20942539? ago

This is ideal for shar8ng too.

Amazingly written !!!!!!

Sincerely ‘0-0’

20942616? ago

Thanks again Sir. <

'o-o' <

20935832? ago

Good effort but your info is way off the mark in many places, sorry.

20937488? ago

There is a lot more to add. The Author's work which was featured is a start.

I will have MUCH more in depth analysis shortly.

Thank you for your feedback and interest in me.

Kin regards,


20935069? ago

Big thumbs up, knowing the symbolism has made this movie way more fun for me to watch. I like to also 'see' the enemy in the wild also.

20934265? ago

Barely any of this is true.

Barely. It is a lot of confabulation predicated on contemporary religious constructs.

New shit fed through the same ole' meat grinder.

As I was once told; If you are going to start to seek these things out, learn Latin. Otherwise, you'll be wound up in all the deep-rooted lies and misconstructions.

Lastly, I still find it laughable how often people will reference the Triangle, Diamond (not a cube, that's the jews bs), Circle, and Spiral (Golden Mean) as magic or occult, but then completely ignore the Cross as it relates to those symbols.

If you don't like reading, learn Sacred Geometry. If you like reading, skip Geometry lessons and teach yourselves Latin.

20937562? ago

Hi mate,

I am learning Latin. I also speak Italian and that has Latin roots.

I am an expert on Sacred Geometry, it's plastered all over my walls (ones I have drawn myself by hand).

Have you read my other work before you start to judge me.

Remember, I have included other people's work in my post too.

Here are rest of my posts >

All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5- 'o-o' <



Speak soon.


20932369? ago

Nice try you fucking shill faggot!!!

20931537? ago

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20931445? ago

Nice. Good job.

20931460? ago

Thank you!


20931318? ago

Dig into Sirius radio, Sirius meaning, Sirius radio Founder.

Since ancient times and across multiple civilizations, Sirius, the dog star, has been surrounded by a mysterious lore. Esoteric teachings of all ages have invariably attributed to Sirius a special status and the star’s importance in occult symbolism is an attestation of that fact. What makes Sirius so special? Is it simply due to the fact that it is the brightest star in the sky? Or is it also because humanity has an ancient, mysterious connection with it? This article looks at the importance of Sirius throughout History and secret societies and will describe the symbolism surrounding it.

20931342? ago

The Dog Star.

I will dig. BRB.

'o-o' <

20931451? ago

It is Isis. A blue star. Just like the church is the bride of Christ, Isis, the bride of Osiris is the Masonic Lodge.

20931467? ago

Very cool. Thanks. I am receiving lots of leads to follow up. <


'o-o' <

20931304? ago

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20931254? ago

PART 2 >

The background of Saturn worship goes back to 600 BC with Greek poet Hesiod’s ‘Works and Days’ where he discusses the various ages of man. One of the ages was referred to as the Golden Age. The Golden Age was referenced in several prominent ancient cultures, similar to how the cultures would adopt each other’s gods and rename them.

The ancient Romans worshiped the god Saturnus, who was the god of agriculture and time, and his reign was known as the time of Golden Age of peace and harmony. The Greek god that was the same as Saturnus was Cronus, the youngest of the Titans. The Carthaginian god Ba’al (or Moloch) was the same god, and devoured children (similar to Cronus who ate children).

Saturn is often depicted as Baphomet and associated with Satan as a devourer of children. Some theorists claim that the Tree of Knowledge fruit was actually a reference to babies being eaten. There is a belief that Cain actually ate Abel and that is where the derivation of the word “Cannibal” comes from.

This concept of Satan/Saturn devouring children is seen in many classic works of art with a devilish horned goat:


Does this look familiar:

George Washington Baphomet

In my post Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Triangles, Pyramids and the Sun I explore a concept of the Black Sun and The Great Work. “The Great Work” is the journey to be god-like and make something out of nothing. It is initiated with the first step being the alchemical Black Sun. The Black Sun is the first stage in the achievement of enlightenment or immortality, which is accomplished through the philosopher’s stone.

