TOO TRUE, those fucking hook nose creatures have really twisted our cultures and nations.
We need to be stronger and smarter and resist being turned into gentile goblins that those fucking devils laugh at.
Come on Europeans, let us turn this ship around, be proud and strong, stop fapping, start having families and BURN PORN.
Excellent documentary on Kinsey and also how pornography creates pedophiles.
Dr. Kinsey was a researcher who did sex studies including ones on children. He claimed pedophilia and child sexual abuse causes children no harm. In his research he listed behaviors such as screaming, hitting the rapist, crying, fainting and others as the child having an orgasm.
This monster's research is the basis for all US and most of the world (through Planned Parenthood and their international organization IPPF) sex education for children.
Truly sickening! All porn is abuse of the one being trafficked. It doesn't matter if it's an adult or child. They are being abused and it's horrifically wrong.
I don’t disagree with any of what’s put forth here. But try being stuck in a sexless marriage to a harpy and you CAN’T LEAVE due to very serious circumstances I won’t go in to out here in the wilds (trust me my home life is utter Hell). My only options right now (barring a million dollars falling from the sky) are either 1) to find some side pussy (not impossible, but very tough to find and maintain, and often becomes more effort than its worth due to the limited time you have to spend with side pussy), OR 2) find some sweet sweet porn on the net, grab a jug of lube and go to town in the wee hours of the night (sacrificing sleep), out in the cold garage, whilst everyone else is fast asleep, OR 3) (as has been suggested many times out here) do the ultimate no-fap.
Option #1 is tough and dangerous.
Option #2 sacrifices one’s soul, but can hold you over until that million dollars falls from the sky.
Option #3, at least for me, is pure insanity and would result in the deaths of many many innocent people and other living things.
So what else to do? How can we wrest control of the porn from those who seek to control us? How do we turn the ship around?
I don’t mean to sound insensitive but if it’s really that bad, there shouldn’t be anything worse than staying. Unless there are kids and you’re a convicted felon with no chance of getting custody, do yourself a favor and go. Not choosing to face the pain of leaving is still a choice, you know?
Yes kids, one with special needs. Not worried so much about custody as I am about help for the little one. That’s why, if a million dollars fell from the sky, I could buy out with wife, have her get her own house, and know the kids won’t have to move / get messed with. In the meantime, I really can’t leave.
I've noticed since around 2015 pornhub has had an influx of videos that are titles things like "XXXextra small barely legal teen is my personal sex slave" There were barely any videos like that 4 years ago. There is also the recent proliferation of the cuck meme that has 5 black guy surrounding a teenage girl that's in pigtails.
I did want to point out a couple things. The first thing that has to be done to a Nation to get this to work is the removal of God and to infiltrate all establishments, including the church, to be infiltrated with liberal secularism. Once these have become broken, then the porn can more easily take root because a person's loyalty to their Creator has been damaged. They have done this point by point to enslave our Nation. Most do not realize they have been caught in a trap that was purposely laid for us.
Second, porn actually causes a chemical to be released as we view it. This chemical causes a person to become addicted just as if it were an illicit drug like crack cocaine. Once a person becomes addicted and realizes they need help, the only thing that will help a person successfully get off of it is to give themselves strict guidelines and lots of accountability. I have experience in this area. If you need help, then get it. Be open with someone (your spouse if you're married) and do whatever you have to do. Porn destroys marriages and your kids, but you can get things going in a healthy direction with some help!
If you're watching a man do things in movies you wish you were doing then you're watching BETA CUCK films, and you're in the BETA CUCK seat living a BETA BITCH life. Get some ALPHA MALE VITALITY in you.
At some point you have to admit you're loony, bub.
Anything humans engage in for pleasure can be morphed into something addictive or manipulated by devious actors to advance a control agenda. Just because these activities are fucking compromised from time to time has no bearing on their original intent and use.
Adults use adult entertainment for personal pleasure by themselves or with a partner and this is perfectly sensible and appropriate.
