0100100-100110 ago

If my kid wants to be circumcised, I will pay for it after he is 18. I think it's fucked up to make the decision for them.

CapitalPurifier ago

but your all soyboys who want women to have violent voting rights and shieeet

ProgNaziGator ago

Could add that headline about Jewish babies getting std from rabbis

midnightblue1335 ago

It's "mutilation" when it's done to females. It's a "normal operation for our own good" when you slice up a little boy's genitals.

Male privilege is a wonderful thing, isn't it, fellas?

klngonwarr ago

I love this male privilege and HAVE NO REGRETS EITHER, nor do my partners. fuck that a##hole

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mattsixteen24 ago

Are there cases of people suing hospitals and doctors for circumcisions? Not botched ones, but just circumcisions in general.

Ban_Circumcision ago

Fuck circumcision, fuck kikes that perpetuate it

justsayingmayne ago

foregen.org, check them out

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

I want my dick to be left alone now. I don't want to put my dick through another operation or modification. Moreover, pretty much owned by jews so fuck this. They make money out of your mutilation and now, they also want to make money out of your regeneration, without knowing if it has side effects. I will watch this but I won't inflict this to my self. I will live with this phantom pain.

justsayingmayne ago

Yeah I understand the sentiment. I'm only going to go through with it a year or so after the first people have undergone the operation.

I might be a minority, but I don't place people in buckets based on religion / race, I tend to focus on their attitude and personality instead, on an individual basis. Of course I'm a race realist, so I keep the differences between people in mind, but I try not to automatically judge like that.

Ban_Circumcision ago

I know,. not holding ym breath though... I am taking matters into my own hands, quite literally, restoring my foreskin via tugging and tape methods. Going to invest in a TLC tugger though when I get enough slack.

justsayingmayne ago

Yeah I've been doing that as well. I think they'll be able to work with restored skins as well, but it might take a little extra to work around the stretched skin. I think as long as most of the stretching is done under the scar line you should be fine

Ban_Circumcision ago

NOt sure what you mean by under the scar line? It may not matter as much, you can never have too much slack. Plus the parts that need to be restored arent being affected, the restoration is to cover the glans again, if you have new slack that can cover it, new foreskin will be able to fit around it fine... Maybe some electrolysis to get rid of hair in places that ti shouldnt be though. I have thsi problem with my cut penis...

justsayingmayne ago

yeah I have lots of hair riding up as well

if you tug above the line, you might damage the remaining frenulum and parts

if you tug below the scar line, you're creating the same kind of skin thats already there

Ban_Circumcision ago

So you're saying, the scar line is that line that is horizontal? The scared band that goes around the penis, not base to shaft vertically? Like tugging at teh base of teh shaft, further from teh glans, is where you should tug? HOnestly, I have roll now so I guess I am doing it right? Never tried to strech at glans. Useing t tape method and various tugging, method 2 but also my own variations, as well as just stretching with the roll while I do things with a free hand, if that amkes snese.

justsayingmayne ago

yeah thats the scar line, whatever works for you though : )

Ban_Circumcision ago

Yeah, I am not worried about damging ym frenulum, as I am pretty sure its gone. Was cut pretty tight

justsayingmayne ago

ah that's a shame mate.

I hope your tugging goes well, and I hope for all our sakes that foregen can pull through with a safe method to regenerate our foreskins.

4ChinSnacker ago

Nice. T taping and method 2?

voltronsdicks ago

Fuck you for telling parents what to do with their own children. Also fuck kikes who try to do the same.

circumcision is NOT mutilation

Ban_Circumcision ago

Yeah, fuck parents who don't ask their children if they want to be sexually violated and mutilated, which removes 70% of a males sensitivty, cutting out his g spot, etc. Yeah just force this ona child.

voltronsdicks ago

yeah fuck parents who don't let their children play on the freeway and do 8-balls of coke. they should be given voting rights straight out of the womb while we're at it. and fuck dentistry and surgery for mutilating people and saving their lives. in fact, fuck saying anything intelligent. let's all be fucking morons like you.


Ban_Circumcision ago

Wow, you cant even argument bro. We're talking about body integrity and a humans body. If you believe in evolution, theres no REASON to circumcise, unless you think hundreds of thousands of years of evolution are somehow wrong?

So altering a childs body for the rest of their lives, removing thousands of nerve endings and a lot of skin (penis size) without their consent is OK? Wow, you're sick.

voltronsdicks ago

you're talking about argument and you can't even english, ma'am.

We're talking about body integrity and a humans body.

oh really? i'm glad that you mentioned integrity because it takes ZERO integrity to refer to surgery as mutilation. you pretty much justify every faggot SJW on the planet when they refer to words on a screen as "assault".

If you believe in evolution, theres no REASON to circumcise.

i don't. but even if i did, the reasons presented would still be valid. but of course you're too fucking stupid to even read, you fucking moron.

unless you think hundreds of thousands of years of evolution are somehow wrong?

lol nothing like a fucking star wars cuck masturbating to fictional lifestyles, lecturing about bogus "evolutionary" timelines. since we're just throwing around arbitrary time scales like you even know how the process works, why not just start with minutes. the hole you've already dug won't suffer much difference in scale.

