20260616? ago

The only thing they give away for free

20255787? ago

As disgusting as it may seem, it's actually helping to wake many people up. Looking at porn and the various fetishes one may have be played out on screen is one thing, but incest truly is taboo and for good reason, it's a line that most refuse to cross because you know in your heart and soul that it is wrong and is the kind of action most lesser animals would not commit. People are seeing this line clearer and clearer.

20254796? ago

Streaming web sites with tv shows and movies have to change their domain almost every day, but porn sites are here to stay.

20254750? ago

Who runs porn sites? Enough said.

20252535? ago

Most young parents let Disney rule the parenthood, because they are to busy to be on FB, Insta etc

20252300? ago

They know their audience?

Or do they program their audience?

That is the question.

20252203? ago


20252156? ago

Why are you hanging out on porn sites?

20252144? ago

I've noticed this also. It's like they went and renamed all the videos to incest stuff.

20252050? ago

Inter racial, family, and rape style gangfucks. If you want an actual answer to that queation it might be worth looking up minds.com and learning how you are allowing the jew to pervert your kids' basic sexual functions.

20251716? ago

For money.

20251749? ago

The industry of Porn is not profitable, its the human smuggling, blackmail, prostitution and drug running part of the same industry that brings them money.

20254260? ago

They're all connected. You can't have on without the other. Money, and power is the reason for all of it.

20251603? ago

In a Reddit AMA we saw the Community manager of pornhub claim that criticising incest porn is anti-antisemitism

20251690? ago

Community manager of pornhub arrives to claim criticising incest porn is anti-antisemitism, even though she's sure to explain that none of the owners are Jewish https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/bszjbb/pornhub_management_claims_the_forced_incest_vids/

20251577? ago

asking for a friend?

20251699? ago

its afraid? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/214244532/ Pornhub rep does AMA on Reddit and says it's antisemetic out of the blue to not support incest porn Anonymous

20251477? ago

I like it. Sister, auntie or cousin.

20251275? ago

Large porn sites are pushing family incest themes in their titles,

How is it you acquired this knowledge of the relative sizes of different porn sites, the titles offered therein, and the intent of large sites to “push” a particular subject?

20251563? ago

There was once an Porn hub AMA on reddit.

some one simply asked why incest was trending.

The AMA team at porn hub responded by accusing the redditor of antisemitism. In their defense they may have responded to the wrong comment but it was hilarious

20253631? ago


Funny stuff.

I wouldn’t be a but surprised to discover OP used that or a similar example of buffoonery as the totality of his/her research.

20251230? ago

From: doglegwarrior

I dont look at porn nearly as much as i used to but i have noticed a lot more family shit. Like step daughter fucking and step sister fucking etc. Japan has a lot of it too. I think the taboo aspect is part of it but weird how much more there is now.

Jew doing jew things. Or every single time!

Its the jew

20251111? ago

Because Jews produce most commercial porn. Jews hate the western family and can’t control us till they break it down.Fact.

20251729? ago

Not at Voat for pornography. Doesn't meant they're Puritans https://www.bitchute.com/video/AsHhUdvPtHpY/

20251105? ago

(((Mindgeek))) controls the narrative and they ultimately want to ruin masculinity and men in general through increasingly more disturbing porn. I've gone down this path for a long time and it not only fucks with your dopamine levels and receptors but also fucks with your sense of secuality and perversion. I won't elaborate but can confirm that I feel much more confident and grounded sexually after quitting porn than when I was all in.

20251325? ago

nofap seems like a part of it though. do you believe that orgone energy exists?

do you believe that when we fap, we are giving our orgone energy to dark forces?

i do. but it's so difficult to stop...

20252052? ago

My point was that porn is doing the most damage so the focus should be ending that first and the desire to fap drops more and more over time.

I have read about non -human physical entities feeding off our energy (sauce - Cassiopaean Transcripts) but I'm still learning and forming an opinion on that. In the meantime, I'm about a month into NoPorn and have seen improvements all around.

20255445? ago

glad to hear, carry on patriot!

for me, it's more when i'm getting in the shower and it brushes against my leg, then it perks up... no porn here for years.

20251621? ago

Some people called it spirit energy, 'vril' or Far East Asians describe 'Chi' energies

20250987? ago

I noticed this, and TONS of interracial pushed to the front of them all.

Yeah, I browse porn.

20251225? ago

He gone ded, Caveman_in_a_suit but the Creature gabara @Wahaha @Nadeshda ? @clamhurt_legbeard @ex-redd

20272330? ago

I @Nadeshda be alive, how are you?

