19970551? ago

Wait, isnt congress gone? Maybe not yet?

19970723? ago

They are, we are preparing things to be mailed out to them where they are at overnight

19970759? ago

Thx. Now Im curious. As a former analyist, by nature also you have no idea how curosity gets to me. Lol

19971048? ago

They get to go home, we still work haha

19971085? ago

Well...there ya go. Lol

19968295? ago

Shit is going down!!

19974473? ago

Any updates?

19968628? ago


19968662? ago


19969862? ago

Hey Op thanks for posting on my thread. What’s going down now?

19968659? ago

Op is showing us it’s still staff anon from a few months back. He was told today he had to work until midnight

19968452? ago

I think this is old. Check new comments.

19968397? ago

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18981658? ago

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18969098? ago

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18959498? ago

National Day of Prayer June 3 being organized by Deep Stater Franklin Graham. Prolly that

18956121? ago

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18955353? ago

@StaffAnon - I'm confused. 9 hours ago you said, "This morning I went to drop my car off so I could metro to Reagan" and you mentioned you were about to step on a plane. You continued communicating with us over the course of the day. Now 1.2 hours ago you said you popped your head in to the lot and it was full of armored cars. You indicated you were leaving the car for the weekend. So did you fly out of Reagan and then fly back to Capitol Hill where you peeked into the Lot? Just trying to wrap my head around the conversations...

Post 1, submitted 9.4 hours ago. "I'm about to step on a plane, but I'll be around to answer questions later today."

Post 2, submitted 8 hours ago, "It is VERY rare. Our staffer text chain was saying there are decked out armed police all over the Hill"
Post 3, submitted 8 hours ago, "There are more police on the street this week by double"
Post 4, submitted 7.9 hours ago, "Yes"
Post 5, submitted 7.9 hours ago, "Very. And they rarely do updates on the weekend, no one pays overtime haha."
Post 6, submitted 7.9 hours ago, "We usually get weeks notice about updates to systems and they're rare. This was announced a few hours before in a rushed memo"
Post 7, submitted 7.8 hours ago, "We've had a lot of jet fly bys here this week this is abnormal but it does happen once in a while."
Post 8, submitted 7.8 hours ago, "Or at least our safe parking spots."
Post 9, submitted 5.6 hours ago, "That would be Staph, but thanks"
Post 10, submitted 5.5 hours ago, "It's very possible, a lot of house members are still in town, even though it's slow and a weekend"
** Post 11, submitted 1.2 hours ago, "Just popped my head in the hill lot - it's full of armored vehicles!"**

18965995? ago

I was sharing info that was texted to me, please use your reading comprehension skills if you have them.

18972075? ago

Darlin' I was talking about Post 11, which someone apparently has deleted. It didn't make sense, and now we know it was a shill spoofing you, because it had two sets of numbers. One was theirs and one was a spoofed copy of yours. I have very good reading comprehension, that's why I questioned it. Calm down.

18961237? ago

Post 11 is not OP. Check again. It's a shill

18972208? ago

Thanks - figured that out. Looks like they removed it. That was why I did that list of Posts. Trying to wrap my head around it. Pissed OP off, but it did help ferret out the shill and train us all what to look for! All good in the end, yes?

18957959? ago


18959473? ago

kek - Thanks.

18954144? ago

Saw three Blackhawks in the air today in west Knoxville, TN. We have a nearby Air National Guard base, but not so much activity, but lately it's begun picking up. Interesting.

18953536? ago

David Koresh return imminent. 7.4.19. Follow the watch.

18950773? ago


Are you excited? Scared? What’s the mood we’re working with here? June -> July 4th predictions...

Pain incoming?

Stay safe.

18953301? ago

Please update us as to what you learn after your trip to the swamp!

18954580? ago

Nothing remarkable except the address of the party...


18950311? ago

My question is this.

Is Kyrsten Sinema hot in person or meh?

I have a crush on her.

Staff for who, what?

