19427953? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

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19427853? ago


First off, thanks for all the death threats, it really makes me enjoy sharing information with a group I truly considered my community.

Second, senior staffers were passing out sealed boxes of printed memos for the 8am meetings. Part of my illustrious career here on the Hill is opening mail! That's why I get paid the big bucks and get to hold on to the letter opener.

It appears that they are tightening the rules on social media sharing on staffers. We didn't really have any before, it was just common sense - but people have been fired for oversharing stuff before (someone on my team was fired for sharing a photo of a work calendar on her instagram), and it's surprisingly easy to track because all of these idiots use the House wifi which is basically just recording everything done on it from every phone and laptop (she was busted by IT an hour after posting, so they totally watch the wifi) - that's well known, hence why I only use my work laptop and keep my phone wifi turned off - still probably getting recorded though using 4G in DC.

Anyways, no more unauthorized devices on the wifi, so work laptops and work phones only, if you get that perk. And, they're going to start blocking some websites and limiting access to things like twitter and facebook - I noticed on my work laptop that several sites are already down, mostly forums and social stuff. It's all worded like an attempt to make people more productive, but it really seems like it's all about stopping leaks or something. We're also going to have to sign some social media agreement that says we can lose our jobs if we fuck around on social media - probably includes what I'm telling all of you right now ... oops.

As I was writing this on my phone, my coworker got out of the quick 7:30 meeting and seemed all bummed, she told me they are limiting vacation time for the next two weeks (the real 10 Days of Darkness/Sadness I think) unless pre-approved and they told her to read the memo about internet use because they'll be very serious about enforcing it. They're actually threatening to fire people, which doesn't happen often.

I'll check back in around lunch.


19440641? ago

thank you! I did not delete that post.

18996132? ago

They are clearly preparing for controlled messaging. Which is, not coincidentally, the very definition of propaganda. Big events must be expected/triggered.

18991575? ago

post on theawakening.. and stop insulting people on here.. dont dish it, if you can take it

18991611? ago

Sorry, I didn't realize you made the rules.

18991635? ago

now you know...

18990908? ago

Qtards are the only ones retarded enough to believe this horse shit.

18988957? ago

Take a picture to prove.

18987385? ago

Better throw in some bogus doxxing info to disguise who you might be. The calendar comment is too much of a clue. Not necessary for you to be that specific.

18987224? ago

It is law, that government employees not use their work time or work appliances for personal or public use. We pay them to work, not to fight a cause, whether it be Q;s or Hillary's.

18986279? ago

I'm not sold on this (or Q in general) but...

Death threats online? That's fuckin extra GAY with a capital BITCH. Really, can one do anything more fake-tough-guy and faggy than internet death threats to some anonymous shitposter? FUCKING LOL

Hey OP, I will reserve judgment (here's hoping you are legit) but keep on keepin' on. And if it turns out you're legit, then you can have all my internet points.

18987322? ago

People send death threats online when they can't access the person in real life.

18987341? ago

Don't make excuses for those faggots

18996505? ago

Describing how something works is making excuses? Where do you live?

18996551? ago

It was a joke, bro. Apparently it was a stupid joke lol

I live in [redacted]

18997462? ago


18986241? ago

Thank you Staff Anon! Jesus said to put some arsenic in Bernie Sander's coffee.

18985770? ago

Any anon here making death threats is NOT part of our community. They are the enemy. Along with everyone else seeding division and calling for the violation of law abiding American citizens.

18987345? ago

calling for the violation of rights of law abiding American citizens.

A promoter of white genocide, I see. Nice cover, though.

18996624? ago

MAGA Faggot! Now go sit in the corner!

18985734? ago

I don't know about death threats but your post was a bit pedestrian, the network blocks you are talking about have already been by passed by high school kids. Doesn't your phone have the ability to be a Wi Fi access point? Sorry I may have stepped in to the middle of something else but I don't see the drama here. You deal with dumb shittery at work all the time, if the company say do'n't do that and you get fired for doing it. Is that anything else but stupidly on the part of the person who did it? It's always on Friday 'WE WILL NEVER DO THAT!' on Monday Yeah about THAT, ah we are doing that now...

