20145102? ago

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20066017? ago

Something is off about a reporter that refuses to give you their name and the publication that they work for. You all understand that this was a setup, right? You all understand that the explanation of wanting to get facts was disingenuous, right?

20066058? ago

Why do you say that? There is nothing unethical about not giving my name to a board that is known for targeting individuals and harassing them online, besides, I promised to post the article here when it comes out and you will all know my name then. I also said I'd be honest if anyone said my name, which they haven't.

20066653? ago

It certainly doesnt foster trust. I may not want discourse with you if you work for the Daily Stormer, for example.

If you are worried about being targetted, what is to prevent that after the article is published? To me, your rationale does not make sense. You will probably become a focal point by the left or the right, depending on the stance your article takes.

If you are being genuine, why play a guessing game? If you are willing to acknowledge your identity if someone correctly guesses it, why be secretive in the first place? It would put more anons at ease and i think you may invite insight from more knowledgeable anons. At the moment, i think that the shills and trolls have targetted you with the intention of making sure that you notice them. Not knowing your track record and ability to discern sensationalism against fact is a concern of mine.

Due to the large volume of trolls and given the way the MSM has misportrayed what is going on here, it is only natural to be skeptical of your intent. It is extremely easy to for people to troll this sub in order for a reporter to be able to cherry-pick the racist and horrible stuff- which is not what we are about.

I am not opposed to your stated intentions. We interacted the other day about adrenochrome not coming from the pinneal gland, but from the kidneys (if you remember that). I fully support reporting on facts and dispelling falsehoods. It is natural to want to know what your record is on reporting facts vs. the MSM narrative, but your secrecy is troubling.

20066730? ago

I do remember.

The only reason I haven't directly discussed who I am is that it could affect who I interview and speak to. In the past five days I've spoken with more than 2 dozen people from this site on the phone who were more than willing to give their names. This lead to a lot of information that may be helpful.

If I started by saying, Hi, Bob here from WaPo, the entire thread would be me defending my job and employer and not a true discussion. By embracing the same anonymity everyone here takes, I am able to have a conversation on the same level, and then as needed take it offline and go in depth.

My current identity has zero relevance to what I'm writing because my pieces do not "take sides" on the left or right. I've been asked to write those types of things several times and I always say no. I have never written an article that has taken a side on an issue. I present facts and show what people on both sides are thinking.

20069092? ago

I would love to see the posts where anons provide you with their personal details. Can you provide them for me? I cannot seem to locate them.

20066122? ago

ignore that asshole, anons get it. that fuck is a narc that wants to rat you out to its other rat friends.

20066182? ago

Fucking narcs.

Haha, I haven't been able to say that since my freshman year of high school! Thanks for the jaunt down memory lane.

20065360? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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20017832? ago

You should wrote an honest article about the sound and fair intent to know the truth that we all possess. That the anons simply desire justice for crimes and safety for us all.

20015697? ago

Can you please look into/write something about the Battle of Virden? It was one of many early union shoot-em-ups that economically targeted black miners. With lynchmobs. The left wants to bang on about systemic racism all day, but refuse to answer for union lynch mobs, Tulsa, or FDRs TVA theft of black farmers land. You know, Actual systemic racism and economic warfare?

20016970? ago

I'm not a historian.

20017021? ago

And it is Q related. I mean, who is on the manufactured vote plantation and how did they get there? It starts at the beginning.

20017001? ago

Why not. History repeats. Maybe you just really don't care at all about WHO makes life for black Americans hard, maybe you know the answers and don't like them. Maybe you provide cover for lynch mobs? Maybe you are a racist. I think that must be it.

20017039? ago

Ok, thanks, I'll look into it.

20017071? ago

If you do, I'll not think you are racist. ^_^. But wikipedia leaves out the worst of it. You have to actually search to find out who did what, and how many went missing.

20017385? ago

It looks like a union dispute the kinds of which happened many times back then. A shitty company hired blacks as strikebreakers because in 1898 they didn't record fatalities or injuries of blacks so the company could use them as cannon fodder. They targeted miners and their families who fought back and shot up the train full of African American strike breakers.

It's a pretty well known massacre because it was the real turning point for the labor movements and helped give them the ability to strike without worrying about being murdered in the process. It took another 50 years or so before it took, but Virden gave birth to modern labor movements.

The racism inherent in this battle/massacre comes from a giant coal mining company not giving a shit about black lives and using them as strikebreakers because in 1898 they didn't tally up the number of murdered African Americans.

What is the issue you're looking at here?

20017790? ago

Why were they a shitty company for hiring black miners at the going rate because the regular employees refused to work? The unionizers FIRED FIRST. The unionizers were illegally occupying private property. They unionizers were free to leave. The union chased those black miners and kept them trapped in a hall for three days under threat of lynching. They beat at least 2 men who tried to escape. Why is there a discrepancy in the number of new arrivals and the number of those sent to St. Louis?

They coal company didn't form a lynch mob. They coal company didn't shoot black miners. You disingenuous, lying fuck.

20017917? ago

So a union battle in Illinois in 1898 represents all Democrats from then until now?

Does that mean the OK Corral represents all Republicans from then until now?

That's a ridiculous argument and honestly you are just wasting people's time with it.

Good day.

20018011? ago

Yes. Because it has proven out. I added more to my explanation btw, give it another read.

20018034? ago

You are welcome to your opinion on the matter, but I'm not going to waste me time in this discussion. You are clearly clouded by your personal world view.

20018105? ago

None of what I said is an opinion. It is the details of an historical event. And the assessment of the further actions of certain people over time. Based on documented fact. If a world view that thinks murder is wrong, and racist actions are wrong though, is "clouding" my judgment. So fucking be it.

Talk about being on the right or wrong side of history, holy fuck.

20018120? ago

Maybe reread what you wrote before editing it further again.

20018138? ago

I added, not changed, in order to be more clear. That is not a bad thing.

Maybe you should be honest, but I wonder if you are capable.

20018081? ago

None of what I said is an opinion. It is the details of an historical event. And the assessment of the further actions of certain people over time. Based on documented fact.

20018098? ago

Your entire screed is opinion. Can you not tell the difference?

20017869? ago

I wouldn't call that systemic racism. It was 1898, racism against blacks was literally the law of the land.

You need to find a better keystone to hinge your beliefs on.

20017983? ago

Eh. No. I don't.

20017845? ago

Your opinion is clouding the facts.

Why would a coal company specifically put out an ad for black miners?

The union was not in the right there, and neither was the company. Both sides acted stupidly and people died. This has happened many times in history.

The coal company literally hired black people as cannon fodder knowing the union was hostile.

20017996? ago

They did not make the union try to murder people. Not even once. They were hiring transient workers from Birmingham. How dare they!

20013291? ago

Reddit, Voat, and other bulletin board formats such as Tea Party forums have a couple of fundamental flaws. Basically, they can be scammed by users and MK'd by site owners. Users saw FB and Twitter as a reasonable alternative because they had some control over content -- ignore, mute, or block. Only a few with either the gift of criminal genius or complete lack of integrity could have or imagined or predicted in advance the way FB wound up being corrupted. Somewhere in this Mongolian gang bang lies a reasonable and productive solution; but, the key is to work around Silicon Valley and Redmond.

20012655? ago

Read through this thread https://voat.co/v/QRV/3365513 and then explain to us all how msm had this El Paso shooting story penned 2 days "before" the shooting. This is what the Q movement is all about. Finding PROOF and EXPOSING the LIES! Same with CNN able to find the Borderline shooter's FB post AS HE POSTED IT again, before the shooting happened, https://youtu.be/y2cHPh7eiWo?t=494

20012467? ago

Qanon = muh russia

Same thing, false hope that a scandal will solve all your problems in life.

20012149? ago

Why bother, no one reads your sh-t. Go away.

20012079? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @PacaGoat.

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20012066? ago

Many years ago, a friend was in your position — was to.d to write hit pieces on Ross Perot.

20011817? ago

Any recent Craigslist ads asking for crisis actors???

20010764? ago

Where else can one look to see pages that update like that? This link was valid one hour ago. ??? I thought you might have the tech skills to find out more about this mysterious story timeline.... and hopefully share the info. ;) Thanks in advance!


20008917? ago

No matter how hard they try nothing will stop this movement no matter your color, or background if you believe in truth ,freedom, and Accountability the Q movement is for you

20007650? ago

"On Tuesday we received a heads up that Q was being dubbed a threat and to prepare stories. I've interviewed dozens of Q followers and to be honest, I'm not sure what to think about the whole thing, but it's VERY suspicious that we'd be told to prep stories."

So the answer is right in front of you. Mockingbird is a real thing, you basically just admitted it whether or not you realize it.

Secondly, you should focus less on the "Q followers" and more on Q itself, the message, and how it squares with reality.

For example, Q said Epstein was at the heart of the entire deep state Cabal over two years ago.

Guess who's now in jail?

That's one example of many.

I don't mean to be too much of an asshole in saying this, but you're fucking job should be to prove or disprove Q's legitimacy based on actual investigative reporting - and let the facts lead where they may.

Of course, you won't do that - likely because you have marching orders from people who could give two fucks about actual journalism...

And that's the reason why so many view your profession as the whore circus that it is.

20009056? ago

I've spent the last six months researching many individual drops and proofs that were hailed as evidence by q followers, and I'm having a very hard time finding any actual evidence of things happening.

20009656? ago

Have you?

I named one for you. Have you not seen the drops about Epstein? Look at them, look when they were posted. And now he's in jail... if you wish to say it's a coincidence, that's fine. But it did "happen", did it not?

Q also said that John Huber had been appointed to look into HRC crimes - at least 6 months before anyone in the media had ever heard of the man, much less we're they reporting anything about him. Q then said there was another prosecutor about to pounce. Long afterwards, we now have Durham who is essentially a household name.