The philosopher’s stone is known for making lead into gold, and the planetary association of Saturn to metal is lead. The planetary association with the Sun is gold, so turning Saturn into the Sun is the alchemical process of the philosopher’s stone, based on metal transformation.

Saturn Alchemy Cube

Now here is where we start to meld everything together. The Illuminati are the older elites who will prey on the young (an analogy of the Baphomet devouring children). This allows the Illuminati to achieve their quest for the Golden Age by sacrificing the youth to the devil (aka the material world, aka Saturn) by making them pursue material goods and working a job in never ending servitude based on the masses desire for consumption.

We see this Saturn symbolism all around us including black school gowns worn at graduation with a square (*think cube) mortarboard hat:

Saturn Graduation Cap and Gown

Judicial gowns:

Judge Joe Brown Illuminati Saturn Gown

Judge Judy is shown in the black robe inside of a cube:

Judge Judy Saturn Cubes of Justice

Supreme Court Justice gowns:

Supreme Court Saturn Gowns

The holiday of Saturnalia was established by the Romans, as discussed in the post on Occult & Illuminati holiday traditions:

The Saturnalia festival featured human sacrifices and ran from December 17th-23rd. There would be gladiator battles and the deaths would be considered more sacrifices to the deity Saturn. There were also concepts of role reversal; with masters feeding their slaves (still practiced today at work Christmas parties when the bosses feed the workers).

The Romans also participated in a festival called Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, or “Birthday of the Unconquered Sun” on December 25th. Sol Invictus was a Roman god of the sun, which could be yet another retelling of Nimrod and Semiramis. The depictions of Sol Invictus appear to mirror that of the Statue of Liberty, who was designed after the Roman goddess Libertas:

Occult Holiday Liberty Semiramis Sol Invictus

We also use the tradition of marriage rings which some claim is an ode to Saturn since it’s the only planet with rings:

Saturn Wedding Rings

Another website that covers various aspects of Saturn links it quite easily to Satan and Pan (a concept I cover in a separate post called Decoding Illuminati Symbolism: Moloch, Owls and the Horns of Satan). Here is an excerpt from HollywoodSubliminals.com:

Saturn has also been associated with Satan and this, for numerous reasons. First, many authors argue that the word Satan is derived from the word Saturn. Second, Saturn is associated with the color black as well as Satan. Third, Ancients considered Saturn to be the farthest planet from the sun , the latter being associated with the principle of Good. (Note that Pluto never was considered a planet). Saturn is consequently the celestial body that is the less exposed to the sun’s divine light and thus associated with the coldness of the principle of Evil. Finally, the “great god Pan”, the horned deity, represented Saturn in ancient paganism. This half-man half-goat creature is considered the ancestor of our modern depictions of Satan.

“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat”

– Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

So Pan was depicted with horns due to the fact it represented Saturn, the ruler of the house of Capricorn which symbol is a goat.

Pan was the controlling spirit of the lower worlds. He was portrayed roaming through the forests, penis erect, drunk and lascivious, frolicking with nymphs and piping his way through the wild. We might say he ruled the lower nature of man, its animal side, not unlike Satan.

Despite acknowledging its association with Evil, secret societies find the veneration of Saturn necessary to obtain illumination. It is the necessary counterpart of the principle of Good. Masonic authors clearly associate Saturn with Satan.

Here are some examples of cube and/or Saturn symbolism you can find in corporate logos:

lead saturn nike


Chevron Cube Saturn

Cisco logo cube Google Search

Gateway Saturn Cube

AMEX Saturn Cube

Microsoft Saturn Cube

There are also entertainment influences…

The Rolling Stones want to Paint it Black (what is ‘it’? It’s everything; they want the world engulfed with Saturn worship):

Rolling Stones Paint it Black Saturn

Michael Jackson Xscape posthumous album has Illuminati symbolism:

Michael Jackson Xscape

Lord of the Rings and the All Seeing Eye of Sauron:

Transformers has plenty of Illuminati & Freemasonry symbolism:

