redpilldessert ago

Nope making the users permanently anonymous killed it.

redpilldessert ago

If you were in charge, what kind of content or comments would you have censored? Would you censor stuff that VoatForFreeSpeech wouldn't or vice versa?

redpilldessert ago

I like the way your comment isn't censored here. Hopefully u/VoatForFreeSpeech lives up to his name.

Ocelot ago

I see, thanks.

FleeingCensorship ago

By the old mods and the new we swear our fealty to the 14 words.

con77 ago

if youre from reddit fuck you

Syracks ago

I keep hearing this, but to my knowledge, no one is censoring Nat Soc shit, or Zionist shit. Seems like there was just some people that didnt want to lose power

HailMurdoch14 ago

Can you elaborate on what you mean by Alt-Kike? Are you possibly conflating the Alt-Lite with the Alt-Right? I admit, lots of the Alt-Right is pretty cucky and still not there yet. But they are clearly motivated by the 14 words and the 14 words alone, even if they haven't figured out 88.

I take the Murdoch Murdoch angle. Who is our enemy? Anyone who opposes the 14 words. The Alt Right do not oppose the 14 words, in fact, the 14 words are their mantra. Therefore, from my perspective at least, while they clearly aren't us, they also aren't our enemy.

Are you possibly referring to the Alt-Lite? PJW, Cernovich, Crowder, Lauren Southern, Gavin McInnes, Breitbart, Drudge, Infowars, etc.? Because those people aren't Alt-Right. Those people have actually actively condemned and disavowed the Alt-Right and White Nationalism. When you cross over from Alt-Lite to Alt-Right is when you accept the 14 words. When you cross over from Alt-Right to Far-Right is when you accept 88. Just as the Far-Right should never be confused with the Alt-Right, the Alt-Right should never be confused with the Alt-Light.

I believe that it's alright for there to be flow between these groups, as long as it's a one-way flow that only goes Right, and never, ever goes Left. That flow of people moving Right, towards us, is the material of our future base. If the amount of people we have now is the size of our movement, if we decide that only those that are already ideologically NatSoc are what we are going to move forward with, then we have already lost. Can't you see that? We literally just don't have enough manpower.

I agree with the Ropeculture crowd in that we should not compromise our ideals ever, and that we need to hold on to what we know is true and right. BUT. I don't see why that means that other people who aren't there yet are our enemies. You can either see them as our enemies, or as future allies. If they already believe in the 14 words, then trust me, it won't be long until they are volunteering for the RWDS, once the reality of the situation hits them.

We should hold up our ideas, as a beacon, but not to drive our brother Whites away from us, but rather, by holding ourselves up as an example, to draw them towards us.

I guess my condensed question is, what about White Nationalism and the 14 Words is a cuck/slave identity? The only difference between Alt-Right and Far-Right are what Rockwell called "Sneaky Nazis". Ideologically, these people are clearly Nazis, they just aren't comfortable yet unleashing the 88. They are 14, but not 88. I get that they are only half way there, but how does that make them a "cuck/slave"? And I'm asking in good faith, I honestly am open to the fact that I'm completely missing something critical here, and look forward to your response.

HailMurdoch14 ago

No... because /r European Nationalism is also on Reddit. That place has 3,500 subs. It's not Reddit that made it bigger.

BlackInferiority ago

Not up on this faggotry drama but this is autism on the nth degree. We're 14 words, that's enough for anyone. I, personally, am NatSoc but not a tinfoiler when it comes to the kike question. These fucking kiddies here are obsessed with compartmentalizing ideas to more easily function within their own reasoning. It's pretty feminine tbh. Here's what I, an inactive af fashy goy, think: The alt-right are 14 words; the alt-lite are not and, while kikes will most definitely try to infiltrate us in the AR as they have in NatSoc, it's retarded to completely diffuse our community and kill our momentum. This is niggery, this is faggotry, this isn't natsoc and it isn't alt-right. Get over yourselves, autists. Even if you are an 88 faggot, you can at least speak with alt-righters and get their view of things. I'm NatSoc, not an 88 faggot swastika sucker - these people are our niggers and need to be placated but destroying the momentum and community I've seen grow more in the past 3 years than in as many decades is depressing af. Once more, get over yourselves. Fucking niggers/faggots/kikes/women.

BlackInferiority ago

p.s. from the outset VFFS seemed like an autiste libertard, there's working with these people - they're vehicles in neutral.

HailMurdoch14 ago

Yeah, this is something that seems lost on people, Milo and PJW and Cernovich and the Alt-Lite cucks were NEVER tolerated on the old /r Alt-Right. The Swastika was flying pretty high in that sub, and normies like ancaps and the like were coexisting with it. Normies were coexisting with the Swastika and accepting it. It was never as cucked as people try to make it out now. Alt-Kike? That just confuses me. How does entryist National Socialism come off as kiked? I think there is just a language gap, and some people are calling the Alt-Lite the Alt-Right.

HailMurdoch14 ago

As long as this big tent is still a home for National Socialists. While we can never cooperate with the Alt-Lite, I've always considered the Alt-Right to be entryist White Nationalism. I always thought that it was strange that rather than having our own National Socialist boards, we took over the Alt-Right boards. I feel like this possibly disadvantages us in a way.