Anons asked for Trump to say a keyword to validate the connection of Q to POTUS. The requested keyword phrase was "tip top." About a month later, Trump says "tip top tippy top" an uncomfortable number of times at the Easter egg roll. It's on video. Easy to find.

I first heard that the five eyes intelligence arrangement was spying on Americans at the behest of our intelligence community as a way to skirt American surveillance laws from Q. I looked, and could find no such information confirming that this was happening anywhere. Then, a few months later, it starts to surface in the mainstream media that this indeed happened.

So there's plenty of circumstantial evidence. Anyone single piece of evidence could be considered coincidental in of itself, but in the aggregate, you're then dealing with a mathematical probability that makes the likelihood of coincidence less and less (some would argue non-existent).

I'm not a mathematician, so I won't say more in that regard. But there's a point at which is becomes obvious if you're paying attention.

And I saw these things happen without help from anyone else. I simply read the drops and just watched what happened in the world.

I'll tell you that it doesn't sound to me like you've done much investigating if you're coming to the conclusion that you claim.

Also, I'd say to stop relying on anons to provide your proofs. Read the drops yourself, and just follow what's happening.

That's what I did. I was skeptical of Q for the first three months of looking into it. I resolved that if it's bullshit, time would tell. And likewise if it weren't bullshit, time would tell. It took about three months before it became clear to me that it wasn't bullshit.

For what it's worth, my take is that Q is absolutely an inside government source. Whether or not it's a force aligned with POTUS or it's aligned otherwise, I'm not sure. Obviously I'd like to believe that it is aligned with POTUS, but as I said before time will tell.

But the idea that it's all bullshit is just silly if you've followed it and just watched what has happened in context of the posts, the timing of the posts, and the timing of real world occurrences.

You're obviously free to do as much or as little research as you want. And you're free to come to whatever conclusions you see fit, I suppose. But if I could follow this thing with an open mind and decide that I would let the chips fall where they may (whether or not I liked the result) then frankly anyone can.

I guess I just don't think you've really done much following of it if you're saying that 'I don't see anything that proves it.'

I just gave you several examples. And there's more than those I mentioned; those are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. At some point, I see the same sorts of things happen to often, I can't even keep up with all of them.

I would challenge you to simply check out the dates of the post topics I mentioned, then compare them with the timeline where those things became public. That alone will tell you that it's not bullshit..but you have to actually do the work.

20017168? ago

Lots of interesting stuff here I'll address the first. Epstein was long known to have very powerful friends. A reporter in Miami has spent the last five years digging into the case because the sweetheart deal Acosta gave Epstein was not only suspicious, but common knowledge in Miami where prosecutors have been furious for a long time about. If you pull stories by this writer, she's covered Epstein for the last five years and ALL o the legitimate info about Epstein in the Q drops came from her reporting. So, it's not much of a prediction to say that reopening a case of a pedophile who is best friends with Presidents and other powerful people will cause some problems.

Same with FISA, shenanigans are known to have happened. Trump can release these documents at any time. It will be interesting to see when and if he does.

20018684? ago

Ok, let's start with that..

I think we're all aware of the reporter at the Miami Herald and her digging. I didn't realize she'd been digging the story that long, but fair enough. I've been aware of the guy for years as I think most people in here have been. Rush Limbaugh has commented on him since the 90's.

What the Herald story did not touch on, however, was Eppy's ties (or dare I say membership) to the intelligence community. Acosta mentioned this recently when speaking about the reason(s) why he let him off the hook.

Q never mentioned outright that Eppy was tied to CIA or Mossad, though there were strong hints that the little program he was running was at the least sanctioned by powerful people in government...something that the Herald story didn't really mention, though I suppose one could say it was always implied simply because of who Eppy has always been close to.

So I think you have a point, and I think it's valid at this point in time.

Where things get really interesting, and where the truth regarding the Q drops on Eppy remains to be seen, is in regards to all of the previously unknown and unreported info about his little Island.

So for instance, the temple structure, what it was actually used for, is/was there an actual underground structure below the island, and if so what was the purpose, is there a connection to Rachel Chandler, etc.

If those things turn out to be what Q has presented, I think you will have a hard time saying that the information was lifted from others' work. And as of right now, those things remain to be seen and like I said before, time will tell.

Now regarding FISA, I think you glossed over a lot with your dismissive statement. To act like "everyone knew there were shenanigans" the whole time is disingenuous at best. The ENTIRE MEDIA APPARATUS literally made fun of Trump for first alleging that Obama spied on him. They called him a paranoid liar in fact. And then what happened, it turned out to be true.

So that means one of two things: the media knew all along and lied, or they didn't know and then discovered he was right. And it could possibly be a combination of the two since the media may not be a 100% mind-melded monolithic beast, though I think everyone here (including yourself) knows damn well that the media is at least 80-90% mind-melded and monolithic.

Again, I will refer you to *specifics", not the general idea that "everyone knew of some shenanigans."

The five eyes agreement, as I'm sure you know, is a cooperative relationship between our intelligence community and those of the U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and I believe Italy.

While the existence of this agreement was known prior to Q...here's what was

not known prior to Q:

A) that a country in this agreement could task its partner nations to spy on its citizens as a way to circumvent privacy laws (essentially to piss all over the 4th amendment)

B) this technique was used as a primary means of not only surveillance against them candidate Trump, but as the vehicle through which to frame him campaign as being a puppet of the Russian government.

Those two specific facts were not known or reported by ANYONE in media until long after Q drops claimed as much.

At least, I nor anyone else who follows this stuff could find any reporting at the time which revealed theee things. And I looked extremely hard for outside confirmation.

Like I said before, it wasn't until months later that the same information began to surface in the mainstream media.

Not only that, the idea that it would become declassified didn't become public in the media until, again, long after Q stated as much.

Now, if you have evidence that this was known before (like you did with the Eppy case) then I'm sure we'd all love to hear/see it.

But your prior response glossed over these facts and I'm sorry to say that isn't going to fly around here.

I do appreciate the candid and (seemingly honest) approach to this conversation, and I appreciate the fact that you do seem to want to take an intellectually honest approach to the discussion. So in that spirit, I'd ask that you reconcile what I'm saying about 5eyes and FISA without attempting to gloss over it as unimportant, especially as it relates to the specifics I mentioned.

And of course, all of this is to say nothing of the "tippy top" confirmation given by POTUS at the Easter egg roll (which you've conveniently ignored), or the fact that Q called out Huber and his task a full 6 months before anyone in your profession even knew the guy existed, northe fact that a secret and (at the time) unnamed second prosecutor was also working on an investigation into the other chicanery...who turned out to be Durham..again, no one in media - even Fox - knew about these guys until several months after Q mentioned them.

So, I have no problem conceding that at this point the stuff that is currently known about Eppy could have been lifted from the Miami reporter.

But I have seen no evidence, nor have you provided any evidence, that the other items I cited have such unimpressive origins.

But I'd love to hear an intellectually honest summation on those issues if you've got the time and the will do provide it.

20018781? ago

I really want to give you the respect this deserves and not gloss over anything, so it will have to wait until later today. I'm about to take my kid to the park, I'll respond thoroughly when I get back to my laptop! Thank you for the dialogue.

20019948? ago


As your original post pointed out, you found it suspicious that you were told in advance to prepare to essentially rip the q movement a new asshole (I'm paraphrasing)...

Correct if I'm wrong, but you did find that suspicious, correct? At least that's the impression you gave us all..

And just like that with perfect timing, there are these shootings...

You can't tell me that you don't find that the least bit odd....

Time will tell, but we're all expecting for Q followers to be blamed for these atrocities....or at the least, "Trump supporters" to be blamed..or white people in general...

And your bosses already told you to have the stories teed up and ready to go?

Yeah, nothing suspicious about that at all...

20019285? ago

Sure I'm in no hurry. Take your time.

20012216? ago

Notice how the 'reporter' does not respond when you post facts like Q telling us about Epstein 2 years prior.

20012611? ago

Oh I noticed it. They just respond by saying they couldn't find anything, and then blamed anons for not providing good enough evidence.

Because, it's the anons' job to do the research for the reporter..not the reporter's..

I've been bitching about lazy journalism for a while, and Jesus Christ if this guy didn't just prove my fucking point.

And they just outright ignored the stuff about Epstein..pretended like Epstein doesn't even exist.

I have a full time job already, and even I have the time to look in on this shit enough to know whether or not Q is bullshit.

But someone who's full time job is supposed to be looking into these things? Not a fucking chance.

It's beyond pathetic.

But hey, we all know the state of journalism..it's grade A horseshit..and this motherfucker just gave us yet another piece of evidence that proves it.

Seriously, think of it. Straight up said that anons haven't provided him the proof. Motherfucker, you have access to qmap and google just like any one of us.

I swear, what a worthless fucking industry.

Even worse than lawyers. At least a lawyer can provide me something I can't do by myself. But these journalism fucks? The average American dipshit is a better investigator than these people.

20012727? ago

I posted several times pointing out the fact that the 'reporter' is clearly biased. Typical for most reporters these days but don't come here, to QRV, calling yourself a reporter and claiming you're trying to understand things when you so clearly have heavy bias. I also posted several questions, he/she refused to answer them. So... yeah, reporter? Maybe. Shill? More likely, I think, at this point.

20012881? ago

Yeah but at the end of the day, their bias won't mean shit.

Shit is happening at an increased frequency. There will be a point when they won't be able to lie or spin it anymore.

And by all means, they could end this at any time by just asking POTUS.

Hey reporters, to that point..stop asking us..and stop writing bullshit...just ask POTUS. Do it. We dare you.

20007628? ago

"On Tuesday we received a heads up that Q was being dubbed a threat and to prepare stories. I've interviewed dozens of Q followers and to be honest, I'm not sure what to think about the whole thing, but it's VERY suspicious that we'd be told to prep stories."

So the answer is right in front of you. Mockingbird is a real thing, you basically just admitted it whether or not you realize it.

