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19199375? ago

We need the Armor and prayer. The verse after the Armor of God (Eph. 6:10-17) offers this exhortation: β€œWith all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18 NASB).

19198336? ago

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19197186? ago

Because imaginary sky gods are always in control, so get on your unicorn and ride off looking for leprechauns. Don't forget to give money to your god clubs either, so they can keep raping children.

19197344? ago

It only makes me sad to hear this.

You're going to so regret your choice.

19189614? ago

Most of us non Cuck's here are buy-Qurious, but c'mon Q it's time to shoot our load and let hue-manity finally prosper BeyoncΓ© our centuries of oppression. It's Time already. Tick Qlock....

19189777? ago

You sound like a bot that I like.

The end must happen before the new start begins.

Never put the cart before the horse. Unless you don't subscribe to our reality.

Hang on to whatever shred of sanity you have, it's about to be torn to shreds.

I've seen the start of it. For those unprepared, it'll scare the shit out of you. You will never be the same again.

Thank God he sent us a guide.

19187407? ago

That's only half the truth. The other half is that everything is going to get exponentially worse, then the Rapture occurs, and then the Antichrist takes over the world and plunges it into full blown WW3 where billions will die, then Jesus Christ returns to save the day.

19187058? ago

and the sword of justice.

19186856? ago

kek at the case number! "Crim. No. 17-232"

17 = Q, check

232 rearranged is 322 = Skull and Bones club, check

19186882? ago

It's funny my Addy adds up to 17 in real life.

You'll never guess my elevation.

Or the scars I have.

But I bet you would.

Thanks for being with me!

19186896? ago

you're welcome, thanks for posting

19186816? ago


19186193? ago

Shut the fuck up.

19186893? ago

Sophia, your language needs to be toned down.

No need for cussing over the simplest of statements.

19186152? ago


19185898? ago

Sit back relax. Worry about nothing. Just like the deep state needs you to do.

19186914? ago

We have won.

The public isn't aware of it yet.

You know now..

Stop being a shill and see the freight train heading straight for your soul.

It's not going to stop.

19190097? ago

So you want me to become passive and just to let things unfold?

Yet Q is telling me to stay alert and that the battle is not over.

I think I know who you are, nice try

19191839? ago

I'm going to require you to act with only Love as the prime intention.

Not anger. Anger screws things up hugely.

19195581? ago

Lol you are not going to require anything out of me. I am a free man

19185581? ago

"Leave everything in God's hands."

I'm a Q fan, but this NPC Tier Christ Cuck bullshit is exactly why Bush Sr. won, Bill Clinton won, Bush Jr. won, and Obama won. You "Christians" and your pedophile pastors have fucked us over long enough. It's INACTION the Kabbal wants, and this sit on your hands "By Grace you are saved" NPC lazy Boomer fucking bullshit is exactly the cause.


But I'm sick and tired of this sanctimonious arrogant hubris. I'm only on your team because I want freedom. After this shitshow is over and you try legislating your version of bullshit on par with the Noahide laws as the kikes are doing, I commence the fight to you as well.

19186970? ago

You say a lot of words but really say nothing at all.

No offense but I do have very reliable insider information.

My Father told me. So either shit or get off the pot.

I'm here, get over it.

19189286? ago

"My Father told me."

Fucking shit we're screwed..

19189326? ago

That makes me laugh.

Because it's probably true!

Right now I haven't a clue what I should be doing.

but it seems to be working.

You're here aren't you?

19185964? ago

We heard you the first time you whiny little bitch.

19185253? ago

Fear or faith... you have a choice! If you can feel gods presence this is very simple!

19186978? ago

Hope you feel it right now.

God is talking to you through me.

No shit either. You knew this day would come.

19190975? ago

Honestly I haven't known until recently... I turned my back on God when I was young, but now I see he has been guiding me all along, even when my mistakes caused me so much suffering. I am so grateful for everything that has been leading me home.

I hope I've done enough to get on the right side of this. I asked for His mercy just now and I felt a wave of energy down my spine and my eyes welled with tears.

Yes I feel it inside and I see it out there too. THANK YOU

19185055? ago



19185654? ago

This is the real war. Christ Cuck Goyim are too stupid sucking kike cock to know.

19185022? ago

So, according to the ancient Hebrew wedding ceremony, Q is the 'best man' come to blow the horn and wake up the sleeping bride.

