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19307734? ago

You filthy hippie.

19307795? ago

Incorrect context bot.

Try again. try to be relevant.

How much did you cost?

19307806? ago

5 dollars an hour, same as your mom.

19308365? ago

Seriously don't piss off my mother.

shit will happen to you.

19308989? ago

Go fuck your mother

19312089? ago

Go fuck your dad. Again.

19312504? ago

That's what you did, hippie faggot.

19312601? ago

No, I fucked your Mom. Your Dad came in and begged me to knock her up because he didn't have the goods. Nice to meet you son!

19312624? ago

never happened, you fucked yourself.

dirty hippie.

19312833? ago

I'm guessing you must be a hippie with all the hippie love you have. More than likely your parents were hippies and made you wear a dress and call yourself "Susan Feelsallthings."

19312849? ago

No, I don't like hippies, that's the point you istupid cunt.

19312902? ago

We all hate ourselves the most. Go smoke some grass and calm down, Susan. Call your parents and tell them that they're the ones who screwed up your whole life so they'll send you another rent check.

19312968? ago

Spare me your dime store psychology, I'm not interested, easy rider.

19312988? ago

Wait, so I was right? Hahah! This makes everything so much funnier! Fuck yeah! Call me when your Mom wants to get it on again. I lost her number, but I'm pretty certain she still has mine.

19313000? ago

You've never been right about anything, hippie.

19313040? ago

I guarantee that I made more money last year than you did. And you should really ask your Mom if I'm a virgin.

19313054? ago

Sure, but you can't suck black cocks at the bus terminal forever.

She doesn't know you, she's dead.

Now go fuck your mother.

19313104? ago

Wait, she's dead? Is that why she didn't kiss me goodnight! Huh.

19313111? ago

Because you're lying and nobody wants you.

19313126? ago

Dude, I am having so much fun right now. Can we keep this shit going? I've been laughing so hard at these posts it's practically like you're down here tugging on my dick for me.

19313179? ago

No, you're a sad little hippie who sucks nigger dicks at the bus terminal for reparations.

19313274? ago

Man, I love you. By the way, I lost 700K last year in a bad business deal. Guess how many times more than that I made?

19313303? ago

I can't stand your nigger dick sucking hippie ass.

I didn't lose a penny and I made 100 million so I win.

Now go fuck yourself.

19313328? ago

Pffft, you're lying. I can tell, you don't have anywhere near the mental capacity to start something so large and not fail. I bet you've never paid a family to feed their kids a day in your life. When you make decisions that can affect hundreds of people, your viewpoint on shit changes. It's nearly 10 pm, where I'm at, shouldn't you be getting ready for your shift at McDonalds?

19313345? ago

You failed by your own admission, you suck at business.

I bet you've never paid a family to feed their kids a day in your life.

Of course not, neither have you.

19313405? ago

The deal that failed was the construction for a house that was for some millionaire's family. Someone burned the construction down. I had to back out of the deal because I wasn't going to finish on time after that. I got the insurance check and kept going. Failure never stops anyone with the drive for success. My crew consists of 30 hardworking men and 2 secretaries. I have plenty of spare time now, it's easy to be successful if you have willpower and a plan. Two things you would know nothing about.

19313599? ago

I don't think so. lol

19313697? ago

Believe whatever you like. I've not been touchy about anything. I've just been enjoying having fun at your expense. Idiots like you guarantee that I'll be rich forever. And you're calling me a compulsive liar after admitting yourself that you lied earlier? Pot kettle much?

How about some truth? One of the men on my crew has a family of 8 sons. 8 sons! I feed that whole family. Cool, huh?

19313702? ago

I never admitted to lying about anything cocksucker.

You're a cuck, congratulations.

19313794? ago

I bet you've never paid a family to feed their kids a day in your life.

Of course not, neither have you.

There's no way that you would have made 100 million dollars without a single employee. You think that money grows on trees? You need to employ people, be good to people, talk to people, make deals, prepare for the worst and the best, and keep on going no matter what. You don't have to say "I lied" to admit that you lied. That's called logic. Something that your emotions prevent you from understanding. If anyone has proven who the cuck here is, it's you. Take a look at the posts, buddy. This whole thing has been an absolute nosedive for you. I'll say to you what I said to your Mom when I was leaving. "Now that I own you, don't forget, you're always second place."

19313806? ago

That's what you think and you're just some lying hippie who sucks dick at the bus terminal.

19313845? ago

So your parents just handed you 100 million dollars? Or you got it as an inheritance? Don't make me laugh. If you were my kid, and I had that much money to give away, I would have seen the signs a long time ago, and drowned you in a well and lied about you falling in there. You don't get something for nothing in life. Or, maybe your parents caught you pretending to be a woman at a bus terminal and were so horrified by what they saw that they gave you all of their money just to make sure that you stop. And really? Sucking dicks at a bus terminal? That's the best you can do? Get creative. It's obvious you don't get out much.

