21186942? ago

Joe and I saw eye to eye about....90% of the time, and I agree with some things in his post. Gabbard is not in lockstep with her leftist comrades. She is the least offensive of the leftists. She is also a combat veteran. The problem is, like Joe says, the pure EVIL has taken that party so far left toward Soviet communism that there is NO MIDDLE GROUND left with them.

Joe is right that there are well-intentioned Democrats. Who could possibly be against more money for education? Who could possibly be against (here it comes) giving more money to the poor like Jesus says. Welp, Jesus never said anything about playing Robin Hood. So, even if it makes you FEEL good, robbing from the rich and giving to the poor makes you.....a thief--and a self-serving, manipulative thief at that. See Bernie Sanders's rants about a $15 minimum wage, raging at anyone who dare say that someone shouldn't make that much--while he completely ignores....inflation, job elimination, and de-valuing of jobs that already make $15 per hour. Bernie knows the price of that higher minimum wage. He knows it's an attack on the middle class. He knows he's robbing auto mechanics to pay burger flippers. He WANTS that one solid serf class where everybody pretty much makes the same, AND NOBODY HAS ANY REASON TO TRY ANY HARDER THAN THE BARE MINIMUM. That's what socialism is--the eradication of incentive and the middle class for reasons of CONTROL. Bernie isn't stupid. He's evil.

This is open warfare at this point. And while I personally like Tulsi. I'd date her. I'd do other things to her. But I will not vote for her unless I register democrat just to vote against a worse shithead like Hillary in the primary.

The leftist agenda has a few different long-term goals:

Population control, fewer people, easier to control. Mandatory vaccines with mercury in them, holistic doctors dropping like flies, the Medical community treating symptoms instead of causes, death panels, and of course, passionately protesting for your right to slaughter your own children. Mandatory medical insurance that will make it so that the greediest people on earth dictate what kind of healthcare you can get.

Dumbing down and indoctrination--there's a reason so many young people feel good about themselves for supporting Bernie the Socialist. The reason you see truther videos vanishing from youtube is that Sergei Brin is making that happen. One of the best things that could happen to this country is that Sergei and his wife suddenly go the way of Andrew Breitbart. Elimination of free speech on Social Media--shadow banning.

If you haven't seen it first-hand, you haven't been paying attention. Let's give more money to schools--who teach what we tell them to teach via our Department of Indoctrin--err I mean Department of Education. You literally can't mention a Christian author in a public school anymore--Buddhists, Jews, just about anything else goes...but even a Mormon author who wrote Ender's Game had to be taught with a caveat: this author has a Christian agenda. I asked in front of all the English teachers why the Holocaust novel Night didn't come with the same caveat.

And the end results of population control and mind control--is complete slavery under a global government. What stands in their way? Trump and the US Constitution. There is no more room for compromise with the left. Every time they take some small freedom away from the 2nd Amendment, like...large capacity magazines or background checks...one piece at a time...CONTROL that results in Population reduction that results in MORE CONTROL that will result in the Georgia Guide Stones.

Fuck these satanists. Fuck every single DAMNED democrat. They are traitors, enemies of the Constitution, and should be given NOTHING. Even Combat Vet democrats have abandoned reason for madness.

21190769? ago

I completely agree with your entire post.

Fuck every single DAMNED democrat. They are traitors, enemies of the Constitution, and should be given NOTHING. Even Combat Vet democrats have abandoned reason for madness.

Exactly how I feel about it. This 'honest' 'innocent' regular Liberals that we need to coddle irks me to know end. I have 'well meaning' Leftist family members/friends/co-workers just like all these patriots who are so concerned about them. But to go so far as to say that they need a 'safe space' to go to when their corrupt Party implodes? Just shows me that patriots are swallowing the Leftist SJW koolaid...ugh

When you really look at these people they are not as 'innocent' nor 'caring' as most like to paint them. My sister and mother 'think' they are the most righteous out there but they have become nasty people. Like the one anon above stated, his Liberal friends put on a nice face when he's around but turn ugly talking shit behind his back as soon as he's out of the room. Mine do the same. They laugh and revel in hoping for bad things to happen to Trump and his supporters. Sick people. They are two-faced and ignorant whether we want to accept that sad reality or not. They are not the same people we once knew. They are indoctrinated robots and imo actually dangerous.