18949603? ago

well personally.. i dont think staffers should have free anything. pay like the rest of us.

18956322? ago

well personally.. i dont think staffers should have free anything. pay like the rest of us.

StaffAnon pays taxes too. So he does pay for it. It's like the military defends you for free. No you, I, StaffAnon, et al pay for it with our taxes. Learn to pick your battles, idiot.

18956411? ago

if hes a staffer hes paid with american tax dollars.. and does not pay anything. as tax dollar paid employees are just redirecting funds. hes not earned anything. just a leech suckeling the teet of hard working americans.

also not only do Federal employees not pay income/payroll taxes…none of us as individuals do. Instead…our employers essentially pay a consumption tax on our labor pushing the cost of a $75k per year employee up over $100k. as they are not labor emoloyees but salaried leeches they essentially dont pay anything but inturn recieve everything free, i.e. parking, cell phones, cars, insurance , housing, child care..

idiot.. learn economics and civics... kill yourself

18980785? ago

Yeah, I absolutely don't buy things and pay sales tax. Fuck me for trying to contribute I guess.

18956493? ago

Boy, I could give you a week long lesson on the FedRez and how our taxes work. If you want to get technical our taxes don't buy shit. They pay the interest on government's loans from the FedRez.

Go hang yourself with a red scarf.

18956778? ago

do you really think you're the only one who knows what the federal reserve is?

what if i am Whitehouse Anon? what if i am DOJanon? what if i am FBIanon?

you have no clue.. just because some schmuk comes on and says they are a staffer doesnt mean dick.

only liberals and hollywood pedos own scarfs.. real men wear ties

18958357? ago

real men wear ties

Glad I wasn't drinking something when I read this

18958423? ago

actually.. i partially retract that. real men are the mechanics, tradesmen, garbage men, military, police, firemen, emt, and small business owners who voted for trump.

men dont wear dresses nor do they vote democrat

18950068? ago

It's not free, and YOU do pay for it Thanks.

18950365? ago

One big perk of being a staffer is getting to leave your car in secure Hill parking for free over the weekend if you fly home to see your family

your direct quote

18951523? ago

Who do you think pays for the parking structures and people who run it? YOU, the taxpayer. Idiot.

18951783? ago

1) fuck you, you hide and then try to insult patriots. which is why YOU ARE NOT SAFE TO WALK THE STREETS. hopefully someone kills you, as you are literally a burden on tax payers and obviously NOT a patriot. not a patriot means you are the enemy of patriots.

2) as me the tax payer, and you the leech, you dont even deserve the money we pay you. go get a real job. you've accomplished NOTHING

3) exactly why ya'll should pay 10xs the amount to park, at least that way you'd actually be contributing rather than just leeching

4) die you socialist shit sack. and take the rest of the dims with you. the only person who deserves tax payer money for the job he does is Trump, but as hes not a leech, he donates his pay to actual good causes.

5) liberals are trash

18982145? ago

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18981548? ago

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18966455? ago

1) You're trash for wishing death on someone

2) Not a liberal, I'm MAGA all the way, I was illustrating a point about the parking.

3) You're still an idiot

18969811? ago

Dude.. don't feed the trolls (enemy agents).

18968082? ago

you're still better off dead...hopefully soon

18953461? ago

hopefully someone kills you


obviously NOT a patriot. not a patriot means you are the enemy of patriots.

He's here posting info of note, right? Calm down.

18954572? ago

so do shills, trolls, anti trumpers, nazis, muslims and cnn.. means nothing

18953715? ago


Or he's misleading us with disinfo as ordered!

Has anyone confirmed? Where are the 'staffer text chain' screenshots?

Trust No one, means NO ONE.

18954348? ago

Get real, this guy is a glowfag.

Entirely possible, yes. He's really taking us all for a ride with his "I'm a DC staffer and there's something definitely funky going on with security here today" shenanigans. Regardless of one's stance on his input, do you genuinely consider the LARP possibility a valid reason for anybody to say "hopefully someone kills you" to him?

