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julzee2 ago

Wow I can't believe how smitten people are when it comes to Joe M. Do you all not at least question and THINK like you do others simply because it's Joe?

Patriotknife100 ago

If being "red pilled" or awake is important, then who has red pilled or awoken more "sleepers"? Joe M or you? Joe M has earned his respect. As Q has said, we should all think for ourselves, research ourselves, trust ourselves and I'm glad you are. But we should all respect those who've earned it. I disagree that there's any "group think" going on here. WWG1WGA! MAGA! KAG! Qbaby!

julzee2 ago

who has red pilled or awoken more "sleepers"? Joe M or you?

Do you not realize that clowns play the role of waking people up too? Just to fool them into I don't for a DS candidate? Can you explain why he would prop Tulsi up in the minds of the unawakened leading them to vote for a cabal member instead of prompting them to wake up? This makes sense to you?

we should all respect those who've earned it.

Yes, UNTIL they do the ole U-turn that 'earns' questioning of their agenda. Again, that's how clowns roll. They suck you into believing they are legit and then do that U-turn. We've seen it many times before. So Joe's earned respect and cannot be questioned now? That sounds like what the Left is saying about the whistleblower in uniform. Can't question the guy bc he was in the military and earned our respect. Really?

mark7 ago

Good point! SCOTUS or (Santa Claus of The United States) does not think he is a good guy. Hard to tell at this juncture, who is what? I suspect everyone, and I suspect no one.

julzee2 ago

I don't trust that Santa guy

mark7 ago

I hear ya! Since he is a "Flat Earther", your opinion is shared by many!