The Alt-Right is a stage that most people basically have to go through before they are exposed to enough red pills, and finally accept National Socialism. Cutting off the main entryism/honeypot space we had, the Alt-Right and Identitarian boards, is literally just cutting off our future supply of NatSocs. Because however much the moderate cucks here don't want to admit it, and the RopeCulture hardcores on the other side don't want to admit it either, the moderate cucks end up National Socialists if they hang around us for long enough. Because we're right. All we ever had to do was get people into the same space as us, and eventually they would see that we were right. Whether it was /r AltRight, /r Pussypass, or even old /v Identitarian, we're just churning out NatSocs. That's a good thing.

BettyWhite ago

I'm not sure I understand, those moderators who were (god bless them), "ropeculture based NatSoc", what did they do wrong? What exactly was their vision and desire for this subvoat as compared to the other moderators? What was the unreconcilable difference between your two points of view?

Bryntyr ago

Tried to take over subs and ban/remove anyone that didn't agree with them in several places at once.

1973ish ago

Tbh it sounds like you're confusing Marxism and Prussian Socialism but ok

1973ish ago

Er... do you mean Marxism, or the sort of traditional "socialistic" impulses that healthy individuals naturally have towards their kin group? You seem unnecessarily hostile, friendo.

1973ish ago

What? I just checked in here and there's all this drama... If you want a specifically NatSoc subverse, create it, and call it something like /v/NatSoc. I'd definitely join.

1973ish ago

I need a better tldr.

I'm comfy with NatSoc, but identitarianism isn't (necessarily) NatSoc, even thought NatSoc was an identitarian movement. The sub should obviously be more "big tent". Is that all that's going on here?

IAMA_WhiteMale_AMA ago

Besides Internet Explorer, what is IE?

MariusFrank ago

Identity Evropa

WhoIsRamblinRambo ago

So you think working for someone gives you the right to seize their property? I guess you really are socialist.

Kaiserin ago

muh millenial woes is a massive homo but because he makes youtube vids hes fine 2 me. homosexuality is implicitly huwhite

Eli3k ago

There you are. Where are you at on this drama?

Eli3k ago

So where is Titsout? Is he in or out?

heygeorge ago


WhoIsRamblinRambo ago

This tells you everything you need to know.

The instigator of this is ramblinrambo3 at reddit. He mods /v/European here after it was banned at reddit. He still runs /r/uncen scorednews with an iron fist.

ViaAlpina ago

Just post from your regular account. Using an alt is for pussies.

kolarov133 ago

Jared Taylor was accepted here as well. He did an AMA not too long ago.

Real_Dindu_Muffins ago

Can you break it down for me?

TAThatBoomerang ago

I don't trust you anymore.

TAThatBoomerang ago

I've got to ask, what does IE mean?

MrPim ago

From what i can gather its Identity Europa

g7krwn ago

There's nothing wrong with the people who will get here but aren't here yet. The problem is the people like VFFS who actively oppose getting people here. They are a cancer.

US_Nationalist ago


Datastream ago

Why have tolerance for degeneracy?

MariusFrank ago

What degeneracy is being tolerated?

reeeeeeeeeeeeee ago

I look forward to regaining the feel and quality of /r/altright which was pretty much lost here.

Hail Victory!

Snakob95 ago

The reason why I dont have a problem with toning it down is because of WHO asked us to tone it down. The ones asking are the ones in the street, they are the ones putting up posters and stickers, they are on camera talking. ive yet to see the ones who are butthurt put in any work besides on a subverse.

WhoIsRamblinRambo ago

No national socialism, no fascism. Unless you're using kike semantics, that's a ban on the far right.

Where was this said?

MariusFrank ago

I didn't blame you, I just indicated that it was happening.

he views White Nationalism as a social club because his ideological foundation is weak.

No, he correctly understands that politics is an extension of the social order and nothing will happen without a core social and cultural foundation.

heygeorge ago

You're perceptive here, and in my opinion, that's why you shouldn't expect to hear a solid response from @tits_out_fortheboys who, from my observation, is a stereotypical Reddit cancermod unwilling to grow the community in a true free-speech environment.

twee ago

Don't take this the wrong way but, would call an alternate subverse be a good option?

redpilldessert ago

I run v/AlternativeRight, and I can assure complete utter free speech there (including for far right and far left). However, there probably won't be any need to if VoatForFreeSpeech lives up to his name.

Goater ago

I only just saw Identitarian recently.

Don't know much about the mod drama, but can you just create a new one with the good mods as owners and we all migrate?

I know it isn't ideal, but fuck these dickheads, the sub was just a name, it's the users which make it great.

Estalia ago

WhoIsRamblinRambo ago

The fucky mods are gone now.

MariusFrank ago

That's a fair criticism, but he was also the one with the clairvoyance to create this sub in the first place. Also, the guidelines he enforced are his own, not diktat from Nathan or IE at large. The leaked announcement in question only came after he asked for help once this shitstorm already started.