You're missing the point(and likely so is OP, most people posting about this are just looking for something to back their pre-conceived feelings about sexuality)
1 Jewish company controls all of the major video sites which is where most people go for porn and this jewish control of the mainstream industry has always been true.
They use that influence to push miscegenation, cuckoldry, buggery, incest and other fetishes that do not lead to viable white offspring. And they use their dominance and nepotism to prevent competition. For one thing they're one of very few NSFW entities online that will never have any problems with (((finance.)))
But notice people like OP are never saying "control should be taken away from the Jews" or "switch to different sources" or "use your imagination." Their actual hangup is on human sexuality, the actual source is their tyrannical religious feelings, and they defend it with narrowly constructed narratives full of conspiracies and pseudoscience that sound great as long as you don't examine them at all.
The reality is, porn is abuse of those who are being exploited. For money. The truth will come out that most porn "models" are sex slaves and are being controlled. When you find out the truth behind the scenes...the real truth, that these individuals are drugged and being used and being trafficked, hopefully you'll adjust your thinking. If you're a true Patriot who longs for true freedom, I believe you will.
What nationality was Hugh Hefner? Was he part of the plot this post is speaking of? The answer is, yes.
Sex with your spouse = good, but you still need balance. When I'm not in a bad spot with my mental health, I have a very high libido, and I can say from experience that even "consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation" (or however you say the meme for the least degenerate sex) can be done to excess.
Go down the checklist.
Is it bad? No Balance. Cut it out entirely and forever.
Is it good? Balance, especially among other good things.
Degenerate drug use deserves no balance. Meat, vegetables, fruits, and grains do.
you mean sex is a god given bonding tool through the capacity of love? Gee, that's a surprise, guess those indians are more sophisticated than we thought with their swastika yantra mantra yoni stuff
This sounds absurd to most "normal" people but why do you think jews circumcise? So their community doesn't fall victim to this and focuses on success instead.
Yes, that absurd. This is pure mutilation, induce trama and doesn't even work for the intended purpose. Well it does because the truth purpose is child sacrifice, forskin steal and mark of the beast.
It's interesting that the symbol on their flag is two triangles. The upward triangle is male, the downward triangle is female.
The middle east they practice fgm, and here they do mgm. Either way it's not how nature intended us to reproduce and is a sneaky form of birth control.
I new what porn was when I was eight years old. I had never seen pornography but I (kinda) knew what I wanted to do with a girl in my third grade class and it was damn erotic for an eight year old in catholic school.
You were exposed to pornography more than you realize. What you saw on magazines and TV shows of over sexualized females has no different effect on a child or adult. Many do not realize this. Do you have to glance over at the Cosmopolitan magazine when you check out at the grocery store? Ask yourself why. We've been duped.
I never saw that shit. We didn’t have a television until I was 10. I’m an old fucker so my upbringing was Boy Scouts, chores, church, and reading. But I sure learned about my erotic attraction to girls at a young age. Still it was probably much mor wholesome fapping than what my grandkids will do.
Of course I did. Parents divorced when I was 9, lost my virginity at 10, was an alcoholic by 13 and doing coke, heroin, lsd and incarcerated by 16.
Only blessing is that I grew up by 30 and have lived more than a half a century which is pretty good for a totally fucked up youth that should have killed me.
I still remember the fantasies about Janet from the third grade though. Ain’t life funny?
You are sick in the head, probably because you dont have a soul, dont envy and attempt to subvert those who do because God will crush you under a weight so great your entire gene pool will invert.
I've been able to kick alcohol, I was able to quit cigarettes cold turkey.. but for some reason porn has been hands down the hardest habit to kick. I like to think I have a pretty decent self discipline but I seem to have the hardest time stopping.
You can still fap just use your brain or dont be a faggot and get a female to send you some bathroom selfies. Going on a porn site and getting forced fed watch this blonde wife get fucked by 10 niggers is messed up. Nevermind the ruthless treatment of women in that field.
