19334947? ago

Crush a grape and you get grape juice, not wine.

19335067? ago

Hey NPC... did you NOT read that I corrected that? I wrote it very early in the morning and was half asleep.

Go spit your 0's and 1's somewhere else, while I hover 40k ft over target.

19368951? ago

That’s it, get straight into the ad hominem attack! - predictable behaviour and instant animosit —> Who’s the real NPC?

Tired right ;)

19369950? ago

This post is wayyyyyy OVER target..

19334705? ago

I dropped DMT and got a blow job from Jesus. What an experience!!

19334455? ago

Beautifully put . I'm seeing so many posts like this. A sure sign the light is awakening within.

19333648? ago

Godtards going nuts still

19333217? ago

Your so wrong about what's in the bible, I won't even start on you.

19332010? ago

wow... just wow! That was perfectly written and it just clicked with me, thank yu OP for this one.

Like another anon said in the comments, today you won the internet...


19334599? ago

lol thanks guys... much appreciated!

19331635? ago

Damn that was a good read.

19328579? ago

I just assumed it was so the blood wouldn't show from their rituals when they walk in it. Sometimes the simplest answer is the best.

19328644? ago

Sometimes, but in this regard, they relish the blood. They flaunt it. Hiding it is the opposite of what they want to do. The red shoe aren't too wear IN the ritual. They are a symbol that they partook in the ritual.

19327781? ago

Which pool?

19327679? ago

Wow, this is so far off target, it’s comical. You don’t know anything about biblical theology. You’re just pulling shit out of your ass at this point and sprinkling some occult theology in between. This...this post is atrocious.

19327850? ago

Hey clown, it's not theology genius, it's eschatology.

I thought NPCs were supposed to be smart?

19327534? ago

I think youve got it charlie

19326998? ago

Those that sacrifice children were in our government in the 80's and 90's. The worst part is that it is usually their own kin. Once they wrangle some poor young relative in, they get sent through the machine and IF they survive are made a part of the network. That means everyone that sacrifices had been up for sacrifice. It's a snake eating its own tail.

19326277? ago

We aren't laughing with you, OP. We are laughing at you.

19326079? ago

The Biltmore pool is the same pool, I believe, as the one in the background of the painting with the half naked kids with the red shoes.

19325391? ago

Fantastic interpretation of the Biltmore pool! And I’ll be damned if the pool wasn’t brought up in conversation last night while talking to my aunt.

19325383? ago

That last part of Daniel is something. Everyone should read it. Apocalyptic and seemingly out of place, having nothing to do with what the rest of the book is about, it was written far too long ago to ever be said to be an after the fact add-in. Truly prophetic. Op's interpretations are good I think.

19325001? ago

Great post

19324685? ago

St Peter was the 'stone'. I often wonder what hides in St Peter's basilica. What is the key that unlocks the stone?

19324564? ago

Thank you for putting this so well.

Have been trying to explain the red shoes to many people as being steeped in blood - but you have put forth a much more concice explanation.

God bless you.

19327135? ago

You're welcome. I try.

19324294? ago

Thank you for this Patriot.

Please read scripture with a filter.

It was written by a man. Not God.

Things are coming that might not be as described in the Bible.

All I ask is please keep an open mind. The Messiah has returned.

All the signs were met. He is definitely here. You're speaking to him now.

It's all happening. Q had to go dark. We are in the Squall and have been...no one noticed.

Hang tight and put on your Armor. There are real changes coming. I can feel it.

Love is building like a pressure cooker. When it goes off, they will be no more.

They can't handle our weapon. Love and logic. It stupifies them.

Hang tough, at last report they had sighted land which means they are very close.

We aren't from this world btw. It's time to go home.

19327208? ago

I agree.

I'm ready to go and move to the next phase. This burdensome flesh must go.

You've replied to my threads before, can you clarify the sighting land please? Thx, op

19328676? ago

Landfall is imminent.

Apparently, they know how to make an entrance.

Put it this way, my Father told me.

19329641? ago

You talking about sky event? Sky is falling week, or what the bible calls 'the stars of heaven falling to the earth'?

In other words, the sudden appearance of our majestic brethren/angels?

