21018942? ago

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21017517? ago

Agree..... Emptor caveat..... Smell set up of "new narrative" in the making

21014530? ago

She's young(er), pretty and bashes Hillary but disagrees with Trump. LETS FUCKIN VOTE FOR HER.

It's a new angle. She is still tainted bullshit. It's like watching AI learn from its mistakes.

I would eat her ass.

21012804? ago

The liberals think deceit and trickery is clever (instead of evil). Cheating to them is a mark of distinction and determination rather than shame (evil). DEATH to EVIL.

21012767? ago

Trojan horse

21010570? ago

So much hate for her from shills

21010308? ago

She is a NWO plant. It’s a setup and I can’t believe anyone can’t see it as such. Gabbard is their last pawn and they don’t have but a couple pieces left on the board.

21008478? ago

Nobody is a strong contender against Trump. He won without proving himself, no way he is going to lose now.

21007774? ago

Wasn't there something on qmap.pub or qanon.pub about the left running members of the military to win the blue-dog vote? Can't remember where I saw that at the moment but definitely remember reading about it.

21007590? ago


21007526? ago

I always thought Tulsi's rather hot. In doing so, I get accused by the H8r Wing of the Anons Party here of allegedly voting for her in over a year. Well, I think Katy Perry is hot, too -- not voting for her or for Tulsi. I'm voting for Trump, thank you. His wife is hotter than any of them. ;)

21007500? ago

I thought she wasn't eligible to run, being born in American Samoa, but her mother was born in Indiana, it seems, so she can claim American citizenship required for presidency. link

21007498? ago

Hillary? Is that you?

21007465? ago

Tulsi has publicly stated--emphasizing--that she was in the Council on Foreign Relations. Interesting that she would be pulled from the site...

21007138? ago

really, any politico out of Hawaii can't be trusted - that place is very messed up

even the scams they try to pull to fleece the tourist that go there is shitty and yet that's their primary revenue for existence, but they don't care - they just piss in their drinking water anyway

21007024? ago

I think she is a plant to disrupt the "narrative." The DNC definitely does not want her there, but I don't see any real threat of pulling TRUMP people: MAYBE grab a few lefties... But if you look at the POTUS fund-raising, the RNC machine and the momentum of the economy, you will see a completely different picture than what is being mis-described by the MSM,

21006941? ago

It's a show you fucking idiots.

MSM doesn't actually hate Tulsi, and they did not actually hate Bernie in 2016 either.

Bernie had an ARRANGEMENT with Hillary. It was all a show. Bernie was a sheepdog. Get the kids excited, then endorse Hillary. It didn't work because of the DNC email leak.

Same thing going on here - Tulsi is either a sheepdog again, and will endorse Warren, or is the 'underdog', and will ultimately be the candidate, for when the corruption comes out and implicates others (including Warren). DNC candidate will either be Warren or Tulsi, depending on if corruption comes out before election. I 100% guarantee that.

DNC Primaries are not legit. They do not care about votes or debates or anything. It is all rigged - WE KNOW THIS BECAUSE OF SETH RICH AND WIKILEAKS. DNC puts on a show - the primaries themselves are a means to an end and entirely controlled, meant to maximize the real election votes for the CHOSEN candidate. The Fake News Media and DNC are different appendages of the same body.

21006923? ago

She appears to be a member of the CFR and another globalist puppet to me. What the fuck do you MEAN that she isn't what she appears to be?

Remember when Barry the Tranny Banger was acting all cool saying he was gonna close GITMO? Hopefully he will be regretting that decision if it ever becomes his new home.

21006751? ago

So let me see if this is leading to one of two scenarios. "They" are either getting ready to move Tulsi to the top of the DNC heap or Hitlery is going to use this feud as her excuse to enter the race. Am I right?

21006344? ago

No Trump supporter would EVER think of voting for Tulsi...NONE. However, she is the perfect Neo-Con. Votes would be taken away from Biden or Warren.

21006218? ago

CNN doesn’t like her.

21006358? ago

Surely. They wouldn't like someone who might detract from a POTUS re-election? that is unless.., that someone could attract moderate votes that would otherwise go to Trump. Does CNN have a script - to attract attention to her candidacy by "not liking" her so that she becomes "the enemy of my enemy", i.e. if CNN doesn't like her, then maybe moderates will? Hard to know what to believe when leaking and lying has become an art form.

