I'm posting this to begin a new thread on a subject NMBRFG and I have been having and will fill in the blanks asap. Trying to put a theory together. Looking to me to be an op going on to sure-up a Gabbard vs Trump run in 2020.
To NMBRFG... Omg do you see this narrative going on re: Tulsi Gabbard? It totally looks like what we've discussed where she is being set up to be the one facing Trump 2020. HRC attacking her for optics etc. I've been seeing EVERYONE including Tucker Carlson and all kinds of channels/twats pushing the same thing. This example is from IPOT https://youtu.be/VCrQ8P6oXz8?t=925
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21003964? ago
Tulsi Gabbard is not who she appears to be
21005824? ago
Omg I just saw this! Yes! Still reading your thread but damn guys. Tusli is all a damn psyop. [Their] own show is going on which I do believe includes HRC playing her part in attacking Tulsi as Russian asset etc to push support 'to' Tulsi, not away.
21008904? ago
She is being set up as the Dem Nominee. You'll see. <