solo7 ago

To Staff Anon, As a government employee, being paid by the American tax payer, follow the law and protocols established and keep confidential any government inside information whether it's how many people are in the lunch room or go to the bathroom. Also, keep your opinions, hints, suggestions, fear mongering, to yourself. If you don't abide by the rules, regulations and laws, you should be fired.

solo7 ago

Look, not trashing this person, but what is the difference between someone who supported Hillary and the DS and what this staffanon is doing? Nothing. It's leaking, it's spreading unsubstantiated information. It's a government employee getting paid by the tax payer and just because you think he/she is on "our" side all of a sudden it's ok. Well, it's not. Trump and the Republicans initiated an act that prevents government employees from discussing government information or actions. It's to protect us, and while we think it's benign now, later it may become worse. This staffanon is actually creating and causing a division, making suggestions/rumors which the msm liberal media would love to happen. As for the parking lots concern, the Rolling Thunder was considering coming to Washington to protest, in the event the Dems initiated an impeachment order. So, the parking lots were cleared and I believe blocked. Why are you guys oohing and awing over this 'supposed' inside information when what he/she is doing is no better then Comey. Give your heads a shake. This staffanon can say anything he/she wants to get your attention......really, a paper opener is getting death threats? Come on people. Saying 'something is coming down that has people freaked out' really? Where's the proof beside this person's opinion. Q taught us to think, so THINK! Q taught us to want government employees to follow the law, so why do we now think it's ok to not follow government protocols and standards? For all we know this could be A Schiff, or the DS operators just putting out stories to divide us......while they break the law. THINK! WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED ABOUT THE CORRUPTION IN WAHSINGTON!

Shiftworker1976 ago

Thank you Patriot for this inside look. 2 weeks of History. Dark to Light.

CovfefeFan ago

You are welcome. If StaffAnon post any more, I will try to bring it here.

GoodGodKirk ago

Good read

CovfefeFan ago

He/She also made interesting comments on the posts if you wanted to visit them. I wish StaffAnon would post here so we can keep up better.

GoodGodKirk ago

I wouldn’t want them to post here, someone might dox them.

Great gathering of details though!

CovfefeFan ago

I suppose you are right.


sleepingbagpudding ago

"she told me they are limiting vacation time for the next two weeks"

some fat she swine crying about her two weeks of no vacation allowed thats fucking rich.

CovfefeFan ago

Well, you don't know the entire story. What if you planned a trip to Italy, bought plane tickets for your entire family, and paid for a hotel. You made these plans last year...

I'm not saying that's what happened, but we don't have all the information. Therefore, I can't judge. Just move past that part...

bamadeplorable420 ago


CovfefeFan ago

me too..

numina18 ago

I hope it is arrests of the traitors.

LurkU ago

Wow it sounds like a government job is now like my corporate job has been for 20 Years. Welcome to the real world and it figures that the .gov is just now reigning in their employees.

CovfefeFan ago

It's about time.

standwithuQ ago


CovfefeFan ago

He/She posted this on Friday. POTUS left on Sunday, so it may not be connected.

Poohwhisperer ago

Very interesting Thanks!

CovfefeFan ago

you are welcome...

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VicariousJambi ago

Watch out, He mentioned he's only going to edit his original post now because people are pretending to be him.

CovfefeFan ago

I got his/her approval to post them over here. I keep trying to encourage him/her to post here also, but not getting a response back on that.

CovfefeFan ago

I saw that. I'm not pretending to be him, I'm just giving him a larger audience.

VicariousJambi ago

I'm not saying you are, just that people are pretending to be him so some of these updates might not actually be by him

CovfefeFan ago

Oh, I didn't think of that. That's why I wish StaffAnon would post here, so we can see it's from the true source. I will keep that in mind from now on.

CovfefeFan ago

Alright. I'll try to stay observant. Could always use a helping hand, so if you notice anything, please feel free to let me know. I want to keep this person safe while keeping others informed.

HateTheCabal ago

How many staffers went on vacation the day the parking lot was closed? That narrows it a lot. They said they were going to leave their car there and then go to Reagan. Ask them not to give any incriminating info away. I hope they were not found out. Let us know if you hear anything.

CovfefeFan ago

I don't think it was vacation. I think it was just home for the weekend.

Anyway, haven't seen anything since. He/She was getting a lot of shills. I think he/she gave up. Not sure we will get any more info.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Thanks for posting this - I've had QRV blocked for months, and subscribed to GA, would have missed this if you hadn't posted it.

CovfefeFan ago

I understand. I don't spend time on QRV, I just take a glance every now and then. Now I'm just looking for StaffAnon's posts. I'll share when I find them.

Roughboy ago

Tick Tock

99cobra ago

You dont deserve the shilling, thanks for the info.