Transformers Illuminati cube saturn

Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon Illuminati 3 cube saturn

Star Trek’s Borg cube:

Borg Cube Black Cube of Saturn

Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz:

IlluminatiWatcherDotCom Yuck Chainz Wayne 1

Miley Cyrus and Big Sean:

IlluminatiWatcherDotCom Big Sean Miley Cyrus Illuminati Fire 7

Justin Bieber and Will.i.am (Will.”eye”.am):

IlluminatiWatcherDotCom Bieber William ThatPower 1

And of course it goes on and on:

IlluminatiWatcherDotCom Eminem Rap God Illuminati Saturn Cube

IlluminatiWatcher Cube

IlluminatiWatcher Cube2

Black Cube Saturn Statue

Britney cube

Cube Saturn Hungary

Black Cube Saturn Alamo

The Box Saturn Cube

Gamecube Nintendo Saturn Cube

Black Cube Saturn

Cube Movie Poster Saturn

“Fear Paranoia Suspicion Desperation” indeed… All low vibrational emotions that feed into the Illuminati agenda of manipulation.


P.S. If you’re already prepared to take the journey of magic, the occult, and learn about the Illuminati infiltration of hip hop; it’s all in SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC:



Shadilay <




'o-o' <

20935667? ago


20939301? ago

Part iv (Addendum) >

Fallen Angelic Negative Form Bodies

Through the fall of our experience, the Seraphim also fell in their own experience and were polarized in their own Negative Form, of which, shadow elements of themselves came to be distorted creations of their perfection. This is what is known as the Fallen Angelics or even down into the Demonic Races and demonic spirits which become compacted deeply into the earth. What they are showing us here today is that the Fallen Angelics became distorted Negative Forms of the original perfection of the Seraphim.[5]

Baphomet Negative Form Body

Black Madonna, Fatima worship of Islam and all Catholic idols of Mary are gridded energetically to feed Satanic forces to impregnate the Sophianic Body to manifest miscreants through her Negative Form, Baphomet. This way the False King of Tyranny can control the power sources on the planet, as they access the satanic version of mother enslaved in the bowels of the earth, when needed. Baphomet is the satanic force replicant sigil which was created from what is referred to from Gnostics as the body of the Achamoth. This is Christos-Sophia's negative form controlled and projected out into the world by the satanic forces. Through its worship and feeding, she is held hostage by its collective power in the world. The Baphomet symbol represents the enslavement and torture of the true Christos-Sophia and Mother Arc of God on this earth. Until the Mother of God and Sophia's Holy Spirit are freed to be embodied in matter, women all over the earth remain enslaved through the Baphomet.How the Negative Form is "passively" manifested physically in human beings to feed the Sophianic Negative Form is to think of Muslim women covered in black sheets with their face/identity shrouded from head to toe. If they show a body part they may be killed, if they are raped by a man, they will be killed.

This is the physical symbol of Baphomet, the enslaved Black Madonna female in the earth impregnated without her choice to give birth to deformed or deviant creatures. To physically express that is to unconsciously feed hatred into the Black Madonna and Fatima network of which continually ensures Christos Sophia's enslavement.[6]

666 Seal

For this violation seals were placed on the 6th and 7th dimensional access Wings in our DNA coding preventing physical ascension out of this realm. This became a curse on Humans 666 Seal as it was genetically inbred through the generations. When the human consciousness was no longer a threat to the Planets or Universal Security the Seals are lifted and assistance is given to release them.

Fallen Angels

The book of Enoch also lists leaders of the 200 fallen angels who married and commenced in unnatural union with human women, and who taught forbidden knowledge. Some are also listed in Book of Raziel (Sefer Raziel HaMalakh), the Zohar, and Jubilees. For more see Fallen Angelics.

