21733108? ago

The only video you need to see is some of the "dead" kids singing at the superbowl 3 months after the Sandy Hook hoax.

21731463? ago

Didn't work! Americans still have all their guns.

21726912? ago

Conspiracy theorist!

21728897? ago

Real conspiracy

21729307? ago

Was sarcasm. That is one that normies just can't be led to believe. I have no doubt whatsoever that what you say is true. They will see.

21726522? ago

If you are wrong and people's children really did die in that incident, you upset people beyond any point of reasonable conversation. Be careful. False flags do not necessarily mean faked. In a society of freedom of the press such as ours, it is more risky to a cause to fake an incident that will receive intense media scrutiny then to incite a real incident. Q theory covers how techniques of mind control and influence can be used to incite one or more individuals to commit horrible acts. It would be easier to do that then to orchestrate a fake incident believably.

21726870? ago

you upset people beyond any point of reasonable conversation

You're upsetting people with this rhetoric. You need to STFU or we will un-person you.

21727533? ago

Cancel culture. I wouldn't normally care what people say, and really, it's true here too. People have the right to speak and even to tell someone they think the deaths they show to be mourning are fake, but unless one is sure that these guys are faking it, I don't think it is good strategy. Myself, I'm not sold on the whole fakery thing, though I can believe it to be an orchestrated false flag.

21726542? ago

Wake up. It happens all of the time. The “shooting” in a bar in California, where no one died. Remember that?

People died in Vegas, but not in Newtown.

21727582? ago

Do they need to be fake though to explain what we know and observe? It seems so much easier for people as ruthless as these are believed to be to just kill some people and frame the narrative on whatever bunch they want to oppress such as gun owners, Qanon followers, conservatives, or Whites.

21727831? ago

It's more fun for them to fuck with people to get them to believe even more falsehoods, like, "hey they think kids died. This way they will think we care about kids." All the while, they are trafficking them, raping them, exploiting them and sacrificing them.

21726301? ago

Wolfgang Habig (sp) sued the town of Newton for this FF. He's suddenly disappeared. The DS grabbed random pictures from a yearbook posing as the dead children. Guess what? Living people today said, "Hey that's me"!

Wolfgang got them all together for a photo holding their elementary school picture.

21729398? ago

Correct Patriot. I remember when that was posted on some site on the net years ago.

21729329? ago


21725978? ago

Quick! Q followers are gaining more momentum, we must stop them!

Attack by attaching Sandy Hook to Q, those asleep will turn off anything sandy hook related.

Okay, we already did that, but okay let's try it again i guess.


21723936? ago

I hate seeing this here.

I’m from there. Knew the shooter (I refuse to say his name). Principal was a close friend. I went to funerals. So many innocents died.

I was stunned when the first doubters appeared. I was shocked how quickly reality could be denied. It made me question (briefly) my own doubts about 911.

I tried convincing doubters, for years, by using facts and documentation. It took me that long to realize I would never succeed. Doubters gonna doubt. I lost all interest in the debate.

I came away knowing a few things: The darkness we call pure evil does exist in this world. Horrible things can happen to the most pure and undeserving. The authentic resilience of young people is the most inspiring thing I have witnessed in my life.

I also learned that no doubter will give a sincere answer to this question - What specific evidence do you deem sufficient proof that this shooter killed those people on that day?

I’m not posting to trigger doubters. I’m posting because this day brings sad memories to mind, and because I hate seeing our work here tainted with references to ‘facts’ I know to be false.

21731669? ago

Sorry about all your dead imaginary friends. Just imagine some new ones.

21731480? ago

I tried convincing doubters, for years, by using facts and documentation

OK. Please share some of those facts and documentation here and now so we can better understand your perspective. If you don't/won't, you're the shill people are accusing you of being, 100%. Go on.....we'll wait.

21729676? ago

footage of Lanza entering school

autopsy photos

why have neither been released

explanation for superbowl children look alikes ??????

for starters

21729612? ago

Like they say, pics or it didn't happen. No pics of the bodies, so nothing happened. Think of me what you will, but I will likely never be convinced this actually happened.

Curious about how much it took to pay off YOUR mortgage, though... care to share that?

21729377? ago

so if you actually live there, how do you explain all of the mortgages that we're paid off that year?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, there is a thread here with a ton of info and links. I'll see if I can find it...

21726882? ago

Still on the payroll?

21726249? ago

Lol. Stop it. You literally saw no dead people. Because there were no dead people. Fake funerals. Boo hoo.

21725036? ago

Liar liar pants on fire.