21007177? ago

So true. I get confused sometimes myself. Yet still, it’s CNN and HRC. So, the confusion only goes so far.

21006353? ago

Things are not always what they seem to be.

CNN and other media companies did not really like Trump either in 2016, but by covering him constantly, Trump got the visibility to beat the other republican candidates. This was planned and executed by the democrats because they though nobody with the behavior of Trump could beat Hillary, whereas the other more moderate republican candidates where considered as a bigger threat.

21007153? ago

And how wrong they were!

21006066? ago

Don't be fool.

Don't fall for another Obama clone.

21005991? ago

what did it for me was when hillary called her a russian op and what did she do? immediately came out and said: well, why don't you join the race? A total set up to usher in hillary's name into the race. You watch. This was coordinated. Tulsi's still hot though. Just evil hot.

21009449? ago

I'd do her, that's for sure! 😍😝

21005986? ago

She gave up everything to support Bernie the Bolshevik. That's all I need to know - yuck!

21005974? ago

Just another puppet, no different from the rest of them.

21005973? ago


21005863? ago

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21005837? ago

I'd hit it.

21005818? ago

Aside from the fact that she's a dem and I don't trust her, a woman her age should NOT be running any country, let alone the USA. She's probably still PMSing and could enter menopause any time. I don't think I'm being 'sexist' either. I'm a woman and believe me, you don't want a hormone embattled woman with that much power! I'm sure most the women here will trash me for stating the obvious, but I don't care. I have firsthand experience with what whacked out hormones can do to the psyche.

Thanks for the post btw... hadn't seen that pic before.

21007833? ago

I'm a woman and agree with you 100%. If any woman who claims to not have been affected by either PMS or menopause, ask their spouse and/or loved ones. Menopause definitely messes with your head. For some women PMS does too. That's one of the main reasons I'm not a fan of women being pastors & preachers: Get us on a bad day and we'll give you some downright horrible advice.

21009468? ago

Tell me about it. Once my wife went menopausal the temper and nagging started. Just a marriage of convenience now.

21009751? ago

Menopause can take up to 10 years for some women. If she's chilled now then find new ways to like each other. A marriage of convenience is a crappy way to live.

21072835? ago

Oh, she most definitely is not chilled! 🙄

21005676? ago

Anyone who gets media time is part of the cabal you gouy

21005604? ago

Thank you!

21005554? ago

Nobody is taking away votes from Trump. He is literally God Emperor.

21005520? ago

Not a single damn one of these puppets has your best interests in mind.

21005497? ago

Who gives a flying fuck? Trump wins in a landslide and the real prosecutions begin. WWG1WGA

21005402? ago

After looking at the 2nd picture, is Kanye West a fake Christian, still under his original master and deceiving the masses?

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:13-14) It would be wise to watch and listen to discern from where Kanye is coming from. There is such a thing as false repentance.

21005351? ago

If Trump dumps Pence and can find a potential new V.P. that would appeal to the brain dead "normies" and some liberals that have not been totally menticided his re-election would be guaranteed (although it is pretty much now). I don' know alot about Jon Voight other than he appears to be conservative and well spoken. But he doesn't have a political nor financial background. He would bring in some of the "intellectuals" and appeal to the female voters. The cesspool MSM would like him because they might get invited to a Hollywood party or some other such vain nonsense. Sarah Sanders would be good and she would also bring in female voters and then the evangelicals. Pence was necessary because he was an experienced wrangler and could ride herd on the existing swamp creatures in D.C. It is pretty hard to find someone in politics that is not self serving or swayed by vanity. Also I think we should keep in mind that Trump has probably taken a big hit on his balance sheet since becoming President and he is paying a lot of bucks for personal lawyers to fend off the alligators. Not too many billionaires around like him. A $500,000 per year Presidential salary is chump change when it comes to paying high priced D.C. lawyers. Even if you are a multi-millionaire not too many are going to risk running for President anymore because of the financial and legal liabilities they could incur. Gabbard could be a problem for both Trump and Dems if she goes independent. She would siphon off votes from both parties. Meanwhile we need to open up her closets and drag out the skeletons (I am sure she she has some). Pocahontas is no problem for Trump since she has built her whole career on fakery and lies and is easily exposed. Right now the Dems got nothing unless I have grossly underestimated the number of perverts, Satan worshippers and criminals we have in our society.

