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18981241? ago

thanks for all the death threats

Source or didn't happen.

18983370? ago

Ahhhh - StaffAnon - I got almost EXACTLY the same death threat, close to word-for-word for saying Socialism doesn't work, or something along those lines. So either this is machine generated or there's a one-note-libtard 12 year old child, or, as someone else said, an "Incel in his mom's basement" (kek- using that). These people are paid by the views and by the responses. You probably know that. Just a reminder to not engage.

I just reported the one I got and they deleted it.

18981599? ago

That wasn't a death threat, it was someone who wishes you were dead.

Is that all you have after lying?

Please try again because I can't believe a fucking thing you say about anything important if you lie about the little things.

18981712? ago

holy shit fuck yourself and die

18981619? ago

neck yourself, you piece of shit

18983140? ago

Shit yourself you piece of neck