21724678? ago

Your question doesn’t even match your beliefs system. Liars can’t even get the simplest things straight.

21724439? ago

If shill, it nevertheless poses a valid question.

21726905? ago

Nothing a shill says is valid. The only valid question is how do we pull the plug on this large-scale psychological warfare against US population.

21724225? ago

^^ Paid shill spotted.

21731981? ago

This faggot pops up in every single sandubhook hoax thread and tries to use the retarded "gripping dumb MSM viewers by their low IQ emotions " by pretending like how evil it is, and he knows a guy who knows a guy who was a victim!! Honest! Shillboy swears your bad for questioning their retarded story...

21724366? ago

yeah, with literally nothing of value to say!

21723839? ago

Reminder of how phony the whole news media, intelligence services and governments are. Insane.

Didn’t some kid go to jail for calling the coroners office a couple times asking questions? They are serious about keeping this covered up.

Mos won’t even let AJtalk about it.

21733790? ago

Reminds me of that kid that visited the haulocast museums and was arrested because he started wondering why the locks were on the inside of the "gas" chambers and why there was no chemical residue.

21723801? ago

Good to know that are other [watchmen] on the wall telling the truth. At least the vote to take away our weapons didn't work. Obama blew a gasket.

21723525? ago

Could someone put together the top 10 questions to ask Normies to get them to question sandy hook?

One I had was why is Robbie smiling and laughing before he thinks the cameras role like he’s an actor playing a part the day after his kid was shot dead?

21725389? ago

The helicopter news crews inadvertently captured the Christmas trees, supposedly donated some days after the event, already in place, behind the school building, on the day of the event itself.

The dilapidated condition of the school, unfit for use. Closed in 2008?

The odd presser given by the coroner.

Various crisis actors showing up in other FFs.

The "round and round" crowd exiting, circling, then re-entering a building.

The man in the woods.

As a FF, Sandy Hook was a poorly-made production. However, the dark ones are required to inform us of their actions so as not to violate the law of consent.

21726286? ago

The odd parking is what sealed the deal for me. No way do those cars parking look naturally filled up

21724632? ago

The “dad”. With the name Wheeler was at the actual location dressed in fatigues carrying guns at the actual site.

21726281? ago

Yes! That was awesome. The grieving dad became a military person carrying his gun the wrong way. Remember he turned his head when he saw the camera?

21726477? ago

I do. And I archived that video off line, as it’s been taken off since. Unless it’s on bitchute. If it is link it here. That was all the proof I needed.

21729299? ago

I would love to see that if someone has it saved,

otherwise I'll just hold the memories of crying dad robbie and the creepy white haired neighbor.

all I need to know something isn't right...

21724466? ago

the fucking idiotic doctor who did the autopsies

the fact not one kid made it to a hospital

90 pound autisric kid with 95% kill ratio! in the amount of time he went in a green baret woild have that kill ratio

21729628? ago

police chief said they searched every nook and cranny of the school but the school nurse was inside the front office until 1pm??????

she needed her phony story of bravery

21729666? ago

im always amazed. something like 23 of the 25 parents had non profits against the 2nd amendment in less then 6 months... i dont think the idiots on the left or the nwo understands americans. i thinknthey really thought when a bunch of kids got (((killed))) that america would get behind these parents and really get serious on gun control.. nope.

(((killed))) means none where killed it was a false flag and it is all a lie.

21729613? ago

how was there no footage of evacuation of 400 plus students?

just one photo of a conga line in which multiple photos shows the kids re arranged

in the same spot in parking lot.... photo op.

21729680? ago

from: doglegwarrior

what about porta potties getting there almost instantly. u tried ordering 16 porta potties? not one kid made it to a hospital? all declared dead? by who? cops cant declare dead unless its decapitation. this shit stinks to high hell and beyond.

21727308? ago


21724348? ago

  1. Why did the FBI report no deaths in that place for that time period, if the media did?

21723216? ago

Jews love doing hoaxes!

21722918? ago

Zero deaths reported in that area by the FBI!

21722884? ago

All these false flags are connected through Satanic families, not just CIA families. Satanist families need to be exposed.

21733663? ago

SH was not a false flag. It was a hoax. FFs are events that actually happen, but are blamed on someone else. SH never happened at all.

21726649? ago

Start with these;

If A Crazed, Cannibalistic, Satanic, Zionist, Child Raping, Pedophile, Globo Homo, Doomsday Extinction Cult, took over The World, and all it's Wealth, would you notice? Time to wake up.


