20145093? ago

Here is the update:


18995578? ago

H.R 2500: National Defense Authorization Act 2020. Well worth following. This is where politicians sneak in all sorts of unrelated to defense junk or will attempt to usurp Presidential authority to spend funds. Can't trust the swamp critters. Bill markup is scheduled for 6/5/19.

H.R. 2181 (Rep. Lujan), To provide for the withdrawal and protection of certain Federal land in the State of New Mexico. “Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Act of 2019” National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee Legislative Hearing 6/5/19.

18995053? ago

Ok folks, this person is LARPing hard. Other staffers are aware of Q and Staff Anon posts, yet Staff Anon reveals two specific meetings they’re attending, narrowing down their identity. Yeah, ok lol. Huge moron, or LARP. Next, each post gets substantially more upvotes and comments than any other post in the history of this sub. Either some of you are feeding the LARP, or the LARP has collaborators boosting the posts, or both.

18999341? ago

You can think what you like. I shared some info I'd seen with a community I'm part of. Fuck me I guess.

18991240? ago

and 2181 doesn't seem like something unusual or something we have to pay attention to.

I would say you should pay attention to EVERY bill. They like to stuff something into the back end of it that doesn't belong there, and it usually something we don't need.

18991698? ago

I have a specific focus, I should say not something I would focus on.

18991997? ago

Oh, I get what you're saying. I just hope there is at least one staffer to closely examine each and every bill that comes up. We don't need another ACA, where we have to pass it to find out what's in it. KWIM?

18992566? ago

There are about 8-25 staffers per office.

18991192? ago

No leave until the SEVENTEENTH (17).

18992107? ago

I saw that too. lol

18989974? ago

Staff of what? Congress? Im late to the convo

18990319? ago

House rep

18989146? ago

International Dark Sky Park designation was wierd??

18989021? ago

This StaffAnon shit doesn’t seem right. It feels like a shill trap.

18988158? ago

You mentioned you were going to post again after lunch, which was 3+ hrs ago. Any updates?

18988125? ago

FYI to the Board: Summary of H.R.2181 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): To provide for the withdrawal and protection of certain Fede ral land in the State of New Mexico.; Summary of H.R.2500 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020.

18987867? ago

You must be a fast writer.

18987923? ago

You do realize there are time zones, right?

18989732? ago

It's about 6 paragraphs written on a break. That's why I said this.

18994001? ago

Yeah I caught that too. This was not written on a work computer with a full keyboard if his premise is true about acceptable use of workplace computers. So no way you write this in 15 minutes on you phone hiding in a stall pretending to be taking a shit. This dude is a fraud.

18987495? ago

Geothermal conditions in 2181... so they'll seize property in NM to control the stratosphere? Thought that's what the chemtrails were for kek

18990644? ago

The observatory looks down from the Sacramento Mountains onto White Sands Missle Range.

18990144? ago

I don’t recall ever seeing an answer as to what the government said that was all about. Were there arrests?

19002039? ago

A complete blackout, media included for the most part. May be related to the underground war that's being fought.

18987609? ago

That observatory had people freaked out when it happened, not sure why.

18987852? ago

Not sure why not is more intriguing to me.

18987940? ago

There was some connection to something there, we were asked to dig into the history of that place but didn't find shit.

18995865? ago

I forgot about that observatory. Sounds like it is related to 2181.

18987188? ago

OMG = another Q... this show was already steaming pile of shit, so boring... surprised he did not talk about brushing his teeth.

18990688? ago

Well at least he didn't want to show everyone his butthole like you bunch.

18986463? ago

Yes. Be more careful.

You might be going against protocol right now.

Not worth it.

18986340? ago

Q Posts 2500, 2181 "House of Cards" "Renegade"

18986188? ago

I hope you're using a good, paid VPN. Be very careful posting from your phone. They could employ a Stingray and intercept your posts, especially since people are aware of these posts. Don't get caught up. If I were you, I'd only post from home using a good, paid VPN service. True security involves using a throw away laptop at a free wi-fi connection and a VPN. Sit outside and not be on camera while posting.

18987774? ago

I am

18988153? ago

I won't say which ones, but there are A NUMBER of good browsers that now encrypt the data and block trackers. The entire content of the browser is encrypted. If you can, use that "in addition" to the VPN.