Pretty much how I've seen this whole great awakening.!

19187673? ago

The world is waking up through my eyes.

Don't ask me how. But it is happening just that way.

When I see something exposed, the masses see it as well.

Amazing stuff happening Patriot, biblical stuff.

19188143? ago

We are collectively creating pur new world.

Phasing [them] out.

Very biblical.

19189360? ago


Someone who gets it!! FINALLY!!

You're one in a literal million.

You understand the problem we face.

That's why Jesus said to be emotionally light...have fun, laugh and live.

That's the best and perhaps the only way the common person can defeat them.

Simply having a great time will piss them off to no end!

19195567? ago


I pet goat ii, final scene...

19197155? ago

Put it this way.

At last report they see land.

Thanks for being here.

The new age is starting.

19199722? ago

I wonder what the eta is till land fall, for these unknown stars? Putting aside that time doesn't exist, the closer the event, the more locked in to our timeline an event becomes, thus becomes more predictable in forcasting.

19184663? ago

ummm...this post isn't helping as much as you think it is.

19184182? ago

Boom and just like that, nothing happens.

19183806? ago

Is this a Q post????

19185250? ago

No, but Q refers to putting on the full armor of God. (Regan's video if not in a post directly)

I'm not religious so I'd have no idea how. I see the be between good and evil, but that still doesn't tell me that God is real. I'm skeptical, but my mind is open to this now more than ever

19185682? ago

Hi, 19185250?. You wrote:

No, but Q refers to putting on the full armor of God. (Regan's video if not in a post directly)

I'm not religious so I'd have no idea how. I see the be between good and evil, but that still doesn't tell me that God is real. I'm skeptical, but my mind is open to this now more than ever

God's existence is a mathematical theorem within standard physics. Standard physics is the known laws of physics, viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics. This theorem has been given in the form of physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology. These aforestated known physical laws have been confirmed by every experiment conducted to date. Hence, the only way to avoid Tipler's Omega Point Theorem is to reject empirical science. As Prof. Stephen Hawking wrote, "one cannot really argue with a mathematical theorem." (From p. 67 of Stephen Hawking, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time [New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1996; 1st ed., 1988].)

Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals, such as Reports on Progress in Physics (the leading journal of the Institute of Physics, Britain's main professional organization for physicists), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (one of the world's leading astrophysics journals), the International Journal of Theoretical Physics (a journal that Nobel Prize in Physics winner Richard Feynman also published in), and Physics Letters, among other journals.

Prof. Tipler's Ph.D. is in the field of Global General Relativity, which is the field created by Profs. Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose during the formulation of their Singularity Theorems in the 1960s. Global General Relativity is General Relativity applied on the scale of the entire universe as a whole, and is the most elite and rarefied field of physics. Tipler is also an expert in quantum field theory (i.e., Quantum Mechanics combined with special-relativistic particle physics) and computer theory.

For much more on Prof. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the details on how it uniquely conforms to, and precisely matches, the cosmology described in the New Testament, see my following article, which also addresses the societal implications of the Omega Point cosmology:

Additionally, in the below resource are different sections which contain some helpful notes and commentary by me pertaining to multimedia wherein Prof. Tipler explains the Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model TOE.

19185704? ago

God and "Jesus" are not the same.

19185833? ago

19185704? wrote:

God and "Jesus" are not the same.

For how the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics) in the form of physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point Theorem uniquely conform to, and precisely match, Christian theology:

The Omega Point is omniscient, having an infinite amount of information and knowing all that is logically possible to be known; it is omnipotent, having an infinite amount of energy and power; and it is omnipresent, consisting of all that exists. These three properties are the traditional quidditative definitions (i.e., haecceities) of God held by almost all of the world's leading religions. Hence, by definition, the Omega Point is God.

The Omega Point final singularity is a different aspect of the Big Bang initial singularity, i.e., the first cause, a definition of God held by all the Abrahamic religions.

As well, as Stephen Hawking proved, the singularity is not in spacetime, but rather is the boundary of space and time (see S. W. Hawking and G. F. R. Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973], pp. 217-221).

The Schmidt b-boundary has been shown to yield a topology in which the cosmological singularity is not Hausdorff separated from the points in spacetime, meaning that it is not possible to put an open set of points between the cosmological singularity and any point in spacetime proper. That is, the cosmological singularity has infinite nearness to every point in spacetime.