The ones that the bible says 'wait in eager expectation'?

19339203? ago

The Angels are already here.

We're just waiting on Q.

You didn't think God would give up on us, do you?

Thanks for being here with me. You are now a part of history.

The Event, I'm told, will be the largest in the history of mankind.

Even I am in the dark about when, and I'm an important part of this puzzle.

They trust no one, not even me...that should tell you something big is coming.

Who am I? Q918 scott free, the cornerstone, etc...

19340517? ago


You never know when you're entertaining an .....

What would it mean to you if I told you I have a Celtic cross tattoo???

19344173? ago

Angel is the answer.

The tattoo tells me you made a life choice I won't make.

19359623? ago

I know who you are. I am with you.


I know who POTUS is as well. ....

Awaiting activation.

19344373? ago

Got it when I was young, to represent my Scot free hiburu bloodline. Just didn't realize it at the time.

19323647? ago

THIS is why I come here. Thank you.

19327227? ago

This is why I bake bread, for patriots like yourself.

Thank you.

19324326? ago

This is why you were called here.

Thanks for coming.

19323292? ago

David Bowie sang Put on your Red Shoes and Dance the Blues

19324367? ago

Bowie knew things.

They all think we don't know.

When they learn we know.

That's when they won't be able to walk down the street without being spit on.

They'll all be exposed. Starting today. It was my Father's Birthday.

Can you think of a better gift?

19327680? ago

Hello. I'm fascinated by your response. Can you elaborate?

19323143? ago

This is how I like to be shown the bible. Facts and translations leading in a direction that has sense to it. Thank you, OP!

19327272? ago

Thank you!

19323099? ago

‘Grape Juice’ is collected from a press, not wine.

Everything leads to the JQ.

19327280? ago


19325895? ago

Godtards are going apeshit over this. Utter hilarity at the stupidity on display.

19322662? ago

I've been to the Biltmore basement. It's just a pool. Don't see wine presses with submerged lighting and hot/cold plumbing. It is an atrocious mansion, though....lots of cash and little taste.

19330388? ago

If you read the history on it the pool was upgraded at one point.

19322370? ago

Shit dude... This is the best I have ever read... saved.

19327299? ago

Wow! Thanks! I was half asleep typing it this morning lol

19321622? ago

Well you had a good run until you tried to twist the bibles words into it. You were even goin strong when pointing out the wine/blood and big sacrifice to end sacrifices... and then you started trying to interpret the bible into it. May as well be twisting Kants philosophy books as proof, or Dostoyevsky books.... at least that would have a little class and originality.

I love you brother, but you're a bit off kilter.

19321551? ago

This made me want to vomit. I will never “unsee” your interpretation

19321598? ago

The choice to know, is yours. The end won't be for everyone.

19321409? ago

OP, you are fucking retarded.

19322306? ago

Nah, he be trippin'

19321388? ago

Got proof?



19321347? ago

I don’t even know who you’re talking about that wears red shoes but I would say it has a lot more to do with Roman senatorial garb than that insane ramble!

19330531? ago

If you had been following Q you would know exactly about the "red shoes". WWG1WGA

19333379? ago

I’m not a larping retard thankfully. Roman senators wore red shoes, if you’d followed history you’d know that.

19321326? ago

That's the best interpretation ever. Yes. Excellent work Anon!!!

19321537? ago


19321240? ago

Wine presses arent traditionally square and built into the ground. The ones I've seen they're always round and above ground. Why would you build it in the ground just so you'd have to siphon the wine backup out of the ground why not build it above ground so you can press the wine directly into the container?

19321548? ago

Do your research anon. The info is out there! Just check wiki for winepress

19321402? ago

OP is fucking retarded, that's why.

19321049? ago

Pope Benedict

19320946? ago

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

(Revelation of John 17:14, KJV)

19320870? ago

Those shoes are also made with human leather.

19320866? ago

Apocalypse is always spoken as a doom & gloom word, but it's actually a positive word for those who are in Christ.