Anyone with half a brain and on eye can see whats coming. Patriots in control.

CovfefeFan ago

Yes, I'm excited.

CovfefeFan ago

Oh, yes. I heard about weird stuff happening on the internet this weekend. I didn't notice myself. I wasn't on it at the time. I'm also not in the northeast. If you have any interesting insights, would love to hear.

CovfefeFan ago

oh, alright... That's the "official" story? So they say...

new4now ago

Yep, read it on the internet, lol

Wonder what's really going on

Checking other posts

Thought it strange when I saw map of outage

Even a part of Brazil got hit

CovfefeFan ago

I remember seeing the map this weekend. It wasn't red where I am. I wonder what the real story is.

new4now ago

Depending if it was Cloud, Facebook whatever, shows up different on maps

Look up outage maps images

Interesting to say the least

CovfefeFan ago

yes, thanks

new4now ago

There's been a lot of outages at different times in the past

new4now ago

Look at the different maps and where the outages are

It was bigger than I have read

CovfefeFan ago


17RedPills ago

Could this have anything to do with the rumored shooting of a person by the SS?

CovfefeFan ago

I didn't think of that. Could be. I didn't know it was in the same area.

trevmon ago

i heard something is coming July 4th, but Q has lied before

TurquoiseLover ago

Total leftist hell hole.

Shiftworker1976 ago

I agree about QRV, making them so angry is rewarding. MAGA

flatbush711 ago

If you receive any future correspondence from this one, I would make slight edit with notifications of them. There's enough in this one for the Dems to start a leak inquiry. Always protect sources, no matter what.

comprametu ago

im with you

CovfefeFan ago

Alright. I'll keep a better eye out.

I had commented on the first one and StaffAnon replied with info I suggested should be deleted. Then he/she took my advice and deleted it.

Do you see something I should delete now that I missed? I can edit it and delete it. I don't want this person to get into trouble or to be hurt.

summerwind_US ago

I know there's lots of mail-openers, but I was surprised to see him post that. I'd think it'd still be fairly easy to 'investigate" them all. And thank you for posting this, I stopped going to QRV a few weeks ago, I'll miss some things, but I get enough here, and it doesn't leave me wanting a shower.

singlebrain1 ago

or being unable to eat for a week.

CovfefeFan ago

I glance over the "hot" area occasionally. I never go to the "new" area anymore and I never click on any links going anywhere else. It's not a safe place, so I understand. Luckily, the glancing over the "hot" actually came up with something decent that I would have missed, so I thought I would bring it here.

Tigerinky ago

Thank you

CovfefeFan ago

you are welcome.

1scm ago

Very alert! THank you!

CovfefeFan ago

you are welcome.

If Staff Anon shares any more, I'll try to pass it along.

Qdini ago

Thanks for staying on top of these posts CovefefeFan! Anxiously awaiting any updates!

CovfefeFan ago

I am too. I know they are small observations, but just like Sherlock Holmes seeing something that may not seem important and using deductive reasoning skills... We could discover something interesting.

Qd4Action ago

Fascinating information and I thank you for taking the time and whatever risks there may be to keep us updated and informed.

CovfefeFan ago

I didn't write this, I'm only sharing what I found. I'm hoping StaffAnon will visit this sub and interact with us here.

singlebrain1 ago

thank you for all that you do

CovfefeFan ago

you are welcome....

Just so we are clear, I didn't write this, I am only passing it along from QRV.

Qd4Action ago

My mistake...but thank you for dragging it over to Great Awakening, CovfefeFan!

CovfefeFan ago

It's alright. Hopefully, I will have dragged StaffAnon over here too.

Elfchiro ago

Interesting, I would like to hear some more observations from other staffers.

CovfefeFan ago

Me too.

1cd1233 ago

Thanks for posting. Looking forward to learn more of inner workings of sausage factory, very interesting. Stay safe!

CovfefeFan ago

"Sausage factory"

love it!

KnownBand0 ago

a little too late for the inter office memo. Even Watergate whistleblower Bob Woodward knows its coming. battle lines are being drawn in DC.

CovfefeFan ago

exciting times

KnownBand0 ago

I keep wondering what Pelosi was doing few months ago trying to fly her family out of the country. Information is a weapon.

KEW ago

Designated Survivor

CovfefeFan ago

And bringing Schiff with her... There was something going on there, that's for sure. I think she planned to return to the states to become the new president.

KnownBand0 ago

yes. the FBI stopped the terrorist who had a rocket launcher. his target was the White House. no such thng as coincidence

CovfefeFan ago

yep, exactly

Anarae ago

Very interesting and thank you for posting.

CovfefeFan ago

you are welcome

HateTheCabal ago

This person will be without a job in two days. There are far too many pieces of info to narrow down who it is. I’m incredulous they attempted this.