Secondly, you should focus less on the "Q followers" and more on Q itself, the message, and how it squares with reality.

For example, Q said Epstein was at the heart of the entire deep state Cabal over two years ago.

Guess who's now in jail?

That's one example of many.

I don't mean to be too much of an asshole in saying this, but you're fucking job should be to prove or disprove Q's legitimacy based on actual investigative reporting - and let the facts lead where they may.

Of course, you won't do that - likely because you have marching orders from people who could give two fucks about actual journalism...

And that's the reason why so many view your profession as the whore circus that it is.

20007517? ago

shit, you're telling us things we already know. If you interviewed a Q member, how do we're know they aren't antifa or some other banking org?

If you're going to interview Q members, interview us all at once on the qresearch board.

20009062? ago

I need actual names.

20012926? ago

point to the boards, we're anon for a reason and here you are trying to out us.

20017047? ago

If a person doesn't stand behind what they say, is it worth saying?

20021143? ago

You guys quote anon sources ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit outing tactics. Reporters are supposed to protect the interviewees, you’re outing them and then could car less what happens afterwards.

You’re a Clinton email server. You saw what happened to all the cia agents when Clinton was Secretary of State? Yep, that’s you.

20022354? ago

Reporters and editors know the name of those sources, that's the difference.

20024658? ago

I call bullshit.

20025914? ago

I mean feel free, but it's a fact.

20026094? ago

To who? to you?

Fake news, go back to CNN.

20006940? ago

Thank you for approaching this with an unbiased and open-mind. Please give your readers a link to a site such as qmap.pub, or one of the other sites which have archived all of Q's posts, (without the outside commentary), for them to read Q's posts and decide for themselves. Not one article that I have read has done that. Instead most all spin a false and distorted impression without true content. (I take that back, one article was genuinely fair and unbiased.) I look forward to reading your work. Please post it here for all to see. Thank you for your honesty!

20009072? ago

I've posted several articles and always link to Qmap and other sites when quoting them.

20005776? ago

and so it begins...

20005738? ago

Dude, just Ask The Q. That's all you have to do. You'll be fucking famous forever. even if your asshole employers can your ass you will have a guaranteed future career.

20004825? ago

As a reporter you find info, if you feed this data into the Anon network you would be a big help. You mind is not equipped to link knows and unknowns. Trust me, I have that ability and so do alot of anons. On a scale from 1-10 i'm probably a 5 in this skill avg Anon is prob 8. So please share everything you know about Q.

20004792? ago

Start here: https://qmap.pub/

Read the damn drops! If you really want to write an article about Qanon, you need to know what Qanon is saying. The list is Newest to oldest, so if you want to start from the beginning, click on the yellow "sort" button. Also, check out the side bar on the left for other info. If you do this honestly, this will take you a few days.

And then if you want to write us all off as crazies, feel free. But at least read the damn drops!

20004695? ago

Honey Bun, why don't you just simply call President Trump (White House Communications/Media) and ask for an interview and in the midst of it ASK HIM THE QUESTION: WHO IS Q? If you are a real journalist, shoot for the moon, otherwise you're a feeble yes ma'am (or sir) whatever.

20006581? ago

I have requested this more than 40 times and have been told no.

20008495? ago

You've lost your chance to be a center piece of our history. Bravery is expensive.

20004413? ago

Thank you for having the courage to make this post. Thank you for your willingness to be a target of the shills. Thank you for doing the research. Thank you for being an investigative reporter. And, thank you for providing us with a peek behind the curtain.

20004020? ago


20003992? ago

OP is a shill who should be ignored.....gonna spin all comments in their article....prove me wrong shill.....but you cant unless you dox yourself.

20003915? ago

It really doesn’t matter what you write at this point. This is a movement that cannot be stopped. And we are going to ride it until it all plays out. God speed patriots.

20004166? ago

I'm not trying to stop anyone.

20003740? ago

I'll take "Things that never happened" for 200, Alex.

20003330? ago

If you can't figure out that you are working for the literal devil by now.....

20003785? ago

You're saying, the literal Satan is my boss?

20007471? ago

More accurately the boss of your boss of your boss of your boss etc.

The entire NWO worships that stuff, which of whom also controls what you are allowed to publish, so yes.

See Hillary Clinton's leaked emails, she discusses the sacrifices to Moloch and other satanic beings.

That is the stuff that takes place at Epstein's island, its way more than regular pedophilia, look in to it.

If you defend these people and obey their orders, you are supporting child sacrificing/androchrome harvesting/ human trafficing, etc.

20009112? ago

Also, I've spoken to several chemists and doctors and Adrenochrome cannot be processed in the way described by Q and followers. It's not a compound that has those sort of effects no matter how it's derived and consumed. Also, Adrenochrome compounds are readily available on chemical purchasing sites. The earliest source of that I've seen is a joke by Hunter Thompson that was picked up by some people and expanded on.

20012334? ago

Q never brought up any process for Adrenochrome. In fact, I just did a search for Q drops mentioning adrenochrome. I came up with zero results. There is much muddying of waters on the board. Do not confuse the Q drops with other anonymous posts, analysis, or commentary.

20017078? ago

So you said by doing my job I'm defending Hillary Clinton harvesting Adrenochrome from children, then you said Adrenochrome isn't a real thing and has never been mentioned by Q. If it has never been mentioned, why is their such a wholehearted focus on Adrenochrome and harvesting it. From the 100s of Q followers I've talked to it's the #2 thing mentioned.

20020224? ago

So you said by doing my job I'm defending Hillary Clinton harvesting Adrenochrome from children,

Never wrote that. Different poster

then you said Adrenochrome isn't a real thing

Never wrote that. Different poster

never been mentioned by Q


why is their such a wholehearted focus on Adrenochrome and harvesting it

People are free to choose their own areas/topics to research. I would hope anyone doing any research would do so wholeheartedly.

From the 100s of Q followers I've talked to it's the #2 thing mentioned.

So you talked (tweeted, perhaps) to 100s of Q followers and you still haven't a clue what Q is all about. You might want to consider another line of work.

20009085? ago

Can you point out the email where Hillary directly discusses moloch and worship?

20012433? ago

Are you sure you are a journalist? Took me less than a minute to research. Whether she was serious or using a strange idiom only time will tell.

20017061? ago

Well, what you're pointing to is totally out of context. 1) She doesn't appear to be the author of that email. 2) Hillary Clinton isn't my bosses boss, she's a civilian with no political power.

20019936? ago

Um, ok. Thought a journalist would know how to read such a document. Hmmm. Not sure why you are telling me HRC is not your boss's boss, but nice to know, I guess (see tip). She is a former first lady and secretary of state with formidable nefarious political power. Tip: this is an anonymous thread; don't assume replies are from the same individual.

20002400? ago

all journalists are traitors and should be hanged

20003258? ago

Thanks for that!

20002122? ago

Christ on a crutch. Half way through and I’ve read enough.

Has read the thousands of drops several times.

Has spoken to nearly all people named in the drops.

Doesn’t know Q but knows some people close to Q.

Nope, nope and nope. Didn’t happen. Not true. Blatant dishonesty.

People! Where is your discernment & situational awareness? If this is a real reporter you know it won’t be an honest reporting. They’ll pull these comments with no regard to shills, sarcasm or humor to make us look like lunatic monsters. And you can’t sue for having your words used because you volunteered them and are anonymous.

Option2) someone wants to understand the movement without actually studying the drops. For what reason...who knows. But this one is most assuredly lying about having done so.

Option3). Just a fucking asshole jerking your chains.

20003260? ago

You've mischaracterized what I've said completely.

20004639? ago

"Yes, I've read them all several times and asked almost everyone involved or named in them their opinions."

Not sure how to completely mischaracterize that. I cannot imagine anyone reading ALL the drops and not being sucked into the research. Do you know how to use the chans? Do you know how many autists there are for every conceivable aspect of this?

You'll never understand us if you don't understand Q.

If you're a real reporter it sounds like you want us to do your homework for you. We can share all you want and you won't get anything out of it.

By the way...your boss's opinion that we're a racist movement sucking up to Trump because of that is just precious. I bet you can't find one instance of Trump having done anything racist. The lies your 'journalistic' brethren have spread are beyond evil. So for you to think your boss will allow you to publish the truth is either dishonest or totally naive.

20004650? ago

"Yes, I've read them all several times."

You know there's more than one page, right?

20001839? ago

You dont plan to do or say anything honest, so go die in a fire fucking demon cunt

20001314? ago

Over the target...

20001185? ago

The only thing about us that's crazy is what we have learned because of Q.

20000827? ago

Fuck off kike! Run that you sub human piece of shit. You can’t stop the storm.

20003262? ago

Thanks for your contribution.

20005337? ago

Oh, I get it. "Thanks for your contribution". So, what is it about ^this contribution that "YOU" are thankful for? (..................).

C'mon, you can do it. You can see there are plenty of "Patriots" here that are more than willing to tell you anything they can, so as to be understood. There have been some very informative, (and lengthy) attempts to guide you. Your input here is lacking. If you are truly just trying to nail down some facts, we should have more dialogue. It seems instead, what we get from you is akin to the pseudo psycho babble, asking over and over something to the affect of, "so, how does that make you feel"?, We want you and everyone else to get it. I tend to believe you may indeed get it, but you need to have something undeniable, yet simple to prove to your cohorts that "YOU" are not insane for even thinking any of this is real. Trust me, I get that. You may be like a lot of us in that regard. That is why we keep waiting for "IT to HAPPEN", even if we do not know what the "IT" is. "IT" could be any number of things. I think we will know "IT" when we see "IT". So, with that said..., What are you REALLY trying to accomplish?

