19453384? ago

I think God used you to encourage Gen. Flynn because the results were a win-win, and both of you are better off for the "chance" (coincidence, or divine ordering of events?) meeting.

19447261? ago

Perfect encounter. Probably you made him feel good.

19441199? ago

You should get a check from the company that makes Depends. You just sold a whole lot of them to the shills that just shit theirs with your story. Congrats! It would be wonderful to experience that confirmation in person.

19440255? ago

Lol the ferocity with which this post has been brigaded should tell you all you need to know. The story is legit

19437174? ago

While I want to believe you, pics or it didn't happen.

19435931? ago

Like meeting Trump and giggling like a teenager babahahahah nice meet tho!

19434709? ago

Sounds fake and gay.

19436148? ago

you mean like your genitals?

19432789? ago

My God! This REALLY triggered the shills! They remind my of the nuisance turtles in my lake. They are constantly monitoring me and as soon as I throw a hook in the water here they come like sharks to devour whatever morsel I have dropped in totally ruining a good day fishing. Trash eaters and scum suckers.

19432373? ago

arrests or GTFO

19432132? ago

Wow!! Awesome experience. Thank you for letting him know people are praying for him.

19431854? ago

LOL at this LARP bullshit.

19431793? ago

WE know only a few people know the real story. I HOPE YOU finished all I gave YOU.

19431553? ago

Op has absolutely nothing to gain by posting this, other than to get childish remarks from the shill factory. Ive traveled for over 40 years, and ran into some influential people in my time. So, this comes as no surprise to me what so ever. Good for you!

19430891? ago

Count yourself lucky to meet an integral part of the plan.

19430869? ago

Shills, your dancing amuses us. Now throw shit at each other. Then eat it.

19430803? ago

Dope story. Thanks for sharing. Fuck the shills

19431889? ago

Yep. Fabricated by a dope on dope.

19430601? ago

I would love to see a picture, anybody who says I have been following him or says my heart tells me he's a good man a patriot would of done one thing

Get a Picture sauce

Because without it we have no reason to believe

Even though Flynn is a Patriot you are less credible until we see sauce

19433024? ago

Kind of like RGB

19434424? ago

It's RBG you dumb boomer fuck, unless you're talking about ricing out your computer.

19434483? ago

Who the fuck care. Let's see a picture of this bitch

19430269? ago

Awesome !!

19429548? ago

Like... know personally? as in, "yea, met him, nice guy(s)"

19429538? ago

Wow, that is special.

19429488? ago

and then everybody clapped

19429157? ago


19429049? ago

You didn’t see shit.

19429033? ago

Wow, is everyone here seriously this fucking gullible?


19429191? ago

Wow, is everyone here seriously this fucking gullible?

Did you miss that this sub is about believing in an internet savior who posts on a chan site? (Yes.)

19428891? ago

Thanks for sharing OP. I can happily state he is the real deal from my own experience. This sounds entirely in character for this #Patriot

19428360? ago

Under his breath, he probably said, "QAnon - the supreme bullshitter"

19428314? ago

I listened to FIELD OF FIGHT on audio book. Narrated by GEN FLYNN himself.

Chapter four Flynn talks about an new army of digital soldiers basically.

Get the audio book it is great.

Search "flynn the field of fight ebook"

A war is being waged against us by radical Islamists, and, as current events demonstrate, they are only getting stronger. Al-Qaeda has morphed into a much more dangerous, menacing threat: ISIS. Lt. General Michael T. Flynn is blunt and urgent. This book aims to inform the American people of the grave danger we face in the war on terror?and will continue to face?until our government takes decisive action against the terrorists that want nothing more than to destroy us and our way of life. Flynn spent more than thirty three years in Army intelligence, and as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency worked closely with Generals Stanley McChrystal and David Petraeus, Admiral Mike Mullen, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and other policy, defense, intelligence, and war-fighting leaders. From coordinating on-the-ground operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, to building reliable intelligence networks, to preparing strategic plans for fighting terrorism, Flynn has been a firsthand witness to government screw-ups, smokescreens, and censored information that our leaders don’t want us to know. The Field of Fight succinctly lays out why we have failed to stop terrorist groups from growing, and what we must do to stop them. The core message is that if you understand your enemies, it’s a lot easier to defeat them?but because our government has concealed the actions of terrorists like Osama bin Laden and groups like ISIS and al Qaeda, and the role of Iran in the rise of radical Islam, we don’t fully understand the enormity of the threat they pose against us. A call to action that is sensible, informed, and original, The Field of Fight asserts that we must find a way to not only fight better, but to win.

