democrat candidates. In point of fact, this is where Nancy Pelosi’s real power and influence comes from—M O N E Y !

Remember—always FOLLOW THE MONEY, and you will see who really controls any political party or NGO, corporation or small business, family or clan. Nancy has a massive money machine behind her, although a very quiet one, with which to pull the levers of power in California as well as within the other 49 states.

Of course, the apple does not fall far from the tree as seen in the career of Pelosi son Paul, Jr. That the investment company he co-founded was charged wth securities fraud should come as no surprise to anyone who knows how the Black Nobility set up the global gambling casino known as the stock market. That whole God-forsaken system is so rigged it’s a wonder people still play any of the markets. But then this is how the financial Mafia constantly fleeces Americans who really work for a living. FLASHBACK: Company co-founded by son of Nancy Pelosi charged with securities fraud

FEMINISM: The central pillar of Cultural Marxism

Not only did the last century see the Bolshevik Revolution destroy Russia and the Cultural Revolution devastate China, Cultural Marxism was likewise used to insidiously degrade and debase American society.

The central pillar of Cultural Marxism is Feminism; actually, it’s fake feminism. Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represent the culmination of this form of utterly fake Feminism. You always know that, if it ends in “ism'”, it’s really a hoax and the exact opposite of what is portrayed.

Well, Feminism is as fraudulent as it gets as are the primary purveyors of this transparent hoax. These so-called defenders of womanhood promote wholesale abortion (the license for a mother to kill her unborn child) while Planned Parenthood sells off fetal body parts, organs and tissues. Just how much more wicked and disingenuous can it get than that?

ABORTION: The Most Powerful Weapon in the Arsenal of Cultural Marxism

Who did not witness Hillary Clinton’s nakedly scandalous campaign during the 2016 election cycle? The level of outright corruption and base criminality reached new heights…and by a female candidate, no less. Not only did she call hard-working Americans on the Right “deplorable” and “irredeemable”, she called all the Berniacs a “bucket of losers”

It ought to be obvious by now that there are now so many truly wacky women in the leadership of the Democrat Party that this could have only occurred by very careful planning. And so it was.

These fastidiously mind-controlled feminazis are meant to be the role models for America’s girls and young women. They are being taught to be like Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Pelosi in particular is a politician so devoid of integrity and lacking a moral compass it hurts to even watch her. Her politics not only represents the height of hubris, her cultural marxist persona reflects the perfect marriage of arrogance and ignorance. Just look at the depraved state of California!

See Part 50 >

22093506? ago

Part 48 >

Nancy Pelosi’s father — Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. — fell into the latter group. As follows:

The crux of this new narrative, that was destined to be exposed about “Pelosi the Mafioso”, is that she really does act like a California Mob boss, only in the present case, a political Mafia don. And that’s exactly how she runs the Speakership as this exposé by one of her CA peers points out: Pelosi Runs Her Speakership Like She’s a Mafia Don

KEY POINT: In Italian, the word MAFIA is an acronym for “Mazzini Autorizza Furti, Incendie Attentati” which translates to “Mazzini Authorizes Theft, Arson and Kidnapping.” Genoese Giuseppe Mazzini was a hardcore Jacobin and rabid globalist who implemented his agendas as if “the ends justify the means”, no matter how violent or destructive. (MAFIA: The Modern-day Founder Guiseppi Mazzini Was A Rabid Globalist)

HISTORY: The MAFIA has reigned supreme wherever it chose to set up shop in America and beyond. The much more recent Sicilian mafia was actually a latecomer to the terrorism game and was modeled after the original MAFIA families of Northern Italy that were formed to terrorize their enemies in order for the powerful banking families to maintain their ascendancy. The Venetian Mafia — the Mala del Brenta — was in fact one of the first to highly organize, although their Wikipedia page conveniently does not leave that impression.

The “MAFIA-like brotherhoods” throughout the Middle East, that formed before those in Northern Italy, were the original terrorist groups which have operated over millennia. The Northern Italian banksters simply perfected the art of terrorism since they had the money to do so. After all, taking down the Twin Towers right into their own footprint took a big chunk of change (Yes, we know the Israeli-Saudi connection, but they were merely the hitmen and bagmen, respectively, for the all-powerful Black Nobility).

KEY POINT: The Italian Mafia and the Khazarian Mafia have always been joined at the hip. The Italian bankers of the Black Nobility were primarily Jewish; however, there was a lot of intermarriage with the indigenous Catholic noblemen. These purely political marriages of convenience took place regularly to establish a covert culture whereby the court Jews could thrive under the radar, which they did particularly in Rome and in the wealthy northern enclaves.

The important point here is that Pelosi represents a brazen attempt by the Black Nobility to openly seize control of the military arm of the New World Order, also known as the USA. See The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order.

This observation should be qualified in that Pelosi clearly represents the communist side of the New World Order globalist cabal, which only exists due to the limitless funding of the Black Nobility by Rothschild bagmen such as George Soros. There is likewise a fascist side of the same Black Nobility clandestine society, which has also existed since its very inception.

The stark reality is that money controls the flow of terrorism across the planet and that money is issued by the Black Nobility, just as the operational side of state-sponsored terrorism is executed by Operation Gladio. As an ostensible creation of NATO — the “North Atlantic Terrorist Organization” — Gladio was initially set up to terrorize Europe post World War II…and terrorize it has done although their operations soon went global.

“Gladio” is derived from gladius–the primary sword of ancient Roman foot soldiers that were also used by the gladiators.

This very same NATO-directed “strategy of tension” was then exported to the U.S. Department of Defense where it was actually codified by Obama when he signed the NDAA legislation in 2015 prior to the execution of the Jade Helm black operation. A lot of other bad things happened during the Obama years that distinguished the corrupt woman perps for their unparalleled lawlessness and criminality (e.g. Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Valerie Jarrett, Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Janet Napolitano, Cheryl Mills, etc.).

“FALSE FLAGS” are LEGAL PROPAGANDA Produced by the Department of Defense

Both Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi were identified as female front-women for the New World Order agenda during that dark period. The NWO decision-makers at the very top chose to sell globalism using other female leaders as well; in Europe, Angela Merkel, Theresa May and Christine Lagarde were the pitchwomen. Just look at how swiftly Merkel singlehandedly destroyed Germany before she devastated the European Union. But Frau Merkel could only have accomplished this feat with Gladio working for her full-time while the Black Nobility filled her coffers.

Baltimore, Maryland

There’s no question that Maryland was the state the Roman Catholic Church essentially took over as soon as it was identified as the only safe haven for Catholics in the 13 colonies.

“One of the original Thirteen Colonies of Great Britain, Maryland was founded by George Calvert, a Catholic convert who sought to provide a religious haven for Catholics persecuted in England.”[2]

Baltimore, in particular, was the hub of Catholic activity in the beginning days of Maryland.

“Maryland has been historically prominent to American Catholic tradition because the English colony of Maryland was intended by George Calvert as a haven for English Catholics. Baltimore was the seat of the first Catholic bishop in the U.S. (1789), and Emmitsburg was the home and burial place of the first American-born citizen to be canonized, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Georgetown University, the first Catholic University, was founded in 1789 in what was then part of Maryland.[127] The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Baltimore was the first Roman Catholic cathedral built in the United States, and the Archbishop of Baltimore is, albeit without formal primacy, the United States’ quasi-primate, and often a cardinal. Among the immigrants of the 19th and 20th century from eastern and southern Europe were many Catholics.”[1]

This is where the D’Alesandro family set up shop — Baltimore, Maryland — so that daughter Nancy could be groomed for high office. In point of fact, her otherwise improbable ascension within the House is a clear indication that the Black Nobility has taken overt control of the U.S. Corporation. Maryland was settled by the Catholics so that the Jesuits would be close to the locus of power in America. The Jesuit’s Georgetown University is the premier law school and school for international relations in Washington, D.C. attended by many of the elites since its founding. Likewise, many Catholic charities were founded in Maryland, especially those which harbor illegal aliens, economic immigrants and war refugees.

Welcome to 2019!

This is the year that Pelosi plans on making her BIG move, unless she is told to wait until 2020.

Regardless, the Mainstream Media is already helping her every step of the way. How else do articles like this one get published except as part of a furtive strategy behind a full-blown coup d’état. See: Why is the MSM fantasizing about a Pelosi presidency?

See Part 49 >

22093492? ago

Part 47 >


COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility


New World Order Globalist Cabal using Deep State to execute a coup behind the coup

Really, how did a seriously senile and often batty Nancy Pelosi ascend to the House Speakership…again?

The Black Nobility, that’s how!

State of the Nation

California Representative Nancy Pelosi was recently reinstalled as House Speaker by her Deep State masters to eventually become the first female president of the United States.

She has been groomed from the beginning of her political career to be the quintessential court jester of American politics.

Everyone knows the jester just like they know the town fool.

They will do or say just about anything, no matter how foolish, as a means of getting everyone to underestimate them.

KEY POINT: That’s not to say that Nancy Pelosi wasn’t purposefully selected for this pivotal role because of her old age, increasing mental deficits and temperamental nature. These specific characteristics are then taken advantage of by her Deep State handlers to advance the New World Order agenda to undermine the American Republic. In other words, Pelosi is a super-medicated globalist whose prescription drugs literally keep her on the NWO reservation.

Don’t be fooled by the crafty Pelosi.

Crazy like a fox

Italian names that end in “i” are often the namesakes of those whose ancestry is Northern Italy.

The major cities of this region of the Italian peninsula — Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence and Bologna — are where the world’s first corporations were formed in the late 13th century.

Venice and Genoa are also where the Black Nobility established the first banking houses that effectively ruled the world for centuries…right up until today.[1]

KEY POINT: Real power never changes hands. It appears to, but it never really does. What does change is the location and the family and the milieu, but the true source of authentic power stays the same.

The point is that these people are not stupid; they created the most ingenious model of business and commerce the world has ever known—the CORPORATION. If Satan himself were to fashion the perfect entity by which to carry out his diabolical schemes, it would be today’s corporation (e.g. Monsanto, Facebook, Google, etc.)

Of course, the British took this demonic concept to a whole new level with the incorporation of the notorious British East India Company in 1600. That happened because the Black Nobility chose London to be their new banking headquarters when they quite deliberately decided to use the English language to colonize the then-known world.

KEY POINT: Many explosive exposés have been written about the British control of and subterfuge against the US government and it’s all entirely true. The Financial District in the City of London was essentially set up by the Black Nobility thereby making the Crown Temple their UK-based high command. The London banksters are merely the latest and most powerful incarnation of the Black Nobility banking houses. This is how The British Crown, Privy Council and ‘City of London’ Effectively Rule America. And why CROWNGATE IS THE GREATEST CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IN U.S. HISTORY.

With this critical knowledge it should be easy to understand that the Black Nobility was the ultimate successor of the Babylonian Brotherhood of ancient Middle East. And, that the successors of the Black Nobility are the Illuminati bankster families of not only London and Paris, but also Frankfurt and Munich, Zurich and Luxembourg City, New York City and San Francisco*.

*San Francisco is also home to Wells Fargo, Charles Schwab Corp. as it was to the Bank of America.

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers are just two of the banking family institutions that are actually fronts for the Black Nobility families which much prefer to stay completely hidden from view. The Morgans and Mellons are two other American front banking families.

Back to Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi was born in Baltimore’s Little Italy. That her father, mother and brother were all-powerful politicos in the Baltimore area was no accident of fate. They were put there with purposeful design by their Black Nobility sponsors. And they may not even know who they were.

There are very few unplanned events in American political life. Or else how does a mentally challenged Italian-American Catholic woman become the first female Speaker of the House—TWICE! Such pivotal power plays can only happen by strings being pulled by puppeteers at the very top of the global food chain—the Black Nobility.

Really, how else does a thoroughly corrupt and dementia-afflicted 78-year-old ultra-liberal Democrat become Speaker—two times in a decade?!?!

Her babbling and stumbling political performances ought to have disqualified her from holding public office—PERIOD; and yet she is instead promoted to the third most powerful position in American government.

KEY POINT: Many political scientists and historians have pointed out over the years that the Speaker of the House is actually the most powerful position in the U.S. Federal Government since that position effectively controls the public purse. In this way, even the POTUS and U.S. Attorney General can be defunded and practically put out of business.

How, pray tell, did Pelosi suddenly get elected by the Democrat majority when so many in the caucus were screaming for new leadership. Even the crazy liberals understandably couldn’t take her anymore. Pelosi made them all look bad… as if the progressive crazies ever cared how they were perceived by the body politic. But that’s just how bad Pelosi made the Democrat caucus look, as she still does. See: How did Nancy Pelosi go from 50 Democrats not backing her for Speaker to a stunning victory? (video)

More than any other year, 2018 showed the raw power that the Pelosi clan possesses. How she secured her election — with so many haters here, there and everywhere — is a study in the politics of blackmail and bribery, extortion and coercion.

Well, who does that sound like?

That’s right— the MAFIA.


For the past two millennia two of the most powerful organizations on the planet have been the Roman Catholic Church … … … and the MAFIA. And both stand solidly behind Pelosi, as they stood squarely behind the D’Alesandro political family in Baltimore.

“San Fran Nans father was a Congressman, then Mayor of Baltimore—he was forced to drop out of a race for Governor when he was caught taking money from a career criminal. She [Nancy] hung around murderers, thieves and folks that used government officials to buy their fortunes.”
(Source: Pelosi is only there because of the Mafia)

What follows is a video that provides the historical record which documents the connections between Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi and the Mafia. But, first, here is a highly informative link with hard evidence linking Pelosi’s blood family to the Baltimore Mob: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s Father Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. Was “Constant Companion” Of Notorious Mobster Benjamin Magliano

Nancy Pelosi’s Mafia Connections (Video)

Quite shockingly, even her own daughter has provided anecdotal evidence to the tactics that Nancy employs that are startlingly similar to the Mob.

Nancy Pelosi’s daughter: ‘She’ll cut your head off, and you won’t even know you’re bleeding’

Very few are aware but when Italians immigrated to America during the last century, many became captive to the big Mafia families once they arrived stateside (not all of them but a good number who were desperate to eke out a living). Eventually many of these freedom-seeking immigrants fell into one of two camps—they joined the Mafia clans that dominated the region of Italy from which they came. Or, they associated with the white-collar Mafia that was established in the USA. The latter group was populated by politicians, attorneys, accountants, developers and other businessmen.

See Part 48 >

22093418? ago

Part 46 >

The Oligarchic Families of the Black Nobility

Who are the Black Nobility?

by Dee Jay

The “Black Nobility” are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.

The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the Doge was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy (among them the infamous de’Medici family). Venice has remained in their hands ever since, but the power and influence of the Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and today it is felt in every corner of the globe. (Don’t forget, our modern banking system originated in Italy.)

In 1204 the oligarchic family parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and from this epoch dates the great building-up of power and pressure until the government became a closed corporation (don’t we know this from somewhere?) of the leading Black Nobility families. More of this can be found in the works of Dr. John Coleman, Black Nobility Unmasked World-wide, 1985; Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, 1992.

The Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else (aren’t we), the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged. The Black Nobility uses secret assassinations, murder, blackmail, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping, rape and so on… hence their name.

Who are these families today?

Well, the most important ones are:

• House of Bernadotte, Sweden

• House of Bourbon, France

• House of Braganza, Portugal

• House of Grimaldi, Monaco

• House of Guelph, Britain (the most important one)

• House of Habsburg, Austria

• House of Hanover, Germany (the second most important one)

• House of Hohenzollern, Germany

• House of Karadjordjevic, Yugoslavia (former)

• House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

• House of Nassau, Luxembourg

• House of Oldenburg, Denmark

• House of Orange, Netherlands

• House of Savoy, Italy

• House of Wettin, Belgium

• House of Wittelsbach, Germany

• House of Württemberg, Germany

• House of Zogu, Albania

• all the families you will find on the Windsor family tree

All the families listed are connected with the House of Guelph, one of the original Black Nobility families of Venice, from which the House of Windsor and thus the present Queen of England, Elizabeth II, descends. The Guelphs are so intertwined with the German aristocracy through the House of Hanover that it would take several pages to mention all their connections. All (almost) European royal houses originate from the House of Hanover and thus from the House of Guelph — the Black Nobility.

An example: the Hanoverian British King George I came from the Duchy of Luneburg, a part of Northern Germany, which had been governed by the Guelph family since the 12th century. Today the Guelphs (the Windsors) rule by dominating the raw materials market, and for years they have fixed the price of gold (a commodity they neither produce nor own). The House of Windsor also controls the price of copper, zinc, lead and tin. It is no accident that the principle commodity exchanges are located in London, England. Companies run by Black Nobility families are British Petroleum, Oppenheimer, Lonrho, Philbro and many many more.

Another Black Nobility family are the Grosvenors in England. For centuries this family lived, as most of the European families, on ground rent. Today the family owns at least 300 acres of land in the centre of London. The land is never sold, but leased on a 39 year leasehold agreement — the ground rent of the middle ages.

Grosvenor Square, in which the American Embassy is located, belongs to the Grosvenor family, as does Eaton Square. In Eaton Square apartments are rented out at 25,000 to 75,000 pounds a month (and that does not include maintenance costs). This is to give you an idea of the immense wealth the Black Nobility families garner from ground rents, and why families like the Windsors are not at all interested in industrial progress along with the excess population it supports.

This is the main reason why these ’noble’ families are behind most, if not all, of the wrong-headed pro-environmental movements of the world that ultimately and covertly (of course) aim to curb population growth. Prince Philip and Prince Charles are the most visible symbols of these movements, and both have often spoken with the utmost callousness about the need to rid the world of unwanted people.

The Black Nobility are the founders of the [modern] secret societies of our day from which all the others that are connected to the Illuminati originated from — the Committee of 300. The Club of Rome, the C.F.R., the R.I.I.A., the Bilderbergers, the Round Table… all originate from the Committee of 300 and therefore from the European Black Nobility families.

Co-operating with the European Black Nobility are American families like the Harrimans and the McGeorge Bundys. The House of Hanover seems to be German, but is really Jewish. So is the House of Habsburg.

So it wasn’t really the Germans who took over the British throne….

See Part 47 >

22092891? ago

The Odescalchis

Thanks, found some photographic evidence with this tip and added it to the collection. Will look at some of the other families you mention.

22092615? ago

I wonder if you could fill up this much space with good, loving people. Bloodlines who have been dedicated throughout history to helping others. Their habits, their friends, their companies, their trademark activities. Those who embody Christ-Conciousness.

I bet you could.

22095030? ago

Im gonna post some poetry here soon. Its from years ago. But it so prophetical your be blown away.

But so tired i cant keep eyes open so....”0-0”

22100723? ago

Thank you Sir. Yes, it's a good read for sure.

22105015? ago

Like the Cosmic Winds that carried our souls here. The Earth winds blow pollen and the bees carry thier honey. Fufilling our spirits as they fufill thiers by making the flowers bloom.^

A soul is only as good as the truth it prevays. And only as bad as the lies it curtails.

Be faithfull to yourself and others will be attracted to the light within you. For it shines brightly.

One day an angel droped a gift it landed in a cloud, that cloud lowered to earth a man happend upon that cloud he saw the gift but the gift would not open. He was patient. And finnally the gift opened. Three days later the wind came by and blew that gift away. The man felt blessed for those three days, but hoped and prayed the gift would blow back into his open arms One day. Form-he knew the angles wanted it that way for it was thier destiny.

Wrote over 8 years ago.

22105788? ago

Thanks; that cheered me up.

I have had a terribly hard day. <

Love as always.

22124226? ago

Shit did you see what post 2222 was?

22125294? ago


Alien Life Exists in Outer Space



20 Sep 2018 - 10:25:34 AM


20 Sep 2018 - 10:10:44 AM


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


22129263? ago

loads of 2’s everywhere.

22129491? ago

Meet The Pleidians. <

22129730? ago

Apparently the’re 22 in th POTL.

22129918? ago

22 Peace Of The Lord


22140675? ago

Zero hedge just pulled the deepstate punk card.


22144522? ago

Oh that's devastating. <

Seriously. That is like > MAINSTREAM.

He explained it so simply and eloquently.

We need some real Journalists on our side, working with us to get the facts for their stories.

These are our new Weapons of War.

I am bristling with excitement. I felt like he was describing my work there for a moment.

No "Irrational Exuberance" here Fren. Just smiles from ear to ear! <

Fuckin' BOOM!


22145058? ago

Tips hat. Good day sir!

Oops the cat is out of the bag,11511

Word smithing . Divinity, Trinity, Infinity .

22164979? ago

Divinity, Trinity, Infinity

D = Donald

T = Trump

I = i = 1 = A = Q

Have an A1 day! ;)

Potus + Q <

22145205? ago

Yes it sure is Sir. <

This made my day. I am showing it to everyone.

Have a great day, and we shall speak again very shortly.


22145858? ago

Post 144 wint leave me.

Conspiracy ST.

144 = 144000 the isleralites were star children. We know this but Q is implying we came from off planet as a species!

22164987? ago


Patriots Don't Sleep



13 Nov 2017 - 6:52:34 AM

Patriots don’t sleep.

40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.

Many cannot/will not swallow.

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

Who has clearance to full picture?


SIS is good.

+++Adm R+++

What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

How does POTUS shift narrative?

(New) Age of Enlightenment.

80% covert.

20% public.

What has occurred over [th]e last several months?

C-info leaks?

Operations (think SA + ???)?

CNN sale?

What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?


Who does [i]t hurt?

Who control[s] the MSM?

Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM.

[W]hy is this relevant?

How is information transmitted?

How are people inform[e]d?

Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)?

Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?

Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

Think social media platforms.

Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s?

What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?

Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

Alice & Wonderland – understood.

Snow White – understood.

Iron Eagle?

Godfather III?


Everything has meaning.

Disney is a distraction.

Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).






Pedophiles are Sickening - Bill Maher and James Gunn Examples



12 Aug 2018 - 7:54:33 AM


Sometimes the TRUTH is right in front of you.


These people are SICK!

You people are a DISEASE.

We, THE PEOPLE, are the CURE.



22165173? ago

Roger loud and clear.

22165557? ago


22169912? ago

Death blossom Inc. 0.0

22169933? ago

It sure looks that way.

22145907? ago

I don't know what to say really. Processing.

22146602? ago

Above 40,000 feet star seeds just a nice way to say aliens. Its been hidden in plain site this hole time.

22146696? ago

I have felt their presence. Very vaguely, but real.

22105931? ago

Love ya too fren.

Thought it might.


22106163? ago

Thanks. Let's catch up again soon. <



'o-o' <

22123705? ago

Stayed ontop of peak last night saw 39 so called ssatellites, 9 falling stars, 4 flashes of light. 10of the so called satellites were all in a line all at the same time equal distance apart all traveling towards antarctica. Just got a telescope. Twinkle twinkle. 2800m elevation.

Yes we need to.

22092735? ago

Getting to that.

I am identifying The Enemy correctly before that stage of the operation.

Thank you for your comment.

22282341? ago

So you think the Black Nobility have more heft than the Jewish interests [Rothschilds] Or are they just two teams playing the same game - just two crime families.

22283732? ago

Yes that's right. The Italian Mafia and Khazarian Mafia are BFFs and always have been. <

22092850? ago

Gotcha. Sometimes all this negativity weighs so heavily it's hard to go on. I'm glad to know that a time for spotlighting the good is coming.

22092449? ago

Part 45 >


Brandon Morales is a psychotic gang stalker that works under Prince Harry and he is a top member of the Cult of Ares. Brandon Morales has a close alliance with Jesse Like and the imposter that lives in Neath Port Talbot. Brandon Morales is the modern day Aristaeus a Greek entity associated with wind or air and really dry air and beekeeping. Bees refer to meddlesome women like Alison McCarthy-Senatro who he works closely with. Brandon and Alison gang stalked her former boyfriend and Brandon's friend to death. Alison McCarthy-Senatro is like a buzzing bee that irritates people and Aristaeus would sacrifice "cattle" to make swarms of bees. They refer to normal people as cattle. Aryans are really named after Ares and mean the "Children of Ares." Aryans generally have red hair and the Cult of Ares worship fire, war, and holocaust. Aryan also refers to arid and they are associated with dryness, itching, and types of air currents. Air feeds fire. Brandon Morales is extremely evil and he specializes in making human sacrifices to demonic women and to himself. Aristaeus was known for making sacrifices to the Sirius in reference to that imposter Euros who calls himself Zeus Ombrios. Brandon Morales is a serial killer that was involved in the sacrifice of about 10 men from his town including his own friends. Brandon Morales is obsessed with eating penises which is the primary reason he gang stalks men. All male gang stalkers that work under Prince Harry are faggot rapists that eat penises. A tactic both Prince Harry and Brandon Morales use is projecting themselves with children as their shield. Brandon Morales has a secret homosexual relationship with his old neighbor Jimmy Laccavole who is a small zealous abomination that serves Brandon Morales. Brandon's sister Alana Morales is their Vicar of Kakia a entity associated with immorality like the name Morales. Ka or Kaio also means to burn in Greek and they attack with fever. The Greek word Arrostos is similar to the name Aristaeus and means sick and fever. Prince Harry manages the Aryan Brotherhood, Irish Mafia, Hell Fire Club, and the Hellbanianz. Prince Harry is one of the most evil devils on the planet.


Ares (/ˈɛəriːz/; Ancient Greek: Ἄρης, Áres [árɛːs]) is the Greek god of war.

The counterpart of Ares among the Roman gods is Mars,[11]

The etymology of the name Ares is traditionally connected with the Greek word ἀρή (arē), the Ionic form of the Doric ἀρά (ara), "bane, ruin, curse, imprecation".[12][13]


A holocaust is a religious animal sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire. The word derives from the Ancient Greek holokaustos (ὁλόκαυστος from ὅλος "whole" and καυστός "burnt", with rough breathing), which is used solely for one of the major forms of sacrifice.


Nazi Germany built extermination camps (also called death camps or killing centers) during the Holocaust in World War II

The Jasenovac guards were also reported to have cremated living inmates in the crematorium.


Kakia (Ancient Greek: Κακίαν), the Greek goddess of vice and moral badness


From καίω (kaíō, “burn”) +‎ -μα (-ma).



A minor god in Greek mythology, attested mainly by Athenian writers, Aristaeus (/ærɪˈstiːəs/; Greek: Ἀρισταῖος Aristaios), was the culture hero credited with the discovery of many useful arts, including bee-keeping;[1]

Soon Aristaeus' bees sickened and began to die. He went to the fountain Arethusa and was advised to establish altars, sacrifice cattle, and leave their carcasses. From the carcasses, new swarms of bees rose (see Bugonia).[16]

END (for now) <

22092441? ago

Part 44 >


Margarita Louis-Dreyfus (née Bogdanova; born 1 July 1962) is a Russian-born Swiss billionaire businesswoman, chairperson of Louis Dreyfus.

Born Margarita Olegovna Bogdanova


From θεός (theós, “god”)


From Latin fanum (“temple, place dedicated to a deity”).

Alternative forms



Margarita is a feminine given name in Latin and Eastern European languages, originally derived from Persian Morvared meaning 'pearl', which is cognate with the Sanskrit मञ्जरी (mañjarī) meaning 'pearl' or 'cluster of blossoms'. In Latin it came from the Greek word margaritari (μαργαριτάρι), meaning pearl


Aphrodite[a] is an ancient Greek goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation.


Dolphin, Rose, Scallop Shell, Myrtle, Dove, Sparrow, Girdle, Mirror, Pearl and Swan


Margarita Island (Isla de Margarita, Spanish pronunciation: [maɾɣaˈɾita]) is the largest island in the Venezuelan state of Nueva Esparta

Multiple international intelligence organizations have focused their investigations on Isla Margarita as being a major center of organized crime.[4]

Lucille DesRoches is their Vicar of Aphrodite and she is obsessed with molesting, murdering, and cannibalizing children. Lucille DesRoches and the Cult of Aphrodite specialize in projecting a burning lust located at the solar plexus and they abuse this natural sensation for personal gain and for corruption. The Cult of Aphrodite manage demonic lust and use lust attacks to influence other women into becoming child murdering cannibals. They also disrupt natural lust when people are having healthy sex. They seek to monopolize sex and violently attack other women for having healthy sex. Lucille DesRoches works under the Rochechouart family of France which have a Biscione or serpent eating a child on their Rochechouart-Mortemart coat of arms and they work under the Rochefoucauld family which are managers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta which is primarily owned by the Massimo family and they are married with the House of Savoy which have residences in France and they are also the Princes of Venice. Lucille literally works with a woman named Shelley Laverde who is their Vicar of Pleione. Aphrodite is depicted coming out of sea in a shell. Lucille usually has a Afro-Perm hairstyle. Aphrodite is really the deity of lust. Aphrodisiac means an increased sexual desire and Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice specializes in using sorcery to redirect a woman's lust to cannibalize children or sexual organs. They use pentagram sorcery where they cause pent up sexual energy and then use cannibal spells on the women and direct them to cannibalize children.

Shell or Royal Dutch Shell is owned by the Dutch royal family and it uses the colors yellow and red and when mixed together make orange.

Tron coat of arms


The Counts Passi de Preposulo

I de Preposulo are an ancient Bergamo family whose documented history dates back to the year 973. They began to be called "Passi" when, in 1307, Ottopasso de Preposulo composed the peace between Guelphs and Ghibellines in the territories of Bergamo. They have since been nicknamed "Those of the pas", from which "i Pas" and therefore the Steps. The family acquires the properties of the Tiepolos by parental means in the first half of the 800. For some years the Conti Passi de Preposulo family has started a fascinating project of protection and promotion of the art heritage, architecture, landscape and civilization that belongs to their Villa. Alberto Passi, co-owner with the brothers of Villa Tiepolo Passi, is also president of the Association for the Venetian Villas, whose mission is the protection and enhancement of the Venetian Villas in their entirety.


Villa Tiepolo Passi was built by Almorò Tiepolo, prosecutor of San Marco and senator of the Republic of Venice, in the early seventeenth century[1]. Like other Venetian villas, it was an economic point of reference for the agricultural activities of the surrounding area

Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo and his wife Jessica Chastain. Count Gian is an Italian noble with high authority in Hollywood and he definitely influences his wife into being more evil than she would be naturally. Jessica Chastain is their Vicar of Charis a name of a Greek entity associated with grace and she is a top leader of the Cult of Venus. The Charites were closely connected with Aphrodite or Venus. Count Gian is a noble of Venice and Veneto which were named after Venus.


In Greek mythology, a Charis (/ˈkeɪrɪs/; Greek: Χάρις, pronounced [kʰáris]) or Grace is one of three or more minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility, together known as the Charites

Homer wrote that they were part of the retinue of Aphrodite. The Charites were also associated with the Greek underworld and the Eleusinian Mysteries.


It is the city of Venice in the Renaissance that perhaps has the most in common with the mythological figure of Venus. The close similarity of their names and their relationship with the sea perhaps suggest that Venetians drew value from connecting the image of the goddess with the image of the city. An especially meaningful connection involves the idea of their respective origins. Both Venus and Venice were literally born of the sea.

This painting is called the Birth of Venus and depicts an orange haired woman being birthed from the sea out of a seashell. The orange haired Jessica Chastain is a top member of the Cult of Venus or Cult of Aphrodite and she is their Vicar of Charis which would be correctly identified as a "daughter" of Aphrodite. The Cult of Venus represents vanity, narcissism, demonic lust, and greed.