20000724? ago

I see that some 500-plus replies have been given. I'll just quickly sound off to give Q my endorsement. I am approaching 60 years of age. I worked in the cryptologic community in the military in the eighties and nineties. I am familiar with intelligence operations and I was qualified as cryptologic linguist and a signals intelligence analyst. I had a top secret clearance with access to compartmented information. In the years after my military service, I completed bachelor's and master's degrees. I have held substantive positions as a government contractor and in the private sector. I have been involved in my faith community for decades, where I have served as a teacher and lay leader. I only relate this to tell you that I am a good, responsible, citizen--active in my community and respected. I have coached sports teams and been involved with community service organizations.

All my experience informs my choice to be Q-follower. I am not some kid typing away on a computer in mom's basement. I'm not ignorant of history, politics, psychology, sociology, or other fields of knowledge. Shorty after learning about Q, I did due diligence and ready all the Q drops from the beginning. I have watched current events and observed how Q has built a following of people who are curious, open-minded, and are willing to work to uncover facts. It is a fractious community at times. People tend to read into it from their own personal point-of-view. To the Christian, Q is a righteous group of warriors confronting a Satanic foe. To the anti-Semite or racist, he takes Q to be the justification for his bigotry. To the vigilante, he is the hope of getting even for the injustices he has experience.

In the midst of it, Q team remains detached and simply guides research through pointed questions. The predictions he has made are not prophetic or supernatural. Many times, they are disinformation intended to provoke a reaction from the Deep State. Then, on other occasions, Q tells us in advance the most surprising things. For example, Q told us weeks out from 2016 exactly what the composition of the Senate would be (53-47). There was the time the team lifted a picture from Avenatti's phone and posted it on 8Chan about 15 minutes before Avenatti tweeted it. That was an impressive display of capability.

Q gives me hope that the corrupt people in power, in both political parties may face justice, that the People for whom this country was built, can be truly free to fulfill our destiny. I don't blindly follow Q. I watch, wait, prepare, and pray as the Plan unfolds, hoping to see good come of it. Surely no good came from any President in my lifetime, with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan. They all crippled America and hobblied it from its potential greatness. The suffering these bad actors have caused in the world is incalculable. If Q is successful, it will be a better world without them.

Trump has said all along what his plan was. Search out the YouTube video with these terms "Trump Our Movement Speech" and pay close attention to the first sentence. It is what the Plan intends to do. If you are a decent, honest journalist, then please report the truth about Q and mostly, go ask POTUS if Q is real and who it is.

20004417? ago

Very well done sir! I could not have said it any better. It's too bad that for all you responded with, the response from the so-called "journalist" was simply atrocious.

20004743? ago

It's like preaching the gospel. All you can do is bear witness of the truth. It's up to the hearer to accept or reject it. Our job is to bear witness of the truth.

20003271? ago

I've spoken to a lot of people who have shown compelling evidence that all of the tweets that coincide with time stamps were accomplished due to varying time zones. There also appears to be some evidence that Q team posts from the West Coast. Thoughts?

20005080? ago

You forget one thing.....statistical probability....1 in 10 first time 1 in 100 second time = 1/1000 for both on and on and on and on. Did you take stats in Collage?

20004389? ago

This man you are replying to takes the time to respond in a spectacular way summarizing Qanon and this is your response?


20004254? ago

Use of various VPNs would account for that.

20003601? ago

Post your evidence of these statements.

20000704? ago

Deep State ain't going to get taken down unless it's from the inside. God Speed Patriot

20000503? ago

I've seen it written in the past about the Q movement, "What kind of cult encourages independent research?" I'm paraphrasing, of course. But Q is a search-and-decide-for-yourself kind of thing. Lots of people have differing opinions and interpretations. I could bring up one particular poster as a good example of how crazy the theories can get. Some people consider these interpretations as brilliant, others consider them bullshit. This is no cult, by any means. I just figured I'd point that out because that's a common angle used by media outlets looking to push the narrative. If you're as open-minded as you say, I would think you've already come to this conclusion, but figured it was worth mentioning..

20000171? ago

The timing of the Q drops are important to keep them in context. IOW, it's hard to look back on drops and have a good perspective of what was publicly known at the time. While the "Q movement" has touched on many subjects, a lot of it has to do with the coup attempt and related details. An example of one of the Q drops was "follow the wives". Well, at the time no one knew who (whoa) Nellie Ohr was, among other wives. It wasn't long after that drop that some info started coming out...an example of "news unlocks past".

Unfortunately, you can't look at many discussions from what was happening at the time of the drops...Subreddits banned / gone.

If you don't follow it in realtime, you lose a lot of perspective.

19999716? ago

If you had done your research on this Q thing you would realize that it is one way that Trump can bypass the decrepit MSM and actually bring some truth to the light. As such it is a highly ethical venue to expose the enormous corruption that has and is occurring in the U.S. and worldwide. I would never work at a profession or for an organization that required I lie nor would my conscience allow me to destroy "good" for the sake of money. But follow your instructions and don't worry about integrity. If you don't do this deed then another sell out will just slide into your desk chair and do the dirty work. Just beware, however, that those chain links you are forging will become heavier and heavier as the days/weeks/months and years roll on by.

19999397? ago

Tell us where you are from or fuck off. The reporting on Q has been nothing but obvious, pathetic attempts to scare off anyone who is unfamiliar with any media outside of television.



If you read the drops, you wouldn't be able to write a story that made the movement and info look negative. You are either a liar or haven't read the messages and want us to give you a tldr.

19999246? ago

I only ask that you please tell the truth.

This is the story I wrote about Q last fall. Feel free to quote me, but please give me credit: https://wadingthruthecrap.weebly.com/wttcopedsblog/silencing-of-qanon

19998934? ago

Grab your balls back from your employer or you're just another nigger faggot journo that sold his soul to satan.

19998833? ago

Q Proof !! https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4004099.html

We are all Q!

Why do you think Trump keeps saying fake news?

You guys are being fed what to conclude in your articles.

Ask yourself, who gave the order to your boss? Follow the crumbs. Find who is the puppet masters.

19998818? ago

Become an Independent Reporter with your own platform and report the Truth about Main Stream Media Propaganda !

like this.


19998718? ago

I dont believe OP for a second, guys, Come on.

19998618? ago

Have you checked out Qmap.pub ?

Go back and watch @AndWeKnow #SeraialBrain2 videos and catch up with @PrayingMedic Q breakdowns and decodes all the way back to November 2017. If you haven't been following for the last 2 years you don't have a clue what #TheStorm is and what's happening behind the scenes. Resignations, arrests, firings and generally #DrainingTheSwamp. Good luck.

19998705? ago

I do not recommend watching Serial Brain. Serial Brain does NOT represent the movement.

Praying medic is much more logical

20660345? ago

I disagree. SB2 dives deep into the timestamps for proofs and meanings. I've followed him over a year now and he's never been wrong. But like Q says think for yourself. So I respect whoever one follows. I'm open and will listen to anyone who makes sense.

19999199? ago

PrayingMedic doesn't really know a lot. Serialbrain2 dives down the rabbit hole on timestamps, meanings and points to sources of information that Q is trying to show us. You want to know generalities about the legal aspects or people involved and just catch up on Qposts PrayingMedic is good. Me I prefer the rabbit hole showing the evil and disgusting vileness that the cabal worships and the ties to articles Q produces. I'm not trying to stir up anything I just like the deeper dives.

Like how Potus is getting rid of chemtrails.

Like below. To each his own. I just watch all and think for myself. Take care.


19998503? ago

The choice is yours. - Q

Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).

Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).

Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).

Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).

Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).

Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).

Decide for yourself


19998406? ago

OP! Wake up! Corruption is World Wide, people on top are doing CRAZY shit (dig on Epstein, do your job!) and now, JUSTICE is coming.

80 000+ sealed indictments!!!!!!!!!! It's a war and the company you get your salary from is probably not on the good side

19998603? ago

I've researched the sealed indictments and spoken to the people that run Pacer and the DoJ. Those aren't actual Indictments, those numbers come from people misreading the Pacer system and using bad math. Answer this, have you logged into Pacer yourself?

20003610? ago

Can you show proof of this? Honest question.

20003846? ago

Yes, and I have, but I've been told it's not conclusive proof by people here.

20003928? ago

Where is the proof you've shown. Don't see on this thread.

19998734? ago

Many many many Q researchers have come to the same conclusion. What is important to remember, is that this is often a brainstorm. We keep and open mind and consider really insane theories. Sometimes, we get very far down a rabbit hole beofre discovering it is a dead end. It is necessary.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

19998365? ago

A couple recommended qanoners to that have done great research and make great videos are @prayingmedic and amazingpolly. Highly recommended. Great researchers.

19998612? ago

Praying Medic refused to speak with me even after I said I would let him write and post his own statement.

20001405? ago

Because your editor will spin it and twist it and nobody wants to go down with that ship. Especially someone so wholeheartedly dedicated to waking up the masses as Praying Medic.

The more I read your replies to people here, the more it seems you are either genuinely clueless/believe the fodder we’ve been fed since childhood. Or simply live in NYC, which confuses many good people and let’s them forget that the $20 lunches you stand in line for in midtown didn’t fall from the sky, that the sewage running through the pipes gets dumped into the ocean and that the world is in fact much bigger than you realize.

New York has that affect on people. You forget you’re not the center of the world till you leave.

Go put your hands on the dirt and learn to shoot something for dinner.

It’ll be good for you. And if you have kids, gtfo of the city.

20003458? ago

I don't live in NYC, but thank you for your opinion.

20000687? ago

You don't need to speak to him. His videos are publicly available.

20003517? ago

It would be irresponsible to not interview a source.

19999122? ago

One thing that I would like to ask you would be this. If you objectively conclude that the qanon phenomenon has legitimacy, how will you proceed in writing it? Will your management allow you to write a fair piece on this subject? If they won't, what will you do? Obviously they control what actually goes out to print. It might be a good time to consider whether you want to work for an organization that would censor the article. If all of this dust pan out to be true, do you want to be on the right side of history?

