19409950? ago

Guess who were the investigators....the FBI

19360655? ago

Who cares when it was originally published and aired. It's coming back into the mainstream now, so let's disseminate it to the Normies to refresh their goldfish brains.

19358566? ago

They are covering it because the shit is going to hit fan and they will not survive. They're covering it in order to survive. They will not.

19356599? ago

Uh, this is from about 2012 or 2013. Why is OP saying they are covering it now??

19355316? ago

Some asshole posting old clips and not telling anyone that it's history, not news!!

19354987? ago

faggot pedo kikes

19354098? ago

why NOW?

2017 is "now"?

Could you maybe label old news as old? Pretty please?

19353297? ago

This is from 2013

19353036? ago

People don't call her CROOKED Shillary for no reason. Thing is. She will NEVER be held accountable.

19352935? ago

If this isn't new then its no good. MSM hardly cover anything now let alone then

19352632? ago


19352078? ago

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19352003? ago

They are not covering it NOW.

They covered it several years ago, but since their viewers have the memory of a goldfish, they all forgot about it.

19409943? ago

It was actually reported on the old Reddit site that Reddit shutdown.

19364300? ago

but since their viewers have the memory of a goldfish, they all forgot about it.

No it turned out this hyped stories were followed up by an actual OIG report a year later that found there were no coverups and Clinton was not involved. This involved the Diplomatic Security Service and occasionally someone higher up, but it never reached the level of the Secretary. The OIG said there were no coverups, but the department should work harder to avoid the appearance of special treatment and document some new policies, but there's not as sexy as the original charges. The ambassador was cleared of doing anything wrong.

This case came from a "whistleblower" who was not involved in any of the original cases, but was repeated scuttlebutt she had heard. It turned out to be wrong.

In the case of the ambassador, the charges were he ditched his security detail and went to a park known for drug dealers and prostitutes. Then it later on it became soliciation of prostitutes and then child prostitutes. When they looked into they found

The ambassador was not required to a have security details because Belgium was quite safe at that time. The park was like NY's Central park, a big open widely used space that's very, very safe and it happened to be between his apartment and the office. He said he talked to people all the time there and he never believed he was speaking to criminals.

The Belgians came to his defense too. They had him under surveillance and they never observed anything shady. The Belgian press also looked up the crime records for that park and for the previous four years no drug or prostitution activity reported. He ended up getting an apology from the State Department.

19368252? ago

Yes, the Belgian judiciary..... One big corrupt cesspool. You only have to look at the case Dutroux to understand how politically expedient and sensitive they are. That by doing so, they fuck over victims and their families, so be it.

In my view, relying on Belgian confirmation...... Nah, not very trustworthy.

19448984? ago

I never mentioned the Belgian judiciary and you obviously skew all things Belgian through your particular prism.

19450612? ago

all things?

You said: I NEVER mentioned Belgian Judiciary:

The Belgians came to his defense too. They had him under surveillance and they never observed anything shady. The Belgian press also** looked up the crime records** for that park and for the previous four years** no drug or prostitution activity **reported. He ended up getting an apology from the State Department.

Of course you did not mention it. Crime records are kept by the journalist themselves. And surveillance ... yeah ....

But here is the kicker: no drug or prostitution ... ACTIVITY was reported. When you belong to the club, no activity is recorded, and if, they will see ways to have it expunged or at the very least suppressed.

As I said: you only have to look at the case Dutroux to understand what they can and will do in the name of good friendship. I am sure there are some T-bills to buy.

19486128? ago

Of course you did not mention it. Crime records are kept by the journalist themselves. And surveillance ... yeah ....

neither of these things involve the judiciary.

19354101? ago

I can't tell if these people who post old shit without labelling it as such are shills or simply retarded.

19353502? ago

“Published on Nov 17, 2017”

More bullshit point mining.

19354167? ago

NBC and CBS originally published it in 2013.

19356758? ago

Thanks, didn’t know it went that far back. Yet people are getting all excited on here again over 5+ year old stories.

19353055? ago

Not to mention, when they did mention it, they did no investigational journalism, they just mentioned it and moved on, down the memory whole it went.

They mentioned it just so they could say there was no story there.

19354209? ago

I think you could have mentioned the word mention a few more times. ;-)

19354934? ago


19354508? ago

The fact that "mentioning" it, was the main topic of the story itself, just might account for that.

19352688? ago

This was three weeks after the start of Q. Maybe they were panicking as a result of Q? Maybe this was before Q could cover it up and discredit us.

19353032? ago

They posted this video a few years ago. However, It was televised even years earlier than that.

19351997? ago

Nothing to see here, move along. Fortunately for us, Huber and company have probably been on this since 2017. Pain soon!

19352994? ago

Yup... any day now.....

19351968? ago

You’re right....the big story is the fact that NBC covered the story (although candy-coated). Baby steps.

19351888? ago

This story came out years ago and it was reported widely by the MSM.

Its coming up again because NBC obtained some internal memos about it, probably from a leaker.

19351849? ago

Tick Tock

19351842? ago

this was from 2017

19353293? ago

It was from 2013, but the video was uploaded to that YouTube account in 2017.

19354118? ago

It's still old news.

19351742? ago


19351957? ago

You probably caught it while it was still converting it. It is available.

19351643? ago

I think it may be that the Clintons lost power and the MSM aren't scared of them anymore. "They never thought she would lose." "These people are stupid." "Patriots in control. " All so true. Thank you Q!

19353091? ago

They are probably just doing cya and recognizing the new boss has teeth.

19352028? ago

If u think the msm is friendly to hrc cuz they r afraid of her then u better dig a little. They r all part of a larger organization and get their orders from the top. The msm doesn’t work for hrc or do as hrc says, they work for the same people.

19352426? ago

You're rright, she's an evil puppet. The carrot and the stick are both in play but less effective now that Barr and Durham are hunting the hunters. And the MSMs role in this treason will cost them because "Fisa works both ways."

19351610? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=WLnd-OYClTM :

NBC News Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Pedophile Ring At State Department - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

19351587? ago

Criminal Clintons, since govt won't do anything about them, maybe we can shame them into suicide?

19351736? ago

But they HAVE no shame, they are not capable of it. I think every single one of them out to the extended family are a collection of sociopaths, people who can feel NO empathy for others and don't respond to basic human things like embarrassment, shame, or guilt.

19351954? ago

But to escape punishment they might kill themselves like Himmler and consider it a victory, (but the joke's on them, there are no dead athiests.)