[Go to 26:00-32:00] E.Michael Jones on Porn: "There is going to be a response (against Jewish Subversion) and when that happens, Hitler will look like a joke".
all cultures are evil without exception. whites have committed more crime than all other groups combined throughout all of history and yet they're painted as angels on voat. that's the epitome of fake news. the jews didn't put holes in your underwear any more than they supposedly masterminded the entire porn universe lol
lol, 10 +, 0 - at the nastiests of antisemitism on the front page of Voat
Now this demonstrates perfectly the type of person that has hijacked the platform under the pretence of 'free speech'.
Theyre taking Voat down untill Goverments demand it to.
Anyway.. this is just a naziblog, such a shame. It could have worked. it should have worked.
all cultures are evil without exception. whites have committed more crime than all other groups combined throughout all of history and yet they're painted as angels on voat. that's the epitome of fake news. the jews didn't put holes in your underwear any more than they supposedly masterminded the entire porn universe lol
the constant over exaggeration of jews putting holes in your underwear and jews hiding your car keys and jews stealing your girlfriend makes voat sound like it's full of crackheads. sure the faggot cowards on reddit censor dissenting views but pretending that the jews did 9-11 while fucking your mom in the basement and causing cancer to your aunt sally is just as fucking retarded.
You should fuck off back to reddit, shill. You're going to have a bad time here. Let count the number of time Jews were kicked out of nations and societies, and how many times whites have. Ever wonder why that is? Probably not.. your just collecting a paycheck.
Now, let me tell you an important distinction of this - one of the many great things of western culture is the recording of data. It means we can reflect on the past to plan for the future. Like looking at the history of weather to try to predict whether we want to go out fishing on a boat or die in a monsoon (That's just a general example that other cultures may do as well).
My point is that when you look at western culture you have a number to quantify crime. When you look at African culture, they don't really record crime but you know they steal, rape, kill, and cannibalise whenever they can because they believe might is right.
When you look at the middle east, they may appear not to commit crime but if you use the West as a point of measure and scale then you realize they still commit the crime of slavery, rape, general disregard for human existence, and persecution of gays. I'm not a fan of gays myself but I don't care what another person chooses for their lifestyle.
By saying western culture commits more crimes than all other groups combined in history, you're saying that our crime is not raping people, not stealing, not killing enough people, not owning people as slavery, and not caring if someone has particular sexual preferences.
If you're saying the whites have committed the most crimes because we have the potential for the most destruction around the world. That we hold the trigger that could essentially destroy the earth, then I ask who would you rather have the trigger? The religiously corrupt Arabs and Jews? The brain-dead Africans? The inhumane Asians?
Name me a better civilization than the White West.
As for Jews and Porn, I recommend you go do some research before belching forth with claims that Jews have nothing to do with Pornography. Jews did 9-11? Might not have been but you'll have to look up Lucky Larry Silverstein and read about him before you could convince me.
But frankly by the composition and stance of your argument, I name you a Kike-Cuck Reddit-Pseudo-Intellectual Shill Faggot.
My point is that when you look at western culture you have a number to quantify crime. When you look at African culture, they don't really record crime but you know they steal, rape, kill, and cannibalise whenever they can because they believe might is right
LOLOLOLOL because Hillary, Obama and the criminal Clinton Cartel NEVER fudge numbers. nah that has never happened in history. the winners don't write history to favor themselves. i'm sure that never happens LOL are you utterly fucking stupid or just a bold faced liar thinking someone will actually buy into this bullshit you're trying to sell us??
When you look at the middle east, they may appear not to commit crime but if you use the West as a point of measure and scale then you realize they still commit the crime of slavery, rape, general disregard for human existence, and persecution of gays. I'm not a fan of gays myself but I don't care what another person chooses for their lifestyle.
and i'm sure if you ask the middle east, they'll just as delusionally report like voat that they commit no crime whatsoever and whites and other groups commit all the crime. are you so fucking stupid that you don't grasp the concept of hearing BOTH sides of a story? you are just as bad as CNN fake news simultaneously claiming to be the moral authority and the default historians. fuck out of here with your bullshit.
