I enjoy some of what is posted here, but it hasn't lived up to Reddit or Tumblr as far as consumable filth goes. I prefer text porn, to pic porn in general, though. The comments tearing down little "flaws" in the appearances of the starlets crack me up.
Are you a feminist woman or something why the fuck do you care if people post porn on this site just ignore it stop being such a busy body moralist cunt.
Voat: "Masturbation is for porn-addicted degenerate losers"
Also Voat: "Circumcision is a needless surgery originally introduced to lower masturbation, which is a perfectly healthy thing!"
But yea, I actually agree with you OP. I'll even take it a step further and say if you post porn anywhere all day and you're not getting paid to do so, you're a loser. If you're getting paid to do it, you're just sleazy.
For instance, I believe that Liberalism is a mental disorder. That doesn't mean I agree with giving shock treatment therapy to all liberals. That's the fallacy you just used, by the way. In case you're somehow that fucking stupid.
We can view Masturbation as for "porn-addicted degenerate losers" without wanting to fucking mutilate children. The fact that you see that as somehow inconsistent is mind boggling and is pure 100% projection from you and absolutely nothing else.
I said if you post porn all day to voat you are a loser. You (obviously butt-hurt by that opinion) didn't like that so you told me to run for governor of a hick state and ban porn.
I don't get your logic; you are the one who seems high.
I'd say we can do with the traffic but imo a lot of it looks like botposts. You see a whole line of posts to the same site go up within seconds of each other.
I don't think it is users spreading porn. It is porn site owners posting porn links all day. Free porn sites seem desperate for traffic now days.
As the conversion rate goes down and down, the only answer is get more traffic. Verge and Tron paid pornhub to take their virtual currencies as a payment. It hasn't worked. Poor shitcoins. Porn traffic is completely useless.
If you see a watermark for a pornsite on all their pics, much less direct linking to one site consistently, I'd encourage you to report it as such. OFC, to check for watermarks you'd have to click the pics.
Some times I post something a bit more risque but I try not to do anything more than topless.
I do not post images or videos of sexual content. So I'm long past tired of many of these cry bullies complaining and started adding them to my user block list.
The language is named after his country.
Still doesn't realize that Looser is "one who looses".
Doesn't see why this has nothing to do with losing.
Posts anyway.
Not sure how but I never run into porn on here. I have been on here every day for over a year and haven't ever had to block one. Can't even remember the last time I seen porn on here honestly.
Settings >> User preferences >> Enable Adult (NSFW) Content
Unfortunately, NSFW covers a larger body of content, and the setting is all-or-nothing. If you want only part of it, then you have to block the subverses you don't want to see over time. And you may need to trawl through v/all/new to catch all of them, as most of those posts hardly get any upvotes.
Thanks I prefer to keep it the way it is then. I do check all/new a few times a day so I think I will be ok. Better than turning Voat into something I despise so I will keep it this way.
Since you brought it up. What in the fuck are you doing that has you looking at porn subs?
I surf all/new, I don't run into a whole lot of porn. Most the traditional porn subs from pressing the random NSF tab are all months old. So, is this your virtue signaling or are you searching for porn?
New is the only way I've found to catch recent and under rated things. Otherwise you miss out and everything else moves too slowly for proper shitposting.
Right? Just go to Pornhub like a normal degenerate. Tumblr and Reddit are also pretty solid sources for the filth. /b/ can yield some awful smut too, but be careful or you'll end up jerking it to a trap and turn gay.
Not that I've ever seen such vile things, of course. I'm as pure as the driven snow.
Lol I love how it used to say "keeping your addiction to porn alive" or some such shit at the bottom of the page for the longest time. How much more on the nose and arrogant can they be?
They changed it a while back but you can still see it for yourself on the wayback machine. Here's a random date
Until they earn your trust, when ANY site with ANY kind of content shows you push content marked "popular", "trending", "recommended" et cetera, the assumed implication must be, "this is what we decided we want you to think is popular." This rule applies to everything- social media, stores, and yes, porn.
