Once you stupid faggots learn the truth about porn, you'll stop acting like people pushing it on us are so innocent.
Conveniently ignoring the fact that certain nefarious personalities here like to spam porn when they don't get their way. I guess that's okay though, right? You have no fucking clue what you're denouncing here.
Porn is a weapon, propaganda. It always has been and it always will be.
Once you stupid faggots learn the truth about porn, you'll stop acting like people pushing it on us are so innocent.
Stop you there. NOBODY is forcing you to watch porn. NOBODY is forcing you to masturbate. If you are, then that is your own prerogative. Don't act like such a fucking victim, and maybe learn some self-control next time you tickle your pecker.
"The Yids are MAKING me masturbate!" "The kikes are MAKING me take HRT!" Come on now, take some fucking responsiblity for yourself. This is precisely why I don't give a shit about porn on Voat. If you're using Voat for porn, you're stupid as shit in the first place and how did you even find this site.
Stop you there. NOBODY is forcing you to watch porn. NOBODY is forcing you to masturbate.
You're right. But, I'm trying to help other people be aware. You haven't done a very good job arguing there...
"The Yids are MAKING me masturbate!" "The kikes are MAKING me take HRT!"
Man, that's a gross mischaracterization of what I've said. Did my words upset you?
Only an honest to god Semite would blame someone else for their own abject lack of self-control.
So, you accuse me of suggesting jews are forcing me to watch porn, and that me suggesting that makes me a jew. This is going to go great...
This is precisely why I don't give a shit about porn on Voat. If you're using Voat for porn, you're stupid as shit in the first place.
Clearly, everything I've said is evading you. You're fighting vigilantly for people to be free to be exposed to something. That, I respect. What I don't respect, however, is your juvenile attempt at debate, your pathetically humorous insults that seem sort of out of place, and your deep lack of imagination and ability to comprehend the things I'm telling you.
If you want to start over, and maybe argue that it's not used as a weapon, I may entertain that. If you respond with some more moronic bullshit that hardly follows itself and just makes you look like a child, I'll probably ignore you.
So, you accuse me of suggesting jews are forcing me to watch porn, and that me suggesting that makes me a jew. This is going to go great...
No, but only jews have a victim complex on that level.
Clearly, everything I've said is evading you. You're fighting vigilantly for people to be free to be exposed to something. That, I respect. What I don't respect, however, is your juvenile attempt at debate, your pathetically humorous insults that seem sort of out of place, and your deep lack of imagination and ability to comprehend the things I'm telling you.
Who said I was even trying to debate you?
If you want to start over, and maybe argue that it's not used as a weapon, I may entertain that. If you respond with some more moronic bullshit that hardly follows itself and just makes you look like a child, I'll probably ignore you.
"Porn here, porn there" - Sorry, but is this a porn site? I usually don't even see porn (and I don't want to) but when I want to watch porn or something, I would go to a pornsite no?
For some weird fetish or whatever you can always go on reddit. No one will hate on you there for your preferences.
That's not a fair treatment of the situation. I don't come to Voat to see porn, but I don't make every other comment i post a complaint about porn on Voat. You can oppose porn without complaining about it all the time.
You're acting as if OP made his post tailored exclusively for you. If you aren't crying crocodile tears over the mere existence of porn, then you aren't the problem. OP is making fun of the people who actually don't have anything better to do but pretend to be morally superior on the internet, which is quite possibly the lowest common denominator of human existence, if you really think about it. Like, who gives a shit about what you don't like on a niche website, tucked away, neatly, from most normalfag eyes? That's the most autistic whingefest I think I've ever heard of.
I would love to see OP's evidence for an account that spends all day exclusively complaining about porn on Voat. My theory is that he won't find that individual, but rather will find people who recently made one or maybe a couple post on Voat saying they were tired of all the porn, much like many users who have made post saying 'stop with the Imgur uploads'. I'll admit that I'm not interested in seeing porn on Voat, as I'd rather read posts than look at thots all day. But OP's post didnt frame the situation right at all, where OP presents the only opposition to porn as waking up, crawling on their soapbox, and screaming about porn until their 16 hour stint is done, and pass out until the next day of screaming. We've had real shills on Voat who did stuff like that (SaneGoat for example), and I haven't seen anything akin to that in regards to porn.