18984527? ago

Thanks for keeping us posted StaffAnon!!!

18984383? ago

Many thanks for risking everything OP, history will remember you. The light is winning <3

18983580? ago

It's about f******* time can't even tell you how many stupid pointless cubicle workers literally have more internet rules and security features than the government of the United States. So glad to know that I pay for politicians to d*** around on the Internet all day

18983540? ago

Thank you, StaffAnon! And stay safe! I am curious, how many coworkers are anons? I don't mean an exact number, but for instance I am a low level intelfag in the army and have found that a small handful are actually anons/otherwise Q followers. We even sometimes convene in hidden places to discuss current ongoings and news that isn't in the "news". I'm curious to know if even House staff do something similar - or for that matter, anyone in a professional setting.

18983525? ago

Here’s the scary part - the White House reconfigures THEIR computers to limit certain web sites and social media, and sites like Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, etc suffer blackouts and downtime. That shows just how connected the government is to almost everything we do.

18983496? ago

These are all just techniques to bolster security, not specifically targeted at data leaks, but certainly inclusive of them.

18983468? ago

Proves that Qtardz are the most gullible people on the internet. They like hearing someone pretend to have a job that doesn't involve a cash register or broom.

18983509? ago

Jokes on you, I sweep the office all the time and I even use square to sell stuff at events!

18983830? ago

Events=Gun & Knife Show, Office=Windowless van

18983883? ago

I wish I could go to more Gun Shows, but I'd never want to drive a van in DC, these roads are small as fuck.

18983466? ago

You have to look at the Great Awakening sub here. It is not Logos

18983443? ago

Let them cry and scream all they want for impeachment. It will only pour cement around their already buried coffins.

Just a friendly reminder, the way the impeachment process normally works is that a President commits a crime, gets found out with a large amount of evidence, and then gets impeached after a decision has been made. The impeachment itself requires the cooperation of a majority of people in both the House and the Senate, which the Democrats don't have. Impeaching Trump is the biggest mistake the Democrats will ever make, because it's going to make everything the Democrats have ever done look like it was done for political reasons and with no motive or desire for actual justice. Really though, they're all scared shitless of the incoming truth bombs that are coming to decimate their careers.

18983498? ago

I haven't seen it but apparently a dem issued an internal memo to all dem staffers outlining the process of impeachment and how it could work and why they should stay off the internet.

18983560? ago

Then they're more delusional than I thought. One quick question, if Trump is impeached, which totally takes into account them somehow actually succeeding, who's the next person to be put in charge? Mike Pence of course.

For all the fears that Trump is an anti gay President, I can't wait to see what will happen if Mike Pence gets the Presidency. If he bans transgenders or transgender bathrooms, I'll be voting for him. Pence might actually move us away from degeneracy.

18990523? ago

Uh, no on Pence. He's good buds with Rience Priebus & Paul Ryan, got Michael Flynn fired, and protected child trafficking while governor of Indiana. He is just another of their backup plans. POTUS was forced to take him as VP or they were planning on contesting Trump on the convention floor during nomination process. Pence's visible Christianity is just his mask, IMO.

18993510? ago

Good to know. Pence always did strike me as a "way too straight" edge. Didn't POTUS have a bunch of other nominees to choose from? I'm still surprised that he picked Pence, but I thought it was more due to the fact that Pence and Trump seem to have a similar understanding that it's better to think and then do, then take rash and immediate action.

19000853? ago

I believe there were a few he could have 'chosen' that were 'approved' (read dirty & cabal-controlled) that would not have resulted in a contested election. General Mike Flynn was rumored to be Trump's choice yet did not get the nod. Just went to link you to an archive of Pence/Ryan emails from Oct 2016 which showed them panicking when the pussy tape was not having its desired effect & Trump was still surging; they were discussing with an IT guy the setup of their website for when Trump dropped out. Surprise surprise, the link now does not work. How does that happen on an archived site? There is a reason Karen Pence also got an envelope at the Bush funeral along with the other dirty players. I am an Evangelical Christian female & Pence has always given me the creeps. He's too robotic & stiff - not genuine at all. Always felt something was off about that man...and after finding Q, I better understand that feeling. But it makes sense - the deep state always has more than one backup plan. I believe Pence was one of them.