Book of Raziel

Recently, a process of transiting began for multiple hierarchies buried in the lower astral and earth realms related to Fallen Angelic groups with its primary gatekeeper; Raziel-Rachab. There are deeper links to the planet Mercury logos and Raphael, of which the Laws governing Galactic principles are shifting its architecture. This is related to rehabilitation of planetary logos and the correction to the models of "Fallen Angels" and "Fallen Gods". This process of transit has been hard on our physical body as the residue of the fields moving through are very toxic, like decay, decomposition of matter, with sensations of disease, infection and cancer. According to the Book of Raziel, God sent the highest of the Angels or Watchers, Raziel, to teach Adam the spiritual laws of nature and life on earth, including the knowledge of the planets, stars and the spiritual laws of creation. These magical books are known to Kabbalistic teachings as Sepher Ha-Razim and Sefer Raziel HaMalakh.

The Angel or a being from Watchers, Raziel also taught Adam the knowledge of the power of speech, the power of thoughts and the power of a person's soul within the confines of the physical body and this physical world, basically teaching the knowledge with which one can harmonize physical and spiritual existence in this physical world. [7]

Mount Hermon

In the Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watchers class of fallen angels descended to Earth. Its summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon and is the highest point in Syria. On the top there is “Hermon Hotel”, in the buffer zone between Syria and Israeli-occupied territory, the highest permanently manned UN position in the world. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin (Enoch 6). The mountain or summit is referred to as Saphon in Ugaritic texts where the palace of Baal is located in a myth about Attar. The Book of Chronicles also mentions Mount Hermon as a place where Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah and Jahdiel were the heads of their families. R.T. France, in his book on the Gospel of Matthew, noted that Mount Hermon was a possible location of the Transfiguration of Jesus.[8] (See Mount Hermon Session)


20939296? ago

Part iii (Addendum a - The Watchers >


During the end of 2nd Seeding the Annunaki reptilian races started breeding with Humans on the earth and a race called NEPHILIM was created. Many of these Nephilim creations were from kidnap, rape and forced breeding with the human women of the earth. This was not agreed upon to genetically tamper with the human race and the Elohim would not let this race continue to walk on or be on the Earth. This created a Conflict and another War broke out. This created the war with the Annunaki and other Annunaki sympathizers, such as the Dracs and reptilian groups of Sirian Annunaki Hybrids. The Nephilim Wars ended this seeding attempt and we reorganized for the next Evolutionary Round where the Luciferian Rebellion occurred in the Atlantian Cataclysm timelines.

Many of the Nephilim were destroyed on the earth during the Nephilim Wars and their fragmented consciousness become enmeshed with the lower demonic spirits of the dense levels of earth matter. Some of these entities bound to the earth became known as the Watchers, and comprise of both combinations of Nephilim and Fallen Angelics fragments which descended to become ruled over by the hierarchies of the Belial and Baal entities in the earth. Over time these fragments evolved into many lower spirit hierarchies of entities, trapped within the earth fields unable to evolve, transit or heal.


1 Samyaza
2 Third Hierarchy Fallen
3 Achamoth Fallen Body Parts
4 Book Of Enoch
5 Fallen Angelic Negative Form Bodies
6 Baphomet Negative Form Body
7 666 Seal
8 Fallen Angels
9 Book of Raziel
10 Mount Hermon
11 References


In the Book of Enoch, Samyaza is portrayed as the leader of a band of angels called the Watchers that are consumed with lust for mortal women and become Fallen Angelics.

And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: "I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin." And they all answered him and said: "Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing." Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. (Enoch 6:3-5)

A full listing of the leaders of the group can be found on the 1 Enoch page.[1] Semjâzâ convinced several other Grigori to join him in fornicating with women. As a result, he and the other sinful Grigori begot giant offspring (called Nephilim in Genesis) that dominated and feasted upon humans during the days of Enoch. The Watchers' other sin was to teach humans various creative arts — especially Azazael's, who taught the secrets of war, which brought down the wrath of God.[2]

Third Hierarchy Fallen

Includes Human Souls in the process of earthly reincarnation cycles that have digressed in to Geni or Jin which is a shadow creature, no longer human, it retains a counterbalance in the higher spirit realms of which it has been disconnected, from its Soul matrix. This includes the anti-christ seeds of Azazael which form the Watchers hierarchies, these are Nephilim consciousness fragments bound in the earth. See Fallen Angelics.