Today's Democrats have zero American values left. They cheer these bastardizations of our legal systems supporting impeachment of a President who did no impeachable crimes simply bc they don't like him or his policies. Which tells you alot bc his policies are the most pro-America of ANY President I can think of.

They cheer the creation of illegal sanctuary cities which again, totally bastardizes and overwhelms our systems not to mention steals even more money from our pockets to pay for housing, detainment, food, medical etc etc. They can't perform their perceived utopia the legal way so they just shove the bullshit down our throats any way they can with no regard to how it effects our rights/freedoms. Just look at Obamacare. My family LOVED the way D's did end-runs around the processes to get that thing passed. Our families are now solidly 'ends justify the means' idiots. They would rather see our Country become a third world shit hole than to admit their utopia doesn't exist. And that is extremely dangerous as we see from the byproduct. Just look at the crime, homelessness, human trafficking etc etc and awful things happening throughout the cities BECAUSE of these well 'meaning, innocent' people (who btw continue to make it all possible by feeding the eye).

No, I think D's like my family have done enough harm and giving them a platform & candidate because 'they should be included in steering our Country' is completely mind boggling to me. Yeah, let's allow them to steer it further down the tube...lol They deserve ZERO right to steer this Country bc they CHOOSE to spit on our laws and values. They don't value our Constitution at all which is proven by looking how they do end-runs around it's declarations by using the courts to dissolve what they hate about it instead of the legal way, the amendment process.

If you look honestly at the state some of these deranged people are in (yes, my family included) they are in the beginning stages of becoming numb Nazi's harboring the ability to actually kill others. I'm totally serious. Had those Walmart concentration camps actually been built I could see my own Leftist family thinking it a 'good' thing were I sent there to be re-educated into their more loving thinking. This level of indoctrination they are in where they can actually view our saving the Republic as a bad thing is how blacks can enslave blacks in Africa. You wouldn't think that possible but it is. Muslim blacks enslave non-Muslim blacks bc they are Muslim first and blacks second. That's how our current Democrat family is today. They are Democrats before Americans. And Democrat leaders have defined the Party as Communist Globalist NWO with our families willingly falling in line. Now anyone who is Conservative is enemy #1.

Their corrupt political Party needs to be allowed to implode. And they need to suffer the emotional consequences that come with it. Which means yes, humiliation and isolation if they choose to stay in the bubble.

21186960? ago

well lookie here, is that my name not being anonymized? this is my surprised face

21181762? ago

Yeah, they are misguided beliefs. So you came into the world "complete" in knowledge ??

You never had a need for illumination ? Or are you THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD ?

21185855? ago

Yes misguided beliefs that need destroyed not pampered via another candidate who will keep you strung along in the bubble eh? How does Tulsi 'illuminate'?

21201015? ago

She illuminates by calling out the SCAM OF CONTINUOUS WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Which I’m sure you know coincides with MAGA.

Donald Trump — “We spent TRILLIONS on these useless Mid-East wars. With that kind of money I could fix it all”


21204857? ago

She illuminates by calling out the SCAM OF CONTINUOUS WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST.

Yeah. She talks a good game right? Yet, degrades Trump for actually DOING what she's 'saying' she wants stopped. Hmm..that doesn't sound a bit odd to you? She SHOULD be singing Trump's praises. That is..IF she truly meant what she says.

21179097? ago

I never agree with friendly fire.

21189391? ago

Do you agree with executing spies? Exposing controlled op like Judge Nap?

21178541? ago

He probably is going to commit suicide. I'm serious.

21176848? ago

Hes right though to a certain extent. Its our brothers and sisters that think theyre doing good. They've been misled by the evil one. They arnt our enemies. Our job was to report the truth to wake them up remember?????... They aren't bad people theyve just been programmed to think theyre doinggood even though they are clearly not ... Sometimes people here forget that.. Conveniently.

21179145? ago

Who said they were bad people? Or that 'they' were the enemy? Their IDEOLOGY 'IS' the enemy though and if we don't get them to realize this then the damage their 'honest caring' does to us, our Republic and the World will never stop. How does pampering them with a DS candidate so that they're kept more 'comfy' inside that bubble (remember, Tulsi is still a Globalist Socialist) going to stop the corruption? It isn't! It's going to CONTINUE the corruption and disintegration of our rights.

He said

we would see a plan for the well-intentioned Left who deserve life, liberty, happiness and a say in the direction of the country.