It comes from the Greek - "Kalypto" - which means to cover/conceal. A-pocalypse, however is the opposite. To reveal, to remove the cover. It's the apocalypse of Jesus Christ - the revealing of Jesus Christ. AKA the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

But if you're not in Jesus, then it would indeed be a doom and gloom end-of-world situation for you when the King returns and is revealed in all his glory. So maybe that's why our culture uses "apocalypse" like a bad word.

19330696? ago

It is not the return of Jesus. It is the return of Christ Consciousness to which Jesus understood and lived by. It is the seed in each of us which connects all life and when acknowledged and allowed to grow through each of us will create God's Will for us to enjoy Heaven on Earth. The DS has created all forms of distraction over the years to block people from realizing their true potential. This is what is changing as more and more are waking up to this truth. WWG1WGA

19337449? ago

The Bible does not back up any of that theology.

The Bible says He will return a second time to save those eagerly awaiting him, the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect, he is coming with the clouds and all will see him, the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, and Jesus himself says "I am coming soon."

19334091? ago

you are deceived, Jesus Christ is the God-Man, you can't wrap your consciousness around the author of life.

19323149? ago

You jesus cunts hijack everything from ancient history and distort it to your own fictional existence.

19324752? ago

like what?

19324667? ago

Maybe you should look into how it all fits instead of throwing a fit.

19321570? ago


19320741? ago

They even bath in the blood. Stories of an evil queen that killed maidens to fill her tub with blood so she could bath in it. Her thoughts was that it would keep her young. Of course she was also a witch.

It's time for Rachel Chandler to expose her secrets.

19321426? ago

Stories, yeah? But no proof. Excellent.

19322856? ago

A Wikipedia link is not proof, Timmy.

19336437? ago

If you want PROOF google it, FFS. Anyone who knows any history know Elizabeth Bathory.

19339077? ago

A Google link is not proof FFS.

19346826? ago

The links just might have some bearing...

19322915? ago

to each his own

19322966? ago

If you like spreading disinfo I guess.

19323090? ago


19320732? ago


19320521? ago

I just noticed this the other day. Looks like Nick is sending a message in this: https://youtu.be/Tch4v0L0GHA?t=1157

Also his chart points out Masonry and Handshakes. https://youtu.be/Tch4v0L0GHA?t=46

19320509? ago

I don’t think the part about Satan being withheld has happened yet. I thought that comes after Christ’s return.

19320578? ago

Once you realize satam isn't a being. Buy a form of babylonian saturn worship, things make sense.

19320446? ago

New Age........:rolleyes

19320397? ago

Oh boy! This again? Didn't we go over this on Shreddit?

19320391? ago


19320354? ago

The only question that remains; why do angels want to wear them...?

19337049? ago

because demons wrote that song?

19320289? ago

Jesus washed his disciples feet ('souls of your feet') the Thursday before his Crucifixion.

He then sacrificed himself on the cross to bring in a new Covenant ('contract'/ Testament) through the shedding of his blood.

The red shoes symbolise the taking of an innocents life / soul / blood and the wearer parades them in the name of Satan.

Luke Chapter 22

  1. In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

(((THEY))) pour the blood of innocents, in memory of Satan.

dark to light.

19320731? ago

Malonia wearing black stelletos with the bottoms (underneath) red could have been symbolic of trampling those who wear red shoes.

19320614? ago


19320166? ago

Great work op I think you tapped into a spiritual truth that Lucifer loves to try to copy and pervert God. A pure sacrifice from Christ is copied by sacrificing innocent children.

19319913? ago

Its (((They)))

19319895? ago

You people have schizoid disorders and need help/grounding urgently.

19319862? ago

And what about Blue? There are two.

19319808? ago

Well, some of what you state may be correct but Jesus didn't die on the cross. An inebriated patsy died in his place.

19320155? ago

Won’t YOU be surprised one day....

19320717? ago

Tom Hanks was the actor... how telling is that?

19323668? ago

Great observation.

19319777? ago

Exactly... think Kappy

19319774? ago

Thank you patriot

19319532? ago

Great work...!

19324409? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3136767 Red Shoes and a New Orleans House? 20 Trillion in the Red? Repudiated State Debts...is the USA still paying off bonds for the US Civil War and the sale of Louisiana?

