21735267? ago

What is up with this? Is there an electronic record?

"There is no County recording in the State of Connecticut. All documents are recorded in the Clerk's office of the Town or City where the property is located. The Town of Fairfield only records documents for The Town of Fairfield. There is no recording of documents for Fairfield County."

21729889? ago

Awesome documentary

21729236? ago

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21728820? ago

Isn't SH a c_a town anyway? with DS access to the bank system, they can enter digits and pay off homes easily. Sounds like a washateria to me for operatives.

21727780? ago

This is total bullshit. Search any town in CT and you find similar results. When towns were transferring to digital they picked an arbitrary date to record sale. Hard to believe but many people in CT own their home outright, no mortgage. THe op is full of shit. Note his post and what he could not find or left out. Really? he did a documentary? what is the name? Why did you not investigate this more? Search any town database. All there.

21729169? ago

You are saying the Sandy Hook event is legit? Come on......!!!

21727736? ago


Your team must have been soooo pissed when all your proof was stolen. I know I would be.

I’ve lost important data myself before. Hard drive crashes, not theft. Each of those three times I have sworn to become religious about backups. Nope.

I think I’ll go run a backup now.

21727476? ago

They have changed the website so the info has been removed or altered. When this topic was new in 2013 I went to the City of Newtown's assessor's online database. I looked at just about every single house on every street. I spent a few days going up and down the streets as well as random in the near towns to compare. I was running about a 80-85% hit rate on the properties that were sold for $0 on Christmas. Including businesses, the Boys Club, the Sandyhook cemetery fund and the state of Connecticut getting blank lots. The nearby towns I could only find a handful of those examples, all the rest were normal. The debunking sites like Snopes and Megabunk do a strawman argument, they claim we are looking at the tax valuation and are stupid....we were looking at SALES not tax valuation. You can NOT be listed twice in a row as the owner of record because 'sales' tracks change in ownership. Even that debunk doesn't work, homes aren't ever valued at $0 for tax purposes. Either way, the new online database hides all that prior info. On a personal note, when I bought my home I shook the seller's hand on Dec,23 2001 but we couldn't actually close at the title company because the 24th is xmas eve and they only have a half day and they were already full. We couldn't close on xmas day because business are closed that day. So I closed on the 26 of December. So having the closing date as on xmas is not possible. Also, what are the odds of almost an entire town having a real estate transaction on the same day, impossible odds. Whole government is a criminal racket.

21731971? ago

Whole government is a criminal racket.

No, just the deep state NWO Commies....

21737671? ago

Your local government robs you too

21741481? ago

But that seems to me to be fading away.

Any remaining crooks these days are very, very stupid!

21726639? ago

Its a jewish town like Broward county Florida. Most of the people involved with the hoax Sandy Hook were jewish. make sense yet?

21727574? ago

Sandy Hook also has a Masonic Lodge...imagine that.


21726614? ago

Anon, I appreciate all your hard work to produce that documentary. I followed the action closely in the 2012-2015 timeframe. Much remains unexplained.

Being a huge skeptic, I've always carefully researched both sides of the issue. While your docu had many compelling elements, I recognize that it was entirely based on 5 or 6 indepedent researcher's analysis. Of course I remember the name 'Sofia Smallstrom" due to her unique name.

You were brave enough to put your well-produced documentary out into the public sphere, which I very much appreciated. It was very well done.

However, what followed in the next 12-months were several legit "debunks" of several parts of the documentary. And for the record, I'm not talking about the paid shill's "debunks", of which I read and saw many of those too. I can't remember the 2 or 3 guys names, but back in the day, knew them well as paid cointelpro operatives.

Nevertheless, I assume you saw some of the legit debunks, or rational explanations from some of the research your independent researchers put out there?

My hope was, and still is, that you would come out with a part 2 some day. Much along the same lines as the guys who did the "Loose Change" documentary on 9/11. If you saw the very first and original release of Loose Change, you may recall that it was chock-full-o every anomaly, speculation, theory, etc. for anything and everything that was questionable about that day.

