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19198924? ago

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17880015? ago

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17847039? ago

In order of appearnce – a working list of what this could mean. Have not found another interpretation, so I could be wrong. A good reference link at bottom. Have at it, anons! Some of y’all are better than me at decoding. Note, some of these are a direct quote from the source that I have compiled. Not my words, theirs. Most of my comments are in parens. Bolded parts are my emphasis.

Tower – China, flat lightning, Christians fighting Chinese. Tarot meaning – disaster, breakdown, chaos, also (in illuminati minds) Destroying illusions, breakthroughs, challenging outdated beliefs. Can also mean a chance to shift towards a better future. You can consider this card an awakening to a higher truth. WTC? The first one here on the list. Is this a plan of attack? The dominoes lining up? Are they telling us what they have done and what they are planning?

The Tower card depicts a high spire nestled on top of the mountain. A lightning bolt strikes the tower, which sets it ablaze. Flames are bursting in the windows and people are jumping out of the windows as an act of desperation. (September 11?)

They want to escape the turmoil and destruction within. The Tower is a symbol for the ambition that is constructed on faulty premises. The destruction of the tower must happen in order to clear out the old ways and welcome something new. Its revelations can come in a flash of truth or inspiration. (These people think they are the Illumined ones, and therefore are destroying whom they believe to not be illumined? Just a guess…)

Judgment – Trump holding what? Snail? Crown? Scepter? This is not reversed (ie Trump is facing the right way – which is good for our side. The traditional Judgment meaning focuses on the moment when we reflect and evaluate ourselves and our actions. It is through self-reflection that we can have a clearer and objective understanding about where we are now, and what we need to do in order to grow as humans. The Judgment card appearing in a reading signifies that you are coming close to this significant point in your life where you must start to evaluate yourself. (Do the Roths realize Trump may finally be their downfall? Or is this a message to us?)

To see this card can also indicate that you are in a period of awakening (GREAT AWAKENING!) , brought on by the act of self-reflection – (which Q is telling us to do...)

 You now have a clearer idea of what you need to change and how you need to be true yourself and your needs. This can mean making small changes to your daily life or making huge changes that not only affect you but the people close to you.
To see this card can also indicate that you are in a period of awakening, brought 
on by the act of self-reflection. 

The Judgment card reminds us that we all will be faced with choices that will have an astounding effect for your entire life. The card brings to mind moments where actions you have taken have changed the course of your path for good. There may have been a moment where there is no looking back. The consequences of those actions eventually will catch up to you, and this card seems to indicate that this is the time. You may have to let go of the past, so you can move forward with your plans to have a new life. 

The world – pyramid and US institutions, masks – Hollywood, books, arts, The World Tarot Card Description The (normal) World card in the tarot deck has a dancing figure at the center. The dancing figure on the card has one leg crossed over the other and holds a wand in either hand. She symbolizes balance and evolution in movement. The fulfillment and unity that she represents is not one that is static, but ever-changing, dynamic and eternal.

The green wreath of flowers that surrounds the central figure is a symbol of success, while the red ribbons that wrap around it are reminiscent of infinity. There are four figures on each corner of the card - and they are the same ones that are in the Wheel of Fortune. The four figures represent Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius and Taurus - representative of the four corners of the universe, the four elements, and the four evangelicals. Together, they symbolize the harmony between all of their energies.

(However – the World Card on this deck shows all the symbolism from the Illuminati in our courts, our buildings, and the mask used in the arts. Need help decoding this one. Brain is tired… )

~~~~~~ The hermit – TTIP, Britain? Stop – Brexit? (Is this referencing the turmoil in the EU? Brexit, etc?) The Hermit Tarot Card Description The Hermit depicts an old man standing alone at the peak of the mountain while holding a lantern in one of his hands and a staff on the other. The mountain denotes accomplishment, development, and success. The hermit tarot card refers to the level of spiritual knowledge that he attained, and that he is ready to impart that knowledge to everyone. There is also a deep commitment he has to his goal and a solid awareness of the path that he is taking. (This definitely describes Trump and what’s driving him.)

Inside the lantern, you will notice a star with 6 points which is also known as the Seal of Solomon. This symbol represents wisdom. The staff that he holds depicts authority and power. (Notice on this Economist symbol, the world is broken right at North America. The hordes look like those headed into the EU and the US. Looks like the Illuminati believe they are above all of this and think themselves to be the wise ones.)

~~~ Death – Mushroom cloud – are they warning us? Dead fish in sea, dead plants in fields, plague, locusts In tarot – crossing a threshold, beginning of a new cycle, fresh start, transformation, rebirth Death Tarot Card Description Here, we see Death riding a beautiful white horse while holding up a black flag with a white pattern. It is portrayed as a living skeleton, the bones being the only part of the human body existing after death. He wears armor, which gives him his invincibility - signaling that no one can destroy Death. The white horse that he rides stands for purity, as Death purifies everyone. Beneath him, all classes of humans lie in the dirt - a king, and a pauper, meant to remind us that death does not differentiate between class, race, gender.