19319620? ago


19319482? ago

The finality of life and death finally dawned on me a few years ago at the ripe age of 24, w a little bit of help after trying the spirit molecule DMT... I was a bit stoned, and it hit me like a strike of lightning, “My God..... Jesus Christ.....” the words were ELECTRIFIED within me, it occurred to me, how strange the power these names hold. They aren’t just two words, they are conscious entities, the ability to even be here and say or think these two words is incredible.

19333366? ago

I got drugged one night out in my 20's (only a few years ago... sigh), it was a surreal experience. I saw butterflies by the thousands covering every surface inside my house, I saw dragons flying in geometric patterns on the ceiling... it was so beautiful I cried. Everyone thought I was insane, thought it was a result of the drug - and I'm not an idiot, it probably was... but it was also the most beautiful experience I have ever had next to the moment I saw the light of our Lord.

19322012? ago

DMT is the real deal. Turned this former atheist around.

19328122? ago

What does it feel like and do you literally see the world through another lens when on dmt?

19346275? ago

It begins with brutal nausea. That turns to an interesting giddy state where most of the visual and auditory sensations are had. This can be terrifying if you haven't given enough care to your prior mood and your setting. You want to be calm, comfortable, and among those you trust. Then the longest phase, which lasts for a day plus, is a clean, energetic kind of high where your thinking is altered. Primarily, you lose all appetite for cruelty, seem to gain an uncanny ability to tell when someone is lying to you, and become extremely introspective and thoughtful about things or people in your life. Many people find this last phase unbearable, as you will be brought face to face with all the demons you face in your life, even the ones you don't want to think about or hide from yourself.

What you're experiencing is ego death, or at least a weakening of your ego, depending on your dose. I think this is the essential part. We are all aware of the duality of our nature, our thoughts seem to be two voices arguing over what to do with this body. One voice, the ego, is the voice of your body, the flesh and blood animal. The other voice, which comes through loud and clear when the ego's voice is drowned out, is that of your spirit. It knows right from wrong, it is the voice you ignore as you do wrong in your life, and you will be subject to it for 12-72 hours.

Each time you return, that voice will remember what it told you last time. If you haven't adjusted your life to live by its principles, it's just going to make you feel bad. Most people just give up at this point, thinking it makes a shitty drug to go out and party on. That is true. It is a much better drug on which to meditate in a peaceful, natural place for hours on end. The shit you will learn (in fact, you always knew it), will shock you.

Return enough times, and you will learn to hear that voice without the drug. It's been 3 years since my last session. Like I have said elsewhere in this discussion, DMT is very difficult indeed to abuse. To me, it feels like getting a tiny, but direct, channel to God himself, and no matter how much you straighten your shirt and comb your hair, you're going to be a sinning, profane, and petty little creature before him. But I hear that voice in my day to day life, and it helps guide me in my relations with others.

My relations with my wife, kids, and parents have improved as a result. I've taken stock of my life, discarded the bad and maximized the good. I've become much less materialistic, much less interested in my phone (it is revealed to me as a tiny little beeping gadget, the spell is broken for me), and much more interested in real life, direct experiences with those I care about.

There is a very good reason all of you have been waved off of DMT. It's phenomenal for you and will make you take a real long, hard, HONEST look at your life.

Good luck.

19322385? ago

Of course it is real, it is produced in your pineal gland, looks like the eye of Horus or third eye. All that inner bullshit is suppressing the inhibitor your stomach produces to allow the dmt to open their third eye

19331998? ago

Fasting opens your pineal gland.

19322327? ago

So I’ve heard is the case! Lol you have to be a hardcore atheist to try DMT and still think reality is waking up everyday and seeing the same hands and arms and face. It opens up a whole world of possibility.

Just look at how memories and dreams take place as almost like holographic light so to speak in our heads, yet he characters and scenarios seem so real!

19337029? ago

yes, the pineal gland is an "eye" but with the detectors facing inwards -- the "water" at the center produced visions...

19320971? ago

I've never done DMT, but I have a weird story. I had my picture taken in front of a building when I was 16, just a very very random building. 2 years later I happened to be reading Rick Straussman's book "DMT: The Spirit Molecule," and as I was doing some research about the book etc. I came to find that his office was the very building that I had my picture taken in front of 2 years prior. Kind of a freaky coincidence for me.