The Birth of Venus (Italian: Nascita di Venere [ˈnaʃʃita di ˈvɛːnere]) is a painting by the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli, probably made in the mid 1480s. It depicts the goddess Venus arriving at the shore after her birth

Count Alberto and Countess Barbara Passi de Preposulo the parents of Count Gian. They are high authorities in Venice and work with the Venetian Mafia. They live in Treviso in the region of Veneto and manage the Benetton family of billionaires from Treviso.


Villa Tiepolo Passi is a seventeenth-century Venetian villa located in Carbonera in the Castello area (province of Treviso). It is an asset bound by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and is open to visitors.

Chris Hemsworth is a high level member of the Cult of Venus and he is Luciferian psychopath filled with murderous vanity, psychotic egomania, and sadistic envy. Chris Hemsworth is also a bisexual which is a primary initiation for men in Hollywood and he sexually preys on men. Hemsworth cannot help but appear in love with himself. He always sounds arrogant and narcissistic in his movies and he has hundreds of photos of himself where he looks like he is in love with himself. That look when a man or woman is looking at the person they love only it is himself that he is in love with. No real person respects him. Vanity and narcissism is all that he is. Vain refers to self absorbed and also means empty. Inside he is an empty fiend with no empathy, no compassion, no character, and no self worth. Chris Hemsworth is best identified with Chrysoar whose name means golden sword. Chris Hemsworth does have reddish brown hair. Red hair is often but not always a feature of Venusians. Chris Hemsworth is not a blond but because he dyed his hair blond for the movie Thor all the blond hair supremacists seem to worship him and he manages these blond haired supremacists. Chris Hemsworth claims to be Thor because he played that character in a movie. He also claims to be god. Hem means an edge, border, or margin and his alchemical attacks are energetic attacks from the frontal lobe. He also defiles men he is envious of with electronic weapons. His name Hemsworth itself proves he is fraud and he knows it and he does not care. Chris Hemsworth is extremely spiteful towards men he is envious of and is absurdly vain. Chris Hemsworth drinks the blood of murdered children and bathes in their blood. This worthless devil should be executed immediately.

See Part 45 >

22092426? ago

Part 43 >


Margarita Louis-Dreyfus (née Bogdanova; born 1 July 1962) is a Russian-born Swiss billionaire businesswoman, chairperson of Louis Dreyfus.

Born Margarita Olegovna Bogdanova


From θεός (theós, “god”)


From Latin fanum (“temple, place dedicated to a deity”).

Alternative forms



Margarita is a feminine given name in Latin and Eastern European languages, originally derived from Persian Morvared meaning 'pearl', which is cognate with the Sanskrit मञ्जरी (mañjarī) meaning 'pearl' or 'cluster of blossoms'. In Latin it came from the Greek word margaritari (μαργαριτάρι), meaning pearl


Aphrodite[a] is an ancient Greek goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation.


Dolphin, Rose, Scallop Shell, Myrtle, Dove, Sparrow, Girdle, Mirror, Pearl and Swan


Margarita Island (Isla de Margarita, Spanish pronunciation: [maɾɣaˈɾita]) is the largest island in the Venezuelan state of Nueva Esparta

Multiple international intelligence organizations have focused their investigations on Isla Margarita as being a major center of organized crime.[4]

Lucille DesRoches is their Vicar of Aphrodite and she is obsessed with molesting, murdering, and cannibalizing children. Lucille DesRoches and the Cult of Aphrodite specialize in projecting a burning lust located at the solar plexus and they abuse this natural sensation for personal gain and for corruption. The Cult of Aphrodite manage demonic lust and use lust attacks to influence other women into becoming child murdering cannibals. They also disrupt natural lust when people are having healthy sex. They seek to monopolize sex and violently attack other women for having healthy sex. Lucille DesRoches works under the Rochechouart family of France which have a Biscione or serpent eating a child on their Rochechouart-Mortemart coat of arms and they work under the Rochefoucauld family which are managers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta which is primarily owned by the Massimo family and they are married with the House of Savoy which have residences in France and they are also the Princes of Venice. Lucille literally works with a woman named Shelley Laverde who is their Vicar of Pleione. Aphrodite is depicted coming out of sea in a shell. Lucille usually has a Afro-Perm hairstyle. Aphrodite is really the deity of lust. Aphrodisiac means an increased sexual desire and Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice specializes in using sorcery to redirect a woman's lust to cannibalize children or sexual organs. They use pentagram sorcery where they cause pent up sexual energy and then use cannibal spells on the women and direct them to cannibalize children.

Shell or Royal Dutch Shell is owned by the Dutch royal family and it uses the colors yellow and red and when mixed together make orange.

Tron coat of arms


The Counts Passi de Preposulo

I de Preposulo are an ancient Bergamo family whose documented history dates back to the year 973. They began to be called "Passi" when, in 1307, Ottopasso de Preposulo composed the peace between Guelphs and Ghibellines in the territories of Bergamo. They have since been nicknamed "Those of the pas", from which "i Pas" and therefore the Steps. The family acquires the properties of the Tiepolos by parental means in the first half of the 800. For some years the Conti Passi de Preposulo family has started a fascinating project of protection and promotion of the art heritage, architecture, landscape and civilization that belongs to their Villa. Alberto Passi, co-owner with the brothers of Villa Tiepolo Passi, is also president of the Association for the Venetian Villas, whose mission is the protection and enhancement of the Venetian Villas in their entirety.


Villa Tiepolo Passi was built by Almorò Tiepolo, prosecutor of San Marco and senator of the Republic of Venice, in the early seventeenth century[1]. Like other Venetian villas, it was an economic point of reference for the agricultural activities of the surrounding area

Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo and his wife Jessica Chastain. Count Gian is an Italian noble with high authority in Hollywood and he definitely influences his wife into being more evil than she would be naturally. Jessica Chastain is their Vicar of Charis a name of a Greek entity associated with grace and she is a top leader of the Cult of Venus. The Charites were closely connected with Aphrodite or Venus. Count Gian is a noble of Venice and Veneto which were named after Venus.


In Greek mythology, a Charis (/ˈkeɪrɪs/; Greek: Χάρις, pronounced [kʰáris]) or Grace is one of three or more minor goddesses of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility, together known as the Charites

Homer wrote that they were part of the retinue of Aphrodite. The Charites were also associated with the Greek underworld and the Eleusinian Mysteries.


It is the city of Venice in the Renaissance that perhaps has the most in common with the mythological figure of Venus. The close similarity of their names and their relationship with the sea perhaps suggest that Venetians drew value from connecting the image of the goddess with the image of the city. An especially meaningful connection involves the idea of their respective origins. Both Venus and Venice were literally born of the sea.

This painting is called the Birth of Venus and depicts an orange haired woman being birthed from the sea out of a seashell. The orange haired Jessica Chastain is a top member of the Cult of Venus or Cult of Aphrodite and she is their Vicar of Charis which would be correctly identified as a "daughter" of Aphrodite. The Cult of Venus represents vanity, narcissism, demonic lust, and greed.


The Birth of Venus (Italian: Nascita di Venere [ˈnaʃʃita di ˈvɛːnere]) is a painting by the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli, probably made in the mid 1480s. It depicts the goddess Venus arriving at the shore after her birth

Count Alberto and Countess Barbara Passi de Preposulo the parents of Count Gian. They are high authorities in Venice and work with the Venetian Mafia. They live in Treviso in the region of Veneto and manage the Benetton family of billionaires from Treviso.


Villa Tiepolo Passi is a seventeenth-century Venetian villa located in Carbonera in the Castello area (province of Treviso). It is an asset bound by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage and is open to visitors.

Chris Hemsworth is a high level member of the Cult of Venus and he is Luciferian psychopath filled with murderous vanity, psychotic egomania, and sadistic envy. Chris Hemsworth is also a bisexual which is a primary initiation for men in Hollywood and he sexually preys on men. Hemsworth cannot help but appear in love with himself. He always sounds arrogant and narcissistic in his movies and he has hundreds of photos of himself where he looks like he is in love with himself. That look when a man or woman is looking at the person they love only it is himself that he is in love with. No real person respects him. Vanity and narcissism is all that he is. Vain refers to self absorbed and also means empty. Inside he is an empty fiend with no empathy, no compassion, no character, and no self worth. Chris Hemsworth is best identified with Chrysoar whose name means golden sword. Chris Hemsworth does have reddish brown hair. Red hair is often but not always a feature of Venusians. Chris Hemsworth is not a blond but because he dyed his hair blond for the movie Thor all the blond hair supremacists seem to worship him and he manages these blond haired supremacists. Chris Hemsworth claims to be Thor because he played that character in a movie. He also claims to be god. Hem means an edge, border, or margin and his alchemical attacks are energetic attacks from the frontal lobe. He also defiles men he is envious of with electronic weapons. His name Hemsworth itself proves he is fraud and he knows it and he does not care. Chris Hemsworth is extremely spiteful towards men he is envious of and is absurdly vain. Chris Hemsworth drinks the blood of murdered children and bathes in their blood. This worthless devil should be executed immediately.

See Part 44 >

22092425? ago

Part 42 >

Cult of Venus

King Willem-Alexander is a top authority over the Cult of Venus and is the Illuminati's Vicar of Cephalus a Greek entity which means head. In the Greek myth Cephalus is believed to be the father of Hesperos who is the evening aspect of Venus that is often associated with Lucifer. The Dutch royal family of House of Orange-Nassau have covert origins from Venice which was named after Venus. They are related to the Tron family of Venice and King Willem-Alexander is the Illuminati's Vicar of Metatron a Hebrew archangel. The Tron coat of arms is yellow and red like Royal Dutch Shell and yellow and red make orange. King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands is psychopath working with the Rand Corporation, CIA, NSA and is using electronics for mass brain hacking and for running artificial intelligence programs through electronics for mass mind manipulation. Tron like elec-tronics.


The Tron were a noble family of Venice whose most prominent member, Nicolò Tron, served as the Doge of Venice from 1471 to 1473. Other members of the family served as procurators, senators, generals and ambassadors of the Venetian Republic.


Metatron (Hebrew: מֶטָטְרוֹן Meṭāṭrōn, מְטַטְרוֹן Məṭaṭrōn, מֵיטַטְרוֹן Mēṭaṭrōn, מִיטַטְרוֹן Mīṭaṭrōn) or Mattatron (Hebrew: מַטַּטְרוֹן Maṭṭaṭrōn)[1] is an angel in Judeo-Islamic mythology, mentioned in a few brief passages in the Aggadah and in mystical Kabbalistic texts within the Rabbinic literature.


In Greek mythology, Cephalus (/ˈsɛfələs/; Ancient Greek: Κέφαλος Kephalos) is an Aeolian prince, the son of Deion/ Deioneos, ruler of Phocis, and Diomede, and grandson of Aeolus.[1][2] He was one of the lovers of the dawn goddess Eos.[3]

The word kephalos is Greek for "head"

Some sources also give Tithonos and Hesperus as children of Cephalus and Eos.


In Greek mythology, Hesperus /ˈhɛspərəs/ (Ancient Greek: Ἓσπερος Hesperos) is the Evening Star, the planet Venus in the evening.

By one account Hesperus' father was Cephalus

Hesperus is the personification of the "evening star", the planet Venus in the evening. His name is sometimes conflated with the names for his brother, the personification of the planet as the "morning star" Eosphorus (Greek Ἐωσφόρος, "bearer of dawn") or Phosphorus (Ancient Greek: Φωσφόρος, "bearer of light", often translated as "Lucifer" in Latin), since they are all personifications of the same planet Venus. "Heosphoros" in the Greek Septuagint and "Lucifer" in Jerome's Latin Vulgate were used to translate the Hebrew "Helel" (Venus as the brilliant, bright or shining one), "son of Shahar (god) (Dawn)" in the Hebrew version of Isaiah 14:12.

Steven James Dishon is a top member of the Cult of Venus and is the Illuminati's Vicar of Hesperos who is accurately identified with Lucifer. The story of Lucifer is heavily distorted and mixed with other entities including Satan the morning star whose pride brings down the nations and Pharzuph the fallen angel of lust. Lucifer is really the Evening Star an aspect of Venus. Steven Dishon also has orangish hair which is more common with Venusian bloodlines. Steven James Dishon specializes in violently imposing lies and using psychotic arrogance as a support for his lies and blasphemies. Steven James Dishon works closely with a career criminal and murderer named Armand John Lallier who is their Vicar of Phosphorus who is considered the "brother" of Hesperos. The both of them are toxic devils and similar in nature. Dishon for Dishonest and Lallier for Lal-Liar. Steven Dishon really is the Vicar of Lucifer. Lucifer is greatly exaggerated which fuels his ego and his ego is what fuels his attacks. Referring to him as Lucifer makes his ego go insane and he starts spreading psychotic lies like a rabid animal. Steven James Dishon is an extremely violent commander over gang stalking cults. Every sane person in the United States should be seeking his death.

King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and head of the House of Orange-Nassau is the leader of the Loyal Orange Order of Freemasons which are an Irish Masonic organization. The Dutch royals ruled over Ireland and many Irish Freemasons are still loyal to the Dutch royal family.

LOL for Loyal Orange Lodge. LOL as in Laughing Out Loud really stands for Lucifer's Our Lord whether people who use this term for not know it. Lucifer is associated with Vesper or Hesperos an aspect of Venus. These psychopaths think raping, murdering, and cannibalizing children is funny and when this group is active they use LOL all over the internet to harass people and to show their support. I make comments on YT and get trolls harassing me with LOL all the time. There is no actual context to their LOL either. They do it to harass people and show what they represent like a gang sign.

Venus is depicted as orange.

Painting of the orange haired Venus being born out of the ocean in a shell. The Cult of Venus use burning lust attacks targeting the celiac plexus to influence and spread demonic sexuality. They also target the Frontal Lobe and disrupt thoughts, mental transmissions, and imaginations. They also develop sexual sadistic and sexually cannibalistic imaginations which they project and intrude onto others. They hack into the body and cause burning lust while they project sexually sadistic thoughts at people.

The Russian born Margarita Louis-Dreyfus of Switzerland is the modern Theophanes and she is worth about 8 billion. Margarita is a top authority over the Cult of Venus, Cult of Pleione, Cult of Hyades, and Cult of Hestia however is an actual member of the Cult of Neptune. The name Margarita means Pearl and Pearls come out of sea shells. The Pearl is also a symbol for Aphrodite. Margarita Louis-Dreyfus is a major child murderer who rapes, murders, and cannibalizes children on the Venezuelan Island of Margarita where the Ruspoli family own vacation resorts which are run by mobsters. The Island of Margarita is a major headquarters for organized crime with the Sinaloa and Rizzuto crime syndicates operating there. Venezuela is named after Venice and Venice is named after Venus. Margarita is best associated with Theophane which means a temple of god. Margarita's birth name is Bogdanova. Bog means God in Russian. Theo means God in Greek. Phane is connected to the Latin word Fanum and refers to a Temple or Shrine and Margarita Louis-Dreyfus makes child sacrifices on behalf of the leaders of the cults of Hyades, Hestia, Pleione, and Aphrodite who through electronic systems are able to live vicariously through her when she makes child sacrifices which is how they initiated these women and they themselves now make child sacrifices.


In Greek mythology, Theophane was a daughter of Bisaltes

In consequence of Theophane's extraordinary beauty, she was beleaguered by lovers, but was carried off by Poseidon to the isle of Crinissa.



богъ (bog)

god, idol

See Part 43 >

22092417? ago

Part 41 >

Princess Diana was a Spencer and she was a top manager of the Cult of Pleiades and was extremely evil. The Spencer-Churchill family are the top managers of the Cult of Pleiades and they have a shell on their coat of arms.


The Pleiades (/ˈplaɪ.ədiːz, ˈpliːədiːz, ˈpleɪədiːz/;[1] Greek: Πλειάδες, Ancient Greek pronunciation: [pleːádes]), companions of Artemis, were the seven daughters of the titan Atlas and the sea-nymph Pleione born on Mount Cyllene. They were the sisters of Calypso, Hyas, the Hyades, and the Hesperides. The Pleiades were nymphs in the train of Artemis, and together with the seven Hyades were called the Atlantides, Dodonides, or Nysiades, nursemaids and teachers to the infant Dionysus. They were thought to have been translated to the night sky as a cluster of stars, the Pleiades, and were associated with rain.

Classicists debate the origin of the name Pleiades. It ostensibly derives from the name of their mother, Pleione, effectively meaning "daughters of Pleione".


The word "placebo", Latin for "I will please"

The "placebo effect" may be related to expectations

In psychology, the two main hypotheses of placebo effect are expectancy theory and classical conditioning.[52]

In 1985, Irving Kirsch hypothesized that placebo effects are produced by the self-fulfilling effects of response expectancies, in which the belief that one will feel different leads a person to actually feel different.[53] According to this theory, the belief that one has received an active treatment can produce the subjective changes thought to be produced by the real treatment.

Naomi Watts is a top alchemical witch and their Vicar of Sterope.


In Greek mythology, Sterope (/ˈstɛrəpiː/; Ancient Greek: Στερόπη, [sterópɛː], from στεροπή, steropē, lightning),[1] also called Asterope (Ἀστερόπη), was one of the seven Pleiades,[2] the daughters of Atlas and Pleione, born to them at Mount Cyllene in Arcadia.


The watt (symbol: W) is a unit of power. In the International System of Units (SI) it is defined as a derived unit of 1 joule per second,[1] and is used to quantify the rate of energy transfer.

In terms of electromagnetism, one watt is the rate at which electrical work is performed when a current of one ampere (A) flows across an electrical potential difference of one volt (V), meaning the watt is equivalent to the volt-ampere (the latter unit, however, is used for a different quantity from the real power of an electrical circuit).

Kristen Anne Bell is a Pleiadean and today best associated with Chariclo a nymph who was married to a Shepherd named Eueres. The name Anne means Grace and she went by the name Anne during her childhood instead of Kristen. The Greek word Chari in Chari-clo means Grace. Charo can also mean to "please" or "gratify." Kristen Bell's husband is Dax Shepard just as Chariclo is married to a Shepherd. Kristen Bell is a narcissistic psychopath.


Chariclo, a nymph devotee of Athena, who became pregnant by a shepherd, Everes, giving birth to the prophet Tiresias. Tiresias was struck blind by Athena after seeing her naked. Chariclo begged Athena to give his sight back, but the goddess could not undo her curse. She gave her the gift of prophecy instead. Her husband Everes was a descendant of Udaeus, the Spartan.[7]


Kristen Anne Bell (born July 18, 1980)[1] is an American actress.

Bell stated that she did not like her first name at the age of four. Bell's mother convinced her to go by her middle name, Anne, instead; she used the name Annie until high school.[5]


Dax Shepard (m. 2013)


Meaning of Anne: "grace"


How to say grace in Greek

χάρη noun


χάρις noun


Amanda Schull is an actress and ballet dancer. The Pleiades are associated with dancing and depicted dancing in art. Amanda Schull is a Pleiadean but not one of the Seven Pleiades and would be best associated with Musica a Greek entity connected with music, dance, and study. Musica as in Muse means to inspire various forms of art. Schull means school. Amanda Schull is probably the biggest child murderer within this group and she works closely with the Hawaiian Mafia with the actor Dwayne Johnson as a top covert mob boss.


Pleiades (Greek mythology)

They were credited with inventing ritual dances and nighttime festivals.


Mousika or Musica (Μουσική), the morning hour of music and study

The Pleiades or Seven Sisters depicted as dancers and doing a dance similar to the ballet.


Amanda Schull (born August 26, 1978) is an American actress and former professional ballet dancer.

Schull was born in Honolulu, Hawaii


Huna is a Hawaiian word adopted by Max Freedom Long (1890–1971) in 1936 to describe his theory of metaphysics. Long cited what he believed to be the spiritual practices of ancient Hawaiian kahunas (priests) as inspiration; however, the system is his invention, with roots in New Thought and Theosophy, rather than in traditional Hawaiian beliefs. Huna is part of the New Age movement.

Later Huna teachers have placed it firmly in the New Age, with Serge King claiming that Huna came originally from aliens from the Pleiades who were remnants of the mythical advanced civilizations of Mu or Lemuria,[14]

Nicole Kidman with Naomi Watts


Kidman was born 20 June 1967, in Honolulu, Hawaii,[3]

Taylor Alison Swift is the modern Bia a Greek entity associated with violence and force and she is half Pleiadean and often acts like an Amazon who is obsessed with cannibalizing little boys. Taylor Swift is extremely evil and narcissistic and brags about murdering and cannibalizing children frequently. Taylor Swift works under the Sforza family and the name Sforza means Force just as Bia is related to force. Taylor Swift now uses the serpent for her symbol and the Sforzas have a serpent swallowing a child on their coat of arms. Taylor Swift and her groups use attacks on the heart and specifically the atrial kick which is a swift pulse which further ejects blood into the rest of the blood system. Taylor Swift is also a blasphemous and lawless psychopath who attacks people for exposing human trafficking and child murderers and her punishment is going to be eternal death.


In Greek mythology, Bia (/ˈbaɪə/; Ancient Greek: Βία means "power, force, might") was the personification of force, anger and raw energy.

Nicole Kidman with her natural amber colored hair is their Vicar of Electra.


The Pleiad Electra (/ɪˈlɛktrə/; Greek: Ἠλέκτρα, Ēlektra "amber") of Greek mythology was one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. Electra was the wife of Corythus, to whom she bore Iasion. She was seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Dardanus. According to one legend, she was the lost Pleiad, disappearing in grief after the destruction of Troy. She was called Atlantis by Ovid, personifying the family of Pleiades. Electra means "amber," "shining," and "bright."


The classical names for amber, Latin electrum and Ancient Greek ἤλεκτρον (ēlektron).

See Part 42 >

22092403? ago

Part 40 >

Cult of Pleiades

The Cult of Pleiades is a feminist alchemical cult of small and generally blond haired sociopathic women who specialize in chemical burns, sulfuric and acidic attacks, and chemical binding used in witchcraft which is basically chemical ionization. They use chemicals like acidic salts and chloride for their witchcraft which can disrupt nerves and blood vessels. They are sexual sadists and cannibals filled with burning lust and they use sex as a weapon against men. Many of them are sexually sadistic nymphomaniacs and are obsessed with sexual cannibalism and there is no going back for any of them. They are very self righteous meddlers and like to pose as angels and steal credit for the good things others do. The Cult of Pleiades are totally insane and ruthless narcissists that claim all knowledge and information and falsely accuse people they intellectually envious of. They are ruthless brain hacking thieves who falsely accuse the people they steal from of being thieves. They hack brains to dehumanize people and act vainly insolent over it. These are idiotic blond haired women who pretend to be all knowing and viciously attack people for exposing information. They are extremely narcissistic and blasphemous and think because they are Pagans they understand this Greek Science and mythology better than I do but they don't and are overall oblivious to it. The head of the Cult of Pleiades or Vicar of Pleione the mother of the Seven Sisters or Pleiades is an older woman named Shelley Laverde who is close friends and a business associate with the Illuminati's Vicar of Aphrodite. Aphrodite or Venus is depicted as being born from a shell like the name Shelley. Pleione is considered a Sea Nymph in Greek Mythology. Pleiades is where the word placebo derives from which means to please. Being evil, sadistic, and cannibalistic pleases them. The Placebo Effect is a major way they use brainwashing where they convince people evil has positive effects. These women say that raping, murdering, and cannibalizing children is love. They literally say this and they say this because they love to rape, murder, and cannibalize children and they do it with no remorse because they are sociopaths. The Cult of Pleiades serves the Cult of Neptune with Seth Rozman as the Vicar of Neptune or Vicar of Poseidon and his actual motto is "Beyond Selfish" and he specializes in turning women into sexual sadists and cannibals and he does this to get women on his side. He wants to own all women and Seth Rozman uses women like these as his shield and weapon because he is a coward that loves to abuse women. The Cult of Saturn with the gang stalker Jesse Like and the actor Dwayne Johnson also manage them. Pleiadeans are of Jupiter and then connected with Saturn, Venus, and Neptune. These initiated Pleiadean women are extremely arrogant, narcissistic, and vain and they are basically blond haired supremacists who defile people to make themselves seem better. They all claim that having blond hair and blue eyes makes them superior. They are Nazis.They also specialize in intellectual theft and falsely claim to be all knowing. Alison McCarthy-Senatro is the worst of them. They are ruthless and destructive. These particular women specialize in sacrificing their husbands and boyfriends which they cannibalize. They sexually get off to being intimate with men and then causing their deaths, cannibalizing them, and then having sex with other men while they think about the men they seduced, killed, and cannibalized and this behavior pleases them. The Pleiades are associated with the Hyades which are similar and more swinish. They are also connected with the Hesperides which are Nymphs of the Evening Star or Hesperos who is often equated with Lucifer. Lucifer is more accurately associated with the evening star rather than the morning star. This is also a form of Luciferianism or false light. Their happy personalities cover up their sadism and evil and that is a form of Luciferianism. The placebo effect is a psychological deception with positive effects so with them they choose to think sadism and cannibalism is love therefore it does not make them feel guilty and does not cause them negative effects.

Normal people are pleased or happy when they are in love. These sadistic women are happy or pleased when they cannibalize people. Shelley sacrificed her ex husband. This Pleiadean cult is also obsessed with cooking children like pigs and this goes on at vacation resorts run by the mafia and especially the Polynesian Mafia. Polynesians claim to descend from the Pleiades constellation in their mythology. In the Greek Mythology Pleione was said to be born at Mount Cyllene similar to the word Cilician. Ancient Cilicians which became the Celts are closely connected with Pleiades. Several Slavic tribes were also related to this cult and the Cilicians. The actress Amanda Schull who is from Hawaii is a high level member of the Cult of Pleiades. The actress Kristen Bell is also a high level member of the Cult of Pleiades. Taylor Swift although not a Vicar of one of the Pleaides is also a member of the Cult of Pleiades and she is very similar to these blond haired Pleiadean women who are filled with burning lust to cannibalize genitals and children. Taylor Alison Swift is their Vicar of Bia a female personification of force because she is a violent feminist that works with an alchemical cult that targets the heart beat through chemical hacking. These women pretend to control lightning because their affinities with ions and positively charged chemicals. A gang stalker named Alison McCarthy-Senatro is also a member of the Cult of Pleiades and she also not a Vicar of a Pleiadean but rather the Vicar of Io which refers to ionization and chemical binding. Alison sacrificed her ex-boyfriend and has been involved in numerous sacrifices of young men. Shelley and Alison are extremely similar in personality and they are both small blond haired women with extreme narcissistic personality disorders. Shelley Laverde is the most evil and most narcissistic. These women cannibalize men and then get off to degrading them after. They think all men worship them. They are disgusting evil. Alison McCarthy-Senatro is a willingly deluded blond hair and intellectual supremacist and intellectual thief who is constantly intoxicated off human blood. Alison is an idiot who gets drunk off the blood of murdered children and declares herself brilliant while taking credit for things she has nothing to do with. The blond haired supremacist and gang stalker Stephanie Loheman is a member of the Cult of Pleiades and she is a ruthless and blasphemous intellectual thief that serves Seth Rozman the modern day Poseidon. The German actress Eva Habermann is also a member of the Cult of Pleiades. The Cult of Pleiades are mostly blond haired women who are narcissistic sexual sadists and they specialize in chemical binding witchcraft and they manipulate the chemicals in the human body causing knots, blockages, drainage of energy, and most of all burning sensations which damage blood vessels and nerves. The English actress Naomi Watts is another high level member of the Cult of Pleiades. Watts refers to a measure of energy or electricity and she is their Vicar of the Sterope a Pleiadean associated with electricity or lightning. Their connections with electricity refers to their associations with charged ions and charged chemicals like sodium and chlorine. These blasphemous women are fascistly dictating that the yellowish chemicals sodium, chloride, fluorine, and sulfur are lightning because they are connected with electrons, ionization, and electronegativity. This is a reason why there is the stereotype that blonds are dumb. Naomi Watts's friend the actress Nicole Kidman is a Pleiadean with natural amber colored hair and she is the Vicar of Electra one of the seven Pleiadeans. The Latin word Electrum means amber and Kidman's natural hair is specifically amber colored. Nicole Kidman has burned children alive. Nicole Kidman and Alison McCarthy-Senatro are the most sadistic members of this group. Naomi Watts played Princess Diana in a 2013 movie.

See Part 41 >

22092390? ago

Part 39 >


Craig Oxley is the Illuminati's Vicar of Prometheus and a high level member of the Tavistock Institute which was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. Craig Oxley is pure evil and a psychological terrorist and pathetic imitator and brainwasher which is what all Tavistock agents are. They are insanely arrogant liars. Oxley also works with some fake intellectuals and psychological terrorists at Oxford University. All gang stalkers work under the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute develops all of the psychological used by gang stalkers. The Tavistock Institute is financed by the billionaire Joe Lewis who owns the Tavistock Group an investment firm and the Tavistock Institute is overseen by the British noble Andrew Russell the Duke of Bedford and Marquis of Tavistock. There is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. So Craig Oxley refers to himself as a Promethean, works in the United Kingdom where the Tavistock Institute is located which was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and there is a statue of Prometheus a thief at the Rockefeller Plaza. Craig Oxley's site states on its header "Support the Promethians" and says the "Zeusian Aristotelians Must Be Stopped" which implies I have something to do with Aristotle which I don't and that I work with others which I don't. Craig Oxley is a blatant con artist and proven liar who made up the person he calls Pepe Orsini and has tried to hijack the concept of exposing the Black Nobility of Rome with his few weak articles on the Pallavicinis, Orsinis, and Breakspears while totally ignoring the Massimos, Odescalchis, Torlonias, Gaetanis, and many others. He sort of exposed the Orsini family, never named the real Orsinis which are Prince Domenico, Prince Ramondo, and Prince Lelio and then made up a fake person called Pepe Orsini. That is proof he is a shill. Oxley neglected to expose dozens of families of the Black Nobility and never mentions the German royals and nobles and barely exposed any European royals other than the Windsors. Then Oxley switched his focus from Black Nobility to the Sabattean Frankists and claims they control everything. Now at best he exposes Jesuits and not the Black Nobility and he vaguely blames all Jews for all crimes committed by criminal Jews. Oxley uses racist generalizations. Oxley also promotes drinking urine and he literally speaks like a ssslithering sssnake with over pronounced s's. Oxley really does tell people to drink urine. Oxley is also a white supremacist and probably a fake white person because they often are. Oxley claims white people have bigger brains than blacks and he says this on his website. It is very possible he is not even white. They use racism as a weapon. Oxley's racist claims are not true. Prometheus was known for stealing the fire from Mount Olympus and Prometheus is associated with the concept of forethought and premeditation. Oxley assists other shills who are assoicated with the Tavistock Insitute including Q Anon with theft of my information and often times they just steal small elements to not be noticeable. Q Anon is a Tavistock operation and Q Anons are Tavistock agents with Craig from JustInformed as a top member who is extremely blasphemous. Another Tavistock agent that works under Craig Oxley is the shill Ed from OuterLight who claims because his name is Ed that he is the essence of education. They are insane. It is all motivated by egomania. Gen-Z99 a troll on my website here is a Tavistock agent and he is extremely racist and tries to hijack my articles with irrelevant or unrelated information. Gen-Z99 claims all red headed people are evil and tries to make generalizations and incorporate my information with his racism. All gang stalkers work under the Tavistock Institute and assist them with their psychotic blasphemies especially gang stalkers with intellectual inferiority complexes including Meghan Parsons their Vicar of Calypso and Breanna Goodrich their Vicar of Rhea. One of their most psychotic psychological attacks Tavistock agents do is hack people's brains and terrorize them with babble and thought hacking while claiming to control them even when they are exposing them. It is really sadistic idiocy. They are ruthlessly idiotic. They hack thoughts so they know what a person is going to do before they do it then Craig or his associates then say to their followers "Izreal Zeus is going to do so and so" and then acts like they control what I am doing. That is how desperate and pathetic they are. Almost all of what they do is actually an after thought like repeating things I already wrote years ago before I rewrite them. They use arrogance to support their lies. They use electronic weapons to violently attack people and dictate with electronic weapons they own all knowledge and dictate that all information comes from them even when that information is exposing them. They are relentless tormentors. What they do is when a thought is developing in a mind through contemplation they say it before it gets expressed through words or writing. They are pure evil and every single person involved with that deserves very slow and painful deaths. The Prometheans are the Cult of Premeditation and they dominate the alternative media. So when I post articles online about the Black Nobility people then further research it and end up with his propped up propaganda. That is how he is premeditated.

Statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza.




The 70th anniversary of the Tavistock Institute

The Rockefeller Foundation is proud to be part of your history, beginning with a grant that was made on the cusp of the Second World War. The story of our partnership began in 1939 when the Foundation provided one of the founding grants to the Institute – a staggering $19,500! – to support the growth and advancement of the study of psychiatry.

Andrew Russell the Marquis of Tavistock is one of the most evil creatures in the United Kingdom. Andrew Russell and Craig Oxley deserve to be thrown alive into incinerators. That would not be punishment enough for these lawless child murdering devils. That is why they do what they do. They torture people who threaten child trafficking rings because they are child murderers, tormentors and cannibals. Andrew Russell rapes, murders, and cannibalizes babies which explains why he looks like that.

See Part 40 >

22092384? ago

See Part 38 >

Arch Devil Michael

Seth Michael Rozman is Poseidon and the Aquarian Vicar of Jesus whose name was Jeshua two thousand years ago however he does not like being identified as Jesus or the poser Poseidon. The primary role he plays is the Arch Angel Michael where he pretends to be holy and good and he commands a group of blond haired women who are generally from the Cult of Pleaides and they pretend to be his angels and pretend to be against evil. Seth and the cults of Neptune and Pleiades use this program to manage New Agers and Christian Gnostics. Both Jesus and the Arch Angel Michael are heavily worshiped in the New Age religion. Many New Agers claim they are Pleiadeans as well. Most of them don't know what they are talking about. New Agers are generally self identified Gnostics which means "Knowers" yet they don't know much. The Gnostic texts have zero knowledge in them. They are frauds. There is no science to their Gnosticism at all. The Cult of Neptune and Cult of Pleiades do manage the New Age religion. They operate with these programs however Greek Mythology is the best way to expose them because it is actually based on historic people and incorporates nature and science and puts things into the best order and context. Their version of Greek Mythology is distorted and used for idolatry while it is actually based on real people and uses nature, etymology, and science which they do not use. Most secret societies don't use Greek Mythology and if they do they blur all the mythologies together and do it inaccurately. The Illuminati uses the Christian-Judeo mythologies most of all which are the most common religions today. The other common program they use is aliens and interdimensional beings and in the New Age religion they mix angels and aliens together. There are no extraterrestrials. Seth and his fake angels are the very evil being exposed while they pretend to be against evil by shifting blame onto well known evil people for example like Hillary Clinton who Seth actually defends all the time. I exposed Hillary Clinton as the modern day Eris or Discordia which triggered his egomaniacal envy. Seth always attacks me when I expose Clinton or the criminals on the liberal side with blasphemy claiming "he was controlling me" out of envy and as an attempt to dehumanize me and to undermine what I wrote which in turn defends the very criminals getting exposed which proves Seth Rozman defends them. Seth Rozman and these blond haired Pleiadean women like Alison McCarthy-Senatro and especially Stephanie Loheman act condescending and act like they are the regulators of truth. If they are not the ones getting exposed they are pretending to be the ones exposing the other criminals. They are extremely condescending and their attacks are idiotic. Stephanie Loheman is the worst blasphemer on the planet. She is relentlessly condescending and relentlessly pretends to know everything. She is actually an idiot and has an inferiority complex related to her low intelligence. They attempt to steal credit from people who actually expose and fight against evil. That is the essence of the Illuminati and Christianity. Their angels and demons are both evil and part of their fake duality just like their fake political duality that dictates people must choose a side and that is because both sides are part of the same control mechanism. Angels are like the alternative media which are false opposition against the mainstream media and NWO. Alison McCarthy-Senatro is a manager of the New Age shill channel "Event is coming soon" which is a childish and pathetic psyop. Seth manages various New Age shill channels like the black supremacist New Ager called Young Pharaoh who has a very similar personality as Seth. Young Pharaoh is a top member of the Cult of Neptune and a major brainwasher. The Satanist Michael Aquino founded the Temple of Set which is an altar to Seth Michael Rozman and named after the Egyptian deity called Set who was associated with chaos and envy. Seth Rozman now playing the role of the Arch Angel Michael is part of his chaos and trying to deflect away from Greek Mythology which exposes him in the most precise way. The Temple of Set makes human sacrifices to Seth Michael Rozman to fuel his cult and gang stalking warfare. Prince Michael of Kent is a manager of Michael Aquino and Seth Rozman. Prince Michael is the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons and is Vice Admiral of the Royal Naval Reserve and a top authority over the Cult of Neptune and Cult of the Arch Angel Michael. The Temple of Set is designed like Freemasonry. Freemasonry builds constructs for the occult or Illuminati like idols and pyramidic houses or temples which are their worshipers who prop up these idols who sit at the top. There is a reason why certain people are used for this. It is about who they are. Christianity is a religion of idolatry with Jesus, apostles, and angels. The New Age religion incorporates this as well and many New Agers worship the Arch Angel Michael.

See Part 39 >

22092375? ago

Part 37 >

Fiend of Hades

Andrew Bonneau is a top devil of the Cult of Hades and the modern Ascalaphus a demon of the underworld and "custodian of the orchard" and to them orchard and fruit refer to humanity. Hades is associated with the underworld like underground caverns and also with the cerebellum the lowest part of the brain located in the back which has passages in the brain connecting it to the lower part of the Temporal Lobe which is associated with Saturn. Hades represents the Inferior Temporal Gyrus in the Temporal Lobe the lowest part of that lobe. Hades is the name of the underworld and in Greek Mythology Hades represents the Inferior Temporal Gyrus represents Hades, the Asphodel Fields represent the Mid Temporal Gyrus, and Elysium represents the Superior Temporal Gyrus. Those are the levels for lower initiated spirits fallen from the Parietal Lobe. They are all Temporal Lobe Saturn worshipers. The Cult of Hades consider humanity to be a farm, orchard, vineyard, cattle, etc. Those are terms they refer to humanity as because they are cannibals who feed off humanity. Andrew Bonneau is the essence of evil and is involved with trafficking aborted babies, cannibalizing aborted babies, eating excrement, and making relentless and ruthless lying accusations like falsely accusing me of being a pedophile, rapist, cannibal, and other evil things and he does this as a response to me exposing evil like him. Anyone who goes along with his malicious lies is also a devil. Andrew Bonneau creates an excuse for people to attack innocent people when he makes his false accusations and the attackers know his lies are untrue but pretend to go along with them so when they get caught they say its because of what Andrew said. All of them falsely accuse people who expose them with knowledge cannibals and they base this on the Biblical verse where the serpent says to eat the "forbidden fruit" and know good and evil. First of all serpents are mindless and robotic animals and many savages were cannibals and they were dumb and primitive. Also these people themselves are idiots who don't know much of anything and only pretend to know it after I write it. Andrew Bonneau is a sadistic alchemical defiler and his attacks feel like dirt being rubbed all over the skin. Andrew Bonneau is a genetic sub human that was created out of sodomy meaning his parents were cannibals who procreated to the demonic lust of cannibalism and that is what established who he is from birth. Jesuits are often spawned from this evil and Jesuits are from invasive and predatory Moorish bloodlines just as Ignatius Loyola was.

The Jesuits are really the modern Cult of Hades and Andrew Bonneau is their modern day Ignatius Loyola and he looks very similar to the depictions of Ignatius Loyola. Members of the Cult of Hades are all psychotic liars, defilers, and creepy child molesters and cannibals. The now deceased Jesuit General Peter Hans Kolvenbach was the leader of Hades and their Vicar of Hades. Abortion clinics are their "orchards" which Andrew manages. Andrew Bonneau traffics aborted babies and Jesuitical fiends like him and disgusting witches cannibalize babies. It is as if they cannot continue existing without cannibalism. Another example of one of Andrew Bonneau's lies is claiming that exposing them for trafficking and cannibalizing babies influences people to traffic and cannibalize babies. No sane person would respond that way. Any person who says exposing evil is enabling evil is clearly evil and their motive behind saying this is to attack the person for exposing what they are. They are idiotic. They just make up completely insane lies and dictate them at people with arrogance. These sodomites and cannibals lack human energy because they are spawned in inhuman ways or have fallen into underworldly spectrums below humans so they cannibalize humans and feed off what they don't have. Abortion needs to be outlawed with exceptions if a woman was raped or has a life threatening issue however many women will just do them in secret. Today evil women have abortions secretly so they can cannibalize the babies. They are sick. Jesuits specialize in influencing women into becoming cannibals. There are hundreds of stories of witches cannibalizing babies because they do. Jesuits also cannibalize babies. Witches eating children is almost synonymous with witches. The Jesuits are a ruthless terrorist organization using religion as their cover. Jesuits need to be outlawed. Ascalaphus is connected with the story of Persephone and her eating pomegranate seeds. Pomegranates are powerful antioxidants and can cause a person to throw up if they consume too much of it. Andrew Bonneau's girlfriend is Breanna Goodrich and she is their Vicar of Rhea. Rhea is connected with the Greek word Rheo which means "to flow" or "discharge" like throwing up and where the word Diarrhea derives from. Rhea is associated with the esophagus in biology and also with Saturn. Rhea is a highly exaggerated entity in Greek Mythology and they did this because she is pure evil and filled with relentless hatred. The word hate derives from the word Hades.


In Greek mythology, Ascalaphus (/əˈskæləfəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀσκάλαφος Askalaphos) was the son of Acheron and Orphne.

Ascalaphus was the custodian of the orchard of Hades. He told the other gods that Persephone had eaten pomegranate seeds in the Underworld. Because she had tasted food in the underworld, Persephone was obliged to return to the Underworld and spend four months[1] (in later versions six months[2]) there every year.


Rhea or Rheia (/ˈriːə/; Ancient Greek: Ῥέα [r̥é.aː]), in Greek mythology, is a member of the first generation of the Titans

Some ancient etymologists derived Rhea (Ῥέα) (by metathesis) from ἔρα, "ground";[1] the same suggest also modern scholars[2], although a tradition embodied in Plato[3] and in Chrysippus[4] connected the word with ῥέω (rheo), "flow", "discharge",[5] which is what LSJ supports.[6] Alternatively, the name Rhea may be connected with words for the pomegranate, ῥόα, later ῥοιά.

See Part 38 >

22092364? ago

Part 36 >

Coven of Ishtar

Ashley Esther Dalene is the modern day Babylonian Ishtar or her actual equivalent the Greek Hera. The Coven of Ishtar or Hera is a disease of apathy and sadism. Ashley Esther Dalene is a relentless tormentor that is obsessed with burning children alive and is obsessed with eating penises. That is all she is. There is no fixing her. Ashley Dalene is one hundred percent evil at all times and does not care. She is always evil and is always blaming other women for her crimes including other evil women. The Coven of Hera specializes in anxiety, dryness, itching, fake tears, emotional manipulation, and emotional sadism. They hack into the vagus nerve system in the body which influences emotions including triggering tears and can cause anxiety. Ashley Esther Dalene and women like her can cry on command and use this for manipulating men. Hera is really the same as the Babylonian Ishtar and they were both known as queens. The Coven of Ishtar act like whiny babbling tyrants. The Hebrew Esther was also a queen of Persia. The Ash Nymphs or Meliads and especially Tree Nymphs or Dryads from Greek Mythology are followers of Hera and from a similar bloodline. Nymphomaniac is derived from the Greek term Nymph and means a sex addict. Ashley Dalene uses sex as a weapon and demonic lust is her primary motive. Ashley uses emotional based sex for seduction. Hera and Athena have been somewhat mixed up in Greek Mythology and the modern Hera and Athena are idiots who didn't know their own identities. Ashley Dalene was originally claiming to be Athena. The Owl of Athena is really the Owl of Hera. Also Minerva from the Roman myth is a name of Hera and not Athena. Mi-Nerva like nerves. Nerve fibres are like hair. The Hebrew name Esther means hidden and Athena, Rhea, and Hestia all hide behind Hera. The Coven of Hera worship little owls which are called Athene Noctua. The little owl is really connected with Hera and not Athena. Owls and little owls are sexually size dimorphic which means female owls are larger than male owls and owls are also cannibalistic. The Coven of Hera or Ishtar are cannibalistic feminists. Ashley Esther Dalene works under the Austrian-Hungarian House of Esterhazy which have origins from the Aesti clan and the Aestis ran the amber trade in ancient times. Amber has electrostatic properties. They use electrostatics to irritate people like moving around hair making it feel like there is hair being rubbed all over the skin. Their attacks feel like a woman is whisking her hair on the skin and they do this to create anxiety and to be irritating. The word Hair derives from the name Hera. The Aesti Clan were offspring of both Hera and Hestia. The Coven of Hestia which is managed by the House of Hesse oversee the Coven of Hera which is managed by the House of Esterhazy. The House of Esterhazy are owners of Eastern European mafias including the Hungarian-Russian-Jewish mafia and they run the snuff film industry and they use snuff films to initiate and motivate gang stalkers.

Esther Koplowitz and her sister Alicia Koplowitz are Spanish-Jewish billionaire nobles and they are top managers of the Coven of Ishtar. The Spanish royals and nobles also own the Mexican cartels which also make snuff films. The Koplowitz family originated from the Habsburg Empire before migrating the Spain and the Esterhazys are nobles under the Habsburgs. They get off to destroying innocence and acting innocent while doing it. It is extremely disturbing. The Zionist Lauder family which own Estee Lauder with former Ambassador to Austria Ronald Lauder are agents of the Austrian Esterhazys. The Lauders are worth around 20 billion with Aerin Lauder and Jane Lauder as top billionaire managers of the Coven of Hera. The singer Arianna Grande manages a similar and rival faction of the Coven of Hera. Ariana Grande is best associated with the Greek Gerana who was a rival of Hera. Gerana was the queen of the Greek Pygmies. Pygmies are short in height and Ariana Grande is five feet tall and she has very long hair. Ariana Grande is also a Kabbalist with Sicilian ancestry and she works with the Italian Mafia in Boca Rotan where she is from. The Cult of Ishtar are feminists and Ishtar had Eunuch priests that worshiped her. These Eunuch priests would willingly cut off their genitals to serve to Ishtar and her witches. The shill Ed from Outer Light is like a modern day Eunuch priest of Ishtar. Ariana Grande has a song called "God is a Woman" because she is a blasphemous feminist. Ariana Grande is pure evil and a ruthless cannibal. The actress Ashley Judd is also a top manager of the Coven of Hera. Ashley Esther Dalene's motto is "I don't care." They are like selfish little girls with demonic desires. Ashley Dalene is obsessed with women dominating over men and she worships the female bodybuilder Maria Wattel who is from a similar bloodline. Maria Wattel is a self identified Amazon who is over 6 feet and 200 pounds and she is the modern day Lampedo an Amazon whose name means burning torch and she has a burning lust to rape, murder, and cannibalize men. Maria Wattel is from the Netherlands and is financed by the Dutch royals. I am not exposing large women out of insecurity. I am over 6'2 and over 240 pounds. Heracles takes his name from Hera and a gang stalker named Jason Canfield is the modern day Heracles and him and his mother work with Ashley Dalene and they are all sadists. Jason Canfield is a relatively large man who I have seen lift up a full size sedan with his bare hands and he never worked out. The Coven of Hera also worship hares or rabbits and they use innocence as their cover. These witches act like sweet innocent little girls but are really sadistic. The holiday Easter is named after Ishtar. Easter is Ishtar worship. Occult members literally eat people on these holidays. Ashley Dalene uses online dating sites to hunt men which she becomes emotionally and sexually involved with and then her and her Wiccan cult relentlessly gang stalks them with the intent of causing their deaths in order to cannibalize their genitals which are trafficked through morgues, funeral homes, and hospitals by occultists that have infiltrated them. Ashley Esther Dalene is obsessed with snuff films of women molesting little boys and strangling them to death. This is what she is obsessed with as well as snuff films of children being burned alive or holocausts. The Coven of Hera overall worships Ares.

See Part 37 >

22092355? ago

Part 35 >

Biston & Odomas

Eddie Hall and Mark Henry who are both strong men with "world's strongest man" titles or claims are modern day Thracian Bistones with Eddie Hall being the modern Biston and Mark Henry being the modern Odomas. Biston and Odomas were considered brothers. They are the essence of insolence. Bistones were an Ares worshiping war like tribe. Ares originated from Scytho-Persia with the Aryans and did not originate from Greece. The Bistones and Thracians were also believed to worship Dionysus. Prince Harry is the modern Ares and Prince William is the modern Dionysus also known as Bacchus. Female worshipers of Bacchus were called Bistonides. The name Biston influenced the words beast and bison. They are large and violent bullish tyrants. Bistone was known for tattooing eyes on his people. Eddie Hall has tattoos with a face covered on his right arm with the eyes visible. Eddie's friend Martyn Ford also has a pyramid with an eye on his back. Eddie Hall has tattoos of the Terminator on his arm and also Atlas. Arnold Schwarzenegger who played The Terminator manages all strong men and body builders. The Thracians included the Tribe of Edonians who were really descendants of the Edomites founded by Adam of Eden from the Bible who was not the first man. Adam Ross Hoyt is the modern Thrasos the spirit of insolence and boldness and his friend James Milikowski is the modern day Tartarus related to the word Taurus for bull just like the name Mili-Kow-ski. Tartarus established the ancient Tribe of Tauri located around Crimea and gave the name to the Taurus Mountains while migrating into Europe. The Tauri were an African and Aryan mix. Thrax and Thrasos were founders of the Thracians and related to the Thorax which includes the chest cavity and this groups uses heavy gravitational attacks of air pressure. The Moesis were another Thracian tribe and were descendants of the Moabites. Both Eddie Hall and Mark Henry are commanders of gang stalkers and they manage the military gang stalkers Robert Nadeau and Adam Hoyt. The Edomites and Moabites were a type of Scytho-Aryan mixed with Africans and they were enemies that preyed on ancient Israelites and then claimed to be them. These groups are cannibalistic sexual predators that prey on innocence. The Latin word Edo means to eat just as Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit which is human flesh in the Garden of Eden. These groups are also imitators the same way the Thracians imitated Greece and worshiped a fake deity called Sabazios like Saba Zeus and who is believed to be related to Sabaoth an old Babylonian-Hebrew military god who was the Lord of Hosts. They call their worshipers and followers hosts. Saturday is the Sabbath and derives from Sabaoth. The real ancient Greeks were the direct descendants of the ancient Israelites and at the time of the "flood" mentioned in the Bible is when they left Israel and moved to Greece. Then predatory tribes took over the remnant of the land of Israel and hijacked the culture. After that they targeted the Greeks. The Rothschilds and Goldsmiths were rulers of the Thracians and used them for mining gold and silver which is why they are so wealthy today. The Goldsmith bloodline derived from the royals of Phrygia which was connected to the Thracians with King Midas who had the "golden touch" like the name Goldsmith. Hebros was the name of the largest river that passed through the land of Thracians which is part of the Black Sea region and Balkans. Hebros derives from Hebron a name they incorporated after invading Israel. Eventually Thracians and other similar groups infiltrated Greece and perverted the culture and took historic names, events, and spiritual science and turned it into a blasphemous religion of idolatry.

Eddie Hall is a psychopathic beast and has "The Beast" tattooed under his arms. Look at the demonic grin on this piggish child molesting cannibal's face. This psychotic idiot needs to get tortured slowly.

Mark Henry with Eddie Hall.


In Greek mythology, Biston /ˈbɪstən/ (Ancient Greek: Βίστων or Βιστών) was the son of Ares and Callirrhoe, daughter of river-god Nestus. His two brothers were Odomas and Edonus (eponyms of two Thracian tribes, the Odomanti and the Edoni).[1] Alternately, he was called son of Paeon and grandson of Ares.

The Thracian Bistonians were famous for their warlike nature and cult of Ares whom they worshipped in the form of an upright standing sword.

Mark Henry with a shirt that says "Hall of Pain." Mark Henry's other motto is "Bent on Destruction" which is exactly what he is going to get. Destroyed and erased out of existence into eternal dust.

See Part 36 >

22092326? ago

Part 34 >


They consolidated several global security companies under the Constellis brand, including the Olive Group, Academi (formed in 2010 when investors acquired the Blackwater facility) and Reston-based Triple Canopy.

Apollo acquired Constellis for about $1 billion in 2016

Prince Valerio Massimo of Roccasecca and his wife Princess Alexandra Massimo. Prince Valerio whose mother is Atalanta Foxwell is their representation of the Teumessian Fox in the Greek Myth. Foxes are considered tricksters and Prince Valerio specializes in trickery and deceit. Prince Valerio also specializes into turning women into sexual sadists and child murderers which is why he always has an arrogant smirk on his face. Prince Valerio lies constantly and is a ruthless and demented slanderer who contradicts himself continually. He is wearing an apple on his hat in reference to the "Forbidden Fruit" which is really human flesh. Cannibalism is what is forbidden. "Apple of my eye" and "fruit of my loins" are fruit metaphors for children. There are also numerous fruit metaphors for genitals and private parts. The Roman Catholic singer Ed Sheeran is an Aryan and works under the Massimos of Roccasecca and the Windsors. Ed Sheeran is a creep and pedophile that molests little boys. The Aryan Brotherhood and other Aryan organized crime groups are involved in trafficking children and human flesh. Cannibalism and drinking human blood are their initiations. The Massimo family have a close alliance with the House of Windsor. The Massimo of Roccasecca family reside in London and they are part owners of the Irish Mafia and are commanders of the Irish Republican Army. They have an old Irish noble branch called the Barons of Massy in Limerick. There is also a white prison gang that is called the Irish Mob.


In Greek mythology, the Teumessian fox, or Cadmean vixen, was a gigantic fox that was destined never to be caught.[1] It was said that it had been sent by the gods (perhaps Dionysus) to prey upon the children of Thebes as a punishment for a national crime.


Atalanta Edith Foxwell

Children of Atalanta Edith Foxwell and Stefano Shaun Francesco Filippo Gabriel Charles James, Principe Massimo di Roccasecca dei Volsci

Valerio Francesco Massimo di Roccasecca dei Volsci2 b. 1973

Cesare Camillo Alessandro Massimo di Roccasecca dei Volsci2 b. 1977

Tancredi Rara Massimo di Roccasecca dei Volsci2 b. 1986


Ringleaders of the Irish Mob prison gang didn't want anybody talking after a 2016 shootout that left one rival gang associate dead at an Oklahoma City motel.

From behind prison walls, ringleaders allegedly directed retaliation against witnesses, court records show. One informant was shot in the chest in front of his house. An Irish Mob kingpin allegedly tried unsuccessfully to have another witness shot in the head in exchange for drugs.

Prince Donatus of Hesse with his Aryan wife Princess Floria of Hesse. The Hesses are involved in murdering children as human sacrifices. Prince Donatus' grandfather Prince Philipp of Hesse was a member of the Nazi Sturmabteilung or Stormtroopers and his great uncle Prince Christophe of Hesse was a member of the Nazi Schutzstaffel. The House of Hesse were the original employers of the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty. The name Rothschild means "Red Shield" and they are a shield for the Aryan bloodlines and royals.


Philipp, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse (6 November 1896 – 25 October 1980) was head of the Electoral House of Hesse from 1940 to 1980.

While in Italy, Philipp fell under the influence of Fascism, or otherwise believed the Bolsheviks to be a greater threat.[5] On his return to Germany in October 1930, he joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party.[2] In 1932, he joined the Stormtroopers (SA, commonly referred to as the Brown Shirts),[7] and, the following year, his younger brother Christoph joined the Schutzstaffel (SS).[7] Later, his two other brothers, including Wolfgang, also joined the SA. Through his party membership, Philipp became a particularly close friend of Hermann Göring, the future head of the German air force (Luftwaffe).[7] In the Stormtroopers, he held the rank of Obergruppenführer.[3]


Mayer Amschel Rothschild: founder

With the help of relatives, Mayer Amschel secured an apprenticeship under Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer, at the banking firm of Simon Wolf Oppenheimer in Hannover, in 1757, where he acquired useful knowledge in foreign trade and currency exchange, before returning to his brothers' business in Frankfurt in 1763. He became a dealer in rare coins and won the patronage of the immensely wealthy Crown Prince Wilhelm I of Hesse (1743-1821), who had also earlier patronised his father. His coin business grew to include a number of princely patrons, and then expanded through the provision of financial services. In 1769, Mayer Amschel gained the title of 'Court Agent', managing the finances of Wilhelm I who became Wilhelm IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel on the death of his father in 1785. Business expanded rapidly following the French Revolution when Rothschild handled payments from Britain for the hire of Hessian mercenaries.


The Rothschild name can be traced back to a sixteenth-century ancestor of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), Isaak Elchanan who took the name Rothschild from a small house he occupied at the southern end of the Judengasse called zum Roten Schild ("House at the Red Shield").

Eric Millerberg is an Aryan member of the Aryan Brotherhood and its Silent Aryan Warriors faction and was convicted of murdering and sexually abusing a 16 year old girl. He injected heroin and meth into the girl until she died. He drugged her so he could sexually assault her. Millerberg was sentenced to 6 years to life for molesting and murdering a 16 year old girl. This devil needs to be killed.


Eric Millerberg was found guilty by a jury in February 2014 of child abuse homicide, a first-degree felony; obstructing justice, a second-degree felony; and unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year-old and abuse or desecration of a human body, third-degree felonies.


Eric Millerberg

The Salt Lake Tribune also reported he was affiliated with Silent Aryan Warriors, a white supremacist prison gang group.

Prince Carlo Massimo has been the President of the Italian Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) and he is an Aryan military general and tactician. The Massimos are part owners of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and have been commanding it through the Italian Order of Malta. Prince Carlo is their Vicar of Geras who represents old age or senility and he is also associated with military and authority. Geras is really associated with Strontium which burns reddish orange. Strontium is not very conductive and when ingested from them adding it into the air through chemtrails and water it can cause blockages in the brain and synapses which disrupt thoughts causing forgetfulness similar to senility. Princes Stefano Massimo, Prince Valerio Massimo, and Prince Tancredi Massimo also all have red hair and are Aryans like Prince Carlo. The SMOM has internationally infiltrated governments and militaries through Jesuit and Roman Catholic universities which have secret societies of Knights of Malta within them. Georgetown's School of Foreign Service is the real headquarters for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta within the United States.


In Greek mythology, Geras /ˈdʒɪərəs/ (Ancient Greek: Γῆρας, romanized: Gễras) was the god of old age.[1] It was considered a virtue whereby the more gēras a man acquired

In ancient Greek literature, Geras'(Ancient Greek: γέρας) can also carry the meaning of influence, authority or power; especially that derived from fame, good looks and strength claimed through success in battle or contest.


Among the members of the delegation of the Order were the Grand Commander, Frey Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein; the Ambassador of the Order to the Italian Republic, Giulio di Lorenzo Badia; and the President of the Association of Italian Knights, Prince Carlo Massimo.

See Part 35 >

22092316? ago

Part 33 >

Jens "The Beast" Dalsgaard is a convicted criminal and a violent psychotic Danish Aryan bodybuilder who has 666 tattooed on his face. Dalsgaard claims to be a reformed criminal but he is more evil than ever. Jens calls himself "The Beast" and has 666 tattooed on his face. Jens Dalsgaard is the modern day King Diomedes of Thrace who was considered a sadistic giant and a son of Ares. Jens works closely with the very large body builder Martyn Ford whose name Martyn means Warrior of Mars.


King Diomedes of Thrace (Ancient Greek: Διομήδης) was the son of Ares and Cyrene.[2] He lived on the shores of the Black Sea ruling the warlike tribe of Bistones.[3][4] He is known for his man-eating horses,[5]

King Diomedes was a savage; he enjoyed feeding strangers and prisoners to his mares. They did not like the taste of oats and grain; instead they feasted on human flesh, which their master gave them willingly. His mares could not be controlled; they were savage, just like the King.


The Bistones were also a warlike people who worshipped Ares, who was Biston's father, in the form of an upright standing sword.

Prince Stefano Massimo and his son Prince Tancredi Massimo are top owners of the Clerkenwell Mafia of London and the Irish Mafia. Prince Tancredi owns the Rathkeale Rovers an Irish crime syndicate that specializes in museum and auction house thefts. Prince Tancredi works at Christies an international auction house company. The name Tancredi derives from the name Thankrath. Thank-rath like Rath-keale. The Massimos established an old Irish nobility called the Massy family which are barons in Ireland and co-founders of the Hell Fire Club. Prince Stefano Massimo is the head of the Cult of Terror and is associated with the Greek entities Phobos and Deimos which represent terror. The moons of Mars were named after Phobos and Deimos. The Massimos are the ones behind all the government directed false flag terrorist attacks and currently have their Jesuit Jewish agent Tony Ressler who co-founded Apollo Global Management which owns Constellis Holdings which purchased Blackwater to finance and direct these staged terror attacks and mass shootings. The Massimos have a Jesuit college in Rome called the Massimo Institute and Ressler is Jesuit educated. Tony Ressler also founded Ares Management. The Massimos of Roccasecca use continual arrogance which is a psychological tactic to always appear confident. Prince Stefano is like a relentless rash of evil. Prince Stefano is the Prince of Roccasecca. Rocca means rock and Secca means dry like Arid and also to annoy or irritate.


Deimos /ˈdaɪˌmɒs/ (Ancient Greek: Δεῖμος, pronounced [dêːmos], meaning “dread”) is the god of terror


seccare verb


to dry to rile to cheese off to nark to badger to annoy to droop to irritate to scorch to wilt to wither to get dry


Mount Pelier Hill (Irish: Cnoc Mount Pelier)[2] is a 383-metre (1,257-foot) hill in County Dublin, Ireland.[1] It is commonly referred to as the Hell Fire Club

Members of the Irish Hell Fire Club, which was active in the years 1735 to 1741, used Mount Pelier lodge as a meeting place. Stories of wild behaviour and debauchery and occult practices and demonic manifestations have become part of the local lore over the years. The original name of the lodge has been displaced and the building is generally known as the Hell Fire Club.

The estate passed to the Massy family through inheritance in 1880 and John Thomas Massy, the 6th Baron made extensive use of the house and ground to host shooting parties and society gatherings.


Antony P. Ressler (born October 12, 1960) is a Beverly Hills-based billionaire American private equity tycoon and venture capitalist. He co-founded the private equity firm Apollo Global Management in 1990;[1] and co-founded the private equity firm Ares Management in 1997.[3]

Ressler graduated with a B.S.F.S. from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service.