(Shades of the Denver Airport!! This looks just like the DS wet dream. Kill us all off. Try to pass it off as a good thing that “everything is now purified -- for THEIR DEFILEMENT! Def 7 horses of the Apocalypse vibe.)

end of part 1

17847052? ago

Part 2

The Magician – 3D, the infinity symbol of Illuminati, VR glasses – the new god? Making cookie cutter homes, Agenda 21? Agenda 2030? 

The Magician Tarot Card Description
The Magician is one tarot card that is filled with symbolism. The central figure depicts someone with one hand pointed to the sky, while the other hand points to the ground, as if to say "as above, so below". This is a rather complicated phrase, but its summarization is that earth reflects heaven, the outer world reflects within, the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, earth reflects God. It can also be interpreted here that the magician symbolizes the ability to act as a go-between between the world above and the contemporary, human world. 
On his table, the magician also wields all the suits of the tarot. This symbolizes the four elements being connected by this magician - the four elements being earth, water, air, and fire. The infinity sign on his head indicates the infinite possibilities of creation with the will.

Upright Magician Meaning
The Magician is the representation of pure willpower. With the power of the elements and the suits, he takes the potential innate in the fool and molds it into being with the power of desire. He is the connecting force between heaven and earth, for he understands the meaning behind the words "as above so below" - that mind and world are only reflections of one another. Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world, and the outer will follow.
Remember that you are powerful, create your inner world, and the outer will follow.
When you get the Magician in your reading, it might mean that it's time to tap into your full potential without hesitation. It might be in your new job, new business venture, a new love or something else. It shows that the time to take action is now and any signs of holding back would mean missing the opportunity of becoming the best version of yourself. Certain choices will have to be made and these can bring great changes to come. Harness some of the Magician's power to make the world that you desire most.

(But to me here it looks like the magician is their wet dream of AI and doing away with most of the pesky humans. The ones who survive the apocalypse from the previous card will live in carefully controlled communities that they manage at the push of a button.)

Wheel of fortune – Theresa May? Ballot boxes, lightning, Merkel? Who is the man?

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Description The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most highly symbolic cards in the deck, filled with signs that each have its own meaning. At the center of the card, lies a giant wheel, covered in esoteric symbols. There are different creatures that surround the wheel; the angel, the eagle, the bull and the lion. They are related to four fixed signs in the zodiac - leo, taurus, scorpio and aquarius. These four animals are also representatives for the four evangelists in Christian traditions, which is perhaps the reason that they are all adorned with wings.

The books that each of the creatures hold (in regular Tarot cards) represents the Torah which communicates wisdom and self-understanding. The snake indicates the act of descending into material world. On the wheel itself, rides a sphinx that sits at the top, and what appears to be either a devil, or Anubis himself arising at the bottom. These two Egyptian figures are representative of both the wisdom of the gods and kings (in the case of the sphinx) and the underworld (Anubis). They are rotating forever, in a cycle, and suggests that as one comes up, the other goes down.

(But this looks like they are spinning the wheel to get the EU and US they want. Anyone figure out who the man is on that drawing? Need help with this one…)


The star – can make out Valerie Jarrett, Feff flake, Ted Cruz ? Meaning – star shines light to us from unimaginable distances. They come from afar and humble us reminding us we are small cogs in the universe

The Star Tarot Card Description The Star card (in a normal tarot deck) shows a woman kneeling at the edge of a small pond. She is holding two containers of water. One container pours the water out to the dry land, as if to nourish it and ensure its fertility. The lush green land around her seems to say that it is working. One foot is inside the water, which shows the spiritual abilities and inner strength of the woman. The other foot on the ground shows her practical abilities and strengths. Behind her, there is a large central star surrounded by seven small stars which represent the chakras. There is bird standing at a tree branch, which represents the holy ibis of thought. The Star's astrological correspondent is Aquarius.

(This one seems to indicate there are “stars” who have come from afar in their inimitable wisdom to guide us degraded deplorables to the right way of thinking. I could be wrong, but can’t decipher from the image who is in each of these stars. This is definitely a “we are better than you so shut up and do as we say.”)

Sauce for some interpretations https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list

Again, I could be wrong. So have at it!!

17846025? ago

OK - the decode on the 2015 cover tells us a LOT about what's going on right now. First I'll post from that decode, and then I will attempt to decode this current cover. For those who don't know, the current cover has Tarot Cards on it. And yes, they have had an artist do a different rendition than one would commonly find on a deck.

