19350325? ago

I fucking hate god-posting on this forum. It's a really good tactic to divide the user base here: they post this shit in waves so half of the base says "GOD BLESS YOU, I LOVE THE LORD, HALLELUJAH" while the other is just tired of it. Can't you keep your religion to yourself by any chance?

19350040? ago

So what happens if it turns out Earth is an ET versiogn of Westworld?

19345445? ago

That was beautiful.

19345021? ago

My working hypothesis is that Q is the operational version of a test done in 2012, called Cicada 3301.

19344901? ago

I believe what the bible says. Satan is the God of THIS world. Since Satan is the God of THIS world, the world hates Christians and anyone who is good or truthful (some non-christians fall into this category). Therefore, there will always be a fight against evil until Jesus returns..if we are to believe what Jesus said. Therefore, Jesus told us what to expect. "When they say 'Peace and Safety' then sudden destruction will come upon them." Jesus said also that there would be a one world government before he returns, where no one can buy or sell unless they accept the mark of the beast. Those that refuse that mark will be killed. So until we are under the 'beast system' as Jesus spoke of; I'm going to continue to be cautiously optimistic about the future. I know where I'm going when I die; so I will make the best of my life and others whilst I am here. If that means "being hated by the world" then that's OK with me. They hated Jesus too. Evil will always hate good.

19344469? ago

On the contrary, many have been anticipating this outcome.

19343654? ago

No one is getting arrested - Q isn't even talking to us anymore. It's a con job.

19343645? ago

Indigo Montoya never asked that question. His life was meaningless after his retribution.

Never happened, that was a movie.

19343048? ago

Catch and release fishing.

19342660? ago

I’ll get to the “then what”.....when the “something” happens.

19342526? ago

You're assuming "this" is all people have in their lives that has meaning.

19342439? ago

Exploring a fucking star system on no longer hidden tech.

19344212? ago

Space Jews are no laughing matter.

See Space Balls for reference.

19342348? ago

Socialism is pretty scary if you have young children.

19342192? ago

"After the Arrests and the Cabals takedown, then what?"

Are you talking about in 2029?

19344229? ago

I'm talking before the 4th of July.

19342009? ago

We are going to CREATE A NEW GOVERNMENT controlled by you, the people. - Donald Trump. That's what we are doing.

19341810? ago

And THEN we can be a united humanity, without evil manipulating us from places of power. We must clean, guard and restore this planet, as the good stewards we were meant to be. We must heal its (and our) trauma, build our strength and abilities, connect with our higher power, and advance into the greater community of worlds as able and respectable participants in our new destiny. We still have a lot to do, but it will be joyous.

19341390? ago

Fantastic post!

19341378? ago

Mine is crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentation of their women. It is what is best in life!

19341178? ago

Search "Jesus" on qmap.com. How many result you find ?


19344249? ago

How many time did I use the word Jesus in this post?


19342286? ago

From Q post 35 on Qmap.com.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

19351593? ago

Satan has a son too !

19340994? ago

Every one of your questions can be answered with one sentence.

This is the answer to all of those questions.

What will be your "Then What"? Answer -

What drives you? What will be your motivation to live? Answer -

We all need to have something in the future worth fighting for, otherwise, what's the point?

Answer -

19340797? ago

The Plan AKA 'The Event': Arrests of Cabal worldwide, full disclosure of all crimes against humanity, release of suppressed advanced technology invented by geniuses who walk this Earth, worldwide healing from shock of how evil these beings (Archon/Parasites) were, and then at some point if humanity wishes they can ask for membership into Galactic Confederation and be welcomed into the greater galactic community finally. Then the Golden Age begins, we will create paradise on Earth once again. There will be no negativity in the Universe ever again. This duality will NEVER be allowed to exist again. The last of it exists here on Earth only. Unconditional love will reign on this planet forever, it will be GLORIOUS.

19342585? ago

The cycle of life...weather, plants, insects, carnivores, herbivores, omnivores...predator, prey.. the ebb and flow of life. The Balance of an ecosystem. We are part of this. We have been majorly out of balance and we are fighting back to win the Golden Age..balance....for a period of time.

19341212? ago

Hi David Wilcock. how's Corey doing?

19342251? ago

David doesn't refer to this occurrence as The Event...

19340467? ago

Service to others, faggot.

19340396? ago

Then what? We permanently end the Fed, and add an amendment that a central bank is treasonous. We roll badk 90+% of government spending and laws. We start looking into programs that will actually help, like infrastructure.