21006569? ago

unless I have grossly underestimated the number of perverts, Satan worshippers and criminals we have in our society.

And massive voter fraud

21005293? ago

Shes also a rep from Hawaii - Obummers supposed home state. I don’t think he’d leave Hawaii unmanaged... I’ve had a bad feeling about Gabbard from the start - I think the independent vote swing is her role.

21005238? ago

There is something different about her. I just can’t pin it down.

21005162? ago

Her web site has a page with her stand on all the various issues. I don't see how the Dems can ever pick a candidate because they all say the same exact things. Indeed, I don't think they pick their candidates at all. Their superdelegate system allows the Cabal to choose. Hillary would never never have got the nomination on her own. She owned the system and had the money cornered. She controlled the Dem Party's money completely. There was no firewall between her campaign and the Dem Party.

21005159? ago

Joe Rogan interviewed her for a 2.5 hour podcast, and you can get a feel for who she is by watching that conversation.

21005129? ago

She's a jew slave. I've never thought otherwise.

21005032? ago

Wow they're tying to sabotage her so bad that they're even hitting Voat. Fuck of with your obvious bullshit. I'm still voting Trump regardless but fuck off with your obvious bullshit.

21005014? ago

All cut from same whole cloth. Lucifer is their Father. Worldwide. It goes with the territory.

21004991? ago

Still a demoncrap.

21004989? ago

Hillary is running. She's in deep shit and she knows it so she has to run to claim politcal prosecution.

21004972? ago

Wasn't James Mattis on the council of foreign relations?

21004967? ago

Ah, replacing their old hag with a new one.

21004964? ago

she will take out more lefty votes. she is a good anomaly. that is saying she breaks of to be an independent.

21004929? ago

I agree but dont be surprised when they take her out permanently. Just look at the dems past. Robert Kennedy is the 1st that pops in my mind. Willing to bet any amount, if Brennie didn't drop out of the 2016 race. He would of met the devil. Should say met God, that is the lefts devil.

21004888? ago

She's an actor - playing a part, just like AOC, Beto, Ilhan, and most of the other "headliners" we are constantly being bombarded with in the MSM. They have a goal...and it's working. We are watching a movie, everything is scripted. I'm still trying to figure out who the Director is.

21004814? ago

Trumpers/Patriots should stop congratulating her for throwing shade on HRC. Surprised at how many I've seen.

21004793? ago

If she runs as an independent, it is more likely to take votes away from whatever Democrat is chosen than from Trump.

She also talked openly about her CFR membership here:


You have to remember that when she first joined Congress, she was on the establishment path. The “rising star” and all the bs stuff the establishment pushes, but as soon as she renounced her support for Hillary and stepped down from the DNC, that ended. This is the email she received from Hillary people:


As for the triangle symbolism, that I find disturbing, and I do not have an explanation for that. Not sure if she has ever been questioned about that or addressed it.

21004705? ago

We need to spread this info on the_donald. Everyone is liking her lately

21004661? ago

There is no way she is taking votes from trump. At this stage, jesus himself would have to wait 4 years.

21004615? ago


She’s suspect as fuck and right now she’s broadcasting HRC.

She’s inviting in the Vampire.

21004582? ago

Shed take more D votes than trump votes.

21004555? ago

Snake in the grass. Last pawn left. Orchestrated opposition to fool the people. There isn’t an issue she hasn’t been on both sides of. Hindu that isn’t even a natural born citizen.

21007037? ago

mos likely 2nd gen hindu

21004668? ago

Hindu that isn’t even a natural born citizen.

How can she even run?

21006808? ago

The same way Obama did, media cover-up.

21004522? ago

You didn't even mention the cult that she's a part of. Anons are well aware of how the cabal sets up groups like this as a cover, and if you start to do some digging into the Science of Identity Foundation (Tulsi's cult), you'll start to see many red flags that make if pretty apparent it's some sort of front. They set up schools in various areas where children have reported being abused, the CIA showed interest in the founder's family early on, the cult has a strong presence in places like New Zealand and the Philippines (clown central), they've been involved in weird financial dealings and pyramid schemes, and the list goes on. I'll provide one link to get people started. It's part 3 of a three part series, but read the first two parts as well, which are linked in the article.