19322465? ago

That’s awesome, when I tried the DMT it seemed so random. I had heard about it for years, but never could quite grasp the impact it would have on my life years later.

It seemed like right before trying it first and only time I was beginning to read a lot about sacred G, the flower of life, seeds of life, metatrons cube. After trying it a lot of the concepts and patterns I could see and understand better, like the infinite matrix the flower of life creates, and how prevalent it is in nature and history.

19322023? ago

A sign. Try some. There’s no way God means for us to ignore DMT.

19323779? ago

I'd LOVE to try some DMT. Haven't been able to actually find some though.

19326600? ago

I wish I could legally help, anon. It is hard to come by.

19331578? ago

Just make it yourself anon. These things aren’t that difficult

19322525? ago

Psychedelic drugs are certainly a means to break through to the spiritual realm. I don’t recommend using them for this end, however, as those boundaries were put in place for a reason.

19323286? ago

Who put those boundaries in place and for what reason?

19325547? ago

IMO God put them in place, as the spiritual realm here on earth is infested with all kinds of evil beings, most notable being demons (the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim). I suspect by using illicit drugs (and even large quantities of alcohol) that we are opening ourselves up to being influenced/controlled by these beings.

19330415? ago

Man's laws make those boundaries, not God.

19331652? ago

No, the Bible warns against “sorceries”, which is related to drug usage (examine the Greek). But hey it’s your life, do whatever you want with it. I’ve been around long enough that my kids are probably older than half the people on VOAT, but what do I know? I’ve witnessed people’s lives absolutely destroyed by drugs or alcohol. It has profoundly affected me and my family so much that I can no longer endorse their use. And maybe some people are not chasing a high, but just an experience. But that’s all it is, and that’s all it will ever be - an experience. It’s a juvenile way to pursue “spirituality”, because it really doesn’t impart any wisdom. Look at some of the people who have been into psychedelics for decades. Do you want to be like that? How about John McAfee (who endorses DMT), do you want to be like him? Frankly the guy is a head case. And honestly, most of the people who mess with this stuff have no idea what doors they are opening. If they did they would be terrified. Look, if you want to import some sort of meaning to your life, find something else besides a drug experience. Get married and raise children. Go climb Mount Everest. Donate your time at the local boys and girls club. Drugs will seduce you. They always do. The biggest lie is that “you got this.” But you don’t. In the end they will adversely affect your life, whether that is 50 hours from now or 50 years from now.

But hey, what do I know?

19346486? ago

No, the Bible warns against “sorceries”, which is related to drug usage (examine the Greek).

What drugs does this include? Beer? Coffee?

I’ve witnessed people’s lives absolutely destroyed by drugs or alcohol. It has profoundly affected me and my family so much that I can no longer endorse their use

How many people have you witnessed ruin their lives from DMT or magic mushrooms?

If that number is greater than 0, I will know you are lying.

Let us not pretend that all "drugs" are exactly the same, anon.

How about John McAfee (who endorses DMT), do you want to be like him?

John McAfee has done a lot more than DMT. You might have a point if DMT were the only drug he had ever used.

And honestly, most of the people who mess with this stuff have no idea what doors they are opening. If they did they would be terrified

Experienced DMT user here. Please enlighten me, anon.

Look, if you want to import some sort of meaning to your life, find something else besides a drug experience. Get married and raise children

DMT caused me to stop neglecting my own wife and children in pursuit of the almighty dollar, and caused me to make changes in my life that brought me closer to them. If not for that drug, I'd be at my desk right now instead of watching them water our garden with water from our rain cistern.

Drugs will seduce you. They always do.

It's been 3+ years since my last DMT trip. I possess enough to get an auditorium high off their rocks, and have opportunity galore, but I haven't had the slightest desire to use it in all that time.

How does this track with your assertion that "drugs will seduce you. they always do", anon?

But hey, what do I know?


19331760? ago

Nicely said.

19326544? ago

If God put them in place he’d have warned us off them.

Which bible verse(s) prohibit moderate use of “illicit” drugs (illicit in quotes because it is only illicit in the eyes of certain men who may or may not mean you well)?

