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21003192? ago

Omg do you see this narrative going on re: Tulsi Gabbard? It totally looks like what we've discussed where she is being set up to be the one facing Trump 2020. HRC attacking her for optics etc. I've been seeing EVERYONE including Tucker Carlson and all kinds of channels/twats pushing the same thing. This example is from IPOT

21003216? ago

I TOLD you so! <


I am rarely wrong when I make these calls (future fagging), but this is peeling even me out a bit now.

I called it already about a month ago, and again two or three days ago on here. Very BOLD and clear statement, and now here we are.

The Gematria do not lie Fren. <

What do you reckon now?

Tulsi HAS to be the nominee bro! There is no one else.



'o-o' <


21003260? ago