I think at the top, there are some super rich scum bags. They're definitely Jews. Globalists? You could make the arguments using the content of their own sites easily. The nuclear family is incredibly important throughout history and all this brother/sister/father/mother fucking is the most successful assault on that social dynamic in recent memory.
Is it some crazy organized cabal? I doubt it.
Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs have long been used to force people into sexual slavery. I don't think the porn industry is too distant a relative of sexual slavery. It's definitely abuse in a lot of cases, at least in my eyes.
So to answer, probably not. But, you could make a damn good argument. Especially how they've managed to equate porn/sexual independence with feminism. Absolutely disgusting.
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14159567? ago
? true @Triceratography @enormousatom @Thippe @LoveTheFloor
14161746? ago
I think at the top, there are some super rich scum bags. They're definitely Jews. Globalists? You could make the arguments using the content of their own sites easily. The nuclear family is incredibly important throughout history and all this brother/sister/father/mother fucking is the most successful assault on that social dynamic in recent memory.
Is it some crazy organized cabal? I doubt it.
Drugs? Of course!!! Drugs have long been used to force people into sexual slavery. I don't think the porn industry is too distant a relative of sexual slavery. It's definitely abuse in a lot of cases, at least in my eyes.
So to answer, probably not. But, you could make a damn good argument. Especially how they've managed to equate porn/sexual independence with feminism. Absolutely disgusting.
14184238? ago
? @kneo24 @raw_toast_ @SIayfire122 @Trigglypuff