Achamoth Fallen Body Parts

During the destruction of Tiamat the planet, a portion of Christos-Sophia's divine essence became trapped within the Phantom Matrix and material realms of creation, and she existed outside of the House of God. The Christos Sophia body was split into many Negative Forms of itself to which these forms were captured and used by the lower material forces of Satanism and Luciferianism. Her fallen body parts were used to impregnate her with grotesque creations, such as the Archon parasites for the use of these lower spirits (such as the Fallen Angelics and the Watchers). These anomalies were made as a part of her fragmented consciousness but to which she had no control over their use or direction. When these splits in her consciousness body occurred, she fragmented into the earth elemental matter, entwined with the lower spirit hierarchies and lost her Christos body. Hence, she was fallen and trapped in matter with these grotesque creations.[3]

Book Of Enoch

But now the giants Nephilim who are born from the (union of) the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. Evil spirits have come out of their bodies. Because from the day that they were created from the holy ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the spiritual foundation. They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called evil spirits. The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the earth. The spirits of the giants oppress each other, they will corrupt, fall, be excited, and fall upon the earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, nor become thirsty, nor find obstacles. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of the people and against the women, because they have proceeded forth (from them). – 1 Enoch 15[4]


20939256? ago

Part ii of ii >

Also, as these painful patterns are removed from the soul record, the clearing recodes our DNA so it can hold more light, thus sustaining our new frequency and our state of increasing higher consciousness and multidimensionality. As we hold this greater light and advanced genetic package in our bio-energy field, it enables others through the principle of resonance, to vibrate at the increased frequency rate and activate their own inner potential and divine inheritance towards Ascension. [1]

5D Ascension Aborted

The 5D Ascension is the original evolutionary schema or Ascension Plan for the planet Earth at the end of the 2012 Timelines or at the end of the Ascension Cycle, or the end of an Age of Humanity. This original plan was aborted by the Krystal Star Guardians, and in my knowledge, I was shifted from my original Ascension mission in 2004 to learn how to best work for the Guardian Aurora teams who were active building Krystal Star hosting architecture for planet earth. In 2005 I was made aware the original plan was aborted and councils disbanded and reassembled to work on the new mission upgrades, called Ascension Plan B.

Mission Upgrades

The elemental re-encryption process of this Avatar of Ascension (AOA) project as a part of the Aurora Guardian Families is an adjustment that actually changes the coordinates of your birth blueprint and its genetic imprint on the flesh. When we incarnated into 3D we had to accept huge miasmic package that is attached to the collective human race mental bodies on this planet. These are called “Negative Forms” or “Shadow” or “Phantom Sun” bodies. These phantom bodies are what connect humans to the timeline of the (911 Timelines), Armageddon Software or the negative alien agenda NAA. The transduction sequence is the definition of when the “God Spark” connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid) which projects out the elemental physical manifest body Three Layers of Ego. As we know a major project of the AOA Aurora is to “re-encrypt” the elemental structure of our bodies, as well as anchor the architecture to build the unity source code platform. This changes the false 911 Timelines architecture and is what the work of this ES community is in laying the template of the Law of One (LOO) in the GSF Ascension Timeline. This timeline exists in the Aurora time continuum. See Aurora Re-encryptions. [2]

End of Astrological Age

4 Planetary Rounds = 1 Planetary Cycles = 1 Astrological Age = Aeon = 26,000 (26,566) years = precession of Earth’s axis of rotation with respect to inertial space.At the end of every cycle, we become aligned to the galactic core; Stargate portals open (See Planetary Gates, and we are eligible to proceed with an Ascension timeline.