20250793? ago

Long game I would presume. They want to dumb down the population and/or make it more Muslim.

20250604? ago

Stop looking at porn. It will destroy you.

20251469? ago

There are plenty of conservatives struggling with addiction

Weed, alcohol, porn and lack of physical activity. seem to be the main ones. That and prescription medication but that's a different story.

20252643? ago

Porn destroys lives, alcohol kills peoples and cannabis saved millions of lives.

Stop vilifying cannabis. Do some research on it you or you will sound like a retard.

20261403? ago

Smoking cannabis nonstop gave me Asthma. But sure it has countless positive aspects. It can also exacerbate things like psychosis. I notice that I would get less pleasure from normal things and was a little more paranoid.

Vaping it at 380F is not too bad but simply not buying large amounts in one goes was the best way for me to avoid over doing it.

20253354? ago

Fuck off stoner. Pot kills entire societies.

20252134? ago

I bet most people on here are addicted to one of these. Weed, alcohol and porn

Tell us how you came to your fucked in the head opinion on "most people on here". Eat shit and die cocksucker!

20261409? ago

Do some squats for me

20251841? ago

Most people have some kind of vice. I do not view porn and rarely, like once in 10 years smoke weed. I do drink too much. I have been working on that. I wasn't binge drinking but drinking 3 drinks a night, now I try not to drink during the week, which actually makes me drink less on the weekend. Reason I slowed my drinking twofold: 1) it is making me fat as shit, 2) it is a terrible example for my kids.

20261452? ago

Well shit I will think of you when I try not to smoke. The hard part comes when trying to find something ells to do when everything seems shit.

There is one phrase about addiction that has stuck with me.

The cravings are at there worse when you are about to over come them.

20263211? ago

I definitely need to find something better to do with my time. Like exercise. Currently I watch crappy tv, play one stupid phone game that I can't quit, clash of clans. Can't quit b/c I have played for so long I feel there is too much time invested to just quit. Lastly, read news, read voat.

I used to smoke a lot of weed in college, but pretty much gave it up once married and now have 3 kids.

20263366? ago

as far as exercise goes, you have to enjoy it.

I liked the idea of first finding a compound movement you like and then just keep doing it. squats, dead lift over-head-press and so on.

This might help https://voat.co/v/bodyweightfitness/3191852

Man I have spent well over 15,000 hours on games and YouTube. Next time I am on the PC with free time I will do some 3Dmodeliong tutorials or something.

The most frustrating thought that I have had about weed is that. I want to get fitter and stronger, so I exercise. But right now the fastest way for me to get fitter would be to simply stop smoking. I would not have to do anything but not smoke. I would then gradually heal.

I guess I have to be honest with myself. How much I truly want to get fitter or get better at 3D art. If I do truly want it I will do it.

I wish I could say that I will go cold turkey today. But I will start with smoking less and only using the vape on a low temperature.

one last thing. I keep saying that I wont want to smoke once my life is better. The thing is It wont get any better if I smoke. I only work on improving my life when I am board, depressed and sober.

Good luck

20263737? ago

thanks. I use to do a lot of squats and walking lunges around the gym. I need to get back to that and some cardio. As for smoking the way I cut back to almost nothing, was telling myself you aren't quitting for good, just slowing down for a while. Eventually the slowing down brought me to just about quit. But, I still don't tell myself I quit and don't wouldn't feel guilty if I smoked once in a while.

You are right though, weed or alcohol or whatever makes it easy to not take care of oneself. I need to think about it that way and cut back drinking to times I am out with friends or fishing on the lake.

Good luck to you too.

20252119? ago

Your are an alcoholic, face it. I am and did something about it. It's called A.A. It works. Good luck.

20252240? ago

I don't think that is the case, There was a time when I was drinking too much, but I am not any longer, and don't have cravings. I have know alcoholics they cannot take days and weeks of not drinking, I have seen first hand lives ruined that is not me. I don't think everyone who enjoys alcohol is an alcoholic.

20250666? ago

Once you stupid faggots learn the truth about porn, you'll stop acting like people pushing it on us are so innocent.

Conveniently ignoring the fact that certain nefarious personalities here like to spam porn when they don't get their way. I guess that's okay though, right? You have no fucking clue what you're denouncing here.

Porn is a weapon, propaganda. It always has been and it always will be.



20251809? ago

Are you talking to me, I wrote porn will destroy you. I know exactly what and who I am denouncing.

20251623? ago

look at the logos and symbols from porn sites. Always with devil horns, satan tails etc...