By saying western culture commits more crimes than all other groups combined in history, you're saying that our crime is not raping people, not stealing, not killing enough people, not owning people as slavery, and not caring if someone has particular sexual preferences.
your reading comprehensions skills = crackwhore level
you might as well have written that i said all crime was caused by a purple unicorn. that would probably make more sense than the current fucktard conclusion you've already drawn.
Name me a better civilization than the White West.
the fact that you think civilization = white shows how utterly fucking stupid you are. so sad. you should try opening a book for once in your life.
As for Jews and Porn, I recommend you go do some research before belching forth with claims that Jews have nothing to do with Pornography.
i didn't say jews don't commit crime or aren't immoral you fucking retard. i said that they're not responsible for the holes in your underwear and every other imaginary problem you want to use them as a scapegoat for. EVERY fucking race in existence is part of the problem you fucking retard. holy fuck you're an idiot.
kammmmak ago
I've been calling him boltondicks for awhile.
Atem_Free-Europe ago
TOO TRUE, those fucking hook nose creatures have really twisted our cultures and nations. We need to be stronger and smarter and resist being turned into gentile goblins that those fucking devils laugh at.
Come on Europeans, let us turn this ship around, be proud and strong, stop fapping, start having families and BURN PORN.
DawnPendraig ago
Excellent documentary on Kinsey and also how pornography creates pedophiles.
Dr. Kinsey was a researcher who did sex studies including ones on children. He claimed pedophilia and child sexual abuse causes children no harm. In his research he listed behaviors such as screaming, hitting the rapist, crying, fainting and others as the child having an orgasm.
This monster's research is the basis for all US and most of the world (through Planned Parenthood and their international organization IPPF) sex education for children.
The Kinsey Syndrome
Veggiehead ago
Sick fuck he was.
truth_lurker ago
Truly sickening! All porn is abuse of the one being trafficked. It doesn't matter if it's an adult or child. They are being abused and it's horrifically wrong.
SocksOnCats ago
I don’t disagree with any of what’s put forth here. But try being stuck in a sexless marriage to a harpy and you CAN’T LEAVE due to very serious circumstances I won’t go in to out here in the wilds (trust me my home life is utter Hell). My only options right now (barring a million dollars falling from the sky) are either 1) to find some side pussy (not impossible, but very tough to find and maintain, and often becomes more effort than its worth due to the limited time you have to spend with side pussy), OR 2) find some sweet sweet porn on the net, grab a jug of lube and go to town in the wee hours of the night (sacrificing sleep), out in the cold garage, whilst everyone else is fast asleep, OR 3) (as has been suggested many times out here) do the ultimate no-fap.
Option #1 is tough and dangerous.
Option #2 sacrifices one’s soul, but can hold you over until that million dollars falls from the sky.
Option #3, at least for me, is pure insanity and would result in the deaths of many many innocent people and other living things.
So what else to do? How can we wrest control of the porn from those who seek to control us? How do we turn the ship around?
Cat-hax ago
I hear suiciding people with 2 shots to the back of the head is a good way of getting rid of problems.
SocksOnCats ago
Dude, c’mon. Be real.
Charilko ago
I don’t mean to sound insensitive but if it’s really that bad, there shouldn’t be anything worse than staying. Unless there are kids and you’re a convicted felon with no chance of getting custody, do yourself a favor and go. Not choosing to face the pain of leaving is still a choice, you know?
SocksOnCats ago
Yes kids, one with special needs. Not worried so much about custody as I am about help for the little one. That’s why, if a million dollars fell from the sky, I could buy out with wife, have her get her own house, and know the kids won’t have to move / get messed with. In the meantime, I really can’t leave.