19001027? ago

I think it's best to not care, as long as Trump's name is on the signs, then everything should be good. Pence, the only reason I really accepted him was because he lost a son in the war. My sister nearly died from typhoid fever when we were only children, I never saw my father cry so hard or be so concerned with all the little things around him. I can only imagine if Pence went through all that, his suffering was probably pretty real. If he's dirty, he'll go down dirty, but I still sympathize with him a little over the loss of a child, a possibility that I can't even bear to imagine. I'll keep a better eye on Pence after this for sure. Currently, though, he's lower on the scale of evil than many of the other miscreants and human scum the Cabal keeps in power to keep control over their slave puppets.

18983346? ago

THanks for the update staffanon. Sorry for all the idiots and shills - appreciate you keeping us in the loop.

18983263? ago

Hey StaffAnon - don't worry about the death threats. They aren't the Q community, they are paid incels sitting in their mom's basements jerking off to the fleeting sense of power they get from empty threats. We just ignore them, which pisses them off even more.

We appreciate you and your insights. Good to hear POTUS is working to curb the leaks from the SES types and those in clerical and staff positions who know way more than their overlords realize.

Keep up the good work!

18983591? ago

StaffAnon is a paid shill and you’re falling for it.

18983761? ago

point taken

18987267? ago

Different user here, but you might be interested in the definition of shill...

an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

Q: Who or what group on this sub acts as an enthusiastic customer?

18983257? ago

Be careful and thanks for the update. Don’t let the online bullies get under your skin. They are weak minded and out of fear,they attack. Prayers for your safety

18983228? ago

Please try to ignore the hateful comments. I don't honestly believe those are people here for the right reasons because they attack everyone even for honest and genuine comments or questions. The real followers are here for you and appreciate any update that you can provide that doesn't jeopardize you.

18983201? ago

You are easily identifiable given the info you've shared. If this isn't a larp, you should expect blowback.

You've got to be a lot more careful!

18983373? ago

Not really, there are thousands of staffers and we're all pretty much the same kind of people and live in the same area. I'm not super concerned, but I will pay more attention.

18983536? ago

senior staffers were passing out sealed boxes of printed memos for the 8am meetings. Part of my illustrious career here on the Hill is opening mail! That's why I get paid the big bucks and get to hold on to the letter opener.

How many possibilities?

someone on my team was fired for sharing a photo of a work calendar on her instagram

Now how many?

my coworker got out of the quick 7:30 meeting and seemed all bummed, she told me they are limiting vacation time for the next two weeks

Noticed by you, likely noticed by others.

That was my impression before reading the other message about where you're allowed to and usually park, and where you travel.

I'm an idiot, and I know with access to resources allotted to find you, I would.

Probably time for you to quit sharing and hope they're too distracted to notice. Maybe find someone else, who isn't you, and see if they could share info more carefully.

18984102? ago

Good point, there is now a clear paper trail to this guy (or gal). Oh well. Going to be an interesting week.

18983681? ago

Yeah, that narrows it down, but I'm not super worried, I'm just sharing what I'm seeing, and is all pretty public - you can do a FOIA for any of these memos. I'm so low on the totem pole that I don't have any real information to reveal that matters.

But I get it.

18983740? ago

To be clear, I appreciate what you doing. I want you to be safe as a person, and as a source of intel.

Thank you. Please take care!

18983777? ago

Thank you!!

18986273? ago

If you're trying to keep a secret dont share information. Concerning your identity... if you use a proxy just know that you're identity is no longer secret.

Also as someone who has a TS/SCI clearance, I can say without a doubt that this post is really innocuous. You don't really have anything to worry about except some over zealous sys admin nerd. There is so much going on that disclosing work related internet usage agreements is about as small fry as you can get. No offence.

Just stick to the basics. Dont post or share the POD, and remember some information shares are strategic for finding leaks. Careful what you say.

18983155? ago


18983148? ago

Death threats? You are doing good work then.

18984113? ago

Are claims of death threats all it takes for people to fall for outside coms and obviously distraction shilling?