Mirrors of Truth - The Truth about Satanic Gang Stalking - 'o-o' <


Decoding Satan's Child Minions - Greta Thunberg - A collection of material gathered by NMBRFG 'o-o' <


Satanic Sanhedrin of Warlocks


Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett


Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies - Popes, Vatican, European and British Royal Families - They are ALL in on it and will be brought to justice




False Memory Foundation and Satanic Ritual Abuse - A Case by Case Analysis


21726612? ago

Oh I am ON that shit, like gravy on a fat chick. <

21725576? ago

jewish families. 'lanza' is a jewish name

21723276? ago


21722589? ago

If you are not aware of how this fits into the Sandy Hook hoax, the Haddad/Lanza story appears very strange. However it is consistent with what I believe is the most credible explanation of what happened at Sandy Hook, which I will attempt to explain briefly:

All the victims and indeed the shooter "Adam Lanza" were fictional entities created as part of an atrocity narrative which was "bolted on" to a huge school shooting drill, involving multiple Connecticut agencies and authorities (law enforcement, civic and medical etc).

So all the victims were fake, but they were based on aspects of real people. The children were phantom siblings of real children with real parents, and old photos of the real siblings were collated to create a virtual brother/sister who was then "killed off" at Sandy Hook.

Adam Lanza was a real human being, but he didn't die at Sandy Hook, because his "Adam" identity was no longer extant - he changed his name is still alive, going by the name Ryan Lanza (that the media would have you believe was Adam's brother).

Nancy Lanza aka Annie Haddad probably is Adam/Ryan's real mother, and both she and her son are still very much alive.

21733653? ago

Yep. They have to be alive. Actually killing people is illegal. But if there were drills or training that was 'misreported', well then, that is just an unfortunate series of events. Oopies!

21726315? ago

Yes they picked up the "brother" in Jersey City and he has Adam Lanza driver's license...hmm. Why would he have his brother's license? Cuz they're the same person.

21724446? ago

there is some weird shit with adam lanza dad he was big time into something. i cant remember. some goat will know

21729549? ago

He was to testify in the LIBOR scandal

16 banks got caught in trillions of dollars manipulating interest rates

he was VP


21722813? ago

You couldn't be more wrong. Went to HS with Lanza. Lived down the road from Lanza. Had friends on his little league team when they were younger.

Pretty much everything you're saying is wrong.

21728640? ago

I thought he was homeschooled because he was severely autistic?

21730565? ago

He definitely went to NHS.

21723676? ago

how much did they pay you to say that?

21723945? ago

Probably nothing. They just know what the consequences of having this hoax exposed will be. They never thought she would lose.

21723235? ago

and then a wild jew appeared. You sleazy parasites have no power here.

21722977? ago

surrrrrre buddy...

and you're spending the anniversary of the shooting shitposting on Voat lol

21722991? ago

Shit posting? I'm from SH, so it shouldn't be hard to figure out my motives.

21723429? ago

so why you here on this random ass site and not out mourning what happen if youre from there?

21722940? ago

He is a jew... So are you!

21722881? ago

SH hoax is so well documented, I’m not sure why they “SH shill” even tries on this board. Must be an important topic. It is entertaining, though. First it was “I went to school there!!! I know everyone that does!!” Well, that’s interesting because it would make you the only person that does. Now it’s “I went to school with Lanza!!! We were best friends!!”

It’s ok. Many of us had imaginary friends as children.

21723036? ago

I was not personally friends with Lanza, but I know a couple of people who were. Lanza did not have really close friends. He was sort of a weirdo who was quiet, socially neglected (not really bullied) and would walk around with a briefcase.

He had friends in the computer club. They had private access to their own computer room and had this little nerd gang thing going on. The people who were part of that group are, without a doubt, the closest people to Lanza.

21722908? ago

"Well, that’s interesting because it would make you the only person that does. "

GO to SH and start doing random interviews. You're gonna feel real retarded real fast.

21723760? ago

go to an obvious spook town and ask people to tell the truth


21722901? ago


Prove me wrong dumbass.

21722503? ago

Adam Lanza and the schools principle were related, CIA connected.

21722569? ago

And the kids names were fake. They weren’t even real people.

21726329? ago

All stock photos and made up families.

21729309? ago

bet the never thought we'd catch on...

21722482? ago


21722409? ago

This all day. It needs to be made a national holiday so people know and remember exactly what those crooked fucks did. Total sham that was.

21722313? ago

You're legitimately a fucking moron.

I'm from Sandy Hook, went to Sandy Hook elementary when I was younger, and have friends who had siblings in the school during the shooting.