20250517? ago

Because jews are degenerates

20251449? ago

Dual Citizens, Kike and Kebab working together? how the Jews push for interracial relationships in the West, yet they are illegal in Israel they keep sending Black Negro Jews back to Africa. No Black? Well, at least for Jews. Want diversity in the West but obsessed with ethnicity and DNA and heritage so Israelis don't care if non-Jews race mix in Israel, but they don't allow their fellow Jews to engage in it. So Globalist Extreme Jews have two faces - and neither one is to be trusted? It is a well known fact that Jews produced pornography in the 1930s to demoralize “Christian” Germany, to promote Bolshevik communism in Europe, and to turn Berlin into the Red Whore of Babylon. Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.’”

20250427? ago

Attempting to normalize more and more degenerate taboos and behavior, anal, gangbangs incest etc. if they involve degradation to the traditional family unit all the better.

the fact that porn is run by kikes but is easily accessed for free should tell you everything you need to know. Porn is a psyop. Check out the business "Mindgeek", routed through Luxembourg.

20250572? ago

https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2679038 The Great Voat Porn Wars are Finally upon us?

20250388? ago

(((no reason)))

20251484? ago

https://thoughtcatalog.com/pierce-nahigyan/2015/11/how-pornography-is-changing-millennial-men/ How Pornography is Changing Millennial Men (Hint, The Sex Is Worse, Much Worse)

20250598? ago

Nothing is done by a person or group unless they benefit, millions have been spent on this Propaganda.......... "who do you think it benefits"? https://www.voat.co/v/theawakening/3028134 ?

20250373? ago

When you jerk your gherkin to those themes you are feeding them into the collective subconscious. Your "consent" makes things happen.

20251311? ago

https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2957031/15971984 The FBI must have outsourced some of their work because my guy seems to really enjoy Bollywood.

20250269? ago

Catering to Muslims again, who burn with lust for their cousins, nieces and daughters.

20250455? ago

That makes sense, with the refujihad invasion the tastes in pornography have maybe got more sick and weird.

20250233? ago

Because the Jews think it's funny to destroy white civilization. It's a war that's been going on for thousands of years.

Pornography is perhaps their greatest weapon against men, women, children and the nuclear family unit.









They know that the obsession with sex and the associated degeneracy destroys civilizations. This is why they push it constantly.




The history of our war











They destroy our families






Push pornography on children


They distract and weaken our men




They turn our women into degenerate, childless whores



20254102? ago

Duh juice duh juice duh juice.....

20251146? ago

Bravo on this post. It really deserves it's own thread imo.

20254328? ago

Thx. It gets posted as part of a few other pastas pretty often. Save and spread

20250194? ago

Because people divorce a lot since old marriage rules don't work in current world.

Then you might have mixed genes in single family which is paradox with current culture.

20250580? ago

cringe comedy sub /v/feminism

20250618? ago

its 1st wave feminism or 3rd wave?

20250073? ago


20250019? ago

Eh to corrupt peoples mind.

20250484? ago

all one big industry, the Music Industry, the News, the British BBC, Hollywood a Sex-Grooming Gang .... Hollywood and the Porn industry is run by global homosexual mob or gay mafia, most are bisexual drug addicts owned Jews/Globalists. watch tv/porn you are watching gays & support open borders agenda


I think at the top, there are some super rich scum bags. They're definitely Jews. Globalists? You could make the arguments using the content of their own sites easily. The nuclear family is incredibly important throughout history and all this brother/sister/father/mother fucking is the most successful assault on that social dynamic in recent memory.

Is it some crazy organized cabal? I doubt it.

Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs have long been used to force people into sexual slavery. I don't think the porn industry is too distant a relative of sexual slavery. It's definitely abuse in a lot of cases, at least in my eyes.

So to answer, probably not. But, you could make a damn good argument. Especially how they've managed to equate porn/sexual independence with feminism. Absolutely disgusting.

20250001? ago

They are trying to encourage those behaviors. Monkey see, monkey do.

20249967? ago

delete your cookies and the titles will change.

20256459? ago

ah interesting, except i've never done searches for any of that. just noticed on main pages of popular site(s) that perverse stuff is being pushed.

20251519? ago

you disgusting degenerate. Stop fapping to porn. You are not helping

20251359? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/2799293 The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry Anonymous | Anons

20250754? ago

Not true.