Precession Of Equinox

Galactic Alignment

Refers to the precession of Earth's axis of rotation with respect to inertial space. A complete precession cycle (One Astrological Age) covers a period of approximately 25,765 years, the so called Great Platonic Year, during which time the equinox regresses over a full 360°. The precessional movement also is the determining factor in the length of an Astrological Age or Aeon. (Note that there are 12 Zodiac Archetypes that are each of the 12 Astrological Ages. We are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.) The Precession of the Equinoxes is caused by the differential between the gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon on the Earth.

The Golden Gate

Celestial Plane

The ancients called this circuit path made around the galactic equator, the Gate of the Gods or The Golden Gate. The Orion constellation sits in the opposite direction, which would be considered the anti-galactic center. The ancients called this circuit path the Gate of Man or The Silver Gate. Ophiuchus and Orion are mirror images of opposing polarity. Together, they represent the ascending path through the Gate of Man meeting at the Gate of the Gods. The many Ascension stages we endure to reach our spiritual Magnum Opus, are the stages of humanity moving through these sequences of consciousness gateways. We all incarnate as earthly beings that evolve through the Precession of the Equinoxes. This takes us through the consciousness realms moving through the ecliptic path of the Gate of Man to eventually complete the evolution cycle, which intersects at the Galactic Center. Once we unify the consciousness experiences through the Gate of Man intersecting with the Galactic Equator at Ophiuchus’ feet, we are potentially given access to The Golden Gate. This allows us to proceed on the Ascension path to become resurrected eternal spiritual beings unified with the Cosmic Holy Spirit. From our solar system the Galactic Center lies visually along a line that passes through The Golden Gate. This is the Gate to Eternal Life which pours out the Universal Elixir that opens at the end of Precession Cycles. The Golden Gate is located on the circuit path, where the two great celestial spheres intersect together that create four quadrants. The quadrant is one of four circular sectors in the equal division of the planetary sphere. The first great circuit is the path of the Sun through the zodiac made in its annual cycle. The other is the circle path made from the center of our Milky Way galaxy called the galactic equator.The intersection point made between the two circuits located between Taurus and Gemini constellations is known as The Silver Gate. The intersection point of the two circuits between Scorpio and Sagittarius constellations, right under Ophiuchus right foot, is known as The Golden Gate. [3]


20939249? ago

Part i of ii >


What is Ascension?

Ascension, also known as Spiritual Awakening, is a simultaneous increase of Expanding Consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies. Generally, the catalyst for spiritual Awakening is discovered through the process of progressive Kundalini activation that starts in the base of our spine and moves the intelligent energies up the spine and into the Crown. As a human being undergoes the Awakening process, which can progress gradually over many years, that person shifts into perceptions of higher consciousness, which can include increased awareness of energy in the environment, perceiving multidimensional realities, sensing extradimensional entities and feeling a direct communion with God and the interconnected energy that exists between all things.

Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness. Ascension is about moving our Consciousness from one reality to another. Since reality is a dimension, what we are undertaking is essentially a full dimensional shift. To go through this shift we must adjust our way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with our soul purpose and true divine essence.

Ascension is the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness through time and space. Consciousness is energy, as well as, energy is intelligent consciousness. When energy shifts, so does our consciousness. Time and space as we have known on planet earth is changing, and we are moving into a future timeline. Through gradual exposure to frequency activation of various stellar bodies, the planet is transformed into higher dimensional and frequency planes of existence. One can consider the multidimensional model of our reality through the study of the Universal Time Matrix and the Universal Tree of Life. The shift of frequency forces all of the planetary inhabitants to shift into the newly exposed planetary frequencies and adapt to the accumulative impact of the shifting energies. All humans have a unique Blueprint and pace to keep aligned with the planetary frequencies. Some will adapt to these frequencies while embodied on planet, while others may not. The choice lies with each of us and is directly our responsibility. We can participate or not with our personal evolution process. All that is required from the Ascension process is participation at the level you are able and that attention and focus is placed on one's heart with a desire to know the true self.

As we develop Self Awareness which is the knowledge of the Self, we are developing the right relationship to the Self, and thus we can better develop our relationship with God Source. We cannot know the highest expression of our nature, until we know the deepest inner contents of our own being. Self study is self mastery and is the pathway to expanding Consciousness and awakening Kundalini.