As such, many of the things put forth in the first release of Loose Change were "debunked". None so publicly as the pathetic group at "Popular Mechanics" of course, who cherry-picked their way through it and mixed in both legitimate, and false "debunks".

What was the end result to the "normies" who saw it? Because some of it is easily debunked by "official sources", ALL OF IT must be false. That's the takeaway unfortunately. And we've seen this playbook play out time and time again, using the same tactics.

All this to say, Dylan and his team have since released new cuts of Loose Change having removed the now debunked sections.

All this to say, it is my hope that you would one day release a part 2 of your documentary, and do two key things to bolster its legitimacy.

1. Address the things that turned out to have legitimate explanations (or were largely debunked)

2. Add any new material that's been uncovered in the past 6 years to strengthen your position (perhaps some of the Halbig material)

More than anything else perhaps, what's missing in our world of 24x7 deception, are balanced perspectives presented.

A great example of what I'm suggesting is the WWII/Hitler documentary that's often brought up in this forum, "The Greatest Story Never Told".

This is a well-produced, hard-hitting and compelling documentary. I learned many things from it that I believe are very true. However, it's unbalanced and paints Hitler and the Germans as 100% saints, having never done anything wrong throughout. This strains credulity, to say the very least!

Now, was it the goal of the creator of this documentary to produce something that is in "direct opposition" to the mainstream narrative around Hitler and the Nazis being 100% evil? Perhaps.

Unfortunately, because there are zero mentions of German atrocities that were unquestionably carried out in the midst of war, as there always are, the documentary comes off as a propaganda piece painting the Germans as the "100% good guys" from start to finish. Not many people are gonna believe that IMHO. In war, all sides commit atrocities.

Now, having been an anti-establishment, conspiracy-theorist for all these years, I've come to develop quite a bit more discernment than your average person. So for me, I understand the desire of content creators to paint their one-sided perspective. I get it, and it make sense. Especially if paid-for entirely out-of-pocked with little or no hope of any ROI.

But the most compelling documentaries, which are few and far between, include material/information that opposes the primary perspective, or at least they're wise enough to address the theories and information that turned out to be inaccurate.

From my perspective, adding these two elements strengthens the argument. "As it turns out, we were mistaken about "X situation" and wish to correct our assertion as such....however, there are still questions around "Y situation" and new and compelling evidence has surfaced around "Z situation", etc. etc. Simply put, this angle strengthens the over-arching argument. Everybody gets things wrong from time to time. Lack of acknowledgment of such sets of alarms from my perspective.

When Sandy Hook comes up, and I get the evil eyes and glares when I'm preparing to state my position, the very first thing I have to say is this; "Just so you understand, there are a myriad of other perspectives between the "mainstream narrative" and "nobody died, crisis actors" blah blah blah - i.e. there are innumerable perspectives between these two very polarizing positions.

For the record, I have a perspective between these two - more or less "on the fence" awaiting further confirmations.

So all this to say, if you were the organizer/producer of this documentary, I realize you simply assembled the work and research of other independent researchers. And at the time, all the questions and forkery presented were quite legitimate and reasonable. However, I do believe that many legitimate researchers also provided logical explanations, and/or "debunks" for SOME OF THE MATERIAL...but not all of course.

Hence, while you weren't specifically asking for advice or suggesting you were planning on ever releasing a new and updated documentary, if you ever would consider it, I would think it wise to address and acknowledge these things.

Unfortunately, I realize much material has largely been scrubbed from YT, and perhaps the whole web now. But hopefully, each researcher became aware of some of the legit explanations around the questions/topics they addressed.

Now, regarding the mortgages. I have no doubt you were onto something when performing that research. I've read both sides of this Christmas Eve, $1 transaction recordings, and have no doubt that forkery was afoot. Further, you're likely correct that some of these transactions are a good way to launder money and/or transfer funds "out of sight". Not dissimilar from the modern art auction shenanigans.