21004726? ago

You should read this which questions Gralow’s credibility.


It wouldn’t surprise me for the CIA to use reverse-reverse psychology like this. Pay someone to write a piece suggesting that Tulsi is a follower of someone with CIA ties to discredit her event if she isn’t.

21004771? ago

Wow, you guys are working overtime for Tulsi. This is starting to appear almost as coordinated as the fake Hillary push leading up to the 2016 elections. There are so many FACTS you can dig up on Tulsi and this cult, and you can't just wave that away with stupid posts like this.

21004516? ago

Then why is HRC worried?

21004508? ago

She'll be as ineffective as the rest of that field.

21004502? ago

Thank you for posting. This should be posted everywhere.

21004466? ago

Normies still haven't learned to vet their candidates. They still haven't learned to dig into their past, their associations and true beliefs. Look at all we've found about OKenyan - after he became president.

Gabbard only 'sounds' more moderate. She only appears to be less crazy and more reasonable than the others.

FFS, one of the planks of her platform is to Abolish the Electoral College.


21004601? ago

Not sure where Politico got that information from, but I have never once heard her call for that.


21004919? ago

In doing a quick search, her message on the Electoral College is a mixed message. "There are reforms that need to take place to make it so that our votes are being cast, and counted and represented in the outcome of our elections," Gabbard told a Fox News reporter. "I think there are pros and cons to the existing electoral college and to getting rid of it."

21004452? ago

Check out her ops on the 2A

21004449? ago

Stealth bomber. Some folks had to do some bad things to maintain cover.

21004446? ago

She’s fucking gross as fuck! Hate disgusting parasitic cult worshiping psychos!

21004429? ago

The whole "conspiracy" against Tulsi is manufactured to make her appear to be a threat to the Deep State like Trump was. Like you said, she is embedded in the Deep State as much as any of them. They just know what is selling, and that is a candidate who is willing to challenge corruption and threatened the swamp creatures. It's all an act

21006460? ago

I keep seeing anons saying "cabal" and "deep state", it's the fucking jewish controlled CIA

21004375? ago

I've been saying for a while now, she's a trap.

On Survivor and probably other reality shows you can tell who's going to win because they get the "hero edit". The people editing the show already know the final result, and focus on the winner a bit more than the other players.

Trump got the hero edit last time.

21004258? ago

She’s the new model leftist. A hybrid.

Visible edges smoothed against MAGA pushback. Lethality increased by stealth presentation. Wrapped in a young, attractive, articulate package. Positioned as ‘moderate’.

21004237? ago

Double agent, and one never knows the true loyalty of a double agent.

21004196? ago

The reason every Dem candidate seems bat-shit crazy, is so Tulsi seems reasonable. Even her feud with Hillary today, seems manufactured so that Hillary haters on the left will vote for her. The CFR still supports her, and removed her name from their members list when she decided to run. She is being targeted by the media, Dems, and big tech to make undecided voters think she's worth voting for.

21005001? ago

I think so too. In the picture she stands out in stark contrast (dressed white) and is closest to the viewer.


The Democrat party has got to be thinking of how they're going to beat Trump. I mean, of all the candidates, who else would give Trump less ammunition in the general election debates? He'd easily destroy most of them.

1. Pocahontas

2. Heels-Up Harris

3. Creepy Uncle Joe

4. Butt Boy

5. Make-it-rain Yang

6. Crazy Bernie

7. Beta the Cuck

8. Crooked Hillary

9. Moochelle

Okay, so #8 and #9 aren't officially running at this point. Also, I could see Yang also being a similarly difficult candidate for Trump to face. CNN has also (supposedly) targeted-not-targeted him too according to footage in one of the Veritas videos. With either Tulsi or Yang, I'm fairly sure Trump would do better in the debates but he'd have to work harder for it. On a side note, I'm kind of wondering how legit the "CNN Exposed" Veritas videos are. Seems a bit of a stretch, but it feels almost like it could be a counterintelligence op by CNN. Nobody in the videos has complained about outright fabrications/lies/fake news - just biased reporting. It could be a way for the organization to try and save face and push out Zucker.

