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19425153? ago

Next step will be a very divine step. Israel is being saved for last for a reason.

A promise is a promise and a contract is a contract.

Now I suppose the OP will start telling us in his comments on this post how he is 'a descendant of Jesus; or 'God the human' on QRV. Are you the 'Keystone' or the 'The root of Jesse this time OP?

19426345? ago

new Messianic Complex shill tactic

19426709? ago

IDK, man. The glaring pattern I see is you following him around crying, adding nothing to the conversation.

you never attack his message, only him.

you are transparent. get lost.

19426823? ago

[–] 19382978? [S] 1 points (+2|-1) 2 days ago

Q right now, this very instant is working to implement God’s plan.

Have patience. Your going to be blown away with the results.

I am Scott Free, or Danielson. What ever you prefer.

Let me assure you Q is quite busy.

Landfall will be very soon. .

19426755? ago

Hahaha....Nice try OP. How many alt accounts do you have?

19426880? ago

I just followed your first link, and you had the same comment with one less link, so i clicked the next link and there you were again .......

you're more obsessed with a larp than anybody else

19427027? ago

I just went back as well I see that he has been doing quite a bit of editing, doesn't really matter he will start spouting off his usual bullshit soon enough, if not in this post it will be in the next one.

This is some of the BS he has said in the past:

I've noticed that you are not mouthing off in the comments about how you are Scott Free or the Keystone or the Savior returned or a descendant of Jesus Christ of the Root of Jesse or God the human on QRV or the Holy Grail - a person an American on QRV or that you have lit the fuse to burn down the Catholic church or that the world is waking up through your eyes or that God is talking to us through you or that you are the capstone.

Check out the comments on this post to me calling him out. I'm not the only one.