LooshCollector ago
I've noticed since around 2015 pornhub has had an influx of videos that are titles things like "XXXextra small barely legal teen is my personal sex slave" There were barely any videos like that 4 years ago. There is also the recent proliferation of the cuck meme that has 5 black guy surrounding a teenage girl that's in pigtails.
Alopix ago
All of the major porn video sites are owned by 1 Jewish company
MnCoolDude ago
90% of p*** is made by Jews? I find that hard to believe. Where does that statistic come from?
larryhuston ago
Found the jew.
Toroidal ago
Those that use Jews as a means of organizing political opposition.
brandnewset ago
DasReich ago
I ordered Labido Dominandi from Amazon. They cancelled my order.
HyperbolicGasChamber ago
No other way to get it ? Otherwise, you'll have to get a pdf. somewhere. Pretty sure you can find it on 8chan.
DasReich ago
Probably, haven't looked. This post just reminded me I needed to.
aLegoInYourShoe ago
When it's edgy to be wholesome, society is in a bad state..
HyperbolicGasChamber ago
This is your society on jews.
Onlio ago
So is legalized marijuana. Let's keep people docile and controllable
truth_lurker ago
Agree. Unless it's for TRUE medicinal purposes.
truth_lurker ago
Wow! This is right on!
I did want to point out a couple things. The first thing that has to be done to a Nation to get this to work is the removal of God and to infiltrate all establishments, including the church, to be infiltrated with liberal secularism. Once these have become broken, then the porn can more easily take root because a person's loyalty to their Creator has been damaged. They have done this point by point to enslave our Nation. Most do not realize they have been caught in a trap that was purposely laid for us.
Second, porn actually causes a chemical to be released as we view it. This chemical causes a person to become addicted just as if it were an illicit drug like crack cocaine. Once a person becomes addicted and realizes they need help, the only thing that will help a person successfully get off of it is to give themselves strict guidelines and lots of accountability. I have experience in this area. If you need help, then get it. Be open with someone (your spouse if you're married) and do whatever you have to do. Porn destroys marriages and your kids, but you can get things going in a healthy direction with some help!
Shekelstein6M ago
If you're watching a man fuck a woman you're sexually attracted to, you're watching cuck porn, and you're in the cuck seat.
fluhthreeex ago
If you're watching a man do things in movies you wish you were doing then you're watching BETA CUCK films, and you're in the BETA CUCK seat living a BETA BITCH life. Get some ALPHA MALE VITALITY in you.
Elbower_of_Quants ago
At some point you have to admit you're loony, bub.
Anything humans engage in for pleasure can be morphed into something addictive or manipulated by devious actors to advance a control agenda. Just because these activities are fucking compromised from time to time has no bearing on their original intent and use.
Adults use adult entertainment for personal pleasure by themselves or with a partner and this is perfectly sensible and appropriate.
Alopix ago
You're missing the point(and likely so is OP, most people posting about this are just looking for something to back their pre-conceived feelings about sexuality)
1 Jewish company controls all of the major video sites which is where most people go for porn and this jewish control of the mainstream industry has always been true.
They use that influence to push miscegenation, cuckoldry, buggery, incest and other fetishes that do not lead to viable white offspring. And they use their dominance and nepotism to prevent competition. For one thing they're one of very few NSFW entities online that will never have any problems with (((finance.)))
But notice people like OP are never saying "control should be taken away from the Jews" or "switch to different sources" or "use your imagination." Their actual hangup is on human sexuality, the actual source is their tyrannical religious feelings, and they defend it with narrowly constructed narratives full of conspiracies and pseudoscience that sound great as long as you don't examine them at all.
truth_lurker ago
The reality is, porn is abuse of those who are being exploited. For money. The truth will come out that most porn "models" are sex slaves and are being controlled. When you find out the truth behind the scenes...the real truth, that these individuals are drugged and being used and being trafficked, hopefully you'll adjust your thinking. If you're a true Patriot who longs for true freedom, I believe you will.