18985113? ago

Death threats are like bomb threats, just that, threats and empty threats at that.

18983120? ago

Can you give us a pic?

18983039? ago

Did ou get the memo? I'll get you a copy of the memo.

18985400? ago

Trump Preservation Society reports!

18982868? ago

thanks for all the death threats

That is not us. Those are the paid shills. I am sorry you went through that and I appreciate your involvement in this community.

Thanks for the update.

18982879? ago

Yeah, this is what I'm thinking too.

18982696? ago

Thanks, StaffAnon, for keeping us updated. Stay safe, stay strong! May God bless you!

18982653? ago

AND Thank you for the insite. Stay safe.

18982638? ago


18982579? ago

StaffAnon, thank you so much for taking the time and the risk of posting this information for the rest of us. I am hopeful that all these measures have something to do with all the declass, IG report, Bill Barr's comments about investigations into Spygate, the surfacing of details on 'Hammer', and maybe the preliminary findings of Durham and Huber hitting the wires soon.

As for the death threats, report them, ignore them, but don't worry about them - people who truly intend another harm don't alert them unless they are acquaintances. Strangers who anonymously threaten are cowards and since you have the guts to let people outside the bubble know what's happening, you probably could kick the asses of those coward fascists sending death threats.

18987291? ago

The guy works in an office, and you think he's capable of winning a fight with real people?

18987619? ago

Someone who posts death threats anonymously? Yeah, I do.

18996358? ago

Yeah, office workers are renowned for their physical prowess. Qtards are renowned for their gullibility.

18997379? ago

Hey, he can stab you with the letter opener knife. Or bludgeon you with the keyboard, catapult the mouse to your head, kick the screen to smother you. Or simply throw his desk chair at you. There must be some office stapler he can use to ram into your face.

Office workers can sure be dangerous.

18997497? ago

Death by a thousand paper cuts.

18996415? ago

Like keyboard warriors? Nice try, limp wrist.

18982377? ago

thanks for the updates and keep up the good work. And fuck the losers with the death threats.

18982276? ago

Thank you for putting StaffAnon in the title so you are easier to watch for. I appreciate what you are doing.

18982162? ago

Did Nigel Farage just said "I well may sweep Q away"????? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-begins-uk-visit-meeting-queen-sparring-with-london-mayor watch the video right at the 12:55 mark.

Cant make threads, due to limit.

18982472? ago

No, he says, "at the next election I may well just sweep "you" away".

18982118? ago

Posting my butthole just for you StaffAnon. Check out NEW tonight!

18982271? ago

Finally, the payoff I've been waiting for.

18982306? ago

Great Post On New StaffAnon. I would have never have expected that kind of degeneracy in conservative hill staffers. What an eye opener

18982092? ago

If you're getting death threats that pretty much means you're over target.

18984061? ago

Or claiming death threats were made when none were to bait you into your exact assertion while you fall for outside coms and a distraction.

18981849? ago

Hi StaffAnon, we appreciate your posts and updates.

Stay safe.


18981781? ago

Sorry, I seriously don't care about StaffAnon or his/her office updates. Why is any of this relevant other than OP is attention seeking???

18981820? ago

If you don't care why are you taking the time to respond?

18981837? ago

Because morons are upvoting this crap.

18981700? ago

StaffAnon, thank you for the updates. Patriots don't make threats hidden behind screens. The link looked like a bunch of low level brock tacticians. Sending up prayers for the uncertainty you are experiencing and against the big mouthed; tough guys behind screens. Thank you, again, for keeping us updated. WWG1WGA Swamp creatures are getting flushed out, so they are a bit sensitive these days; lashing out, as they try to hold on to the rim of the bowl.

18987197? ago

You really think it's not normally-abled people who's ability to spot a fraud or psyop is far greater than yours? One way you can assess your own mental capacity is whether or not you believe a person only receives criticism when they speak "the real truth".

18982280? ago

Thank you!

18984072? ago

VPN up Patriot!

18981673? ago

Thank you

18981657? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @CovfefeFan.

Posted automatically (#45177) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

18981621? ago

Thank you for sharing!