19313893? ago

What business does a dirty sex worker like you have criticizing anyone?

19313920? ago

By using the power of logic, I just confirmed that you were lying. Again. Want to go three for three? Or best of five?

19313931? ago

No, you were confirmed to be lying. You lose.

19313947? ago

How? In what way?

19313967? ago

You made up a lot of dumb shit about owning a business when in reality, you suck nigger dicks at the bus terminal wearing filthy hippie clothes.

19313997? ago

Wait, but you just admitted that YOU thought I owned a business. If I'm lying, then that makes you a fool, doesn't it?

19318437? ago

Fake news

19310037? ago


19312477? ago


19307237? ago

Lol...they gotta put these types of posts out to help calm the schizoids...solid advice though

19307649? ago

You have a bit of God within you.

It makes it tons easier to rescue you and the millions of other souls.

Too bad if you don't have it. Your worst day alive is about to happen.

God wasn't kidding in the Garden.

19307744? ago

Hmmm...perhaps you could elaborate on your philosophy a bit further?

19306515? ago

What if God was one of us just a goat on voat like us:)

19306489? ago

Based on your logic, God also allows child trafficking and child rapist.

19307591? ago

God doesn't "allow" anything but the gift of free will.

19308518? ago

which is still allowing with decorated words

This God then must die

19306764? ago

Per se. But no.

You'll understand soon enough.

19306467? ago

God is not a human being on the internet. That's such a blasphemous statement.

19306774? ago

Wow. Guess I have to pass everything through you first.


19309018? ago

What a faggot!

19310040? ago


19310107? ago

Ok hurrr durr

19305741? ago

A very simple but very powerful message! Thank you.

2 years ago, I couldn't fully understand how the fight between Good and Evil could possibly be won! That's the truth!

Today, I truly believe this fight IS being won! With Gods Help...that many have been praying for!

I've learned Love IS the Key, the Cornerstone! When the negative is pushed out of my consciousness and replaced with Love, everything around me feels more at peace... just smiling at someone for no reason can literally change their whole day. That's the world I want to live in.

So that's how I'll try to change for the better.


19305631? ago

People dismiss QHHT, but, people under hypnosis have been saying the exact same thing for years. I know we are still missing major puzzle pieces about all of this, but, the bulk of the puzzle is revealed if you know where to look for the information.

19305555? ago

Genesis 1:1-4=Creation of heaven & earth, and by the Spirit of God moving across the surface of the waters to create the Light(which was good)in the dark void. Dark to Light. God in the Spirit is creator of all things.

The plan from it's inception by God's spirit was God in the flesh...Genesis 1:26... humanity(flesh AND soul) was made in the IMAGE of God.

John 1:1-5 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made." YESHUA/Jesus human form(God in the flesh)was God the spirit's plan from inception. Vs.4: "In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness[overcame] it not."

So we are made in the image of God, a physical form he planned and created from the very beginning even for his own temporary life in the flesh in the future as Christ, the perfect(sinless) DNA blood sacrifice placed on the mercy seat cleansing all human sin to open/restore that heavenly relationship we lost in the Garden by sexual sin with satan. Godly light vs carnal lusts satanic battle of the flesh. Free will spiritual choices must be made to stay in the light. We are God made(physical) & God breathed(soul/spirit) We are also given that free will-intelligent thought. Joshua 24:15..Choose you this day whom you will serve...

Roman1:18-23-" For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unGodliness & unrighteousness of men, who 'hold the truth' in unrighteousness. Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shown it to them. For the INVISIBLE things of him from the creation of the world are "clearly" seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and GODHEAD, so that they are without excuse. Because when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was DARKENED. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. And "changed" the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like "corruptible man", and birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things."(chose to worship creation vs. the creator of life)

Vs 24-26- " Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness(free will) through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. Who[exchanged] the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections".... women with women & men with men, etc... keep reading. Judgment is God's alone, that they who commit such things are worthy of death as are those who have pleasure in those that commit the acts.

1 Corinthians 13:13-" And now abideth faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love(charity)." So the battle is carnally spiritual. It is a choice of God(light) or self(not God, which is separation from the light-darkness). The Great Awakening is learning the truth the dark ones have hidden. Enlarging the Kingdom of God with souls who choose to live a life of Love & joy in Christ. The world is changing. The darkness is being deleted from creation. Prayer in one accord world wide is the power of the Godhead that Christ in the flesh taught us to use. His example is the Light of the world. God awaits our prayers otherwise our consent to evil darkness remains. Stop consenting to darkness and move forward shoulder to shoulder into the Light, love, joy, & complete fellowship with God. WWG1WGA. Choose.

19305347? ago

I love you, brother/sister. You said very well!