See Where Can I Start?


1 Embodying Higher Frequencies
2 Emotional Clearing
3 5D Ascension Aborted
4 Mission Upgrades
5 End of Astrological Age
6 Precession Of Equinox
7 The Golden Gate
8 References
9 See Also

Embodying Higher Frequencies

Ascension Mechanics

The Ascension Stages are about the bringing of layers of light, the Kundalini force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic Spectrum of Frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activates its DNA Silicate Matrix template instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and programs held in the energetic templates of the Human Soul’s journey within a cycle of evolutionary time. When activated, these patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the bodies. This part of the biological ascension process may manifest physical, mental and emotional Ascension Symptoms as well as the spiritual crisis of the Dark Night of the Soul.

Emotional Clearing

Emotional clearing is the main process we will experience and be acutely aware of as we shift through the Ascension. Since emotional pain and imbalances are responsible for our states of dis-ease, many of us will experience illness or physical releases of pain clearing from our bodies. Some of this clearing is for your karmic, genetic or ancestral soul lineage. Some of us as lightworkers, have chosen to clear states of imbalance for the collective or for a specific group, and will feel this movement of energy transmute through us, as our energetic being is acting as a cosmic filtration system for the greater whole.

See Part ii >

20939225? ago

Thank you Anon <3

Saturn Blood Worship

The Zodiac as we have known it will be altered due to these magnetic changes, and the astrology influence or mental imprints will change, alter or amplify, depending on the level of awareness and interaction with those cosmic and magnetic influences. This means that our magnetic imprint received from the zodiacal constellation alignments at birth will cease to have the same influence upon our body, our personality, our mind and will impact many other factors. Conversely those whom are under the severe mind controlled influence of the zodiac archetypes used by the NAA machinery may accelerate those influences into distorted behaviors.

It has been confirmed that Saturn is a headquarters used for Zodiac Mind Control and that this planet’s aura and Logos is the densest and most problematic in the entire Solar System. Saturn is an Orion Group and Satanic force outpost for many of the NAA. Activities to distort and pervert the lower dimensions and propagate the 4D astral delusions along with the 5D false ascension programs. Most of the false ascended masters using the 5D false ascension program through Orion Group are actually transmitted through Saturn. Additionally, it was confirmed all forms of blood cult worship were designed through Orion Groups by using Saturnian worship interchangeably for propagating Satanic Ritual Abuse SRA and Blood Sacrifice on earth. These distortions and their disadvantages remain heavily prevalent with those humans who may have heavy Saturn influences in their zodiacal birth chart. So for spiritual clearing purposes of curses, hexes, blood covenant or blood cult history, (see Black Magic) one may need to review Saturn influences for removal of Satanic types of bondage made in agreements to serve the Orion Group.[1]


1 Saturn Base Transmission to Moon
2 Saturn's Black Cube Matrix
3 Satanism
4 Book of Enoch
5 Reversal Father = Luciferian
6 References
7 See Also

Saturn Base Transmission to Moon

Additionally, it has been recently observed that the Solar System Stargate 7, located inside the planet Saturn was also transmitting artificial intelligence beams through the Moon that corrupted the ultra-violet wave spectrum in our planetary Magnetosphere. The impact of several technologies used from this Archon base, seem to have been recently neutralized in some of their effects. Like 7D reversal technologies that allowed for having operable Hibernation Zones, used in phantom areas as ambush pockets, to get into the earth field quickly though parallel doorways. The parallel doorways appear to lead directly into Lake Titicaca underground water base, which have been closed off and secured. Many underground bases scattered throughout the earth are in some kind of spiritual or material conflict for control and security.