19999132? ago

If you want to be on the right side of history, it might be time to consider a different company and perhaps make less money.

19999002? ago

Perhaps try amazing Polly. she is very intelligent and it's great observing and making connections. as I mentioned earlier, she's also a great researcher.

19998991? ago

The truth of the matter is, he likely has been told that before and that the reporter did not hold up to his side of the deal. We both know that the media has had many people on the story with the goal of painting the movement as a bunch of nutjobs.

19998958? ago

However, I will say that I greatly appreciate that you are trying to look at this subject in an objective way. There is a chance that we're all being conned. However, there's way too much coincidence an insider information for this to be some guy in his mom's basement.

19998974? ago

I'm not certain that anyone in this movement fully understands how to read the communications. I've been following since day one and I still don't know how to follow everything.

19998948? ago

That's unusual. Usually he seems to be open to Media. However, it's possible that he got burned by other reporters. I've heard a lot of stories of qanon supporters getting burned by media. Some qanoners can be naive and fanatical. They get tunnel vision and don't think logically. They can be easy targets.

20000705? ago

I think I've heard praying medic say that he doesn't do interviews - not in general. Personally I think it's smart of him. If someone actually wants to learn, they can watch his publicly available videos.

19997911? ago

I'm a reporter

Are you then really that clueless about the industry you're working in - that's its now near totality propaganda - taking the side of a nefarious Deep State that wants to run everything to their own whims - and corrupt politicians like the Clintons, et al

If you're on the level about what you describe in the OP, well it paints the picture of a person that is EXTREMELY naive and of almost zero awareness of the world around them and what's really going down. Hard to imagine a real person such as that - not at this stage

19998231? ago

What do you do for work?

19998746? ago

OP is a shill. Not a very convincing one, either

19997658? ago

You should ask Trump the question.

19998623? ago

I have more than 40 times and was told he has no comment about Qanon or other "extremist conspiracy theories"

20005476? ago

Ask "TRUMP" the question!! You seem to be asking the wrong "people".

19998741? ago

So how many nukes do you think Israel has?

19997499? ago

Fair enough. Thanks for the info.

19997470? ago

Not hate you? A whorenalist of the fake, lying, msm?

In due time you people will be as hated as the nazi camp guards are today for covering up pedophilia, elite crimes, dem corruption, smearing anyone criticizing the criminal globalism politics etc.

Enjoy your future.

19998630? ago

Thanks for your input.

19998758? ago

See how this shill smugly thanks you for your hateful response? Please don't give this loser more ammo. Or anymore of your time

20001787? ago

They think they are the protected class being covered for by the elite filth they themselves censor for.

They think this will last forever.

They dont even care of the long turn consequences of an entire europe waking up and throwing of their feminism, globalism and other shit they have been forcing on us for decades.

This is nearing its ending and in time they will be "fair game".

19997178? ago

Aside from the actual Q drops, everything else is simply people's opinions. I've been following Q since October 2017 and everyone has a dumbass interpretation of Q. You don't need to interview a single person to learn about Q. Read the source material and you have all the information you need. Write a single bit of information about anyone else's opinion/interpretation and your article will go off the rails. The fact is no one knows anything for sure. Everyone is just guessing and trying to figure it out the best they can. Like all other social media the loudest and stupidest usually float to the top. Again I say, write about Q followers and you aren't writing about Q at all.

19998250? ago

This is how I've approached it so far. Typically I'd interview the source of the material, kind of tough in this case, but I have talked to a few who are close to it.

20034462? ago

Hey, reporter person. What do you think now that you see 8 chan was brought down? Think Q people are all just a bunch of weirdos like your publishers wants you to or you think the Deep State is trying to prevent the dissemination of the truth? It was brought down 7 minutes after someone posted a screen shot from the alleged "frazzledrip" video. If you don't know what "frazzledrip" is yet, you're going to wish you never found out.

20034542? ago

I am well aware of Frazzledrip, and there is zero evidence it exists. I've personally spent dozens of hours scraping the dark web and working with tor experts to find any evidence of the video. Every occurrence we found was just a screenshot with that filename and linked to nothing of substance.

20035475? ago

Your headline should be: "Who silenced Q and why?" . . . because regardless of who Q or what Q is - the truth must not be told! That way you don't have to talk about anything specific - merely direct the audience to the fact that this subject isn't even allowed to be discussed except in secret corners of the internet which are hounded and shut down again and again. reddit/r/theGreatAwakening - shutdown. Voat - ddos'd. 8Chan - shutdown. Free speech is under attack and the one entity who "has it all" must be prevented from spreading the truth at all costs. . . There's your story.

20035231? ago

Impossible to post the truth when 8 chan can just get disappeared off the internet or Voat can get Ddos'd. Feints to draw out attacks.

20000670? ago

You have no idea who is close to Q or not.

Will you be the typical loser journalist who inserts their own opinion (or that of their boss, who demands the story be presented with a bias)? Or, will you be objective? Will you simply tell your audience that this is what Q claims to be, what Q claims is truth, and where people can find more information?

I already know the answer. You will report with a bias -- a negative bias, because your profession has no idea how to be journalists anymore. You have no idea how to present a story objectively, without bias. And the fact that your boss is telling you to get stories ready is the red flag that screams ANTI-Q BIAS STORIES, PRONTO!

Whatever you write, just do us all a favor. Once the story is written, but before you submit it, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself: Is this story doing justice in the mission of objectively informing my audience? That is what journalism is SUPPOSED to be all about.

PS: Take just ONE slice of the Q drops and report on THAT in an objective manner. Start with SETH RICH.

20003530? ago

I've spoken to Rich's family and officers involved in the case. They all have the same opinion that it was a late night botched mugging. There had been a series of similar robberies and assaults in that same area.

20006647? ago

So botched that they left everything of value on him?

('Cept maybe a thumb drive?)

20009152? ago

There was evidence of a struggle, torn watch, things like that. It's not abnormal for robbery situations for a fight to get out of hand, a shooting to occur and people run. There were at least a dozen similar robberies in the few months leading up to that according to police documents.

20003656? ago

You call that reporting? Taking info from corrupt police departments?

20003810? ago

I took info from everyone who would speak to me. What evidence do you have that the Capital Police are corrupt?

20003935? ago

Because the story doesn't add up.

20004184? ago

So because a story doesn't make sense to you, you assume an entire police department is corrupt? Do you know anything about crime rates in DC or the area he was at?

20010832? ago

Doesn't he make it to the hospital injured, DNC reps showed up and he's dead?


20017095? ago

He was shot twice in the back and died 90 minutes later. He was a John Doe at the time of his death because his wallet was later found in the ambulance. 1) Seems like a sloppy hit to leave someone dying on the ground. 2) He was one of a dozen gunshot victims in the ER that morning. 3) He was transported directly into surgery from the ambulance and died on the surgery table in the presence of the surgeon who had been with him since he was brought into the ER.

There would have been no time to kill him because he was too busy dying during surgery from blood loss.

20006747? ago

You tell me:


Victim is thought to be the DNC leak, and the investigation into his murder is headed by a police dept who's Board includes the sister-in-law of HRC's Campaign chair?

Conflict of interest at best.

20004436? ago

That's not what I'm talking about. Many other details to the story. If you had done your research, you would know this. You're just swallowing what you've been told to believe.

19998435? ago

How would you know they are close to the source if you dont know the source? Just because they claim it?

19997164? ago

OP, you've taken from this movement....give back....ask the Question WHO IS Q?!

Time is upon us.

19997160? ago

Reporters still exist in 2019? I thought they all decided to become propagandists.

19997639? ago

Were they ever anything other than propagandists?

19998042? ago

Way back in the day they used to cite sources before just screaming shit on the television. At least that's what I've heard.

19997128? ago

There is only one Q post that really matters around here (in the context of any story your boss is really asking for)! Its posted on EVERY PAGE OF QRV!. LOOK NOW to the right side of this very web page! You can't browse QRV without seeing it. YET it appears NO JOURNALISTS have EVER read it. (Based on the actual content we've actually seen in the media)! Maybe "journalists" only browse QRV on a phone and the right column is not shown to you? If that IS the case I'll post it here to give you a better chance, but I'd bet a billion dollars your bias goggles won't ALLOW you to read it!


Here it is:

"They want you DIVIDED.










19998265? ago

Who is they? I mean specifically. Is it Hillary Clinton, or Soros or someone, or another group?

20015777? ago

They = Systemic international established power structure. So, Soros, Clintons, Merkle, the Vatican, et al. It isn't any one person or group of people. It is an Idea, a set of ideals, that run WHO, IMF, various governtments. Ideals that write things like Agenda 21.

This is not a battle of people. It is a battle of ideas.

20000187? ago

Why do you think so many people related to the Clintons have died, OP? Do you think people really commit suicide with 2 bullets to the back of the head? Is that physically possible? Looking forward to your response.

19999172? ago

Hi OP I'm who you responded to. Thank (You) for the Question. Who is "they"? I totally agree with the other response. The globalists who's symbol (and power structure) is the pyramid, a diverse group of criminals, working together on global domination.

"they" want us weak and hating each other so they can sweep in as "the heroes" and save us from ourselves, which means killing 90% of us, so the remaining 10% is easier to "manage". Only 10% will be "sustainable", in "thier" opinion. So "they" give us "global warming" ( Actually Solar system wide warming! Do you think cow farts are warming Mars or Saturn?!) as the problem and "the green new deal" as the "night in shining armor" solution. This is only one example.

Don't take anything you read here for granted, do your OWN homework! Think for your self. Do your job, earn your check, but please for the Love of Humanity, DON'T buy the BS. Be your own Person, with a functioning critical mind and independent thoughts! Look at "unapproved sources", make up your own damn mind, don't let the flim-flams do it for you.