18998157? ago

It would be helpful for a nod in the right direction of these browsers. Lots of people claim privacy and I wonder. Ty

18998215? ago

try epic

18986057? ago

What organization or government entity does StaffAnon claim to work for?

18987870? ago

I'm literally a nobody in the House working for a republican.

18988213? ago

Well, its not NM then. GOP lost 100% of House. All DemoTrash in the House from NM

18987720? ago

DLAT Dept Larpers and Tossers

18986157? ago

He said in another post, he's a staffer for the house. I think for one particular rep.

18986069? ago

That doesn't matter.

18985607? ago

Thanks for the report CovfefeFan.

18985488? ago

Interesting! HR 2181 includes witness protection https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/105/hr2181/text/ih

18986140? ago

That's for an old congress. You want to search for 116th congress.

18985482? ago


Hmmm, how do you know those bills weren't just some random picks to flush leakers? Other members staffers get told same bills?

18987795? ago

Yeah, I went to a preliminary meeting for 2181 to get some documents and it was PACKED with R staffers which is unusual for a D launched bill.

18989294? ago

Could be a test of Green policy platform where Federal protected lands are concerned. At least I dont see any little innocent critters mentioned...

18989139? ago

Roger that.

18985391? ago

Thank you and be careful.

18985227? ago

Definitely be careful! We don't wanna lose you. I tried to join the FBI to do this very thing. I was not chosen but I'm happy others have the same idea. Eyes and ears.

18987700? ago

You were not chosen because they weed nutjobs out very quickly. You may think you are 007 but in reality you are a halfwit that may as well where a dunce cap. You join the FBI lmao! thats funny as fuck.

18994295? ago

If they "weed nutjobs out very quickly" how'd they end up with that major nutjob named Peter Strzok?

19027897? ago

lol Why can you people only name people Q has mentioned? you are so b rainwashed you know nothing apart from Q bullshit.

19028701? ago

Really? Q's been on tv and in the papers and general internet talking about Strzok for over 2 years? I certainly didn't get his name from Q posts first. You're and idiot, and you're scared.

19033550? ago

yeah im really scared of Qtards who are the saddest fucks on the planet. Ever seen video of Trump rallies when they show the nutters wearing Q shirts? those people are all either trailer park retards or dumb boomers who dont know what the fucks going on. You are an embarrassment. The way you all talk like Q is pathetic and the only political stuff you talk about is what Q tells you about. Remember that dumb fuck SWAT guy pictured with Pence who was wearing a Q patch? he lost his job over it lol. Q promised him a job in intel and he never got fuck all. You lot forgot him real quick. Fucking fantasists.

19033671? ago

You're a sad person. You should join the Trump Train! And then...let God in. Even with the hardships in life, you'll be happier. God Bless

19077208? ago

Yes, im sure being mentally ill like you is great fun.

19077199? ago

im not sad at all. Laughing at low life scum like Q fans is something we all do. You on the other hand fantasise about eating babies, its what Q is based on.

18995818? ago

He ate the flesh.

19000485? ago

can see it in his eyes

needs put down

18987800? ago

Wow, rude, you know nothing about this person.

18988918? ago

Gonna post my butthole under the StaffAnon name soon. You interested?

18988169? ago

Im just being honest. The FBI would never accept a retard that believes in Q. Can you imagine a bunch of Qtard FBI agents? They would be the laughing stock of the intel community and never catch anyone. Its all good fun larping online but dont for one second think this shit would work IRL. You people are deluded as fuck.

18990976? ago

Apparently this guy's never seen a Comey Tweet.

18994322? ago

Exactly. The FBI was run by NUTJOB #1!

18985139? ago

While I appreciate your info here, I don't think you should be sharing the Admin's internal workings if you really care about Trump's agenda. The Libs read this forum too and can easily spin this info to harm it. No wonder they are cracking down on inappropriate sharing. Sorry, I know you are well intended on and on the same team.

18984993? ago

StaffAnon, again thanks for the update and your dedication. Used this in my meeting with like-minded fellows this morning and got our wits about us. From everything else we have seen going on with all the Q drops hinting at this week being critical and with POTUS being out of the country, we are now more convinced that this week could potentially be very important. Our conclusion is that should something serious happen, that we should be ready to calmly explain the events and keep the peace as well as we can with people around us. We all appreciate your addition, and ask you once again to stay safe!

