Shiftworker1976 ago

As many others felt the same no more Joe. Shock became wait, The Plan. Q filled the void. Digital Soldiers never get battle worn, Just different marching orders. WWG1WGA

Qackerjak ago

Educating Liberals @education4Libs says this @StormIsUponUs is a fake account.... not Joe's.

1AnonAnon ago

Yes the timing is interesting that JoeM is signing off exactly at the time that Q returns. Leading to the questions has JoeM joined the Q team perhaps or has he been asked to go dark by team Q team to enable the focus to be on 8Kun and Q drops? Any other theories?

KYanon ago

I noticed this myself this morning. He is where I go in the morning with my coffee as well. But I noticed others I follow have gone silent too. It forces many anons to do a lot of their own footwork. I will miss joe :-( I am waiting for SB2 next post patiently. Follow potus tweets, timestamps lead to Q posts

Queef_Anon ago

Godspeed, Joe M. You were a giant in the movement and a solid Patriot.

scoripowarrior ago

I have only been following Joe M for about 6 wks. on twitter. Does this mean that Q will no longer post at all anymore? I saw on the post (twitter) that Q was gone for good now.??

bamadeplorable420 ago


rickki6 ago

Thought same

Lauraingalls ago

Joe M


I had to deactivate my other account, Patriots, due to clowns running amok and ending up in places they shouldn’t have been.

A minor setback, a small bump in the road, all as a precursor for what [THEY] know is coming.

Stay tuned, and Godspeed. #WWG1WGA #Qanons #8Kun

HerbanGardener ago

Word is, there is a fake account posting messages on Twatter, like the post you noted above. The original account for JoeM used a capital "I" (i). The fake account is using a lower-case "l" (L), which looks identical.

Lauraingalls ago

Yes some TROLL created a fake account. THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK.

DTX400 ago

Using a lower case L rather than an I. A dead give away. Not only sick, stupid too.

Lauraingalls ago

I guess whoever did that was HOPING people wouldn't notice.

divine_human ago

he may come on with a new channel 'the storm is here'. just saying.

julzee2 ago

Turning out that fake Joe M created acct after real Joe M shut his down and is trying to pass himself off as real Joe.

solo7 ago

we'll see.

USAMatters ago

Joe M was the first place I went once I turned on my computer in the morning and the last place I went before shutting down the computer. Since I often work late into the night, my final check would be 1 or 2 am.

Joe's videos are great - he will be very missed.

We have to be prepared for a massive change in the near term. Great Awakening goes done often. The reddit page has been removed, 8chan went down, Q has been quiet, even SerialBrain2 has not posted for some time.

I truly feel this is being done to have the pedos & their crew become off balance. I know we feel a great void because one of our best digital friends has gone silent. If we feel this way, can you imagine how confused they are at this time? We are not waiting for a 4 am raid - they are & they have no place to hide.

We have learned a lot over the last three years. The baton has been given to us to keep the movement moving forward. The extent of the knowledge we have learned is hard to explain to others - they become overwhelmed. We must go slow and steady - baby steps.

One of God's Blessings came to me yesterday. My son's wife is a progressive and she has worked hard to keep my son away from me. We have not spoken in what seemed forever. I realized the situation he was in - it is hard to constantly be in the middle of his wife's hatred to me as a conservative and his love for me. I know the marriage bound between a man and a woman is paramount. While heartbreaking, I stayed quiet and just prayed. Last night he called and said he missed and loved me and wants to get together next week for lunch.

When I first joined the digital movement, and the first time someone called me a Patriot and the first time someone left WWG1WGA at the end of their post to me - it all felt very weird - not anymore.

God Blessings to everyone - WWG1WGA

MIMI1999 ago

Your love for your son shines through in you grace, patience and understanding. May God bless your relationship greatly!

Your insight and patriotism are inspiring.

USAMatters ago

thank you so very much - i truly appreciate your comments.