Seriously? We want them to have a say in steering the Country off the cliff? I don't care if they 'think' they're doing good. Them voting in DS people like Tulsi is 'doing' bad...duh Our Constitution is an agreement between we the people and our gov. It says that the gov has LIMITED POWERS. There is NO COMPROMISE on those powers.

It's like you have a mortgage contract between you and the bank on the terms of owning your home right? It's all spelled out in your mortgage. Well what if someone comes along and says 'hey, I think that you should help your neighbor out more so I'm going to change the terms of your mortgage to include increasing your payments by $100 per month'. And you say 'the hell you are! You have no right to change my agreement without my consent'. So does giving them voting power over something that they have no right to change in the first place make it legit? No.

But that's precisely what D's do. Their 'good intentions' change OUR rights without our consent. There are core rights that we are GUARANTEED and no amount of voting Nation-wide is allowed to change them. Only through the amendment process can these be changed. Would you 'compromise' with the guy who wants to change your mortgage payments if he comes back with 'ok, we won't take $100 per month how about $50'? Hell no! He has zero right to ANY of it. It's ludicrous! THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND! This 'compromise' and 'inclusion' bullshit is Leftist bullshit people fall for. Our Constitution IS middle ground.

21180632? ago

Youre right, on policy there is no conpromise and i feel lile youre pretty much spot on.. But at the same time more than half the people here just wanna see normies get fried in the electric chair. If you wanna go after the powers and principalities that are attempting to change your mortgage im in 100% agreement with you.. But you may be more in the middle with that than you think.. And as many liberals that i see get red pilled i see double that amount popping too mamy redpillls and becoming something that defeated the purpose.. Evwryobes got a roll. Mines to assist in reminding people that these are our brothers and sisters. Cheers brother. Much love.

21176342? ago

OMG! sorry, but this is such a divisive post! some people will never vote republican. and ideas of social market economy are NOT evil, i have it in my country and here, at least everybody is health-insured. how about finding some middle ground? not everybody on the left is evil.

21176450? ago

I never said it was evil for 'your' Country. I'm sure there's many things that say Europeans are fine with that Americans would never tolerate here. Not all Nations believe in American values and American values have ZERO room for middle ground if that middle ground means corrupting our Republic and INDIVIDUAL rights. There are no individual rights when you allow gov to take from some to give to others. That (Socialism) is ANTI-AMERICAN...period And yes, evil if you're trying to institute by gov. Socialism needs to be local and voluntary, not at the barrel of a gun which is what gov is.

21174786? ago

Gals and guys. Sorry about Joe.

Hope it wasn't my doing.

21176465? ago

What do you mean?

21174763? ago

wonder why he deleted the account?!?

21174660? ago

Wow iv been reading the comments here and most of you really don't get it!

Tulsi is Chillarys plant!

Think about it, she is middle ground, and she is perfectly right-leaning to get the progressive conservatives and the undisisve back in the demo(n)cratic line again...

And the witch may be many things, but lets not be naive enough to think for a minute that she is not clever and cunning.

She knows she is too exposed and has to many haters even among the democrats...

Tulsi is definitvly a plant/set-up, and everyone who tries to sell her is being flagged in my mind at least!

21177678? ago

You are correct Patriot. Tulsi Gabbard is as radical as the rest. They can play this bait and switch game all they want but those on the left decimated their credibility decades ago with me. The truth is not in these people and I would not trust her as far as I could throw her.

21174229? ago

I think Joe M is a patriot. Do you really think the videos he made on YouTube would be made BY a blackhat? I just don’t understand that. Why would he make videos educating people about the evil in the world and the deep state if he was working for them all along?

I think the more likely situation is that Tulsi is or is being controlled by white hats. Try to open your mind a bit at least to the possibility that she may actually be good. There are signs she is not good, but also signs that she is. I think what is going on behind the scenes is a lot more complicated. It is a crazy game of chess planned by military intelligence. You have to be able to put aside her platform because those are the talking points that keep the left and right divided, and instead consider her in terms of the people vs. the establishment and peace vs. endless wars. In those respects, she and Trump are not very different. There is a reason Trump has called out and given nicknames to pretty much every dem running except for Tulsi. In fact, he defended her after her spat with Hillary.