18954395? ago

Sure, why not?

ps - I'm not the guy who said it, but I understand his position.

Is it a shame that the most effective way to rid our society of malicious double agents, is not a stern talking to regarding the importance of morality?

Yes. Yes, that is a shame.

18954454? ago

your best intentions and first impressions will get you dead

There's more important things than surviving

18954583? ago


18951777? ago

YOU, the taxpayer. Idiot.

If shit ever hits the fan, while everyone else is targeting the people at the top I plan on cleaning up the admins and staffers. The politicians come and go every election cycle but you motherfukers are the real swamp. And the best part is, all the security will be protecting your bosses. Have a nice weekend fucker.

18980772? ago

I'll pray for you tonight. I'm sorry that me having a steady job is so threatening to you that you feel like you need to "take out" a bunch of college students who go to meeting and take notes to show their bosses while getting paid minimum wage.

18969800? ago

you really need to seek mental therapy, fucking clownboy.

threatening anonymous people on the internetz, the coolest of the cool.

18970095? ago

threatening anonymous people on the internetz

Who have i threatened faggot? I just stated fact. And the more people realize that the DS are the permanent staff and unelected bureaucracies and not the puppets being waved at them on TV, the closer we get to dismantling this.

The best part is the REAL enemy doesn't have security. We can make it look like muggings, accidents, etc. And if we do have civil unrest, while everyone is focusing on the TV politicians some of us will go to work on the real problem.

I am talking in hypotheticals. I in no way referring to any specific entity. My previous comment referred to hypothetical action in a hypothetical civil war scenario which I plan on taking no action to create or start.

18971939? ago

"while everyone else is targeting the people at the top I plan on cleaning up the admins and staffers."

Yeah thats so non-threatening there friend

18972115? ago

If shit ever hits the fan,

The conditional piece to the quote. That is called "taking it out of context".

I must be over the target.

18953701? ago

You wont be alone.

18953316? ago

This is true. A friend from California told me that when they did term limits, the problem did not go away. The state members had to leave, but the bureaucratic staff remained & ended up getting more & more power as they were the ones the new elected officials turned to. What a mess.

18952024? ago

I genuinely pity you.

May you find some love and light in your life.

18949556? ago

You should really get that looked at.


18950009? ago

That would be Staph, but thanks

18950156? ago

Still, dude, get it checked out.

18949454? ago

So one theory could be......arrests are happening. Think about how this goes down in corporate America. They seal off the building and ensure that offices, files and computers are secured. Then everything gets inventoried by investigators.

18950080? ago

It's very possible, a lot of house members are still in town, even though it's slow and a weekend.

18955319? ago

My Hope has always been the arrests taking place just prior to DECLAS.

Makes the most sense. While the public is reeling DECLAS and bam.

The issue is there has to be a fever pitch and everyone has to be paying attention - are the arrest the way of getting that attention for DECLAS? Kinda the ultimate way to do it

18949194? ago

Thank you, Staff Anon!

18948913? ago

If you've never seen anything like that before, how long have you been a staffer?

18948753? ago

Hey staff anon how much do you glow at night, nigger?

18948463? ago

You woke on the /v/RomanQuestion yet?

18948393? ago

other than the side of a street where it will get destroyed or vandalized.

BY WHO? Who would "destroy or vandalize" your car?

Pro-tip: it's niggers.

18949678? ago

Clearly you''ve never spent any time near Capitol Hill. It's crime ridden

18950243? ago

Yes... because there are niggers everywhere in Washington DC. I was born there.

18949010? ago

If we could only train them to wash and detail.

18949034? ago

They will spit on your windshield, and smear it all around with a newspaper, then shit on the sidewalk though....

18980736? ago

I have literally seen this happen in front of my apartment.

18948341? ago

Sounds like they're still expecting a FF involving Congress or staff. Staffanon said they were told not to mingle.

18948247? ago

StaffAnon, Thank you for joining us, we really do appreciate it. WWG1WGA!

18948152? ago

I love these posts. I don't spend much time on QRV anymore because of the useless stuff, but I now come here just to look for your post after the other one that I think you may have sent. Please keep them coming. They mean a lot, especially during this pivotal time.

18954228? ago

You’re falling for a Glowfaggot.

18954387? ago

You're just jealous.

18949257? ago

Useless stuff = shill tactic

18949348? ago

I know. I come and glance occasionally, just in case. That's when I saw the previous post Staff Anon posted. Now I'm looking more often, just for these posts. We need a fly on the wall.

18948026? ago

Maybe they’re staking out the executive golf course for a B&B reno of the Capitol POTUS has planned. These scumbags in Congress have defiled the sacred chambers and don’t deserve it. Let them legislate from their home offices with constituents banging on the door, thus ending the one-stop shopping spree special interests and lobbyists have enjoyed for so long.

18947852? ago

Hello staff anon

Nice to see you here

Have a nice day anons

18947811? ago

They only did that during a State of the Union address.back in February. https://www.rollcall.com/news/congress/security-tightens-capitol-hill-need-know-state-union.

Mmm...maybe POTUS is going to address the nation?

18948133? ago

It is VERY rare. Our staffer text chain was saying there are decked out armed police all over the Hill

18949877? ago

Oh, that is significant

18949662? ago

Keep in mind that the Secret Service investigates financial crimes too. So one theory could be......arrests are happening. Think about how this goes down in corporate America. They seal off the building and ensure that offices, files and computers are secured. Then everything gets inventoried by investigators.

18947776? ago

DECLASS brings down the House

18948209? ago

Or at least our safe parking spots.

18953665? ago

It's never safe to work for criminals.

18947728? ago

I'm in the northeast. Hate adding anecdotes but hearing a military plane overhead is unusual where I live. We do get them but it is rare.

They are far louder than commercial planes which is why you notice them. Not the last week though, 2-3 a day and one right now. Hmmm.

18951932? ago

Luke Air Force Base (Phoenix) is training pilots all summer long, every summer on the F 35s. We have the loud military jets flying over us from morning until midnight daily although last week they were still flying at 2:45am. Maybe even later than that but I fell asleep. I'm learning to tune them out but when they repeatedly cross directly over my house it's near impossible to not hear them. I can hear them when they're flying miles away.

I wouldn't know if something was actually happening because it's standard here and we're now desensitized to military jets.

You may have seen the video or news articles about the "sky penis". That was two F 35s flying above Phoenix and accidentally left a sky penis in the air. Please don't ask me for a link. I am clueless how to link. It's quite easy to find by typing in sky penis.

They're flying over me as I type this.

18960492? ago

I actually saw that earlier in the week, chuckle.

18955256? ago


18954730? ago

Tucson here, its really bad in central San Diego as well, so loud, I was there for... awhile...egressed to phoenix for a bit as well.

I just wanted to comment on resisting desensitizaion to stimuli.

I'm on the fence about it, since I knew allowing it would save me the hassle and bother of regarding the noise, desirable for sure.... However, I cannot help but think about how important recognition of stimuli is to survival. I feel desensitization may be a security risk and thus, cannot allow it. I cant live near airports anymore.

18955758? ago

Thank you anon for sharing your thoughts on becoming desensitized to the noises in the sky. I live on the flight path to Mesa Gateway. I just had to look up the name of the airport. I worked years at Sky Harbor and walked but mostly ran miles through that airport on each shift. I was shocked at how small Gateway was and have always only referred to it as Mayberry Airport. I've become desensitized and dumbed myself down by using only nicknames.

The very first F 35 I heard shook me to my core as it thundered over my house. The samething happened when a loud military helicopter fllew low over my house making windows and everything hung on the walls shake. I was instantly in fight or flight mode.