FWIW, I think the transactions are simpler than you may believe. If Party A promises say $100K to Party B for doing/participating in something, but doesn't want a money trail, a simple way to do so would be to use a proxy (Party C) in the purchase or sale of a high-value asset, like a home. As such, everything "on the books" looks legitimate and it's very difficult to argue somebody overpaid/underpaid for said asset as "value" is subjective to the individual. Barring evidence of anomalous widespread and systemic behavior along these lines, it's very difficult to prove as such. If I think a Picasso is only worth $100M, and you think it's worth $1B, who's to argue?

Anyway, it's obviously trickier with homes and real estate, but the same general principles apply. Perhaps they could argue a "big real estate developer" decided certain areas of a town were ripe for real estate value growth so they decided to buy up large tracts of homes/land. I'm not saying this is the case, just using it as an example.

It would be very difficult to prove that said "transactions" were not on the up and up due to the subjective nature of it. However, that being said, if most or all of said homes of SH families were all miraculously swept up in this manner, well then you'd likely have a strong case.

Either way, it's a compelling idea, but I haven't yet seen what I would consider convincing evidence either way.

Regardless of what position you hold on Sandy Hook in comparison to my "on the fence" position, I really do appreciate your efforts in producing the documentary and look forward to any future efforts you may choose to be involved in. Many interesting and compelling questions were addressed in it, that to this day, remain unaddressed and unanswered by anybody.

21732227? ago

  1. Besides many other anomalies, there was way too much fighting to prevent several different investigations (investigations which normally wouldn't ever matter at all if it were not a hoax).

  2. If something is a huge hoax, impacting politically, it would be highly organized by the guilty and their helpers. The alleged helpers, the Main Stream Media, would put up a huge firestorm of long duration against those investigating and exposing it. Such as they did do.

  3. If it were a huge and diabolical hoax, the perpetrators would hire people to publish false conspiracy theories in order to handily debunk their own stories. And as you said, many of the published theories were debunked. So who else would profit from spreading false conspiracy theories? It is doubtful that ordinary Internet pranksters would spend all the time and production money it took to publish fake conspiracy theory information, as there is no significant profit in that, and surely they realize that they will eventually be found out.

  4. The fact that many of the hoax theories and investigative information has shown to be true would indicate that it was indeed a giant hoax.

  5. We know who would profit from a hoax like this (and many other False Flags), and that is the NWO Commie Cabal, which is attempting to negate our Second Amendment for obvious reasons.

  6. We also know that they have an endless supply on money to use for buying very large numbers of people who are willing to "sell their souls" to whoever will pay, and to try and get a favorable position in with those who control the endless supply of money.

  7. In summation: If it adds up, it adds up.

  8. And it all adds up.

21733460? ago

Hah, so says you. I appreciate your bullet points, but you've simply asserted your own opinion here.

As I see it, enough questions remain for me to say there's still some room somewhere between a "hoax" and a "false flag" event.

21734267? ago

A False Flag event is a hoax, isn't it?

I wrote what I wrote. It is what it is.

Think for yourself....

21738000? ago

1. Nope, not at all. Hoax means it never happened - no deaths, all fake. False flag means "something happened", deaths may have occurred, but not in any way as similar to the mainstream narrative.

2. You did and it is indeed. Glad to take your analysis into consideration and it was appreciated. It just didn't move the ball closer to the goal line for me

3. I do nothing but and have done nothing gut my entire life. From my POV, there are still way too many unanswered questions about SH to come to a final conclusion.

I appreciate your commentary and have weighted it in my independent analysis accordingly.

21741427? ago

Well, OK.

I was using the current terminology of "hoax" for the event.

False Flag actually means doing something while pretending to be some other country or, these days, someone else or some other organization. That makes it one type of a hoax.

I don't consider that "hoax" refers to whether or not anyone died.

I am convinced beyond a doubt that the Sandy Hook event was planned and orchestrated by other than the perpetrator named in the official story. And that would mean that it would have had to have been a very large scale black operation, don't you think?