20250442? ago

Don't come across it much but sometimes I will find spam pop ups search for tv old shows or retro games. I guess others get the gays and guys like alexjones get the tranny shit. Change your cookies? It's not that, I hate porn and hate the filth industry so would consume a minimum of porn. I clear out cookies regular, scan but sometimes I will use a proxy or download something maybe not so legal like a pirate mega video type site. I get pop ups from gamer sites and I do sometimes download movies and tv shows sometimes porn pops up again. I notice a shit ton of weird porn pop ups, it's no longer the old play boy Sunny Leone Jenny jameson stuff, the nature of pop ups has changed across the board the past yr or so. Before it was predictable the chatroom pop ups, lottery gambling stuff, medical viagra, the porn is getting more and more degenerate, race mixing, incest other weird shit is popping up. They are pushing sickness and addiction, who are (((they))) others say <<<them>>> are involved, anyways if you have not looked into the merchants of smut i guess it might take a while for you to figure it out, it seems to have got more weird and nasty.

20250501? ago

Sounds like you need an ad blocker (e.g. uBlock Origin).

20251611? ago

maybe a Jew Blocker?

20250792? ago

Lol boomers and their pop ups

20250820? ago

I just find it laugh out loud funny how they do all the other shit - clear cookies for example, on the regular. But there is always just one simple, key step they miss (pop up blocker).

I clear my cookies only when forced because a site isn't working properly or word press isn't seeming to update and for the most part, pop up and spam free.

20251254? ago

i regularly remove site elements that annoy me, like the floating menu that takes up 1/5th of the screen real estate!

and also the "we see you're running an ad blocker" element, which i find funny as fuck

20249966? ago

Because it's so fucking hot.

20250495? ago

ugly AIDs dumpsters

20249954? ago

They are pedophiles, and they like the bloodline of Ham.

20249932? ago

Incest destroys families. Everything they have been doing for over one hundred years has been about breaking up the family. It is the basic building block of a moral society. Also, the more sick and twisted, the better from their point of view.

20251344? ago

Frogistan dark meme magic? France is literally the real life Blacked dot com, a global jew shitted smut website dedicated to pushing pornography and hateful Ethno-Masochism https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/195129248/

20250830? ago

To be fair, Trump has made lots of weird incestuous comments about Ivanka

20251887? ago

Being a billionaire fucks people up. I like to have enough money to be comfortable, but I never want money like that.

Being that rich makes sex appeal more important than money since all the people they surround themselves with have money. I don't think Trump is incestuous, but I think he puts too much pride in the looks of his daughter.

At least that is my rationalization for still supporting Trump. I would never say such things about my own daughter.

20250805? ago

I grew up in a big family like the Duggars, I find it super hot!

20250203? ago

Strong families produce strong People. Doesn't fit well into (((Their))) Plan

20249971? ago

Lol, quit being such a Nazi puritan.

20249918? ago

Loads of mixed race stuff too. Go me, the porn expert.

20249975? ago

Nothing wrong with mixed race.

20250742? ago

Says the fat chick

20249911? ago

They are the best that's why

20249907? ago

They're pushing anything that's not natural. Anal sex being one of those things.

20250518? ago

endless Babylon cycle, that which happened before comes to happen again

20249899? ago

Why are you going to porn sites?

20250509? ago

The hijack your address bar, pop up as spam if you move away fro the mainstream web. The other option is to use a shit ton of virus filters and turn off java. .... is it all part of something else? https://files.catbox.moe/ptehdi.jpg is there an agenda??

20249883? ago

Jews want white families broken. How more obvious can it get?

20249979? ago

Or OR or.... maybe people have fetishes and not everything is a Jewish conspiracy.

20251926? ago

Fetishes sure have proliferated due to the extreme porn that is out there. It is sick shit. If you look at it you need to stop. It will fuck your life up.

20251535? ago

I guess its also a coincidence that the nuclear family is a building block of great nations.

Any attack on the nuclear family is an attack on the great nation.

20250088? ago

How's the weather in Tel Aviv today, rabbai?

20250257? ago

Just because somebody sucks rabbinical baby penises while subverting all of society doesn't mean they're a jew

20250349? ago

I don't fucking care. Retards incapable of naming the jew are worse than jews

20250070? ago

The Jews put those fetishes out in the mainstream you fucking moron.

20249874? ago

What do you think? Because they want to destroy natural family bonds by this?

20250544? ago

? https://voat.co/v/whatever/2716798 Pornography is a JEWISH WEAPON of Mass Control, zombification and pacification.

20249852? ago

Clearly a high demand for it.

20250500? ago

porn is not profitable, its the drug running, prostitution and human slavery where they make the money.

20251274? ago

You are clearly wrong.

20249828? ago

And now it's time for "Guess That Jew"!!!

20250555? ago

French also involved? https://voat.co/v/8chan/2688980 Current Owners of MindGeek: CEO Feras Antoon (Residence in Montreal, Quebec, Canada) COO David Marmorstein Tassillo