In the past the deep state has controlled elections by having candidates on both sides that are actually the same (Obama vs. McCain, Obama vs. Romney, Bush vs. Kerry, etc.) they gave the illusion of having different beliefs, but at the end of the day they were both establishment, globalist scum. In this case, I think it is possible that the alliance/white hats are trying the same strategy. Trump vs. Tulsi would be an example of this. Q always says “nothing can stop what is coming”, this includes Trump losing the 2020 election. This means we have to assume that whoever gets the Democratic nomination is part of the plan as well. She could very well just be a puppet, but controlled by good forces, just like William Barr.

21179426? ago

Here's my video. I also did an update after this. Looks like there's a fake Joe M trying to pass himself off on twatter but it still doesn't change the fact that it was the real Joe who's pushing Tulsi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0viWkFi8vok&t=3s

21174396? ago

Why would he make videos educating people about the evil in the world and the deep state if he was working for them all along?

Hmmm..do you remember Alex Jones? And Corsi? Did they not also educate the world on DS as well (for waaay more years than Joe btw) and turn out to be clowns? You can't get too emotionally attached to ANYONE. You've got to use LOGIC. Does it make sense that one of Joe's last threads is pushing a DS candidate as opposed to expecting people to wake up and SEE Trump's value as true patriot?

she and Trump are not very different.

Yeah while she votes FOR impeachment of Trump...lol

Try to open your mind a bit at least to the possibility that she may actually be good.

I'm trying and actually mentioned that crazy possibility in the video I just did...;) Will link you as soon as it's uploaded. Why don't YOU open yourself up to the possibility that Joe is a clown? Too emotionally attached? Or does logic make you think it?

21175966? ago

Hmmm..do you remember Alex Jones?

That is a good point, but it also makes you wonder about the videos that Joe M made. I happen to think they are pretty dead on. The DS ppl do like to hide in plain sight so you could be right. I just think it is a bit of a stretch that he would go on for years promoting Q if the entire time he was working for the DS. Like even Alex Jones calls Q bullshit. I feel like drawing attention to Q is actually the last thing the Deep State wants. If that is, in fact, the case then wouldn’t that actually suggest that Q itself is a deep state psyop?

Yeah while she votes FOR impeachment of Trump...lol

There hasn‘t actually been an impeachment vote. The vote was about an impeachment “inquiry” which is just a made up thing to create “orange man bad” news headlines. It doesn’t actually mean anything.

I feel like this is a bit of cognitive dissonance. You are trying to find a narrative that makes sense in your head because the possibility of Tulsi being good seems more crazy than the possibility of Joe being bad.

I could make a similar argument that Trump is bad by posting photographs of him with the Clintons or Jeffrey Epstein or pointing out connections he has to the Rothschilds from his past.

I know it probably won’t change your opinion, but some signs she may be good:

  • She has served and still serves in the military
  • She has spoken out constantly in favor of peace and against regime change wars that others in her party promote
  • She has spoken out against the fake news MSM on many occasions
  • She and General Flynn both follow each other on Twitter

I am taking a wait and see approach. In my mind, both Tulsi and Trump are on the same side. Yes, Hillary’s comments about her helped to elevate her in the polls, but we don’t know for sure that Hillary is even acting on her own these days. Hillary could be forced to cooperate with white hats for all we know. I think there is a lot more going on than we can see on the surface.

21176743? ago

The vote was about an impeachment “inquiry” which is just a made up thing to create “orange man bad” news headlines. It doesn’t actually mean anything.

Of course it means something! It means that Tulsi doesn't believe in law & order or our Republic as some think or she wouldn't be ok with our agencies & Congress being used for a fake impeachment yes optics, not real impeachment vote.

I could make a similar argument that Trump is bad by posting photographs of him with the Clintons or Jeffrey Epstein or pointing out connections he has to the Rothschilds from his past.

You make good points there but Trump at least has a track record where we can see what he DOES not just says. For years even before he ran for pres. You seem to forget some major points re Tulsi. She is a Socialist. Huge no no in America 'if' you value individual rights. and limited gov. She believes in GLOBAL agendas which are contrary to our values (global warming, impeaching a duly elected pres (or the optics of one which is just as bad. It's totally misleading and corrupt to lead the sheep in a direction where it's ok to push this farce over zero evidence of wrongdoing by Trump using our institutions like this). She is either too stupid (which I highly doubt) to see that there is such a thing as a DS. If so she shouldn't be anywhere near public office. But she knows there's a DS and would also know that Trump's agenda is to destroy it. Therefor she 'should' be behind Trump 'if' she were truly interested in actually saving our Republic and fighting crime.