19334071? ago

God is the real deal. Drugs are drugs. You don't have to do drugs to get to the same realization, one is true and the other may cause you to miss the truth.

19346087? ago

But I did not say you "have" to do drugs to come to any realization. God put far too much in this world for anyone to do it all. My message is not that everyone should do DMT but, rather, that there is no way God intended for DMT to be off limits.

"Drugs are drugs" is grossly oversimplified. Some drugs cure cancer, like THC. Some drugs enhance your spiritual side, like DMT. Some drugs are ultra addictive, like opiates, while others are difficult or impossible to abuse, like THC and DMT.

You are free to imbibe in any of the above, or not. But I don't believe you have a case if you're trying to say God intended for all of us to steer clear of these things in all cases.

19366156? ago

"Drugs are drugs" is grossly oversimplified.

I meant that within the context of spiritual pursuit, and in particular DMT. I agree with you that drugs medicinally and in some cases recreationally or stress relief, treating illness etc. aren't prohibited. Biblically wine is encouraged in moderate amounts within certain situations.

However, in the Christian faith, there's a call to come together and 'reason' with God, something one doesn't do when experiencing hallucinations. Christian tradition, while replete with spiritual experiences of saints, spiritual mystics, healers, prophets, even the wise 'fools' who live outside the mainstream and seem crazy, the monastics, there are so many facets of Christian spiritual life, yet visions and such are not recommended to be pursued in of themselves because without the foundation of guidance within the Christian tradition (speaking of Orthodox Christians here) there's just a lot of potentially very serious downsides. That being said, many people find their way to the Church via various experiences along the way within their life. And they are generally truth seekers with a love for truth, or at least a sense of valuing truth above so much else that devalues it.

19376997? ago

However, in the Christian faith, there's a call to come together and 'reason' with God, something one doesn't do when experiencing hallucinations

I disagree. It might not be the only way to come together and reason with God, but it is one way IMO. The insights delivered unto me during my DMT trips were the exact things I needed to stop being depressed and disconnected from my family and start living my life productively and in harmony with my family. It feels like DMT allows you to set aside all the profanity and anger in your life, and approach the crystal clear and exactly accurate logic and reasoning of God honestly.

If anyone had told me to do the things that DMT told me to do, before I'd ever taken DMT, I would have dismissed that evidence out of hand. I had a high powered, high paying job, my name on a building, fast luxury cars, and a massive yearly property tax bill on my house. I thought I was on top of the world, and you would have wanted me to grow fucking chickens??

So tell me, in which state do you think I was more able to come together and "reason" with God?

If you see my point, you should then ask yourself: who benefits from preventing you from communing with God in the same way I have? Who benefits from keeping you enslaved to money and cruelty?

there are so many facets of Christian spiritual life, yet visions and such are not recommended to be pursued in of themselves because without the foundation of guidance within the Christian tradition (speaking of Orthodox Christians here) there's just a lot of potentially very serious downsides

Your point appears to distill down to "don't take that path because it's too risky." To live is to risk it all, fren. I'm glad I took the hard path, it changed my life and I thank God for it every day.

19378146? ago

I thought I was on top of the world, and you would have wanted me to grow fucking chickens??

Glad to see the anger thing worked out for you /s.

I'm glad I took the hard path,

not sure what you mean by that, doing DMT doesn't sound like the hard path, but I haven't taken it so I can't say.

I've heard people worship a female deity they believe is behind the profound spiritual insights they claim to experience from DMT.

If anyone had told me to do the things that DMT told me to do

Glad it worked out for you to no longer be enslaved to money and cruelty. That is a positive thing. I'm not claiming to know what it is to walk in your shoes, I was giving my opinion based from Christian tradition and my own experiences.

19391903? ago

Glad to see the anger thing worked out for you /s.

I am not angry now. I was speaking in what would have been my voice at that time and mental state.

not sure what you mean by that, doing DMT doesn't sound like the hard path, but I haven't taken it so I can't say.