If you seriously don't see the thread that OP is making fun of being continuously remade on a daily basis, then you're blind, deliberately, or literally. That's a you problem, and you have nobody but yourself to blame.
But if you want an example, obvious-throwaway- is one such homosexual.
Well, I went through 3 pages of obvious-throwaway-'s submissions on Voat and didn't see one regarding Porn in relation to Voat. Guess I'm blinder than I think, because I didn't see anything relating to Porn at all, just a lot of Jew stuff.
I also tracked down the original submission this post is parodying and reviewed the submissions that user has posted (slevin_kelevra) and couldn't find but the one post in regards to Porn as well.
Doing a serchvoat.co hunt, I find another post complaining about Porn on Voat (zyklon_b) and he doesn't have daily, or even frequent post for that matter, regarding porn on Voat. In fact, he posts porn on here as well it would seem, or at least jokes about it a fair bit in his submissions.
Help me out here, I'm missing the daily complaints about porn on Voat. Is there a Porn subverse getting trolled or something?
If you think porn is okay that means the Jews have already fucked your mind.
Throw off your shackles, stop watching porn, it is a jewish plot to degrade the West (both its women and men).
No room for jewish media in the West or anywhere for that matter.
Death to zionism and its works!
So you are in support of the zionist ideology?
You don't want the works of the zionist ideology to die? So you support the federal reserve jew bank? You support the jewish run porn industry? So you support the zionist plot to destroy europe? These are some of the works of zionism, and yet you don't want these works to die?
you are a moron to deny it, just go on wikipedia and read the names and religion of the family. Go look at the banks or hollyweird, lots of jew names in these industries the same for pornography and the refugee NGO programs. In some places Japan however the industry is fucking weird and different, its all this fucking odd tentacle porn shit and school girl costume fetish, the Yakuza mostly controls the videos, downloads, spam, dvds etc Jew kikes are all over the big media companies behind porn in the USA, there are also a few foreign names in England, France. The industry connects to drug smuggling, human trafficking and abuse, people dont like to hear this but its true
no one ever finishes jerking off and thinks they accomplished something. theres no growth of relationship or purpose. it does however help fuel the MGTOW movement and screws up family intimacy which helps lower overall childbirth. given that porn is the only thing jews make that they give away for free one should ask themselves why.
No i dont i'm in the middle of nowhere like beyond Samoa or an island off Alaska. I do see what some Globalist Jew criminals have done or weird Israeli types have done. They ARE in the porn industry, they are in the human trafficking industry also and deeply interfere, lobby and influence in US elections, they have become the tail that wags the dog. I agree though it is not just Jews, there are European elites, Saudi moslem brotherhood types, British globalists who lobby and influence and there are also lots and lots of Jews, look at who owns the pornographic media companies. Tell me their names or are you to afraid to look at the reality?
We are talking in context of the George Bush invasion not something criminal that happened in the 80s or 1970s or whatever, also you do know Rummy good old Donnie Rumsfeld 'offered help to Saddam' one of the reason Neo-Cons insisted he had a WMD program. Do you know the players who made lots of cash in the Iraq wars? What is your point? Do you support the illegal destruction of Iraq? Regime changes? Do you favor islamists ISIS or Dash over a dictatorship?
Porn poisons the soul and rots the mind. it even fucks up your libido, you won't e able to get it up for normal LOVE making. because SEX is a pleasure of the flesh. It's wrong. People work hard in life to get pussy, they build rockets, cars, factories, homes, write books. and with that comes power and money, then pussy. Go do some work to get high class pussy. not some street whore. i'm not talking to you @smokratez just piggybacking.
Men shouldnt even masturbate. I stopped doing that a while ago and now all I can think of is how PATHETIC jerking your meat is. Find a woman and have sex with her vagina and make babies. Everything else is degenerate or, like masturbation, very embarassing and childish.
If someone catches you masturbating how do you feel? Extremely embarrassed? Yeah because it's a really shameful embarassing and weak beta thing to do.