21742559? ago

100% agreed!! As I said in my diatribe, there's room for opinions other than the mainstream narrative and the "nobody died" positions.

The term "false flag" has indeed evolved beyond simply a country enacting such an event.

When most people use the term "hoax", ala "Sandy Hoax", I take them to mean they think nobody died. That's how I understand them anyway. And for the record, I'm not saying they're wrong. I'm simply saying I have not yet been convinced this is the case. It's a valid position lacking all but the scantest of crime scene photos, videos, etc. I get it. No video, no bueno. Forkery is afoot!

And I could go on an on with all the questionable elements of this event. Far too numerous to discuss. But I've learned to be very discerning around dubious materials put out by James Fetzer. His work is what started the "nobody died" craze, caught AJ in the landslide of outrage, and actually more or less shutdown the vast majority of independent researchers. In short, it caused a firestorm that perhaps achieved a goal antithetical to the appearance of what its intention was. That's classic, expert, well-crafted cointelpro right there!

For the record, I'm not saying it was. I'm just saying that with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, the havoc his piece caused absolutely demolished the entire SH research movement.

Pretty nifty gambit if you ask me.

When Q says "these people are stupid", he's talking about the public figures I presume. The puppet masters behind the scenes are anything but, and they've wreaked havoc on many a solid conspiracy theory over the decades in very similar ways...

All I can say for sure is, we were lied to in countless ways and on numerous levels in regards to the SH event. That much is clear.

21778689? ago

I agree with everything you just said.

There were way too many things "wrong" with the official account and conclusions of this thing.

But without actually being there, nobody can know all about it for sure....

21731582? ago

A sober analysis and many good points made - I too hope the producer comes up with a revised version, assuming (as I would hope) that they are dedicated to revealing the truth in all of this.

21733515? ago

Thanks anon. I was a black-belt SH researcher back in the day. The whole thing kind of lost steam after people started getting banned/doxxed/sued for claiming "nobody died" all over social media. It was quite a thing to witness in real-time. It also put a rapid end to wide-scale research. Most people were afraid to press forward in fear of libel/slander lawsuits - rightfully so.

As with most good conspiracy theories, because so much vital information remains hidden or has been withheld, the trail usually runs cold at some point and we are left with the myriad questions that remain unanswered.

21726261? ago

Wolfgang Habig (sp) sued the town on Newton for this FF. He's suddenly disappeared. The DS grabbed random pictures from a yearbook posing as the dead children. Guess what? Living people today said, "Hey that's me"!

Wolfgang got them all together for a photo holding their elementary school picture.

21726324? ago

That guy is still on Twitter.

21726020? ago

They have raised the SH incident to the level of the Holocaust. If you deny it you are immediately banned anywhere in social media. You are sued for hurting the feelings of fraudulent parents. Only a government sanctioned opp could gain this level of protection. SH was a shock when the news broke but many anomalies began to arise almost immediately. All dead, no injured not even gravely. Not one person was airlifted to a nearby hospital. No pictures ever of any blood, bodies bullet damage etc none what so ever! All pictures of parents showed older parents. Most parents that have young elementary kids are very young but SH had none. No single or divorced parents, in most schools 50% or more of kids are from a broken home. The anomalies go on and on. SH pictures do not look like any other school shooting I have seen on the news none! Then later rumors of paid off mortgages like this article talks about arise. This was supposed be the 9/11 that eliminated the second amendment but thankfully it failed due to its shock and really lack of authenticity even politicians could not respond. How strange that withing minutes of mass shootings the usual culprits are calling for more gun control but in this case there were crickets. Why?

21731534? ago

How strange that withing minutes of mass shootings the usual culprits are calling for more gun control but in this case there were crickets.

True....much like Las Vegas. And what's the common denominator? Both of them were HIGH on the fuckery scale with lots of sloppy loose ends that kept them from being milked for anything in the end.