My calling DMT "the hard path" is in response to this, which I presume was you:

there are so many facets of Christian spiritual life, yet visions and such are not recommended to be pursued in of themselves because without the foundation of guidance within the Christian tradition (speaking of Orthodox Christians here) there's just a lot of potentially very serious downsides

As I understood the above paragraph, you were saying that DMT is just too risky. My response was, if that is the case, I'm glad I took the hard path. It was worth the risk.

I've heard people worship a female deity they believe is behind the profound spiritual insights they claim to experience from DMT.

We've come a long way from "I have many friends who ruined their lives abusing DMT."

We have already established that DMT isn't to be trifled with. If you go into it the wrong way (or probably more importantly, with the wrong people), you may come out of without having fully appreciated what happened to you.

Glad it worked out for you to no longer be enslaved to money and cruelty. That is a positive thing. I'm not claiming to know what it is to walk in your shoes, I was giving my opinion based from Christian tradition and my own experiences.

I appreciate your input. I don't claim to be within the doctrine of traditional Christian thought. My only position is that I see no basis for thinking God forbids us from taking DMT. Some people get their message from God in the form of the virgin Mary appearing on burnt toast or whatever, I got mine from that amazing drug.

19327191? ago

I suggest a study involving the words “sorcery” and “sorceries” as they are used in the Bible. The Greek words are related to drug usage. Also, if you rely on feelings and emotions to guide you on your journey here on earth, you will most certainly be deceived.

19346326? ago

Are they also related to drinking alcohol? Coffee?

If not, where is the distinction?

19328639? ago

exactly, most psychedelics reprogram your mind, but without a proper set of instructions and preparation, during this process, results in many false-epiphanies that "feel" incredibly profound.

19346378? ago

Can you give some examples of false epiphanies derived from DMT?

One major epiphany that came to me on DMT was that I was too focused on wealth, at the expense of my children and wife. We downsized our living arrangements, began to grow our own food more, took less work and, as a result, became much closer with them and vice versa.

Another was that there is too much cruelty in my life. I opted out of factory torture meet, bought some chickens (who live off of my food scraps and bugs around my property), and eat their eggs. The chickens are entirely free to act out their natural behaviours, and I get all the complete protein I need, free of cruelty.

These epiphanies felt profound when I was high off my ass on DMT, and still feel profound now, though I'm 3+ years off of it. Taking that drug a few times changed the entire course of my life, in fact. Now you are telling me they were false epiphanies?

Nice to see you again, agent smith. You always appear right when you are needed. Now you tell me, who has been programmed?

19349338? ago

Haha, "Agent Smith." haha.

I'm glad you had solid epiphanies and that your life is improved even years after as a result, but i have a lot of stories of friends who abused DMT and ended up thinking all kinds of false-nonsense is true.

Most people end up taking psychedelic drugs in a party setting, when they are also intoxicated with alcohol, when it comes time for their mind to put itself back together in the latter half of the trip, they are drunk, and unable to sort themselves out, the result is catastrophe.....

19354134? ago

How did your friends abuse DMT, anon?

The refractory period is several days. One would need to take progressively more and more each time just to get the same high. That, coupled with the fact that it is not addictive physiologically or mentally makes it unusually difficult to abuse.

People who take DMT under the circumstances you describe tend to never take it again. It’s very uncomfortable and frightening for very little payoff as a party drug.

What kinds of false nonsense did your friends come to believe, anon?

19365080? ago

Smoking dmt multiple times a day for months on end, they thought they were seeing the "aliens that created us."

19365539? ago

Does the existence of alcoholics mean none of us should drink?

While I think the odds of ending up like your friend after dabbling in DMT are very low indeed, I should add that I’ve not said people should take DMT with wild abandon and no regard for potential consequences.

No matter what you do, you should have your head about you while (or at least before) you do it.

19324955? ago

Yeah I wonder that too, especially after I’ve smoked too much and felt like I’m ‘trapped’🤔

19326590? ago

I believe the message God is sending is “smoke less” not “don’t ever smoke that shit.”

19322779? ago

Theres some truth to that - then again if the bou dary wasnt meant to be crossed then why would we be given the tools?

19325640? ago

See my post above concerning the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. Perhaps one day these substances will be used for good, when all of the evil lurking in the spiritual realm is cleansed. But for now I believe that the risk is not worth the reward. These substances can certainly provide a person with a “spiritual” experience, but at what cost?