See Part 34 >

22092209? ago

Part 32 >


"Aryan" (/ˈɛəriən/)[1] has as its root a term that was used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people.[note 1]


Ariana, the Latinized form of the Ancient Greek Ἀρ(ε)ιανή Ar(e)ianē (inhabitants: Ariani; Ἀρ(ε)ιανοί Ar(e)ianoi),[1] was a general geographical term used by some Greek and Roman authors of the ancient period for a district of wide extent between Central Asia[2] and the Indus River,[3] comprising the eastern provinces of the Achaemenid Empire[4] that covered the whole of modern-day Afghanistan, as well as the easternmost part of Iran and up to the Indus River in Pakistan (former Northern India).[5][6]


Baron Kilkeel is a title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. It was created on 19 May 2018 by Queen Elizabeth II as a subsidiary title for her grandson Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, upon the occasion of his marriage to Meghan Markle.[3] It is named after the small fishing port of Kilkeel, County Down, with a population of 6,887, in the District of Newry, Mourne and Down in Northern Ireland.[3]


Ireland (/ˈaɪərlənd/ (listen); Irish: Éire [ˈeːɾʲə] (listen); Ulster-Scots: Airlann



intense anger; wrath.

Prince Harry of the House of Windsor dressed up as a Neo-Nazi in public to let Nazi organizations like the Aryan Brotherhood know who their boss is. Barry Mills the recently deceased leader of the Aryan Brotherhood was from Windsor, California. August Kreis is a member of the KKK and a high level leader of the Aryan Nation. Kreis was convicted of pedophilia. Several white supremacist leaders have been convicted of pedophilia or similar crimes including Kevin Strom a leader of the National Vanguard and Strom was convicted of possession of child pornography. Prince Harry's primary agent is Ronnie Dean Haskins II or Dirty Red who was sentenced to 21 years in prison recently. Dirty Red still has authority over factions of the Aryan Brotherhood from prison and he is extremely evil.


Infamous racist August Byron Kreis III, who once led a faction of the neo-Nazi Aryan Nations in order “to save the white race,” has been arrested again — this time on six counts of sexually abusing children in South Carolina.

Dirty Red is an extremely sadistic member of the Aryan Brotherhood and he runs a faction that works directly for Prince Harry. Gang members in prison are heavily involved in drinking human blood. Dirty Red is still a major problem from prison and he needs to be killed.


A Universal Aryan Brotherhood prison gang member was sentenced to 21 years and 10 months in prison for maiming and kidnapping a former Aryan gang member, according to officials.

Ronnie Dean Haskins II, aka Dirty Red, 43, of Oklahoma, was sentenced Tuesday for conspiring to conduct a racketeering enterprise and related criminal charges, officials said.

According to his plea agreement, Haskins conspired in racketeering activities to advance the Aryan Brotherhood enterprise, including possessing and selling 500 grams or more of methamphetamine.


Barry Byron Mills (July 7, 1948 – July 8, 2018) was an American convicted criminal and leader of the Aryan Brotherhood (AB) prison gang. Nicknamed "The Baron", Mills was incarcerated in the California state prison system at a young age, where he rose within the AB organization during the 1970s and 80s.[1][2]


July 7, 1948

Windsor, California, U.S.

Action Bronson whose birth name is Ariyan Arslani is an Albanian-Jewish-Muslim rapper and a covert boss of the Hellbanianz and Albanian Boys in the United States and he works under Prince Harry. Action Bronson is a militant tormentor. The Hellbanianz are headquartered in London and have factions in the United States and Action Bronson is a top member. Action Bronson was named Ariyan because of his red hair. Ariyan Arslani is their representative of Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras. Tuesday is named after Tiw a Norse deity equated with Mars. Action Bronson is a cannibalistic monster that needs to be executed. Action Bronson works under Prince Harry continually and he manages an Albanian mobster named Ergest Mati who is a psychotic lying parasite.


Ariyan Arslani[4] (born December 2, 1983),[5][6] better known by the stage name Action Bronson, is an American rapper, writer, chef, and talk show host.[7]

Bronson was born in Flushing, Queens, New York, to an Albanian Muslim father and an American Jewish mother.[8] Growing up he had been raised in his father's Muslim tradition.[9]


Hellbanianz belong to the “retail game” of the cocaine trade. They are the street dealers and enforcers of the Mafia Shqiptare, the Albanian organised criminal syndicates who, the National Crime Agency believe, are consolidating power within the UK criminal underworld and on their way to a near total takeover of the UK’s £5bn cocaine market.


Mardi Gras (/ˈmɑːrdi ˌɡrɑː/), or Fat Tuesday, refers to events of the Carnival celebration, beginning on or after the Christian feasts of the Epiphany (Three Kings Day)


In Germanic mythology, Týr (Old Norse), Tíw (Old English), and Ziu (Old High German) is a god.

The modern English weekday name Tuesday means 'Tíw's day', referring to the Old English extension of the deity.

All of these forms derive from a Proto-Germanic weekday name meaning 'day of Tīwaz', itself a result of interpretatio germanica of Latin dies Martis (meaning 'day of Mars'). This attests to an early Germanic identification of *Tīwaz with Mars.[4]

Conor McGregor is a boss within the Irish Mafia and he is involved in rigging fights and recruiting enforcers for the Irish Mob. Conor McGregor is friends with the Murray brothers who are convicted Irish mobsters. The Irish Mafia has a close alliance with the Irish Republican Army and they are involved with trafficking weapons. The IRA provides the Irish Mafia with weapons and explosives. White Bulger the boss of the Irish Mafia in Boston was known for having connections to the IRA. During WWII the IRA worked with the German intelligence agency Abwehr. McGregor is a violent psychopath who was arrested for robbing a man for his phone and smashing it. McGregor also runs an international cult of Aryan gang stalkers. McGregory is best associated with Demaenetus a boxer from the Greek myth who was also a cannibal.


Murray – along with his brother Jonathan – have been described as “gangster brothers” by The Irish Sun. The Sun has also reported that the Murray brothers are childhood friends of McGregor, and that Jonathan has 48 criminal convictions – including four for drug dealing. Andrew Murray is listed as having 18 prior convictions, including drug possession with intent for sale or supply, theft, and forgery.

An image of the Murray brothers with McGregor was uploaded to social media hours before McGregor threw a dolly at a coach at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY this April. The brothers’ social media use suggested that they collected McGregor when he was released from police custody and traveled with him, on a private jet, back to Ireland.


Damarchus (Greek: Δάμαρχος) or Demaenetus was a victorious Olympic boxer from Parrhasia (Arcadia) who is said to have changed his shape into that of a wolf at the festival of Lycaea, only to become a man again after ten years.[1]

The Aryan Brotherhood symbol with the Irish flag colors and Irish clover. The Aryan Brotherhood often function as street soldiers for the higher level Irish Mafia.

See Part 33 >

22092195? ago

Part 31 >

Cult of Ares

Prince Harry is a top leader of the Cult of Mars or Cult of Ares. Mars was the Roman deity of war which was called Ares in ancient Greek. Aryans which were Scythian settled in Greece with the Canaanite-Phoenicians. In Greek the word phonos means murder. Greek is linguistically linked with the Phoenician language. It was the Canaanites that invaded Israel and started sacrificing children creating the valley Gehenna for Hell which was then known as cursed land. The Greek word Ares means Curse. Prince Harry is child murdering cannibal that constantly puts out propaganda photos of himself with random children to try and make himself seem good. Prince Harry is obsessed with cannibalizing genitals and obsessed with burning people alive. Prince Harry is addicted to eating penises and addicted to sadism. Prince Harry is the Captain General of the Royal Marines and he was made the Baron of Kilkeel of Ireland. Ireland derives from Ary Land. Aryans are really named after Ares and mean the "Children of Ares." Aryans generally have red hair and the Cult of Ares worship fire, war, and holocaust. Aryan also refers to arid and they are associated with dryness, itching, and types of air currents. Air feeds fire. Prince Harry manages Brandon Morales, James Milikowski, and Brian Lawton which are psychotic zealous Aryan gang stalkers that worship fire. Prince Harry manages the Aryan Brotherhood, Irish Mafia, Hell Fire Club, and the Hellbanianz. Prince Harry is one of the most evil devils on the planet.


The Queen has been pleased to give her formal approval to the appointment of His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales as Captain General Royal Marines


Ares (/ˈɛəriːz/; Ancient Greek: Ἄρης, Áres [árɛːs]) is the Greek god of war.

The counterpart of Ares among the Roman gods is Mars,[11]

The etymology of the name Ares is traditionally connected with the Greek word ἀρή (arē), the Ionic form of the Doric ἀρά (ara), "bane, ruin, curse, imprecation".[12][13]


Gehenna is a small valley in Jerusalem. In the Hebrew Bible, Gehenna was initially where some of the kings of Judah sacrificed their children by fire.[1] Thereafter, it was deemed to be cursed (Jer. 7:31, 19:2–6).[2]


A holocaust is a religious animal sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire. The word derives from the Ancient Greek holokaustos (ὁλόκαυστος from ὅλος "whole" and καυστός "burnt", with rough breathing), which is used solely for one of the major forms of sacrifice.


Nazi Germany built extermination camps (also called death camps or killing centers) during the Holocaust in World War II

The Jasenovac guards were also reported to have cremated living inmates in the crematorium.

Mars is depicted red and is called the "Red Planet" because it often appears in the sky when close as a red star. The Cult of Ares specialize in skin and hair attacks causing itching and rashes as well as some types of internal alchemical burning attacks to the nerves. The Cult of Mars also targets bones through alchemical or chemical warfare where they disrupt mineral intake in bones causing them to weaken. The Aries Zodiac is in reference to Ares and begins around 3/22 through around 4/20. Many major events involving war, man made catastrophes, mass fires. and mass deaths have occurred during the Aries Zodiac. Hitler's birthday is dated on 4/20 the ending of the Aries Zodiac. The 2016 "Brussels Bombing" was on 3/22 and the 2017 "Westminster Attack" was on 3/22 the beginning of the Aries Zodiac. Columbine Massacre was on 4/20 and the Deepwater Horizon Explosion was on 4/20 the ending of the Aries Zodiac. The Invasion of Iraq was on 3/20. The American Revolution was on 4/19. To the occult 3/22 is the official beginning of the Aries Zodiac and is the number for Skull and Bones which is a common symbol used by soldiers including the Nazi SS.


Aries (♈) /ˈɛəriːz/ (Latin for "ram") is the first astrological sign in the zodiac, spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude (0°≤ λ <30°), and originates from the constellation of the same name. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this sign from approximately March 21 to April 20 each year.[2]


The Aryan race is a racial grouping that emerged in the period of the late 19th century and mid-20th century to describe people of Indo-European heritage.[1]

See Part 32 >

22092161? ago

Part 30 >

Zachary Neath is another con artist that calls himself Zeus who works as the lackey and support for the con artist in Neath Port Talbot and he is a member of the Cult of Euros. Zachary Neath is involved in drinking human blood and torture. He is best associated with Euryalus in the Greek Myth. Neath means beneath and in several Eastern European languages Alus means base, beneath, or nether. He is a former US Marine where he was satanically initiated and now works as a prison guard.


Zachary Neath (Zeus)

State of Delaware

Correctional officer · January 2016 to present

U.S. Marine Corps



Euryalus (/jʊəˈraɪ.ələs/; Ancient Greek: Εὐρύαλος, Eὐrúalos) refers to the Euryalus fortress, the main citadel of Ancient Syracuse, and to several different characters from Greek mythology and classical literature:




base, bottom


In ancient Mesopotamian religion, Pazuzu (Akkadian: 𒀭𒅆𒊒𒍪𒍪 Dpà.zu.zu; also called Fazuzu or Pazuza)[1] was the king of the demons of the wind, brother of Humbaba and son of the god Hanbi. He also represented the southwestern wind, the bearer of storms and drought.


In ancient Greek religion and myth, the Anemoi (Greek: Ἄνεμοι, "Winds") were wind gods who were each ascribed a cardinal direction from which their respective winds came (see Classical compass winds), and were each associated with various seasons and weather conditions.

Eurus (Εὖρος, Euros) according to some was the southeast wind, but according to others the east wind.[7] On the Tower of the Winds in Athens, Euros occupies the southeast side, while Apeliotes is in the east.

Euronotus, the wind blowing from the direction, as its name suggests, between Euros and Notus, that is, a south-southeast wind (Euroauster to the Romans)

Matt Barr is a narcissistic psychopath and top member of the Cult of Euros.


A bar in a river is an elevated region of sediment (such as sand or gravel) that has been deposited by the flow.


Aegialeus (Ancient Greek: Αἰγιαλεύς derived from αἰγιαλός aigialos "beach, sea-shore") also Aegealeus, Aigialeus, Egialeus, in classical Greek semi-mythical historiography was considered the original settler of the Peloponnese and the founder and first ruler of the city-state of Aegialea, later known to history as Sicyon.

further, that Aegialeus begat Europs, Europs Telchis, and Telchis Apis.



Rocks erode or weather over a long period of time, mainly by water and wind


Sicyon (/ˈsɪʃiˌɒn, ˈsɪs-/; Greek: Σικυών; gen.: Σικυῶνος) or Sikyon was an ancient Greek city state

During the Persian Wars, the Sicyonians participated with fifteen triremes in the Battle of Salamis and with 3,000 hoplites in the Battle of Plataea.


The Greco-Persian Wars (also often called the Persian Wars) were a series of conflicts between the Achaemenid Empire and Greek city-states that started in 499 BC[i]

At the Battle of the Eurymedon in 466 BC, the League won a double victory that finally secured freedom for the cities of Ionia.

Viscount Louis Spencer operates as a "prison guard" for Europa as the modern day Talos or Talon. The Greek myth says "Zeus" really the imposter asked Hephaestus to create Talon to protect or really imprison Europa. Talon refers to the talons of raptors and Louis Spencer has an apparent aquiline nose which means it's curved like the beak of an eagle. Aquiline means eagle and Talon is depicted with wings.


In Greek mythology, Talos, also spelled Talus (/ˈteɪlɒs/;[1] Greek: Τάλως, Talōs) or Talon (/ˈteɪlɒn, ən/; Greek: Τάλων, Talōn), was a giant automaton made of bronze to protect Europa in Crete from pirates and invaders. He circled the island's shores three times daily.

Talos is said to have been made by Hephaestus at the request of Zeus, to protect Europa from people who would want to kidnap her.

Winged 'ΤΑΛΩΝ' armed with a stone.


A talon is the claw of a bird of prey, its primary hunting tool.[6]

Kitty Spencer is the modern day Eurynome and she is heavily involved in child sacrifice and cannibalism.


Eurynome (/jʊəˈrɪnəmi/; Ancient Greek: Εὐρυνόμη) was a deity of ancient Greek religion worshipped at a sanctuary near the confluence of rivers called the Neda and the Lymax in classical Peloponnesus.

The root of –nome is Proto-Indo-European *nem-, distribute, as in the Greek infinitive, nemein, "to distribute."



From νέμω (némō, “I pasture, graze”).

(nomós) m (genitive νομοῦ); second declension

pasture, field

herbage, food

division, distribution


Spencer (also Spence, Spender, Spens, and Spenser) is a surname, representing the court title dispenser, or steward.


Definition of dispense

to divide and share out according to a plan : to deal out in portions

to prepare and distribute (medication).

See Part 31 >

22092153? ago

Part 29 >

Clan of Euros

This imposter calling himself "Zeus Ombrios" is the leader of the Cult of Euros and he is accurately associated with the Greek Eurymedon which means "wide ruling." He is a ruthless, sadistic, and totally INSANE MIMIC who is directly involved with murdering and cannibalizing children. This idiot claims credit for my articles years after they are written and violently attacks me like a mindless robot. I repost an article and he goes on the attack claiming he posted it first as if the repost was the first time I posted it. He is an indescribably psychotic and violent idiot. He is the most blasphemous lunatic to ever exist. This con artist is also murderously vain and kills children and bathes in their blood and when he cannot do that he throws psychotic temper tantrums. The London crime firms traffic children to him and he primarily works for the Massimos and Spencers. The Cult of Euros are closely related to ancient Syrians which branched off from the ancient Israelites. This con artist is worshiped by most female sexual sadists and he is propped up by the Windsors, Spencers, and Massimos of Roccasecca. Eurymedon is not a well known figure in the Greek Myth because he was an imposter using a false identity just like this modern day imposter. The wind deities in the Greek myth were named Eurynotos and Euros associated with winds which really refers to thermal energy and how it creates and manipulates the wind. The Cult of Euros specializes with wind through thermal energy as well as alchemically manipulating blood flows in the body and especially using heat to increase blood flow down the descending aorta to the pelvic region to increase sexual arousal as they radiate sexually sadistic things at people. Heat is a factor that generates wind and warmth increases blood flow like from exercising. The Cult of Euros works closely with the Cult of Aeolus another wind deity which is headed up by the actor Jesse Johnson. Aeolus is more related with breathing, oxygen, alveolio, and the wind created from the convection between water and air just as all air breathed in becomes moistened before entering the lungs. The Cult of Euros are extreme narcissism, vanity, and they desire to control all women especially women of the bloodline of Europa whose first name is Katie and she appears to be half way initiated and they are working on making her pure evil and also involved in framing her which is how they turn people. Most members of this group have golden and dirty blond colored hair including the con artist despite the appearance of his hair being dark from the black and white photo. His original Facebook image was of him with a very similar wavy hairstyle to Louis Spencer and Zachary Neath and he had a cross painted in blood on his face.

This con artist lives in Neath Port Talbot in the United Kingdom and is primarily an agent of the Spencer family with Viscount Louis Spencer as his primary boss. Jupiter Fund Management in the United Kingdom also finances this fraud. This fraud is also a Habsburg Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece and the Spencers have incorporated the Habsburgs coat of arms in their Duke of Marlborough coat of arms. A gang stalker named Zachary Neath who looks a lot like the other members of this group and also calls himself Zeus is a member of the Cult of Euros and their Vicar of Euryalus. Viscount Louis Spencer is best associated with the Greek Talon who was said to be a guard of Europa and really a prison guard of European white women. Louis Spencer's sister Kitty Spencer is their modern day Eurynome. The Greek word Nomos means to distribute which is what Spencer means. Dispensing or distributing. A gang stalker named Derek Warriner often works with this group and is their Vicar of Hephaestus or Vulcan a deity of metalworking and weapons making and associated with Volcanos which also produces thermal energy or heat which influences wind. Derek Warriner often acts totally psychotic and blasphemous just like this imposter and he specializes in making homemade explosives and he has threatened my life thousands of times. The blondish blue eyed actress Amber Heard is Eurydice the wife of Orpheus in the Greek myth who is today Johnny Depp her ex-husband. The actor Matt Barr is a a member of the Cult of Euros and the modern day Aegialus who was the father of a man named Europs and he was the King of Sykon. Aegialus means a beach or sand bar like the name Matt Barr. Wind and water erode rocks which is what creates sand. The city of Sykon was involved in the Persian wars which includes the Battle of Eurymedon. The quote on this imposter's Facebook page is 'There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.' Eurymedon is equivalent to the Assyrian wind devil Pazuzu.


Zeus Ombrios

Margam, Neath Port Talbot, United Kingdom

Current city

Favorite Quotes

'There are no bargains between lion and men. I will kill you and eat you raw.'


From Middle English benethe, from Old English binēoþan (“beneath, under, below”), equivalent to be- +‎ neath.


Jupiter Fund Management (LSE: JUP) is a UK fund management group, managing equity and bond investments for private and institutional investors. The company manages assets across a wide range of international and UK based mutual funds, investment companies and institutional mandates, as well as providing wealth management services.


In Greek mythology, Eurymedon (Ancient Greek: Εὐρυμέδοντα; "ruling far and wide") was the name of several minor figures:

Eurymedon. in rare accounts, a Titan who fathered Prometheus by Hera.[1]

Eurymedon, king of the Gigantes, father of Periboea (mother of Nausithous by Poseidon). He brought destruction on his people and was himself destroyed.[2]

Eurymedon, one of the Cabiri, children of Hephaestus and Cabiro, a Thracian woman. He was the brother of Alcon. Eurymedon fought in the Indian War of Dionysus but he fled when attacked by Orontes.[3]


The euro (sign: €; code: EUR) is the official currency of 19 of the 28 member states of the European Union.

See Part 30 >

22092146? ago

Part 28 >


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (abbreviated FB&H; Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian: Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine (FBiH)

In Serb-controlled areas, Serbs performed mass murders, ethnic cleansing of non-Serbs, primarily Bosniaks and Croats, established concentration camps and destroyed Bosniak and Croat cultural inheritance. By November 1992 Serbs had conquered 70% of the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and held Sarajevo in limbo by terrorizing its population by shelling and constant sniper fire.


Kairos (Ancient Greek: καιρός) is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment.[1] The ancient Greeks had two words for time: chronos (χρόνος) and kairos. The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative, permanent nature.[2]


Cairo (/ˈkaɪroʊ/ KY-roh; Arabic: القاهرة‎, romanized: al-Qāhirah, pronounced [ælˈqɑːhɪɾɑ] (listen); Coptic: ⲕⲁϣⲣⲱⲙⲓ, romanized: Kashromi) is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in the Arab world.


Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia, also claiming the crowned royal title of Alexander II Karađorđević (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар II Карађорђевић / Aleksandar II Karađorđević; born 17 July 1945), is the heir to the defunct throne of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and currently claimant to the abolished throne of the precursor Kingdom of Serbia. He is the head of the House of Karađorđević.

Born and raised in the United Kingdom, he enjoys close relationships with his relatives in the British royal family. His godparents were King George VI of the United Kingdom and his daughter, the then-Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II).

Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia a Prince of Serbia is a top manager of the Cult of Saturn and a top owner of the Serbian Mafia.


Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia, also known as Alexander III Karađorđević (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар III Карађорђевић / Aleksandar III Karađorđević; born 15 January 1982), is a member of the House of Karađorđević.

He is the third son of the last crown prince of Yugoslavia, Alexander, and his first wife, Princess Maria da Gloria. He is the fraternal twin of Prince Philip of Yugoslavia. He is fourth in the line to the former throne, after his elder brothers and nephew.[1] His godparents are Queen Sofía of Spain, King Constantine II of Greece (first cousins of his father), and Princess Anne, Duchess of Calabria (first cousin of his mother).

Alexander lived in Virginia until 1984. He was educated in London and Canterbury with his twin brother. In June 2000, he completed sixth form at The King's School, Canterbury. He was awarded a BA degree in Communications and Media from the University of San Francisco in 2004. Alexander was at a graduate school at an American university completing a MFA degree in Advertising (Art Direction). Currently he is working in the internet electronic publishing area in California.

On 17 July 2001, the former royal family took up residence in the Royal Palace in Belgrade.[2] As a 4th-great-grandson of Queen Victoria, Alexander is in the line of succession to the British throne.[3]

Prince Peter, Prince Philip, and Prince Alexander the sons of Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia and they are all top authorities over the Cult of Saturn and part owners of the Serbian Mafia.

Sretko Kalinic has been a high level boss of the Serbian Mafia and is a cannibal.


Kalinic is in Zabela prison for several criminal offenses, including, inter alia, the participation and murder of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. His former "colleagues" in the Serbian media claim that he was the chief execute of the Zemun clan, that he was brutal to the victims and that everyone was called the Beast because of that.

The next morbid story continued. Kalinic bought a meat grinder, and Vladimir Milisavljevic offered to help him.

We started to melt him, but the machine broke down, because Jurisic had a bullet in his body, and he got stuck. We had to get another machine, so we continued our work - Kalinic described. Some of the allegations also say that they have made a goulash that they ate from the meat.


The Zemun Clan (Serbian Cyrillic: Земунски клан) is one of the Belgrade clans of the Serbian Mafia.



Etymology 1

From Ottoman Turkish زمان‎ (zaman), from Persian زمان‎ (zamân).

zàmān m (Cyrillic spelling за̀ма̄н)



Saturn (Latin: Saturnus pronounced [saˈtʊr.nʊs]) is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in myth as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. In later developments, he also came to be a god of time.

See Part 29 >

22092137? ago

Part 27 >

Clan of Kairos

Jesse Like is a murderous gang stalker and he is the modern day Saturn and in Greek best associated with Kairos a Greek concept of time. The Egyptian city of Cairo is really named after Kairos. Kairos was the real Greek version of Saturn which is being covered up. Jesse Like is a dense or mindless, angry and insolent tyrant who thinks he is god. Saturn represents density, time, and gravity and CERN are machines that imitate the natural force of density and gravity that is associated with Saturn. They use particle accelerators to unnaturally increase density, gravity, and pressure and impose it onto individuals and society. Saturn is also considered the spiritual realm of the occult which worship animalistic or beast like natures. Jesse works under the House of Odescalchi and the Serbian royal family with Prince Peter, Prince Alexander, and Prince Philip and they were all born in the United States. The Serbian royal family or the House of Karadordevic have a close alliance with the British House of Windsor and are top owners of the Serbian Mafia. The Serbian royals pay tributes to the Odescalchi and Massimo families of Rome. The Odesclachi family have a Serbian noble branch today and are Princes of Serbia. The top Serbian Mafia is the Zemun Clan and the word Zaman means Time just as Saturn is associated with Time. The Serbian Mafia once ran the Irish Mafia in Hells Kitchen in Manhattan with the Serbian mob boss Bosko Radonjich. The Serbian Mafia is active in the United States and works with various crime organizations. Jesse Like also works with a cult of serial killers that prey on female prostitutes and a their motivation is bringing down society because they want to rape and murder little girls. The name Like derives from the town called Like in Bosnia near Serbia. Bosnia has a large Serbian population and the Odescalchis ruled in that region including in Croatia. The Hungarian Odescalchi branch are titled the Princes of Serbia. Prince Baldassare Odescalchi and his father Prince Carlo Odescalchi often manage Jesse Like. Croatia also has a large Serbian population. John Bokun seems to oversee the Serbian Mafia in New York today and John Bokun manages mobsters through faggotry and bends them over. Bokun means to bend. Jesse Like pretends to be a gangster however when someone broke his jaw he reported them to the police and had them arrested. How are you going to claim to be a gangster and call the police when someone beats you up? I was associated with the person who broke his jaw and while his jaw was wired shut Jesse began mumbling to people that he was going to kill me. I tried to prevent the situation that caused him to get the broken jaw and yet he blamed me for it because he is a false accusing idiot. Today the one who broke his jaw gang stalks me and Jesse and him often target me together. A few years later Jesse drove by me pointing a gun with another gang stalker named Derek Harrison. Several years after that Jesse stalked me while I was working at a hardware store and he brought two of his friends. This other cowardly gangster named Derek Harrison was punched in the face by my cousin Chris and Derek cried after being hit. Derek was warned to stay in his car and not interfere in a fight and he did not listen and was hit twice for it and he cried. The same day Derek was punched his drugged up friend Ryan Burton attacked a person I was associated with and was beat down by several people. Prior to this Ryan Burton was making death threats towards these people and approached them while he was on drugs a previous night with a broken beer bottle. Ryan Burton is a drug addict, convicted criminal, and mentally unstable. After being beaten down Ryan Burton ran away and hopped a fence and threatened to call the police while crying his eyes out like a little girl and was then chased down and beaten down some more for his threats. Ryan was literally crying like a little girl and begging them not to hit him anymore. I had nothing to do with any of these incidents but was friends or acquaintances of the people who beat them up and I witnessed what happened.

After crying and threatening to call the police a few days later Ryan Burton jumped out of a car and started swinging a machete at me. I didn't call the police and even told my friend across the street not to shoot him. Ryan Burton was later arrested for robbing an old lady for her purse at a grocery store and the last time I saw him he tried to join a conversation I was having with someone else and he tried to be nice to me and I responded by staring him down and he put his head down in shame. These cowardly gangsters are gang stalkers. Gang stalkers target individuals in groups. Ryan, Derek, and Jesse all work closely together. They are all demented criminals. They target people secretly. They prey on women and also hide behind evil women like the child murdering witches Meghan Parsons and Sarah Blue who work with Jesse. Meghan Parsons is one of the most evil females I have ever come across and she worships the Hollywood actor Jesse Johnson who is a child murderer, blood drinker, and terrorist. The actor Jesse Johnson is one of the most evil beings on the planet. The actor Jesse Johnson is the most demonic and murderously vain person in Hollywood and possible the most vain person to ever exist. He is disgustingly evil and vain and goes on psychotic attacks when he cant bathe in the blood of murdered babies. Jesse Johnson's throws demonic and childish temper tantrums over vanity and bathing in baby blood. Jesse Johnson's mother Patti D'Arbanville is a psychotic and cannibalistic child murderer directly working with the Italian Mafia. Meghan Parsons is a psychotic and arrogant tyrant obsessed with murdering children and she has turned a woman named Sarah Blue into a psychotic child murdering hate filled false accusing monster and she did this out of envy. Sarah Blue is pure evil and was turned into a murderous psychopath because Meghan Parsons and Jamie Cahill-Bailey were envious of her. Sarah Blue is pure evil now and only seeks to destroy. She is one of the most insolent witches to ever exist. Sarah Blue is delusional psychopath who pretends to know everything and claims that because the criminals in DARPA have brain hacking software that she knows everything and claims all thoughts derive from her. The only actual thought Sarah Blue has is "I hate you" towards people who expose child trafficking rings. She is a mindless robot obsessed with cannibalism and her pathetic vanity. Meghan Parsons says that "cannibalizing children is amazing" and "mafia wives get to do it." The Serbian Mafia boss Sretko Kalinic is known for being a cannibal and putting his enemies in a meat grinder and eating them. Meghan is a murderous tyrant. Jesse Like also manages a cult of male serial killers that prey on female prostitutes and Jesse targets little girls as well. They are all cowards. Jesse Like likes to pretend he is tough but really likes being bent over by men like another gang stalker and cannibal named Brandon Morales who is a top member of the Cult of Ares. Jesse Like works very closely with Erik Alexander Hofemeister and is probably as depraved as him. Jesse Like manages many Moorish gang stalking bloodlines. Jesse's ex-girlfriend named Nicole who he raped with a screw driver on video tape was found murdered and he was pimping her out. Jesse Like cannot please real women so he preys on little girls or rapes them with screw drivers and this is a reason for his psychotic anger.


Like is a village in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the 1991 census, the village is located in the municipality of Srebrenik.[1]

See Part 28 >

22092127? ago

Part 26 >

Oprah with her good friend Jay Z the gangster rapper who raps about selling drugs and guns. Oprah is the godmother of Jay Z's daughter. Oprah has donated at least $500,000 to gun control agendas while she is friends with Jay Z who says "I buy my Glocks used, with bodies on it" meaning he buys Glock guns that have been used in murders and in that same song he raps about selling crack and he literally was a crack dealer so his rap lyrics are based on his real life.


When your mother is Beyoncé and your father Jay-Z, 'tis only fitting that Oprah, the woman known worldwide by her first name alone, be chosen as your godmother.


It’s Like That


[Verse 1: Jay-Z]

Abide by the block rules, I buy my Glocks used

With bodies on it, let me know anybody want it?


George Clooney and his wife, Amal, announced Tuesday that they are donating $500,000 and promised to attend the March for Our Lives event March 24 in Washington, D.C., Variety reports. Oprah Winfrey matched their donation. She tweeted that the students remind her of the Freedom Riders of the 1960s.