18988911? ago

Want to see my butthole?

18990528? ago

Can I bring some habanero lube?

18988954? ago

Does it look like M87?

18988971? ago

I’m about to post it on New.

18988980? ago

Make sure it's SFW, otherwise a lot of us might see something unpleasant

18989015? ago

I’m a dirty little ladyboy, but I’ll make sure it’s trimmed and bleached.

19000464? ago

wax your ass-pussy or GTFO!

18989026? ago


18987811? ago

And when nothing happens for the hundtedth time?

18987822? ago

Then it's CM per usual.

18985240? ago

Same. Talking to good friends of like mind are feeling the same way right now. A few of us were asked to come in early on the sixth.

18985360? ago

That seems to be the important day. D-Day anniversary, and a few Q hints at it as well, though cryptic. I'm keeping a level head and trying not to let my biases get me too excited, but based on what is being pieced together we may want to keep the possibility of an event on our minds.

Another Anon did make a point though about not saying too much. It may be worthwhile to withhold some finer details so that we don't accidentally project our actions. At this point it may be too late for the enemy to actually mount a proper defense, but too much information may be dangerous to us. I'd advise discretion in further releases, and be careful not to violate law or operational security practices.

Either way, I want to thank you for going out on a limb today and putting something useful out here.

18986091? ago

Good advice, OP. Please read.

18984813? ago

No leave? Sounds like no one allowed to jump ship.

18984596? ago


18984468? ago

Thanks again StaffAnon, yes please be careful, your information is valuable. A very unique perspective that can't be found anywhere else.

18984311? ago

TY, sir. take care, be carefull, a lot of things are coming together. it will be very interesting to see how the dust settles. ya seem to pass the smell test for alot of people, and also seem to trigger a few - because your post are a little bit of a confirmation of whats taking place, outside of the normal speculators and shit-swillers.

18984206? ago

Thank you, again, Staff Anon. Stay safe.

Going to stop feeding the animals now.

18984166? ago

Good job, StaffAnon! This answered an earlier question I had for you! I'll bring this up with my group this morning and start getting our minds working on it! Thanks for the heads up!

18984159? ago

Well one indication that the op is maybe legit: The shills start putting porn links in the thread...

18986365? ago

Well one indication that the op is maybe legit: The shills start putting porn links in the thread...

SMH at this ridiculous belief.

18986587? ago

iF yOuR tAkInG fLaK u mUsT bE oVeR tHe tArGet

tHiS tHrEaD iS lEgIt BeCaUsE tHeRe Is nO sHilL aTtAcK aNd PoRnO

Really, which is it?

18996535? ago

Is this where I'm supposed to acknowledge or ignore your retardation? Find a smart person to review your arguments before posting.

18996597? ago

I think you know what the comment intended to convey. But just in case...

I found the parent comment...

Well one indication that the op is maybe legit: The shills start putting porn links in the thread...

...funny because whenever this board gets "shilled" or pornobombed, QRVers are all like ZOMG FLAK MEANS UR OVER THE TARGET.

If you're the guy I replied to, then go back and read my comment again keeping in mind that I was agreeing with you.

18997453? ago

I see my mistake. But I'd point out I've seen worse from the Qultists. Okay, and I did sample each of the 4 different beers I picked up at Costco.

18997797? ago

Lol yeah i guess I didn't wiggywiggy enough. Oh well. How was the beer?

19005394? ago

It was the rare 'Kirkland' brand, only available at Costco... Not too bad for a casual beer, and only $20 instead of the $44 it would be at 7/11. ($10.99 per 6 pack)

18984052? ago

Thanks, StaffAnon! Stay job-y.

18984006? ago

Thank you for all your updates!

18984002? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @CovfefeFan.

Posted automatically (#45233) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18983770? ago

HR 2500 is the National Defense Authorization Act for 2020.

18985662? ago

Why do I get this then - https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/114/hr2500/text/ih -- it's a Bill from 2015. Do they recycle numbers?


To authorize the Department of Labor’s voluntary protection program.

1.Short title This Act may be cited as the Voluntary Protection Program Act.