It's not always a function of how many people are into something: if a small group is passionate enough about something, it can pay more to appeal to them than a mainstream audience.
that fucker was at least good for thing go through his subscription list, dont click just look at the names, and at least youll know the fucking words the degenerates are using to cover their depravity from the unsuspecting. I thought "young ladies" was gonna be like r/gentlemanboners or v/prettygirls, twas not the case. I dont mind porn, its great, but everyday? Like a wise man once said, "when the cookie jar is always full, wheres the fun in cookies"
@Aged had said that the reason they post kiddie stuff is because they would rather the company of child molesters to the company of people who have racial preferences. Basically @Aged is full of shit anf just a pedo.
So you can post what you wish but others can't ? And they are losers?
You sound like the classic case of a liberal retard with "Rules for Thee".
Block them and move on fucktard.
LOL how about calling blacks nignogs and niggers, calling for the day of the rope, and calling for the genocide of entire races? Is that filthy, or just the porn?
No, all of that shit is perfectly reasonable considering the state of most white nations today.
I do like attractive naked wimmens, but a lot of what is classified as porn these days is pretty fucked up.
Look how many (((comments))) here are a laughing at it instead of acknowledging the problem. Typical leftist behavior they got from watching the daily show and john oliver, and are trying the same brainwashing here. They don't want to talk about it, they want you to laugh and move on and accept it.
Libertarianism is fine until you start becoming passive with regards to things that degrade a culture. It's pacifism, when you don't care enough to fight for something you perceived to be wrong.
bourbonexpert ago
Thank you!!
Also, what is it with all the incest step mom porn? This is a new phenomenon... this shit wasn’t areound 2 years ago.
I have a GF so I don’t jack off that much but sometimes she is worn out or tired etc....
I almost wish there was a porn site that didn’t have English titles so I don’t have to read the stupid titles
Kekalicious ago
Unless it's midget clown porn. Shit is too damn funny......
Toroidal ago
Post whatever the fuck you want to Voat, you're all losers.
Artofchoke ago
What part of freedom do you not understand, guys?
healthy ago
I enjoy some of what is posted here, but it hasn't lived up to Reddit or Tumblr as far as consumable filth goes. I prefer text porn, to pic porn in general, though. The comments tearing down little "flaws" in the appearances of the starlets crack me up.
Eualos ago
All day?
aCuriousYahnz ago
I don't think I've seen a single porn post since I've been here.
13573383? ago
I love these posts. I get to tag all the faggot porn posters and pedo lovers.
XSS1337 ago
This is how 4chan died to be clear. Porn and cheese pizza ....
XSS1337 ago
Wow 43 Jew shills wanting you to jack off and go to sleep. . .
Are you a feminist woman or something why the fuck do you care if people post porn on this site just ignore it stop being such a busy body moralist cunt.
BPrime ago
Oh no, not porn.
BlueDrache ago
If you bitch about porn on voat instead of blocking the subs, you are a loser.
Javik2186 ago
What if it's gun porn? Just pictures of guns with no actual porn in it? Is that okay?
Adminstrater ago
Porn is a weapon used against you. Stay strong, and recognize that those are blatant attacks against you, and it should make you angry, not horny.
Newmemba ago
more likely a jew
InyourfaceNancyGrace ago
Voat: "Masturbation is for porn-addicted degenerate losers"
Also Voat: "Circumcision is a needless surgery originally introduced to lower masturbation, which is a perfectly healthy thing!"
But yea, I actually agree with you OP. I'll even take it a step further and say if you post porn anywhere all day and you're not getting paid to do so, you're a loser. If you're getting paid to do it, you're just sleazy.
MobbedUp ago
That's one hell of a fallacy you just concocted.
For instance, I believe that Liberalism is a mental disorder. That doesn't mean I agree with giving shock treatment therapy to all liberals. That's the fallacy you just used, by the way. In case you're somehow that fucking stupid.
We can view Masturbation as for "porn-addicted degenerate losers" without wanting to fucking mutilate children. The fact that you see that as somehow inconsistent is mind boggling and is pure 100% projection from you and absolutely nothing else.
Lord_Mari ago
Porn in general is for losers.
mechakek ago
thanks for telling me jew, i'll make sure to listen to your authoritarian jew dictates.
slevin_kelevra ago
0 level reading comprehension skills on full display here.
mechakek ago
thanks jew, thanks for that.
by the way, no one cares what you stupid jews think
slevin_kelevra ago
chirock ago
Or a bot
rfjardim ago
Or simply a wanker ....
bagano1 ago
Why the fuck do you care? I use voat a ton and never see porn. Go run for governor of whatever Bible Belt hick state you're from and ban porn...