A new Quinnipac poll conducted after the shootings showed 97 percent of those surveyed want background checks for all gun buyers, the highest level of support since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012. The poll also showed that 67 percent support a ban on assault rifles, such as the AR-15 that was used by Nikolas Cruz, who has been charged with the killings.

Gene Rosen a supposed witness of Sandy Hook was caught rehearsing lines on video. The camera man released the not officially released version of him rehearsing lines and making a mistake during the interview and you can hear the camera man sigh and then Gene Rosen tries to correct himself.


Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax - Alleged Witness Caught Rehearsing Lines Live on Tape!

Robbie Parker laughing and smiling the very day after his daughter was supposedly "violently murdered" at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Below is the video of Robbie Parker smiling and laughing right before getting into character and doing a forced hyperventilation before giving his speech. Laughing and smiling the day after your 6 year old daughter is murdered is not normal behavior. Doing an interview the day after your daughter was brutally murdered is also not normal behavior. If this speech he made was a year after it would make sense. The day after is completely absurd. Even if he was in some kind of state of shock where he was not acting normal he would still have enough sense to not do an interview. No normal parent would premeditatedly do an interview the next day after their 6 year old daughter was brutally murdered. Often with gang violence the media randomly interviews parents or relatives on the streets right after their loved one is murdered and those relatives are almost always screaming and crying. During this interview Robbie Parker acts like he is crying however there are no actual tears.


Robbie Parker fragment


Adam Lanza's death certificate released through the Freedom of Information Act and it states that Adam Lanza died on the day before Sandy Hook on 12/13/2012 which was later amended to the correct date to 12/14/2012.


We dramatise events for emerging security needs in the UK, Middle East and worldwide. Our specialist role play actors – many with security clearance – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed in criminal and victim behaviour to help police, the army and the emergency services, hospitals, schools, local authorities, government, private security firms, shopping centres, airports, big business, criminal justice departments, media and the military to simulate incident environments for life saving procedures.

This image is from CNN's Anderson Cooper interviewing Veronique Pozner a mother whose son was supposedly "murdered." During the interview Anderson Cooper's nose disappears and this glitch occurs when using green screen. So Anderson Cooper and this woman Veronique Pozner whose child was "murdered" about a month prior are doing an interview while pretending to be live at Sandy Hook when they are actually in a studio using a green screen of the town of Sandy Hook as the background. This is deceptive. The video is in the link below.


BREAKING!! Sandy Hook - Disappearing Nose Conspiracy Anderson Cooper CNN

Wayne Carver the medical examiner for Sandy Hook shooting. In the interview below Carver is acting extremely bizarre and called the autopsy tent a "magnificent thing." Carver laughs and jokes in the interview as well. Carver says "you can control the situation depending on your photographer, I have very good photographers." Wayne Carver's behavior was not normal or appropriate for a person examining the bodies of 20 dead children.


Sandy Hook Medical Examiner Wayne Carver is a very funny guy.

Jeff Lanza a former FBI agent. Jeff Lanza was educated at the University of New Haven which is less than 20 miles away from Sandy Hook. Jeff Lanza has been on most mainstream media networks including CNN, Fox News, and CNBC. There is also a Lanza crime family located in San Francisco which has established operations on the East Coast where the Lanza family reside with "Adam Lanza" the shooter at Sandy Hook. The Lanza crime family took part in East Coast mafia meetings.


Jeff Lanza Retired FBI Agent Keynote Speaker

An FBI Special Agent for over 20 years. • Investigated cybercrime, fraud, organized crime, human trafficking and terrorism. • Appears regularly on CNBC’s Closing Bell and Power Lunch, the Fox News Channel and has appeared on Larry King Live, the Today Show and Good Morning America. • Has lectured at Princeton University and Harvard University. • A published author of a two critically acclaimed books. • Has consulted for Oscar winning movie director Ang Lee. • Has presented around the globe and in 49 U.S. States. • Serves as a certified Kansas City Barbecue judge.

Jeff was recruited by the FBI from Xerox Corporation, where he was a Computer Systems Analyst. He has an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice from the University of New Haven (Connecticut) and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Texas.


The San Francisco crime family, also known as the Lanza crime family, was an American Mafia crime syndicate in San Francisco. The syndicate was organized in the early 1930s by Francesco "Frank" Lanza. The San Francisco family was a small organization with 20–25 made members.

His underboss James "Jimmy the Hat" Lanza was one of many Mafia leaders spotted by the police at the 1957 Apalachin Meeting.

Adam Lanza the supposed shooter at Sandy Hook. This is one of only two images that have been released of him and this photo is clearly photoshopped as if they are trying to conceal and distort the actual identity of the person in this photo. There appears to be photoshop done on his hair and there is photoshop on his face and especially around the mouth. There is no clearer version of this image.

Ryan Lanza the brother of the supposed shooter. In reality Adam Lanza never existed. It is a fake identity and an alias that Ryan Lanza used while living in Sandy Hook to establish the identity. Ryan Lanza is a federal asset hired to do this because Sandy Hook was fake and did not happen. They created a fake person to take the blame for a fake shooting.


Oprah Winfrey fired some political shots during a commencement speech at Harvard University on Thursday.

“In our political system and the media, we often see the reflection of a country that is polarized, that is paralyzed, that is self-interested. And yet I know you know the truth,” Winfrey told the grads. “We all know that we are better than the cynicism and the pessimism that is regurgitating throughout Washington and the 24 hour cable news cycle.”

Winfrey went on to address gun control, arguing that “the vast majority of people in this country believe in stronger background checks.”

“Because they realize that we can uphold the Second Amendment and also reduce that violence that is robbing us of our children,” she said, referencing the Sandy Hook shooting last year.

See Part 27 >

22092121? ago

Part 25 >


We dramatise events for emerging security needs in the UK, Middle East and worldwide. Our specialist role play actors – many with security clearance – are trained by behavioural psychologists and rigorously rehearsed in criminal and victim behaviour to help police, the army and the emergency services, hospitals, schools, local authorities, government, private security firms, shopping centres, airports, big business, criminal justice departments, media and the military to simulate incident environments for life saving procedures.

This image is from CNN's Anderson Cooper interviewing Veronique Pozner a mother whose son was supposedly "murdered." During the interview Anderson Cooper's nose disappears and this glitch occurs when using green screen. So Anderson Cooper and this woman Veronique Pozner whose child was "murdered" about a month prior are doing an interview while pretending to be live at Sandy Hook when they are actually in a studio using a green screen of the town of Sandy Hook as the background. This is deceptive. The video is in the link below.


BREAKING!! Sandy Hook - Disappearing Nose Conspiracy Anderson Cooper CNN

Wayne Carver the medical examiner for Sandy Hook shooting. In the interview below Carver is acting extremely bizarre and called the autopsy tent a "magnificent thing." Carver laughs and jokes in the interview as well. Carver says "you can control the situation depending on your photographer, I have very good photographers." Wayne Carver's behavior was not normal or appropriate for a person examining the bodies of 20 dead children.


Sandy Hook Medical Examiner Wayne Carver is a very funny guy.

Jeff Lanza a former FBI agent. Jeff Lanza was educated at the University of New Haven which is less than 20 miles away from Sandy Hook. Jeff Lanza has been on most mainstream media networks including CNN, Fox News, and CNBC. There is also a Lanza crime family located in San Francisco which has established operations on the East Coast where the Lanza family reside with "Adam Lanza" the shooter at Sandy Hook. The Lanza crime family took part in East Coast mafia meetings.


Jeff Lanza Retired FBI Agent Keynote Speaker

An FBI Special Agent for over 20 years. • Investigated cybercrime, fraud, organized crime, human trafficking and terrorism. • Appears regularly on CNBC’s Closing Bell and Power Lunch, the Fox News Channel and has appeared on Larry King Live, the Today Show and Good Morning America. • Has lectured at Princeton University and Harvard University. • A published author of a two critically acclaimed books. • Has consulted for Oscar winning movie director Ang Lee. • Has presented around the globe and in 49 U.S. States. • Serves as a certified Kansas City Barbecue judge.

Jeff was recruited by the FBI from Xerox Corporation, where he was a Computer Systems Analyst. He has an undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice from the University of New Haven (Connecticut) and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Texas.


The San Francisco crime family, also known as the Lanza crime family, was an American Mafia crime syndicate in San Francisco. The syndicate was organized in the early 1930s by Francesco "Frank" Lanza. The San Francisco family was a small organization with 20–25 made members.

His underboss James "Jimmy the Hat" Lanza was one of many Mafia leaders spotted by the police at the 1957 Apalachin Meeting.

Adam Lanza the supposed shooter at Sandy Hook. This is one of only two images that have been released of him and this photo is clearly photoshopped as if they are trying to conceal and distort the actual identity of the person in this photo. There appears to be photoshop done on his hair and there is photoshop on his face and especially around the mouth. There is no clearer version of this image.

Ryan Lanza the brother of the supposed shooter. In reality Adam Lanza never existed. It is a fake identity and an alias that Ryan Lanza used while living in Sandy Hook to establish the identity. Ryan Lanza is a federal asset hired to do this because Sandy Hook was fake and did not happen. They created a fake person to take the blame for a fake shooting.


Oprah Winfrey fired some political shots during a commencement speech at Harvard University on Thursday.

“In our political system and the media, we often see the reflection of a country that is polarized, that is paralyzed, that is self-interested. And yet I know you know the truth,” Winfrey told the grads. “We all know that we are better than the cynicism and the pessimism that is regurgitating throughout Washington and the 24 hour cable news cycle.”

Winfrey went on to address gun control, arguing that “the vast majority of people in this country believe in stronger background checks.”

“Because they realize that we can uphold the Second Amendment and also reduce that violence that is robbing us of our children,” she said, referencing the Sandy Hook shooting last year.

See Part 24 >


In Greek mythology and history, there were at least eight men named Medon (/ˈmiːdən/; Ancient Greek: Μέδων, gen.: Μέδοντος means "lord' or "ruler").

Medon (Μήδων), a son of Ceisus and grandson of Temenus. He was a king of Argos but his powers were limited to the minimum in favor of the people's self-government.[15]


Silver is a chemical element with the symbol Ag (from the Latin argentum, derived from the Proto-Indo-European h₂erǵ: "shiny" or "white"


Silvio Berlusconi (/ˌbɛərlʊˈskoʊni/ BAIR-luu-SKOH-nee, Italian: [ˈsilvjo berluˈskoːni] (listen); born 29 September 1936) is an Italian media tycoon and politician who has served as Prime Minister of Italy in four governments.[2]

On 1 August 2013, he was convicted of tax-fraud by the court of final instance, Court of Cassation, confirming his four-year prison sentence (of which three years are automatically pardoned) along with a public office ban for two years. As his age exceeded 70 years, he was exempted from direct imprisonment, and instead served his sentence by doing unpaid social community work.[9]

Berlusconi was born in Milan in 1936

In 1978, Berlusconi founded his first media group, Fininvest, and joined the Propaganda Due masonic lodge. In the five years leading up to 1983 he earned some 113 billion Italian lire (€58.3 million). The funding sources are still unknown because of a complex system of holding companies, despite investigations conducted by various state attorneys.


Mediaset S.p.A., also known as Gruppo Mediaset in Italian, is an Italian-based mass media company which is the largest commercial broadcaster in the country. Founded in 1987 by former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and still controlled today with a 38.6% stake by his family's holding company Fininvest


Milan, Italy

See Part 26 >

22092112? ago

Part 23 >


In Greek mythology and history, there were at least eight men named Medon (/ˈmiːdən/; Ancient Greek: Μέδων, gen.: Μέδοντος means "lord' or "ruler").

Medon (Μήδων), a son of Ceisus and grandson of Temenus. He was a king of Argos but his powers were limited to the minimum in favor of the people's self-government.[15]


Silver is a chemical element with the symbol Ag (from the Latin argentum, derived from the Proto-Indo-European h₂erǵ: "shiny" or "white"


Silvio Berlusconi (/ˌbɛərlʊˈskoʊni/ BAIR-luu-SKOH-nee, Italian: [ˈsilvjo berluˈskoːni] (listen); born 29 September 1936) is an Italian media tycoon and politician who has served as Prime Minister of Italy in four governments.[2]

On 1 August 2013, he was convicted of tax-fraud by the court of final instance, Court of Cassation, confirming his four-year prison sentence (of which three years are automatically pardoned) along with a public office ban for two years. As his age exceeded 70 years, he was exempted from direct imprisonment, and instead served his sentence by doing unpaid social community work.[9]

Berlusconi was born in Milan in 1936

In 1978, Berlusconi founded his first media group, Fininvest, and joined the Propaganda Due masonic lodge. In the five years leading up to 1983 he earned some 113 billion Italian lire (€58.3 million). The funding sources are still unknown because of a complex system of holding companies, despite investigations conducted by various state attorneys.


Mediaset S.p.A., also known as Gruppo Mediaset in Italian, is an Italian-based mass media company which is the largest commercial broadcaster in the country. Founded in 1987 by former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and still controlled today with a 38.6% stake by his family's holding company Fininvest


Milan, Italy

Oprah with her good friend Jay Z the gangster rapper who raps about selling drugs and guns. Oprah is the godmother of Jay Z's daughter. Oprah has donated at least $500,000 to gun control agendas while she is friends with Jay Z who says "I buy my Glocks used, with bodies on it" meaning he buys Glock guns that have been used in murders and in that same song he raps about selling crack and he literally was a crack dealer so his rap lyrics are based on his real life.


When your mother is Beyoncé and your father Jay-Z, 'tis only fitting that Oprah, the woman known worldwide by her first name alone, be chosen as your godmother.


It’s Like That


[Verse 1: Jay-Z]

Abide by the block rules, I buy my Glocks used

With bodies on it, let me know anybody want it?


George Clooney and his wife, Amal, announced Tuesday that they are donating $500,000 and promised to attend the March for Our Lives event March 24 in Washington, D.C., Variety reports. Oprah Winfrey matched their donation. She tweeted that the students remind her of the Freedom Riders of the 1960s.

A new Quinnipac poll conducted after the shootings showed 97 percent of those surveyed want background checks for all gun buyers, the highest level of support since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012. The poll also showed that 67 percent support a ban on assault rifles, such as the AR-15 that was used by Nikolas Cruz, who has been charged with the killings.

Gene Rosen a supposed witness of Sandy Hook was caught rehearsing lines on video. The camera man released the not officially released version of him rehearsing lines and making a mistake during the interview and you can hear the camera man sigh and then Gene Rosen tries to correct himself.


Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax - Alleged Witness Caught Rehearsing Lines Live on Tape!

Robbie Parker laughing and smiling the very day after his daughter was supposedly "violently murdered" at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Below is the video of Robbie Parker smiling and laughing right before getting into character and doing a forced hyperventilation before giving his speech. Laughing and smiling the day after your 6 year old daughter is murdered is not normal behavior. Doing an interview the day after your daughter was brutally murdered is also not normal behavior. If this speech he made was a year after it would make sense. The day after is completely absurd. Even if he was in some kind of state of shock where he was not acting normal he would still have enough sense to not do an interview. No normal parent would premeditatedly do an interview the next day after their 6 year old daughter was brutally murdered. Often with gang violence the media randomly interviews parents or relatives on the streets right after their loved one is murdered and those relatives are almost always screaming and crying. During this interview Robbie Parker acts like he is crying however there are no actual tears.


Robbie Parker fragment


Adam Lanza's death certificate released through the Freedom of Information Act and it states that Adam Lanza died on the day before Sandy Hook on 12/13/2012 which was later amended to the correct date to 12/14/2012.

See Part 25 >

22092101? ago

Part 22 >


In Greek mythology, Medea (/mɪˈdiːə/; Ancient Greek: Μήδεια, Mēdeia) is the daughter of King Aeëtes of Colchis, a niece of Circe and the granddaughter of the sun god Helios. Medea figures in the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, appearing in Hesiod's Theogony around 700 BC,[1] but best known from Euripides' tragedy Medea and Apollonius of Rhodes' epic Argonautica. Medea is known in most stories as a sorceress and is often depicted as a priestess of the goddess Hecate.


In Greek mythology, Clio (traditionally /ˈklaɪoʊ/, but now more frequently /ˈkliːoʊ/; Greek: Κλειώ, Kleiṓ; "made famous" or "to make famous"), also spelled Kleio,[1] is the muse of history,[2] or in a few mythological accounts, the muse of lyre playing.[3]

Oprah and Gayle King are major child murderers.


How Oprah Winfrey Became the "Queen of All Media"


Oprah Gail Winfrey (born Orpah Gail Winfrey,[1] January 29, 1954) is an American media executive, actress, talk show host, television producer, and philanthropist. She is best known for her talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, broadcast from Chicago, which was the highest-rated television program of its kind in history and ran in national syndication for 25 years from 1986 to 2011.[5] Dubbed the "Queen of All Media",[6]

Net worth

US$2.7 billion (October 2019)[3]


Gayle King (born December 28, 1954) is an American television personality, journalist, and author, who is a chief anchor for CBS News and co-host of its flagship morning program CBS This Morning, a position she has held since its debut in 2012.[1][2] She is also an editor-at-large for O, The Oprah Magazine.[3]


A gale is a strong wind, typically used as a descriptor in nautical contexts.

Oprah with Diane von Furstenberg who is now married to Barry Diller the co-founder of the media company Fox Broadcasting and owner of the media company IAC. The House of Furstenberg are currently married with the House of Borromeo with Prince Antonius von Furstenberg the husband of Countess Matilde Borromeo and her sister Countess Beatrice Borromeo works in the media.

Countess Matilde Borromeo with her husband Prince Antonius von Furstenberg.


The aristocratic Borromeo family were merchants at San Miniato around 1300 and became bankers at Milan after 1370. Vitaliano de’ Vitaliani, who acquired the name of Borromeo from his uncle Giovanni, became count of Arona in 1445. His descendants played important roles in the politics of the Duchy of Milan and as cardinals in the Catholic Reformation. In 1916 the head of the family was granted the title Prince of Angera.

In 2004, one heiress of the family, Donna Lavinia Borromeo, married John Elkann, the son of Alain Elkann and Margherita Agnelli de Pahlen.

Donna Beatrice Borromeo is the wife of Pierre Casiraghi, son of Princess Caroline of Hanover. Beatrice is a well known political journalist in Italy.

Donna Matilde Borromeo is the wife of Prince Antonius zu Fürstenberg.

Countess Beatrice Borromeo and her husband Pierre Casaraghi who is a member of the royal family of Monaco.


Beatrice dei Principi Borromeo Arese Taverna (born 18 August 1985 in San Candido)[5] is a member of the ancient aristocratic House of Borromeo, and she is well known in the Italian news media as a television personality.

Beatrice was a contributor to Newsweek and the Daily Beast in 2013. Prior to that, and from the newspaper's beginning in 2009, she worked as a full-time reporter for Il Fatto Quotidiano.

The Borromeo coat of arms with a serpent eating a child above the unicorn and this symbol originates in Milan where the Borromeos are nobles and they intermarried with the Visconti family of Milan which are married with the Sforza family of Milan and Rome.


Milan (/mɪˈlæn/, US also /mɪˈlɑːn/,[3][4] Milanese: [miˈlãː] (listen);[5][6] Italian: Milano [miˈlaːno] (listen)) is a city in northern Italy, capital of Lombardy, and the second-most populous city in Italy after Rome

The etymology of the name Milan (Lombard: Milan [miˈlãː]) remains uncertain. One theory holds that the Latin name Mediolanum comes from the Latin words medio (in the middle)

Milan is an important national and international media centre.


Mediolanum, the ancient city where Milan now stands, was originally an Insubrian city, but afterwards became an important Roman city in northern Italy.

Oprah with Barry Diller the co-founder of Fox Broadcasting and IAC.


Barry Charles Diller (born February 2, 1942) is an American businessman. He is Chairman and Senior Executive of IAC/InterActiveCorp and Expedia Group and created the Fox Broadcasting Company and USA Broadcasting. Diller was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1994.[2][3]

Net worth

US$3.8 billion (November 2019)[1]


John Muse has over 25 years of experience in private equity and is currently the chair of the Lucchese, Inc. and Free Flow Wines, a leading packaging and logistics company serving the wine on tap segment. He is also on the (public) Board of Directors of Dean Foods, NexStar Media Group, and (private) CSM Bakery Solutions. His philanthropic interests in education, community and human services have inspired him to serve on the Board of Visitors for the UCLA Anderson School of Management and the Klyde Warren Park Board. John received his B.S. in Engineering Management from the United States Air Force Academy and his M.B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles.

John Muse and his wife Lyn Muse


Nexstar Media Group, Inc. is a publicly traded American telecommunications company with headquarter offices in Irving, New York City, and Chicago. The company is the largest television station owner in the United States


Eumedes (Ancient Greek: Εὐμήδης) was a name attributed to seven individuals in Greek mythology.

Eumedes (also Eumeles) was a famous herald among the Trojans. He was the father of Dolon and of five daughters.[1]

The Fairfield-Jesuit billionaire Charles Dolan who is the primary owner of Cablevision.


Charles Francis "Chuck" Dolan[2] (born October 16, 1926) is an American billionaire and the founder of Cablevision.[3][4] Through supervoting shares, Dolan today controls AMC Networks, MSG Networks, and The Madison Square Garden Company, which at one point were all part of Cablevision itself.

The Fairfield University Dolan School of Business at Fairfield University is named in recognition of his $25 million donation in 2000 and his service to the university as a member of the board of trustees.[17]

Count Muzio Sforza-Cesarini is a top authority over the Cult of Medea and the modern Muses.

The Biscione is a serpent usually eating a child and is used on the coat of arms of the Borromeo, Visconti, and Sforza families of Milan. The Biscione is a symbol for pedophilia and cannibalism.

Silvio Berlusconi is the four term Prime Mininster of Italy, a businessman worth about 7 billion, and a convicted criminal who owns a monopoly in Italian media. Berlusconi was born in Milan and owns Mediaset and its holding company Fininvest. Silvio Berlusconi co-founded Forza Italia a political party named after the Sforza family who are his bosses. Silvio Belusconi is best associated with King Medon. Silvio refers to silver. King Medon ruled in Argos which also means silver.

See Part 23 >

22092092? ago

Part 21 >

Coven of Medea

Oprah Gail Winfrey is the modern day Greek Muse called Clio whose name means "Famous" and Oprah is very famous and operates like a muse. A muse means some who inspires others and that is what Oprah specializes in. Oprah's target audience is white women. There is a reason for this. Oprah inspires women with feminist propaganda and her close friend Gayle King is the modern day Grek sorceress Medea and Gayle King and Oprah both are both powerful women that work in the media. Medea like media. Oprah Gail Winfrey and Gayle King both have variations of the word Gale in their names and Gale refers to winds. They are associated with the diaphragm in biology which is a muscle that regulates the constriction of the lungs which regulate breathing. Their attacks feel like heavy pressure on the diaphragm making it difficult to breathe since the diaphragm is what regulates the constriction and opening of the lungs. The diaphragm is also called the partition which means to divide and things are divided in the middle. Medio is also a word that means the middle. These women specialize in causing asthma attacks in children which can be deadly because they lust after killing children. I had asthma as a child and only once did I have a deadly asthma attack and it was these women trying to murder me. My lunges seized up and I couldn't breathe at all. It was an attempted murder. The medical industry uses vaccines to cause health problems. Teachers which are mostly women in the public education systems mark children in their permanent records which the medical industry has access to and they mark children who think for themselves. The purpose of public education is to change the way the mind thinks and they do it by rewarding and punishing children based on following directions. All a child needs to do is to question a teacher's claims or also be highly intelligent to get marked by them. Grades are not based on intelligence and are based almost entirely based on following directions. For instance mathematics are false. They use strange codes or formulas for math which change the way minds work and all math however complex can be done in the mind. I would get all the answers on math tests correct and get F's or the grade of 50 because I didn't show the work and they graded based on the written work. I would reengineer math problems in a logical way and do it in my head and bypass their strange formulas. I would get all the correct answers and still fail the test because I didn't do it the way they taught. Public schools teach false things and children with common sense who pick up on these things and question the teachings get marked in their records with things like attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attention deficit disorder. Dr. Oz was a regular on Oprah Winfrey's show and he is a top authority over the medical industry. Oz is also the name of the wizard in Wizard of Oz. Dr. Oz has Turkish ancestry and many Africans mixed with whitish middle eastern people before migrating to the Black Sea region where they began targeting Greeks who were white. It is this same constant theme of non whites or half whites targeting natural whites. Again Oprah a black woman's target audience is white women. Many of my friends were diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and were put on medication. I did not get diagnosed with that but they did target me with vaccines which damaged my eye sight and nervous system. I had better than 20/20 vision and a week later after getting a vaccine that was made mandatory by the public school my eye sight was ruined. I also had anxiety after that vaccine and this anxiety would be triggered by nothing and cause shaking and stress for no reason. Vaccines are totally destructive to health and every sane parent should reject them and fight against the vaccine agenda. Several of my friends did get diagnosed with ADD and ADHD and were put on drugs which they later on grounded up and snorted and this caused them to turn into psychopaths and later on they became drug addicts. This is what teachers and doctors do to children when they cannot control how they think. They know exactly what they are doing. They are ruthless evil that hurt children when they cannot enslave their minds. Oprah and her coven specialize in this because Oprah lusts after raping, murdering, and cannibalizing male children and specifically cannibalizing the backsides of male boys. That is what Oprah is obsessed with and Oprah has cannibalized many children and that makes her insecure and dangerous. It is people who think for themselves that stand up to tyrants. These chemical attacks cause problems in lives where they more than likely won't grow up to stand up to evil. That is why they do this.

Oprah Winfrey is very close friends with the witch Diane von Furstenberg. The House of Furstenberg is currently married with the House of Borromeo with Countess Matilde Borromeo and her husband Prince Antonius von Furstenberg. The Borromeos have a serpent eating a child on their coat of arms. The Borromeos are also involved with the media with Countess Beatrice Borromeo who works in the media and she has worked with Newsweek and the Daily Beast. Oprah and the Furstenbergs are close friends with the Clintons and Barry Diller the current husband of Diane von Furstenberg was a co-founder of Fox Broadcasting and he created and owns IAC an internet media company with Chelsea Clinton on the board of directors. The Borromeos who originated in Milan had married with the Visconti family of Milan and they are married with the Sforza family of Milan and now Rome. The Visconti and Sforza coat of arms both have a serpent eating a child called the biscione. Milan where the Borromeos, Viscontis, and Sforzas are ruled in was called Mediolanum during the Latin Empire. Medio-lanum like media. Silvio Berlusconi is from Milan and owns an Italian monopoly in media Finnivest which owns Mediaset the largest Italian media company in Italy and it also has operations in Spain. The Berlusconi family are top authorities over the Italian media with authority over international media as well. Berlusconi has deep connections with the mafia and the mafia are documented human traffickers. John Muse is the primary owner of Nexstar Media Group and Chair of Lucchese Boot Company which was created by relatives of the Lucchese crime family. Nexstar is the largest television channel owner in the United States. Oprah and her close friend Gayle King were major promoters of the government orchestrated false flag Sandy Hook which was a fake mass shooting promoted by the media where a made up person named Adam Lanza "murdered 26 people which included 20 children" and the media relentlessly pushed this story and demanded the disarmament of Americans based on this completely fake story. A large white female gang stalker named Cindy Jones is a top member of the Cult of Medea and she represents a "dragon" that pulled Medea's chariot in Greek Mythology and she also represents Mount Cynthus. Cindy Jones is a murderous psychopath that lusts to suffocate men. Cindy Jones is from Connecticut where Gayle King is lives. Mountains were named after large people in Greek Mythology. Gayle King worked in the local media for decades in Connecticut where the fake Sandy Hook shooting psyop occurred. Months after Sandy Hook Gayle King began working at CBS where she is now a national media propagandist. Oprah Winfrey regularly promoted Sandy Hook and donated hundreds of thousands to anti-self defense political movements. Oprah is close friends with Beyoncé who is the modern day Muse called Melpomene who is associated with song and dance just as Beyoncé sings and dances. Oprah Winfrey is also close friends with Beyoncé and her husband Jay Z a gangster rapper, former crack dealer, and proven black supremacist who is a member of the Five Percent Nation a group working under the Nation of Islam which is headed up by Louis Farrakhan who says openly and on video that all white people are the devil and that all white people need to be killed. Jay Z says in his rap lyrics he is going to chase white people into caves and often refers to white people as crackers in general. Jay Z employed the Five Percenter Jay Electronica who directly works with Farrakhan. Jay Z also employs numerous gangster rappers including the Black Soprano Family and D-Block and they are literal members of the African-American Mafia and gangster rappers who rap about selling drugs, selling guns, murdering people, and rap about kidnapping children which they claim to sell to women. So Oprah whose target audience is white women promotes gun bans for average Americans based on a fake mass shooting that occurred in a predominantly white town while being friends with a black mafia boss and proven black supremacist Jay Z who literally employs black gangster rappers like D-Block who rap about selling illegal firearms and rap about kidnapping children for the purpose of selling to "Hollywood Bitches" at that is in their own rap lyrics. Oprah is worth several billion dollars and uses her wealth to finance black street gangs which kidnap children, she finances anti-white agendas like disarming white populations based on fake mass shootings all while ignoring mass shootings, gun trafficking, and gun violence in cities by black street gangs. Oprah is has been officially nicknamed by the media the "Queen of all Media" and Oprah Gail Winfrey and her friend Gayle King are the heads of the Coven of Medea.

See Part 22 >

22092064? ago

Part 20 >


In Greek mythology Linus (Greek: Λῖνος Linos "flax") was a reputed musician and master of eloquent speech.[1] He was regarded as the first leader of lyric song.[2]

Linus' parentage was given as follows: (1) Muse Calliope and Oeagrus or Apollo,[3] (2) Muse Urania[4] and Apollo,[5] (3) Urania and Amphimarus, son of Poseidon,[2][6] (4) the river-god Ismenius, (5) Urania and Hermes,[2][7] (6) Muse Terpsichore and Apollo,[2] (7) Muse Clio and Magnes,[8]


Jay Electronica - Act 1: The Eternal Sunshine [The Pledge]

Leon Black is a Jewish billionaire worth nearly 7 billion and he is a co-founder of Apollo Global Management. These criminals often organize themselves through names like Leon Black and Giacomo Leone Massimo and this tells other criminals including rivals who works with who and how they are organized. So if someone goes after Leon Black they know they are going after the Massimo family as well. Apollo Global Management finances gang stalkers and human trafficking. Apollo Global Management owns Constellis Holdings which purchased the criminal mercenary company Blackwater.


Leon David Black (born 1951) is an American investor and art collector. He specializes in leveraged buyouts and private equity. He founded the private equity firm Apollo Global Management in 1990.

Black is married to Debra Ressler,[13] a Broadway producer and sister of Ares Management co-founder Antony Ressler.[14]

Net worth US$6.9 billion[1] (2018)


Apollo Global Management, LLC is an American private equity firm, founded in 1990 by former Drexel Burnham Lambert banker Leon Black.[4]


US$248.93 billion (2017)[3]

Tony Ressler is a Jewish businessman worth about 1 billion as the co-founder of Apollo Global Management. Tony Ressler is likely an Italian Jew since his name Tony or Antony is an Italian name. Tony Ressler is the brother in law of Leon Black and Ressler was Jesuit educated at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and is a board director for Georgetown. Georgetown School of Foreign Service is the hidden United States headquarters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Ressler is a covert Knight of Malta. Apollo Global Management owns Constellis Holdings which owns what was formerly called Blackwater the mercenary company involved with killing civilians in Iraq and weapons trafficking. Ressler also founded Ares Management named after Ares the Greek deity of war. The Massimos are also top managers of the modern Cult of Ares with Prince Carlo Massimo being the Italian President of the Order of Malta. Aryans are really the children of Ares and they tend to have red hair like Prince Carlo, Prince Stefano, Prince Valerio, and Prince Tancredi.