2.Voluntary protection program (a)Cooperative agreements The Secretary of Labor shall establish a program of entering into cooperative agreements with employers to encourage the establishment of comprehensive safety and health management systems that include—

(1)requirements for systematic assessment of hazards; (2)comprehensive hazard prevention, mitigation, and control programs; (3)active and meaningful management and employee participation in the voluntary program described in subsection (b); and (4)employee safety and health training. (b)Voluntary protection program (1)In general The Secretary of Labor shall establish and carry out a voluntary protection program (consistent with subsection (a)) to encourage excellence and recognize the achievement of excellence in both the technical and managerial protection of employees from occupational hazards.

18986402? ago

Yes, they do re-use numbers. You want the bill for the 116th Congress (2019-2020) not 114th.

18983820? ago

Yeah, everyone is looking at this one.

18983745? ago

It looks like people are now starting new threads and making it look like me. I am not commenting outside of my threads on any post or posting anywhere else on Voat or in QRV.

I will continue to update my original threads instead of making new ones from now on.

18994332? ago

Than you Staffer. Be Safe.

18985973? ago

You saw the comments too. You also thought they were interesting.

Maintain intrigue; maintain anonymity.

18985541? ago

Good hunting.

The way the shill squad is after you, keep safe.

18985494? ago

Great idea.

18984939? ago

Could you please post links to your original threads? I'd find them myself but this board is anonymous.

18985002? ago

A guy in GA put them all together, he knows which is which. I'm on mobile so it is tough.

18985161? ago

18988519? ago

lol same link Anon

18990041? ago


18985086? ago

"not a guy"

18986486? ago

There are no women on the internet. It's one of the rules. Thus, referring to the "guy in GA" was correct.

18989405? ago

Unless they have boobs they want to show.

18991012? ago


18987080? ago

ok, fine

18985257? ago

A compatriot

18985595? ago

Alright, that's acceptable. When I respond about you I keep writing Him/Her ... I think I know which, but trying to keep you as anonymous as I possibly can. If you ever want to respond to questions over there, please do. I just keep telling people, that it's not my post. Thanks for your updates.

18984764? ago

Exactly how many LARP threads do you think we need?

18987517? ago


18984535? ago

I don't know if you are concerned. I wanted to share your threads in another sub. I added that it wasn't my thread.

18984932? ago

No I meant the porn thing, sharing is all good

18985067? ago

Oh, good. Thanks. I'm not sharing porn, just your posts over on GreatAwakening. There has been a much more positive response there. If you every start posting there also (hint hint) I will stop the cross posting. Looking forward to more info. Thanks.

18984524? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @VicariousJambi.

Posted automatically (#45242) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18984005? ago

You should still make a post to let us know when you update, but link it to the original thread instead then.

18987006? ago

I'll do this if I post again

18983719? ago


Congress finds that—

(1) there are archeological, sacred, and historic resources located throughout the Greater Chaco region, which spans the States of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado;

Oooooooh. Do yourself a favor, Staff Anon. If you're the least bit legit, pay fucking close attention to 2181. Archeological interest is possible code for Alien/Ancient tech. Especially in aboriginese territories. My ancestors didn't settle near certain "Sacred Mountains" By accident or for no reason. History is riddled with instances of entire temples being Burned to the Ground, only for a new temple to be built In the Exact Same Location. Make no mistake, Geographical location has energetic impacts on the people present in that area.

Please, if you are real, give it your full attention and report back anything that really catches your eye.

18988990? ago

H.R.2181 Text: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/2181/text

"Support for the Chaco Cultural Heritage Area Protection Act" examples of the puported public support/stated purpose for this bill, YMMV https://www.tomudall.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Support%20for%20the%20Chaco%20Cultural%20Heritage%20Area%20Protection%20Act.pdf

"Chaco Cultural Heritage Withdrawal Area Map" https://www.tomudall.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/ChacoCulturealHeritageWithdrawalArea_Map_5_14_18_Surface.pdf

Chaco Culture National Historic Park, at the center of the area: https://www.nps.gov/chcu/index.htm

BLM Site definition of "withdrawal", this would be a "Congressional withdrawal" I presume... https://www.blm.gov/programs/lands-and-realty/land-tenure/withdrawals

Meat of the bill (Section 4): "... SEC. 4. Withdrawal of certain Federal land in the State of New Mexico.