First - TRUMP KNOWS how to fight these guys because he's been around long enough to understand Sun Tzu is a direct method of confronting and defeating the Fabian Society. I had forgotten about these fuckers because I read about them so long ago. But this 2015 cover analysis is spot on

An angry tortoise is the symbol of the Fabian Society, an extremely powerful organization that has been working for over a century towards to formation of a single world government.

The Economist 2015 Cover is Filled With Cryptic Symbols and Dire Predictions The motto of the Fabian Society is “When I strike, I strike hard”.

The philosophy behind Fabian socialism is basically the blueprint of what we call today the New World Order.

The Fabian Society is a very old group originating in England in 1884, with the purpose of forming a single, global socialist state. They get their name from the Roman general Fabius, who used carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over a long period of time to obtain victory. “Fabian Socialism” uses incremental change over a long period of time to slowly transform a state as opposed to using violent revolution for change. It is essentially socialism by stealth. Their original emblem was a shield with a wolf in sheep’s clothing holding a flag with the letters F.S. Today the international symbol of the Fabian Society is a turtle, with the motto below: “When I strike, I strike hard.” – The Fabian Society, The Weather Eye

17836640? ago

The judgement card looks like Trump. If that's real we're fucked.

17837213? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3140515/17836154 'Each generation thinks they are seeing something for the first time. You are a witness to the corruption of your time. It has been going on for thousands of years and often evil masquerading as good. As to the subject of freemasons. If you knew nothing else of Freemasonry this should be all you need to know, to know it's demonic.

Often times on this board you will hear that it is a battle of good and evil. God and Satan are very real and so is the battle they fight over man. We may never fully grasp what encompasses being made “in the image of God” while we walk in the flesh. God is infinite, and simply trying to comprehend God’s attributes can sometimes seem overwhelming. Keep in mind there will be a day where those in Christ will be made into the image of Christ will sit in judgement of angels. Do you not know that we are to judge angels - to say nothing of ordinary matters? (1 Corinthians 6:3). That is another story for another day.

The god of the lodge in freemasonry is lucifer and all that brings. It is not until you move up levels that it becomes very apparent. The other attribute of freemasonry is they practice witchcraft. Here we get to a revelation that will surprise many. Freemasonry practices some of the same witchcraft that God through Moses of the bible fought in Egypt to free the Israelites and others. “Jews” were not the only people God freed from Egypt. God gave Moses powers in a rod to do all kinds of things, to break the Egyptian spell placed on them to free them. Another story for another time.

The battle you fight in your generation is the same evil fought by those before you. You should be aware that your fight is against demonic powers nothing more or nothing less. Do not fool yourself, witchcraft is very real. You must grant permission to be asked to join freemasonry or be taken over by a demonic spirit. The principle spirit behind Freemasonry is Witchcraft. The Masons and others of the same type of organizations have drawn from every type of witchcraft trying to gain power. The power to control the rest of mankind.'

17847472? ago

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17842263? ago

Masonic Bible Proves Their god is Lucifer and the Ancient Demon gods of Old https://voat.co/v/QRV/3130944/17741797 You don't have to use a 'special' Bible.

17838992? ago

different people and they see the same conspiracy, same dates and the same family? http://blog.naver.com/yunna041/220394470938

17835306? ago

lol. tarot cards are creepy because I'm too stupid to understand them!

17835635? ago

They're creepy because they're used in divination in the occult mystery religions that the people that rule over us practice.

17835645? ago

They have to keep the stupid cattle in check somehow, goy.

17835713? ago

I guess you're right.

17835638? ago

Go worship your green Egyptian chaos god some more, then get back to me. (Kek)

17835621? ago

MARKER 1/[NZ] FALSE FLAG/ BIG[4] Tech https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3140688

17835250? ago

Im not familiar with occult stuff, but I've seen some of these cards in the movie Live and Let Die from the early 1970

17838210? ago

My college has classes teaching this stuff and other occult practices.

17836637? ago

17836733? ago


17835652? ago

Tarot is all over the Arab Occult and Jewish Paganism and Christian Masonic stuff I will ask the others @NorthernMan @Fullmetal ? @Narow_Foe_Minsk @theoldones @Goys-R-Us

17858774? ago

The image is a parody of the Rider-Waite tarot deck. It's essentially the basic starter tarot that most people use for cartomancy. It's been around for about 100 years now. Most Jesusites run screaming as soon as they see a pentacle on one of the cards.

17835629? ago

Then start researching hermeticism, gnosticism, freemasonry, and kabalah.

That's what's under ththe veil.

17845503? ago

Not everyone has all the time in the world

17848154? ago

To post on qrv?

17855513? ago

To research stuff I wont be able to change anything about anyway. But lucky there are some that do