In the beginning I was distinguishing the different sounds and times of Gateway planes and was always aware of what was happening above me. I stopped paying attention. In an emergency situation I wouldn't even know the real names of many businesses by using only nicknames for them so so many years now.

Good advice anon. I will definitely stop ignoring, tuning out, not caring and revert back to total awareness of my surroundings. I will stop using stupid nicknames too.

18950881? ago

I live on the northern Oregon coast and have noticed a massive increase in military air traffic over the past year. Like daily flyovers of jets and choppers. A couple of F-35’s we’re doing something a few days ago that caused a sonic boom and sounded like my house was hit with an explosion. Always thought it was illegal for them to do that over populated areas.

I’ve lived here since 2007 and have never seen so much air traffick as I have this past year.

18948879? ago

Maybe they started laying chem trails in your area, or are doing some kind of weather manipulation.

18949617? ago

If that's it they need to keep doing it. First decent weather we've had in a long time.

18948202? ago

We've had a lot of jet fly bys here this week this is abnormal but it does happen once in a while.

18948381? ago

Another one just went over I checked to see if there was an airshow somewhere. Nope.

Trying not to extrapolate anything from this but it is certainly odd.

18947478? ago

I had a dream last night that Kushner spoke at Bilderberg and told them all “this is the last private meeting. Some of you won’t be here next year. The others will be free to have real conversations without the snakes here.”

Then Pompeo showed up and told them all what oils be going on. “QAnon is an executive asset.”

There is more but w kids so will circle back

What’s weird is Pompeo also told Eric Schmidt, to his face, the DOJ was going to “level Alphabet”

Then I woke up to this: https://www.wsj.com/articles/justice-department-is-preparing-antitrust-investigation-of-google-11559348795

18951965? ago

Is this prayingmedic?

18952598? ago

No - why was he saying something? Lookin. Honestly just had a dream and posted it up

18952928? ago

PM says he has dreams too, but this doesn't sound like him.

18953197? ago

Nope not PM. I’m a pretty lucid dreamer. Just communicating a dream not saying “this happened” or anything.

18950193? ago

Speaking of dreams, two nights ago I dreamt that Gina Haspel was a major player in the trafficking of kids. The dream popped in from nowhere. It was very vivid. I could describe the teenagers clothing, hair, and I saw they had been drugged. She would walk around each one as if she was inspecting them. The room was like in a basement with gray concrete walls with metal doors. I could see her so clearly and the shock of seeing what was happening and her hand in it woke me up. I must say it was disturbing. I always thought she was a white hat. I haven’t ever dreamt about anyone like that before and I haven’t heard or read anything concerning her to place her in my subconscious. I guess I will have place the blame on the few M&M’s I had before bed.

18956172? ago

It did sound like she was forced to participate in many things she found "distasteful" before being liberated from whatever leverage was being held over her. Let's hope that — if there's any validity to your dream — it was about her past and not anything in the present or future.

18951973? ago

Is this Praying Medic?

18951514? ago

Not a pleasant dream by any means. What exactly what Haspel doing?

18949511? ago

I don't believe you, faggot

18949745? ago

People dream, ass assassin

18950049? ago

People make shit up, too

18955219? ago

Aren’t dreams basically shit being made up?

18948975? ago

What will happen to Bohemian Grove?

18949383? ago

burn it down, please

18949731? ago

But not before Kevin Spacey spills all the beans....

18969704? ago

yes pliz

18948693? ago

Google execs were there

18947467? ago

TY for the post. Very interesting.

18947678? ago

seconded. love posts like this because it could be nothing at all, or it could be a 'non standard things are happening and something big is coming'

18947438? ago

Arrests are immenant.

18948405? ago

When I see it, I'll believe it.

18951999? ago

Good for you random anon so self absorbed they think we care whether they believe or not.

18948400? ago

Sure it wasn’t due to the shooting in Virginia last night? Definitely does not have to do with arrests. Why close a parking lot if you were going to arrest comey?

18949709? ago

Think of the Congressional co-conspirators. The Secret Service also investigates financial crimes.............