Antony P. Ressler (born July 16, 1959) is an American businessman. He co-founded the private equity firm Apollo Global Management in 1990;[1] and co-founded the private equity firm Ares Management in 1997.[3] Ressler and Grant Hill are both owners of the Atlanta Hawks. They purchased the team on June 24, 2015 for an estimated $730 million[4] - $850 million.[5][6]

Born in 1959 to a Jewish family,[7][8] Ressler was one of five children born to Dorothy and Ira Ressler.[9] His father was an attorney and distinguished World War II veteran.[9] Ressler graduated with a B.S.F.S. from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and received an MBA from Columbia University's Graduate School of Business.[10]

David Solomon is the CEO of Goldman Sachs and a top Kabbalistic member of the Cult of Solomon and a major pedophile and financier of human trafficking. David Solomon was educated at Hamilton College which was named after Alexander Hamilton a relative of the Scottish House of Hamilton which are high level Freemasons. Freemasons claim that King Solomon created the basis for modern Freemasonry.

Tagg Romney is the founder and partner at Solamere Capital and he finances MS13 and Latin American gang stalkers which are members of the Cult of Solomon. His father Mitt Romney co-founded Bain Capital which was financed by Latin American investors with offshore accounts in Panama. Aztecs and Mayans which inhabited Latin American were sun worshipers and made human sacrifices so the sun.


Founded in 2008 by Tagg Romney, Eric Scheuermann, and Spencer Zwick, and in partnership with Mitt Romney (who stepped down in 2019 to join the U.S. Senate), Solamere provides a vehicle that aims to enable CEOs and industry leaders to pool both their capital and their networks to source and add value to private investment opportunities.

Prince Giacomo in France with the French Balkany family. Prince Francesco Massimo is another member of this family who is involved in particle accelerators and he lives in France. The Massimo family are the ones behind the Order of the Solar Temple headquartered in France which is a cult that worships the sun and is literally involved in murder and mass suicides.


The Order of the Solar Temple, also known as Ordre du Temple Solaire (OTS) in French and the International Chivalric Organization of the Solar Tradition, or simply as The Solar Temple, is a secret society and sect that claims to be based upon the ideals of the Knights Templar. OTS was started by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret in 1984 in Geneva as l'Ordre International Chevaleresque de Tradition Solaire (OICTS) and later renamed Ordre du Temple Solaire.

A few days later[clarification needed], Di Mambro and twelve followers performed a ritual Last Supper. A few days after that[clarification needed], apparent mass suicides and murders were conducted at Cheiry and Salvan, two villages in Western Switzerland, and at Morin Heights—15 inner circle members committed suicide with poison, 30 were killed by bullets or smothering, and 8 others were killed by other causes. In Switzerland, many of the victims were found in a secret underground chapel lined with mirrors and other items of Templar symbolism.

Another mass-death incident related to the OTS took place during the night between the 15 and 16 December 1995. On 23 December 1995, 16 bodies were discovered in a star-formation in the Vercors mountains of France. It was found later that two of them shot the others and then committed suicide by firearm and immolation.

There was also evidence that many of the victims in Switzerland were drugged before they were shot. Other victims were found in three ski chalets; several dead children were lying together.

Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is a top authority of the Cult of Apollo and the leader of the Cult of Uranus. Prince Fabrizio is the essence of the Devil Prince Asmodeus who was in Hebrew Mythology involved with building the Temple of Solomon. Asmodeus represents pride, envy, and lust. Freemasons wich partly worship Solomon or Apollo are builders or fabricators. Prince Fabrizio Massimo is the Greatest Fabricator of Lies and Evil. Fabrizio means Fabricator and Massimo means Greatest. If there is a devil on the Earth then it is Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio. The Massimos manage the Cult of Apollo or Cult of Solomon, Cult of Ares, and the Cult of Uranus. The Sun and Uranus have a relationship and represent the inner core of the brain with the Medulla Oblongata or Bulb and Basal Ganglia which are primitive parts of the brain used for basic thought, calculations, and fight or flight. The Cult of Apollo use vaccines and chemicals to target the brain and cause darkness to disrupt thoughts and imaginations. The Bulb also called the Medulla Oblongata which is associated with both the Sun and Uranus transmits light inside the brain and to the Olfactory Bulb which scientists claim regulates smell but really regulates the light in the mind. The Olfactory Bulb stems from the core of the brain below the Bulb and Basal Ganglia. The brains of reptiles and serpents basically have the basal ganglia of the brain and not the other parts and lobes which mammals have. The Basal Ganglia is partly coiled like a serpent.


for example, many reptiles regulate their body temperature by basking in the sun


Asmodeus (/ˌæzməˈdiːəs/; Greek: Ασμοδαίος, Asmodaios) or Ashmedai (/ˈæʃmɪˌdaɪ/; Hebrew: אַשְמְדּאָי‎, ʾAšmədʾāy), also Ashema Deva (see below for other variations), is a prince of demons,[1] or in Judeo-Islamic lore the king of the earthly spirits (shedim/jinn),[2][3] mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist.[4] In the Binsfeld's classification of demons, Asmodeus represents lust. The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends; for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon.

In the Testament of Solomon, a 1st–3rd century text, the king invokes Asmodeus to aid in the construction of the Temple.

Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio murders people including young girls as sacrifices at his Castello Massimo Arsoli which is an Altar of Apollyon.


Bearing in mind that speculative Masonry dates its origin from the building of King Solomon's temple by Jewish and Tyrian artisans.

Part 21 >

22092046? ago

Part 19 >

Cult of Solomon

Prince Giacomo Leone Massimo-Brancaccio is the leader of the Cult of Apollo or Cult of Solomon and a sadistic Solomonic Beelzebub sorcerer. The Sun represents fire but also reprsents waste products which is what fuels the sun. The Sun is similar to the core of the Earth in that they are both hot fiery plasmic balls. The oil in the Earth is from organic waste that forms into combustive fossil fuels and that is actually what fuels the plasmic core of the Earth. The same with the Sun. The waste products in space are what fuel the Sun. Prince Giacomo's mother is Natalia Coppa-Solari. Solari means Solar. Apollo is the name of the Greek deity for the sun and Solomon refers to Sol a name for the sun. Giacomo's relative Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the Prince of Arsoli. Ar-soli refers to the Sun. Prince Giacomo is an insolence psychopath and his primary minion is a gang stalker named Erik Hofemeister. They both drink human blood and adrenochrome which makes them psychotic and insanely arrogant. Both Giacomo and Erik think they are the embodiment of the Sun which is not true. They are top members of the Cult of Solomon or Cult of Apollo.


Giacomo Leone Massimo Brancaccio


Fabrizio Massimo Brancaccio

Natalia Coppa-Solari


Of the Solara family, the Solaro or Solari, it was one of the most important patrician lineages of the Middle Ages.[1] It belonged to the group of the "casane astigiane", which expanded their economic and political weight following the loan of the currency and trade.

Prince Zera Yacob Amha Selassie of the Ethiopian House of Solomon oversees racist Black Hebrew Israelite cults and he is a top manager of the Cult of Solomon. The ancient Israelites were white and looked like normal Europeans which is why Europeans are so heavily influenced by the Hebrews including language, names, etymology, and culture. The Bible has been completely distorted record of facts and history. Moses was a black agent of the Egyptians and the dynasty of Sets. Moses and his people eventually settled around Israel and started raping white Israelite women to produce whitish offspring which eventually crept into Israel by infiltrating bloodlines. Solomon was a direct descendant of Moses and he was a Beezlebub sorcerer. Solomon like Sol a name for the Sun. The Egyptian sun deity Khephri is depicted as a dung beetle. Sun worshipers are all excrement eaters that also get off to cannibalism and turning people into dung which they then also eat.


Khepri (Egyptian: ḫprj, also transliterated Khepera, Kheper, Khepra, Chepri) is a scarab-faced god in ancient Egyptian religion who represents the rising or morning sun.

Khepri was principally depicted as a scarab beetle


Dung beetles are beetles that feed on feces (dung). Some species of dung beetles can bury dung 250 times heavier than itself in one night.[1]

All the species belong to the superfamily Scarabaeoidea; most of them to the subfamilies Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae of the family Scarabaeidae (scarab beetles).


In Ancient Egypt, the dung beetle now known as Scarabaeus sacer (formerly Ateuchus sacer) was revered as sacred.

Ghostface Killah and Raekwon from the mafioso rap group Wu-Tang are high level African-American crime bosses and top members of the Cult of Apollo. They are also members of the modern day Drug Council and Five Percenters which are Islamic black supremacists trained in Freemasonry. Ghostface and Raekwon work under the Gambino crime family through the Italian-American gangster rapper and mobster Mike Pennini who goes by the rap name The Shark. Shark has worked closely with both Raekwon and Ghostface and they have made songs together. Mike Pennini's father was Thomas Pennini who was a high level mobster closely connected with the Gambinos, Luccheses, Bonannos, Genoveses, and John Gotti. Thomas Pennini was convicted and imprisoned for trafficking heroin. The Massimos are the owners of the Gambinos. Ghostface made an album called Apollo Kids and Apollo in the Greek myth is associated with the sun, music, and poetry. Ghostface's sun is a rapper named Sun God. Raekwon and Ghostface are converts to Islam and also work under the Christian-Ethiopian royal House of Solomon. Prince Giacomo Massimo's mother is Natalia Coppa-Solari. Solari means solar. Prince Fabrizio Massimo is the Prince of Arsoli. Ar-soli like solar or sun. The Massimos are the head of the Cult of Apollo along with the Ethiopian House of Solomon.


Only Built 4 Cuban Linx... is the solo debut album of American rapper and Wu-Tang Clan member Raekwon, released on August 1, 1995, by Loud Records and RCA Records.[1] The album was loosely composed to play like a film with Raekwon as the "star," fellow Wu-Tang member Ghostface Killah as the "guest-star," and producer RZA as the "director."[2]

With its emphasis on American Mafia insinuations and organized crime, the album is widely regarded as a pioneer of the mafioso rap subgenre.

The song "Wu-Gambinos" was one of the first songs recorded for the album


Apollo Kids is the ninth studio album[1] by American rapper and Wu-Tang Clan-member Ghostface Killah, released on December 21, 2010, by Def Jam Recordings.[2]


Like fellow Wu-Tang Clan member Raekwon, Ghostface is a convert to Islam, having converted in 2004.[44][45][46] Ghostface is father to rappers Sun God[47], Supreme[48] and singer Infinite[49].


Apollo (Attic, Ionic, and Homeric Greek: Ἀπόλλων, Apollōn (GEN Ἀπόλλωνος); Latin: Apollō) is one of the most important and complex of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion and Greek and Roman mythology.

The national divinity of the Greeks, Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the sun and light, poetry, and more.


Sol is the Latin name for the Sun.

Erik Alexander Hofemeister is a top gang stalking commander working for the Massimo family which are the head of the Cult of Apollo or Cult of Solomon. Erik Hofemeister is their Apollyon the Destroyer and is the dung devil Beelzbub and he specializes in turning women into genital eating psychopaths who get off to the act of turning genitals into dung. Erik Hofemeister is one of the most destructive gang stalkers on the planet. The YT shill A Call For An Uprising is a member of the Cult of Apollo and he covertly worships Apollo as his Christ. He has a large following of black people and black supremacists on his channel. A faction of occultic Christians worship either Apollo or Poseidon as their saviors. It appears that Apollo represents Christ while Poseidon represents Jesus. Erik is half black and works closely with the Black Hebrew Israelites and Five Percenters. Black Hebrew Israelites are obsessed with Melanin. Races who have lived in sunny climates have higher degrees of melanin which makes their skin darker. Erik Hofemeister greatly lusts after white women so he uses Beelzebub witchcraft to influence these women into becoming sexual cannibals as a means of control. Erik Hofemeister is insanely envious towards white men and wants to kill and destroy any white man that makes him jealous especially white men who have relations with white women he lusts after.


These are then transferred into the keratinocyte cells of the human epidermis. The melanosomes in each recipient cell accumulate atop the cell nucleus, where they protect the nuclear DNA from mutations caused by the ionizing radiation of the sun's ultraviolet rays. In general, people whose ancestors lived for long periods in the regions of the globe near the equator have larger quantities of eumelanin in their skins. This makes their skins brown or black and protects them against high levels of exposure to the sun, which more frequently result in melanomas in lighter-skinned people.[43]

The rapper Jay Electronica is a high level member of the Cult of Apollo and their modern day Linus who was considered a musician and "master of speech" "leader of lyric song" and is overall named as a "son of Apollo." Jay Electronica's first album mixtape was called Eternal Sunshine (The Pledge). Linos is said to be the child of various Greek entities however he is best associated as a relative of the Muse Clio and Apollo. Jay Electronica is also a Five Percenter and a member of the racist Nation of Islam which calls all white people devils and calls for the murder of white people.

See Part 20 >

22092037? ago

Part 18 >


Vlad III Dracula, known as Vlad the Impaler (Romanian: Vlad Țepeș, Bulgarian: Влад Цепеш, pronunciation: [ˈvlad ˈtsepeʃ] ) or Vlad Dracula (/ˈdrækjələ/ (Romanian: Vlad Drăculea, pronunciation: [ˈdrəkule̯a] , Bulgarian: Влад Дракула); 1428/31 – 1476/77), was Voivode of Wallachia three times between 1448 and his death.

His name had its origin in the sobriquet of his father, Vlad Dracul ("Vlad the Dragon" in medieval Romanian), who received it after he became a member of the Order of the Dragon.[7][8] Dracula is the Slavonic genitive form of Dracul, meaning "[the son] of Dracul (or the Dragon)".[8][9] In modern Romanian, dracul means "the devil", which contributed to Vlad's reputation.[9]

[Vlad] had a big copper cauldron built and put a lid made of wood with holes in it on top. He put the people in the cauldron and put their heads in the holes and fastened them there; then he filled it with water and set a fire under it and let the people cry their eyes out until they were boiled to death. And then he invented frightening, terrible, unheard of tortures. He ordered that women be impaled together with their suckling babies on the same stake. The babies fought for their lives at their mother's breasts until they died. Then he had the women's breasts cut off and put the babies inside headfirst; thus he had them impaled together.

— About a mischievous tyrant called Dracula vodă (No. 12–13)[149]


Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes in Romanian) was descended from Basarab the Great, a fourteenth-century prince who is credited with having founded the state of Wallachia, part of present-day Romania.

"He had all kinds of people impaled sideways: Christians, Jews, heathens, so that they moved and twitched and whimpered in confusion a long time like frogs.

"About three hundred gypsies came into his country. Then he selected the best three of them and had them roasted; these the others had to eat."

He also roasted the children of mothers and they had to eat the children themselves. And many other horrible things are written in this tract and in the land he ruled." A similar woodcut appeared the following year (Strasbourg) with the caption, "Here occurred a frightening and shocking history about the wild berserker Prince Dracula." Whether the accounts were accurate or not, Vlad's evil reputation was assured.


In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon (/ˈkɛərɒn, -ən/; Greek Χάρων) is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead

The name Charon is most often explained as a proper noun from χάρων (charon), a poetic form of χαρωπός (charopós), "of keen gaze", referring either to fierce, flashing, or feverish eyes, or to eyes of a bluish-gray color. The word may be a euphemism for death.[2]

"Haros" is the modern Greek equivalent of Charon, and usage includes the curse "you will be eaten (i.e., taken) by Haros", or "I was in the teeth of Haros" (i.e., "I was near death/very sick/badly injured").

Prince Eric Sturdza is a Romanian noble that owns a private bank in Switzerland and he launders criminal profits for the Ruspolis and Windsors and is also involved with making international bribes and other criminal financing. Prince Eric's bank logo has a red serpent.


Eric Sturdza’s distinguished career in Asset Management and Private Banking spans more than four decades.

He obtained his Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Lausanne and started in the asset management division of Banque de l’Indochine, eventually holding senior leadership posts in various asset management firms, including KIPECO (affiliated with Kidder Peabody) and Citibank. Pursued by Baring Brothers in 1985, he established Banque Eric Sturdza and became its sole owner in 2005.

Today, the Group consists of a global network of financial institutions, including Banque Eric Sturdza, Coges Corraterie Gestion S.A., Eric Sturdza Management Company and E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Ltd, the group’s asset management business set-up in 1999 to manage a range of funds in partnership with a select number of investment managers globally.

Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic with Prince Charles. Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic founded the Sovereign Military Order of the Dragon in 2011 based on the original Order of the Dragon. Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic is the godson of Queen Elizabeth II and he was born and raised in the United Kingdom. The Karadjordjevics are close friends with and relatives of the Windsors.


Sovereign Military Order of the Dragon was founded on Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day), June 28th, 2011, by His Royal Highness the Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, on the proposal of Mr. Srdjan Stanisic and Mr. Dejan Damnjanovic. This order, in historical terms, is based on the old Order of the Dragon. HRH Prince Aleksandar has accepted to be the founder, patron and the Grand Master of the newly established Order, and by signing the founding charter, which took place in Paris, he declared Mr. Srdjan Stanisic a knight and the Chancellor of the Order, and Mr. Dejan Damnjanovic a knight and the Commander of the Order.

Red Dragon on the Flag of Wales


Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia, also claiming the crowned royal title of Alexander II Karađorđević (Serbian Cyrillic: Александар II Карађорђевић / Aleksandar II Karađorđević; born 17 July 1945), is the heir to the defunct throne of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and currently claimant to the abolished throne of the precursor Kingdom of Serbia. He is the head of the House of Karađorđević.

Born and raised in the United Kingdom, he enjoys close relationships with his relatives in the British royal family. His godparents were King George VI of the United Kingdom and his daughter, the then-Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II).

See Part 19 >

22092023? ago

Part 17 >

Society of the Red Dragon

Prince Charles of Wales is the head of the Cult of Hell and Cult of Charon. Char-les like Charon and like Charred or burnt. Prince Charles is the primary owner of the Hells Angels and he is a torturous sadist. The Windsors torture adults and mostly children to death. They have torture chambers in their palaces and castles. The House of Windsor claim to be worth hundreds of millions however through their known business assets they are officially recognized to be worth about 40 billion with an added 50 billion to their "brand" and that does not account for their hidden shares in various companies and corporations created through the City of London Corporation under the British Crown and also does not account for their hidden assets in gold and silver or their private bank accounts. The Windsors are really worth at least hundreds of billions and have authority over businessmen and businesses worth tens of trillions.


When George VI died on 6 February 1952, little had changed in the modus operandi of the Royal Household – leaving aside the trauma of his elder brother's 1936 abdication – since the accession of his father George V in 1910. The new Queen inherited a pact with Parliament dating from 1760, in the reign of George III, whereby the monarch surrendered all revenues from the Crown Estate (of which more later) in exchange for an annual Civil List payment – then set at £475,000 a year – to cover her running costs as sovereign.

She also inherited private family estates at Sandringham in Norfolk and Balmoral in Aberdeenshire, and a private fortune which remains secret to this day – though the Sunday Times Rich List guessed her total wealth in 2014 to be £330m, one third of it "consisting largely of blue-chip British companies' shares".

The sovereign's "tangible and intangible assets" have recently been valued (by Brand Finance, a consultancy usually concerned with consumer products and services) at £44bn


The British Royal Family Is Worth $88 Billion

While their tangible properties including Buckingham Palace, the Royal Collection of art, the famous Crown Jewels and the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall account for $33 billion, the report claims that most of the royal worth is found in its brand. The family's added value to tourism, business trade and even fashion, among other sectors, is calculated at $55 billion.


Prince Charles, heir to Dracula's blood line

The Prince himself appears in a video being used to promote the country in which he claims distant kinship with Vlad Tepes, the 15th–century Wallachian ruler on whom the Irish novelist Bram Stoker based his Dracula.

“Transylvania is in my blood,” he jokes in an interview first shown on satelite television last year. “The genealogy shows I am descended from Vlad the Impaler, so I do have a bit of a stake in the country.”

The vampire legend is said to have been inspired by his predilection for eating bread dipped in his victim’s blood. Dracula means “son of the devil” in Romanian.


The current and longest-serving Prince of Wales is Prince Charles, the eldest son of Elizabeth II, who is Queen of the United Kingdom and 15 other independent Commonwealth realms as well as Head of the 53-member Commonwealth of Nations.


The English words "Wales" and "Welsh" derive from the same Germanic root (singular Walh, plural Walha), which was itself derived from the name of the Gaulish people known to the Romans as Volcae and which came to refer indiscriminately to all non-Germanic peoples. The Old English-speaking Anglo-Saxons came to use the term Wælisc when referring to the Britons in particular, and Wēalas when referring to their lands.[10] The modern names for some Continental European lands (e.g. Wallonia, Wallachia and Valais)


Wallachia or Walachia (Romanian: Țara Românească pronounced [ˈt͡sara romɨˈne̯askə], literally The Romanian Country; archaic: Țeara Rumânească, Romanian Cyrillic alphabet: Цѣра Рȣмѫнѣскъ) is a historical and geographical region of Romania.

The term "Wallachia" (however present in some Romanian texts as Valahia or Vlahia) is derived from the term walhaz

See Part 18 >

22092012? ago

Part 16 >


Philipp Michael Hildebrand (born 19 July 1963) is a Swiss banker.

He currently serves as a vice chairman of BlackRock.[3]


Margarita Louis-Dreyfus


Louis Dreyfus Company B.V. (LDC) is a global merchant firm that is involved in agriculture, food processing, international shipping, and finance. The company owns and manages hedge funds, ocean vessels, develops and operates telecommunications infrastructures, and it is also involved in real estate development, management and ownership.[1] It is one of the "ABCD" quartet of companies - alongside Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge and Cargill - that dominates world agricultural commodity trading.[2]

In 1851, the company was founded in the Alsace region of France by Léopold Dreyfus


The House of Medici (English: /ˈmɛdɪtʃi/ MED-i-chee or UK: /məˈdiːtʃi/ mə-DEE-chee, Italian: [ˈmɛːditʃi]) was an Italian banking family and political dynasty that first began to gather prominence under Cosimo de' Medici in the Republic of Florence during the first half of the 15th century. The family originated in the Mugello region of Tuscany, and prospered gradually until it was able to fund the Medici Bank. This bank was the largest in Europe during the 15th century, and it facilitated the Medicis' rise to political power in Florence, although they officially remained citizens rather than monarchs until the 16th century.

The Medici produced four Popes of the Catholic Church—Pope Leo X (1513–1521), Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), Pope Pius IV (1559–1565) and Pope Leo XI (1605)[4]—and two queens of France—Catherine de' Medici (1547–1589) and Marie de' Medici (1600–1630).

Victor Sassoon is a wealthy businessman operating in Singapore and owns Sassoon Investment Corporation which is involved in retail, real estate, and technology. The Sassoons make criminal bribes and finance human trafficking in Asia. Baron James Sassoon is a British banker and noble and member of this wealthy and powerful family which have a covert alliance with the Medici and Dreyfus families through ancestry from Sephardic Chaldaean-Babylonians. Chaldaea was located in modern Iraq where the Sassoon family originated from. The Chaldaean Oracles were spiritual texts based on Hermes Trismegistus.


SassCorp is the operation and investment holding platform of the Sassoon family across the Asia Pacific and the Americas

Born in Singapore, Victor spent his formative years between Jakarta and Singapore, where his family were based.


Hermes Investment Management is an investment management firm providing public and private markets investment strategies and engagement services to institutional and wholesale investors, operating worldwide.

Established in 1983 as the principal manager the BT Pension Scheme, Hermes now employs 200 investment and stewardship professionals, with 448 total staff, in its London head office, Singapore and New York.

At 31 December 2018, it managed £33.5 billion of assets and engaged on £389.4 billion in assets.[1][2][3][4]


The Sassoon family, known as "Rothschilds of the East" due to the great wealth they accumulated in trade,[1] is of Baghdadi Jewish descent and international renown. It was based in Baghdad, Iraq, before moving to Bombay, India, and then spreading to China, England, and other countries. It is said that the family descended from the Shoshans, one of the families of the Iberian Peninsula.[2] From the 18th century, the Sassoons were one of the wealthiest families in the world, with a merchant empire spanning the continent of Asia.[3]


At its greatest extent, the Sasanian Empire encompassed all of today's Iran, Iraq, Eastern Arabia (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatif, Qatar, UAE), the Levant (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan), the Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Dagestan), Egypt, large parts of Turkey, much of Central Asia (Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan), Yemen and Pakistan.


The Chaldean Oracles are a set of spiritual and philosophical texts widely used by Neoplatonist philosophers from the 3rd to the 6th century CE.

In Egypt, the attempt to philosophize and synthesize ancient religious content resulted in part in the writings conventionally attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.


Chaldea[1] (/kælˈdiːə/, also spelled Chaldaea[2]) was a country that existed between the late 10th or early 9th and mid-6th centuries BCE, after which the country and its people were absorbed and assimilated into Babylonia.[3] Semitic-speaking, it was located in the marshy land of the far southeastern corner of Mesopotamia and briefly came to rule Babylon.

Prince Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari is a top member of the Cult of Hermes along with his relative Prince Giuliano de Medici. Hermes was considered a trickster and often had the epithet of Dolos which means trickster. Dolos was also the name of a Greek trickster. The Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari family have hired their friends to pose as them as a layer of defense. This is the real Prince Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari despite his alias of Marquis Zozi. The Italian word Medici means Doctors and the Staff of Hermes is a major symbol used in medicine.


Medici Firma has global multitudinous institutional partners and offices throughout the world. This puts us in the best position to explore all types of companies and transactions.


The caduceus (☤; /kəˈdjuːʃəs, -siəs/; Latin: cādūceus, from Greek: κηρύκειον kērū́keion "herald's wand, or staff")[2] is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology.


The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It has been widely adopted by the medical professions of the United States as a symbol of medicine instead of being more narrowly defined according to the traditional Rod of Asclepius. The two-snake caduceus design has ancient and consistent associations with trade, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy and wisdom.

Prince Duccio Corsini is a top leader of the Cult of Hermes and a ruthless Hermetic-Kabbalist that traffics human blood and adrenochrome through his family's winery. The Corsinis, Medicis, and Bonapartes are the owners of the Corsican Mafias. The Corsinis and Medicis both originated as nobles from Florence and they are also managers of the Cult of Chloris or Cult of Flora which is today represented by a satanic witch named Elizabeth Martello their Vicar of Flora a Roman deity associated with flora or flowers. The Martelli family were a Florentine nobility. Florence is named after Flora.


Corsini is the name of a Florentine princely family.[1]

At the end of the 15th century the political influence of the Corsini family decreased, mainly because of the seizure of power carried out by the Medici family. Though some of the Corsinis opposed the Medici, the family as a whole continued to flourish in business and politics under Medici rule, acquiring titles, lands, and offices.

See Part 17 >

22092001? ago

Part 15 >

Pierre Alexis Dumas and Axel Dumas are top members of the Hermes-Dumas family which are worth about 30-40 billion and they are top members of the Clan of Hermes. The Hermes-Dumas family are fashion merchants and leaders of the gay mafia.


How the Dumas family, heirs to the $49.2 billion Hermès fortune, turned a leather store into a luxury empire and became one of the wealthiest families in the world

There are 16 heirs to the Hermès fortune, but two cousins, Pierre-Alexis and Axel Dumas, are at the head of the ultra-luxurious Parisian fashion house that rakes in billions of dollars in profit each year.

Bloomberg estimates put the Dumas family fortune at $49.2 billion, making it one of the richest families in the world.

Hermès, like Chanel, is one of just a handful of renowned retail businesses where a single family owns the controlling share.

Hermès has become synonymous with exclusivity and perfection. Its renowned Birkin bag can cost up to six figures.

Thierry Hermès, an orphan, was skilled with leather — so skilled, in fact, that his main clients in the 19th century were royal families.

Six generations later, the Hermès family — and brand — is now known for its exclusive Parisian fashion house and a $49.2 billion fortune.

JB Pritzker is a Jewish billionaire and current Governor of Illinois. Pritzker and his family also conceal wealth in offshore accounts yet there is no criminal investigation into this tax fraud.


J.B. Pritzker has offered a simple response when Democratic and Republican rivals attack his family’s use of offshore banking to avoid taxes on its immense fortune: The trusts were set up in the 1960s by his grandfather, and the money goes to his charitable foundation.

A Chicago Tribune investigation found several offshore shell companies created between 2008 and 2011 — long after Abram “A. N.” Pritzker’s 1986 death — that are either wholly owned by J.B. Pritzker, his brother and business partner Anthony Pritzker, or list other close associates as controlling executives.

Penny Pritzker is a billionaire that financed Obama's campaign in order to purchase her position as US Secretary of Commerce under Obama. Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State under Obama. J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation donated between 10-25 million to the Clinton Foundation.


Pritzker was an early supporter of Obama's political career, helping to finance his 2004 Senate campaign. Early in the Democratic presidential primary, Pritzker's financing helped Obama's candidacy survive when Obama was trailing Hillary Clinton in the polls.[29] Pritzker remained a major fundraiser for Obama during the 2008 Democratic primary and raised millions overall for his White House bid.[1] She served as the national finance chair of Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.[30] Under her direction, the campaign reached out to small donors. Pritzker also hosted more lavish fundraisers as part of her effort to raise money.[31]

Pritzker was nominated as United States Secretary of Commerce by President Barack Obama on May 2, 2013.[39][40]


Hermes (/ˈhɜːrmiːz/; Greek: Ἑρμῆς) is the god of trade, heralds, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, trickery, sports, travelers, and athletes in Ancient Greek religion and mythology

Julia Louis Dreyfus is a top Hermetic witch with high authority over most Wiccan covens and she is from a Hermetic bloodline which is often found within the Sephardic Babylonians. Julia Louis Dreyfus is the Vicar of Thalia a Greek muse of comedy and she finds sadism "hilarious." Julia says influencing women to sacrifice and cannibalize their husbands and boyfriends is "hilarious." Julia is going to become eternal dust along with the rest of these psychotic devils so her eternal death is going to be hilarious since she is so absurdly arrogant. Julia is also the modern day Jezebel which is a female false teacher. This witch claims if any woman can make a man orgasm that gives satanic women the right to murder babies. That is an example of her false teachings. It is a desperate attempt at blaming men for the crimes of satanic witches. This is a reason people would burn these witches alive. They are truly evil to the deepest level possible. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is the top witch in the United States and she is relentlessly evil. Her father died right after I exposed her family and she blames me for his death. This witch is relentless evil and she burns babies alive. Louis-Dreyfus Group is an agricultural company also involved with banking, communications, shipping and they traffic children which they murder as sacrifices. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a mass murderer of children.


Dreyfus Sons & Co Ltd, Banquiers dates back to the founding in Basel in the year 1813 and is one of the oldest privately owned Swiss banks. The bank is currently managed by the sixth generation of the founding family and employs some 200 long-term employees. The main office of the bank is in Basel. Furthermore, there are offices in Delémont, Lausanne, Lugano, Zurich and Tel Aviv.


Andreas Guth, Chairman

Alexis Blum, Vice-Chairman

Pierre Dreyfus, Vice-Chairman


In this manner, Dreyfus assisted U.S. persons in concealing ownership of the assets.