She has served and still serves in the military

Means nothing when you look at the generals and others serving in the military who have joined in and made the cabal crimes even possible.

She has spoken out constantly in favor of peace and against regime change wars that others in her party promote

Key words 'spoken out'. So what? Again, if she knows there's a DS then she knows that it is they who have created these wars and regime changes and 'should' be behind Trump in taking them down not blaming Trump on them. But she's not. Does that not tell you something? You seriously don't go by what she 'says' do you?

She has spoken out against the fake news MSM on many occasions

lol yeah so? [Msm] is part of [their] show. HRC as well. Can you not see them having shows just like Trump is? It's all acting man.

She and General Flynn both follow each other on Twitter

Ok you stumped me there...lol

Bottom line is that I guess we won't really know what's up for sure until after the election. It's just that my spidey senses are telling me that this is all a huge black op to get Tulsi propelled into the hearts and minds of the masses. It's their only hope. I called this 2 months ago with my suspicions re: Vorhies. Did you see my video on that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lOXC9yMvKQ

21176341? ago

You make some valid points, anon. And given POTUS' tendency to play 4D chess and catch almost everybody off-guard on a regular basis (even us), it's completely in the realm of possibility that she's working for POTUS. If that were true and Clinton knew/suspected it, her attack on Tulsi recently makes a bit more sense.

But, who knows? I'm not convinced Tulsi is a white hat but I'm not convinced she's a black hat. Time will tell.

21174328? ago

I have noticed that a lot of people here have allowed their confirmation bias to destroy their ability to think clearly with regards to Tulsi. They are so sure that she is black hat that they will look for any evidence to fit that narrative even if it may not actually mean anything.

I think we have to give it some time to see how this plays out, and it will all be really obvious in retrospect who was on what side.

21173675? ago

I think Joe M is a patriot. Definitely not a black hat.

What he posted actually makes sense for the most part. There are a lot of really good people out there who are victims of the deepstates propaganda. I have family members that fall into this category. We should welcome them and try to teach them the truth no matter how rude, pompous, or ignorant they have been. They truly believe they're the ones who are informed, not realizing they've fallen for the propaganda this whole time. Hopefully most of them will accept they've been duped instead of digging their heels in deeper.

21179212? ago

There's a difference between teaching them the truth and giving them ability/rights to 'steer the direction of our Country'. No one's saying to hate these people (I have a few in my own family). But you want them to wake the F up, not softly and gently cow-tail to their need to stay asleep. They wake up great. Don't? Then they're out of the process man. There is no compromise with our constitution and actually thinking that allowing them to vote for a DS candidate so that they feel 'included'? Wow. Can't even believe people are falling for this Leftist double-think.

21173973? ago

Do you agree that socialism is equally valid as capitalism?

21177627? ago

No, it is not.

21185349? ago

Add to that his breathless endorsement of T. Gabbard.

21173580? ago

HOLEE Shit. How naive did anyone have to be to follow that famefag (or any famefag). Ever think it was weird how his famous video depicted someone reading the bible cozied up with someone reading the Koran? Ever get a weird feeling about some of the things said in that video? Ever wonder why Q never posted that hugely popular Q video?

Wake the Fuck up and be careful who you Fuckin follow. PLEASE. This is War.

21173945? ago

And how about how he equated socialism and capitalism as being equally valid? I knew right then that he was a cuck. (and I agree with your take on the Muslim shit too)

21176170? ago


21173294? ago

Joe M seemed to me to be a solid Patriot, and very much part of the plan.

I thought about his last 14 part post... And about Tulsi...

My thoughts are, when the deep state is exposed, and the truly evil, treasonous actions are proven... Many on the left who are not radicals, but have been understandably deceived with the 24/7 mockingbird brainwashing by the MSM....will still forced to deal with deep underlining beliefs that anyone on the right are evil fascists that hate clean water, fresh air, etc.

Tulsi's history of a far leftist is undeniable, but calling out Hildabeast on National TV is something no one on the left has ever done. Maybe WHats are using her... I don't know.

Lots of twists and turns in this movie!

Maybe it's one last attempt at redemption for the folks that are on the fence now that they just watched 2 years of bogus attempts to derail everything Trump.

21179335? ago

will still forced to deal with deep underlining beliefs that anyone on the right are evil fascists that hate clean water, fresh air, etc.

