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19338906? ago

Luciferian rule? Why cant you goys see it

19339021? ago

The AntiChrist has been here for years already.

Roman Catholic Church isn't what it seems to be friend.

Lucifer has placed many of his minions in various places.

Don't worry about Protocol Friend. It may not go down exactly as the bible was written.

It was written by man. From memory. We are all fallible, including God.

God is at work here. Judge the coming christ on his works and miracles, not what's written.

You're going to be blown away. God really is cool.

His representative is here on QRV.

The best place to talk to true God loving Americans.

Also the best place to dispense advice.

Don't worry about the antichrist.

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he?

19339498? ago

Lol so many lies

19339772? ago

OP the Troll here thinks he can make you believe that he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH.

From OP's response to a comment here: You're going to be blown away. God really is cool.

His representative is here on QRV.

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he?

Seems like I have heard this before from these troll posts:

Check out what OP has to say in those posts.