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NotHereForPizza ago

Once you stupid faggots learn the truth about porn, you'll stop acting like people pushing it on us are so innocent.

Conveniently ignoring the fact that certain nefarious personalities here like to spam porn when they don't get their way. I guess that's okay though, right? You have no fucking clue what you're denouncing here.

Porn is a weapon, propaganda. It always has been and it always will be.


Lobotomy ago

Once you stupid faggots learn the truth about porn, you'll stop acting like people pushing it on us are so innocent.

Stop you there. NOBODY is forcing you to watch porn. NOBODY is forcing you to masturbate. If you are, then that is your own prerogative. Don't act like such a fucking victim, and maybe learn some self-control next time you tickle your pecker.

"The Yids are MAKING me masturbate!" "The kikes are MAKING me take HRT!" Come on now, take some fucking responsiblity for yourself. This is precisely why I don't give a shit about porn on Voat. If you're using Voat for porn, you're stupid as shit in the first place and how did you even find this site.

NotHereForPizza ago

Stop you there. NOBODY is forcing you to watch porn. NOBODY is forcing you to masturbate.

You're right. But, I'm trying to help other people be aware. You haven't done a very good job arguing there...

"The Yids are MAKING me masturbate!" "The kikes are MAKING me take HRT!"

Man, that's a gross mischaracterization of what I've said. Did my words upset you?

Only an honest to god Semite would blame someone else for their own abject lack of self-control.

So, you accuse me of suggesting jews are forcing me to watch porn, and that me suggesting that makes me a jew. This is going to go great...

This is precisely why I don't give a shit about porn on Voat. If you're using Voat for porn, you're stupid as shit in the first place.

Clearly, everything I've said is evading you. You're fighting vigilantly for people to be free to be exposed to something. That, I respect. What I don't respect, however, is your juvenile attempt at debate, your pathetically humorous insults that seem sort of out of place, and your deep lack of imagination and ability to comprehend the things I'm telling you.

If you want to start over, and maybe argue that it's not used as a weapon, I may entertain that. If you respond with some more moronic bullshit that hardly follows itself and just makes you look like a child, I'll probably ignore you.

Lobotomy ago

So, you accuse me of suggesting jews are forcing me to watch porn, and that me suggesting that makes me a jew. This is going to go great...

No, but only jews have a victim complex on that level.

Clearly, everything I've said is evading you. You're fighting vigilantly for people to be free to be exposed to something. That, I respect. What I don't respect, however, is your juvenile attempt at debate, your pathetically humorous insults that seem sort of out of place, and your deep lack of imagination and ability to comprehend the things I'm telling you.

Who said I was even trying to debate you?

If you want to start over, and maybe argue that it's not used as a weapon, I may entertain that. If you respond with some more moronic bullshit that hardly follows itself and just makes you look like a child, I'll probably ignore you.