Correction of this particular AI distortion appears to help people on the earth, to potentially align with higher frequencies and to have a better functioning Crown Chakra, or 7D energy center. The moon transmissions have been especially difficult on the human mental body and the ability to actually have a brain and nervous system that actually functions well. The anticipation is for an easier clearing out of Glandular System Implants, Pineal Cages and related Crucifixion Implants, that can be more easily dissolved from the lunar distortion impact as a result. For those on the ascension path, this will gradually lead to clearer thinking, higher functioning glands and the ability to build the Perceptual Bridge that accesses the functioning of the Higher Mind.[2]

Saturn's Black Cube Matrix

Saturn is referred to as Black Star in ancient Judaic beliefs. A dead star would be denoting the Black Sun Agenda, the Black Star Abaddon the Destroyer which has its connection to the Black Cube Matrix in the core of the planet Saturn.

The Yahweh Matrix is system is connected into a Black Cube Matrix held through Saturn, that is siphoning life force from our Universal Time Matrix and routing it back into their black hole system. Saturn’s Black Cube holds a massive tank that acts as a harvesting station for blood sacrifice from human beings, in any way imaginable, whether through wars, rituals, crucifixion, martyrdom, suicide or menstrual. This makes it obvious why Saturn has been long associated with an assortment of blood worshipping cults. Saturn is also the Solar 7th Gate, so it’s been used to pump out reversal violet ray plasma light, and this is the distortion that generates reversal plasmas and reversal violet light on our planet. These reversal plasmas are designed to ignite and feed the Demon Seed that exists in the shadow selves or negative forms of the masses. Additionally, this alien construct was used to impale the Crucifixion Implants on the vertical axiatonal lines in the planetary body, which also devastated the vertical channel alignment of the Planetary Staff.[3]


Satanism is based on the manipulation of energy and consciousness through Mind Control, deception and is many times ritual based SRA. These deeply sick rituals (such as Blood Sacrifice in war and killing) create an energy field, a Vibrational frequency, which connects the consciousness of the participants to the NAA group (i.e. reptilians) and other Consciousness energies in the lower fourth dimension. The Archons on the Saturn base transmit AI that contain Satanic belief systems to propagate these distortions on the earth. This dimensional field, also known as the lower astral to many people, which resonates to the frequency of low vibrational emotions like fear, guilt, shame, hatred and so on. When a SRA ritual focuses these emotions, as Satanism does, a powerful connection is made with the lower fourth dimension, the NAA, Fallen Angelics or reptilians. These are some of the 'demons' which these rituals have been designed to summon and feed since the NAA invasion occurred.

Book of Enoch

Enoch in his Gospel suggests that this Kingdom of Ruling Aryans, proud, arrogant and cruel were stockpiling weapons of immense sophistication and power for conflagration - the Satans forces - or Saturnians as referred to in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch were fomenting rebellion and conflagration. Amongst them, the subterranean necromancers who created abominable things led by the group of Fallen Angelics such as Azazael, Samael. (See Watchers). The War between the False Gods of Eden and the Powers lasted thirteen years it is said, and Greek myth shows Athene dragging off the shape changing giants. The Titans ( i.e. Nephilim) were defeated finally when two great meteorites struck the Atlantean kingdom of Thule, reversing climate and ocean and the continental plates. That place now known as Scotland, the epicenter Scotlands western isles at Staffa - near to where the evil capital was said to be. The leader of the Satans was imprisoned underground, though the evil machinations of the dark Cabiri sorcerers that practiced later in Denmark and founded the very early practices of masonry with which Solomon and David would become familiar - may yet to this day plan their revenge on the offspring of that very first interracial marriage. (i.e. human hybrids) [4]

Reversal Father = Luciferian

The Reversal Father is the anti-life male collective consciousness of the Luciferians, whose accumulated collective consciousness is harvested by the NAA to gain energetic power from the earth grid and from humanity, by hijacking and raping the male and Father principle energies. The interdimensional alien Annunaki Gods, Enki, Enlil, Thoth, and Yahweh and Jehovah from Saturn, have primarily used the Reversal Father principle of Luciferianism to establish the world religions on the earth, using patriarchal domination rhetoric to serve the false light, and the Bi-Wave Consciousness, so they could gain full control over humans and exert themselves as the Gods..[5]