21004803? ago

Tulsi will never win, but as the DNC and MSM gang up on her, lots of the anti-war left will move to Trump.

21004866? ago

The media and the Dems are using the same tactics against Tulsi as they used against Trump. They are even accusing her of being a Russian agent! You think they haven't learned anything from the last election?

21006793? ago

Well, we know the definition of insanity is trying the same things over and over and expecting different results and the left is insane.

21004579? ago

You do realize that if she can suck votes away from other Democrats that actually helps Trump in the general election? This is why so many ppl on the left have been urging her to not run as an independent.

21004465? ago

Then why is the DNC and media treating her so bad?

21004506? ago

I just explained why.

21004484? ago

Streisand effect? To get her to “fight” back and “win”

21004168? ago

What do you think it means that she only ever wears a white pants suit?

21014170? ago

It's to try to attract the woman's vote. Remember all the dems wearing white suits for solidarity during past state of the unions?

21016758? ago

That makes sense

21004505? ago

So she can turn around and say "look, no brown stain!"

21004473? ago

Was wondering this too. To stand out? Seems staged. As if it’s a ploy to draw more attention to her (not her strategy, but the leftist cabal deep state faggots strategy)

21005341? ago

But it is even at her private rally’s.

21004159? ago

She is no moderate!! She is a far left liberal with very strong connections to the NWO DS Cabal. Her agenda will be to continue to destroy the sovereignty of the USA. She says she won't run as an independent but that remains to be seen. These cabalists are all liars. Picking her as a VP is NOT an option.

21005383? ago

She was raised in a cult, that's all we need to know.

21006382? ago

all school children are raised in a cult

21004682? ago

It doesn't matter. Register Dem, vote Tulsi in the primary, watch the faggots eat themselves yet again. 50% of the Dem base would boycott Tulsi now that she has besmirched their queen. The other 50% are still burned about the 2016 shenanigans and would see all efforts against her as a conspiracy. It doesn't matter if she eats 4 babies for breakfast every morning and then goes to vomit them forth on an alter dedicated to Satan. She is a monkeywrench, and like ALL dems, does not stand an ice cubes chance in hell of winning. OP is a shareblue fag doing concern trolling over a good counter strategy to the dems.

21004727? ago

This is underrated. Register D for primary and choose the worst commie possible.

21006834? ago

Tulsi is not the worst candidate. She is the Dem's best candidate and best one to run against Trump, you people are all glowing kikes.

If you wanted to vote in DNC primary for shenanigans you'd be voting for Pocahantas, She has ZERO chance against Trump and it would be fucking hilarious.

DNC rigs the votes anyway though so this is all moot.

21004981? ago

Kek, you say that like the DNC actually goes by the primary votes.

21004781? ago

Thanks, but I'd be choosing her (in the primaries only, Trump in the general, ofc) because the DNC and MSM media are already putting their thumb on the scale against her and we would likely see a repeat of the Bernie 2016 situation.

21004129? ago

She would take fer more Dem votes

21004124? ago

Kick Pence to the curb and run Tulsi as VP!

21004204? ago

FUCK THAT, shes a retarded liberal cunt.

While Tulsi-mania climaxes a quick reminder about her: She is FOR UBI, Medicare For All, Ban all Assault Weapons, a fossil fuel BAN MANDATE by 2050, AGAINST Kate Steile law, SUPPORTED Trump impeachment, Global Warming nut+Protested Dakota Access (Hilldawg feud is fishy to me) ALSO LITERALLY IN A CULT singing Hare Krishna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs2xpYMWBRo

21004213? ago

Blah blah blah. She is pretty and Pence is not.

21006568? ago


21006626? ago

Because I support the hot chick and not the pedo.,...mmmmmmay then

21004122? ago

Wars for Israel!

21004105? ago

She's an Obama clone

Don't be fooled!

21006554? ago

they all are

21004087? ago

I believe she's a 'plant' to make at least ONE Democrat seem 'Sane'.

21004071? ago

Let them (The deepstate cabal) consume and devour eachother. As far as I'm concerned the DemonRat party is evil along with some turncoat RINOs. Pres DJT is our man who does what he says & says what he does.

