20788521? ago

Your story seems to check out OP. Impeachment hearings would certainly be something the world would watch. Very interesting post. Even if wrong, I like the tenacity. Now to read through the responses and laugh at the shills that try to put this down.

20787154? ago

this is the most likely explanation i've seen yet. Really makes a LOT of sense, it explains why they would have let Dems take the House too. They WANTED them to introduce the impeachment motion and have enough votes to get it through the House so they could get to the Trial. It's all part of the Plan....this really IS starting to look more and more like a movie every day. I think we are in the beginning of the Endgame at last, the pieces are starting to come together

20787809? ago

Agree completely, and I would add that all the time this has taken is exactly what was needed to slowly wake up the American people so when the huge stiff comes out, they will understand it, leading to believing it.

20786503? ago

Why did Rudy recently join potus legal team?


20785807? ago

You took sentences from many Q posts.

I could do the same to support any theory I have too.

20784651? ago

Do you think POTUS will DECLAS during the trial? That would be so epic.

20784580? ago

Yep, said this last week ( Um, could Impeachment trial actually be part of the plan? ), but didn't remember this Q drop, nice catch. Does seem risky, but we don't know how short the rope is that the white hats have the Senate Republicans on - it would have to be short rope.

However, the ball will be in Senate Republicans hands when it gets to Senate for trial. They will control the format, evidence and witness rules, everything. It would indeed make the Superbowl look like a puppy show (and there'd be no empty seats in the house, kek)

20786549? ago

Because that isn’t a Q drop, the anon mixed in some Q sentences with his own there.

20787403? ago

It's sentences taken from multiple Q drops. All good.

20784491? ago

Aaaand...enter Storch? This is looking really interesting https://voat.co/v/QRV/3451149

20785220? ago

Self promoting mental midget

20783910? ago


Let the Games Begin!

Thank you.


20783847? ago

Clintons trial and acquittal took almost two months. Ugh. Guess we looking at December. Arrest some people already.

20788537? ago

Q said Coates before Declass. Cold weather = wearing a coat.

20783809? ago

That is actually quite plausible....very interesting, and thanks for posting!

There's a thread on here about Rudy perhaps saying too much on Red Dress Maria's show, and otherwise being pretty stoked about what's coming next....definitely supports this theory.

20786545? ago

And what's with Rudy's comment on Maria's show that Lindsey Graham used to be a Senator? He put his hand up and stopped talking while Maria had an odd look...

20783768? ago

Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team?

9/11 disclosure. No American will forgive them for that and he's the perfect person to reveal it. Did Rudy get played on 9/11 or is he being forced to play a roll because of what he did? Life instead of gallows? Or was he threatened on 9/11? I'm honestly torn, it's a coin flip IMO

20784250? ago

ya right, just like everything else. The past 3 4th of July's you thought that was going to be a mass arrest shame walk with shit like "how do you mobilize military through American soil?"

get the fuck out of here. The people behind 9/11 will never be punished and traitors will only get money.

20783854? ago

my opinion is that Rudy knew after the fact what happened. Rudy was swimming with the sharks and knew he had to vie his time because he would of been destroyed politicly if he ran counter to the narrative or even murdered. I think that as people in government realize that it is safe to come forward we will have lots of people talking about crimes committed by this group.

20786252? ago

Reminds me of when the congressional chamber started chanting/shouting "USA" and Luis Gutierrez walked out. Many people have just been blackmailed. "More good than bad." I want to believe that anyway.

20790190? ago

I agree. I want to believe most people including politicians want to do good but are just weak men that when push comes to shove goes along lest they and loved ones are destroyed.

20785964? ago

This makes sense. Barry Jennings story shows Guilianibwas forced to Dick Cheney directly

20784434? ago

bide his time

would have

20784676? ago

Did you understand the message they were trying to convey? If so, WHO THE FUCK CARES?

20783763? ago

Post of the year. This is indeed what is happening. Good job anon!!

20783742? ago

Definitely plausible, but it is a bad idea to combine Q posts with your own interpretations squeezed in. You should make a clear separation between an actual Q drop and your analysis next time.

20783684? ago


20783524? ago

Yes. This is true. It makes perfect sense. POTUS will be impeached and brought to trial. Why brign on Rudy? Because he needs a defense lawyer. When the public finds out the truth, POTUS will be acquitted and the retards wont be able to walk the streets.

What if all the work anons did for years is introduced into the trial? Socratic open source digging makes connections that no investigator could do in any reasonable time. The Truth. Anons would be heros for saving the republic!

20786514? ago

Rudy has never been a defense lawyer anon, he’s a career prosecutor. Someone like Sydney Powell would’ve been better for defense no?

20786445? ago

Yup, Senate is key. The Democrats won’t allow anything to be introduced in the House proceedings, expect closed hearings and testimony to be classified. They will not call anyone who might help Trump. The senate trial will be public and brutal for the Democrats. Expect declassification and a shitstorm.

20784931? ago

Giuliani can't defend if he's already a suspect. That's a clear conflict of interest and would lead to disbarment.

20786532? ago

Wrong anon.

20785951? ago


The “defend” here would be in the form lf discovery parcels that would accompany

20784516? ago

omg there are like 3 threads all coming together here. This one and...

Notable theory - Did Watkins turn over 8chan data as whistleblower records? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3451156

WHO'S ROBERT STORCH? INTERESTING https://voat.co/v/QRV/3451149

20786481? ago

Storch - interesting reading. Expect his name to surface to normies soon.

20785941? ago

“Offline for a reason”

20787305? ago

20783938? ago

What if all the work anons did for years is introduced into the trial?

Imagine that. Imagine that! Playing the role the whole time with no idea. That would be divine.

20785458? ago

"Could you please explain what poopoo peepee is for the court, Mr President?"

20784286? ago

Never fuck with weaponized autism

20784741? ago

exactly and funny that Trump just tweeted about Autism;)

20785918? ago

What’s the main trait of autism?

Exhaustive focus on a subject. Until all is known.


There is a reason the NSA is recruiting folks w literal autism, Anons. It’s their time to shine

20787028? ago

I was a special ed teacher that worked with autistic children (mostly boys) for years, so I'm beyond proud with what the Q autists have accomplished. WWG1WGA!🇺🇸

20784263? ago

LOL. Imagine that in court. Quoting anonymous sources! That would make it even more divine!

20784573? ago

Totally within the rules now. Hey, you can quote me, hearsay is legal now!

20783573? ago


20783555? ago


20783506? ago

I agree. This is it!