It is. You are such a faggot if you can't find anyone else to jerk you off. Do you know how horny girls are these days? With the female hormones jews put in everything? I only have to look at one and she starts dripping.
dont waste your time debating soap box sbbh faggots, they are toxic reddit fag trolls just block their shit posts and move on. Remember the fag tranny boys after pushing porn here they tried to pimp some girls around here, Inara4Sera? she turned out to be a dirty AIDs dumpster, some dude got an STD and wanted her to pay for his doctors bills
Every single one of you depraved faggot rabbis trying to legitimize posting degenerate Jewish porn mind control crap all over this website should go kill yourself with a swiftness
A True Redditor, like yourself, will use tactics such as 'looking at post history' when trying to 'win an argument'.
Don't care if you've been here for three+ years. You're a redditor. And most likely a cuck, too. I'd throw in 'faggot' and 'nigger' and 'kike', but they have no real meaning other than to add weight to the comment.
Also, it's asbergers not autism, that afflicts me. Thank you and good night, ma'am.
Brainwashed simpletons can grasp basic concepts. Sorry Sally, no amount of crying will stop people from posting things on the internet that hurt your delicate fee fees.
Seriously. Grandstand somewhere else. If there was never meant to be porn on Voat, we wouldn't have NSFW tagging, or a free speech policy. I'd love to see some cuck try telling me that "porn isn't free speech".
As I've mentioned before in multiple posts and submissions (feel free to dig through my history), the easiest way to spot Jews is that they always speak on behalf of others. It's like a disease with these lizard people. Every. Single. Time. It's like they simply can't help it. It's truly an amazing thing to witness.
My god you are just maximum schizo, now aren't you? Voat is a WE, whether you like it or not. By definition, a community. Quiver your little princess pussy all you want about it, (((FELLOW WHITE MAN)))!
But, by all means, keep proving me right about your pathetic attempt at grandstanding! It really is just as autistic as it looks!
Wow, you desperation is desperate Kike. Still, not a word of wall of crap did I read, what a completely wasted effort. Your employer is going to pissed.
Straw man. Nobody is saying people shouldn't be able to. The OP was just saying you're a loser if you do. It's an opinion, not an attempt at censorship.
At the end of the day, it is garbage and I'd rather not see it here. But I am also not a fan of censorship either.
But truthfully, I wouldn't be terribly concerned about the porn being censored either, given there are so many fuckin outlets for it everywhere else. The internet is porn, basically. I'd be more concerned if certain ideas and opinions were being censored here. It's Voat. I don't come here for porn. I'm more concerned about the dialogue and that ever being censored, not the titties.
I'm not unsubscribing from anything and I will continue to downvoat all porn I find on /v/all. I understand you Kikes want complete control of everything and you are shocked and scream anti-semitism whenever a goy doesn't follow your commands, but this is what I'm going to do and there is nothing you can do about it Rabbi.
Wow, it really does bother you Kikes when goy's don't do as they are told. By the way (((shill))), I ain't reading a single word of your wall of Kike text and I've already blocked and reported you, so I'll never have to read your pathetic attempt at a response.
Why can't you just move on? Why do you feel your opinion honestly matters that much that you must not just share it, but rather force it onto people, most of which don't have the same opinions as you? If that's what you're looking for just save everyone the time and go back to reddit.