The Field of Fight - eBook

19427950? ago

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19427791? ago

StaffAnon.... is that you?

19427779? ago


19427626? ago

Interesting sequence of thought.

You may think you were honored. But I have a suspicion Flynn was encouraged to meet real life Q follower who is praying for him. You did good! Thanks for sharing.

19427547? ago

Wow!! What an honor to shake his hand and thank him. He's a hero. A real superhero. You got to meet a real superhero. You did us all proud patriot!!!! I'm happy for you!!!

19427520? ago

Qoomers are retarded.

19427499? ago

Fake and gay.

19429786? ago

Fabricated and fabulous!

19427493? ago

And then, everyone clapped

19427217? ago

He knows QAnon? But isn't he QAnon?

19429779? ago

Psst! (This is a troll post.)

19438101? ago

Aren't we all trolls trolling the Deep State agenda?

19427783? ago

QAnon was always hypothesized as a strike team of sorts.

19427164? ago

I hope and pray you're telling the truth (hard to know who to trust on here). Giving you the benefit of the doubt, great job! and how awesome it is that we got a confirmation.

19427151? ago

I had my own encounter but didn't realize it until after the fact. I asked him, "Do I know you?" He said, "I don't know" and looked away and let it drop. Tough cookie to crack. ;-)

As he said in the past, there's an army of digital soldiers. I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't been checking us out behind the scenes. Or the angels are bringing the sincere patriots together from behind the veil.

19427005? ago

I fantasize about crossing paths with Admiral Rogers and thanking him for his service to humanity.

19429168? ago

why not suck his dick and let him fuck you in the ass too?

19429790? ago

Heh. It’s funny cause it’s true.

19426917? ago

Sept 14, 2018

Schlafly Eagle Council’s Ed Martin, General Michael Flynn, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft


19426808? ago

Pics or gtfo faggot Lasts thing we need here is a larping weebo

19426621? ago

and he now thinks you are a fucking nutjob. Congrats

19429840? ago

Oh, he would have had the story actually been true.

19426573? ago

I am green with envy. I served under him years ago, but never had the honor. You did better than I would have.

19426295? ago

Aww, that's so awesome! Love Flynn!

19426211? ago

General Flynn is a hero, God bless him.

19425725? ago

This is so fucking retarded. Forum sliding has come a long way.

19425658? ago

He is a blessed and loving man.

Without his service along with ADM Rogers, are why we are all here.

Three cheers for Flynn!

19430415? ago

Who the fuck talks like this guy? Three cheers wtf.

19430772? ago

Well, to be fair, real language in a land of memes is going to look odd. But it's not bad.

19425597? ago


19425569? ago

I doubt this. Flynn is on pretty severe travel restrictions, judges orders.

19425567? ago

Gen. Flynn is a hero.

19425544? ago

Love love love!!! Thanks for sharing!!! And if he happens upon this thread I want him to know that we all respect the fire out of him!!

19425417? ago

I prey that your encounter was a tail of fate. If Flynn never touches Voat, this might be the closes we get to an experience with a patriot who's true service to this country will not be well known, maybe ever.

19425377? ago

No, you actually said the right words - don't second guess this - no such thing really as chance

19425332? ago

Pics or stfu.

19425072? ago

Be proud!!. God gave you the experience you needed.. Now you should have zero doubts.. and a 1st person story to redpill the dummies

19434403? ago

I too am glad that Allah introduced him to his prophet.