This might have been a false flag, but the hoax angle is legitimately retarded and anyone who believes this lacks basic critical thinking skills.

Why would a luciferian satanic death cult go out of their way and make their jobs harder, and commit a massive hoax involving an entire community, rather than just your old simple false flag?

These people start wars on purpose knowing millions of people will die, just to make money and gain control. Yet here you are, arguing that they went out of their way to commit a "hoax" so as not to have to kill actual children. In otherwords, you're a gullible fucktard who in no way represents the broader Q community. .

Let me repeat: If you believe this you're a fucking idiot.

Q has never endorsed the idea that SH was a hoax. He maybe hinted it was a FF. Stop spreading this filth.

21729223? ago

Is ^^this post part of your penance for having your house paid off?


21724022? ago

Why were the records sealed? Why wasn't anyone allowed to search the records? All of a sudden there was a rule made that kids autopsy reports couldn't be made public. Why are videos about the event taken down? It appears there is an extreme cover-up operation going on doesn't it?

21722663? ago

I am from Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook is the name of the school dumbass, not the city. What, you lived in a school?

Damn these shills get stupider and stupider every year.

21722771? ago

You're a fucking idiot. Sandy Hook is PART of Newtown. Newtown is a HUGE town, one of the biggest in CT. And it's definitely not a city. It contains several smaller localities that are technically not their own towns, but no one would question if you said you were from Sandy Hook. It even has a separate zipcode than other parts of the town, because it is so big and sprawling.

EG, you also have Botsford, Hawleyville, and Dodgingtown, all within Newtown.

Maybe stop commenting on things you know nothing about?

There's also Botsford, etc.

21722552? ago

You knew somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody? Who’s the fucktard?

Enjoy the video fucktard.


Now go back to your comic books and dvd’s of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

21722857? ago

I know somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody? Are you retarded? Where did I say that?


It's not that fucking complicated, retard.

21723915? ago

Did you go to his funeral?

21723893? ago


Did he remember to check in? You know what they say about checking in...everyone must.

21723336? ago

Your high school girlfriend's little brother must have been the only kid there then. The entire school was filled with mold from the previous flooding of the last hurricane before the "drill." The building was being used as a book, desk, and school supply depository. In other words, he was running around in a line like the rest of the brainwashed children.

Nice though how you didn't comment on the video proof.

Goodbye faggot.

21724729? ago

Best response I’ve seen on this. Drill it was. Crisis actors & practice run with emergency responders within 1-2 miles of the school.

21723000? ago

You're trying way too hard, and your third-hand information is pathetic at best. You should be an impeachment witness with direct evidence like that.

21723202? ago

Prove me wrong, dumbass. Put your money where your mouth is and prove it.

Because I can prove I'm from SH. And "trying too hard"? There's something about seeing a bunch of little kids from your home town get murdered, and seeing people deny their existance online, that tends to piss people off.

But yeah, you're totally right. It's a big hoax dude. The satanic cabal infiltrated Sandy Hook and concocted an elaborate plan involving hundreds, if not thousands, of fake people--all so it could save the lives of children that they didn't really want to murder. Makes sense


You are legitimately a fucking moron. And I'm in a position where I can say this with certainty... so please, entertain me more with your stupid bullshit.

21724109? ago

Sandy Hook exists, I've driven through it. So you're from there, okay. Did you see any dead bodies? Did you attend any funerals? Do you have any proof at all? Did you know Adam Lanza's brother Ryan? You can't say any of this with certainty if you have no proof.

21768646? ago

One of my childhood friends is a volunteer firefighter and was at the firehouse right next to the school. He was one of the first responders on the scene and saw more than he ever wanted to see. He's not the same person after that.

If you want to think it's all fake nothing I can say will change that. But you're absolutely wrong.

21723303? ago

I don't care at all if they died or not, nor do I care if it happened. I remain unconvinced of either, and anon fags aren't going to change that.

I was pointing out how pathetic your entire argument is. You responded to a comment pointing out how you have no direct evidence, with complete and total hearsay. It was pretty funny, and you're a retard who knows nothing.

21722480? ago

Lol, this shill again.

Prove it. Show an image from the school being in use within a few years of the drill... hunt: it wasn't in active use and was in disrepair.

The shills cant make excuses for all the other massive issues people found going on that day, all they can do is screech about how they are allegedly from there and "I know a kid who died, pinky swear!!!"

I don't buy your story

21722845? ago

All you would have to do is go to Sandy Hook and start interviewing people to know how full of shit you are.