Oh wait, those are the states that have the most highway billboard ads for porn I've ever seen!
slevin_kelevra ago
found the lefty
bagano1 ago
You have the worst logic I've ever seen. You are the one that sounds like a lefty, ironically.
slevin_kelevra ago
I shared an opinion. You issued commands.
Care to elaborate on your "worst logic" statement?
bagano1 ago
What the fuck are you smoking? Come back and talk to me when you aren't high, faggot.
slevin_kelevra ago
I said if you post porn all day to voat you are a loser. You (obviously butt-hurt by that opinion) didn't like that so you told me to run for governor of a hick state and ban porn.
I don't get your logic; you are the one who seems high.
bagano1 ago
Why the fuck does it bother YOU so much?
go1dfish ago
Porn is free speech and I know many people find it less offensive than much of the content that gets posted regularly here otherwise. Myself included.
If you don't want to see porn, block the subverses/posters and move on.
andrew_jackson ago
Calling degeneracy "free speech" doesn't make it not degeneracy.
coinphrase ago
19 jews down voted this post.
EngelbertHumperdinck ago
Many of them are probably just bug men under jewish mind control.
slevin_kelevra ago
26 now
TheBuddha ago
This might come as a shock, but you don't actually have to click and expand them.
andrew_jackson ago
Happy Friday!
slevin_kelevra ago
This might come as a shock to you, but I don't. Just stating my opinion about the porn posting losers on voat.
TheBuddha ago
Meh... It's free speech. You can call them losers, but I doubt it's gonna do any good.
slevin_kelevra ago
I wasn't starting a campaign, just sharing my thoughts on something I see on this site.
TheBuddha ago
Alright, but you do know someone posts essentially this same thing - pretty much every day, right?
You can do it, but it seems pretty futile. But, at least you get some validation.
TheWorstImaginable ago
Yea I blocked dozens of subs. It's all the same trash people doing it too.
meowmix56 ago
I'd say we can do with the traffic but imo a lot of it looks like botposts. You see a whole line of posts to the same site go up within seconds of each other.
BandBang ago
especially the ridiculous photoshopped ones where the women look like plastic
Actual downvotes. Wow.
walterhartman ago
I don't think it is users spreading porn. It is porn site owners posting porn links all day. Free porn sites seem desperate for traffic now days.
As the conversion rate goes down and down, the only answer is get more traffic. Verge and Tron paid pornhub to take their virtual currencies as a payment. It hasn't worked. Poor shitcoins. Porn traffic is completely useless.
slevin_kelevra ago
So isn't this spam then?
Fambida ago
If you see a watermark for a pornsite on all their pics, much less direct linking to one site consistently, I'd encourage you to report it as such. OFC, to check for watermarks you'd have to click the pics.
FireSauce ago
I think darkshroud is the only one that moved away from porn to bikinis and such
Dark_Shroud ago
Some times I post something a bit more risque but I try not to do anything more than topless.
I do not post images or videos of sexual content. So I'm long past tired of many of these cry bullies complaining and started adding them to my user block list.
VoutGuy ago
It's bots tho.
Goering ago
Ok, then the people who run the bots are losers.
skywalker7777 ago
1Sorry_SOB ago
That's Looser to you, mate
thisistotallynotme ago
Have an upvoat.
englishwebster ago
worse than a loser. a jew.
BearDolphin1488 ago
I called some fag out for this and he banned me from all his weird subs of different porn stuff. Weird
middle_path ago
I'm getting sick of blocking porn subs, honestly. It's a new one every other day.
BackAsswards ago
Not sure how but I never run into porn on here. I have been on here every day for over a year and haven't ever had to block one. Can't even remember the last time I seen porn on here honestly.
brandon816 ago
Settings >> User preferences >> Enable Adult (NSFW) Content
Unfortunately, NSFW covers a larger body of content, and the setting is all-or-nothing. If you want only part of it, then you have to block the subverses you don't want to see over time. And you may need to trawl through v/all/new to catch all of them, as most of those posts hardly get any upvotes.
BackAsswards ago
Thanks I prefer to keep it the way it is then. I do check all/new a few times a day so I think I will be ok. Better than turning Voat into something I despise so I will keep it this way.
Does make me wonder what I miss now.