I know for a fact that he's incredibly active in the movement at large and is personally responsible for seeding dozens of local groups around the country. He may have been inactive here for sometime but he was no doubt active with other endeavors. His inactivity doesn't nullify ownership of the board, and the spam and vindictive leaking is coming off as petty and childish.

Komissar ago

Everyone loves the 14 words, but decides we're too radical when we support the 88 precepts. It's 14/88 for a reason.

Ocelot ago

I always thought the 88 came from Heil Hitler. Is this just a misconception?

MortalSisyphus14 ago

I suggest you read RamblingRambos own posts and submissions if you would like an answer to this question. I agree the whole thing is petty and harmful to our movement, but hopefully we can move forward from here.

MortalSisyphus14 ago

Most of this went down around 2am US time. I'm a human being with a job, so I needed some sleep, which is the reason for the delayed explanation.

The leaked pics do not at all show a desire to censor the far right. I stated very clearly we must ensure people know we aren't censoring them to prevent your type of hysterics.

The person who suggested IE rules likely did so specifically to leak the chat logs and suggest a takeover. Neither of us agreed to implementing IE rules, and that is still our stated position.

kolarov133 ago

The leaked pics do not at all show a desire to censor the far right

I think it's pretty clear

ThatFeministGirl ago

Doesn't that pic show the complete opposite, namely that he has no desire to censor anyone?

kolarov133 ago

No, it shows the will to censor them without giving out his intentions. I wonder (((who))) else does that kind of things?

ThatFeministGirl ago

No, he's explicitly saying that he wants it clear that the far right isn't being censored and that people need to be extra careful to make sure there's not a whiff of it. He's not Jewishly dishonestly scheming about hiding censorship. He's goyishly sincere about wanting it to be clear that there's no censorship.

kolarov133 ago

It's actually the opposite no matter how you wanna spin it. The whole point of taking over the sub and cast away the "old mods" was because it was getting "too nazi" so the owner decided to come back and ask for help in the Identity Europa discord chat. They didn't wanna lose the base that stuck here for months due to the good work of the old mods who took care of the sub while the owner was away, so they decided to launch a disgusting PR sticky thread about "unity" and other bullshit.

None of this matters though because none of us will ever come back here.

ThatFeministGirl ago

He doesn't say that it's "too nazi" in the picture you linked to. He says natsocs won't put up with censorship, but that's as far as he takes it. At least give the guy a chance. He's been with the community for a long time and he hasn't done anything wrong yet.

kolarov133 ago

Ok if you don't know the whole story and the context then stop replying to me. That image is not the only thing that happened in the whole drama.

ThatFeministGirl ago

Oh, is there a place where I can take a look at all the screenshots?

kolarov133 ago

I guess you can browse through the moderation logs since all the threads are banned.

ThatFeministGirl ago

Definitely not clicking through all the porn.

MariusFrank ago

There is no ban in IE on 'far right discourse', there is a ban on posting and attaching ourselves to a particular brand of Nationalism that existed in the 1930's. The ideas themselves are fine.

g7krwn ago

Exactly. How can you say you love something if you are willing to sit idly by and let it be destroyed at the hands of (((evil)))?

CarlVonRoland ago

I am for this of we get rid of various obsessions with historic movements and meaningless shigposting. I would love this subverse to become a place for new right ideas and Identitarian activism.

g7krwn ago

We continue to support ALL those agree with the 14 Words to post here regardless of their position on the spectrum

If you aren't at the wall then you'll get lined up against the wall. You need to pick a side, there is no middle ground. Anything in the middle is ideological inconsistency.

Bryntyr ago

This sort of autistic bullshit is exactly why no one wants to associate with a bunch of high school and college age natsoc larpers. You come off as faggots.

Juster ago

I don't disagree with you. Enmity is important. But your own quote distinguishes between a healthy and an unhealthy hatred. And a hate which swamps the whole movement and alienates the very people you need to reach -- is unhealthy.

Juster ago

What can I say? The white identity movement needs to move beyond cartoonish Hitler fetishism if it's ever going to gain real traction. There is a huge ocean of whites out there who want to stand up for their race, but they don't have hate for anyone else, and won't make that important leap when the movement's focus is on hating other races instead of loving ours.

This is true no matter what happens to this particular sub.

BettyWhite ago

National Socialism and Hitler's Germany did not hate other races. They Loved their own race. And believed in making it the best race it could be. It was not about external hate, it was about internal love. They did hate the Jews but that was born out of a necessary self defense. The Jews remain our greatest enemies and if we don't address this issue they will destroy us.

Snakob95 ago

You guys are hardly goose stepping through the streets, its not a big deal to tone it down. I love the third reich, but if abandoning it provides better optics and more people to the movement so be it. Were not going to survive on larping, we need bodies. The only way that happens is if it is an attractive brand for normies. Sometimes you got to take the L.

Timothy1488 ago

The jew lies with no evidence.

g7krwn ago

Meanwhile we have all of the evidence. Please folks, check out the moderation logs for yourself to see what he's hiding.

surprisecockfag ago

Did we ever find out if this was shareblue/ctr, r/blackladies and r/againsthatesubreddits, or something else?