So altering a childs body for the rest of their lives

you've altered your fucking staypuff marshmallow body with hot pockets, mt. dew, and flaming skull tattoos. who the fuck are you to lecture about body alterations?? LOL! at least circumcision has medical benefits. your hipster faggot ear plugs just let me know that your asexual whole foods grocery store occupation has a low tolerance for responsible hygiene and common sense.

removing thousands of nerve endings and a lot of skin (penis size) without their consent is OK?

i have an idea. why don't you put my circumcised penis in your cuck mouth and i'll let you know if you're using too much teeth or not. you cucks are amazing in your pathetic projection of imaginary trauma. most people who are circumcised aren't even aware of it until they encounter faggot retards like you who tell them that the sky is falling in their underwear and they should begin panicking.


Ban_Circumcision ago

Imaginary trauma? https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/for-professionals/psychological-impact/

https://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.org/for-professionals/sexual-impact/ There's documented research. WHy don't you post some studies that dont involve fucking Africans, at least?

If you're more of a God person, then why would God design something that isnt supposed to work with teh vagina during intercourse?

TO imply surgery is to say that there is something inherently wrong with the foreksin, rigged band, frenulum, etc. There is nothing inherently wrong with teh human body... Those parts of the penis exist for a reason.

Im not saying panic because it happened to you, its way past that, panic because it still goes on and causes problems. Babies die from this needles procedure...

A slew of ad hominems arent an argument./

voltronsdicks ago

You don't read my post, I don't respond to your post ..fuck you stupid cuck.

Ban_Circumcision ago

You're the stupid cuck who cant cite sources or read mine. All you have are ad hominem attacks.

voltronsdicks ago

you're the stupid fucking retard who is arguing against a post you haven't read yet. lol! MORON.

Ban_Circumcision ago

No...I read it...youre the retard who makes claims without any documentation, unlike I have all teh studies are sourced so you can look them up.

youre worthless, glad I am not you

voltronsdicks ago

no you didn't read it. you're a dumb faggot piece of shit. kill yourself.

Ban_Circumcision ago

no I did it was a bunch of ad hominems and useless statements without any cited information. Literally thats all it is...

FlappyJappy ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCuy163srRc watch this video and educate yourself of what circumcision is. its nothing more than a blood sacrifice and enslavement to the jews.

voltronsdicks ago

can you fucking morons learn to read??? no kike vampire should be sucking your child's penis. holy fuck you're stupid.

FlappyJappy ago

yet here you are shilling for all the jewish lies that lead to 120 million american men being mutilated and branded like cattle for those jewish vampires. stop trying to justify your mutilated dick and accept that youre a branded slave

IheartSwimming ago

And the (((Israeli supporting Christians))) that practice it.

madeoneforthis ago

They don't do it out of support for Israel. They do it because they don't know any better because of Israel. I have never met a Christian parent who thought, "I know this is genital mutilation, but God told me to follow the Jews". No, they learned in (((school))) that circumcision is normal, and they learned from (((doctors))) that circumcision is great.

Education is the solution here, which means attacks should be focused on (((those who spread disinformation and silence truth))).

benjitsu ago

Most of them are just stupid and obsessed about young boys penises

Raxotic ago

But but, hurr durr, chosen people.

77777 ago

But but... revelation 3 : 9. Stop going to cucked freemason tranny churches using the NIV non inspired version. Read your kjv for yourself.

Raxotic ago

Or just stay away from bullshit middle eastern religions, that have nothing to do with Northern Europe.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Forgot the picture of the Rabbi sucking the blood from the baby penis after.

voltronsdicks ago

Never let a kike suck your child's penis. But the rest of this post is FAKE NEWS.

mattsixteen24 ago

Other rabbis just use their teeth to bite off foreskin.

Crow_T_robocop ago

Oh wow, another circumcision post on VOAT.

Simonsaysgoat ago


Crow_T_robocop ago


Rellik88 ago

Right? Every ancient people all over the world cut the tip off, but its a Jew conspiracy right? Know who doesnt cut their dick? Moslems, guess you found an ally.

77777 ago

Muslims do circumcise you moron

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Oh, look! It's another three-year-old shill account.

I've never seen one of those before.

yewotm8 ago

Muslims do circumcise. Chill it with the cognitive dissonance and accept that it's supposed to be there so your sons can have it better than you. This whole "it happened to me so my children are gonna get it too!" is the most backwards baby boomer bullshit.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

There is this guy, Greg Malchuk, and he is pretty good at exposing it as Jewish conspiracy, there are a lot of Jew running around, actively supporting the practice, and forcing doctors and hospitals to do it.

Also, it's a big deal for it to be illegal, because it's "anti-Semitic" if you make circumcision banned, and Jews will leave your country if you do (oh no)

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

Know who doesn't cut their dick? Moslems

--> In what imaginary world do you live in ? Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to mutilate your dick in the New Testament, for it you can't be close to God and be Christian if done so (The jew talks about it during his Harvard speech). And yes, this is a Rabbi revenge conspiracy indeed. But fucking puritans enabled it in the states. You can't be puritan if you agree to mutilate god's work permanently, you are a satanic heretic.

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

*permanent male mutilation.


If you have a hour to invest, watch this. It's a "self-hating jew" who speaks against male mutilation. In the very beginning, he says some SJWs bullshit and some (((my fellow white men))), but then, the rest is very interesting. The guy was immediately fired the day after for "antisemitism".