I hope your supervisor approved of you using that expletive. Was it fun to type nigger at work? Did it give your Jew blood a rush to write it? This kind of shit right here is why I think you Kikes are scared. You're getting more desperate by the day to keep control. I love it. I'm going to make sure I go through all new posts every few hours and downvoat all porn. Just thinking about you squinching up your hook nose in disgust makes my dick diamonds. I'd like to continue this conversation with you shlomo, but I already know that you are paid per post, so sadly, I have to block you now. You'll still respond, but I'll never see it :)
a lot of fake moaning, ugh, ahh, yes, fuck, ugh by people drugged up out of their minds often abused, yes that is true i know people don't like to hear it but the industry is as closely connected to cirminality as it gets...a lot of lonely losers addicted, arab mohammedans might seem conservative prude but they are also buying and sharing vids from the kikes...but yes porn is filth, it is also not art or anything, its just fake crap and fake tits for creepy losers, i dont know why it as an industry stays in business when most of the companies are not profitable...maybe someone (((group))) is funding them...funnily enough it was the Jew kikes who moved it all around in America, pushed it into peoples post mail boxes and spam emails and moved it all from hollyweird into smut, Dershowitz 1st Wife Tragic Abuse, Divorce, Suicide, he was the one defending murderers like O J Simpson and Hustler and other smut. I dont want it banned but i do not support it either, i always tell the faggot smut merchants to fuck off back to reddit. It also connects almost DIRECTLY with all those other industries of drug smuggling, prostitution, human trafficking, exploitation, abuse etc There are also lawsuits where they are basically allowed spy, hack dox your photos, voyeur on people Douglass v. Hustler (1985) Robyn Douglass, a model, found a photo of herself in Hustler magazine without her permission ...the judge often rules with the perverts, the same with Pamela Anderson and a home video with Tommy Lee i think? the whole industry is sleaze
NotHereForPizza ago
Once you stupid faggots learn the truth about porn, you'll stop acting like people pushing it on us are so innocent.
Conveniently ignoring the fact that certain nefarious personalities here like to spam porn when they don't get their way. I guess that's okay though, right? You have no fucking clue what you're denouncing here.
Porn is a weapon, propaganda. It always has been and it always will be.
Lobotomy ago
Stop you there. NOBODY is forcing you to watch porn. NOBODY is forcing you to masturbate. If you are, then that is your own prerogative. Don't act like such a fucking victim, and maybe learn some self-control next time you tickle your pecker.
"The Yids are MAKING me masturbate!" "The kikes are MAKING me take HRT!" Come on now, take some fucking responsiblity for yourself. This is precisely why I don't give a shit about porn on Voat. If you're using Voat for porn, you're stupid as shit in the first place and how did you even find this site.
NotHereForPizza ago
You're right. But, I'm trying to help other people be aware. You haven't done a very good job arguing there...
Man, that's a gross mischaracterization of what I've said. Did my words upset you?
So, you accuse me of suggesting jews are forcing me to watch porn, and that me suggesting that makes me a jew. This is going to go great...
Clearly, everything I've said is evading you. You're fighting vigilantly for people to be free to be exposed to something. That, I respect. What I don't respect, however, is your juvenile attempt at debate, your pathetically humorous insults that seem sort of out of place, and your deep lack of imagination and ability to comprehend the things I'm telling you.
If you want to start over, and maybe argue that it's not used as a weapon, I may entertain that. If you respond with some more moronic bullshit that hardly follows itself and just makes you look like a child, I'll probably ignore you.
Lobotomy ago
No, but only jews have a victim complex on that level.
Who said I was even trying to debate you?
Acerphoon ago
"Porn here, porn there" - Sorry, but is this a porn site? I usually don't even see porn (and I don't want to) but when I want to watch porn or something, I would go to a pornsite no?
For some weird fetish or whatever you can always go on reddit. No one will hate on you there for your preferences.
But I think voat should be better than that.
Diggernicks ago
Dont think, youll end up hurting yourself.
hungir_strike ago
I'm all for seeing women naked, but I don't care for porn. I don't think that makes me weird, but I ain't gonna bitch and moan about it either.
FrozenFire74 ago
That's not a fair treatment of the situation. I don't come to Voat to see porn, but I don't make every other comment i post a complaint about porn on Voat. You can oppose porn without complaining about it all the time.
Lobotomy ago
You're acting as if OP made his post tailored exclusively for you. If you aren't crying crocodile tears over the mere existence of porn, then you aren't the problem. OP is making fun of the people who actually don't have anything better to do but pretend to be morally superior on the internet, which is quite possibly the lowest common denominator of human existence, if you really think about it. Like, who gives a shit about what you don't like on a niche website, tucked away, neatly, from most normalfag eyes? That's the most autistic whingefest I think I've ever heard of.