21004059? ago

Why do people keep claiming she's more moderate? She's as left as Bernie on everything. She's left of the DNC establishment.

What issue do you think she is a moderate on?

21004267? ago

Also, even if she was somehow sane and center leaning, do u think she has the balls and heart to fight this evil establishment? I don’t believe many ppl on earth could take them on the way potus is. Lesser folks would crumble under this type of pressure.

21005076? ago

It is the one thing that makes me believe something else is at work besides just a successful American who sees through the shit and has a big enough ego that standing in the history books as "The Savior" of not only America, but the entire world thousands of years from now is more important than a few more billion dollars. That is enough for me but the way things have played out...

Whether it is Q and team, God, some other entity...or as much as I hate to say, possibly even the cabal/NWO (I don't see this as likely though)... He may be the ONLY person who could have done what he's doing.

If it were a more "Traditional" candidate with all the right motives, there's no doubt they would have tried to negotiate on some of the points and tried to "Appeal" to some of the left to get them to wake up. Obviously that wouldn't work as if you simply offer them an inch, they take 10 miles.

More "Authoritarian" - The left would be even more insane and I think there'd be a lot more violence.

Less "Vocal" and very importantly, less of a Tweet artist - Traction gained would be lost very quickly. Trump keeps reminding them that they are "crooked" or "Leakin and lyin" or "Pocahontas" or "The Beautiful Ohr family"... others would have given into the pressure of "Being too mean"

He's the perfect guy to take on the left, which if you think about it, needs to be trolled sometimes to see how stupid they are.

21005802? ago


21004035? ago

One could wonder who were we ALL were, before "they" told us who to be ??


Waking to the magnificence of God, as well as to our own magnificence.

21003991? ago

Hillary calling her a Russian asset will redpill a ton of lefties.

21005304? ago

Correct but a ton of lefties is only 6 people

21005253? ago

Correct. If Tulsi was in on the DS plan, she would not be pointing out the obvious to the sleepwalking public. She would let it slide.

21003980? ago


Mauna Kea is so much more than a mountain. It's a revered and sacred sanctuary connecting keiki and kupuna to the past, present and future. Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ʻĀina i ka Pono. The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. This shouldn’t be just a slogan. It must be our way of life. #KuKiaiMauna #ProtectMaunaKea #maunakea




@opalionel Question! With all the comments here claiming this is an illuminati hand symbol (which does make sense) I looked it up and see this is also a hand symbol for #maunakea. Is this associated with a religion of island as well?

21003975? ago

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21003962? ago

Much, much more likely to take moderate Democrat votes. But other than that I agree with your assessment.

21003947? ago

You mean take away votes for Warren.

21003966? ago

I find it unlikely that the democrats would settle for such a poor candidate as Warren.

21021870? ago

Tulsi will step up. <

21005272? ago

Big Mike is the only candidate with the balls to run against Trump

21006596? ago

If Big Mike runs we just need to point an FLIR at her cock on live TV

21004671? ago

Becuase to dems, the best woman for the job, is a man.

21004608? ago

Mike is not eligible in 2020 due to residency requirements.

21004432? ago

Big Mike knows he will be exposed if he runs. He's deciding right now if he wants to run as the first tranny to run as president.

21004256? ago

Hillary will be getting into the race. Watch.

21011249? ago


21008998? ago

Hillary is running by PROXY. <

Didn't you catch what Tulsi has been saying?

21006024? ago

100%. This was a coordinated set up: Hillary: She's a russian op. Tulsi: oh, yeah? Why don't you get in the race. Watch. She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes...

21005945? ago

Hillary will run with Michelle as VP. Then Bill and Barry will have to fight over Big Mikes dick.

21005284? ago

Yep! She’ll use the same defense as Biden. The ol’... “Trump is going after me because I’m his competition, he knows I’ll beat him in November.”

21009023? ago

Q called it. <

21021809? ago


21005136? ago

I think Manchelle will.

21004935? ago

Do you think so still? I could have seen that a few months ago even but I think people are SO TIRED of her shit... Sure there are the feminist retards that still worship her for whatever reason but even they are dwindling on twitter, which is a mass over-representation of those types anyway.

