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20704993? ago

Of course it is. What better way is there to show that this is all a farce than to wait until they are in the middle of impeachment proceedings then release the declass. It would be blatantly obvious that the whole impeachment thing is to remove POTUS to protect their own corrupt asses. I believe POTUS is hoping they'll go down that route. People don't like impeachment talk in general, imagine what it'd be like when it comes out that it's a political hit job to hide the evil they were/are doing. It'd be the end of the Dems for generations.

20703000? ago

At this point, nothing is out of the realm of possibility. It's always good (and smart) to think outside the box.

20702790? ago

Team Trump has been waiting for the retards to impeach. I'm quite sure it'll backfire on the DS like at their other futile attempts to squelch God's Man for this hour. #EnjoyTheShow

20701072? ago

Interdasting! It would certainly be a popcorn-worthy "show", not wouldn't it. And the DECLAS would precede the evidence being presented for the trial.

And of course, let's not forget: Trump did NOTHING wrong, so he's automatically innocent. It would be a major shit show of epic (and democrat crushing) proportions.

20700629? ago

anyway, very interesting movie to watch.

20700616? ago

problem is if the media make up all lies now, what stops them making up new lies in the impeachment? what would normies learn from all the information? it will be a contested process, what would make them believe the information?

20700550? ago

Yes, Trump resigns before impeachment and Launches TrumpTV

20700896? ago

Can you run a TV network from a jail cell?

20701417? ago


20700542? ago

Patriots in control does not mean there is no struggle. The old Guard is still strong, but they can no longer direct outcome, and Patrots get to choose which path to play, the outcome is the same--they win. It take guts though for POTUS to choose to go through the impeachment process. For this I admire his courage.

20704698? ago

EXACTLY!!!! A centuries old establishment isn't going to lie down, and disband because we're having a "gotcha" moment in history.

20700509? ago

No way impeachment could be part of "The Plan." Plan is to be anti-divisive to avoid civil war. Impeachment is not that.

Impeachment might actually happen, though. What happens then depends on whether there are enough patriots in the Senate to set fair rules, or if they will do what they have always done, which is to support the establishment over the People.

The best counter to impeachment would be for REAL trials to simultaneously begin for the traitors -- and make them public. That assumes, of course, that Trump and/or Q are "in control."

20702320? ago

The plan is to mitigate civil war as much as possible.

Make no mistake. Every road forward contains volatility.



Political lines

Families wlll be effected

No paradigm change here without some PAIN. It will be felt and we were avidly told to prepare. We were not told repeatedly to prepare because of a coming lack of volatility - that entire paradigm / point does not reconcile.

What is coming is an attempt to bring down the house and change the old guard. The question is how would one go about doing that and cause the least ripple effect? How do you usher in a new topology, instill faith and accountability, and protect as many as possible?

A fever pitch is coming. They have wanted trump gone / impeached since he was elected. If they think they can get what they want you better believe every single last one of them will be paying attention. What we need is eyes. We need the whites of their eyes ready so when the salvo is dropped they can try to turn away but the slow motion car wreck is going to happen and they will be glued to it.

We're priming them for an "AH HA MOMENT" when they all fucking snap out of it and say "Wow. Nothing was as I understood it - but there were people I thought were fucking crazy and wished me ill that actually loved me the entire time."

20700708? ago

If the Q team has time-scrying capabilities, then impeachment very well could be part of the plan! It's like playing chess but all losing moves are called out for you. Very difficult to lose then!

20700773? ago

Fuck off with the time travel shit.

20700800? ago

Why? Have you looked into the Nikola Tesla/John Trump (President Trump's uncle) connection? I started with "if" anyway, so fuck off with the fucking off.

20700159? ago

I've been thinking the same thing. The dems are screaming for execution now. What can they say when it turns around on them? If they say those punishments don't apply to them, lots more people will wake up to what is really going on. I so look forward to that day because my friends are constantly saying they can't wait for another dem to get in office and return things to the way they were. I will probably bite my tongue off to keep from saying "I told you so."

20701148? ago

We really should publish this comment in Wikipedia as a perfect example of mental gymnastics.

20701690? ago

Impeachment is a political process, not a legal one. There is no legal standard for the charges. It only decides if the target must leave office. It just comes down to votes.

If there are to be criminal charges, that would be have to proceed via the regular justice system after the target is ejected from office.

20701989? ago

They will be doing what u say, after he leaves office unless he kills the cabal while he holds the stick.

20699975? ago

Interesting! However, much of the needed defense evidence would likely be classified, limiting the public's ability to hear it and judge for ourselves.

