That is a demonization of a surgical process, no different than a libtard referring to all Trump supporters as Nazis to denigrate conservatism by forcing a false narrative on the public. This is exactly why people hate virtue signalling so much . You might as well refer to Dentistry as ninjutsu and surgery as medieval torture if you want to be that delusionally unaccountable with your terms.
and like I said in previous posts about the subject, the only reason I'm aware about circumcision at all is because retarded fascist activists try to force their beliefs on to me and tell me that I'm traumatized by something I don't even remember. Oh and the best one: I'm missing out on sexual pleasure when I'm fucking LOLOLOL! How do these fucking idiots so confident to assume I'm having a bad sex life? They can barely spell "girl" let talk to one, let alone date one, and they're going to play Dr. Phil now with my penis? Noice. This is the same experience a lot of men have. They don't give a flying fuck what the Penis Police have to say about their dicks because all these arguments are coming from edgy virgins.
The real Injustice is when retarded cucks with zero medical training try to tell parents what to do with their own children when they themselves can barely wake up to dust the Cheetos off of their chest to burn another Hot Pocket in the microwave.
also, if "one owns themself absolutely" as (((they))) claim, then one wouldn't be born of parents. They would spring forth from their own invisible will, popping into existence out of nothing.
Do you own your own sperm? Or do cucks on the internet, with barely enough life skills to hold a job, own it? It's one or the other because I doubt your sperm could survive by themselves once they shoot out onto your keyboard and become autonomous as you claim.
EDIT: for the fucktards:
circumcision reduces risk of HIV transmission, reduces risk of HPV transmission, reduces risk of cervical cancer for partners, looks sexier to women than sock puppet penises (purely aesthetic reason, got it), more hygienic, smells better for hos sucking you off.
sguevar ago
I am not going to fall in your berating game here.
If you have medical and scientific justifications for stating your "facts" please provide them. I will gladly take a look on those.
However so far you sound like a childish and immature poor soul.
voltronsdicks ago
If you stop acting like a faggot, then you don't get treated like a faggot. I know that's hard for morons like you to understand, but it's called quid pro quo.
see above you dumb faggot piece of shit. obviously you're too fucking stupid to know how to read lol!
didn't you just say above that you were going to play some berating game? Oh that's right. you're a dumb faggot piece of shit hypocrite with the IQ of a pop tart LOL! go back so sucking on your mom's cock.
sguevar ago
Describing the behavior you have chosen and comparing it to a child's is not berating. As you can see I haven't even call you any names nor insults.
You have still no proven your claims but ok I guess is too complicated for a "doctor" to engage in a serious and civic discourse.
voltronsdicks ago
you could have just said you're a fucking retard and that would have amounted to the same thing as your post
sguevar ago
The one that fell in foul language was you. Calling out your foolishness and childish behavior is far from being an insult. You simply lack the humbleness to understand your mistakes.
Have a good day.
draaaak ago
Why, hello there (((fellow white person))).
voltronsdicks ago
Why, hello there (((injured vagina))).
illuminalto2 ago
so does not sticking your dick in a person before you know them. you're appealing to whores.
If that bitch doesn't enjoy the scent of your pheromones then she's just not that into you. Sexy stench is sexy.
You're trolling, we get it.
voltronsdicks ago
oh i see! so now you "know" girls lol!
Shitapple_samsquamsh ago
Thanks for your (((opinion))) on male genital mutilation. All i see are a repetition of debunked or exaggerated arguments with a whole crapton of strawman / ad hominem arguments. I particularly love how being against circumcision, according to (((you))), means one is a mouth breathing simpleton... only the enlightened are savvy and awesome enough to understand the (((benefits))) of male genital mutilation.
Face it rabbi, your days of having this shitty religious practice being adopted as a mainstream medical norm are running out. People are waking up to your horseshit. Pretty soon the only folks you will have left on your side will be your fellow merchants and a few porn addled gentiles.
voltronsdicks ago
Sorry I hurt your (((vagina))) by telling the truth. Go drink a 40oz. with your other nigger buddies you fucktard moron. You're too dumb to be debating anything.
Shitapple_samsquamsh ago
Again, an awesome reply. Nice one!
voltronsdicks ago
yer kool and the gang!
muffalettadiver ago
voltronsdicks ago
muffalettadiver ago
Nice retort. Any comments on male genital mutilation?
voltronsdicks ago
ur gay. any comment?
muffalettadiver ago
9 days? Are you retarded?
digix ago
Your post says nothing in the way of a counter argument and reads exactly like the ranting of someone who is ashamed he was marked by juden. That's what the problem really is -- it's a mark of the Jew. There is not a biological, medical or QOL reason for why circumcision even exists. It doesn't do anything and is a cosmetic surgery, that for some reason Jews have convinced so many people to have done to their newborn children, for no other reason than as a sick and twisted way of showing the world that they own -you-.
Instead of feeling sorry for yourself and ashamed that it was done before you were even aware of it, use it as a reminder that you're not going to let them own you as an adult and you've seen through their bullshit. You can't fault your parents for believing in bullshit but you can help spread awareness to not let anyone else get tricked by it.
voltronsdicks ago
i love how you dumb faggot losers talk about great arguments. meanwhile you fucking retards can't argue your way out of a wet paper bag. maybe your'e too fucking to read. go find an adult and have him explain the difficult parts of my post to your tiny brain.
you dumb niggers are comedy when you get butthurt over facts. :D LOL
digix ago
That's not an argument either.
voltronsdicks ago
draaaak ago
You're losing this debate. Maybe you should stop.
voltronsdicks ago
You're a dumb faggot. You are embarrassing yourself.
turtlesareNotevil ago
It is though. Unless it's one of those rare cases where it won't retract for an erection and is painful. Then yeah slice it, with anesthesia and take just enough to make it functional. Taking it all without painkillers is cruel and unnecessary.
voltronsdicks ago
Sweet argument incoming:
Sweeter retort dropped:
No it isn't.