FrozenFire74 ago
I would love to see OP's evidence for an account that spends all day exclusively complaining about porn on Voat. My theory is that he won't find that individual, but rather will find people who recently made one or maybe a couple post on Voat saying they were tired of all the porn, much like many users who have made post saying 'stop with the Imgur uploads'. I'll admit that I'm not interested in seeing porn on Voat, as I'd rather read posts than look at thots all day. But OP's post didnt frame the situation right at all, where OP presents the only opposition to porn as waking up, crawling on their soapbox, and screaming about porn until their 16 hour stint is done, and pass out until the next day of screaming. We've had real shills on Voat who did stuff like that (SaneGoat for example), and I haven't seen anything akin to that in regards to porn.
Lobotomy ago
If you seriously don't see the thread that OP is making fun of being continuously remade on a daily basis, then you're blind, deliberately, or literally. That's a you problem, and you have nobody but yourself to blame.
But if you want an example, obvious-throwaway- is one such homosexual.
FrozenFire74 ago
Well, I went through 3 pages of obvious-throwaway-'s submissions on Voat and didn't see one regarding Porn in relation to Voat. Guess I'm blinder than I think, because I didn't see anything relating to Porn at all, just a lot of Jew stuff.
I also tracked down the original submission this post is parodying and reviewed the submissions that user has posted (slevin_kelevra) and couldn't find but the one post in regards to Porn as well.
Doing a serchvoat.co hunt, I find another post complaining about Porn on Voat (zyklon_b) and he doesn't have daily, or even frequent post for that matter, regarding porn on Voat. In fact, he posts porn on here as well it would seem, or at least jokes about it a fair bit in his submissions.
Help me out here, I'm missing the daily complaints about porn on Voat. Is there a Porn subverse getting trolled or something?
Atem_Free-Europe ago
If you think porn is okay that means the Jews have already fucked your mind. Throw off your shackles, stop watching porn, it is a jewish plot to degrade the West (both its women and men).
No room for jewish media in the West or anywhere for that matter. Death to zionism and its works!
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
Death to those who say death to other people!!
Atem_Free-Europe ago
So you are in support of the zionist ideology? You don't want the works of the zionist ideology to die? So you support the federal reserve jew bank? You support the jewish run porn industry? So you support the zionist plot to destroy europe? These are some of the works of zionism, and yet you don't want these works to die?
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
I'm not scared as you seem to be. Maybe you should go live in your parents basement.
Diggernicks ago
Lol @ double nigger Christ cucks getting butthurt over porn.
inthemickoftime ago
It reminds them of stuff they'll never get to do
englishwebster ago
i wont ever stop it from happening because that would stop free speech, but some of us recognize porn as a jewish plot and want nothing to do with it.
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
If you equate everything with 'DA JEWS' it just shows you are a moron.
Lazmat ago
you are a moron to deny it, just go on wikipedia and read the names and religion of the family. Go look at the banks or hollyweird, lots of jew names in these industries the same for pornography and the refugee NGO programs. In some places Japan however the industry is fucking weird and different, its all this fucking odd tentacle porn shit and school girl costume fetish, the Yakuza mostly controls the videos, downloads, spam, dvds etc Jew kikes are all over the big media companies behind porn in the USA, there are also a few foreign names in England, France. The industry connects to drug smuggling, human trafficking and abuse, people dont like to hear this but its true
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
You are just a paranoid idiot.
englishwebster ago
and you just want to jerk off and not feel bad about it afterwords
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
Why would anyone feel bad about it? You are severely sexually repressed.
englishwebster ago
no one ever finishes jerking off and thinks they accomplished something. theres no growth of relationship or purpose. it does however help fuel the MGTOW movement and screws up family intimacy which helps lower overall childbirth. given that porn is the only thing jews make that they give away for free one should ask themselves why.
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
It's not meant to do any of that. It's just fun.
More fun when the little lady does it of course.
Lazmat ago
Hi newbie re-read what I wrote, Cognitive dissonance is hurting your brain now? Re-read there is no paranoia. What I wrote is true.
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
Nope. You're paranoid. You think the JEWS are out to get you.
