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19397751? ago

Q truly is the 13th apostle.

19397901? ago

Much much more.

This entire thing is beyond crazy.

If I were to tell you the truth, you'd never in a million years believe a word of it.

So we'll have to wait until they show, then I'll explain. It really is all about God.

And his "Son's" return. It won't be Jesus this time. Think of a name in English that means Judge.

Then you'll have his name. A little God proof from me to you.

Thanks for being here. You were called and you answered.

Bet you never thought you'd be part of history when you woke up this morning did you?

19398700? ago

And his "Son's" return. It won't be Jesus this time. 

Here we go again for the third time today.

OP is a troll

This retard has pulled this before here. He thinks that he can convince the "stupid Qtards" that he is the savior.

^^ Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

OP the Troll here thinks he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH

19403184? ago

Are you trying to get those that don't believe in God to abandon him right now?

That isn't going to happen. We are united in this cause. We don't accept those who try to divide.

Seriously, do you want to be my friend? Do you want something from me you can't find elsewhere?

i'm not going away. This is my Home.

19403317? ago

You have been exposed for the fraud that you are.

The links speak for themselves.

Enjoy hell faggot.

19404406? ago

Have a blessed day.

Hope a camel pisses on your head while you sleep.

19399765? ago

I don't think he's a troll. He just seems to have delusions of personal grandeur. But in all honesty I still sorta like what he says:)

19399835? ago

He is a troll from sbbh, I have lurked over there and heard him bragging about how easy it is for him to make the "Qtards" believe whatever he wants.

Check out the links, this guy is an asshole.

19400012? ago

Do you have any links about him bragging about being a troll? Ive read all the posts you linked to and am familiar with them. He could still be sincere in his beliefs according to those posts.

19400027? ago

Hi OP nice alt account you have there.

19400159? ago

Fuck you nigger faggot kike.

19399966? ago

I'll check them out. Thanks. Bummer he's a troll. People who truly believe their message are much more entertaining to follow;)