So the Omega Point is transcendent to, yet immanent in, space and time. Because the cosmological singularity exists outside of space and time, it is eternal, as time has no application to it.

Quite literally, the cosmological singularity is supernatural, in the sense that no form of physics can apply to it, since physical values are at infinity at the singularity, and so it is not possible to perform arithmetical operations on them; and in the sense that the singularity is beyond creation, as it is not a part of spacetime, but rather is the boundary of space and time.

And given an infinite amount of computational resources, per the Bekenstein Bound, recreating the exact quantum state of our present universe is trivial, requiring at most a mere 10^123 bits (the number which Roger Penrose calculated), or at most a mere 2^10^123 bits for every different quantum configuration of the universe logically possible (i.e., the powerset, of which the multiverse in its entirety at this point in universal history is a subset of this powerset). So the Omega Point will be able to resurrect us using merely an infinitesimally small amount of total computational resources: indeed, the multiversal resurrection will occur between 10^-10^10 and 10^-10^123 seconds before the Omega Point is reached, as the computational capacity of the universe at that stage will be great enough that doing so will require only a trivial amount of total computational resources.

Miracles are allowed by the known laws of physics using baryon annihilation, and its inverse, by way of electroweak quantum tunneling (which is allowed in the Standard Model of particle physics, as baryon number minus lepton number, B - L, is conserved) caused via the Principle of Least Action by the physical requirement that the Omega Point final cosmological singularity exists. If the miracles of Jesus Christ were necessary in order for the universe to evolve into the Omega Point, and if the known laws of physics are correct, then the probability of those miracles occurring is certain.

Additionally, the cosmological singularity consists of a three-aspect structure: the final singularity (i.e., the Omega Point), the all-presents singularity (which exists at the boundary of the multiverse), and the initial singularity (i.e., the beginning of the Big Bang). These three distinct aspects which perform different physical functions in bringing about and sustaining existence are actually one singularity which connects the entirety of the multiverse.

Christian theology is therefore preferentially selected by the known laws of physics due to the fundamentally triune structure of the cosmological singularity (which, again, has all the haecceities claimed for God in the major religions), which is deselective of all other major religions.

For much more on the above, and for many more details on how the Omega Point cosmology uniquely and precisely matches the cosmology described in the New Testament, see my following two articles:

19185334? ago

Lord, Jesus, I come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In Your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give You my entire self. Lord Jesus, now and forever, I invite You into my life Jesus. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit, I love You Jesus. I praise You Jesus. I thank You Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life. Amen.

19185622? ago

Jesus Christ... smh...

19183880? ago

Nope just another jackass like you from sbbh.

19184003? ago

Whew, it sounded like Q or some jackass larping.

19184082? ago

Just this asshole here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3278410 He is very delusional, thinks he is a descendant of Jesus Christ.

19184176? ago

How do you know he isn't you faggot shill? PANIC much?

19184225? ago

Someone sounds triggered^^ Ohh no they're on to me

19184294? ago

THE SHILLS ARE PANICKING πŸ’΅πŸ•Ÿβš”οΈπŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨ PANIC πŸš‘πŸš’πŸš“πŸš”πŸŽ„πŸŽ„βš”οΈπŸ”«πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨ PAIN πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘πŸš‘ WWG1WGA πŸš”πŸš”πŸš”πŸš”πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš‘πŸ”« PANICπŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸ‘–

19184357? ago

Beyond panic, they are in the paranoid delusion phase now.

19183773? ago

I'm wa8ing !!

19183639? ago

Roger that Boss! :) Thank You!

19183750? ago

I'll do all the worrying for you all.

19183959? ago

I was literally just reading Peter 5:7...which also led me to Psalm 55:22..... :)

19187747? ago

We won't be shaken.

We have bedrock, they have sand.

19183793? ago

Just fuck off back to sbbh

19183573? ago

I've got my tinfoil skull and penis armor on.

19183739? ago

Only one of my brothers would say that.

Which one are you.

19183784? ago

One of your buttfuck brothers from sbbh.

19183896? ago

You sure do think about men's anuses alot

19183935? ago

You sure do spend a lot of time in men's anuses faggot

19183777? ago

I'm not your bro pal.

19183442? ago