21725758? ago

I wonder how many Other communities the frauds have been in? Multiple X times Sandy Hook. I will be glad when the smug look on Obama's face gets wiped off and the house of cards that their fake leader oversaw gets flattened.

21725723? ago

Read this: https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-sandy-hook-residents-got-their-houses-for-free.t3198/

Actually read it with an open mind.

Neighborhoods have default listings for tax purposes. Choose a random street in Florida and you'll see they all cast $10 on Christmas.

21727801? ago

Wrong, that is "tax valuation" We are talking about "sales" or change in ownership. You can not be listed twice in a row as owner and it lists the sale price, not $0. Megabunk did a strawman argument. Why go to Florida??? I went to the town next door and it doesn't work that way there?

21729270? ago

I researched 10 other towns in 10 different states and found similar things.

They went to Florida to prove a point to James Tracy.

21725612? ago

Sounds like a Mega Money Washing Machine Shop. Money LaundroMat...

Little Wine & Dine, a Bribe some sex to make it Fun... Black Mail... Now Buy this house or we will release. Ok now sell it Back at cheaper price...

Bring your DIRTY FILTHY Blood Money here!

Why don't they just advertise

21725593? ago

If you can't share the homes so people can see for themselves, then you're research is useless and you're a liar

21725414? ago

I saw ur documentary a few years back and it really open my eyes. Nothing about the whole “official” FF sandy Hook could be believed.

I also looked into the houses owned by the players and they all seemed to be on the same street Maple Dr? and of course being sold at a nice profit. Because all the players that “lost” children seemed to be raking in $$$$ because of charities, the houses being sold at a huge profit seemed to be related to the players also.

Could this be hush money to keep those players that opted in to keep quiet?

It would be interesting to see if the players actually had children that matched those killed BEFORE they were known to the world as the Sandy Hook parents.

Nobody died at Sandy Hook ...

21731914? ago

Well we know that the school itself had been condemned for a couple years just prior to this incident, due to asbestos contamination. Photos show it was overgrown with weeds, which backs that up.

Also no deliveries of any supplies the whole time.

And they fought any investigation of what occurred at the school for those years. Why would they fight that if it had actually been open and in normal operation?

And there are many, many more anomalies, all of which have obvious signs of attempted cover up.

Too many huge red flags....

21733503? ago

So how could there be a school shooting if the school was closed? Was there an official explanation for that?

21734284? ago

That's the point. School not in operation = no students.

The only video of any children shows around a couple dozen kids. If the school was really operating and then evacuated there would be probably hundreds, wouldn't there?

There was no official explanation that I know of. Instead they just don't talk about it.

There are many anomalies such as this. Too many things just don't make sense....

21737091? ago

I wouldn't think that the gov't would be this sloppy. But then again, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

21741466? ago

I think that so many people were "waking up," that the deep state was very rushed for time (to get all guns confiscated, or at least AR and AK style semi autos).

And I think that being rushed resulted in sloppy operations.

21725707? ago

Spot on.

21725143? ago

Wow, excellent job Anon, you are a master.

21725087? ago

Seldom is noted the closeings and such were on 12/25.

Who again works on Christmas?

21728809? ago

Hospital staff?

21729208? ago

Nurses close on houses?

21727298? ago

Someone who wants to commit fraud without all the others in the office seeing.

21724744? ago

Good post OP but remember to archive offline.

21723881? ago

Thank you guys for all your work. Heroic.

21727580? ago

Agreed. Just wanted to also say thank you OP and your team for all the work producing that documentary.

21723829? ago

When I went searching, the Dec records of homes paid off 2012, Christmas Eve, to be exact...Sandy Hook.I found 4 or 5 homes that were PAID OFF, on Christmas Eve of that year. Funny...I didn't know that the banks and mtg companies worked on Christmas eve. It was an anomaly (bad spelling) I just knew something was amiss...but did not know where to take the info. And did not keep the print outs as no one was interested. But 4 or 5 mtgs paid off at the same time on Christmas Eve...really?