It's a shame that I can't operate small scale (few dozen concurrent users) video hosting from my house, because it's many tens of thousands for installation and upload bandwidth.

19340357? ago

Good luck with that. There isn't going to any arrests and the NWO is going no where. 100% guarantee.

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances and we are but fools who believe the LIE. The rulers make it appear as though it is something that it is not. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing created by the Rulers.

Hence all Political and Domestic Chaos.

Q is a part of those deceptions, disinformation, misinformation, fakeries, frauds, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing by the Rulers. Many things that Q-tist's believe are simply not true, and many things Q-tist's do not want to believe are very true.

They are all playing a role. This is why you people are still walking around in the dark and do not SEE the Veil that has been pulled over your eyes. It is the same GAME that has been played since FOREVER. Different players same GAME and you people fall for it every single time.

It is the same GAME the deceiver has been playing on you poor lost souls since the beginning. Different players, same Divide and Conquer reality presented.

Since too many answers here dodge the truth, are not acquainted with the truth or are purposeful misdirection, let me just say, plainly.

Nothing is Happening and No One will be held accountable.

Evidently you do not know your real enemy and their Tactics, Motives and Agenda and you will not until you receive the Holy Spirit of Truth and Enlightenment.

19340476? ago

OP is a troll from sbbh, he thinks he can convince the 'stupid Qtards' that he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

This is not the first time he has tried this:




Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

19340496? ago

I don't write posts. Buwahahahaha what a Dweeb.

19340568? ago

Didn't say you did you retard. I was just pointing out that the OP here is a Trolling asshole looks like you are too.

19340627? ago

Ahahahaha yeah I had a brain warp moment. My bad. Please do excuse my ignorance. It happens sometimes. Friends?

19340798? ago

No problem dude, we are best friends again.

I agree with what you wrote there. Just a thought, what if the deceiver himself is behind taking out the cabal? He set them up in the first place then he brings them down, steps out from behind the curtain with another lie like the alien thing, look at us we are your cosmic brothers and we helped you, just to gain the trust of humanity and then say something like ' here take this mark on your right hand' or do some other thing to completely hose everyone.

I also believe that there a great deal going on that most people are missing.

19340252? ago

BRAVO God is Love is YOU. Walk away from the distractions, avoid the distractions. WALK INTO THE LIGHT.
Actions better than words. So well said.
Personally would add FORGIVENESS to your daily routine
May God Bless all of us; the children of GOD...

19340247? ago

It's "Inigo"

And afterwards we hunt down and purge the communists. We sterilize the low IQ welfare parasites, and we expel the jews.

19340213? ago

I would like to see a society where traditional values are rewarded and taught, and there is support for the traditional family unit of a Mom, Dad, and their kids; Where mothers can stay home and raise their children if they want to, and we can keep enough of our earned income so that men can support a family on one income. If you think of the last fifty years it has been nothing but a non stop war on the traditional family and it's values. That must pose a real threat to those who want to enslave/destroy us. MAGA.

19339960? ago

There is no God. You waste your lives narcissistically wallowing in confirmation bias, pretending the universe cares about you.

19339943? ago

There will always be a cabal. There will always be a Hillary. There will always be abuse.

Religion is the CAUSE of much of the suffering of the world. While there may be some form of a greater power, formal religions are FAKE NEWS.

God's plan? LOL. We are ants. Just energy passing through. We are not in any way shape or form any more significant than an ant or bacteria. You think way too highly of yourself. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

19339798? ago

Exactly! "What then" is the ultimate goal of our struggle, not "arrest or GTFO". Those screaming non-stop "arrest or GTFO" are either clueless low developed souls who are entrapped in endless avenge-revenge karmaric cycles or total DS shills.

19342014? ago

Arrests or GTFO isn't the end goal it's proof that Q can be trusted, that they are doing what they say, and not just a trap for us all

19352073? ago

We anons all share your indignation and all hope justice will be metered out on all the criminals. However, stage needs to be set before mass arrests can go in effect, considering 50%+ pop are fast asleep and will riot if we do arrests now. But hang in there, truth is finally seeping into MSM: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3295194

19339923? ago

This guy pomps!

19339908? ago

yep, I've been thinking A LOT about this, and I think that many 'people' in this world are not meant to move on yet. Like kids that didn't pay attention in school and have to repeat a grade, the cabal needs to cycle through a few more times, while we are ready to Graduate😇

19339749? ago

OP the Troll here thinks he can make you believe that he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH.

From OP's response to a comment here:

You're going to be blown away. God really is cool. 