BentAxel ago
Since you brought it up. What in the fuck are you doing that has you looking at porn subs?
I surf all/new, I don't run into a whole lot of porn. Most the traditional porn subs from pressing the random NSF tab are all months old. So, is this your virtue signaling or are you searching for porn?
middle_path ago
I'm legitimately not searching at all. I just browse all/new. Maybe it's just the time of day I browse?
BentAxel ago
Very possible. I see it, it's got a NSFW tag, I ignore it and go about my day.
0fsgivin ago
That must be... because I see porn on the front of /v/all at least 3 or 4 times a week. Usually late evening or early morning.
middle_path ago
I browse early am, that's why.
Alopix ago
I also block every porn sub I see, but I haven't noticed this. I'm guessing you spend a lot of time on /new?
middle_path ago
Yes, I do.
meowmix56 ago
New is the only way I've found to catch recent and under rated things. Otherwise you miss out and everything else moves too slowly for proper shitposting.
BeefBourgignon ago
I never see them. Is this a thing that happens when you browse v/all?
slevin_kelevra ago
v/all/new is where i encounter it
slevin_kelevra ago
Weasel_Soup ago
Can't say I disagree. At least post insightful information.
ratsmack ago
How many posts are made from people in the porn industry just to push their product?
C_Corax ago
You aren't obligated to click every link posted, you know that right?
obvious-throwaway- ago
Funny way to spell Jew.
Professor_de_la_Paz ago
Plus one for not saying "your a loser."
coopzy ago
your a looser
slevin_kelevra ago
Yeah, that really pisses me off too.
Fambida ago
At least that one's an honest mistake.
un1ty ago
There's porn here? I honestly have not seen it. Haven't tried looking either, so there's that.
revfelix ago
Right? Just go to Pornhub like a normal degenerate. Tumblr and Reddit are also pretty solid sources for the filth. /b/ can yield some awful smut too, but be careful or you'll end up jerking it to a trap and turn gay.
Not that I've ever seen such vile things, of course. I'm as pure as the driven snow.
recon_johnny ago
/b/? Thanks for the tip. Come here and I'll give you the tip right back atcha.
Alopix ago
zyklon_b ago
Where were you in 1990?
andrew_jackson ago
"He killed a kid"
zyklon_b ago
Yes he did. a white infant boy
eugenics_enthusiast ago
Lol I love how it used to say "keeping your addiction to porn alive" or some such shit at the bottom of the page for the longest time. How much more on the nose and arrogant can they be?
They changed it a while back but you can still see it for yourself on the wayback machine. Here's a random date
I_forgot_my_password ago
I've always wondered why there was so much incest porn on those websites, there is no way the vast majority of people are into that filth
Alopix ago
Until they earn your trust, when ANY site with ANY kind of content shows you push content marked "popular", "trending", "recommended" et cetera, the assumed implication must be, "this is what we decided we want you to think is popular." This rule applies to everything- social media, stores, and yes, porn.
ShinyVoater ago
It's not always a function of how many people are into something: if a small group is passionate enough about something, it can pay more to appeal to them than a mainstream audience.
un1ty ago
Not if you say no-homo three times and keep your socks on. Or something like that.
Skyrock ago
It's not gay if the balls don't touch.
BentAxel ago
Don't stare at the balls
friendshipistragic ago
SkrutinizeYou ago
I keep one sock on...
slwsnowman40 ago
Keeping your socks on just makes you a Fabulously Fashionable French Faggot, or 4F.
bambou1991 ago
With a honey in the middle there's some leeway
un1ty ago
the_hidden_metric ago
Shut the fuck up you retarded fucking faggot. Go back to reddit if you want to quote Jewish pop-culture like a braindead parrot.
BackAsswards ago
If your so far above it how did you get triggered off of an obscure song reference from years ago?
Seems like you also thought it was funny enough to watch more than once.
CapinBoredface ago
RedditIsTheBest111 ago
Yall gay
fuckinghell ago
Ya'll niggas need Jesus.