You ( I assume) are a Human of Earth, we the 99% have 99% in common, we were ALL born under the same Sun. Every difference that is pointed out among us, is an unrealistic focus on the 1% of actual differences, differences that make us stronger, not weaker. Those "differences" (minor details) are always presented as "bad", when they should all be celebrated as the spice of Life!

I think what you are missing is the DECADES of back-research, and watching things form over time. For a crash course research HOW MANY "conspiracy theories" have been proven later to be true! Be aware that a functioning "BS detector" requires an open mind, and frequent self examination to function at any useful level. AKA "Know thy SELF!"

Let me leave you with my favorite anonymous quote:

"When the honest man realizes he's wrong, he either stops being wrong, or stops being honest." ~ Unknown

19999900? ago

Thanx for the link Fren, I really like his grand daughter Laura too. Anyway, I'm hopeful we found a real Journalist this time. (LOL Ya right, we've been here before.) One will show up eventually right? WWG1WGA Fren!

19997091? ago

Have you watch this video https://youtu.be/3DJK_kGlYR4

19997063? ago

See qproofs.com #TheGreatAwakening

19996965? ago

We don't hate reporters (we are, in fact, glorified reporters), we hate shitty reporters.

19996932? ago

The MSM is far more dangerous. NYT ignored Stalin, or wrote glowing reports for decades, never apologized nor returned the Pulitzer.

Why is free speech a threat?

20006879? ago

They also beat the war drums for Iraq based on false pretenses & helped start a war that destroyed countless lives.

Absolutely incredible that they have the gall to call anyone (everyone) else "fake news".

Literally they're responsible for lives lost, and I don't know how there are still people out there not getting that.

19996864? ago

I'll answer in Good Faith, trusting you are honest.

First being the most grass roots of grass roots associations we are millions of Individuals, not repubs or leftist twits or blacks or whites or browns or males or females. Two genders, two scoops, two terms..,..you've heard that right? Anyhow, we are each one of us unique, we don't seek group-think or herd along just to be hanging with the crowd, we do not fit in the same holes as each of our neighbors.

We each got here on our own path, in my case I've been hoping for this or something like it since the 70s, Nixon/Carter convinced me something was wrong, busing and Federal government insistence on ignoring Law for agenda and social engineering and government sponsored racisms and cultural divides and wars... Yeah, it was harder then to become aware but many of us did make it.

Consider all we had to have come together for this Timeline. First we had to have somewhat of a generally educated populace around the world, because this isn't just American politics as you seem to understand. And we had to have a means of real time comms, secure enough for us to be able to communicate outside the media, outside academia and yet able to reach huge segments of the population. Then we had to have 'some' proofs. Then we had to have an honest candidate for POTUS but that alone isn't enough; we had to have a core of Honest actors in the right places in government, Q+ team. With Congress knowingly corrupted, with the courts corrupted, with agencies such as CIA/FBI/DOJ/IRS corrupted, with media corrupted, we also had to have means to bypass the Deep State propaganda as exemplified by google/facebook and yadayadayada.

That all had to occur simultaneously, and yet within a certain timeframe because had hillary won so too Evil would have consumed us all, a Military coup would have been attempted but surely that leads to chaos.

So, just before it was truly too late Trump arrives, right man right time right place....This Timeline!!

But this is more of a Spiritual Great Awakening than politics. God doesn't choose perfect men He chooses men perfect for His jobs. So Trump arrives, just as Q+...no, actually Q+ kinda prepped Trump...but Trump was there exactly on time and everything came together as if per a Plan.

Sorry for the history, if you've been reading QMAP and maybe following along at home or with Praying Medic/others then you know much of this already. But it IS a Spiritual Great Awakening, we know this, Trump knows this, Q knows this...God Wins!

Okay, lastly before I refer you to the usual proofs, it is not coincidental that other nations are joining us in our efforts to overthrow the Evil of tyranny holding all of Humanity down. We know we cannot defeat satan but we can deal Justice to the human demons doing the work here on Earth, we can stop much suffering if we but insist on Law.

That's the whole thing; we demand a Rule of Law, in our (American) case a restoration of our Constitutional Law, which is really Man codifying God's Laws.


At some point coincidences cannot be an explanation for matters. Trump told hillary years ago, onstage, he would see her in jail. Trump tweets things that infuriate the leftist press (90% of the whole?) daily then later, always later the facts come out supporting him and leaving the press/left witless, unclothed in the harsh daylight.

The proofs are everywhere, the Mueller report being one, Kavanaugh's hearing another, the fact of Q shirts at rallies, the IG another, the Brit press just recently agreed with us that CIA and MI6 did spy on us all illegally, just as Trump said. Trump told everyone he was spied upon in the beginning, the left howled and lied about it, but now we have proofs. Rather, the proofs we always knew we had, y'all are just now figuring out much tho.

That bothers us some; how was it possible to pretend hillary didn't use an illegal server, or destroy evidence after Congress subpoenaed it? How was it possible to ignore the rioting of BLM and Antifa or OWie terrorists? How is it possible so many obvious crimes are done right in our faces and the press refused to see it for years?

When press folks ask for proof it usually means they are unable/unwilling to see.

WWG1WGA. That 'all' at the end infers all who have a pure heart, a heart not blinded to Truth and reality, to Morality and Law. It also denotes that, God wins, we all go to Him eventually.

QMAP, QResearch, lurk moar. Raise your eyes and look larger down the road of Human existence.

19998282? ago

The QProof link is mostly just Trump tweets and memes

20000160? ago

If you had done any REAL research, you would understand that it's not 'just' his tweets and memes.

20003555? ago

Please point out what you consider to be the strongest proof and I will track down and research it.

20003699? ago

No you won't because you've demonstrated here already that 1/you are biased and 2/don't know how to research. You believe what you're told by corrupt sources and you stop there. That's not what anons consider to be research. I've asked you two questions here that would demonstrate you are who you say you are and that would require you to do some digging and rational analysis. You've ignored both.

My advice to you: wake up and consider - if you cannot accept as fact - the possibility that what MSM pumps out as truth is not at all the truth. Do some real digging. Get on 8chan and ask your questions to Q. I bet he'll respond. And even if he doesn't, open your mind and ASK YOURSELF what the truth is. You are clearly not at that point yet. Attempting to research Q without that will get you where you are right now.

20003794? ago

I speak to both sides and look for evidence. If you don't consider that research, I'm not sure how to continue this dialogue.

20003950? ago

Just as I thought, you wont post your 'evidence' or answer difficult questions. You are fake or biased, or both.

19999450? ago

Lurk moar, or shill....your choice.

19998808? ago

The more I read your comments, reporter anon, the more I distrust you.

Thus, you must be a real 'reporter'

19998494? ago

You don't understand the mathematics of the coincidences involved. For Q posts and Trump's tweets to coincide so closely, many times with similarities, the odds of this occurring are astounding but you would need a grasp of Probability and Statistics. As a journalist you probably didnt take those classes.

For anons and the /autists/ on the chans, they have the understanding of maths to see the it

19996810? ago

Honestly I know it's real because I learned about shit like 3 years earlier than everyone else on 4 and 8chan. Normies are still playing catch up to 1/10th of the shit anons with over 100 iq and decent pattern recognition have known for YEARS.

19996652? ago

We are researchers. We are a cult that brainwashes people to think for themselves... -super early Q follower. JUst about everything not along this line is chaff and attacks from the likes of YOU.

19996602? ago

This entire thread is a mossad forum control tactic.

19996441? ago

Since last year you've been interviewing "Q followers" to see what kind of wonky shit they were into. So what have you come up with? Describe your impression of "Q followers". Show your skills as a journalist.

19996394? ago

God damnit

19996363? ago

Hew, since you claim to be a journalist, can your research who and why the MSM spent 2 years claiming there was Russian Collusion to get President Trump Elected... when it seems they knew all along that was a lie...spread far and wide by the propaganda arm of the DNC.

19996289? ago

No surprise! My husband is a journalist with a room full of awards. Most of the time he assumes he can do stories about whatever he wants. I challenged him: go do a story about 9/11's Building 7. Go talk to Architects and Engineers - many from well-regarded schools like Stanford, etc. He was in for a surprise. He's gotten nothing but pushback from his company. He did a story about glyphosate and Monsanto a couple years back and his higher ups started looking at him a little cross-eyed, too.

It's really good time to examine your company's editorial pov and question it. The world is changing and it's good to keep you eyes and mind open.

19996287? ago

8 chan has a tremendous collective shill-dar. They can smell the shills and gn's a mile away.

19996249? ago

Imminent FF? Smells like it.

19996187? ago

You have been instructed to slander, demonize, paint as a threat/hate group and gaslight this whole movement!

Everything the msm does to control the narrative comes from the tactics of pedophiles, psychopaths and narcissists. Just take at look at the pedos playbook!


These are the tactics used to gaslight the whole world used by your employer and editor. Used by all the msm gaslighting pedos.

You see yet why pizzagate is real and why they see us as a threat?

If pedos don't control the whole world then why where you instructed to do this?

The simple truth is we as a species have evolved past their gaslighting. This is the end of the pathocratic era. The end of psychopaths and pedophiles running our societies behind the scenes.

Indeed it will be a fast transition because the truth shows us a simple solution. We can filter these predators out of all power and influence with brain scans.


They can't handle the reality of what is happening because when they destroyed their conscience they were locked out of their frontal lobes as a consequence. They lost the adult part of their brain that experiences reality and is responsible for empathy, consequences, smells and higher mental functions. So they experience the world through the child's brain elements. They live in a fantasy.

They can't handle this fantasy collapsing and reality and consequences seeping through. So they just deny the reality and push their fantasy on everyone.

They believe their manipulation and gaslighting tactics are actually magic. They think we can't understand, identity or defend against this. But simply calling out these tactics is devastating for them.

When psychopaths are faced with someone that knows what they are doing and calls out their tactics they are really fucked. They just keep using the same tactics as they have nothing else to fall back on. They can't comprehend that they aren't actually magic.