But don't you hear yourself? You mean to tell me that it makes sense to you that rather than force them to come to terms with the reality that we on the Right are NOT what they've been taught to believe we are, you think it a-ok to allow them a back-door..an avenue to stay in that bubble bc it would what? Be too painful for them to have to accept? So a DS Socialist Globalist option would be more gentle and more caring thing on our part to allow them to stay in that bubble via a more 'comfortable candidate' to vote for rather than forcing them to shit or get off the pot? This is war man. It's time to shit or get off the pot and those who choose the bubble will just have to deal with those consequences. Which will be no Political Party home. Oh well.

21182993? ago

Look, the ones that will still have a problem will be the ones who do in fact live in a bubble...with no outside beliefs to influence any resemblance of reality that the Right Are Not what they believe.

I'm guessing around 4-8% are bonkers. No chance of convincing them of anything. They are lost forever. But the rest are liberals that going to continue to vote for more liberals.

21185781? ago

Well I for one was a hard-ass Leftist my entire life born and bread and I woke up. It's ludicrous to me that so many of you think that the majority are destined to stay that way. So I don't accept this premise that these people (except the 4-8%) will necessarily HAVE to stay voting Liberal simply bc they've been brainwashed into Liberalism. Today Liberal = Globalism.

What even 'is' a Liberal anymore? We're ALL Liberals when it comes to caring for our fellow man and the environment etc. And how the hell is abortion Liberal? We're just not 'Globalists'.

The D Party is going down and if you ask me anyone, after finding out what the D's have done, 'still' even has a desire to vote D? Then there's something wrong with them. All they'd do is work to rebuild the damn Party into what it is today!

21186823? ago

Yes, when your eyes are wide open to the truth and it exposes the radical leftist for who they are ( global Marxists). The an intelligent, rational human being runs as far away from them as possible.

That said, I have some friends I grew up with, that share many values and principles..yet 40 years later, I hear through the grape vine that they talk behind our backs, claiming were exactly who Rachel Madcow, HRC and all the other radicals describe us as. These are Not Rational minded people. They live in a bubble among like minded small circle of friends and don't look for common ground when encountering people that have different views. They're polite to me because we've known each other since we were kids...but they talk shit the second they leave your presence.

Those are the ones that are gonners...

I also agree with you that there are many that are waking up and Walking Away from the Democrat Plantation.

I have friends that have always been life long Democrats, but as of the last year or so, are asking questions and actually "talking" about issues and corruption, instead of the usual Alinsky attacks and character assassination that they've always used... So there's that...

Hating on them doesn't help though. It only drives a deeper wedge. So we,need to be patient while their programming starts to short cuircut...

Much love Patriot.

21189556? ago

I don't 'hate' on them. My passion is probably directed more at patriots who seem to think that we need to 'cater' to them so as to not hurt their feelings..? Can't bear seeing them feeling left out once their Party implodes..? My point is is that they 'should' have to go through that feeling in order to get to the path to waking up! It's like how the emotion of humiliation is a teacher. It helps prevent you from performing unacceptable behaviors right? You guys want to take the emotional teacher away bc it will be hurtful?

I'm amazed at the level of Left-think that has infiltrated even the most pro-Constitutionalists' minds seemingly without them even realizing it. This 'inclusion' concept where these poor D's who are 'unwittingly' stuck in their bubble will need a home? That thinking is so ludicrous to me! We were ALL unwittingly stuck in this bubble at some level and had to freegin wake up in order to be where we are today. And that is/was OUR CHOICE. So to then 'feel' for those who CHOOSE not to wake up by catering to that refusal by providing them an adequate DS candidate so that they can still feel comfy and included in the American process? I just say wow really? Let them feel isolated. Maybe they'll even grow some balls and create a new and improved Party like we Tea Partiers did. It's the only way they'll learn that they're WRONG! 'Saving them' from that emotion and work is taking the teacher away.

An example would be your mortgage (I'll get to that in a sec). Our Constitution is an agreement between we the people and our government. Gov has ENUMERATED & LIMITED powers. No one has the right to take these rights from us. Yet you have an entire swath of Americans who do not comprehend this concept. Ok so they were taught this in school. It's time to unteach them! They think that they are 'caring' when they push their legislators to steal from us to give to those less fortunate. And it goes even way further than that. This entire concept of 'from those who have to those who have not' has got to be CRUSHED not catered to because this ideology feeds the damn eye. This giving has GOT to be individual and on local levels. Federal Socialism is not acceptable thought here in America. That is..if you believe in our Constitution.