(a) In general.—Subject to any valid existing rights, the Federal land is withdrawn from—

(1) all forms of entry, appropriation, and disposal under the public land laws;

(2) location, entry, and patent under mining laws; and

(3) operation of the mineral leasing, mineral materials, and geothermal leasing laws.

(b) Availability of map.—The Map shall be made available for inspection at each appropriate office of the Bureau of Land Management.

(c) Conveyance of Federal land to Indian Tribes.—Notwithstanding subsection (a), the Secretary may convey the Federal land to, or exchange the Federal land with, an Indian Tribe in accordance with a resource management plan that is approved as of the date of enactment of this Act, as subsequently developed, amended, or revised in accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) and any other applicable law. ..."

Sections 5 & 6, relevant as well as the carve out treatment of existing oil & gas leases and right-of-ways, etc.

18986380? ago

Magnetic flux of the earth plus things like the crystal and metal composition of the rock substrates can account for 'power centers' considered sacred, emanating healing energies, anomalous, etc. All native, no 'alien tech' necessary. Physics dictates how energy is liberated from crystalline substrates in the presence of the earth's magnetic field strength, and biology responds.

For example I know of several people who deliberately trek down to Yucatan peninsula, say around Playa del Carmen - Tulum, for healing of chronic ailments. With success. Many underground cenotes are well worth taking swims in, because the magnetic flux from the nearby Chicxulub crater is off the chain in those spots. Living organisms simply respond well to massive native fields like that. It;'s why the Mayans built their temples in that area, using mica with the stone.

It's also why Gulf seafood is so abundant compared to any other part of the earth at those latitudes (typically a 'dead zone' compared to marine life density closer to the arctics).

18995776? ago

I just learned about the Shamir of Solomon. It's a radioactive mineral/rock that could have been used in laser-cutting stone. Just concurring with your thought that we do not need alien technology. We have it all.

18986189? ago

It's how Dims stop shit using NEPA compliance. The way around this is for Trump to order the Army and Marine Corp to turn the border into a Mine Field, no man's land.

18986024? ago

Anon and OP: do remember that we have been told time and time again that we're expecting (((them))) to revert to "something something aliens" when they were about to get caught. Most of them think it has to do with "blue beam", but the name is unimportant.

18987913? ago

I don't think it's about aliens, I think it's about billions of dollars.

18987670? ago

I prefer Blue Beep from the PBX days.

18986130? ago

And I'm going to believe what my Enemy tells me as true because..?

Don't get me wrong, file it under consideration. But the number of people who blatantly repeat this as if it means something, When your entire fucking reality has been a lie up until and including now, is just mind blowing.

18987231? ago

The concept, nor its mention, is not diminished because of someone's intentions for the time after its reveal.

I don't know for sure if that's the reason for which it's being brought up, but others in this threat have talked about it at length so far already. Not only am I not the first to mention it, but I didn't even say if I think there's any veracity to the claims. Calm down.

18985551? ago

ley lines

18984584? ago

And the Alien deception is part of the strong delusion.

18984632? ago

Yep, Alex Jones's source Zachari Klawonn (sp?) was all googooey a couple of years ago about how the introduction of our somehow having aliens out there to unite against was going to be what brought all the nations on earth together, brought us whirled peas, etc., etc. I have been waiting for this BS shoe to drop.

18985794? ago

Wasn't that the whole point of that movie Independence Day? The speech by the fake President in that was right up there with the Zachari guy. https://invidio.us/9t1IK_9apWs

Lecturing us on petty differences - united in common interest - fighting for our freedom - not from tyranny... etc. You know, listening to this again, if you listen between the lines, this was a NWO speech. Stealing 4th of July from the USA and making One World Order the "new Independence." WHOA. Mindfuck. The more you know...

Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!

18988181? ago

The CIA has long had its mitts in Hollywood film narratives.

18987081? ago

...brought us whirled peas, etc., etc.

I luv whirled peas but mushy peas are good with fish 'n' chips.

18984409? ago

what kind of bunkers exist underground? we need eyes on the ground in the 4 corners area...

18984390? ago

What are the minerals in that area? Is is what we need to avoid dependence on China?

18995714? ago

The Tesla automobiles depend on some unique mineral to operate. I wonder if he would have hands in this.