19304803? ago

TL;DR - "blah blah blah metaphysical bullshit blah blah blah religious cheerleading blah blah blah"

19304498? ago

Amen - and perfect timing for this post.

19304423? ago

Love this. Good post, anon!

19304408? ago

But muh Joos! And muh foreigners! Dey duh devils! Dey doont look lick meh!

19304939? ago

Fuck kikes and niggers. Got a problem with it? Fuck you too.

19307581? ago

Low IQ^^^

19313016? ago

After all the shit that's gone on, it makes sense to hate them. What doesn't make sense is to argue about it.

19303679? ago

I am starting to feel it : shareblue finds a new form of shilling.

19303639? ago

Which God ? Zeus or Pan Gu ?

19303202? ago

"God is the truth."

What's the Gods name?

19308500? ago


19313237? ago

Joh 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

Joh 3:17  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 

Joh 3:18  He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

19304916? ago


19305962? ago

that's not what the Bible says


19303067? ago

OP is an incredible faggot

19302945? ago

Underneath all politics, there is this Truth. Ultimately it is all that is.

19302904? ago

God is not a human on QRV. That’s wgere you lost me. Stop Projecting your own stupid crap on what and who God is. God is a spiritual being. Jesus is God, And while he was on the earth he was also man. Then he died. Now he is fully God (spiritual being/not human) again, but of course still has all the memories and experiences he experienced as a human on earth so he can relate to us. The Holy Spirit is also God, but is obviously spiritual. Get it?

19307351? ago


God = Love

This is a very simple statement but a difficult concept to understand. God supersedes hate, sickness, vision, punishment, revenge, and the list goes on and on. These are all concepts from man in this realm.

God should not be thought of as "he". Got is a it! But this it is the most powerful omnipresent force in the universe. It is unstoppable. It makes Satan and HIS followers look like tiny grains of sand. They are fickle, they are miserable, and they ware in a living hell because their god is money, lies, and self satisfaction.

19305652? ago

If Jesus is God, then so are you and I.

19304763? ago

This retard has pulled this before here. He thinks that he can convince the "stupid Qtards" that he is the savior.




Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

OP the Troll here thinks he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH.

19304335? ago

God is not a human on QRV.

God works his Will through humans. I understood what the OP meant.

Stop Projecting your own stupid crap on what and who God is.

Your doing the exact same thing.

19308984? ago

No OP considers himself to be divinity incarnate. For real. Check out multiple previous posts with lower case wwg1wga

19303444? ago

if Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is also God, why can't humanity be God too?

19304827? ago

If you hear the expression "Jesus Fucking Christ" it means that Jesus is masturbating.

19304438? ago

We were created in His image. Apparently.

This place is cancer. The worst of mankind comes out here.

Divisionfag posts are shills whether they are actually shills or not. Our leader knows the truth. Every person is responsible for their own actions.

19303168? ago

God is not 3 different people . Jesus prayed to God he wasn’t God! Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at God’s right hand. ‘Look! I can see heaven thrown open,’ he said, ‘and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.’”​—Acts 7:55, 56, The New Jerusalem Bible.

What did this vision reveal? Filled with God’s active force, Stephen saw Jesus “standing at God’s right hand.” Clearly, then, Jesus did not become God again after his resurrection to heaven but, rather, a distinct spiritual being. There is no mention of a third person next to God in this account. Despite attempts to find passages of Scripture to support the Trinity dogma, Dominican priest Marie-Émile Boismard wrote in his book À l’aube du christianisme​—La naissance des dogmes (At the Dawn of Christianity—​The Birth of Dogmas): “The statement that there are three persons in the one God . . . cannot be read anywhere in the New Testament.”

The dogma that Constantine championed was intended to put an end to dissensions within the fourth-century Church. However, it actually raised another issue: Was Mary, the woman who bore Jesus, “the Mother of God”?

Compare these Bible verses: Matthew 26:39; John 14:28; 1 Corinthians 15:27, 28; Colossians 1:15, 16

FACT: The Trinitarian dogma is a late fourth-century invention

19302889? ago


19302755? ago

Amen. Hell yeah! The world and all of the universe is contained inside of you. If you want to change the world, it's easier than changing yourself.

19307573? ago

The ONLY way to change the world IS to change yourself. All it takes to change yourself is to take action (not just think about it) in the moment... The here and now. The present moment is ALL we really have. Everything takes place in the present moment. If you want to change yourself, do it now.

19302732? ago

I am not waking up every day and going to work to pay taxes by choice, it is by coercion only, not my choice.

19303414? ago

Matthew 22:21

19303828? ago

You're saying we should surround them and stab them to death?

19316902? ago

Luke 24:44

19302666? ago

Where is your evidence, OP?

19302589? ago

Thank you. A great reminder that it starts with us.

19302273? ago

Amen. Lovely post, OP.