Since Aug. 1, 2008, Dreyfus held a total of 855 U.S.-related accounts with a combined high value of assets under management of approximately $1.76 billion. Dreyfus will pay a penalty of $24.161 million.


Louis Dreyfus Company B.V. (LDC) is a global merchant firm that is involved in agriculture, food processing, international shipping, and finance. The company owns and manages hedge funds, ocean vessels, develops and operates telecommunications infrastructures, and it is also involved in real estate development, management and ownership.[1]


Mercury Asset Management plc was a leading British investment management business.

The Company was acquired by Merrill Lynch for £3.1bn in 1997.[4][5] Mercury was rebranded Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM), which in turn was acquired by Blackrock in 2006.[6]

See Part 16 >

22091996? ago

Part 13 >

Merchants of Hermes

The Medici family with Prince Giuliano de Medici dei Ottajano and Prince Lorenzo de Medici-Tornaquinci-Foscari are leaders of the modern Cult of Hermes. The Cult of Hermes specializes in chemical warfare, poisons, communications, imitation, and intellectual theft as well as banking, merchants, and tax collecting. Mercury like merchants. The Medicis currently have their agents running Medici Firma a financial mafia organization involved with infiltration and espionage. Top Hermetic bloodlines include the Medici, Corsini, Dreyfus, Hermes-Dumas, Sassoon, Pritzker, and Piccolomini families. The House of Glucksburg with members of the royal families of Norway and Denmark manage a faction of the Cult of Hermes. It was Norway and Denmark where the World Health Organization was established. Prince Haakon of Norway is a top member of the Cult of Hermes and their Vicar of Asclepius who uses a staff similar to the Staff of Hermes. Both the Rod of Asclepius and Staff of Hermes are the most common symbols used in the medical industry. The Brazilian Andre Cezar Medici works at the World Bank as a health economist in Washington DC today. The name Medici means medical and they have been linked with practicing sorcery. Pharmacy derives from the Greek word Pharmakeia which means sorcery and poison. The most common symbol used in medicine is the Rod of Asclepius which is of a serpent coiled around a rod similar to the Staff of Hermes. Countess Viktoria von dem Bussche of Germany is high level alchemical witch that oversees the pharmaceutical industry. Hermes was known as a thief and messenger and associated with merchants and travelers like gypsies which are often referred to as travelers. Zachary James Carr is a computer hacker, pedophile, gang stalker and drifter who works as an agent for the Medicis. Zachary James Carr specializes in intellectual theft and trickery. Gypsies are often associated with thievery and trickery and Hermes is specifically known as the god of thieves and tricksters. The Pritzkers are Jewish billionaires worth about 30 billion and they own Hyatt as well as other merchant and banking companies. JB Pritzker is the current Governor of Illinois. The Dreyfus family of France are merchants and top members of the Cult of Hermes. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a Hermetic witch and her second cousin's widow Margarita Louis-Dreyfus' current boyfriend Philippe Hildebrand is Vice Chairman at BlackRock which owns what was originally called Mercury Asset Management. The Dreyfus family are worth billions and they own Louis-Dreyfus Group, they established Dreyfus Corporation which is now a subsidiary of BNY Mellon, and they own a private bank in Switzerland called Dreyfus Sons & Co. headed up by Pierre Dreyfus.

Dreyfus Sons paid a fine of 24 million for enabling tax evasion with their hundreds of hidden US connected accounts amounting to $1.76 billion. The Dreyfus family are worth billions as merchants and bankers and numerous members have been knighted by the House of Bonaparte who have origins in Corsica and before that in Florence where the Medicis ruled as Grand Dukes. The agricultural merchant company Louis Dreyfus Group is also involved with shipping and telecommunications. Hermes is associated with communications and is known as a messenger. The Corsini family of Florence are managers of the Cult of Hermes and oversee Kabbalistic Hermetic groups. The Medici family are involved in alchemical witchcraft and covertly run the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Chic Cicero is an agent of the Medicis and he founded an American temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Medicis have a statue of Hermes at their palace in Rome. The Medici family founded the Botanical Garden of Pisa which is the oldest botanical garden in Europe and also established the Botanical Garden of Florence. They use herbs and plants for alchemy which is about the manipulation of the human psyche and physiology. They use members of their Hermetic Order to infiltrate food and drug companies. The Colonna and Orsini families of Rome are also top managers of the Cult of Hermes and they manage the Rosicrucian Order which is an alchemical secret society. The French Hermes-Dumas family are agents of the Medicis and own Hermes a luxury fashion company headed up by Axel Dumas. Bertrand Puech and his brother Nicholas Puech are billionaires and members of the Hermes family. The Hermes-Dumas family are worth about 30 billion. Patrick Guerrand-Hermes is another member of this family and worth about 1 billion. Hermes Investment Management in London manages about 30 billion in assets and has operations in Singapore and is majority owned by Federated Investors. The Sassoons are a Jewish banking family closely related to the Dreyfus and Medici families and they have a branch and large company in Singapore with Victor Sassoon. The Sassoons are related to the Sasanian Dynasty which ruled in Iraq and Chaldaea. The Medicis of Ottajano are the direct descendants of the rulers of Chaldaea. The Medici, Dreyfus, and Sassoon families all have Sephardic ancestry. The use of chemicals to manipulate the body and mind is what alchemy really is. The Merieux are a French family and agents of the Medicis that own Institut Merieux which develops vaccines and studies diseases. What they really do is engineer diseases and add them into vaccines that are "intended" to prevent the diseases they create. Many vaccines admit to using live viruses.

Statue of Hermes at the Medici Villa in Rome. Hermes carries the Caduceus which has two serpents coiled around a staff and this is a symbol used in the medical industry. The name Medici means Medical and they owned and created several botanical gardens in Italy where they grew poisons and herbs. The Medical industry also uses the Rod of Asclepius a Greek entity associating with medicine. The medical industry is infiltrated by Hermeticists and alchemists who corrupt medicine and poison people while pretending to help them. The Estruscans which were centered in modern Florence where the Medicis ruled as royals worshiped Mercury the Latin equivelent to Hermes.


Hermes (/ˈhɜːrmiːz/; Greek: Ἑρμῆς) is the god of trade, heralds, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, trickery, sports, travelers, and athletes in Ancient Greek religion and mythology

Hermes is identified with the Roman god Mercury,[7] who, though inherited from the Etruscans, developed many similar characteristics such as being the patron of commerce.


Hermès International S.A., or simply Hermès (/ɛərˈmɛz/ (listen); French pronunciation: ​[ɛʁmɛs]) is a French high fashion luxury goods manufacturer established in 1837. It specializes in leather, lifestyle accessories, home furnishings, perfumery, jewellery, watches and ready-to-wear. Its logo, since the 1950s, is of a Duc carriage with horse. Nadège Vanhee-Cybulski is the current creative director.[2][3]

See Part 14 >

22091981? ago

Part 12 >

Clan of Aeolus

Jesse Johnson the Hollywood actor is the leader of the modern Cult of Aeolus and he is murderous vain, narcissistic, and involved with drinking and bathing in human blood. His followers who are female refer to him as their god. Aeolus is known as a wind deity. Aeolus is related with breathing, oxygen, alveolio, and the wind created from the convection between water and air just as all air breathed in becomes moistened before entering the lungs. The Alveoli are air sacs in the lungs and they derive from the Greek name Aelous and refers to an air chamber. A female gang stalker named Sarah Blue is a top female member of the Cult of Aeolus and she represents Pneuma a Greek term for breath. Sarah Blue is an extremely blasphemous psychopath who is obsessed with sexual cannibalism and blasphemes men to dehumanize them as a weapon like claiming to control them or claiming responsibility for what they do. Sarah Blue works under Jesse Johnson's sister Dakota Johnson whose name Dakota means friend. Sarah Blue pretends to be friendly and nice to people to infiltrate them. Sarah Blue is filled with pure hatred and insolence all the time. Sarah Blue is a demented narcissist who goes psychotic when she cannot bathe in the blood of murdered children. The Cult of Aeolus specializes in hacking into the lungs. Blasphemers who worship women who are sexual cannibals like Sarah Bue have associated air and breath with the spirit which is idiotic and entirely based on their worship of Pneumi who is not officially a Greek deity or personification however she was and this was removed. Sarah Blue is extreme evil and she worships Dwayne Johnson and Jesse Like which are both top members of the Cult of Saturn. Another female gang stalker named Meghan Parsons worships Jesse Johnson and Meghan Parsons is the modern day Calypso. Calypso who was known for living in a cave is associated with the diaphragm and thoracic cavity. The diaphragmic muscles regulate the opening and closing of the lungs or breathing. Meghan Parsons works with a gang stalker named Jesse Like who is the essence of the modern day Saturn. The Cult of Aeolus hack into the body and blow air in the temporal lobe which is then densified causing mental and energetic blockages in the temporal lobe. The female shill who calls herself ReallyGraceful is also a top member of the Cult of Aeolus and her faction specializes in causing bloating. The Cult of Aeolus is specifically connected with moist air and oxygen. Jesse Johnson is an extreme psychopath who bathes in the blood of murdered children. If Jesse becomes jealous of other men he drinks human blood, his eyes bulge out of his head, and he goes on murderous rampages of defilement and blasphemies.

Jesse Johnson and his sister Dakota Johnson. Jesse Johnson is the most vain and psychotic member of Hollywood and he needs to be killed. Jesse Johnson is a pedophile, child murderer, and ruthless tyrant that drinks the blood of murdered children. Jesse Johnson blatantly looks psychotic.


In Greek mythology, Aeolus[1] (/iːˈoʊləs/; Ancient Greek: Αἴολος, Aiolos [a͜ɪ́olos], Modern Greek: [ˈe.o.los] (listen) "quick-moving, nimble") was the keeper of the winds and king of the island of Aeolia, one of the abrupt rocky Lipara islands close to Sicily. Later classical writers regarded him as a god.

This Aeolus was perceived by post-Homeric authors as a god, rather than as a mortal and simple Keeper of the Winds (as in the Odyssey).


A pulmonary alveolus (plural: alveoli, from Latin alveolus, "little cavity") is a hollow cup-shaped cavity found in the lung parenchyma where gas exchange takes place. Lung alveoli are found in the acini at the beginning of the respiratory zone. They are located sparsely on the respiratory bronchioles, line the walls of the alveolar ducts, and are more numerous in the blind-ended alveolar sacs.


Pneuma (πνεῦμα) is an ancient Greek word for "breath", and in a religious context for "spirit" or "soul".[1][2] It has various technical meanings for medical writers and philosophers of classical antiquity, particularly in regard to physiology, and is also used in Greek translations of ruach רוח in the Hebrew Bible, and in the Greek New Testament. In classical philosophy, it is distinguishable from psyche (ψυχή), which originally meant "breath of life", but is regularly translated as "spirit" or most often "soul".[3]

See Part 13 >

22091974? ago

Part 11 >

The actor Travis Fimmel is a top leader of the Cult of Neptune and their Vicar of Odysseus who sailed on the ocean in the story Odyssey which means a journey. Travis like travel. The name Travis means a Traverser or Traveler just as Odysseus was a sea traveler. Both Seth and Travis often work under the Percy and Montagu families of England and Scotland which are leaders of the Cult of Neptune and covert authorities over the Royal Ark Mariners a Freemasonic organization. Seth Rozman is a convicted criminal who has been arrested numerous times for selling drugs including cocaine and shrooms which grow on cow dung and are known to cause psychosis. Seth went to prison for selling shrooms and had sex orgies with black supremacists. Faggotry is a common theme in the Cult of Neptune. Faggotry really is bisexual men who rape other men for dominance and the word faggot derives from the Latin word fasces which means a bundle. Faggot and Fasces are both defined as a bundle. That is also where the word Fascism derived from which used a bundle of sticks and axe for its symbol. The Italian House of Savoy put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini into power which is why they were exiled from Italy for decades. The convicted criminal Alexander Montagu the Duke of Manchester who is from Australia manages Travis and also Seth who lives in the town of Manchester. Several members of the Montagus have blond hair and blue eyes including Baron Ralph Montagu and Alexander Montagu. Duke Ralph Percy is the modern day Deucalian a sailor connected with the Greek flood myth. Floods are references to excessive orgasms caused from sexual sadism and sexual cannibalism which they spread like a flood into society. They murder and cannibalize children which they get off to and also make snuff films of this and spread them into society. Seth often works under the Borghese family which have the titles of Princes of Neptune. Neptune is a town in Italy. The Borghese family manage most gangster rappers and Seth works with a lot of black supremacists and gangster rappers like 50 Cent, Jay Z, and Mobb Deep as well as the rapper Kanye West and they are all members of the Cult of Neptune. The Cult of Neptune uses imitation as their cover and they are triggered into jealousy very easily. The Cult of Neptune is all about the love for money, pimping, flashiness, materialism, glory, and sexual sadism. Prince Vittorio is extremely wealthy with money concealed in private Swiss bank accounts and he was investigated for exploitation of prostitution.

Seth's best friend named Rasheed is a black supremacist and Seth Rozman has said "I wish I was black." Rasheed is very racist and discriminative towards white people other than Seth "who knows what its like." The New Age Youtube shill and black supremacist Young Pharaoh is very similar in personality as Seth and he is their Vicar of Triton a son of Poseidon. Young Pharaoh is a major brainwasher who speaks half truths and is extremely racist and claims things like only black people suffer and implies white people are all wealthy and live perfect lives. Young Pharaoh says white privilege is ignoring blacks who suffer and black privilege is also ignoring blacks that suffer. That is completely racist. Young Pharaoh also implies that all white people live in big houses and don't have to rent apartments and don't know what its like to be poor. 50 Cent is their vicar of Oceanus a Greek sea deity and a Titan. Oceanus is depicted as being large and muscular and having crab claws and a serpentine fish tail. 50 Cent is friends with John Gotti Jr a boss of the Gambino crime syndicate. The Gambinos are related to the Italian House of Gambara which use a lobster on their coat of arms. Lobster like mobster. Oceanus is really associated with adrenaline which derives near the kidneys in the stomach region. Oceanus is a Titan and Titans are considered children of Chronos or Saturn and Saturn represents the stomach region. The adrenal glands regulate salt in the body just as the ocean is filled with salt however if there is too much salt the water dries up. The adrenal glands also emit hydrogen ions and the word Hydrogen in Greek means water former. Jay Z is their vicar of the cannibalistic cyclops Polyphemus. The name Poly-phemus means Many Songs. Cyclops refers to the demonic third eye. Polyphemus is said to be a son of Poseidon and in the Greek story he sexually preyed on Galatea. In Greek the word Gala means milk and refers to milk white skin a common feature of the ancient Galatians. The Vicar of Galatea is a blasphemous pedophile who works with Jay Z however Jay Z preys on similar women with Galatian ancestry. Their Vicar of Galatea is insanely blasphemous and if I knew her name she would get named. I believe her last name is Butler. Many of these Black Supremacists and members of the Cult of Neptune want to specifically enslave all white women and if you free these women from their tyranny these men go into a psychotic, murderous, and envy filled rage.

Kanye West is their Vicar of Pontus a Greek sea deity. Pontus also gave the name to the southern region of the Black Sea a region ruled by Scythians and Persians as well as Kimmerians and Kanye's wife Kim Kardashian has Persian ancestry since Persians settled and ruled Armenia. Pontus means a connection or bridge and the region of Pontus or the Pontic Steppe was the way ancient Africans and Scythians migrated into Europe from Pontus to Crimea because that region was not ruled by Greeks while the Mediterranean was. Crimea was an ancient crime center for human trafficking and piracy. The word crime derives from Crimea. The major city of Crimea was called Kimmerikon in ancient Greece. Kimmerians or Cimmerians were Persians mixed with Africans and they were different than Scythians but also worked with them. Jay Z and Kanye West specialize in instigating psychotic envy. Seth Rozman has the most insane inferiority complex in regards to intelligence because he is an irrational idiot. Seth's envy doesn't really make any sense. Kanye West dyed his hair blond and put in blue contacts because Kanye West clearly wants to be white. Seth has blond hair and blue eyes which is a more common feature for white members of the Cult of Neptune similar to water being blue and blond hair like the sand on a beach. Water especially sea water represents brainwashing. Seth Rozman uses insane false teachings for brainwashing like claiming oral sex is the same thing as cannibalism. Those are the kinds of insane lies he spreads. Similar to the teachings of Jesus; Seth claims that if he attacks someone thousands of times but is currently taking a break from his gang stalking and you expose him during a moment when he is inactive then you are a false accuser. That is what he claims. Basically he says him and his fellow gang stalkers are only guilty if they are in the act of a crime and not any time after and when they do get caught they just falsely accuse lower level gang stalkers for their crimes. Jesus says you must forgive people "seventy times seven times." Seven is the actual number that represents Neptune. Many Christians use the number 777 and they are members of the Cult of Neptune. There are numerous references linking Jesus with water including Jesus being a fisherman, walking on water, the story about the pitcher and the well, water of life, and baptism. The Cult of Neptune specialize in making human sacrifices by causing ships to sink in the ocean or planes to crash in the ocean including Malaysian Airlines crash into the ocean in 2014. The Malaysian Airlines use a three pronged kite logo that looks similar to the Trident.

See Part 12 >

22091968? ago

Part 10 >

Cult of Neptune

Seth Rozman is the Illuminati's Vicar of Poseidon or Neptune and their Aquarius Vicar of Jesus however he is not a Christian. Seth is a New Ager and a Nazi. Seth Rozman worked for the Valenti auto family at their Maserati dealership. Maserati uses a Trident for its logo and the Trident is the symbol for Neptune or Poseidon. Poseidon like poser. Seth Rozman is a poser that imitates others out of envy. Seth Rozman constantly claims credit for my articles and information or the effects they have in society. The shill Brian Young or HighImpactFlix is a top member of the Cult of Neptune and specializes in intellectual theft and imitation. Brian Young is imitating Libertarian minded people and stealing their intellectual thoughts to make himself a more effective shill. Brian Young works under Prince Emanuel Filiberto of Savoy the Prince of Venice which is named after Venus. The Cult of Neptune manage the Cult of Venus and use sex to do it. Brian Young and Prince Emanuele Filiberto are similar and members of the Ice faction of the Cult of Neptune which represents memory because ice freezes things in their current state. Brian Young is best associated with Onchestos the founder of the town also named Onchestos. Onco means ice or frozen in Greek. The city of Onchestos had a Temple of Poseidon. Queen Margarethe II of Denmark is the modern day Mnemosyne and that name means memory and she is a leader of the Ice or cold water faction of the Cult of Neptune. Also Brian Young claims there is no such thing as racism or race and now promotes multiculturalism. Brian Young since being exposed has become ineffective and too expensive for his bosses to finance so he shut down his channel and is claiming he is being demonetized and censored as his cover. Seth Rozman also claims to he is psychic and does readings on people. Seth was initiated by New Age psychics and is a leader of the New Age religion and many of them worship Jesus since the Gnostic texts are scriptures from Jesus. Sethians were a group of Gnostics who worshiped Seth from the Bible. They are all fake Gnostics or fake knowers who imitate people who do have understanding out of jealousy the same way this psychopath Seth claims credit for all my articles. Deep thoughts derive from the Parietal Lobe and are transmitted through the Frontal and Temporal lobes for further contemplation and that has nothing to do with the Occipital Lobe which represents Neptune. The proof they are fake knowers is their own words in their texts which reveal nothing. The Gnostic texts also have little to do with knowledge. They are fake spiritual teachings that do not incorporate science. Valentinianism was also a Gnostic cult. Seth Rozman also worked for the Valenti family selling Maseratis which use the trident for a logo. The Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga family are currently married with the Savoy-Aostas with Princess Bianca the wife of Count Giberto. The Valentis are descendants of the Valentinian Dynasty. Seth Rozman's primary boss is Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy the Prince of Naples who is their Vicar of Leviathan a Babylonian sea dragon or sea serpent. In Greek mythology a sea dragon is called a Cetus. The Leviathan represents his serpent shaped network of control. Leviathan is also associated with envy. Imitation is mostly based on envy. The Savoys are top owners of the Camorra mafias based in Naples which specialize in infiltrating sea ports and human trafficking through sea ports and they work with the billionaire Aponte family which own the Meditteranean Shipping Company based in Geneva and Naples where Camorra operate from. Many factions of Camorra are the mafia of Neptune and they specialize in infiltrating sea ports. Aponte like Pontus a Greek deity of the sea. Neptune represents the elements of the sexual organs and the occipital lobe in nature as well as salt water and the oceans. Seth claims to own the concept of sex all around and claims to own all women. Seth uses sexual sadism and sexual cannibalism to incorporate women into evil so he can control them through threats and blackmail. Seth Rozman also slanders people for having sex with women he claims to own. Seth is a major slanderer and falsely accuses people for things he does with his reflective witchcraft. If a man pleases a women that Seth lusts after then Seth says "I am the god of sex" and "I was controlling that man to do please her." Seth is that narcissistic and insane. The actual father of Poseidon in the Greek Myth is Ichor which is said to be ethereal fluid. Sperm and seaman are liquid similar to how Neptune is associated with water however sex is really about energy, love, and intimacy and little to do with water other than the orgasm. Aspects of sperm derive from the back of the brain and drip down the spinal cord into the sacral region which scientists call Cerebrospinal fluid. They neglect that this fluid is part of what creates sperm. The mid part of the back of the brain which is the moistest part of the brain is called the Occipital Lobe which is connected to the optic tract and is how sight reflects images to the eyes. Reflection. Seth uses reflective witchcraft where he falsely accuses his enemies of his crimes and attempts to steal credit for anything they positive that they do. It is idiotic and based on violence and stupidity. The upper part of the Occipital Lobe is probably the coldest part of the brain and really a memory center. The Cult of Neptune specialize in attacks on the Occipital Lobe and use wave like attacks, cause it to shake, or feel like it is being pulled on. Seth Rozman needs to be shot dead immediately. Seth is getting increasingly more evil.

Se Part 11 >

22091957? ago

Part 9 >


Brandon Morales is a psychotic gang stalker that works under Prince Harry and he is a top member of the Cult of Ares. Brandon Morales has a close alliance with Jesse Like and the imposter that lives in Neath Port Talbot. Brandon Morales is the modern day Aristaeus a Greek entity associated with wind or air and really dry air and beekeeping. Bees refer to meddlesome women like Alison McCarthy-Senatro who he works closely with. Brandon and Alison gang stalked her former boyfriend and Brandon's friend to death. Alison McCarthy-Senatro is like a buzzing bee that irritates people and Aristaeus would sacrifice "cattle" to make swarms of bees. They refer to normal people as cattle. Aryans are really named after Ares and mean the "Children of Ares." Aryans generally have red hair and the Cult of Ares worship fire, war, and holocaust. Aryan also refers to arid and they are associated with dryness, itching, and types of air currents. Air feeds fire. Brandon Morales is extremely evil and he specializes in making human sacrifices to demonic women and to himself. Aristaeus was known for making sacrifices to the Sirius in reference to that imposter Euros who calls himself Zeus Ombrios. Brandon Morales is a serial killer that was involved in the sacrifice of about 10 men from his town including his own friends. Brandon Morales is obsessed with eating penises which is the primary reason he gang stalks men. All male gang stalkers that work under Prince Harry are faggot rapists that eat penises. A tactic both Prince Harry and Brandon Morales use is projecting themselves with children as their shield. Brandon Morales has a secret homosexual relationship with his old neighbor Jimmy Laccavole who is a small zealous abomination that serves Brandon Morales. Brandon's sister Alana Morales is their Vicar of Kakia a entity associated with immorality like the name Morales. Ka or Kaio also means to burn in Greek and they attack with fever. The Greek word Arrostos is similar to the name Aristaeus and means sick and fever. Prince Harry manages the Aryan Brotherhood, Irish Mafia, Hell Fire Club, and the Hellbanianz. Prince Harry is one of the most evil devils on the planet.


Ares (/ˈɛəriːz/; Ancient Greek: Ἄρης, Áres [árɛːs]) is the Greek god of war.

The counterpart of Ares among the Roman gods is Mars,[11]

The etymology of the name Ares is traditionally connected with the Greek word ἀρή (arē), the Ionic form of the Doric ἀρά (ara), "bane, ruin, curse, imprecation".[12][13]


A holocaust is a religious animal sacrifice that is completely consumed by fire. The word derives from the Ancient Greek holokaustos (ὁλόκαυστος from ὅλος "whole" and καυστός "burnt", with rough breathing), which is used solely for one of the major forms of sacrifice.


Nazi Germany built extermination camps (also called death camps or killing centers) during the Holocaust in World War II

The Jasenovac guards were also reported to have cremated living inmates in the crematorium.


Kakia (Ancient Greek: Κακίαν), the Greek goddess of vice and moral badness


From καίω (kaíō, “burn”) +‎ -μα (-ma).



A minor god in Greek mythology, attested mainly by Athenian writers, Aristaeus (/ærɪˈstiːəs/; Greek: Ἀρισταῖος Aristaios), was the culture hero credited with the discovery of many useful arts, including bee-keeping;[1]

Soon Aristaeus' bees sickened and began to die. He went to the fountain Arethusa and was advised to establish altars, sacrifice cattle, and leave their carcasses. From the carcasses, new swarms of bees rose (see Bugonia).[16]

See Part 10

22091948? ago

Part 8 >

Schwarz is a common surname, derived from the German schwarz, pronounced [ˈʃvaʁts] (listen), meaning the color black.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has authority over most body builders and strong men. This disgusting devil who uses electronic weapons to hunt people as a form of gang stalking needs to be immediately executed. Arnold Schwarzenegger attacks people with electronic weapons causing their deaths and then cannibalizes them.


In Greek mythology, Orion (/əˈraɪən/; Ancient Greek: Ὠρίων or Ὠαρίων; Latin: Orion)[1] was a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion.

Here Orion is described as earthborn and enormous in stature.


Karen Akers (born October 13, 1945) is an American actress and singer, who has appeared on Broadway, and in cabaret and film.

She was born Karen Orth-Pallavicini in New York City on October 13, 1945. Her immigrant father, Heinnick Christian Orth-Pallavicini, was of Austrian and Swiss-Italian heritage.

On September 19, 1993, Akers married Kevin Patrick Power, vice president of the satellite communications company Orion Network Systems, in a Roman Catholic ceremony at St. Paul's Chapel of Columbia University in New York.[4]


The Pallavicini, Pallavicino, and in former times named "Pelavicino", are an Italian noble family descended from Oberto I (died 1148).

They governed the Margraviate of Bodonitsa from 1204 to 1358. They grew in riches and, after 1224, became also the most powerful family in the former Kingdom of Thessalonica (northern Greece).

Dave Baustista is a violent psychopath and commander of gang stalkers including Dan Voskonov an Armenian criminal and Tyler Mullen. Bautista's mother was named Mullins. Bautista specializes in brainwashing people with demented lies like claiming the occult are gods and all powerful and brainwashing women into thinking they can do whatever they want including murdering and cannibalizing children. Dave Bautista also uses numerology as his basis for claiming a lie is the truth and he is extremely blasphemous due to his low intelligence and being a false European with Moorish ancestry. Dave Bautista slanders normal people out of envy and instigates spite and envy in gang stalkers. Dave Baustista is a pedophile and a murderous cannibal who is employed by the Pallavicini family. Dave Baustista represents the modern day Gigante Athos who gave the name to Mount Athos in Greece which is also called the Holy Mountain. They made a satanic movie called The Holy Mountain which is a favorite movie for occult members. This blasphemous devil and murderer is going to be scraped out of existence.


David Michael Bautista Jr. (born January 18, 1969) is an American actor, retired professional wrestler, former mixed martial artist and bodybuilder.

David Michael Bautista Jr.[9] was born on January 18, 1969,[10] in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Arlington, Virginia,[1] the son of Donna Raye (née Mullins) and hairdresser David Michael Bautista. His mother is of Greek descent, while his father is the son of Filipino immigrants.[9][11]

Billed height

6 ft 6 in (198 cm)[2]

Billed weight

290 lb (132 kg)[2]


Athos ([ˈæθɒs] Greek: Ἄθως, pronounced [ˈatʰɔːs]) from Greek mythology, was one of the Gigantes. He is most known for the creation of Mt. Athos, a mountain and peninsula in northern Greece, known as "The Holy Mountain", that is located in northern Greece.


Mount Athos (/ˈæθɒs/; Greek: Άθως, Áthos [ˈaθos]) is a mountain and peninsula in northeastern Greece

Mount Athos is commonly referred to in Greek as the "Holy Mountain"


​Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. provides satellite communication services in the United States. Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. was formerly known as Orion Network Systems, Inc. and changed its name to Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. in March, 1998. The company is based in Kapolei, Hawaii. Loral Orion Network Systems, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications, Inc.


Palais Pallavicini is a palace in Vienna, Austria. It is located in the Josefsplatz square at number 5. It has been owned by the noble Pallavicini family.


​Palais Schwarzenberg is a Baroque palace in front of Schwarzenbergplatz, Landstraße, the 3rd district of Vienna, Austria. It is owned by the princely Schwarzenberg family.


Skynet is a fictional artificial neural network-based conscious group mind and artificial general intelligence system that features centrally in the Terminator franchise and serves as the franchise's true main antagonist.


​BEDMINSTER – February 14, 2007 – Loral Skynet, a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications Inc. (NASDAQ: LORL), today introduced a new, satellite-based cellular backhaul service that enables mobile/cellular operators to extend their networks and reduce the operational costs of serving remote and low annual rate per user (ARPU) areas.


Distributed by Orion Pictures

The Terminator is a 1984 American science fiction film directed by James Cameron. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, a cyborg assassin

As they hide in a parking lot, Kyle explains to Sarah that an artificial intelligence defense network, known as Skynet, will become self-aware in the near future and initiate a nuclear holocaust.

See Part 9 >

22091942? ago

Part 7 >

Gang of Orion

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the modern day Orion who was a giant huntsman that preyed on Pleiadean women. Schwarzenegger is a steroid induced psychopath and sexual predator and he is also large similar to a giant as Orion is described. Giants and Titans were a mixture of literally gigantic or allegorically large in regards to importance. Numerous women have accused Schwarzenegger of sexually assaulting them. The word Orion is where the words iron and ore derive from and the Cult of Orion consists of body builders who pump iron and use violence against people who oppose human trafficking including the giant body builders Hafthor Bjornsson, Jens Dalsgaard, and Eddie Hall. They are all steroid users and a side effect of steroids is psychotic behavior. Eddie Hall has the Terminator tattooed on his arm because he worships Schwarzenegger. Dave Battista is a member of the Cult of Orion and the modern day giant called Athos and he works under the Pallavicini family which originated in Greece as nobles and today they are nobles in Italy as well as Austria where the Schwarzenbergs also are nobles. The Palais Pallavicini and Palais Schwarzenberg are both in Vienna, Austria. Dave Battista has Greek ancestry. Arnold Schwarzenegger whose father was an Austrian Nazi works under the Austrian Scwharzenbergs. A female bodybuilder named Kiki Vhyce is a top member of the Cult of Orion. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a member of the Cult of Saturn and a top member of Order of the Black Sun a secret society of Nazis. Schwarzenegger is also a member of the Skull and Bones society which is headquartered at Yale with the Bush family as top members and they are also top members of the Cult of Saturn with connections to Nazism. Stephen Schwarzman who owns Blackstone is a Skull and Bonesman. The female bodybuilder Kiki Vhyce is employed by Blackstone Labs a bodybuilding company. Kiki is the modern day Amazon Melanippe. Schwarzenegger was on the cover up Time Magazine wearing a skull belt buckle showing that he is Skull and Bones. The Nazi SS wore Skull and Bones symbols on their hats. Schwarzenegger has Austrian ancestry and his father Gustav was an Austrian Nazi. Arnold can also be seen in a doing the Nazi salute for a body building pose. Schwarzenegger is a covert relative of the Austrian and Bohemian House of Schwarzenberg which own a palace in Vienna, Austria and they have an alliance with the Austrian Pallavicini family. Bernard Schwartz is a billionaire financier who was CEO of Loral Space & Communications which merged with Orion Network Systems with its vice president Kevin Patrick Power and he was married to Karen Akers and she is the daughter of Prince Heinnick Orth-Pallavicini of the Austrian House of Pallavicini. Loral Skynet was a subsidiary of Loral Space & Communications. Skynet is also the name of an artificial intelligence that takes over the world in the movie Terminator which stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and the movie The Terminator was distributed by Orion Pictures.