MudPuddlePie ago

"One of God's Blessings came to me yesterday. My son's wife is a progressive and she has worked hard to keep my son away from me. We have not spoken in what seemed forever. I realized the situation he was in - it is hard to constantly be in the middle of his wife's hatred to me as a conservative and his love for me. I know the marriage bound between a man and a woman is paramount. While heartbreaking, I stayed quiet and just prayed. Last night he called and said he missed and loved me and wants to get together next week for lunch."

Ah, that's tough. Been thru something similar. Prayer works. Have a great lunch.

USAMatters ago

thank you so very much :)

JJS1 ago

So happy for both of you...wwg1wga

USAMatters ago

greatly appreciate your good wishes.

Lauraingalls ago

Joe M


I had to deactivate my other account, Patriots, due to clowns running amok and ending up in places they shouldn’t have been.

A minor setback, a small bump in the road, all as a precursor for what [THEY] know is coming.

Stay tuned, and Godspeed. #WWG1WGA #Qanons #8Kun

3ra_3xtrana ago

That new account is fake dude, don't follow it. If you look at his okd tweet history there are a bunch of anti trump tweets and tweets bashing Q

Karmy ago

I'm glad to hear your son reached out to you! GOD does answer our prayers! WWG1WGA

USAMatters ago

thank you for your comment.

julzee2 ago

Wow I can't believe how smitten people are when it comes to Joe M. Do you all not at least question and THINK like you do others simply because it's Joe?

Patriotknife100 ago

If being "red pilled" or awake is important, then who has red pilled or awoken more "sleepers"? Joe M or you? Joe M has earned his respect. As Q has said, we should all think for ourselves, research ourselves, trust ourselves and I'm glad you are. But we should all respect those who've earned it. I disagree that there's any "group think" going on here. WWG1WGA! MAGA! KAG! Qbaby!

julzee2 ago

who has red pilled or awoken more "sleepers"? Joe M or you?

Do you not realize that clowns play the role of waking people up too? Just to fool them into I don't for a DS candidate? Can you explain why he would prop Tulsi up in the minds of the unawakened leading them to vote for a cabal member instead of prompting them to wake up? This makes sense to you?

we should all respect those who've earned it.

Yes, UNTIL they do the ole U-turn that 'earns' questioning of their agenda. Again, that's how clowns roll. They suck you into believing they are legit and then do that U-turn. We've seen it many times before. So Joe's earned respect and cannot be questioned now? That sounds like what the Left is saying about the whistleblower in uniform. Can't question the guy bc he was in the military and earned our respect. Really?

mark7 ago

Good point! SCOTUS or (Santa Claus of The United States) does not think he is a good guy. Hard to tell at this juncture, who is what? I suspect everyone, and I suspect no one.

julzee2 ago

I don't trust that Santa guy

mark7 ago

I hear ya! Since he is a "Flat Earther", your opinion is shared by many!

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Crisbeau ago

Thanks Joe. You will be missed

VQTmom ago

I second.

Justice_Will_Prevail ago

[More about it and a 2 year delta here from the QAnon Notables](Joe M @StormIsUponUs has deleted his twitter account.)

VQTmom ago

Thanks much.

MolochHunter ago

something very odd about this. will sticky to get more eyes on it

threads by notables:

amarQ144 ago

Well, it was a wild ride! Many of us will have fond memories of our time indulging the "mystery Q". It will be like discovering the walrus was Paul. We can play Joe's vids backwards and shit. What a fight it was. I'm going to have to get a new keyboard. We WON! Wow. ..just wow. Kinda seems anti-climatic. I wouldn't have admitted it before but personally I get tired of Hanity's schtick. We should all be thankful that at least we won before football season gets real serious. Still,...there is a part of me that was hoping for a few arrests. What the hay. How about them Bears?

julzee2 ago

Very odd indeed. He looks like a black hat now touting Tulsi on his way out like that.

USAMatters ago

i felt the same way about tulsi - very strange.

