21173007? ago

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21008954? ago

The latest material > As requested <


21013070? ago

Wow so much info! Where's your comms re: Tulsi in particular?

21015526? ago

I found this one too >

See how I call Tulsi becoming the nominee > I was convinced then, and I am convinced now.

Gematria Notable: >

Challenger 189 510 85 238


Sauce decode from NMBRFG >

Trump Tweet T-9283 - Gematria Analysis > "TIPPY TRIPPY TRISCUIT" - 'o-o' <


Thanks heaps.

'o-o' <

21015237? ago

Here were my comments a few days ago calling Tulsi to be the Dem nominee.

I copped a lot of flak for that statement, and then three days later > VOILA!

Tulsi is all over the MSM having a spat with [SPUNKY] "muh emails" Clinton.

Here are my comments and there is a link to the Gematria a POTUS tweet, which led me to this conclusion >


NMBRFG Comment 1 >

"I TOLD you so! <


I am rarely wrong when I make these calls (future fagging), but this is peeling even me out a bit now.

I called it already about a month ago, and again two or three days ago on here. Very BOLD and clear statement, and now here we are.

The Gematria does not lie Fren. <

What do you reckon now?

Tulsi HAS to be the nominee bro! There is no one else.



'o-o' <


NMBRFG Comment 2 >

"Bro, I keep saying this, and everyone must think I am legit crazy mate <

Tulsi Gabbard will be trotted out as a last resort, as no one else can even attempt to run against Trump. He will smash them all.

Dems are burning all these retarded candidates, so they can then have Tulsi ride to the rescue. She is a woman and a Veteran, and pretends to talk the talk.

She is of course a Deep State Sleeper, trying to infiltrate the movement, as that is (((their))) only hope to start over.

All the Gematria stemming from POTUS tweets Caps. are pointing to this. That's why I called Tulsi to be the Dem nominee last month, and I am sticking to my guns for now. <

They will fail. We see them. 'o-o' <

Thanks heaps.

Kindest regards,



'o-o' <

Another Anon's thread and our comments therein >

A note on Tulsi Gabbard


[–] 20964095? -1 points (+0|-1) 3 days ago


NMBRFG here.

I have officially called it last month > that Tulsi Gabbard will face Trump in 2020.

All the Gematria points to this.

Take care.

Kindest regards,



'o-o' <

[–] 20964666? 3 days ago

I doubt it. She has no support.

'o-o' <

[–] 20964796? 3 days ago (edited 3 days ago)

Hi again.

Who else have they got? <

Seriously. Name ANYONE who is even remotely a contender. Crickets.

Fren, I CANNOT see anyone except Tulsi Gabbard being trotted out at the last minute.

I just keep seeing it in my head, AND in all the Gematria. So WTF is going on with the 2020 election? Is it going to be just Trump running on his own, UNCONTESTED. Now THAT would be a treat.

BTW, my housemate just said > either Oprah, or Ellen DeGeneret LOL! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! ;)

Kindest regards,




'o-o' <

[–] 20968070? 1 point (+1|-0) 3 days ago

Unless Trump has Hillary volunteering to hang herself in public, I can't see her running, even though she's said she could beat him again. She surely knows better.

'o-o' <

[–] 20971596? 3 days ago (edited 3 days ago)

She is doing it to save her ass. Period.

"Clear the way, clear the way > 'Performer' coming through" LOL!

As Q said > The only reason these retards are Running for President, is to save their ass, and cry political targeting during an election year.

It won't work. Hell even that Creepy Porn Lawyer tried that shit on.

His press conference where he was the only attendee (covered by CNN) was priceless >





[–] 20964211? [S] 0 points (+1|-1) 3 days ago

Because I respect your work I now doubt myself. we will see:)

[–] 20964549? 0 points (+1|-1) 3 days ago (edited 3 days ago)

Save this post. >

I am of course speculating here.

But I am basing my prediction (future fagging lol) on Gematria results I have come across.

I go through A LOT of Gematria to find the material I post. So I get to see a lot raw data.