And Big Mike? I feel even for those lying, crazy fools on the left, it would be too big of a risk to have Big Mike running against Trump. He's not only going to keep pointing out that it's a dude, but he's going to bring back the fact that the Obamas are both frauds, and start reminding people that IF it were the case that Obama lied about his birth certificate, then shouldn't he as president be obligated to undo everything Obama did? Including appointed judges, EOs, and pardons?

21008533? ago

I need this to happen in my lifetime.

21004822? ago

Not know if she's... Gitmod.

21005181? ago

That’s why she will run, she is scared, and they will use her prosecution to impeach trump for “political interference”

21004709? ago

The "Third time's the charm" tour!

21004638? ago

Agreed I don’t know how HRC can’t. She feels entitled and she wants to kill any dissent

She’s going to run w Warren as VP

21004474? ago

I think so too.

21004434? ago

Agreed it will thenbe the greatest show on earth. An advertisers dream.

21004416? ago

I can smell it too. These mother fuckers are so brazen. They're going to try and pull some bullshit to make it look as though the current administration and representation is filled with "Russian spies" or "conspirators" etc - (Saul Alinsky type bullshit - blame the enemy of what you yourself are guilty of) - And then they'll push this idea, even though people don't buy it initially) They'll push this bullshit so far that the weak minded will suddenly be questioning their sanity as they decide how to vote this 2020. Hillary will enter the race touting this kind of "I told you so" kind of attitude. She'll have google, and every other person who has lost money these past 4 years backing her. - Listen; she's a fucking joke to be sure, but - she's still dangerous, and should be treated as such. I won't feel good anything till that bitch is in the ground or in a jumpsuit. Stay strong my friends.

21004441? ago

Never underestimate the power of the Clinton cartel.

21004479? ago

It's also important to pay attention to buzz words, and shock mentions. - i.e. - Names you haven't heard in a while, but recognize like - Jill fucking Stein. etc.- That bitch has been absolutely NO WHERE to be seen or heard from for the past four years. Kinda odd right? - Now all of the sudden every body shouting the hidden progressive code language on Youtube and the MSM etc, is slowly bringing her name to the fore? - PREP WORK. - Shit is going to get hairy this year unless a lethal blow is dealt before it can get out of hand. - Stay vigilant.

21004532? ago

I didn't know that was Jill's middle name now I know I will use it. Jill fucking Stein. Has a certain ring to it. A crook a criminal and a pretender.

21004598? ago

There are a lot of theories circulating that she was a pied piper candidate just like Bernie was supposed to be. - Not sure about any of it, but I can't help wondering why - such a huge name in politics just fucking came out of nowhere, - then vanished like a fart in the wind. - I think she was definitely planted to try and pull votes away from one party or other- Perhaps even pull votes away from Bernie after his popularity began to rise. These shit heads have had deep pockets for a while, - there's not telling what kind of shit they cooked up behind the scenes. - Jill was all over TV like the poster child for environmentalism and multicultralism, - then she lost and just fucking vanished. - No MSM follow up, no articles, no web pressence, no twitter, no nothin- That's fucking bullshit. Something just wasn't right about it. Goodnight !

21005538? ago

Let's also not forget fact that she raised millions of dollars to challenge Trump's election in Illinois or Michigan it was obviously thrown out of court because you can't file a lawsuit on behalf of another person. Where is that money? I think it was her pay off. Just like Bernie got the house up on Lake Champlain and the corruption charges against his wife dropped.

Jill fucking Stein didn't even try in New York. She let the Green Party down big time she's just another (((fraudster))) like Sanders

21004251? ago

Hrc will run again.

21004447? ago

Which one?

21006367? ago

the robot one, look for a slightly smaller ass and no health problems

21006393? ago

I guess not the cyborg that wears drapes to cover bulky mechanical equipment.

21008597? ago

Yeah, not that one. They scraped that version.

21004262? ago


21004039? ago

They settled for Hillary and she's worse than Warren.

21009070? ago

Warren is a Hillary PROXY. <

21004072? ago

That's true, but now the democrats have a much worse position to start the race and they know it. We have a sitting republican president and the first term is looking good. Trump's popularity is increasing among the general public, and the credibility of the media is in shambles.