18981805? ago

Do the enforcers seem worried and frazzled as if something big is about to drop on them? Oh I really hope so! Stay safe and under the radar. Thanks Patriot!

18982826? ago

It seems more like something coming down the pipeline they are just checking off a list.

18981859? ago

Do they seem "frazzle-dripped"? FTFY

18982543? ago

"frazzled.rip" FTFY

18981578? ago

Thanks for letting us know. Looking forward to your posts.

Keep as much of yourself private so that the death threats don't stay threats.

18981480? ago

Keep informing us on this, anon, I think you may be onto something.

18982291? ago

I'll update when I go to lunch.

18981377? ago

Cancelling vacation may mean that all hands on deck if declas arrives. Every Congressman/Senator will need their staff around to push the truth or on the other side push back on the truth.

18984044? ago

I don't think the Declas will be made public. It will only be used by Barr and Co. to investigate. We've gotten our hopes up many times in the past, only to have them crushed. We may see some of it as evidence if any prosecutions are done. But I believe the AG wishes to protect the FISA and other institutions, so he may only put stricter rules in place so this doesn't happen again, and no one gets prosecuted because if it all comes out, the FISA goes away and the institutions are severely tarnished. Barr may be trying to balance this protection with ensuring this doesn't happen again, so then no one gets prosecuted. Don't get your hopes up. This is probably what is going to happen. The IG report will likely be more of the same as we had last time.

18993928? ago

POTUS said he wants the American people to see it though. Barr may advise him but I think hes dead set to get as much as they can. He wants to show how wrong the media has been all this time. I'm still hopeful because if it doesn't happen there will be a lot of Patriots that will be extremely angry. Guess we wait and see.

18991006? ago

I forget which YouTuber I was listening to over the weekend that said this, but it made a lot of sense to me:

Barr will first declassify things that he needs to show to a Grand Jury of regular folk that lack security clearances. This will expedite getting the GJ to see the material. The public release comes after the GJ decides if an indictment should be made. In Other Words, Barr is prioritizing what gets declassed first to build stronger cases faster. Public awareness, while important, is the secondary priority.

18981550? ago

This is our interpretation.

18983212? ago

This is our concern, Dude.

18983416? ago

There are a few things that seem like are coming up this week, some shit with Huber and Hillary and everyone is convinced there will be an impeachment push this week. The dem idiots are drooling at the thought of Trump embarrassing himself or something like that in the UK. There were photos of that baby trump balloon all over the place this morning.

18981744? ago

Do you believe the same precautions / exercise would be established for an impending effort to impeach Trump?

18983563? ago

impeachment is a bluff. they dont have the votes and the american people would storm dc

18983980? ago

I agree, just curious if I needed to take off work to go to DC.

18982901? ago

Don't worry about impeachment. It's all bluff and bluster. Noise to keep the Dem base roiled. Not happening.

18982257? ago

That's what my boss thinks. He is certain there will be a big push for that this week.

18981306? ago

Keep on larping

18981271? ago

Practice safe internet hygeine and get a VPN

18982735? ago

And not a free one. Either pay for a good one or setup and run your own VPN server.

18983251? ago

Why does no one ever suggest Freenet, or Usenet, or similar? Sincerely asking.

18983647? ago

Please explain more.

18985858? ago

Newsgroups - the first thing the internet was

18987036? ago

Thanks, I used Usenet newsgroups back in the early 90s. My curiosity was how Usenet Newsgroups are used for "safe internet hygeine" as VPN is, as was suggested?

18982843? ago

I use a good one.

18981259? ago

Thanks for being so gay. Nothing is happening and Trump is a Zionist.

18981747? ago

cunt. you.

18981241? ago

thanks for all the death threats

Source or didn't happen.

18983370? ago

Ahhhh - StaffAnon - I got almost EXACTLY the same death threat, close to word-for-word for saying Socialism doesn't work, or something along those lines. So either this is machine generated or there's a one-note-libtard 12 year old child, or, as someone else said, an "Incel in his mom's basement" (kek- using that). These people are paid by the views and by the responses. You probably know that. Just a reminder to not engage.

I just reported the one I got and they deleted it.

18981599? ago

That wasn't a death threat, it was someone who wishes you were dead.

Is that all you have after lying?

Please try again because I can't believe a fucking thing you say about anything important if you lie about the little things.

18981712? ago

holy shit fuck yourself and die

18981619? ago

neck yourself, you piece of shit

18983140? ago

Shit yourself you piece of neck

18981301? ago

Right because Death Threats on an Anonymous board is so fucking hard to believe.

18981493? ago

No, because death threats on an anonymous board are public and easy to prove or disprove (i.e. they can only be comments on his past posts, so show us).

If StaffAnon can't be trusted with the easy stuff then he sure as fuck can't be trusted with anything else.

This is what maintaining a CRITICAL and open mind looks like.

18981922? ago

U merely have to go to staffanons previous posts and then check the comments for the said death threats lol. So go do it and shut the fuck up. Lol.

18981995? ago


18982538? ago

This is the only occurrence that even comes close to a death threat, and yet it isn't.

The user wished the OP would die, but threatened him with no harm.

I therefore can't trust anything the OP says because if he's willing to lie about the little stuff like this then he can't be trusted to be honest about anything significant.

18981714? ago

wow what a cunt. you. you are a cunt

18981625? ago

no... this is what an emotional bitch looks like ^^

18981237? ago

Thanks for keeping us informed, StaffAnon. Be careful, don't get yourself fired.

18983259? ago

How many shills will disappear when .gov employees can’t shitpost from work all day?

18984476? ago

Excuse me, but I'm a government employee that shitposts all day. Or I used to be, twatter banned my account for good this time it seems, and fuck reddit, I dont touch facebook....kinda limited now. This last ban was just for asking cher if she was mentally retarded. Hate speech against retards I guess. I wouldnt want cher associated with me either.

18989234? ago

I was permanently banned from twitter as well but got back on by continually asking them to review my case and after about six tries someone let me back on ! I don't know why after reviewing my case so many times they finally let me back on but just maybe theirs a couple of underground white hats inside twitter.

18983575? ago

Why is every one falling for this guys posts

18987091? ago

The short answer is because average IQ is so low. Second behind that is because so many here have a desperate desire to believe they're not being used as tools (in the most pejorative sense) by the jews running the psyop.

18991396? ago

If it helps, I'm not Jewish.

18986033? ago

If'n I may, can I ask what you feel are the negative consequences to entertaining OP's posts? He's not making any outlandish claims that are sending any of us bugging out (I don't think) or otherwise altering our Monday routines. If someone close to the fray is saying "Something's up here, but as a low-level scrub, I'm not being told what", giving them the benefit of the doubt is not something that you personally are going to end up ridiculed over if it somehow turns out that he's yanking our chains. "Keeping an ear to the ground" doesn't demand full 100% acceptance of the info. In this case, I have no reason to doubt him, but I appreciate you fellers' compulsive reluctance.

18986356? ago

It’s hopium shilling. Lured folks into a false sense of completion when there is a vast amount of work to do. Etc etc. This community pick up these <Name>Anon posts all the time and go off distracted into fantasy, we spend months having to peel back the lies that people buy into every time this happens. JFK Jr and Vincent larp as an example. Then you have R anon.

The negative is that people are buying into a distraction and being distracted by it and it spreads, it takes substantial effort to undo.

18986507? ago

Maybe we're reading different things. . .did this OP actually say "Dems are escaping to Antarctica so aliens can nuke DC" but I somehow mistakenly read it as "My bureaucrat office is applying some unusual restrictions that have us all wondering what's up"? That's not a premise I would call "fantasy".

18983978? ago

Seemed plausable to me. Nothing any Corp would enforce.

18983478? ago


People always talk about shills being paid to troll but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find that we're actually the ones paying some of them.

Just picturing some hipster twerp, deep in the bowels of some government building, who has decided that, instead of doing his job, he's going to troll folks online as his part of the "resistance". Such a waste of our money.

18990797? ago

Do you not remember how shilless it was during the last shutdown?

18989131? ago

Hipster twerp probably describes most of D.C. !

18991032? ago

This is true.

18986958? ago

Veritas did an exposé on it.

18985179? ago

That has been going on for years and years.