21727821? ago

It was almost the whole town that had a real estate transaction on Christmas.

21725267? ago

Looks like money laundering for Deep State payoffs to minions.

Apparently not just the Sandy Hook crew, either.

It does leave a nice paper trail of who's who....

21726307? ago

It's not. I believe Sandy Hook is fake and I went down this rabbit hole years ago. This isn't a thing.

21730543? ago

Very persuasive.

21728179? ago

More likely you fell down a mole hole....

21724804? ago

I searched that (the paid off houses) about a year after SH and stopped at 40 homes paid off Christmas Day, a couple weeks after the SH event. This business about the back and forth is ew to me. These are all public records so I might go back in there to see for myself.

21728737? ago

way way more, it was almost all longtime residents in a specific area

bribe payoff for false flag aid

21725607? ago

This has been debunked many times.

21731024? ago

Actually i saw the records myself.

21726082? ago

Oh has it... Whelp, thanks for all that info, the case is closed boys!

21726367? ago

metabunk .... stfu kike. You gonna link snopes next?

21729280? ago

Recreate their research yourself

21727884? ago

The truth is there are very few Newtowners that DONT have $0 listed on their houses in 2009. Properties that were bought within the last few years show the sales price. All others show $0 sold on 12/25/2009.

This is true of EVERY street in Newtown. and every other town in Connecticut I checked, although other towns have different dates. "Sale Price-$0"

This appears to be at the heart of the debunking, but I don't care enough to look into it. The "free houses on Christmas" meme is about some kind of obvious glitch or quirk in the system, and that would explain it.

21724742? ago

And I saw screen shots (didn’t save!) of all the homes on December 25 which had their tax assessment dropped to ZERO! Have you looked into that?

21724075? ago

It was an anomaly like the FOIA misspellings.

21729688? ago

This person gets anomalies. Especially the last four letters.

21723765? ago

Everything about SH was so out of the ordinary. Nothing the government said or did afterwards made any sense. It was a massive FF and cover-up. Just one of many that the Obuma admin and deep state orchestrated.

21723686? ago

Peoples price is so low these days...

21724080? ago

They never thought she would lose.

21725676? ago

So you're saying the Sandy Hook families sold their homes because of HRC in 2012?

21725724? ago

No. They were paid off, mortgages retired on 25 December, many of them.

21728688? ago

Meta bunk my ass

21729256? ago

You can recreate all of their research yourself online in about an hour. I did it myself after thinking it meta bunk was bullshit.

21725215? ago


21723800? ago

Housing prices are so artificially high these days.

21725680? ago

No, you're just a broke ass bitch

21725977? ago

Uh huh. Like everyone.

21723825? ago

Oh what I was referring to was peoples price to be bought.

21723560? ago

Whoa! When this is known, people will know this whole thing stinks! Now I see why all the SH shills have been on full patrol. People coming out of the woodwork calling people down right stupid for believing such a thing that these kids didn’t die bla bla bla!

21724722? ago

Why do you believe it will ever be known?

21723543? ago

That is weird. Zillow has the house at 12 Maple Dr estimated as being worth 260k. The sales history says that it sold in 2015 for 253k. Bllockshopper has the same house being sold in 2015 for 550k. There's not a house on the street with zestimates anywhere close to that. Zillow estimates are known to be guesstimates but they are not that far off. Sandy Hook and Newton are interchangeable addresses apparently as in the case in many small communities. Here's the map, the Zillow, and the blockshopper link:




21728068? ago

Sandy hook is a "section" of Newtown.

21725647? ago

Those two platforms are often very wrong. Zillow had my house listed as sold last year and I've been here 25 years.

21733617? ago

might want to confirm no shady business of someone fraudulently selling your house.

21735607? ago

Yeah, it didn't happen, it was an error in the software.

21731931? ago

And I'm so sure we all believe you....

21723491? ago

Where can I watch your documentary?

21723425? ago

intersting and lots of info, so I'll have to reread it.

but thanks for sharing,

have to keep shining that light of truth.