MolochHunter ago

trump humself hasnt targeted Tulsi for destruction. He defended her against Hillary's 'russian agent' malarkey

and she is often using the phrase 'by the people for the people and of the people' - which Trump also uses

My theory is that she is a phoenix candidate. Trump is going to bring the Dem party to absolute ashes then Tulsi restores it

otherwise America becomes a one party state under the GoP - which means corruption will swing back into the GoP

USAMatters ago

thank you for responding to me. i have heard tulsi has been funded by john podesta to the tune of tens of thousand of dollars. this has me very concerned.

we are going to have to start running and winning seats at the local level.

MolochHunter ago

Podesta $$$ - true

that is concerning

but remember, Donald Trump was also a Podesta pied piper candidate

there are stranger things potentially afoot in this universe

USAMatters ago

i did not know about trump and podesta - anywhere to go to find out more info?

i also think POTUS - if he was planning the Great Awakening for some time, might have hung out with the black hats to get intel on them.

MolochHunter ago

it was a wikileaked email from podesta that there were a bunch of pied piper candidates sent into GoP candidacy ranks to discredit the republican cause and split the vote

USAMatters ago

i believe the press did promote trump because they thought he was the least electable. then the press had to reverse course and condemn trump as he started to look more electable.

the more i know about politics it is a knife fight and podesta's email just proves hrc and he are low life scum.

having trump as president was a miracle.

thank for the info.

Lauraingalls ago

It is very weird, I agree.

UnitedStatesPatriot ago

To me this seems odd. Why would he take an indefinite break just when things are supposed to be heating up? I wonder if he is under threat or something. It doesnt feel right. Red flags are going off in my head about this. It feels like another silencing maneuver. He was one of our great sources of info.

candtalan ago

Onward and upward...? 'Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here?' type of stuff? I just wonder - if there might be a positive reason for this change? Here's hoping

UnitedStatesPatriot ago

I hope so. I am going to miss Joe. His videos did amazing things for this movement and I really hope he is doing well. He is one of our great Patriots.

Patriotknife100 ago

TY for stickyfying. WWG1WGA!

zettarose ago

I wish i had done a screenshot of some of his recent post!!

zettarose ago

I wish I had done a screenshot!

Karmy ago

That thread is gone now.

VQTmom ago


Patriotknife100 ago

Go here and watch his videos. All you need. WWG1WGA!

Patriotknife100 ago

In honor of this great patriot warrior: Joe M's last video, dark to light

God speed and TY!

Lurker17 ago

Joe M must believe Q34 starts now, otherwise he would remain until Q34 appears inevitable. I hope he is right about habbening now, but I fear we have up to another year before Q34 becomes a reality. If true, it will be another very l o n g year of waiting.

angelCole ago

I don't know but tomorrow is 11.3 and the post mentioned above(Q34) speaks of that. Now we don't know if that's referencing November 3rd or something else or both.

ammonthenephite ago

Or if it was just misinformation necessary at the time.

dundundunnnnn ago


dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you! Wasn't quite sure what you meant. Makes sense now ;)

1Paydaddy ago

God Speed Q, Podesta in the cross hairs 11.3 actionable 11.4

dundundunnnnn ago

Please oh please!

1Paydaddy ago

Q post 3574 Rig for Red. Welcome back sir!

Patriotknife100 ago

Agreed. WWG1WGA!

Cat_anon ago

This sucks

Patriotknife100 ago

I encourage being positive. WWG1WGA! President Trump sets a fine example by fighting, never yielding, and having fun. He looks younger today than 4 years ago.

julzee2 ago

I thought the same damn thing! All other Presidents seem to age really fast after taking office but Trump? He's looks like he thrives in this atmosphere.

NinjaQ ago

I've noticed that too. He's the first President to my knowledge that hasn't visibly aged being in office. Just a sign that he's fighting for the good and not dark side in my humble opinion.

angelCole ago

I told the hubby that he'll be the only president to look younger as his years in office pass because he's anointed by God.

HISdaughter ago

Plus the prayers of the remnant. Was on a prayer conference call yesterday, the thousands praying in the spirit for this President and country was unbelievable.