19323318? ago

If it’s wrong to take DMT, it’s wrong to drink or smoke weed. Change my mind.

19336990? ago

not changing; "moderation in everything, including moderation" -- Trading Places

19319844? ago

Now you know why psychedelic drugs are illegal LOL. Bill Hicks said it best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnwFmaLiKl4

19348079? ago

"Dont buy guns, choose love instead..." No.

19319884? ago

“Today a man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.”

19336973? ago

I loved that bit, but you missed the punchline -- it ends with "Here's Tom with the weather."

He was an amazing man. I loved his book, "Love All the People".

19348335? ago

I'll check it out, thx anon

19322388? ago


19322689? ago

for enlightenment : )

19322222? ago

Thought I found the meaning of life too on my first acid trip. Forgot pretty quick after.

19322557? ago

My friend had a mystical experience the same night he lost my bike. Found the secret of the universe and lost my bike.

Another time he was on acid humping the hell out of a pile of dirty laundry. "Yeah, bitch, you like that? Yeah." -- talking to the pile of clothes while three people sat there watching him like WTF.

19320352? ago

That quote actually helped awaken me more than most things, some high level concepts in that one joke.

19319297? ago


19324476? ago

' My father and grandfather were on a Le Droit Humain lodge. I could talk all day about their ceremonies and "secrets" ' https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/197016781/ ...Masons act both as a subversive political fifth column in every aspect of your society, and as guardians an esoteric corpus that's just another expression of the global kabbalistic Moloch cult

19325111? ago

Good thread.

19319273? ago

Wow, that's ghastly. How people treat other people like that is truly astounding.

So is it ok to do this to them too? Start with that fat Podesta sicko

19324517? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140630 Economist Mag using strange Occult symbols, they don't even hide it anymore? Masonic Rothschild, Opium Gangsters, Court of St. James, Tea Company, Chartered Bank of India?

19319257? ago

You win ALL the internet's. This is a great interpretation.

19322268? ago

Agreed. Well done!

19319656? ago

Lol thanks. It's very sad unfortunately.

19320191? ago

Sad then, sad now, but not sad to come. Have faith.

19319171? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3275881 DISCUSS: Freemasons are fucking faggots.

19319192? ago

Red Shoe Club? Ruby Slippers LSD blotter paper, Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood selling baby parts and Bay area pedo priests coverups https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3004947

19322841? ago

what about Ronald McDonald? "You'll always have a friend wearing big red shoes". Symbols will be their downfall.

19324338? ago

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

19319784? ago

Interesting that the producers of The Wizard of Oz changed the color of the slippers from silver (in the book) to RED

19319185? ago

I don't trust Ann Coulter any farther than I can throw her bony ass. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3058654/16998140

19326662? ago

Ann is a guy.

19319309? ago

Would still smash.

19329408? ago

15 years ago, maybe.

19322819? ago

shes disgusting.

19320102? ago

that's rape.

Then you get smashed when 'dropping soap'.

19322035? ago

Maybe I smash YOU

19319176? ago

Why Do Satanists Wear Red Shoes? Bill Mahers Pizza, Red Shoes and other strange things. https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3058896

19319143? ago

19319150? ago

Burning my converse! This will improve the environment! https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3209758/18518046 Eleven-year-old 'Drag Kid' now a spokeschild for Converse shoes

19319111? ago

Why the Red Shoes? https://voat.co/v/anon/3284388/19244451 It symbolises being trodden on the blood of the Innocent. It's a mocking ritual they do and the more that see the shoes the more powerful the magic becomes.

19319157? ago

Follow the Wives - Red Shoe wearing Kauders and his wife Halie Soifer https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3139612/17824615 Great dig on making the connections. No doubt about which team she plays for. And once again Yale gets pulled further into the corruption. I think a dig into the Yale alumni making the biggest endowments is in order. I wish I was better at that type of stuff but I can't even remember what I had for breakfast.

19324580? ago

Without a doubt research into 322, Yale, will be extremely "fruitful". I promise. Those large donators are almost certainly involved in ritualistic abuse.