That's why after all these attacks and smears we and the truth is still here. And yet here you are being told to follow the same losing strategy.

You should probably tell your editor that you can't in good conscience use pedophile tactics to attack people exposing pedophiles. Also demonstrates how they all use projection to accuse anyone capable of exposing them of their own crimes. A known pedo tactic!!

Just a brief look at google trends proves your control of the narrative is over!

Compare the terms "fake news", "pizzagate" and "narcissism"!

The term "fake news" pushed at exactly the same time as pizzagate went viral!

The publics knowledge and understanding of "Narcissism" is now greater that both these terms!!

Tell him. It's fucking over. The public knows what his fucking kind is. He is just tightening his own noose by fucking with us using pedo tactics!

19998973? ago

Fucking awesome!

19996154? ago

And how was the "heads up" delivered?

19996109? ago

It’s not hard to find the truth. What’s difficult is accepting it.

19996050? ago

tell your editor to eat a dick.. we only hate corrupt politicians, nazis, evil democrats,l iberal fake news media and pedophiles.. and if you follow our drops.. you will see that all those aformentioned are one in the same..

oh and muslims.. fuck muslims too, bunch of evil democrats terrorists

19996017? ago

WWG1WGA, Q movement is spreading all over the world, there is not only in US where corrupt cabals lives, every country in Europe need DJT.

The hunt for pedos is global.

19995944? ago

You are literally a paid shill. Get a real job faggot.

19995918? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV submission.

Posted automatically (#55604) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

19995889? ago

Qoomers are retarded.....

But, seeing as how Voat was attacked, and how much shit is being stirred, something is being turned up. Even if the whole Qanon is a LARP, it's getting heads scratching and stones unturned.

Seriously, keep digging.

19995874? ago

Tell your (((editors))) the penalty for treason is death.

19995848? ago

The classification is valid, we are far more dangerous than anY thing the DS ha at their disposal. Thing is...we're "plan B." Conservatives in general, and the Q movement in particular, consist of THOUSANDS of trained and combat experienced vets going all the way back to 'Nam. That's an awful lot of people waiting to answer the call.

We aren't ANTIFA, we aren't BLM. We fall into a structured environment with a chain of command easily. We control 95% of privately owned firearms and ammunition. Until the word is given, we hold the line and protect our own.

But we are a threat to all enemies, foreign and domestic.

19995831? ago

If you are legit, thank you for sharing. If you are not legit, pretty entertaining trolling.

19995757? ago

Please do your research and especially check out the Q-proofs before coming to any conclusion. Thank you.

19995799? ago

I have researched the proofs pretty deeply. I found nothing really definitive and the biggest proofs are a few coincidences. I didn't see any 100% tangible evidence.

19997762? ago

The timed Q posts with code-words followed ~10-60+ seconds later with Trump tweets using the same codewords prove it is mathematically impossible for it not to be coordinated between Q and the President. They did it at least a dozen times; that puts it at 99.99% certainty with just that data. So either Q and team are coordinating with the President or someone has hacked their comms.

If that isn't enough "proof" for you, you are a mathematical moron.

Additionally photos from inside AF1 with no other known source and closeup photos of a watch which through its reflections can be used to reconstruct enough data to tell it was taken inside the oval office.

If you have been following Q, like you said you have, you would know this. So I call bullshit, you haven't been paying attention and you certainly haven't been researching the subject.

19996213? ago

Here's a proof for you:

Why are you here?

Is Epstein in jail?

Is Epsteins Island in the News now?

Is the NXIVM arrests and convictions of Keith Reneir, Allison Mack and Clare Bronfman Related to the child sex trafficking of kids in the Epstein case?

Did Brennan, the ex-Cia head, actually vote for a Communist President? Think about that! How did a guy that might have voted for a Communist..... get a job to head the CIA?

There are Questions you should be asking... like...Why is your Boss not researching for him/herself?

Why is he/she relying on you to tell him what to think?

And why are you so interested in what Other People "think"?

19996060? ago

What was the most interesting idea or claim you came across?

19995931? ago

Have you have had a look at this video:


I find the prediction about peace with North Korea, purge of Saudi royal family and the Pope having a bad May more than just a coincidence.

Also the tweets by the President with the unusual words.

19995753? ago

Yep, we're used to it. Thank you for having an open mind! Journalistic integrity must be hard to find in this day & age. I'm sure the editors & upper-ups keep control over the narrative they are told to push...

19995680? ago

Q may or not be legit (i lean towards not, even if some points are made)

But one thing is for certain, media is a controlled arm of propaganda, so it isnt even remotely shocking you are told to prep pieces, of which only hit pieces will likely be allowed to be published. And is the owner or financier of your media outlet perhaps an individual with a tendency to rub hands, wear funny little hats, and posses hook noses?

19995628? ago

Are your bosses Jewish by chance?

19995657? ago

My bosses are the shareholders of the publicly held company I work for.

19996242? ago

So the shareholders run the company? never heard of such an animal... do tell more!

19998512? ago

This guy sure seems uniformed enough to be a journalist haha

19999266? ago

You spelled "Diverse Group of All White Women in their Mid Twenties at the Huffington Post Editorial Staff" wrong... Sorry goat for being a grammerfag.....


20002319? ago

Direct Hit!

19995598? ago

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

The ORIGINAL Smith-Mundt Act allowed the US government to spread "public diplomacy". Which is political speak for propaganda and lies.

The Smith-Mundt Act (while allowing the government to spread propaganda outside the US) made it illegal to spread propaganda WITHIN THE US AND TO ITS OWN CITIZENS. But the law was changed with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was hidden within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be available within the United States.

Politics is no longer about what's best for the country. It's about emotion. Good Guys vs. Bad Guys. Trump and the Republicans are sexist, racist, etc. They're the bad guys. The Democrats are treasonous criminals, child molesters. They're the bad guys.

Trump can stop the fake news media, and lying Democrats, by reversing the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. But won't because it's being used by his team and the Republicans in the form of Q.

Good or bad. Truth or lies. Whether you're for or against Q - It doesn't matter. Q is PURE PROPAGANDA which is used to invoke an emotional response.

19995653? ago

That's an interesting take, but far fetched. If Trump was behind Q in that way, why bother following a law? It would be libelous at best.

20000958? ago

Why are you not curious about why Obama would want to engage in propaganda against the American people?

20003488? ago

The problem with your whole discussion is the SM act was introduced into committee and never voted on.

19997006? ago

How is it an interesting "take"?

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 was "modernized" under Obama. It allows the government to spread propaganda to the American people. If Trump wanted an American government that didn't spread propaganda (government as in every 3 letter agency, senate and congress) - Again, government as in all 3 letter agencies. - If his administration didn't want them spreading propaganda, then why hasn't he simply reversed the act back to its pre-2012 form? The simple answer is because he's using it.

And how can it ever be called libel if it's perfectly legal?

19995534? ago

More faux-confirm fiction from a qtard tbh.

19995528? ago

All the information is in the library. Nothing here is new other than a lot of people have a lot of history to read! The deprogramming of generations of people fed lies! Label something your are ignorant of a "conspiracy theory" and you are off the hook of doing your own research. That's how they try to marginalize truth. I pray for a peaceful awakening.

19995518? ago

ASK THE Q!!!!!!!

19995489? ago

Hey dumb fuck nigger, jews control the world and we are going to kill every single one of you media traitors.

19995486? ago

Every individual has the right to speech, and press. Being "press" is something you do.

You have the right to do or say anything that doesn't violate the rights of other individuals, as long as it's not force/threat of force, or fraud.

Many of the people employed by "press" organizations are no longer "press", and violate rights both with force/threat of force, and fraud.

The single most important role of press is to communicate the truth. To inform people of the corruption of state agents, or the potential corruption.

Are you "press", or one of us pursuing truth? Or are you the opposite of press? Are you an agent of sabotaging press, communication of truth, and liberty?

I don't care to hear you answer that. Only you might know, and you can say whatever the hell you want here, certainly. Answer it for yourself.

Are you the enemy or ally of humanity?

19995484? ago


You obviously need that job so much that you are prepared to go along with the instructions to attempt to deny free speech to some

Your little disclaimer here means diddly squat to be honest

Why not be a truly brave journalist and write a piece fully exposing the corruption ?

-sure somebody will publish it , and it could actually elevate your career from being just another paid for minion of the evil DS system

Be Brave - stand up and be counted - and be on the RIGHT Side of History

19995459? ago

The Q movement happens with or without us. It's a team of highly involved intelligence people. The crumbs they leave for us are just a courtesy. Anons choose to read and decode them.

19995436? ago

There is no racism, there is no hate, there is just many many people who are now watching the watchmen. Something is wrong in the world, everything is turned upside down and the people who were trusted to tell the truth to the public are spewing nothing but propaganda and complete lies. Our press is gaslighting the public and 40% of the country seems to be brainwashed into any point they want to make. People dressed in black are beating people for political reasons, while the people defending themselves are called racists and terrorists. Stories are written without research and some are completely lacking in facts, all used to control the masses. Even what you posted is proof of this.

WWG1WGA. We have entered clown world were everything is backwards. 1984/Revelation rolled into one.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

George Orwell

PS: This is not the place to really get alot of knowledge about Q or its Qanons. There is a ton of shills here that will post anti-semitic shit to frame Q's supporters, and turn the movement into something it is not, this is very common. Just like the rest of the internet, most people come to do the research, and since the movement has been outed we have seen more and more porn/graphic posts, anti-semitic rhetoric, and outright hate/stupidity. I highly doubt the MSM will report on the actual Q content, they will focus on what disinfo groups post which is the whole point. Don't let the bad guys win, this is about freedom not just for our country but for the others.

Qanons are researchers who have been watching whats coming on the horizon, meanwhile the MSM is looking the wrong way and happily reporting everything they want you to report and how.