Tulsi Gabbard comes up ALL the time, from the President's Tweets, and she is a perfect candidate to come to the rescue, of the DEMS, in 2020, as they are currently just burning all these idiotic candidates, like > Spartacus (really?) Kamala Harris (slutted way to the top > Nope) > Pocahontas (cannot win), and Quid Pro Joe (Bwhahahahaha! Joe is going down and so is his son, and Kerry's step son, as is Kerry BTW FYI) et al. NONE of which can beat Trump.

He will smash the living daylights out of anyone they put up, regardless.

It's clear and obvious to me at least. So I'm calling it <

And thanks for the compliment > ;)



More >

"She's a Trojan Horse <"

More >

First result in Gematria in my decode last week >

Gematria result = Tulsi Gabbard Only Woman On A White Horse 3393 2448 408 445

NMBRFG CALLS IT EARLY... > "[TULSI GABBARD TO RUN IN 2020]" i.e. to be the Dem nominee and run against Trump specifically was my meaning here. <

Sauce >




NMBRFG called it. <

You all thought I was crazy. Yeah, crazy like a Fox. <

Any questions?




'o-o' <


21008345? ago

Yeah, I've noticed all of the media coverage in the past couple of days, Hillary calling her a Russian asset, and her going off on Hillary. I still stand by my statement that she can't beat Trump. And I'm still not convinced she isn't a legit thorn in the DS side.

The media coverage seems to be negative right now, certainly more fair than they have treated POTUS though. But they're still up to their old tricks and smears.




And here's PV again:


Hasn't Q repeatedly said that D party is done once this is all over? POTUS holds all the cards. My stance is she's allowed to run and the Dems eating themselves is a good thing. ‘Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.’

21004033? ago

She's a phony

21003964? ago

Tulsi Gabbard is not who she appears to be


21005824? ago

Omg I just saw this! Yes! Still reading your thread but damn guys. Tusli is all a damn psyop. [Their] own show is going on which I do believe includes HRC playing her part in attacking Tulsi as Russian asset etc to push support 'to' Tulsi, not away.

21008904? ago

She is being set up as the Dem Nominee. You'll see. <

21003447? ago

Tulsi is CFR, which is not so bad a first, but then there is this.


21003935? ago

She is [DS]. <

21004187? ago

Department of State?

21008891? ago

Dumb Slapper <

21003466? ago


21003844? ago

Has to do with saving some mountain in Hawaii, notice they never include the text.

21006805? ago

We know what the triangle means. Symbols will be their downfall.

21006820? ago

Apparently not.

21004606? ago

Jesus Christ, you shills are pathetic.

21004618? ago

Does the truth hurts your feelz?

21003413? ago

What's a NMBRFG?

Is it like a CTTCML or a ACTLT?

21003420? ago

NMBRFG = Number Fag = Number Specialist >



< = V = VX

'o-o' < = Glasses White Rabbit wears in order to signify > Look further and more deeply > Down The Rabbit Hole <

You = Alice

21012903? ago

Check this out. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1185398713822396416.html Ok so here's a new spin that came to me. What if Tulsi is a white hat? It would explain why Veritas had Mr Vorhies (Google whistleblower) legitimized which would mean that V really isn't DS even though he was a FF witness, and that Tulsi's lawsuit against Google is actually to 'help' Trump after he's elected. There's no way Tulsi would beat Trump although it'll be optics for a legit-looking competition.

21015586? ago

I don't trust Vorhies AT ALL! BEWARE. <

FF witness incident NOT a coincidence > STAGED <

21015576? ago


So I read the link carefully, and this is what I think >

Tulsi is getting her ads banned (and the other Dem contenders are not), and so she is suing Google. Look Fren, this is all for optics > Tulsi is being groomed by The Deep State as a Trojan Horse.

This and the Hillary attacks, are being staged to make her look like she's our Gal.

It's the same thing they did to Alex Jones > Banned for a while to create hype, as Q crushed his business and message, and exposed him as a liar, and a controlled foreign asset (think MOSSAD).

Jerome Corsi is B'nai B'rith

Thery are all actors playing their part, and Tulsi is no differewnt.

In order to BUY credibility (which the [DS] currently are in short supply of i.e. they have NONE!), they must attack Tulsi.

This creates sympathy and she is a woman. Perfect.