18985034? ago

Looks like a lot

18984284? ago

Everyone needs to work this shit out, those little stone Obelisk like the Washington Monument are Fucking ANTENNA's.

They are usually closely positioned to WAR MEMORIALS so that they can pull in all that TRAUMA/FEAR/HORROR energy form those that died and those that survived in their little Blood Sacrifice events and then Broadcast it out into the local population to try and keep the local populations in those lower vibrations.

It's seriously fucked up shit once you work it and know what your looking at....

19000392? ago

Bulldoze them and see if anything changes

18987053? ago

Fucking ANTENNA's ... what? you omitted a word.

18987580? ago

Heil Grammar!

18986262? ago

You got a source for this? I think on ancient aliens they said obelisks are to draw cosmic energy to a certain point to produce a positive effect. This doesn't sound right.

18986135? ago

Yup. We're incredibly good at IGNORing reality like IGNORant boobs sometimes.

18988202? ago

I like boobs

18983791? ago

Yeah, I'm reading it now, it seems kind of odd and out of place.

18989033? ago

Have you ever walked around until you were really sweaty and then took your pants and briefs off. Then spread your asscheeks by a cold fan until the sweat drys. It’s the GREATEST feeling in the world.

18991750? ago

I wear boxers.

18992404? ago

It’s sounds like it feels good thought right.

18992331? ago

Better switch it up now. They might ask everyone at the next meeting to pull their pants to their knees to see who wears boxers.

18986048? ago

Please be careful, anon, especially about anonymity.

18984050? ago

Dissolve reality, The Great Awakening.

18983632? ago

Anyone who doesn't think this is a LARP, check this thread: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3256967

18989046? ago

Go back to Grindr faggot

18989244? ago

I'm not going anywhere, asshole. Enjoy my posts.

18991887? ago

Trolling people on the 6692nd most popular website in the world. What a sad, dead end motherfucker you are.

18983667? ago

Porn Response. Downvote and move on.

18984123? ago

They don't even realize that when they post porn they legitimize the op and give them more credibility...

18984923? ago

Honestly he probably does, hence doing it only to select few larpers.

18983974? ago

fucking fags.

18983534? ago

Capital parking lot still closed?

18983615? ago

No it's open as normal.

18984699? ago

Any scuttlebutt about why it was closed? I would think it might be water cooler chatter today.


18984876? ago

Someone told me they we're pressure washing the floors, but they still look dirty. I walked over there earlier and it looked normal.

18988926? ago


18983518? ago

Thanks for the Update Staff Anon

18983738? ago

Agreed, thank you for the update.

18983640? ago

You fucking retards will believe ANYONE who tells you ANYTHING on the Internet. It's fucking sad.

18985466? ago

I don't believe you.

18986141? ago

But, you believe someone claiming to be "StaffAnon", I bet?

18985243? ago

Mossad literally trains for this using reddit subs like confession, am I the asshole and I fucked up. Relationship advice too. They make up shit and see what the normies buy into the most.

18984293? ago

Yes, it's fucking sad, the only useful person to get information from is media or a dead / unemployed leaker.

If you think this person is FOS, great.

Some of us would like to allow this person the benefit of doubt. The only way for this person to prove they are speaking factually would be to dox themselves, or allow the time for this to get some verification.

The response that this person is a larp is equally unfounded, don't forget, you are also some anonymous retard demanding we trust them too.

18984317? ago

Some of us would like to allow this person the benefit of doubt.

Which is how we got into this whole "Q IS REAL!" mess in first place.

Baby boomers are fucking retarded.

18985503? ago

Mom says it's time for you to feed your Sea Monkeys.

18984441? ago

Great... and nobody cares what shill squad has to say either.

18986200? ago

But, you will listen to some anon asshole LARPing you with a fake "insider" story from Washington DC?

18984134? ago

And you will find the need to comment on it, dipshit. The louder you scream...

18987021? ago

Only stopping when the microwave beeps.

18983712? ago

Dickless ^

18983722? ago


18983796? ago

Who fucking cares. It's harmless shit. Uh, you're spotting...

18984041? ago

exactly. why these fuckers hang around here is baffling. There really is no excuse other than they're cowards: too scared to commit for fear of being wrong, too scared not to for fear left out. They really do make the worst fucking people (and neighbors). Why not go over to your own camp and circle jerk yourselves with your own kind?