CapinBoredface ago
Whatever JEW
RedditIsTheBest111 ago
Disgusting nigger face
CapinBoredface ago
nerd virgin
anoncastillo ago
I'm especially bothered by the pedophiles like @Aged who should be castrated.
big_throbbing_frog ago
Good god. I just went to his profile and saw that list of shit he is subscribed too lol
Kekmet-Peperoni ago
that fucker was at least good for thing go through his subscription list, dont click just look at the names, and at least youll know the fucking words the degenerates are using to cover their depravity from the unsuspecting. I thought "young ladies" was gonna be like r/gentlemanboners or v/prettygirls, twas not the case. I dont mind porn, its great, but everyday? Like a wise man once said, "when the cookie jar is always full, wheres the fun in cookies"
Javik2186 ago
If you're talking about pedophiles don't forget we have this sick bastard.
Anoxim ago
@Aged had said that the reason they post kiddie stuff is because they would rather the company of child molesters to the company of people who have racial preferences. Basically @Aged is full of shit anf just a pedo.
WilliamCutting ago
With a hammer
Javik2186 ago
With an flammewaffen.
edistojim ago
So you can post what you wish but others can't ? And they are losers? You sound like the classic case of a liberal retard with "Rules for Thee". Block them and move on fucktard.
bagano1 ago
Amen, lots of repressed religious whackjobs on here.
TeddyJackson ago
Actually you sound like a DNC leftist shill troll.
Too much of a pussy to handle being called a loser on the internet? You are a Democrat for sure.
slevin_kelevra ago
Nope, I didn't say it was a rule. Just stating my opinion, which I'm sure you would agree is allowed here on voat.
slevin_kelevra ago
I have. They keep making new ones.
Kekmet-Peperoni ago
yeah its like shrodinger's cat or an arms race.
Reddit_traitor ago
i just block nsfw subs....
slevin_kelevra ago
Yeah, but if you blanket block all nsfw some stuff can be blocked that isn't porn, ya know?
edistojim ago
Way too easy, just hang around and bitch about it, you're sure to get some attention.
auto_turret ago
I don't think it's just perverts. It is the (((opposition))) trying to hurt the site by filling it with filth.
LOL how about calling blacks nignogs and niggers, calling for the day of the rope, and calling for the genocide of entire races? Is that filthy, or just the porn?
auto_turret ago
Yep, just the porn. Niggers are the scum of the Earth, just as filthy.
hillbilly_guy ago
No, all of that shit is perfectly reasonable considering the state of most white nations today. I do like attractive naked wimmens, but a lot of what is classified as porn these days is pretty fucked up.
i don't like the poop stuff or midget stuff, well except one video I saw anyhow. Most of it's gross though
Podd ago
I'd qualify it as rude. Filthy would include things like faggots kissing, pictures of hillary clinton, and porn (obviously).
I'm strongly against lesbians kissing.
yiguljk ago
If you post partisan screaming to Voat all day, though, you are super cool and studly.
6gorillion ago
If you make a voat account because you just couldn't hold your petty insult in, you are definitely super cool, studly, and super secure with yourself.
Landrictree ago
TeddyJackson ago
Look how many (((comments))) here are a laughing at it instead of acknowledging the problem. Typical leftist behavior they got from watching the daily show and john oliver, and are trying the same brainwashing here. They don't want to talk about it, they want you to laugh and move on and accept it.
13572467? ago
It's the "libertarian" ideal of oh well they're not hurting anyone and it's not illegal. Still doesn't mean it can't be a problem. Just an opinion.
SpeakerToAnimals ago
Your opinion isn't hurting anyone and it's not illegal.
BentAxel ago
Why is anything of yours good or bad any concern of mine? It not. Do you still need mommy's approval to piss and shit?
That's libertarian. Stay the Fuck, out of my business, I'll stay out of yours. God damn weak ass soyboys.
TeddyJackson ago
Jews don't stay out of anyone's business so why should we let the jews do whatever they want? Oh because you're a jew.
BentAxel ago
Sounds like OP. I don't give a fuck what you do, leave me the fuck alone or eat brass motherfucker.
andrew_jackson ago
That's taking the argument a bit far.
BentAxel ago
Sometimes people don't listen. But you are correct.
13572745? ago
Libertarianism is fine until you start becoming passive with regards to things that degrade a culture. It's pacifism, when you don't care enough to fight for something you perceived to be wrong.
BentAxel ago
Child abuse yes. Self abuse. Thinning the herd.
slevin_kelevra ago
Agreed. Still a loser then.
UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago
How about half the day?
zyklon_b ago
That is ok.
70times7 ago
How about half the lake of fire?
zyklon_b ago
Sounds fair.