What nationality was Hugh Hefner? Was he part of the plot this post is speaking of? The answer is, yes.
Crikes ago
So is collectivism, by our Jew, and non-Jew, slavers alike.
keksupreme ago
is it though. who would ever fuck modern women? it makes no difference.
nrlftw ago
Ah. Shit. That moment when you realize what you’ve really been doing on pornhub all these years...
trackmeplease ago
It’s all about balance my friend.
truth_lurker ago
It's not always about balance. There is still right vs wrong. Good vs bad.
madeoneforthis ago
Exactly. Porn = Bad. No matter what.
Sex with your spouse = good, but you still need balance. When I'm not in a bad spot with my mental health, I have a very high libido, and I can say from experience that even "consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation" (or however you say the meme for the least degenerate sex) can be done to excess.
Go down the checklist.
Is it bad? No Balance. Cut it out entirely and forever.
Is it good? Balance, especially among other good things.
Degenerate drug use deserves no balance. Meat, vegetables, fruits, and grains do.
truth_lurker ago
Exactly my train of thought. :)
PeculiarOwl ago
you mean sex is a god given bonding tool through the capacity of love? Gee, that's a surprise, guess those indians are more sophisticated than we thought with their swastika yantra mantra yoni stuff
TheFool ago
This sounds absurd to most "normal" people but why do you think jews circumcise? So their community doesn't fall victim to this and focuses on success instead.
goybot3000 ago
Cloaked jews suck on bleeding baby peckers. They put baby cock in their mouth.
HyperbolicGasChamber ago
Yes, that absurd. This is pure mutilation, induce trama and doesn't even work for the intended purpose. Well it does because the truth purpose is child sacrifice, forskin steal and mark of the beast.
See this.
TheFool ago
This is why people dont take voat serious, we go from taking away male pleasure to satan.
fluhthreeex ago
It's unfortunate how many who find out the truth go down rabbit holes of lunacy and wind up in backwardsville.
albatrosv15 ago
You should watch this --
HyperbolicGasChamber ago
People don't take voat seriously because we are against male mutilation ? Watch the thread I posted and the Harvard conference in one of the comments.
getmeofftheplanet ago
It's interesting that the symbol on their flag is two triangles. The upward triangle is male, the downward triangle is female.
The middle east they practice fgm, and here they do mgm. Either way it's not how nature intended us to reproduce and is a sneaky form of birth control.
truth_lurker ago
I guess I should know. What is FGM and MGM?
getmeofftheplanet ago
Female genital mutilation,
Male genital mutilation.
truth_lurker ago
Ouch. Should have known that. Thank you.
Halstan ago
Porn makes you bad at sex. Less porn better sex. This is especially bad for young boys because it screws up their perception of what sex even is.
Cat-hax ago
Children should not be allowed on the net.
IheartSwimming ago
Oy Vey who need sex when you can have PORN, any fantasy you want!
sosat_menya_reddit ago
I new what porn was when I was eight years old. I had never seen pornography but I (kinda) knew what I wanted to do with a girl in my third grade class and it was damn erotic for an eight year old in catholic school.
truth_lurker ago
You were exposed to pornography more than you realize. What you saw on magazines and TV shows of over sexualized females has no different effect on a child or adult. Many do not realize this. Do you have to glance over at the Cosmopolitan magazine when you check out at the grocery store? Ask yourself why. We've been duped.
sosat_menya_reddit ago
I never saw that shit. We didn’t have a television until I was 10. I’m an old fucker so my upbringing was Boy Scouts, chores, church, and reading. But I sure learned about my erotic attraction to girls at a young age. Still it was probably much mor wholesome fapping than what my grandkids will do.
truth_lurker ago
Oh! I see. Well you had a better upbringing than most of us. ;)
sosat_menya_reddit ago
Of course I did. Parents divorced when I was 9, lost my virginity at 10, was an alcoholic by 13 and doing coke, heroin, lsd and incarcerated by 16.
