20795266? ago

Trump trusts him. Rudy used Trump as an informant on the mob at his casinos.

20789629? ago

Yup. And I could have gotten it a few minutes faster if there was some punctuation.

Key Point: Punctuation is a thing.

Otherwise, good post.

20789146? ago

Drop 3125

The attempted 'COUP' [TREASON] opens the 'public' door to more serious……

The PILL must be easy to swallow.

The 'LEAD-IN'.

The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.

"THE CLINTON FOUNDATION" +++++++++++++++++++++++++


Would it be a RICO case against CF

20789252? ago

Bingo, Rico on the whole cabal.

20788837? ago

Why did Rudy call Lindsey an "ex-senator" on the Bartiroma Show? Makes one thing "who's running our current government". Cant post the link due to a 5ccp? but its on Lisa Mei Crowley 18Hr mark with "oops" as subject. A 45sec clip. The body language speaks for itself.

20789014? ago

I saw the clip, not sure why it was said. As far as I can tell with regard to an explanation, I’m thinking he meant to say joe Biden is an ex-senator.

20791307? ago

Bartiroma: "Lindsey said they were going to do a deep dive where is it?

Rudy: "Uh ,Uh, excuse me, I love Lindsey but I can't help but think the fact that he's an ex-senator...<<Rudy threw his hands up and Maria looks of camera and says :WWHHATT.

Understood anon, I believe Rudy is taking his life in his own hands...Things are getting real.

20788023? ago

Rudy is the great distractor-in-chief! Ever notice how hosts can never get a word in when they interview him? The man's a beast. Hes old but he's a beast. This is the guy who took on all comers when he was king of NY....and WON! How many others would've gone through with "stop and frisk" when faced with the blowback that Rudy faced then? Exactly zero. POTUS is using him for a reason, which one though?

20788125? ago

Right. He has a very good way of explaining things.

20787808? ago

Paragraphs, Anon. Paragraphs.........

20788391? ago

yeah I had to skip right to the comments, looks like I didn't miss much.

20787681? ago

Pence will have an ‘accident’

20787643? ago

Rudi is also loved by the American people for his leadership during 911. Attacks on him will piss a lot of folks off including the sheep.

20787948? ago

Great point.

20787092? ago

Rico brings down the scumbags. Go Rudy!

20787042? ago

Rudi also was a great mayor of NYC and has stature and reputation. If some random person that nobody has heard of goes on all the talk shows and says they have proof Biden corruption, it is easy for Dems to write that person off as a shill hired by Trump. Rudi isn't doing this for the money. Trump and Rudi both know damn well that the WTC buildings were wired with explosives, and both of them have been mad as hell about it since that day.

20792892? ago

I think the choice of Rudy has to do with who Trump trusts. They were 2 of the biggest names in NYC, and Trump was probably one of Giuliani's biggest supporters as mayor. I also think about the rumors of Trump having his own intelligence gathering service tied to NYPD and how Giuliani and he probably made use of that network.

20787382? ago

What r u talking about? Every single minute of the day, the msm keep writing Rudy off as a shill hired by trump?

20787652? ago

What r u talking about? Every single minute of the day, the msm keep writing Rudy off as a shill hired by trump?

I didn't say that the MSM doesn't do that. I'm saying that people have independent knowledge of Rudi, so the MSM trying to dissmiss him is not as effective.

20787988? ago

Rudy is pretty well liked by America a a whole kind of is what you’re saying. So he’d be more believable than some lesser known, lesser liked, more partisan type?

20787960? ago


20786803? ago

The greatest defense always has to know how the offense is played. So if your excellent at offense why wouldn't you be great at defense. Goes for lawyers to as we are in an adversarial system of law.

20786985? ago

Then why haven’t we seen high profile prosecutors handle high profile defense case? I’ve never seen it, instead we see F Lee Bailey or Johnny Cochran or Sydney Powell. Your counter argument doesnt stand up to water.

20787144? ago

Well that's easy. Where is all the money? It isn't with the prosecution..... That's on the defense side. So ya. Big names equal big money which equals big clients. Hence why you hear about old Johnny and Powell. That's the greatest self promotion cause if I have ever heard of one... Not everyone in this world looks for the money. Some look to what's right and just. The (small) few that do a good job are happy with making things better for their fellow man that lives in their community...

20786802? ago

Jay Sekulow is also his personal attorney.....

20786769? ago

Rudy is the ultimate 9/11 insider.

He should be hung for treason:

youtube [dot] com/watch?v=Cl85JSvDmsA

20787125? ago

Q has told us that it isn't always simple as black hat and white hat. Each can be string armed into acting on behalf of the other--whether to safeguard their life, freedom and or safety of loved ones, for compensation, or straight blackmail.

What power does a mayor have to stop the clowns and their friends from blowing up WTC? Does he toe the line he is told to? Maybe, and perhaps only until an opportunity to fight back presents itself. I.e. The Great Awakening.

20788865? ago

This. Rudy would have gotten killed if he tried to squeal on the ZOG machine's most profitable massacre.

20788408? ago


20786509? ago

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20786362? ago


20786457? ago

Yes, this is the million dollar question.

20787031? ago

The 6 gorillion dollar question.

20786844? ago

the million dollar question.

Trillion fren.

20786255? ago

Rudy was one of them at one time. He wised up.