18950615? ago

The IRS took down Capone. Sometimes you take what you can get.

18950887? ago

;) .

18947689? ago

Please anon, it's imminent.

18947843? ago

Still not holding my breath

18948732? ago

I’m not even holding farts

18947880? ago

Your prolly rite.

18947674? ago


18947432? ago

Are you the same StaffAnon who posted yesterday about nobody going to lunch in the cafeteria, and nobody going out to socialize at night?

19972430? ago

Can you please link that? I missed it.

18956120? ago

Could you link that post?

18953611? ago

Link post please? Missed that one

18951739? ago

[–] 18948114? [S] 83 points (+83|-0) 1.2 hours ago

Just popped my head in the hill lot - it's full of armored vehicles!

18969947? ago

+83 is awfully ambitious

18969100? ago

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18960517? ago

This is NOT A REAL POST by OP.

It is a SHILL mimicking OP by putting this ---> [–] 18948114? [S] 83 points (+83|-0) 1.2 hours ago <--- in the text field.

They even put a link in the numbers to turn it purple to make it look more real.

I've seen this new tactic in other posts lately.

Spread the word not to fall for it!!!

18971689? ago

THANK YOU THANK YOU! I got fooled by that. I'm the one that did the time stamps and couldn't figure out how the OP on that thread saw armored cars if he was on a plane outta there. Bless you - one thousand upvotes. Now I'll watch for that. Thanks autist!

18972078? ago

Cool 🙂

Spread the word too. Knowledge is power!!

18961776? ago

Wow, was just skimming on my phone and didn't even notice. Some people just have to be pieces of shit.

18966073? ago

Wtf yeah not me.


18960655? ago

[–] 18948112? [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 1.2 hours ago

Shhhh nobody noticed yet

18960944? ago

Fucking boomers are retarded

18970993? ago

Like yo mama?

18960285? ago

I thought you had gotten on a flight? Did you fly back?

18960615? ago

[–] 18948114? [S] 69 points (+69|-0) 69 seconds ago

DC airport closed. Lots of Blackhawks on the strip. Escorted to a staff reserved underground bunker for the weekend.

18966080? ago

This is not me StaffAnon

18971708? ago

Downvoting like crazy for you. Thanks for clearing it up

18970033? ago

[–] 18966080? [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 4.4 hours ago

This is me StaffAnon - pay no attention to the fraud above

18974805? ago

Another spoof StaffAnon

18952105? ago

Sounds like something is going down. Please keep us updated.

18948122? ago

I was wondering this too. I love getting these special inside messages!

18948410? ago

It's called a LARP you retarded idiot.

18949336? ago

Who's going to LARP about not being able to use a parking lot? What LARP wouldn't spice that up with something more dramatic? Not that it isn't noteworthy but if i were going to make some shit up, this wouldn't be it lol.

18949443? ago

Because it's easily believable. They start you off on something simple and believable. Then, they start larping about something they overheard at the Capitol.

18954609? ago

Has anyone even attempted verification of this report?

It seems between the planefags, googlefags and camerafags, we could at least find a mention.

18966086? ago

It's someone faking me.


18969515? ago

I was not talking to you.

18948918? ago

Can you prove this?

18948929? ago

Why are you so gullible? You instantly believe anything that anyone tells you on the Internet?

The default state = it's a lie unless OP proves otherwise.

18954625? ago

If he believes this, I've got a 19bifemhottie to sell him.

18949602? ago

Stop wasting time on this and get back to posting tranny selfies.

18949592? ago

I don't find you credible for the same reason.

18949510? ago

I believe you are a retarded tranny... prove that you're not

18962485? ago

Here I can prove it trannycumshots.com

18949527? ago

I could prove it by simply posting a picture of myself and my driver's license. But, I won't doxx myself.

18949584? ago

you're a larp. must be a bot. must be a shill must be a retared tranny.. because you cant prove that you arnt..

18950490? ago

Go suck on your own turds, Hans.

