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dayofthehope ago

If they actually treat the South Africans like Hitler did to the Jews, the white South Africans will be living in a 5-star hotel at tax payer's expense. There will be free pony rides for their kids.

klngonwarr ago

You need to detox and stop whatever it is that you are taking.

TeddyJackson ago

[–] klngonwarr -3 points (+1|-4) 25 days ago I love this male privilege and HAVE NO REGRETS EITHER, nor do my partners. fuck that a##hole

You are clearly a Jewish shill.

klngonwarr ago

Dude, I was circumcised at a hospital just like everyone else, that is just he way it was when and where I was born, in America. I can also say that the doctor was not jewish as I have a great memory. I actually remember getting dressed with dad and then coming home with mom. Have good day

TeddyJackson ago

Seems like shills just bought that account.

KikesDidJFK ago

A particularly degenerate one...