Only blessing is that I grew up by 30 and have lived more than a half a century which is pretty good for a totally fucked up youth that should have killed me.
I still remember the fantasies about Janet from the third grade though. Ain’t life funny?
truth_lurker ago
Wow! You sure are blessed to be alive! I'm thankful you are here. :)
keksupreme ago
thanks feminazi. now go away shill
PeculiarOwl ago
You are sick in the head, probably because you dont have a soul, dont envy and attempt to subvert those who do because God will crush you under a weight so great your entire gene pool will invert.
keksupreme ago
thanks jew zionist shill.
we all know banning porn is on the jew feminazi agenda right now, nice try though
RonBennington ago
why are you, with a ONE MONTH OLD ACCOUNT, calling others shills?
keksupreme ago
because we all know banning porn is on the feminazi jew agenda right now.
israel has massive internet controls and jews want that here too because they are evil jews
albatrosv15 ago
It is painful to admit that, but it is true. Anyone wondering about this -- Just do a nofap for a month and see what happens to you.
u_r_wat_u_eat ago
I've been able to kick alcohol, I was able to quit cigarettes cold turkey.. but for some reason porn has been hands down the hardest habit to kick. I like to think I have a pretty decent self discipline but I seem to have the hardest time stopping.
undertheshills ago
You can still fap just use your brain or dont be a faggot and get a female to send you some bathroom selfies. Going on a porn site and getting forced fed watch this blonde wife get fucked by 10 niggers is messed up. Nevermind the ruthless treatment of women in that field.
HyperbolicGasChamber ago
If you REALLY think that pornography is "healthy" and definitely not part of (((their))) plan...
[Go to 26:00-32:00] E.Michael Jones on Porn: "There is going to be a response (against Jewish Subversion) and when that happens, Hitler will look like a joke".
voltronsdicks ago
all cultures are evil without exception. whites have committed more crime than all other groups combined throughout all of history and yet they're painted as angels on voat. that's the epitome of fake news. the jews didn't put holes in your underwear any more than they supposedly masterminded the entire porn universe lol
notwillywonka ago
lol, 10 +, 0 - at the nastiests of antisemitism on the front page of Voat Now this demonstrates perfectly the type of person that has hijacked the platform under the pretence of 'free speech'. Theyre taking Voat down untill Goverments demand it to. Anyway.. this is just a naziblog, such a shame. It could have worked. it should have worked.
HyperbolicGasChamber ago
You have to go back niggerkikefaggot .
notwillywonka ago
stop inhaling.
aLegoInYourShoe ago
Holy shit this must have taken you quite a while to compile and post.
Good stuff
PeculiarOwl ago
You mean to tell me removng love from sex, promoting the humiliation of the mentally unfit and sexual violence isn't good for society?
voltronsdicks ago
all cultures are evil without exception. whites have committed more crime than all other groups combined throughout all of history and yet they're painted as angels on voat. that's the epitome of fake news. the jews didn't put holes in your underwear any more than they supposedly masterminded the entire porn universe lol
the constant over exaggeration of jews putting holes in your underwear and jews hiding your car keys and jews stealing your girlfriend makes voat sound like it's full of crackheads. sure the faggot cowards on reddit censor dissenting views but pretending that the jews did 9-11 while fucking your mom in the basement and causing cancer to your aunt sally is just as fucking retarded.
Paranoiaattack ago
Fuck off plebbit kike
voltronsdicks ago
sorry kikefaggot. didn't mean to hurt your dreidel.
R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago
You should fuck off back to reddit, shill. You're going to have a bad time here. Let count the number of time Jews were kicked out of nations and societies, and how many times whites have. Ever wonder why that is? Probably not.. your just collecting a paycheck.
voltronsdicks ago
sorry i hurt your vagina kikefag
albatrosv15 ago
Mfecane, barbary pirates, arab slave trade, untouchables, rwandan genocide etc etc etc.