His representative is here on QRV. 

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he?

Seems like I have heard this before from these troll posts:




Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

19339643? ago

Well said! I imagine a world where I can help take care of grandkids and teach them about growing things. I imagine a world where I can go visit elderly people I know and care about so they're not so lonely. I imagine a world where free energy technologies and other suppressed inventions and healing modalities free up our time and help us be the healthiest versions of ourselves so we can pursue happiness. I imagine a world where kids don't need to be afraid to go to the park by themselves and parents don't need to be afraid to let them. I imagine a world where we can find out the real story of humanity's history on Planet Earth. I imagine a world full of learning and enJOYing this beautiful planet full of many amazing people.

19344997? ago

Read about the "Millennial Reign of Christ" in the book of Revelation...that's what you are describing.

19342023? ago

Electrogravitics and zero point energy is the keyword for your energy.

19343104? ago

I agree.

19345930? ago

search the Pedoesta emails for UFO, ETI (Extra Terrestrial Inteligence) and ZPE (Zero Point Energy). Then if you are really bored dive into this little gem...


19341375? ago

If that comes true jesus doesnt even have to return. Lucky day for him

19340521? ago

Then Jesus comes back and saves us from the rapture. Once we’ve returned our great nation to its former glory

19339993? ago

OP the Troll here thinks he can make you believe that he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH.

From OP's response to a comment here: You're going to be blown away. God really is cool.

His representative is here on QRV.

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he?

Seems like I have heard this before from these troll posts:




Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

19344653? ago

This is from his comment here earlier, notice he stopped commenting about how he is "God's representative here on QRV" when I called attention to his trolling BS:

[–] 19339021? [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 5.9 hours ago

The AntiChrist has been here for years already.

Roman Catholic Church isn't what it seems to be friend.

Lucifer has placed many of his minions in various places.

Don't worry about Protocol Friend. It may not go down exactly as the bible was written.

It was written by man. From memory. We are all fallible, including God.

God is at work here. Judge the coming christ on his works and miracles, not what's written.

You're going to be blown away. God really is cool.

His representative is here on QRV.

The best place to talk to true God loving Americans.

Also the best place to dispense advice.

Don't worry about the antichrist.

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he?

19342657? ago

Please educate me, as I keep seeing it. What does SBBH stand for? I looked it up and didn’t find a match that makes sense.

19342829? ago


a subverse for sodomites here on voat

19342952? ago

Thank you, now I have soap box hammer in context as well.

19342827? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/soapboxbanhammer/ - It is where the trolls and retards of voat hang out.

19341899? ago

Begone shill.

Your pathetic life no longer amuses us.

19342247? ago

Begone troll.

These pathetic posts no longer amuse us.

I will call attention to this trolling bullshit every time.

19342208? ago

Begone troll.

Your pathetic posts no longer amuse us.

I will call attention to your trolling bullshit every time you post this crap.

19341126? ago

OP has also told us he drives a white 2 seater. Not a donkey this time, but a white 2 seater !

In one of his previous threads.

19344277? ago

This is from his comment here earlier, notice he stopped commenting about how he is "God's representative here on QRV" when I called attention to his trolling BS:

[–] 19339021? [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 5.9 hours ago

The AntiChrist has been here for years already.

Roman Catholic Church isn't what it seems to be friend.

Lucifer has placed many of his minions in various places.

Don't worry about Protocol Friend. It may not go down exactly as the bible was written.

It was written by man. From memory. We are all fallible, including God.

God is at work here. Judge the coming christ on his works and miracles, not what's written.

You're going to be blown away. God really is cool.

His representative is here on QRV.

The best place to talk to true God loving Americans.

Also the best place to dispense advice.

Don't worry about the antichrist.

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he? link parent reply ...

19339634? ago

My "Then what" is fixing the damage that has been done. Helping my fellow brothers and sister to cry, to laugh, to let it all go, to experience whatever discomfort they must, to make sense of it all.

My then what is the Golden Age awaiting us on the other side.

My Then What is in Service to The All.

19339595? ago

Trust (((the plan)))

19339587? ago

His name is Inigo not Indigo bro, he literally gives a speech about it several times.

19339907? ago

That was a great combination of polite and rude. Everyone was thinking it, and trying not to mess up a nice thought, but I think you could not have said it better.

19339623? ago

Eh, could be a typo, could be Mobile being a cunt and turning Inigo into Indigo since Indigo is a word that's commonly recognized.