19434884? ago

allah is satan.. and mohammed rapes babies. all muslims are trash. #movingTargets. hijabs are to clean my ass with. and the dome will be destroyed. once you read it, it is done " i renounce allah and praise jesus". p.s. all muslims need eradicated from earth

19435842? ago

"needs eradicated" -> I see youns, geezer. Pittsburghers and Ohioans are funny as fuck.

19438140? ago


1 of the best videos on the web. you'll love it!!

19438070? ago

i see liberal cucks who hate america. die muzzy die. the sooner the better..

19425040? ago

Great story, thanks for sharing.

19424973? ago

Thanks for sharing OP! WWG1WGA

Its obvious the shills HATE posts like this.

19427267? ago

Nah we just hate dummies and dupes like you.

19446544? ago

So you're admitting that you're a STALKER??😱 IDIOT😆

19424949? ago

You did just right, patriot

19424945? ago

Cool story bro

19424907? ago

100% newfag garbage.

19424905? ago

Now I’m sitting here thinking of all the questions I should’ve asked him.

No, if you understand Q's mission, that would have spoiled it.

19424870? ago

how did his cum taste

19425477? ago

The new upgraded Soros-Bot v4.3's are in!!!

With advanced algorithms?!??!...They actually sound like 13 year-old retards now!

19424830? ago

Roman catholic invader

19424803? ago

OP is lying

19424773? ago

How'd you know it was him? Also, did you just go right up to him? Fascinating, good for you.

19424726? ago

Some people have all the luck! Thanks for sharing Patriot, it means alot to us.

19425625? ago

You're grasping at straws man. An anonymous post on a board, with no corroborating evidence "means allot?

19431874? ago

Asshole shills. Anyone flying out of Reagan National runs into interesting people often enough. While there's no way to "prove" this claim, it's well within reason that Flynn uses Reagan because it's his local airport. It's a plausible story and I'd offer my own confirmatory experiences there but why bother? Those who know, know.

19436080? ago

I want to believe just as much as the next guy. But personally I need more than posts like this to reassure me.

19446595? ago

Then you're obviously not ready for what lies ahead! 😱

19426716? ago

Question everything.

19428939? ago

Including anons spelling...allot...smh

19437535? ago

*a lot

Alexa define allot

19429106? ago

Thanks for sharing Patriot, it means alot to us.

How many errors do you count in that that sentence?

19424621? ago

Wonderful exchange Well done patriot

19429045? ago

Oh, it’s bullshit. You Qlowns are unbelievable. So gullible and just plain old fashioned idiotic.

19429484? ago

They really will believe anything that strokes that confirmation bias.

19446527? ago


19449695? ago

The delusion continues!

19427257? ago

If you believe this story I feel sorry for you. This is called government propaganda. I thought you guys were smarter.

19431536? ago

You could be posting propaganda on behalf of a foreign government with that post.

19430721? ago

Prove your post isn't anti-patriot propaganda

19429868? ago

It’s not government propaganda. It’s just some lone cult “follower” looking for attention by inventing a story. Nothing more profound or diabolical than that.

19447375? ago

Whether true or not, it does not matter.

Flynn is now a legend.

Did George really say he could not tell a lie? Did he really chop down a cherry tree? It does not matter. He is a legend. Hundreds upon hundreds of thousands cherry blossoms greet us each Spring.

The tales of Flynn have just started — true or not — it is the Spirit that we have woven around Flynn that is becoming part of or rich American history and our love for American virtues. He is being woven into our great American quilt.

19452722? ago

Truth matters. No one really thinks your other examples are true. But otherwise you are right about the weaving of historical tapestry.

19428905? ago

Nice try, faggot. Take your FBI disinformation and shove it up your front hole. Fucking glowniggers

19427544? ago

The older people here are just really gullible. I feel bad for them but it’s not their fault.

