14389045? ago

You imgur you lose

14177137? ago

Talc is a jew paki spammer that wants to turn voat into another reddit shithole @yriEsJZN @Skyrock @Mumbleberry @Owlchemy why have you not blocked his spam from report spammers?

14177173? ago

14159686? ago

what do people see in diseased skanks? @Le_Squish @thatcoolmartian @Thippe @TheBuddha and the guys like dogs? some dirty jew arab french pimp controls their diseased dick, sells them zombie mind porn ... some faggy shit reddit says pimps think we're religious what a bunch of dumb fucks!! hey pimp faggots smoke more, make yourself totally SMOKED, smoke more and more, more get so high eventually you will find the answer

14159758? ago

aye aye captain

14848425? ago

drug runners, smut merchants, never ending wars and ... soap box ! @Suzo @tendiesonfloor ? @drhitler @pwdwp somebody is taking over the media? ...freak out !?

13994775? ago

jew anon went Q anon ? @GreaseLightning

13804979? ago

American Women Have Already Taken 10.42 Miles of Cock https://www.voat.co/v/AnonThoughts/2686848

13600172? ago

down vote!

13584366? ago

gabara and the perverts, possibly criminals? stopped being funny about 1 yr ago

13584376? ago

13591223? ago

If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they shall receive.

14848448? ago

did you see the fight at mcNiggaz .... @tradstew @themagarhino ? @crystaliis @HelloDolly some soap box asks you don't like the media why wont u watch tv

13992839? ago

idk what this thread is but I've been summoned

13993273? ago

Same here. Nice meme though, glad I saw it.

13992578? ago

! @Agrianian_Javelineer @Statutory_Ray @AlphaOmega @TheTrigger the smut merchant that would sell his/her own daughter

14014450? ago

reporting for duty

13583025? ago

notice how this post got downvoted like crazy when the sbbh fags were pinged

14159791? ago

keep the votes ! @Walop @Conway @Reddit_traitor @Jimbonez_Jonez the merchant wars?

14160799? ago

This is stupid. You're stupid.

Don't lump me in with these newfags.

14160082? ago


14159826? ago

What's all this then?

13583431? ago

13579984? ago

Porn has credits?

13579509? ago

Free porn! The internet is full of free porn produced, scripted and distributed by Jews. All free. ...because Jews are not interested in money. Jews only want what's best for you, goy.

13579106? ago

Moralfag anti porn threads are the best to troll in. Their impotent rhetoric and palpable butthurt always put a big smile on my face.

13580527? ago

Porn addicts are just like fat fucks that can't accept their habits are destroying themselves. Porn is junk food for the soul.

14161439? ago

Go fuck yourself nigger

14159936? ago

Why you calling me?! No I went be in your gay porn

14848550? ago

another conspiracy ? ? @barraccuda @ComedicGoat ! @SealofApproval what did soap box say about war movement of people ...banned !

14848630? ago

Porn is degenerate, but i think we have bigger fish to fry. I do appreciate the efforts of the counter-electro-crypto-jew crowd though.

14848555? ago

!! ?? @Eurocuckistan soap box says talk of people movement banned !

13601443? ago

porn soap box fag bots are going in this thread too.

14848435? ago

the soap box arrived @Optional_Reading @subtext ? @ninjajunkie @watts2db for bannings ... media is owned?

13580422? ago

soap box sentai team ping! @Vladimir_Komarov @Wahaha @gabara @SarMegahhikkitha @Octocopter go go please down vote topics!!

13929038? ago

Fuck off nigger.

14304638? ago

plankO is a filthy diseased transexual jew soddomite with an ugly rat rodent face https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2688980/14304454 kikes and kebabs push degeneracy industries drugs, pornography? ....'The jewish porn industry is just a antisemitic conspiracy' ? @petevoat @for x13 @Der_Untergang

13991839? ago

needs some LOTR not all orc memes @DonkeyThong @Runwithscissors @ciaozuzu @CuriosityOnFire

13898698? ago

Baby needs his personal army because he has no arguments.

14848530? ago

memes and dindu nuffins ! @hang_em_high @Sw0rdofDamocles ! @heroinwinsagain ! @RedHawk @shittersfull you don't like the media soap box gives you?

13579137? ago

It's kind of depressing when they hate porn more than they love freedom. Like any other drug, porn is your responsibility to consume in moderation and with respect for yourself.

13579135? ago

Be more of an incel neckbeard you redittarded jew.

13579272? ago

Who could this anon be?

14304693? ago

plankO is a filthy diseased transexual jew soddomite with an ugly rat rodent face https://www.voat.co/v/8chan/2688980/14304454 kikes and kebabs push degeneracy industries drugs, pornography? ....'The jewish porn industry is just a antisemitic conspiracy' ? @White_pride_cis @0011000100100111101

13579366? ago

The world may never know.

13579011? ago

How about the angry faggots that spam interracial porn when they don't get their way?

We all love people like that, right?

14388674? ago

What are you on about mate?

14848491? ago

memes and dindu nuffins ! @ardvarcus @BeefBourgignon ! @Romanium ! @IrbyTremors @aLegoInYourShoe you don't like the media soap box gives you?

14854329? ago

I generally despise the content that we are subjected to on a daily basis. My post history if you take the time to read it shows that I strongly disavow the kike propos.

13579206? ago

The 'Rambo' kike started a sub on voat called uncensored news which is laughable as there is no censored news on voat... there is only news also when Rambo Kike could not get his way he spams the entire of voat with nasty gayass negroid blacks abusing Blondes in gang bang pornographic vids https://voat.co/v/Identitarian/1933269 most of the alt-right who invaded voat during the Bernie years were actually kikes and kebabs

13579380? ago

That sub is dead anyway. Use v/Identitarians

14184360? ago

QUOTE https://www.voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2756661/14183411 ' Lets all celebrate the mental illness that is trannies ! yay! '

14848510? ago

explain the fiction, comicbook culture and modern movies !! ...memes and dindu nuffins ! @culofiesta @AndrewBlazeIt ! @Liamtenour ! @Chimaira92 @elitch2 you don't like the media soap box gives you?

14848561? ago


13578972? ago

soap box does its best to get past the NSFW tagging and spam voat with filth http://niggasrule.blogspot.com/2011/08/kike-sluts-love-niggers.html ? why have so many domains been banned from voat and yet the porn merchants are never banned? The mods admin of Canada and Chicago made these voat subs worse than reddit

13578988? ago

Beatle here and dats a lie

13579372? ago

some truth to be found on phucks, gab.ai, 4chan and poal many of the soap box types are tranny islamic faggots https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2650500

13579427? ago

Poal is gay tho

14848467? ago

memes and dindu nuffins @shawnfromnh69 @Retron ! @IndigoElectric ! @ tendiesonfloor @totes_magotes you don't like the media soap box gives you?