Ok so the mortgage. You've got this agreement between you and your bank re: terms of your owning your house. But your neighbors feel that you should pay $100 more per/month so that the extra can help others in less fortunate situation. Do you do this 'middle of the road' crap with them and say 'ok I'll pay $50 instead of $100' or do you tell them to get lost? You tell them to get lost bc the middle of the road IS your mortgage. It's not their place to tell you what your agreement is going to be. What if this neighbor gathers more neighbors together and they take a vote? Does that mean they now have the right? No. But this neighbor still 'feels' like he's right. Do you provide him with a lawyer (Tulsi) who will help him fight you tooth and nail to get his way bc gosh darn it the guy just 'feel's so righteous and thinks he's doing good for others and you don't want him to have no safe place to go when reality hits him like a ton of bricks? Hell no! You fight the guy and expect him to either wake the F up to the reality that he does not have the right to infringe on you or his choice, he lives his life miserable. Period. You don't cater to 'his' needs. Tulsi is HRC-lite. We'll take $50 from you instead of $100. How is that going to wake the neighbor up?...lol

D's have zero clue of the concept of States Rights. They have morphed into a Liberalism that believes in GLOBAL governance. FEDERAL laws that encompass the entire Nation. Look..if Massachusetts wants to provide Socialist healthcare then I say go for it. We are individual States who have that right. But D's believe it their duty to work Federally and force ALL of us into their misguided utopia for the sake of the downtrodden. They're completely oblivious to the stealing of rights aspect of it all. You are a horrible person if you do not agree to Socialism. And they will never stop attempting the theft bc it's part of who they are. They now need to become someone else and providing them a 'safe space' candidate is only going to allow them to stay asleep.

21191281? ago

Holy shit anon... I'm exhausted after reading that. Kek

Seriously, no one here wants them to not feel humiliation, pain, or eating crow...thats what they get for Not Knowing why our founding framers created our Constitutional Republic and for being deceived so easily by communist scum. At the moment we have a 2 party system. Some commie RINOs haven't helped the "conservatives" who believe in our Republic ( from the DemonRat perspective). McShitstain and the likes of Bush's, Romney's, etc.are all UN global Marxist.

But I agree with you, they should find a new home...Outside the USA. There is no room here for domestic enemies.

21191493? ago

Some commie RINOs haven't helped the "conservatives" who believe in our Republic ( from the DemonRat perspective). McShitstain and the likes of Bush's, Romney's, etc.are all UN global Marxist.

Yeah and you remember we Tea Partiers worked our asses off to clean out this corrupt R Party? But just more evidence of how nasty D's are. Here we were trying to clean house and did they bother to attempt to clean theirs? Hell no! They were too busy degrading fellow Americans by calling us Tea Baggers. D's have become nasty nasty people. Just sayin.

But I agree with you, they should find a new home...Outside the USA. There is no room here for domestic enemies.

Exactly. Either wake the fuck up or leave is the point I'm at. I'm done worrying about 'their' feelings. And I'm sure as hell not willing to cater to them.

21173153? ago

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21173123? ago

Tulsi is the democrat Ron Paul

just think of it that way and you'll be alright

21173988? ago

I think by "alright" you mean "fucked".

21174033? ago

Nah I mean Tulsi is nothing to worry about. Congressman for life like Ron Paul

anti-establishment congressman but for the Left

21174322? ago

I see your point. There could end up being something to it, but I just don't think it'll have legs. More of a "pathetic" attempt that will go nowhere.

21174231? ago

"Anti-establishment" yet a member of CFR Council on Foreign Relations.

Tulsi is nothing but an establishment Globalist who is being promoted as anti-establishment as a way to drain votes from Trump.

Watch out for a "third party" run. If Hillary gets the nomination somehow, Tulsi will get all the $$ she needs to stay in it....The "fight" with Hillary is to get Trump voters.

21174794? ago

I see your concern, I'm just not that worried. Taking my cues from POTUS last ralley where he pointed out that HRC picked a fight with Tulsi. POTUS did not take the opportunity to speak poorly about Tulsi. So if he's not worried neither am I. Patriots in control

stay strong patriot!

21173051? ago

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21173034? ago

Prepare to have your anus reamed.

21172979? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=3lOXC9yMvKQ :

Is Google Whistleblower Connected to Tulsi? - YouTube

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