Lazmat ago
No i dont i'm in the middle of nowhere like beyond Samoa or an island off Alaska. I do see what some Globalist Jew criminals have done or weird Israeli types have done. They ARE in the porn industry, they are in the human trafficking industry also and deeply interfere, lobby and influence in US elections, they have become the tail that wags the dog. I agree though it is not just Jews, there are European elites, Saudi moslem brotherhood types, British globalists who lobby and influence and there are also lots and lots of Jews, look at who owns the pornographic media companies. Tell me their names or are you to afraid to look at the reality?
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
This is the ranting of a paranoid.
Lazmat ago
you bore me now, Zzzzzz ....loser who probably still believes the gulf of tonkin BS probably and Iraq WMD bullshit
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
Are you saying that Iraq did not have WMD's. Go ask the marsh Arabs what was done to them.
Lazmat ago
We are talking in context of the George Bush invasion not something criminal that happened in the 80s or 1970s or whatever, also you do know Rummy good old Donnie Rumsfeld 'offered help to Saddam' one of the reason Neo-Cons insisted he had a WMD program. Do you know the players who made lots of cash in the Iraq wars? What is your point? Do you support the illegal destruction of Iraq? Regime changes? Do you favor islamists ISIS or Dash over a dictatorship?
SupermanReborn ago
HillBoulder ago
What if you just did it once that day and it only took a minute to express? Is that what you mean by all day?
OricaTonithos ago
"If I'm buggin' about people complaining about my biggest source of SCP, I send a bird-dog account out to shame them with this post."
Is all I heard when I read that.
smokratez ago
Watching porn turns you into a faggot. Keep watching if you must. You can't complain once you turn into a beta, as you were warned.
sitrep ago
What about gay porn?
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
He likes that
Porn poisons the soul and rots the mind. it even fucks up your libido, you won't e able to get it up for normal LOVE making. because SEX is a pleasure of the flesh. It's wrong. People work hard in life to get pussy, they build rockets, cars, factories, homes, write books. and with that comes power and money, then pussy. Go do some work to get high class pussy. not some street whore. i'm not talking to you @smokratez just piggybacking.
77777 ago
Men shouldnt even masturbate. I stopped doing that a while ago and now all I can think of is how PATHETIC jerking your meat is. Find a woman and have sex with her vagina and make babies. Everything else is degenerate or, like masturbation, very embarassing and childish.
If someone catches you masturbating how do you feel? Extremely embarrassed? Yeah because it's a really shameful embarassing and weak beta thing to do.
Hooofer ago
Finally some common sense
smokratez ago
It is. You are such a faggot if you can't find anyone else to jerk you off. Do you know how horny girls are these days? With the female hormones jews put in everything? I only have to look at one and she starts dripping.
77777 ago
Well, I have a wife... and I dont support sleeping around. That's how you end up sleeping with baphomet bitches.
Lazmat ago
dont waste your time debating soap box sbbh faggots, they are toxic reddit fag trolls just block their shit posts and move on. Remember the fag tranny boys after pushing porn here they tried to pimp some girls around here, Inara4Sera? she turned out to be a dirty AIDs dumpster, some dude got an STD and wanted her to pay for his doctors bills
Diggernicks ago
Since I'm not homosexual I dont get involved in internet drama let alone let it bleed over into irl drama...
zyklon_b ago
No you are a tranmy
77777 ago
No you're projecting
zyklon_b ago
Found the tranny!!!
acratus ago
No you're mom possesses one (1) enormous gay
Diggernicks ago
We can all agree acratus is clearly the expert on homosexuality here. His first hand experience is immense.
zyklon_b ago
I like the way you offend
GoBackToReddit ago
Nice alt.
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Every single one of you depraved faggot rabbis trying to legitimize posting degenerate Jewish porn mind control crap all over this website should go kill yourself with a swiftness
Lobotomy ago
calm down
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Fuck you, jew.
Lobotomy ago
calm down though
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Hurry up.
Lobotomy ago
ooo so maaad
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Lobotomy ago
A million times mad
brandnewset ago
If I wanted to see that shit I would go to the front page of the internet.
derram ago
So block the porn subverses.
acratus ago
If apologizing for perversion is your thing maybe the left is more your speed.
derram ago
If dictating what others are allowed to post because it offends your delicate sensibilities is your thing, maybe reddit is more your speed.
acratus ago
You're the one who's offended by people saying that perversion is perverted, snowflake. Who's dictating anything here?