Cum_control ago
“Whites have comitted more crime than all other groups combined” thats only if you include the jews
voltronsdicks ago
that's only if we include your mom.
Cum_control ago
Ooooo SHITTTT I GET IT NOW!!!! ((( @voltronsdicks )))is a FUCKING JEWWWWWWWW
IheartSwimming ago
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
voltronsdicks ago
she sells sea shells by the sea shore.
Cum_control ago
Youre a fucking idiot. More like @voltronsflappywizardsleeve
voltronsdicks ago
go back to sucking your own clit you fucking retard.
Plant_Boy ago
Let me fix that for you:
Now, let me tell you an important distinction of this - one of the many great things of western culture is the recording of data. It means we can reflect on the past to plan for the future. Like looking at the history of weather to try to predict whether we want to go out fishing on a boat or die in a monsoon (That's just a general example that other cultures may do as well).
My point is that when you look at western culture you have a number to quantify crime. When you look at African culture, they don't really record crime but you know they steal, rape, kill, and cannibalise whenever they can because they believe might is right.
When you look at the middle east, they may appear not to commit crime but if you use the West as a point of measure and scale then you realize they still commit the crime of slavery, rape, general disregard for human existence, and persecution of gays. I'm not a fan of gays myself but I don't care what another person chooses for their lifestyle.
By saying western culture commits more crimes than all other groups combined in history, you're saying that our crime is not raping people, not stealing, not killing enough people, not owning people as slavery, and not caring if someone has particular sexual preferences.
If you're saying the whites have committed the most crimes because we have the potential for the most destruction around the world. That we hold the trigger that could essentially destroy the earth, then I ask who would you rather have the trigger? The religiously corrupt Arabs and Jews? The brain-dead Africans? The inhumane Asians?
Name me a better civilization than the White West.
As for Jews and Porn, I recommend you go do some research before belching forth with claims that Jews have nothing to do with Pornography. Jews did 9-11? Might not have been but you'll have to look up Lucky Larry Silverstein and read about him before you could convince me.
But frankly by the composition and stance of your argument, I name you a Kike-Cuck Reddit-Pseudo-Intellectual Shill Faggot.
voltronsdicks ago
LOLOLOLOL because Hillary, Obama and the criminal Clinton Cartel NEVER fudge numbers. nah that has never happened in history. the winners don't write history to favor themselves. i'm sure that never happens LOL are you utterly fucking stupid or just a bold faced liar thinking someone will actually buy into this bullshit you're trying to sell us??
and i'm sure if you ask the middle east, they'll just as delusionally report like voat that they commit no crime whatsoever and whites and other groups commit all the crime. are you so fucking stupid that you don't grasp the concept of hearing BOTH sides of a story? you are just as bad as CNN fake news simultaneously claiming to be the moral authority and the default historians. fuck out of here with your bullshit.
your reading comprehensions skills = crackwhore level
you might as well have written that i said all crime was caused by a purple unicorn. that would probably make more sense than the current fucktard conclusion you've already drawn.
the fact that you think civilization = white shows how utterly fucking stupid you are. so sad. you should try opening a book for once in your life.
i didn't say jews don't commit crime or aren't immoral you fucking retard. i said that they're not responsible for the holes in your underwear and every other imaginary problem you want to use them as a scapegoat for. EVERY fucking race in existence is part of the problem you fucking retard. holy fuck you're an idiot.
Plant_Boy ago
Disregarding your baseless empty lewd arguments about my personal life, I'm still waiting for an answer:
Name me a civilization better than the White West.
Goat-Master-5000 ago
He can't, because no such civilization exists.
RonBennington ago
is it possible to upload these as an album for a nice bookmark?
HyperbolicGasChamber ago
You are welcome.
RonBennington ago
You are a great person, thank you