19350328? ago

or it could be a deliberate tactic by a shill who has no idea how it is correctly spelled, simply to divide the user base here

19339747? ago

Found the brit^^^

19341110? ago

Or Aussie or kiwi

19339178? ago


19339168? ago

The AntiChrist is the Cabal. It's not just one person. The Bible is full of metaphors.

19341083? ago

The antichrist is going to be revealed, and many antichrists have come and gone for centuries. Some are waking among you and some you know them by name. The meaning of the term antichrist is simply “against Christ.” The Antichrist will be the ultimate embodiment of what it means to be against Christ. In the end times/last hour, a man will arise to oppose Christ and His followers more than anyone else in history. Likely claiming to be the true messiah. Many Jews will be the first to follow him thinking him to be the messiah. The Antichrist will seek world domination and will attempt to destroy all followers of Jesus Christ.

Good news is the end of the story has already been written. Satan along with his false prophet, will be thrown into the lake of fire, where they will spend all eternity in torment.

19339232? ago

At least you know that part.

Hillary is darker than you can imagine.

19339805? ago

Darker than someone whose been accused of rape by a child?

19340618? ago

The list of scandals with the Clintons' names attached is mind boggling. Hillary giggled (on TV) while telling the story of a child rapist walking free. She's been accused (informally) of Satanic ritual abuse of children/babies.

19340645? ago

But no credible formal charges accusations? Like with lawyers and depositions?

19344494? ago

Strangely, all of the witnesses keep mysteriously getting in fatal accidents and committing suicide.

19344547? ago

So no then.

19339696? ago

She is bottom fruit. The AntiChrist is much bigger than Hillary.

19341398? ago

Just part of a whole

19339757? ago

same thing

19338906? ago

Luciferian rule? Why cant you goys see it

19339504? ago

the "antichrist" are the jews. the synagogue of Satan that runs the world. they are not Israelites: say they are jews but are not.

The jews believe Jesus is boiling in shit and semen in hell.

19339520? ago


19339534? ago

Prove otherwise, faggot

19339611? ago

...That's not how the Burden of Evidence works nigga.

19339676? ago

Do you need bible verses? Talmud references?
Do you need proof jews are the source of much of today's evils? or that they don't fulfill any biblical prophecies (white people do, because they are the Israelites)?

The burden of evidence is a thing, but it's not the burden of getting you caught up on commonly known truths.

why do you cling to lies?

19339751? ago

Read Daniel

19339873? ago

I don't have time today. What are you referring to

19340480? ago

The entire book of Daniel

19340777? ago

Right, for what purpose? What lesson? What principle?

19341164? ago


19341201? ago

ok, well i'm in Genesis right now. it'll be a few weeks.

19339792? ago

Jews suck on the mutilated penises on babies. Nough said

19339021? ago

The AntiChrist has been here for years already.

Roman Catholic Church isn't what it seems to be friend.

Lucifer has placed many of his minions in various places.

Don't worry about Protocol Friend. It may not go down exactly as the bible was written.

It was written by man. From memory. We are all fallible, including God.

God is at work here. Judge the coming christ on his works and miracles, not what's written.

You're going to be blown away. God really is cool.

His representative is here on QRV.

The best place to talk to true God loving Americans.

Also the best place to dispense advice.

Don't worry about the antichrist.

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he?

19339787? ago

Yes Donald is the anti-Christ. Look how the evangelicals flock to him

19339508? ago

Its as if you are larping as hasatan

19339581? ago

If anything I am larding as a human that wants his fellow humans to love each other more.

Wtf is a hasatan? A black person describing his skin color?

19339745? ago

Lolololol shoo fly

19339826? ago

OP is a troll from sbbh, he thinks he can convince the 'stupid Qtards' that he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

This is not the first time he has tried this:




Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

19339498? ago

Lol so many lies

19339772? ago

OP the Troll here thinks he can make you believe that he is a descendant of Jesus, The Root of Jesse, Son of God, here to save humanity.

In his own mind maybe, in real life he is just another Troll from SBBH.

From OP's response to a comment here: You're going to be blown away. God really is cool.

His representative is here on QRV.

i'm pretty big, 6'2" 205, I can take care of myself.

God wouldn't send a wimp would he?

Seems like I have heard this before from these troll posts:




Check out what OP has to say in those posts.

19339559? ago

Please point them out to me.

19339597? ago

I'll take "God doesn't make mistakes" for 200.

But I kid, of course.

We're All a part of The All, if The All couldn't "Make mistakes", it wouldn't be The All, The All must encompass all, otherwise it is not The All.