18950600? ago

says the retarded tranny.. prove me wrong shill bot.

you cant...so you must be a larp

18950664? ago

Enjoying the derision on poal?

18950733? ago

you're a larp

18950748? ago

Lusty ageless relative peon.

18950781? ago

well thats an odd way to describe yourself.. id describe you as just a cuck looking for attention. you're a larp

18950806? ago

Hanswormhat has a clitoris

18950835? ago

your UK jokes have no meaning in america die nazi..

18949201? ago

I didn't say I automatically believe this, but it is just as much an act of faith to automatically disbelieve this post as well. How does an Anon prove who he/she is on an anonymous board?

18952457? ago

Voat would seem an unlikely place to come to unless in the know of something... 4chan would be a little more believable because of bigger audience, it happening before, and better deniability. Then again, who knows!

18951837? ago

it is just as much an act of faith to automatically disbelieve this post as well

............. Are you.... Serious?

18949327? ago

This is the Internet fucktard. OP is always lying until proven otherwise. If you don't believe that.... I have some real estate for sale.... great deals!

18949503? ago

Q posted a shit load of proofs and people still call that a LARP.

18950572? ago

The biggest proof is arrest of the traitors. Until that happens, it will remain a psyop. That is the only proof that matters.

18948114? ago


18951997? ago

Thank you!

18949133? ago

please keep us informed if anything else comes up, thank you!

18948973? ago

Thank you so much for returning and giving us more info. I would love to keep in touch without the interruptions of people calling you a larp. Message me if you can at CovfefeFan

18951080? ago

Keep it public bro

18947418? ago

Email updates (and any updates that disrupt user activity during business hours) usually occur on nights and weekends. If I was unsure as to how the update would effect my userbase, I would schedule it over the weekend so I had time to fix it if it went sideways. That in itself is not unusual. However, multiple events taken together start to become unusual. The SS stopping you from parking is way odd.

18948154? ago

Very. And they rarely do updates on the weekend, no one pays overtime haha.

18947789? ago

like they say.....night time is the 'right time'

18947766? ago

My email is never down at my agency. We never get notices about it going down unless it’s a full change to a different software which is usually never.

18947691? ago

Yeh always overnight for small maintenance and weekends starting Friday night for bigger ones.

Outside of a very high profile guest this parking bit would be “new” from what I gather

18948168? ago

We usually get weeks notice about updates to systems and they're rare. This was announced a few hours before in a rushed memo.

18948182? ago


Could be anything.

18947394? ago

They know something, using abundant caution for safety. The email server was probably hacked and they're cleaning it up. Just a guess.

18947671? ago

DECLAS should be met with such s protocol for obvious craziness. After the burning dude in the national mall etc i would have DuPont circle in lock all the way to Tysons Corner through the end of the DECLAS period

18948121? ago

There are more police on the street this week by double.

18948146? ago

Interesting. How far outside of immediate DC is this from what you saw? Down to McClean or?

18948234? ago

This was on the hill and surrounding neighborhoods, also Reagan was filled with police, way more than normal.

18948368? ago

I’m not seeing anything obvious about what this could be anywhere.

Only thing I can think of is craziness w DECLAS or some flash protest over Abortion but I haven’t seen anything

18947390? ago

Thank you StaffAnon.

18947373? ago


Question 1: is the staffer text chain that you refer to open for staffers from both parties or is it split along R/D lines?

Question 2: is there any external conf of these happenings?

18948192? ago

For #2: Haven't seen anything yet, but that's not unusual for parking and software updates. Might be on Twitter.

18948180? ago

The text chains are more informal, mine is all Republican house staffers, mostly newer ones. I'm on a chain for my specific specialty with both parties. We also have lots of Slack channels.

18947405? ago

Sounds like something that should be at least a little blurb in the news

18949069? ago

For security reasons, I doubt it. Besides, we don't have many investigative reporters anymore and those who do still investigate know to avoid reporting this for security reasons.