Lobotomy ago
Jesus dude, it's like you went out of your way to prove him right!
derram ago
Good talk.
acratus ago
Probably more in-depth than any conversation you've ever had with a woman, top poster of /v/altfurry.
capnflummox ago
Found the redditor...
acratus ago
Yeah, because Redditors hate porn, autist.
capnflummox ago
A True Redditor, like yourself, will use tactics such as 'looking at post history' when trying to 'win an argument'.
Don't care if you've been here for three+ years. You're a redditor. And most likely a cuck, too. I'd throw in 'faggot' and 'nigger' and 'kike', but they have no real meaning other than to add weight to the comment.
Also, it's asbergers not autism, that afflicts me. Thank you and good night, ma'am.
acratus ago
Post history is perfectly relevant when the top submission subverse is directly related to the discussion. And it's "Asperger's."
capnflummox ago
Nope. It's only relevant if you're a 5 year old who has no concept of how the world works, redditor.
Diggernicks ago
Redditors hate free speech. Get your bitch ass back there asap.
acratus ago
It seems like redefining perversion as speech is leftist behavior to me.
Diggernicks ago
Brainwashed simpletons can grasp basic concepts. Sorry Sally, no amount of crying will stop people from posting things on the internet that hurt your delicate fee fees.
acratus ago
Your projection doesn't stick. Try harder.
Lobotomy ago
Do you even know what projection is? Because you're more guilty of it than he is, faggot!
zyklon_b ago
Who is this goat with an inastiable taste for pron
Lazmat ago
go back to reddit zyklon you soap box faggot
inthemickoftime ago
Don't you post loli?
zyklon_b ago
Cannot go back. they are mean to me over there
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Some kike
zyklon_b ago
Im offended
RageAgainstTheAmish ago
Y'all need ta get on back to the synagogue from whence ye came
zyklon_b ago
Im a jew killer not a sympathizer and have all nsfw blocked
Lobotomy ago
Seriously. Grandstand somewhere else. If there was never meant to be porn on Voat, we wouldn't have NSFW tagging, or a free speech policy. I'd love to see some cuck try telling me that "porn isn't free speech".
obvious-throwaway- ago
I should also point out,
As I've mentioned before in multiple posts and submissions (feel free to dig through my history), the easiest way to spot Jews is that they always speak on behalf of others. It's like a disease with these lizard people. Every. Single. Time. It's like they simply can't help it. It's truly an amazing thing to witness.
Lobotomy ago
My god you are just maximum schizo, now aren't you? Voat is a WE, whether you like it or not. By definition, a community. Quiver your little princess pussy all you want about it, (((FELLOW WHITE MAN)))!
But, by all means, keep proving me right about your pathetic attempt at grandstanding! It really is just as autistic as it looks!
obvious-throwaway- ago
Wow, you desperation is desperate Kike. Still, not a word of wall of crap did I read, what a completely wasted effort. Your employer is going to pissed.
Lobotomy ago
Come on, you can do better than that.
chirogonemd ago
Straw man. Nobody is saying people shouldn't be able to. The OP was just saying you're a loser if you do. It's an opinion, not an attempt at censorship.
Lobotomy ago
PLENTY of people in this very thread have said that you shouldn't be able to. One even blocked and reported me for it. You are wrong.
chirogonemd ago
At the end of the day, it is garbage and I'd rather not see it here. But I am also not a fan of censorship either.
But truthfully, I wouldn't be terribly concerned about the porn being censored either, given there are so many fuckin outlets for it everywhere else. The internet is porn, basically. I'd be more concerned if certain ideas and opinions were being censored here. It's Voat. I don't come here for porn. I'm more concerned about the dialogue and that ever being censored, not the titties.
Lobotomy ago
Not directed at OP.
Acerphoon ago
Yeah, but it's still degenerate you know
Lobotomy ago
Who fuckin cares? It isn't your job to be Internet Schutzstaffel.
Acerphoon ago
Ok, degenerate.