Can't be attacking Women publicly you know, and certainly not a Verteran...

Let me know your thoughts. <

Take care.

Kind regards.

Viper X




'O-o' <

21015180? ago

My Spidey Sense is telling me NO Anon.

I can't prove it yet, but it's my feeling she is a Deep State Sleeper.

I am prepared to eat humble pie or Crow, or Humble Pie made with a Crow filling if I am wrong. Hell I will even make the pie (I am a Chef > Baker > Literally!) >

I am watching her closely. So far I don't trust her.

I will however call it AGAIN, that she will be the Dem nominee to run against Trump. I was first on here to say this BTW... < ;)

The other "Contestants" are dead in the water. Non starters.

Thanks heaps.


Kindest regards,



Viper X


'o-o' <

21047780? ago

Julzee here..Damn Viper I'm looking for those old comms you and I had on this a month ago. You had the numbers telling you it was going to be Gabbard. I had my instinct that Google whistleblower Vorhies was connected to this. He is the one who initially propelled Tulsi into the limelight with his 'warning her lawyer' that she was being censored by Google. I did those videos re; him being the yt shooting witness

video1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgcAs72e5CM&t=28s

video2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgq1ySWRtyY

Then Redpill/TRU channels interviewed V where he said he got a text from Q but then out of the blue and with no explanation deleted that video. So of course you know I uploaded that deleted video to my channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBCf7q24V0A&

I'm waffling back and forth on whether Tulsi is working for [them] or Trump...? Is she one who is now controlled by Trump? Or not? https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3482374/21047416

21069303? ago

Thank you..:) My mind is getting overloaded...lol I'm trying to get my V/Tulsi video together. I'm looking for that image of ex-8chan owner when he received a Q and note..? in his place when he came home. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3485166Can you help me find it?

21049919? ago

She is Deep State. A sleeper. She is being groomed to run in 2020, and to win in 2024. <

Podesta donated to her > See Wikileaks for Sauce <

They cannot win at all otherwise for the foreseeable future, and (((they))) know it! <

I just cannot see anyone else.

DO NOT trust Tulsi.


21049953? ago

I think so too but I'm noodling my brain on this one contemplating other possibilities. Especially since most of what we're watching is never as simple as it seems.

21005851? ago

Here's an excellent thread that's getting more traction and is along the same lines as this one https://voat.co/v/QRV/3477773. Still reading it but you could link your various work on this there too..?

21008850? ago

Thanks. <

21013027? ago

I keep editing the intro post here to include all the threads I see popping up on this subject. If you give me links to yours I'll gladly add them to the top of the list...;)

21015528? ago

I found this one too >

See how I call Tulsi becoming the nominee > I was convinced then, and I am convinced now.

Gematria Notable: >

Challenger 189 510 85 238


Sauce decode from NMBRFG >

Trump Tweet T-9283 - Gematria Analysis > "TIPPY TRIPPY TRISCUIT" - 'o-o' <


Thanks heaps.

21015272? ago

This is the Gematria I did which found the reference to Tulsi Gabbard. >

It comes up in the first few results. >



I have more but they are going back at least a month or two. All from the capitalized letter gematria of POTUS tweets. I will dig them up.

I have two days off now, so I will have some hot fresh defs for you guys shortly. <

21015214? ago

Been at work. I need to go back through all the Gematria I did and find the references before I write it.

I am thinking hard about it, and what you said about her being a WH. I have considered this before, long in the past.

I have been watching Tulsi intently from here.

I don't see it. I don't trust her. We shall see... <

I am going to do my own research and will post an article then.

TBA. <

21003361? ago

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21003303? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=VCrQ8P6oXz8 :

Ruff Day - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 10.19.19 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

21003379? ago

Thank you! ;) <

21003402? ago

Yw whoever you are...lol

21003302? ago

Today >

"I TOLD you so! <


I am rarely wrong when I make these calls (future fagging), but this is peeling even me out a bit now.

I called it already about a month ago, and again two or three days ago on here. Very BOLD and clear statement, and now here we are.

The Gematria does not lie Fren. <

What do you reckon now?

Tulsi HAS to be the nominee bro! There is no one else.



'o-o' <


21003267? ago

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