Kiki Vhyce is a violent Amazon and considered "Queen" of the Moorish gang stalkers and she manages Joe Morgan a psychotic and blasphemous gang stalker and shill. There is great reason to believe Kiki is involved with the rape, torture, murder, and cannibalism of women and children as well as small men. Kiki Vhyce resides in Australia and the Percy and Montagu families covertly run Sharp End a international private military company with operations in Asia and based in Australia. Mont-Agu means Sharp Mountain. Sharp End is a covert human trafficking operation and private military. There are also numerous Italian crime families in Australia. Australia like Austria.


In Greek mythology, Melanippe (Ancient Greek: Μελανίππη, "black mare")

Melanippe, an Amazon, sister of Hippolyta, Penthesilea and Antiope, daughter of Ares. Heracles captured her and demanded Hippolyte's girdle in exchange for her freedom. Hippolyte complied and Heracles let her go.[5][6] Some say that it was Melanippe whom Theseus abducted and married.[7] Yet others relate that she was killed by Telamon.[8]


Blackstone Labs, the hardcore holy grail of supplements. We feel that our motto truly encompasses what we are as a company. We know what bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts want, which is why we are so tirelessly dedicated to giving it to you. Whenever someone new checks us out for the first time, we strive to make the experience unique and awe-inspiring, akin to discovering the impossible.


The Blackstone Group Inc. is an American multinational private equity, alternative asset management, and financial services firm based in New York City. As the largest alternative investment firm in the world,[4] Blackstone specializes in private equity, credit, and hedge fund investment strategies.[5]

The Blackstone Group was founded in 1985 by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman with $400,000 in seed capital.[11][12]


Stephen Allen Schwarzman (born February 14, 1947) is an American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. He is the chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group, a global private equity firm he established in 1985 with former chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers and US Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson. His personal fortune is estimated at $17.2 billion as of October 2019.[1]

He attended Yale University, where he was part of the Skull and Bones secret society.[8][9]


See Part 8 >

22091928? ago

Part 6 >

Coven of Eve

Jamie Lynn Cahill-Bailey is the Vicar of Artemis or Vicar of Eve and she is one of the most evil and most destructive witches on the planet and she is obsessed with sadism. She is totally gone. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is filled with ruthless envy and spite and claims if a man has sex with a woman it gives her the right to slander that man and then murder and cannibalize children which she sexually gets off to and then blame men for her actions. She learned to falsely accuse innocent men for her disgusting actions from Julia Louis-Dreyfus the modern day Jezabel. Murder, sadism, and cannibalism are the only things this evil witch gets off to. Jamie Cahill-Bailey always blames other women she is envious of for her depraved actions and seeks to destroy or corrupt other women. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is obsessed with getting men to desire her and if they don't she turns to hate. It is not that she wants a any man instead she wants men to want her and her goal is to seduce and destroy. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is the essence of evil and takes evil to the deepest level possible. Jamie Cahill-Bailey wants to destroy all white men and she clearly worships black supremacists. She sexually gets off to degrading white men while working as a prostitute for Hispanic men and black men including a small insecure pedophile named Javon who rapes 14 year old white girls. Eve was also mother of most Moorish bloodlines. Artemis is the Greek deity representing the Moon. Artemis is really connected with Eve like evening when the moon is out and Eve like Evil. Luna is also a name for the Moon. The term Lunatic derives from Luna and many know that during full moons people often act crazier. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is a pure sexual sadist that gets off to burning children alive and to seduction, betrayal, murder, and cannibalism but most of all burning children alive and torture. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is a child murderer. Jamie has personally tortured and murdered children. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is getting erased out of creation for it. She is already gone inside. She is totally void of humanity. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is at the deepest level of sadism that there is. Evil like chaining up children, chopping off their arms and legs, cauterizing the wounds, and cannibalizing the victims in front of them. Her father David Cahill is a high level Freemason and member of the Cult of Helios a branch of the Cult of Apollo. David Cahill makes sausage out of humans with his brother at one of their businesses. David Cahill and his daughter Jamie are as evil as evil gets. The Cahills are Irish-Americans. David Cahill works under Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano who is a Roman noble that lives in Ireland and covertly manages the Grand Lodge of Ireland. The Colonna di Stiglianos work under the Massimos di Roccaseccas in London. Jamie Cahill-Bailey acts exactly like Prince Stefano Massimo who is a leader of most Wiccan covens through his mother Dawn Addams who was the Vicar of Eos the Greek deity for the Dawn or Morning and Prince Stefano is her son. Prince Stefano manages the Colonna di Stiglianos in Ireland. Prince Stefano Massimo is the Son of the Morning a title associated with Lucifer or really Satan. Prince Stefano's top minion Steven James Dishon is the actual Vicar of Lucifer and he is from Lynwood, Michigan and he is a manager of Jamie Lynn Cahill-Bailey. Jamie Cahill-Bailey also manages a thieving blasphemous zealot named Jimmy Laccavole. Jamie constantly spews out hate, slander, lies, and blasphemies. She is extremely manipulative and gets off to betrayal and treachery. She has seduced many men and then targeted them to death with a group of gang stalkers and then cannibalized them. Her and her grandmother murdered an old man named Martin with poison on May 5, 2010 while posing as an "energy healer." After that society started going down hill exponentially. Jamie Cahill is a great source of evil. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is a serial killer and one of the most hate filled witches to ever exist. She works in the medical industry to obtain human blood and flesh. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is extremely depraved and is obsessed with sexual cannibalism and sadism. Anyone who kills children needs to be executed.

The actress Eva Greene is an extremely evil witch that murders children and she is a top member of the Coven of Eve. The Moon in biology represents teeth and these satanic Witches and Hermeticists specialize in destroying teeth as a form of persecution. The singer Selena Gomez is a Hermetic witch that works under the Coven of Eve. Selena is another name for the Moon and also a Greek Titaness. Selene means bright and is likely connected with Silica a mineral found on the moon which can have reflective properties and why the moon appears as bright as it is. The actress Mary Louise Parker is a top member of the Coven of Eve. Artemis and the Moon also represent the gravitational force of pushing like with child birth. The Moon generates a gravitational or magnetic pushing force which is what causes the tides. They also use weight and project their guilt and burdens onto others which is a Babylonian practice called a scapegoat. Evil people blame innocent people and punish them for their crimes. They believe is balances their karma. Jamie enjoys being exposed while in deep states of psychosis and she targets people who read this. Jamie has the computer hackers Zachary James Carr, Carey Cowles, and Matthew Ayasse tracking people who read this. They are ruthlessly evil and sociopathic lunatics. Zachary James Carr constantly slanders people on behalf of Jamie Cahill-Bailey who he worships. The Serlupi-Crescenzi-Ottoboni of Italy are top warlocks and witches in the Illuminati and they are managers of the Coven of Artemis with Prince Domenico as the head of this family along with Marchioness EVA Serlupi-Crescenzi-Ottobani-Pasquini. Crescenzi refers to the crescent moon which they have on their coat of arms and Serlupi refers to Lupo like a werewolf or wolf which they also have on their coat of arms. Werewolves in mythology are transformed by the full moon. Isis is an Egyptian deity partly connected with Artemis. The fitness model Eva Andressa is a member of the Coven of Eve and she is a cannibal. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is a terrorist who dated an Islamic US Marine named Alex Alvarez and he traffics children and targets people who speak out against child murdering cults and human trafficking networks. The Crescent Moon is on most Islamic flags because occultists in Islam all worship the Moon and they also worship Venus which is represented by the five pointed star often on Islamic flags. Jamie Cahill-Bailey is the most evil member of her family and she will falsely accuse anyone to deflect away from herself including her sisters for her crimes. She is more evil than her father who is a psychotic lunatic. She is more evil than Julia Louis-Dreyfus who finances child sacrifices to Jamie. Jamie's former boyfriend an Islamic US Marine named Alex Alvarez is a member of the Skull and Bones military death cult and he is a hitman and child trafficker as well as a covert member of ISIS. Artemis is best associated with the Egyptian Isis. Jamie Cahill-Bailey and satanic witches are terrorists. Alex Alvarez is the modern Menoetius a generational Titan whose name means "doomed might." Alex Alvarez is a small zealous body builder who thinks he is mighty. Most witches worship the moon and make sacrifices on full moons and on new moons. Jamie married into the Bailey family and the Baileys are an Anglo-Irish bloodline involved in banking and brewing. The Baileys founded Lucifer Publishing Company now called Lucis Trust which today covertly finances gang stalking and child sacrifices. Andrew Bailey is a ruthless banker in England as CEO of the Financial Conduct Authority and he finances human sacrifices to the Cult of Artemis. Anthony Bailey is a member of this family and a Knight of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies in Italy. The American billionaire Thomas Bailey founded what is now called Janus Henderson a major investment firm with 190 billion in assets. Alice Bailey and Foster Bailey founded Lucifers Publishing Company now called Lucis Trust which finances occult propaganda, gang stalking, human sacrifices, and organizes cults. Lucis Trust finances the Coven of Eve.

22091918? ago

Part 5 >

Coven of Hekate

Katy Perry is the Illuminati's Vicar of Hekate a Greek entity of crossroads, witchcraft, poison, and necromancy.

The image above is Katy Perry from her music video Dark Horse and she is depicting herself as the Egyptian Isis with the Eye of Horus which refers to their worship of the demonic third eye.

Isis is better associated with Artemis while Hekate is associated with the Egyptian Heqet who is represented as a frog. Frogs are often associated with witchcraft and witches refer to their small male minions as frogs.

The Egyptians worshiped death and used necromancy with mummification and their beliefs in the Book of the Dead. In her song Dark Horse she refers to using "magic" because she is a witch.

In another one of her music videos called Bon Appetit she depicts herself as a meal blatantly referencing cannibalism. Fully initiated witches are cannibals.

Katy Perry is the leader of a Saturn worshiping Wiccan cult that specialize in creating gravitational pressure and a poking sensation on the diaphragm.

They are tormentors. Katy Perry works under Kate Middleton whose mother is Carole Goldsmith. The Goldsmiths are currently married with the Vane-Tempest-Stewart family with Lady Annabel Goldsmith born a Vane-Tempest-Stewart and she is the mother of Frank Zac Goldsmith and Benjamin Goldsmith.

Katy Perry's real name is Katy Hudson and she is related to the Hudson family with Henry Hudson the explorer who was an agent of the House of Stuart or Stewart.

The Stuarts founded the Hudson's Bay Company. This is what Katy Perry believes. Katy Perry thinks she is a necromancer who raises dead spirits from the earth and she thinks she can control them.

She thinks she can control them into walking into lightning storms and cause them to get struck and destroyed by lightning. Katy Perry is a delusional psychopath. I am not saying this is true. This is what she believes. So her delusional motivation is destroying.

They harass and irritate to provoke me into getting angry every time there is the possibility of a thunder storm.

Katy Perry is a completely demented psychopath. Like all major celebrities Katy Perry donates to charity rackets including for children with UNICEF and animals with the human society.

Many witches are initiated while working or volunteering at humane societies where they murder animals and in animal shelters that are run by witches they burn animals alive in their furnaces.

Witches are sadists and get off to destroying innocence. Dogs were sacrificed to Hekate. Charity is also associated with Hekate. Evil people use charities to make themselves look good or as fronts that do the opposite of what they claim to do.

Katy Perry also works under Hillary Clinton their Vicar of Eris also known as the Roman Discordia a witch that creates discord. Katy Perry is a political supporter of Hillary Clinton.

The online shills and numerologists Zachary K Hubbard and Benjamin P Liashenko represent the modern day Kastor and Pollux together known as Dioscuri and they worship Katy Perry and Hillary Clinton and are obsessed with holocausting children.

Dioscuri likely influenced the word Discord. Katy Perry has murdered children and has burned children alive. All fully initiated witches holocaust people and mostly children.

These witches who murder children or torture people deserve to be painfully executed.


Hecate or Hekate (/ˈhɛkətiː/; Ancient Greek: Ἑκάτη, Hekátē) is a goddess in ancient Greek religion and mythology, most often shown holding a pair of torches or a key[1] and in later periods depicted in triple form. She was variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, light, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery.[2][3]

Dogs were sacred to Hecate and associated with roads, domestic spaces, purification, and spirits of the dead. Dogs were also sacrificed to the road.[24]

Dogs, with puppies often mentioned, were offered to Hecate at crossroads, which were sacred to the goddess.[25]


According to Aristophanes (Plutus Aristophanes, 380 BC) and a Scholion on Aristophanes in the Suda, (Suda, Epsilon 363, C10th CE) it was commonly known that the poor would take food offereings left for Hekate and this was seen as an act of charity. Current offerings of food or money to local food banks in Hekate's name is an emerging modern devotional practice.[19] Donating time at a soup kitchen serving meals is another act of charity and goodwill done to observe the Deipnon.

Hellenic Polytheists who donate to charity during the Deipnon believe this is an ethical act keeping with Hellenic virtues, they are giving in Hekate's name so she may find them worthy of her blessings of prosperity, wisdom, and increase.


Heqet (Egyptian ḥqt, also ḥqtyt "Heqtit") is an Egyptian goddess of fertility, identified with Hathor, represented in the form of a frog. [1] To the Egyptians, the frog was an ancient symbol of fertility, related to the annual flooding of the Nile.

Heqet was originally the female counterpart of Khnum, or the wife of Khnum by whom she became the mother of Her-ur.[2] It has been proposed that her name is the origin of the name of Hecate, the Greek goddess of witchcraft.


Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (born October 25, 1984), known professionally as Katy Perry

In April 2013, she joined UNICEF to assist children in Madagascar with education and nutrition.[298] On December 3, 2013, she was officially named a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, "with a special focus on engaging young people in the agency's work to improve the lives of the world's most vulnerable children and adolescents."[299]

The money was divided between three charities: the Children's Health Fund (CHF), Generosity Water, and The Humane Society of the United States.[310] On her 27th birthday,

Perry set up a donations page for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Auckland,[311]

Perry performed at multiple ceremonies for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during her 2016 campaign.


Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, GCVO (born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton; 9 January 1982[1]), is a member of the British royal family. Her husband, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, is expected to become king of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth realms, making Catherine a likely future queen consort.[2]

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton was born at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading on 9 January 1982 into an upper-middle-class family.[13][14][15][16][17]

She was baptised at St Andrew's Bradfield, Berkshire, on 20 June 1982.[18][19][20] She is the eldest of three children born to Michael Middleton (b. 1949),[21] and his wife, Carole (née Goldsmith; b. 1955),[22]


Lady Annabel Goldsmith (née Vane-Tempest-Stewart, formerly Birley; born 11 June 1934) is an English socialite and the eponym for a celebrated London nightclub of the late 20th century, Annabel's.[1]


It took the vision and connections of Prince Rupert, cousin of King Charles II, to acquire the Royal Charter which, in May, 1670 granted the lands of the Hudson Bay watershed to “the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson Bay


Castor[a] and Pollux[b] (or in Greek, Polydeuces[c]) were twin half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology, known together as the Dioscuri.[d]

They were commemorated both as gods on Olympus worthy of holocaust, and as deceased mortals in Hades, whose spirits had to be propitiated by libations.

Hillary Clinton is the modern day Eris or Discordia and she spreads strife and discord through her authority like offering witches the "Golden Apple" a metaphor like the "Forbidden Fruit" for human flesh and specifically sexual organs which often have fruit and apple references.

The Golden Apple is supposed to be their prize for winning a Wiccan competition which consists of using witchcraft, gang stalking, poison, and other covert methods of warfare to kill people for human flesh.


Eris (/ˈɪərɪs, ˈɛrɪs/; Greek: Ἔρις, "Strife") is the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Her Roman equivalent is Discordia, which means "discord".

Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo


An apple of discord is a reference to the Golden Apple of Discord (Greek: μῆλον τῆς Ἔριδος) which, according to Greek mythology, the goddess Eris (Gr. Ἔρις, "Strife") tossed in the midst of the feast of the gods at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis as a prize of beauty, thus sparking a vanity-fueled dispute among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite that eventually led to the Trojan War[1]

See Part 6 >

22091856? ago

Part 4 >

Prince Carlo Odescalchi with Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini.

Prince Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini is associated with the Greek Pallas and likely a mixture of various people named Pallas including mixed up with Titan Pallas in Greek Mythology who is said to be the "father of Nike" although Greek writers were usually guessing and were often wrong about lineages and made connections of lineage based on other types of connections and they also mix up people with the same name.

For instance they claim Cronus is the father of Zeus. This is not accurate. It is Aether which is ionized air and plasma similar to lightning and that makes sense.

Pallas is said to be the son of Eurybia and Karen Akers who is a Pallavicini is the modern Eurybia.

The Illuminati's Vicar of Nike is Natalie Portman who has Austrian ancestry and her grandmother from Austria was named Bernice which means the Bringer of Nike.

Pallavicini like Pallas. The Pallavicinis are managers of the smaller cults of Athena and Nike.

Nike means Victory and the Pallavicinis are the Princes of Victory a title and name "Della Vittoria" given to the family by Mussolini. Athena has an epithet called Pallas Athena when she wields a spear and there is a statue of Pallas Athena in Vienna, Austria.

Prince Moroello's brother Prince Sigieri is a top executive for Athena Investments and the Pallavicinis have an Austrian branch in Vienna where there are two statues of Athena including one with Athena holding up Nike.

The Zionist Natalie Portman was taught Kabbalah by Ashton Kutcher who was taught by his ex-wife Demi Moore.


In Greek mythology, Pallas (/ˈpæləs/; Greek: Πάλλας) was one of the Titans. According to Hesiod, he was the son of Crius and Eurybia, the brother of Astraeus and Perses, the husband of Styx, and the father of Zelus ("Zeal" or "Emulation"), Nike ("Victory"), Kratos ("Strength" or "Power"), and Bia ("Might" or "Force").[1]


Natalie Portman is an Israeli and American actress, director, and producer

her family were Jewish immigrants from Austria

Natalie’s maternal grandmother was Bernice Hurwitz


The name Bernice is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "she who brings victory".


In ancient Greek religion, Nike (/ˈnaɪki/; Ancient Greek: Νίκη, "Victory" [nǐːkɛː]) was a goddess who personified victory.

Statue of Pallas Athena holding up Nike in Vienna, Austria not far from the Palais Pallavicini. There are two statues of Nike in Vienna, Austria.

Prince Moroello's brother Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini is deputy chairman of Athena Investments.

Prince Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini with Stefania Scarampi di Pruney who works at the Pallavicini vineyards which they use to traffic human blood and adrenochrome.


Athena Investments


Sigieri Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini


Athena[b] or Athene,[c] often given the epithet Pallas,[d]


Portman, who was born in Jerusalem, noted that Kutcher taught her more about Judaism that anyone else in her life.

“Ashton’s a very serious student of Kabbalah and Judaism,” Portman told USA Today. “He knows a lot.”

Despite being raised Roman Catholic, Kutcher took to Kabbalah after he met Demi Moore.

Demi Moore is a top witch in Hollywood and worshiped by many occult members with Scythian and Moorish ancestry and worshiped by members of the Cult of Saturn. Demi Moore is their Vicar of Demeter.

Demi like Demeter. Demi is a Greek name and means half because Demeter was half Greek and from an invasive Scythian bloodline.

Both Cronos and Demeter are associated with harvest and agriculture. The occult and the Bible refer to humanity as a farm with wheat and tares and calling people cattle and sheep.

To the occult the harvest is covertly murdering and cannibalizing non initiated people in society which they call tares. They are the tares who are torn away from their humanity.


Demi Gene Guynes[n 1] (born November 11, 1962),[12] professionally known as Demi Moore (/dəˈmiː/ də-MEE),[13] is an American actress and film producer.

She was at one point a follower of Philip Berg's Kabbalah Centre religion, and initiated Kutcher into the faith


In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Demeter (/dɪˈmiːtər/; Attic: Δημήτηρ Dēmḗtēr [dɛːmɛ́ːtɛːr]; Doric: Δαμάτηρ Dāmā́tēr) is the goddess of the harvest and agriculture, presiding over grains and the fertility of the earth.

Her cult titles include Sito (Σιτώ), "she of the Grain",[1] as the giver of food or grain,[2] and Thesmophoros (θεσμός, thesmos: divine order, unwritten law; φόρος, phoros: bringer, bearer), "Law-Bringer", as a mark of the civilized existence of agricultural society.[3]


The Parable of the Tares (also known as the Parable of the Weeds, Parable of the Wheat and Tares, Parable of the Wheat and Weeds, or the Parable of the Weeds in the Grain) is a parable of Jesus


The Scythians (/ˈsɪθiən, ˈsɪð-/; from Greek Σκύθης, Σκύθοι), also known as Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Iskuzai, or Askuzai, were a nomadic people who dominated the Pontic steppe from about the 7th century BC up until the 3rd century BC.[1]


Revelation 14:14-20 New International Version (NIV)

14 I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man[a] with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. 15 Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, “Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” 16 So he who was seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested.


In Greek mythology, Cronus, Cronos, or Kronos (/ˈkroʊnəs/ or /ˈkroʊnɒs/, US: /-oʊs/, from Greek: Κρόνος, Krónos), was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans

Cronus was usually depicted with a harpe, scythe or a sickle

Cronus continued to preside as a patron of the harvest.


22091848? ago

Part 3 >

George Soros is the Vicar of Cronos however Cronos was really a minion and crony of Iapetus who was the actual leader of the Titans.

Crone also means old and withered like Soros. George Soros is a covert crony of the Bush family even though he pretends not to be.

George Soros whose real last name is Schwarz is a relative of the House of Schwarzenberg in Austria and Bohemia and Soros is an acknowledge long time friend of Prince Karel of Schwarzenberg.

The Schwarzenbergs covertly manage the Skull and Bones and the Bush family are top members of the Skull and Bones. The Bushs were connected to the Nazis with their Union Banking Corporation and George Soros was a literal Nazi who confiscated property from the Jews. The Nazi SS wore the Skull and Bones symbol.

The Greek Cronos was equated with the Roman Saturn while the obscure Kairos a Greek word and concept for Time would be more accurately equated with Saturn.

Kairos and Cronos were mixed up to create confusion and to conceal Kairos. Kairos was also likely mixed with the Titan Krios.

A gang stalker named Jesse Like is the actual representation of Saturn or Kairos and he works under the House of Odescalchi which still have a Hungarian noble branch.

Soros is from Hungary. The Pallavicinis also have a Hungarian noble branch called the Csaky-Pallavicinis. Hungary like hunger. Saturn is associated with the stomach.

Urn like in Sat-Urn means a jar, receptacle, or vessel and was a word for the stomach and meant to burn or singe just as acid burns down food.

George Soros is a Zionist leader of the Cult of Saturn which specialize in debt and banking. "Time is money" just as Saturn is connected with time.


In Greek mythology, Cronus, Cronos, or Kronos (/ˈkroʊnəs/ or /ˈkroʊnɒs/, US: /-oʊs/, from Greek: Κρόνος, Krónos), was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans


Saturn (Latin: Sāturnus [saːˈtʊrnʊs]) was a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. He was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation.

he was conflated with the Greek titan Cronus, becoming known as a god of time.

The Roman land preserved the remembrance of a very remote time during which Saturn and Janus reigned on the site of the city before its foundation: the Capitol was called mons Saturnius.[1]


Kairos (Ancient Greek: καιρός) is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment.[1] The ancient Greeks had two words for time: chronos (χρόνος) and kairos.

The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action


George Soros,[a] Hon FBA (born Schwartz György; August 12, 1930)[1][2] is a Hungarian-American[b] investor and philanthropist.[8][9]

As of February 2018, he had a net worth of $8 billion,[10] having donated more than $32 billion to his philanthropic agency, Open Society Foundations.[11]


The head of the family now bears titles including Prince Odescalchi, Duke of Sirmium, and Prince of Bassano.

Prince Odescalchi is a Hereditary Magnate of Hungary and Grandee of Spain.


List of titled noble families in the Kingdom of Hungary


Counts Zsigmond and Hippolyt Csáky received royal authorization to adopt the name and title of their adoptive father, Marquess Roger Pallavicini, in 1876.

See Part 4 >

22091843? ago

Part 2 >



From Proto-Indo-European *gʷréh₂us. Cognate with Ancient Greek βαρύς (barús), Gothic 𐌺𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌿𐍃 (kaurus, “heavy”)

Prince Carlo Odescalchi is from an old banking family from Genoa. Genoa is believed to be named after Janus a Roman deity associated with time, passages, and duality. Saturn is associated with time.


In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus (/ˈdʒeɪnəs/; Latin: IANVS (Iānus), pronounced [ˈjaː.nus]) is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways,[1] passages, and endings.

He is usually depicted as having two faces, since he looks to the future and to the past. It is conventionally thought that the month of January is named for Janus (Ianuarius),[2]

The ancient Greeks had no equivalent to Janus, whom the Romans claimed as distinctively their own.

The liminal character of Janus is though present in the association to the Saturnalia of December, reflecting the strict relationship between the two gods Janus and Saturn and the rather blurred distinction of their stories and symbols.

In the Middle Ages, Janus was taken as the symbol of Genoa


Genoa, Italy, has historically been one of the most important ports on the Mediterranean.

It could derive from the god Janus, because Genoa, like him, has two faces: a face that looks at the sea and another turned to the mountains.

Or it could come from the Latin word ianua, also related to the name of the God Janus, and meaning "door" or "passage."


Erba-Odescalchi (IPA: [ˈɛrba odeˈskalki]), or just Odescalchi, is the name of an Italian noble family of princely rank. With the election of Benedetto Odescalchi as Pope Innocent XI in 1676

In 1619, Benedetto's brother and three uncles founded a bank in Genoa, which grew into a successful money-lending business. After completing his studies in grammar and letters, the 15-year-old Benedetto moved to Genoa to take part in the family business as an apprentice.

The family established lucrative financial transactions with clients in major Italian and European cities, such as Nuremberg, Milan, Kraków, and Rome.

Bush Jr. and Bush Sr. representing today Iapetus the Piercer and his son Epimetheus the Fool.


In Greek mythology, Iapetus (/aɪˈæpɪtəs/),[1] also Japetus (Ancient Greek: Ἰαπετός Iapetos),[2] was a Titan, the son of Uranus and Gaia[3][4][5][6], and father (by an Oceanid named Clymene or Asia) of Atlas, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius.

Iapetus ("the Piercer") is the one Titan mentioned by Homer in the Iliad as being in Tartarus with Cronus. He is a brother of Cronus, who ruled the world during the Golden Age[12].


Barbara Pierce Bush[1] (born Barbara Pierce; June 8, 1925 – April 17, 2018) was the first lady of the United States from 1989 to 1993 as the wife of George H. W. Bush


In Greek mythology, Epimetheus (/ɛpɪˈmiːθiəs/; Greek: Ἐπιμηθεύς, which might mean "hindsight", literally "afterthinker") was the brother of Prometheus (traditionally interpreted as "foresight", literally "fore-thinker"), a pair of Titans who "acted as representatives of mankind" (Kerenyi 1951, p 207).

They were the sons of Iapetus,[1] who in other contexts was the father of Atlas. While Prometheus is characterized as ingenious and clever, Epimetheus is depicted as foolish.


Bush - "Fool Me Once..."

Prince Flavio Chigi Albani della Rovere is a top authority over the Cult of Saturn.

The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem which has operations in Israel is headquartered at the Palazzo Della Rovere.

The Chigis are also an ancient banking family from Siena and they covertly founded the oldest continual bank in the world called Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena.

The name Flavio means blond. Prince Flavio is not blond however he manages blond haired female Nazis and that is why he is named Flavio.

Prince Flavio is similar to Prince Xanthos. Xanthos is the Greek word for blond haired and Prince Xanthos was a Prince of Argos or an Argive Prince.

Argos means white or silver. The Chigis are married with the Sayn-Wittgenstein family which are currently married with the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach. Witte means white or silver.


In Greek mythology, the name Xanthus or Xanthos (/ˈzænθəs/; Ancient Greek: Ξάνθος "yellow" or "fair hair") may refer to:

Xanthus, an Argive prince and son of Triopas and Oreasis.[3]


The name Flavio is a boy's name of Italian origin meaning "yellow, blond".



Meaning: "to shine; white," hence "silver" as the shining or white metal



From Proto-Indo-European *ḱweydos, a byform of *ḱweytos (“bright; shine”). Compare Proto-Slavic *světъ.



Prince Mario Chigi Albani della Rovere succeeded his father in 1877 and served as Marshal of the Holy Roman Church at the Conclave of 1878. He married Antonietta, the daughter of Prince Louis of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn in 1857.


Princess Anna of Bavaria (German: Anna-Natascha Prinzessin von Bayern) (born 15 March 1978) is a German journalist and author, and wife of Prince Manuel of Bavaria.

Princess Anna was born Princess Anna of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg in Munich in 1978



Papal coat of arms the Chigi Albani della Rovere family with 6 hexagrams on it with four in each corner and two above the angels.

Rob Walton is worth about 50 billion and is an owner of Walmart which uses a six pointed star which is a symbol for Saturn and for Zionism. Rob Walton is best associated with Anaxagoras a King of Argos. Anax means king and Agoras means market. King of the Market and today the Waltons dominate markets with their criminal corporate monopoly. The Bavarian House of Wittelsbach are from the royal bloodline of Argos and covertly related to the Waltons and Stuarts. Witte and Argos means silver and white. The Chigis are married with the Sayn-Wittgensteins which are married with the Wittelsbachs. Wittels-bach and Wittgen-stein. The Wittelsbachs are married with the Stuarts and they manage Zionists through their Goldman and Sachs families which came from the Kingdom of Bavaria and founded Goldman Sachs. The Stuarts are also intermarried with the Zionist Rothschilds, Goldsmiths, and Guggenheims.


In Greek mythology, Anaxagoras (Greek: Αναξαγόρας) was a king of Argos and son of either Megapenthes or his son Argeus.


ἄνᾰξ • (ánax) m (genitive ἄνᾰκτος); third declension

lord, king

master, owner


Borrowed from Ancient Greek ἀγορά (agorá).

A marketplace, especially in Classical Greece.

From Hebrew אֲגוֹרָה‎ (agorá), from the root א־ג־ר‎ (ʾ-g-r, “forming words relating to hoarding and storing”).


Saturn (Latin: Sāturnus [saːˈtʊrnʊs]) was a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. He was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation.

See Part 3 >