20700227? ago

“Defense evidence”? Could u elaborate?

20699808? ago

Interesting idea OP. I have been wondering all along why the impeachment thing didn’t die after the last election. They clearly cannot carry it off so why keep at it? Most Americans are woefully ignorant about how government works, but one wouldn’t think so of elected representatives. Most of them are lawyers!

How do you [legally] introduce evidence? (Q asked something like that)

20700236? ago

I thought this was the commonly understood take on Q.

Look at the first 100 posts.

Under no obscurity or ambivalence does Q state that massive riots are being planned and that society will be at a complete fever pitch.

The investigations had to be protected but when things go public there are going to be ripples in the pool - all that can be done is to mitigate the ripples as much as possible.

If we are here and lay credence to Q the story has always been that a point will come where society will be triggered at a massive level approaching civil war and that will be the point where we get massive DECLAS and key arrests

20699474? ago

Patriots are in control

Perhaps, however Q getting curb-stomped into oblivion by the deep state (8chan deplatforming), Epstein being assassinated by the deep state, our children being mass murdered in false flag school shootings by the deep state and the House being stolen by massive election fraud by the deep state... suggests otherwise.

20704628? ago

Q getting curb-stomped has no bearing on anything being carried out. We don't need Q drops any longer. We have plenty of info to carry us through to 2100 and beyond. These impeachment hearings, if held, are going to produce the damning evidence against Biden, and most likely Obama re: Ukraine. (How does one introduce evidence?) They continually shoot themselves in the foot.

20699712? ago

Agreed. It doesn't seem like things are going in a good direction based on these facts alone.

20705888? ago

Impeachment does suck up all the news time for as long as the Dems want it to. MSM will be all impeachment all the time. Assuming Trump wins reelection, the Dems will have a hard time playing the impeachment card again. No ammunition left.

20703180? ago

Look weak when you are strong...

20699551? ago

  1. Q being curb stomped - patience, 8chan about to return with improved infrastructure. Not buying your conclusion
  2. Epstein assasinated - was he really? or is he in witness protection?
  3. Children and FF - can't argue with you here, the fuckers must pay, and will
  4. House stolen by election fraud - or, it was part of the plan (see above), so that Dems could initiate, but not control impeachment trial.
  5. No major arrests - see 4. above.

20701096? ago

Engaging the pedo-shills. I know... it's fun right? They just keep harping on the same "points" over and over - while we watch the show. Despite their "look here, not there" talking points, there are TONS going on and it's unprecedented. We who are woke (and not pedos scared of our doors being kicked in) understand we're at war, and trust our military, POTUS and Q.

20700209? ago

Why all of the gymnastics just to arrest someone for egregious crimes? Just arrest them and show the fucking evidence? Beats having to rig an election for the entire congress and have to go through impeachment doesn’t it? Show the fucking crimes and if the leftist sheep get it then good, if they don’t then thats ok too, it won’t change anything.

20700573? ago

Maybe there was no crime and it was all a ride to keep a motivated base that would otherwise be upset about fiscal responsibility and corruption?

Naw, that can't be it, must be the other thing.

20701962? ago

I disagree with your claim and reference comey not having charges brought by the doj.

20702231? ago

Actually Comey not being charged fully support what I said

20702591? ago

My angle with it is that one could argue that he committed crimes and one could argue that he didn’t however the fact that Barr didn’t even attempt to bring charges, to me says that they are trying to “cover-up” for actual crimes.

20703513? ago

Or there were none

20703759? ago

You’re joking right?

20701116? ago

ding ding ding

We have a winner over here.

20699634? ago

8chan about to return with improved infrastructure. Not buying your conclusion

8chan was curb-stomped, whether you like it or not.

Epstein assasinated - was he really?

There's no reason to believe otherwise... and wish-thinking is not a valid reason.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

House stolen by election fraud - or, it was part of the plan


No major arrests - see 4. above.

Wrong again. There have been no major arrests.

20703164? ago

There's logic behind the original statements and your rebuttals are just piss takes based on your own negativity. You might end up being right, but only if this whole thing turns out to be a game of checkers and not the grand chess match it appears to be.

20699467? ago

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. As stupid as it is some on the left are positively foaming at the mouth for impeachment. It would be a humiliating defeat, but we cannot overestimate how blinded by fear and hatred they have become.

20700240? ago

I thought this is about justice? Not revenge or humiliation? U sadists can have the humiliation, I want fcuking justice and I want the children of the world to be safe.