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22099282? ago

Part 8 > Cult of Ares,_Landgrave_of_Hesse

Philipp, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse (6 November 1896 – 25 October 1980) was head of the Electoral House of Hesse from 1940 to 1980.

While in Italy, Philipp fell under the influence of Fascism, or otherwise believed the Bolsheviks to be a greater threat.[5] On his return to Germany in October 1930, he joined the National Socialist German Workers' Party.[2] In 1932, he joined the Stormtroopers (SA, commonly referred to as the Brown Shirts),[7] and, the following year, his younger brother Christoph joined the Schutzstaffel (SS).[7] Later, his two other brothers, including Wolfgang, also joined the SA. Through his party membership, Philipp became a particularly close friend of Hermann Göring, the future head of the German air force (Luftwaffe).[7] In the Stormtroopers, he held the rank of Obergruppenführer.[3]

Mayer Amschel Rothschild: founder

With the help of relatives, Mayer Amschel secured an apprenticeship under Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer, at the banking firm of Simon Wolf Oppenheimer in Hannover, in 1757, where he acquired useful knowledge in foreign trade and currency exchange, before returning to his brothers' business in Frankfurt in 1763. He became a dealer in rare coins and won the patronage of the immensely wealthy Crown Prince Wilhelm I of Hesse (1743-1821), who had also earlier patronised his father. His coin business grew to include a number of princely patrons, and then expanded through the provision of financial services. In 1769, Mayer Amschel gained the title of 'Court Agent', managing the finances of Wilhelm I who became Wilhelm IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel on the death of his father in 1785. Business expanded rapidly following the French Revolution when Rothschild handled payments from Britain for the hire of Hessian mercenaries.

The Rothschild name can be traced back to a sixteenth-century ancestor of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), Isaak Elchanan who took the name Rothschild from a small house he occupied at the southern end of the Judengasse called zum Roten Schild ("House at the Red Shield").

Eric Millerberg is an Aryan member of the Aryan Brotherhood and its Silent Aryan Warriors faction and was convicted of murdering and sexually abusing a 16 year old girl. He injected heroin and meth into the girl until she died. He drugged her so he could sexually assault her. Millerberg was sentenced to 6 years to life for molesting and murdering a 16 year old girl. This devil needs to be killed.

Eric Millerberg was found guilty by a jury in February 2014 of child abuse homicide, a first-degree felony; obstructing justice, a second-degree felony; and unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year-old and abuse or desecration of a human body, third-degree felonies.

Eric Millerberg

The Salt Lake Tribune also reported he was affiliated with Silent Aryan Warriors, a white supremacist prison gang group.

Prince Carlo Massimo has been the President of the Italian Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) and he is an Aryan military general and tactician. The Massimos are part owners of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and have been commanding it through the Italian Order of Malta. Prince Carlo is their Vicar of Geras who represents old age or senility and he is also associated with military and authority. Geras is really associated with Strontium which burns reddish orange. Strontium is not very conductive and when ingested from them adding it into the air through chemtrails and water it can cause blockages in the brain and synapses which disrupt thoughts causing forgetfulness similar to senility. Princes Stefano Massimo, Prince Valerio Massimo, and Prince Tancredi Massimo also all have red hair and are Aryans like Prince Carlo. The SMOM has internationally infiltrated governments and militaries through Jesuit and Roman Catholic universities which have secret societies of Knights of Malta within them. Georgetown's School of Foreign Service is the real headquarters for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta within the United States.

In Greek mythology, Geras /ˈdʒɪərəs/ (Ancient Greek: Γῆρας, romanized: Gễras) was the god of old age.[1] It was considered a virtue whereby the more gēras a man acquired

In ancient Greek literature, Geras'(Ancient Greek: γέρας) can also carry the meaning of influence, authority or power; especially that derived from fame, good looks and strength claimed through success in battle or contest.

Among the members of the delegation of the Order were the Grand Commander, Frey Ludwig Hoffmann von Rumerstein; the Ambassador of the Order to the Italian Republic, Giulio di Lorenzo Badia; and the President of the Association of Italian Knights, Prince Carlo Massimo.