There are literally hundreds of parents and children that you could talk to who can verify this. You could check utility records, maintenance contracts, employment contracts. But the people making these claims haven't done a shred of real investigative work, and if they did, their "case" would fall apart ridiculously fast, because it's all bullshit.

21722949? ago

"It Takes a Village"

Newtown is a CIA kibbutz

21723001? ago

Yeah the whole town is in on it. Do you hear yourself?

If you believe this, you're fucking retarded.

Honestly, the whole lot of you are probably shills anyways. Q has never endorsed SH being a hoax.

21724922? ago

Wanna guess who all had their houses paid off? Who all are liberals wanting to get guns banned, and would do anything to accomplish that? Yeah a little lying and some CIA coaching, and money on top, and hell I'd keep my mouth shut and follow the narrative too...

21723033? ago

this is about you being a faggot clown

has nothing to do with Q, you cunt

21722447? ago

No proof anyone died, pics of the "dead kids" graduating circulated years later.

You're not from Sandy Hook and you know it.

21722501? ago

I am from Sandy Hook you dumbass. Sorry to burst your bubble but this is a real place with real people. I can literally prove it too. But just think this through logically... Why would a satanic death cult go out of its way to save lives--IE, commit a HOAX rather than a false flag?

You can't pretend that people were part of a community. There are hundreds of parents who would be saying "I never saw that kid or teacher", etc., etc. Common sense dude. The FF is only angle that is even remotely plausible.

I know things about SH that only a local would know. And if you really want to verify it, you can go to SH and find the local landmarks I'm talking about, which are NOT online.


21722922? ago

Thanks, man. I'll head over there on Sunday. Went before and it was a ghost town but if you say it's real, I'll check it out and report back.

21768678? ago

Did you ever go to SH and check out what I was saying? I really hope you did and can report back.

21723045? ago

I hope you are sincere about this and actually follow through. And I think I know who you are based on what you just said...

21723847? ago

I think the guy who was stupid enough to show off a copy of the Zohar at the Sandy Hook fire station is the one who didn't do due diligence.

21768674? ago

Zohar at the SH fire station? Wtf are you even talking about?

21722869? ago


21722885? ago

If I'm a clown then prove me wrong dipshit. Go to these spots, I fucking dare you.

You people are so fucking stupid I honestly feel bad for you. You have just as bad cognitive dissonance as the 4-6% that Q says is brainwashed.

21724750? ago

Your post is the dumbest shit I have ever seen. “It wasn’t a hoax! Look at my flying squirrel house and this picture of Obama at the scene of the crime!”

You are insane. Go back to your MK-Ultra class goofball.

21768574? ago

"dumbest shit I've ever seen". Also happens to be 100% factual and true.

I can say for a fact you're a fucking retard. Like with absolute certainty. So say whatever the fuck you want you dumbfuck. I do not care what you think.

21768557? ago

Waiting for you to go to SH and prove me wrong, shill.

21769417? ago

It’s a place. It’s just filled with shitheads.

No thanks.

21771264? ago

You sound intelligent

21774821? ago

Not sound. Am.

21722968? ago

everybody knows, faggot...

get David Wheeler's cock out of your mouth and Robbie's cock out of your ass.. lol

21722280? ago

Always remember, Alex Jones and crew apologized and said the same thing, Sandy Hook was a hoax

21732575? ago

Who? This fella? Nah, he seems pretty legit to me.


21722867? ago

AJ is Mossad.

21726904? ago

I don’t know who Alex Jones works for, but he’s a phony. And anyone who gets their news from that fraud isn’t very bright.

21730521? ago

His infiltration of Bohemian Grove was real enough.

21730649? ago

I think he was allowed in. Has anyone else ever secretly slipped in? I just don’t buy what he’s selling, sorry.

21732269? ago

Could be. Everything is never what it seems anymore.

21739275? ago

Seems that way. We the People have been deceived so much, it’s hard to know what is true. I’ve become accustomed to questioning everything.

I’m hoping Trump will change that. We’ll see. I’m not overly optimistic we’ll get a majority of the truth b/c the wealthy will always be protected.

21725030? ago

Q is high as a kite. AJ isn’t mossad.

21727206? ago

if AJ was legit he would be silenced or dead.

21727229? ago

In all fairness, in the case of sandy hoax, he WAS silenced. He was getting the shit sued out of him for causing emotional distress by saying it was a hoax. His backpedaling on that is 100% bullshit for legal purposes.

Do i believe everything alex jones says, nah. But he can be fun to watch and the dude is dead right about a lot of things

21726565? ago