Lobotomy ago
You wound me.
obvious-throwaway- ago
I'm not unsubscribing from anything and I will continue to downvoat all porn I find on /v/all. I understand you Kikes want complete control of everything and you are shocked and scream anti-semitism whenever a goy doesn't follow your commands, but this is what I'm going to do and there is nothing you can do about it Rabbi.
Lobotomy ago
Nice try, faggot.
obvious-throwaway- ago
Wow, it really does bother you Kikes when goy's don't do as they are told. By the way (((shill))), I ain't reading a single word of your wall of Kike text and I've already blocked and reported you, so I'll never have to read your pathetic attempt at a response.
Lobotomy ago
Hahahahaha! You are actually as pathetic as I thought. Cryyyyyy mooooore!
majb ago
Why can't you just move on? Why do you feel your opinion honestly matters that much that you must not just share it, but rather force it onto people, most of which don't have the same opinions as you? If that's what you're looking for just save everyone the time and go back to reddit.
obvious-throwaway- ago
Obvious (((shill))), you do know we can hover over a person's name? Didn't your supervisor teach you anything? No shekels for you today faggot kike.
Lobotomy ago
You know, taking shots in the dark means that you miss about 99% of the time, right?
obvious-throwaway- ago
You just burned an entire account to say that Kike? Jesus, you lizard people truly are inbred retarded.
Lobotomy ago
Keep flailing! You might hit something, maybe a coat hanger!
majb ago
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
obvious-throwaway- ago
I hope your supervisor approved of you using that expletive. Was it fun to type nigger at work? Did it give your Jew blood a rush to write it? This kind of shit right here is why I think you Kikes are scared. You're getting more desperate by the day to keep control. I love it. I'm going to make sure I go through all new posts every few hours and downvoat all porn. Just thinking about you squinching up your hook nose in disgust makes my dick diamonds. I'd like to continue this conversation with you shlomo, but I already know that you are paid per post, so sadly, I have to block you now. You'll still respond, but I'll never see it :)
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
No problem. I'll just upvoat it and cancel your downvoat.
Diggernicks ago
Implying internet points matter
Toppest of keks
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
They don't matter but it's fun to poke the morons.
acratus ago
Lobotomy ago
Nice argument! It's almost like you tried to try! Little more effort next time, okay?
acratus ago
Porn isn't speech at all, degenerate.
Lobotomy ago
Under legal definition it is media, and do you know which amendment constitutionally protects media, you fucking mongoloid?
acratus ago
TIL snuff films and kiddie porn are speech because someone points a camera at it
Lobotomy ago
Wow, you took that strawman down all by yourself! So brave, and not even a scratch on you! How does he do it, boys?
Lazmat ago
a lot of fake moaning, ugh, ahh, yes, fuck, ugh by people drugged up out of their minds often abused, yes that is true i know people don't like to hear it but the industry is as closely connected to cirminality as it gets...a lot of lonely losers addicted, arab mohammedans might seem conservative prude but they are also buying and sharing vids from the kikes...but yes porn is filth, it is also not art or anything, its just fake crap and fake tits for creepy losers, i dont know why it as an industry stays in business when most of the companies are not profitable...maybe someone (((group))) is funding them...funnily enough it was the Jew kikes who moved it all around in America, pushed it into peoples post mail boxes and spam emails and moved it all from hollyweird into smut, Dershowitz 1st Wife Tragic Abuse, Divorce, Suicide, he was the one defending murderers like O J Simpson and Hustler and other smut. I dont want it banned but i do not support it either, i always tell the faggot smut merchants to fuck off back to reddit. It also connects almost DIRECTLY with all those other industries of drug smuggling, prostitution, human trafficking, exploitation, abuse etc There are also lawsuits where they are basically allowed spy, hack dox your photos, voyeur on people Douglass v. Hustler (1985) Robyn Douglass, a model, found a photo of herself in Hustler magazine without her permission ...the judge often rules with the perverts, the same with Pamela Anderson and a home video with Tommy Lee i think? the whole industry is sleaze
TheAntiZealot ago
Paragraphs, my friend.
BlueDrache ago
Well ... it is speech ...
And you can get more than you can ever see for free.
77777 ago
Porn is all TRANNIES
muffalettadiver ago
Jesus...never change VOAT....good morning.