18989570? ago

Hell yes!

18983677? ago

Accepting the possibility of it being real is not the same thing as believing you mongol. It would behoove you to recognize that a factor of Genius is the ability to maintain multiple realities at once, choosing to act on the one that feels most appropriate towards your end goals.

The mark of a child, is to lash out pathetically and impotently.

18983696? ago

This is the Internet, fucktard. I grew up on the Internet. I can assure you that it is a lie. The rule of the Internet:

By default everything you read online is a lie.... unless OP can prove otherwise.

18989705? ago

[ I grew up on the internet.]

Haha! You have to actually be grown, and act like it, to make that statement mean anything!

18989853? ago

They didn't have electricity when you were a kid Grandpa.

18990331? ago

Never said I was grown, never said I wasn't. But then I'm not the one on here trying to piss everybody off. You don't care who your talking to or what they are saying. All you care about is making someone mad. Show the world how pathetic you are. You're mad at the world so you want everyone else to be to. Real stupid.

18990350? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

As soon as we some arrests, the trolling will stop.

18992089? ago

Nope. Just change tactics.

18984171? ago

"I grew up on the internet"

Enough said.

18984190? ago

Maybe you retards should learn more about the Internet before you jump in with both feet.

18984828? ago

You Really Think Someone Would Do That? Just Go On the Internet and Tell Lies?

18986192? ago

Yeah, it seems unlikely. Why would anyone lie? It's the Internet. It has to be true.

18983947? ago

I wish I had any authority. I'm not even a senior staffer, and they get shit on all the time. I just get to clean up their shit.

18984091? ago

You got to give us proof otherwise, I'm not believing it. Post pics or scan some docs that have dates on them which could only come from within the Capitol. (e.g. ID badges or press passes, or current legislation, memos, newsletters, etc.)

18988042? ago

Hey dude, fuck off. Go get a job there and find out for yourself. Quit being such a little bitch. This post and any subsequent replies are not to convince you it's legit. You've said your piece. Now, go be a piece of shit somewhere else. Fucking ruh-tard

18988463? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Those are the options. I'm here until Q is proven to be a bullshit LARP or there are mass arrests of the traitors.

18984135? ago

I'm already borderline IDing myself, I'm not about to start showing scans of my badge.

If you don't believe me, just threaten to kill me and move on like the others.

18988062? ago

StaffAnon, don't entertain that shillard

18984795? ago

No you aren't, you have not posted anything of substance yet.

18984840? ago

I wish I had anything more valuable to post than I have, but I don't know shit. I'm literally a nobody with zero clout.

18995122? ago

Then why put yourself in danger to provide nothing of substance? Ego?

18984655? ago

Its almost like they're wanting you to do something to get caught. How stupid! Ignore them.

18984919? ago

Yeah seriously, want me to post my security badge and license?

19021131? ago


18984181? ago

I don't even know you. I have no desire to kill you. I just don't believe what you're saying. Until you prove otherwise, this thing your doing is a LARP. Without proof, there's no way to verify the authenticity of your story.

18984948? ago

Ok, then don't believe me.

18986165? ago

I don't.

18988071? ago

Good. This hopefully means you'll fuck off now

18988872? ago

Im here to stay and post surprise tranny porn

18989827? ago

the only surprise will be when you cease being a faggot.

18988442? ago

Nope. I'm here every day. You've been enjoying many of my posts on the front page for months now.

18983445? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

LARPing isn't one of the options.

18985976? ago


18985673? ago

then GTFO

18986105? ago

OP has to GTFO. I'm not going anywhere.

18983507? ago

This is NOT an effing movie or a video game; this is REAL LIFE

Do us a favor and YOU GTFO!!!

18983535? ago

So, you believe the anonymous LARPer claiming to be a Washington DC insider? But, when a normal, sane person calls for arrests of traitors you tell them to GTFO? That makes zero sense.

18983870? ago

A normal sane person? It is neither normal nor sane to spam the same stupid shit over and over again. It is fucking retarded.

18984893? ago

Pretty normal and sane to ask basic questions.

18985129? ago

Yeah, but not spending your whole day spamming several groups all day long with the same idiotic shit.

18983458? ago

Thank you for your contribution.

18983650? ago

Thank you for LARPing in QRV: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3256967