Anoxim ago
You do realize that circumcision is almost completely unnecessary and won't mitigate anything that basic hygiene doesn't.
What's the point of slicing off a babies dick skin? I don't mean, " LOL TURTLENECK " I mean an actual legitimate reason.
voltronsdicks ago
you do realize you're talking out of your asshole right, Dr. 4chan?
What's the point of slicing out your teeth?
What's the point of slicing open your organs?
Anoxim ago
First of all. Its MR Dr.4chan.
Secondly, prove me wrong faggot.
Third, you don't slice teeth. You slice gums.
Fourth, usually when they are slicing organs it's because the only option is to slice the organ, otherwise the organ may cause further complications that would usually result in death.
So, answer the question smart guy.
What reasoning is there to remove the one of the most nerve dense pieces of flesh, without anesthetic, from a newborn?
voltronsdicks ago
Dear FailTARD, since your tiny little pea brain has trouble using google or referring to any real medical literature, i've added an edit for morons.
And thank you for clearing up the teeth slicing fiasco. Your advanced medical degree in came in really handy lol
Drendoid ago
You have to admit though that a jew sucking a babies dick is at the least weird AF
voltronsdicks ago
of course! nobody is supporting kikes fingering kids here. this is a medical matter not a jewish dating site matter.
Drendoid ago
Most insurance providers have stopped covering it. They consider it "not medically neccessary"
voltronsdicks ago
Insurance wouldn't cover your dead grandmother if there was a legal loophole for dumping her body into the garbage disposal.
Drendoid ago
haahaaahaaa! Wow what a butthurt crybaby when you read a fact. Your pussy must be in extreme pain :-p
voltronsdicks ago
sorry i hurt your vagina. maybe go cry on your boyfriend's shoulder? lololololol! owned faggot!
Drendoid ago
Baaahaaa! Thanks for letting me know your juicing crygirly. Youre vagina tears are delicious 😛👍
voltronsdicks ago
hahaahahaha i made ur pussy soggy!
Drendoid ago
Are you still crying? What a little bitch baby
albatrosv15 ago
Did you watch the video?
voltronsdicks ago
have you been to medical school yet? circumcision reduces risk of HIV transmission, reduces risk of HPV transmission, reduces risk of cervical cancer for partners, looks sexier to women than sock puppet penises (purely aesthetic reason, got it), more hygienic, smells better for hos sucking you off.
draaaak ago
But, did you watch the video?
voltronsdicks ago
but have you been to medical school yet?
sguevar ago
Have you been in medical school?
What basis do you have for stating that it reduces HIV?
voltronsdicks ago
source: an actual real life doctor. not a conspiracy theorist nutjob on voat.
sguevar ago
So you are a doctor then. Please elaborate on the reasoning for less probable to get HIV.
Shouldn't be hard for a doctor. Also what is your medical expertis, urology?
voltronsdicks ago
sorry dumb faggot piece of shit. you failed again moron lol! u mad? :D
sguevar ago
Nope I am actually interested in knowing your basis and understanding your reasoning. You have yet to prove it but then again I am not the one becoming a clown here.
voltronsdicks ago
sorry you keep getting owned like a dumb Jew faggot LOL
sguevar ago
Whatever makes you feel good. Denial is a good tool of the fools. Enjoy your foolishness.
albatrosv15 ago
Says right there you didn't watch the video. He took all those points and destroyed them one by one.
Seriously, even if you are a superzionistjew, watch it.
voltronsdicks ago
hey fagtard, let me know when you graduate from your community college with an advanced degree in basket weaving lol!
albatrosv15 ago
I understand your automatic emotions, but i still say the same old thing -- watch the video.
voltronsdicks ago
sorry you got owned Jew faggotlol
tendiesonfloor ago
How much of my natural body has to be bitten or sliced off before it becomes mutilation, Rabbi Shlomo?
voltronsdicks ago
How many teeth does a dentist have to remove from your mouth before you start fucking your sister, Surgeon General Bubba?
tendiesonfloor ago
Your roots are showing, rabbi. Don't let you temper blow your cover to quickly next time or your JIDF check won't clear.
Argument failure: False equivalency. If I need an infected or dead tooth pulled it's so it doesn't kill me. Having my foreskin sliced/bitten off isn't saving me from sepsis.
voltronsdicks ago
sorry dumb nigger, just because you're a dumb faggot, doesn't automatically make me a kike. i know you'd like to roll with your libtard buddies and label everyone who hurts your vagina with facts as "nazis", but that's not how reality works. maybe don't masturbate into your mouth while typing?
dumb faggot fail. try again jerome lol
voatusernamevoat ago
Wrong, retard.
voltronsdicks ago
Sorry I hurt your vagina by telling the truth you dumb faggot cuck.
voatusernamevoat ago
Nice try kike.
voltronsdicks ago
try again dumb faggot:
draaaak ago
You're not good at defending your claims.
voltronsdicks ago
You're pretty good at sounding stupid.