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19302904? ago

God is not a human on QRV. That’s wgere you lost me. Stop Projecting your own stupid crap on what and who God is. God is a spiritual being. Jesus is God, And while he was on the earth he was also man. Then he died. Now he is fully God (spiritual being/not human) again, but of course still has all the memories and experiences he experienced as a human on earth so he can relate to us. The Holy Spirit is also God, but is obviously spiritual. Get it?

19304763? ago

This retard has pulled this before here. He thinks that he can convince the "stupid Qtards" that he is the savior.

Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

OP the Troll here thinks he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH.