19433398? ago

Wots a larp?

19433577? ago

Large Assholes Reading Porn

19433058? ago

Your post gets not traction.... his has a hit load. You're irrelevant

19433231? ago

The fact that boomers are uploading a LARP tells you all you need to know about how stupid they are.

19433349? ago

I actually doubt there are many boomers here. Boomers this boomers that.... it does nothing.

Trump 2020, landslide it.

19433583? ago

Wrong! Not without arrests. No arrests = No Vote. It's that simple.

19433896? ago

So you'll vote for a socialist Democrat or stay home? Both sounds like pretty poor options.

19430583? ago

What did you expect? These are the same gullible fools who actually believe a high ranking military intelligence insider is posting memes and cryptic clues for them on 8chan, lol. They are mentally ill, paranoid, stupid, gullible and warped - the perfect targets for larps and personality cults.

19428476? ago

You are right OP, I have been on QRV since the beginning trying to make these dumb bastards realize that they are getting played and it has been a losing battle.

19428210? ago

I have not met one Boomer that actually understands the internet.

19428531? ago

I'm a Boomer. WE INVENTED the internet, you little shit.

That said, fuck the Boomer generation. Bunch of God damned faggot, hippy, flowers-in-their-hair, nigger-loving, kike puppets that deserve painful deaths in nursing homes staffed by the fat niggers and hijab-wearing muslims that hate them. Remember high school, you fucking old retards? Remember how you cocksuckers supported the abolition of Jim Crow and integration? Remember how you cheered when the KKK, the only national group that supported Whites, was systematically dismantled from within by KIKES? Remember listening to the latest Beatles album while your White brothers tried to warn you that you were being led astray by KIKES? Remember how much you were taught to hate "rednecks"? FUCK YOU, BOOMERS. DIE A PAINFUL DEATH.

19429286? ago

wake up your fellow retards!

19429343? ago

I've tried that all my life. They have been brainwashed by (((TV))) to believe in equality, diversity and "pride". They are hopeless.

19428234? ago

If only we could figure out a way to capitalize on this?

"I'm a down-and-out staffer in DC who wants to get more info and post it but, I can't afford my rent..... [link to GoFundMe]. God bless!"

19428602? ago

You could probably just link a GoFundMe and say its going straight to Israel and it would still work.

19428473? ago

that's kind of a good idea, except gofundme is a corrupt money laundering system

19429026? ago

As long as the money goes into my bank account I'm OK with that.

19428190? ago


19428132? ago

They already tell for one LARP. Makes sense they fall for more.

19428145? ago

No wonder people come and troll this place. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.

19428126? ago

Sounds like someone is a jealous, basement dweller. I pass famous people and representatives in airports ALL THE TIME. They really are normal people like you and me. I'm friends with a retired NFL all star. My mother is great friends with one of the most famous drag car drivers of all time, and she was pretty close to Mickey Mantle when he was still alive. It's not uncommon to interact with famous people, they really are just normal people!

19428179? ago

Whoopdee fucking doo! I used to hang out with the Dallas Cowboys in the mid-90s. Nobody gives a fuck about your namedropping.


The people who are doing this shit are laughing their asses off about how gullible you idiots are.