19436926? ago

Respect your elders! With age comes wisdom. Even the most uneducated elder can enlighten us fools of younger generations on what really matters in this world. I am sick of you uppity psychopaths actually believing that you are somehow better than the people who came before you and who have actually spent their lives DOING rather than behind a fucking screen. Take your "boomer"-envy and get bent. These much-wiser-than-you folks that are here don't need your pity or any of your condescending bullshit.

19440435? ago

Well said!!

19431555? ago

How do we know you're not a boomer posting propaganda on behalf of a political opponent of Flynn?

19551854? ago

You don't know. But think about it.

What boomer is on reddit and voat.

lol seriously.

19552851? ago

You are, projectionbot

19988991? ago

Good one, kiddo

19434280? ago

Hi, I'm with the deep state. I'm here to debunk Q.

19437798? ago

Hello, panicbot.

19429091? ago

As an 'older person', I disagree that being older necessarily = more gullible. If anything, being older results in a larger experiential data base, and leads to superior decisions and analysis. But as with any generation, especially the more recent, the prevalence of mental malfunction is an ongoing problem. It used to be solved by lower survival rates among the incompetent, but now we're literally enabling them to breed.

19434510? ago

Maybe, you will be spared on the day of the boom. Maybe...

19439310? ago

We'll all be dead and forgotten before anything like that happens.

19429481? ago

Still believe the holocaust happened as advertised?

19438118? ago

As a former Spotlight subscriber in the 1970s, what do you think?

19431580? ago

Still shilling on behalf of a political opponent of Q?

19431640? ago

"Everyone I don't like is a shill!"

How delightfully one-dimensional

19431682? ago

Shills are everyone!

How hilariously a projection of yourself.

19431692? ago

I'm a shill, you're a shill, everyone's a shill

19431720? ago

Nah, it's just a few panicking low IQ idiots shilling here, using sockpuppets and dorky version 1.0 'consensus crack' codes that have already been cracked.

19432097? ago

Uh huh sure

Tell me more

19434222? ago

"The code" is some kike gematria bullshit that qultists like cerealbrain post about.

19438328? ago

You can't read his crazy rambling and take it seriously. It can sound relatively okay at first, then you get to the psychotic parts and realize the guy is nuts.

19429123? ago

but you gotta admit boomers are way too trusting of strangers on the Internet.

19453404? ago

This boomer distrusts you and thinks you are an under-informed ninny.

19454636? ago

As you should.

OP is always a faggot.

Trust nobody.

19438061? ago

I started on my first Mac 35 years ago, then the internet once it "transitioned", but I can see boomers and older who never used either having trouble with the nature of internet culture. But different demographics are targeted differently. Note that you don't see many boomers going on the internet, then trying to change their physical sex.

19429472? ago

General Flynn here, keep up the good work patriots, keep following Q as we drain the swamp. WWG1WGA

19429878? ago

I’m the real General Flynn. Where I go I go on all.

19429958? ago

Patriots beware, they are trying to divide you. I'm the real General Flynn, the deep state is trying to trick you, stay strong patriots. Where I go the fake Flynns go too. WIGTFFGT.

19430196? ago

I am the REAL General Flynn! I can prove it too. I met someone from this forum and I told him I know Qanon. He can back me up on this. CHECKMATE faker!

19434251? ago


19428566? ago


19551886? ago

Not all of them...didn't mean to sound rude. My bad.

Hope you have a happy Independence Day!

19427538? ago

Really? This matches the impression I had while serving under him for 2 years. I get what you're saying, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

19424544? ago

how did his dick feel in your ass

19426228? ago

Its amazing how this country produces both men of honor and integrity like General Flynn and lowlife bottom-feeding scum like yourself.

You should spend some time thinking about yourself in comparison to General Flynn. You deserve it.

19429239? ago

you should hum the star spangled banner while circle jerking with other patriots

19424630? ago

Typical shill response. Demonstration of low IQ.

19424926? ago

and homosexuality

19429224? ago

there is a lot of gay love going on in this thread