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18981241? ago

thanks for all the death threats

Source or didn't happen.

18981301? ago

Right because Death Threats on an Anonymous board is so fucking hard to believe.

18981493? ago

No, because death threats on an anonymous board are public and easy to prove or disprove (i.e. they can only be comments on his past posts, so show us).

If StaffAnon can't be trusted with the easy stuff then he sure as fuck can't be trusted with anything else.

This is what maintaining a CRITICAL and open mind looks like.

18981922? ago

U merely have to go to staffanons previous posts and then check the comments for the said death threats lol. So go do it and shut the fuck up. Lol.

18981995? ago


18982538? ago

This is the only occurrence that even comes close to a death threat, and yet it isn't.

The user wished the OP would die, but threatened him with no harm.

I therefore can't trust anything the OP says because if he's willing to lie about the little stuff like this then he can't be trusted to be honest about anything significant.