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Alderwolf ago

I like Gabbard but I wouldn't be surprised. While I won't forget what she has stated she stands for, I think many are definitely loosing track of that and that's a little worrisome. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if she was planted in the democrat party just for the sake of creating controversy and strife within. If that's the case then it's working out beautifully.

WTFChuck ago

I listened to a report yesterday where it was mentioned that Gabbard had a long meeting with Trump before or early in his administration. I thought it was X22, but I just replayed that one and it's not it. I think it was a video that was on Adam Baldwin's twitter feed that he's since deleted (he does that regularly, deletes all his posts except for one and starts over). Here's where Tracy Beanz retweeted it with a response and then Brian Cates retweeted Tracy's response.

But thanks for making me look, because in doing so I found THIS: . (Warning: don't read if you're offended by harsh language.) This guy is going right down the list on Gabbard's various stances on issues and he has receipts, albeit receipts introduced with colorful expletives.

Partly because that thread illustrates how all-over-the-place her stances can be, I still think she could be a white-hat plant in the D camp. She's the only D I could see having ANY chance against POTUS (and that would be a small chance) and yet the D's MSM hate her and are actively trying to squash her candidacy. Also, she met with Trump when he was the President-Elect (multiple articles you can find yourself on that with a quick search.) Here's her Medium post defending that after the MSM went after her hard about it: Some say Trump's people vetted her for a position in the admin early on. She denies that.

On the other hand, she's CFR per this:

And this Buzzfeed article makes me think that she may be a plant by the DS since Cernovich and Drudge and Ann Coulter seem to be pushing her and they're all fake-MAGA as far as I'm concerned. Read for yourself:

I don't know. She's a wildcard maybe. Maybe she's actually trying to live by her beliefs while navigating in the insanely corrupt world of DC politics. Again, I don't know.

But I do know this: she's the only one in the D field that I'm watching with interest, trying to figure out what she's up to. The rest of them are just two-dimensional DS cutouts. And they're not even on puppet strings because they would at least be more plausible. They're paper cutouts on sticks. Maybe Hillary and Co. want it that way so Hillary doesn't look so awful by comparison. If that's her thinking, she's wrong.

There was a BD Anon post on pol that had a comment from BD Anon saying that Hillary went after Tulsi because she got some bad intel and she couldn't help herself because she can't think straight anymore. Here's the link:

h/t to this voat thread that doesn't seem to be getting any traction:

Here's the pertinent post (emphasis added): >

Anonymous (ID: Bm58UIn7) 10/20/19(Sun)01:41:29 No.230449443▶>>230449781 >>230449791 >>230449846 >>230449910 >>230450029 >>230450606 >>230450643 >>230451115 >>230451650 >>230453403 >>230453782 >>230454025 >>230454208 >>230454872 >>230455206 >>230455289

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Hello Gentlemen, Georgia Tech finally got lucky and won a game against Miami and I am still savoring the Georgia loss to South Carolina. Hillary melting down was glorious. She was fed some bad intelligence and like the pig she is could not help to go public with her paranoid ramblings. She still plans on running but she is going so fucking crazy who knows. In her younger evil days she would never have gone after Gabbard and just knew the shit she was given was a set up.

Hell the intelligence level is just not there anymore. Trump set up the whistle blower and look how those idiots in Congress ran with it. Not enough coke in Washington to keep the Democrats going.Her phones are still tapped and our friends in Justice are moving like turtles but will eventually get out of their nests and bit the head off of the snake. Interestingly enough Strozk is moving assets out of the United States in preparation for his demise. Strozk has been an Iranian spy forever and that is now on his indictment. Strozk is an interesting person and personifies that the difference between the FBI and CIA are meaningless. At the top you have what we call ghosts. They move back and forth and like Strozk did, trigger investigations, etc. For example the Russia gate nonsense was nothing more than several FBI folks putting on CIA hats and setting up Trump people and then turning things over to fellow spooks in the FBI to trigger the whole thing. Some more good news coming next week. But since timing can sometimes waver a bit will just let it happen.

Alderwolf ago

Shes a woman with a lot of contradictions that's for sure. That's why I wouldn't vote for her. That doesn't mean I can't like now does it?