Behold a Pale Horse.

19995418? ago

Maybe you should check who the media coordinator at FBI Phoenix is? You'll find it interesting who it happens to be and that a low level memo was "leaked." Next look at the date on the memo, and find out who was the director at FBI on that date, and who appointed him. Next, confirm that he was transferred 24 hours after the memo was written ... and who transferred him. Connect the dots. WWG1WGA.

19995393? ago

The legendary Ben Swann did a 5 min pizzagate intro for his CBS affiliate in 2017. Guess what happened to him after it aired? Canned.


20011848? ago

big balls on that Ben Swann for doing this piece of real journalism!

19995341? ago

I need a Q elevator pitch please

19995416? ago


20000364? ago

Happy to help

19995211? ago

The world is so upside down that when someone tries to right the ship, please think THAT is strange. I suppose they are correct really. It is other-worldly, this phenomenon known as QAnon. Trump is God's man for the hour much like Cyrus was for Israel. It's time for people to see what's really up and make a decision. Whom will you serve?

19995204? ago

The search for truth undoubtedly lead down some dark alleys but the knowledge you gain will set you free.

To ask questions is the first step to wisdom.

19995192? ago

If you are legit...get information and call Project Veritas...WWG1WGA.

Remember that this is not a game and saving yourself is not what this is about. Evil people are mostly about themselves and the Q movement is about all of us to prosper in truth and peace and liberation from slavery.

19995119? ago

So ask POTUS the fucking question!

19995621? ago

I sent more than 40 requests to the WH directly asking that and all went unanswered.

20001441? ago

Ask publicly.

20003452? ago

I don't have a WH press pass.

19996590? ago

Ask publicly. Do you have the balls?

19995034? ago

It's simple, really:

They're preparing to perpetrate a bunch of FF's blamed on Qanons.

19995468? ago

THIS, and then troll our boards with a bunch of racist bullshit. And then some more about JFK, JR. Flat Earth, Chemtrails and Aliens just to be sure we don't just look like white supremacists.

WWG1WGA means something

We believe we were all created equal, but evil exists, and unfortunately, too many powerful people have succumbed.

We have a mighty big mess to clean up

19995366? ago

That's the unfortunate reality and you'll likely see reddit, Voat, 4chan, etc caught up in it as well. Online censorship will ramp up.

19995026? ago

If you don't write a negative piece on Qanon and it's followers your story won't be published. You're here to gather the negative comments to paint a negative picture. Big Deal, it's pointless, your entire industry has lost all credibility. Many of these Anons are extremely good at digging and their agenda is truth and saving the population from total tyranny.

19995122? ago

I spent more than a month researching the sealed Indictments and found that the whole premise was false.

19997432? ago

"The premise" was false? Yeah, you aren't looking for truth. Fake ass "journalist."

19998271? ago

I think it’s an AI bot. Definitely not real.

19995523? ago

We have been taking baby steps, learning how to research, how to think for ourselves.

Whether we hit bullseyes every time is irrelevant.

We have confirmation of the truths we have learned that is undeniable.

Anyone can pick this movement apart, if that is what you are here to do, you don't need our help.

Just fall in line, obey your orders

19995010? ago

In other words, you're a hired propagandist that is beginning to lose your brainwashing?

19994951? ago

Never EVER trust a "reporter", they will ALWAYS (did mention always) screw you over and use your words against you. I know this from person experience in the 2012 election / convention. They trashed me because I was a Ron Paul delegate. They are fucking liars. "."

19998468? ago

Maine by chance? That's a story worth repeating.

19995232? ago

This ^^^^^^

19994919? ago

Just spend time thinking for yourself and you'll see the madness of the MSM. People who follow Q are simply seeking justice. This two-tiered justice system we've had is in place by those who are evil, simply to protect themselves. Q followers want to see justice equally applied! Q followers are HOPEFUL. TPTB and the DS have no interest in Americans. What makes Trump popular is that AMERICANs want to be protected and prioritized over illegals (not just immigrants, but also the "illegals" in power!)

19994877? ago

Publish any way and be the new rising star

19994834? ago

This is how they made all terrorist groups, give them info they're under attack by something evil and wait for what happens. If trust the plan takes too long people will think q is deepstate and bragging about being untouchable

19994828? ago

I have a single friend in the MSM and don't blame the journalist, it's mostly the powers above them that release what goes out and that's about 5 businesses at the moment

19994814? ago

I call B.S. FAKE

19994783? ago

I believe it.

19994757? ago

Your not a REPORTER. You are a TOOL. QUIT being a fag retard. Or not. YOUR choice.

19994740? ago

Thanks for being a real journalist rather than a propagandist! Much appreciated.

19994730? ago

Well, its very strange that the shill attacks, DDOS, and poor optic racist nonsense spiked immediately before this FBI declaration, isn’t it? Almost like you were put here to find something placed for you and not have enough access time to look any deeper. Almost like they’re trying to control the narrative that you’re fed. As if you were primed so that their truth became your truth...

Ever heard of parallel construction?

19994678? ago

May I share your words on social media?

19994657? ago

Hello fellow journalist!

I've been out of the game ~10 years once I found out how the power system works. Everyone sucking up to the person in control. Eventually whoever has ultimate editorial control sets the tone, and they're all corrupt.

19994651? ago

Please explain why your national paper doesn't tell its readers that it is scientifically proven that 9/11 was accomplished with pre-planted explosives? Are you guys just dunces or do you really hate Americans and want to make them stupid?

19994637? ago

Interesting information. If you're a journalist, you are to present the FACTS. DIG. INVESTIGATE. If your editors stifle what you have to say, then EXPOSE THEM.

The "Q" movement is this:

We're all here for the same thing. Love of country. Love of our fellow man. and an insatiable thirst for the truth.

19994635? ago

you my Man witnessed what we only guessed


PREP STORIES order came from one place

for all the news papers agencies or TV houses small or big ...

19994625? ago

I wonder why (((They))) told you to prep stories...

The myriad of corporate media outlets are one of the Jews greatest weapons of mass indoctrination. It is incredibly vast, well coordinated, and serves one purpose. To completely control the goyim.

They run all corporate 'news' outlets that feed daily indoctrination to the goyim.





The social media space is theirs


They run Hollywood and are responsible for all the culture destroying depravity and degeneracy that comes out of there.



Pornography is perhaps their greatest weapon against men and the nuclear family unit.








They know that the obsession with sex and the associated degeneracy destroys civilizations. This is why they push it constantly.




They use their outlets to demoralize and brainwash white people so their #WhiteGenocide agenda can continue.













And the lies they tell...







They truly are the enemy



Fortunately, their ability to control the goyim through mass indoctrination is waning.


19995048? ago

This is the Amalek voat needs right now

19994575? ago

Get into a briefing and ask the Q.

19994976? ago

I've sent many many requests to the White House and none were answered.

20000974? ago

In a previous response, you said you were told POTUS will not respond to "conspiracy theories."

Here, you say you were given no answer.

You lie.

20003466? ago

As I said, I reached out more than 40 times, the responses varied.

20005614? ago

I think "plausible deniability" may be what applies here.

19995347? ago

You have to get into a press briefing with the president and hope he picks you for a question.

19994568? ago

Directly from Q...

They want you DIVIDED.










... so as you can see Q does not promote racism. Q promotes unity around America values, democracy, power of the people. Period.

19994557? ago

That is suspicious, but the powers that be do seek to discredit the movement, and anything associated with QAnon. The only threat we are to anyone is only if people are afraid of their bad dealings becoming known. They would rather hide Epstein, Hollywood, Illegal campaign spying by ours and foreign governments, illegal monitoring of US citizens by foreign intel (Papadapoulis/Page), so if we unearth information and spread it about these things, that is the only threat that we could be to anyone.

All QAnon advocates is for us to dig for information and connections, never for action or violence by anyone who follows, that should be trusted to those who are LEGALLY authorized to take action such as Law Enforcement, Military, etc. We are here only to learn so that we can explain to others what is going on and why, should the above legal authorities need to take actions or make arrests.

19994543? ago

We believe that Love will triumph over evil.

All we want is for the World to Wake up to the Tyranny and Corruption surrounding them on the daily.

We desire nothing but Peace and Love to rule the world using logic and common sense.

Never has this been a movement against Color, Nationality or Gender.

It is a movement for the salvation of Humanity. Or what's left of it after they are finished destroying it.

Report that Q isn't a person place or thing.

Q is a movement for Peace and Love worldwide to reign supreme.

You can quote me.

I'm Scott Free.

19994538? ago

You could run an article and call Qanon supporters every name in the book based off what is posted here. Hell that's the plan of the CIA shills anyway. I could go on a "my little pony" sub and post a bunch of racist shit and then get a friend in the media to run a story on how the " my little pony" community is racist. It's so predictable and boring and quite frankly the reason why anyone under the age of 40 could care less about what traditional media writes about

19997237? ago

Here's a Qultist openly admitting to not being racist...

19995970? ago

...the reason why anyone under the age of 40 could care less about what traditional media writes about...

Well, I for one, could not care less.

19994779? ago

good idea


19994622? ago


19994532? ago

Do seventeen part piece on Q proofs and send it your editor like a boss.

19998884? ago

Who is Q? 17 ways to find out like a boss kek!!! I like how you roll.

19994505? ago

Bullshit. You're not a reporter. You're trying to manipulate the mentally handicapped and should be ashamed of yourself.

19994499? ago

We ARE racist, but there's nothing wrong with that.

19994495? ago

Filed this story under it didn't really happen. 2/10 . Try harder.

19994485? ago

Hi there... If you are a real reporter... How about you ask POTUS the following:

Mr. President, rumor has it that you are "Q+", can you confirm or deny that?

If you don't ask the question, we Anons would be correct in questioning your motives.

Please ask the Q

19994643? ago

As I've said above, I've sent more than 40 requests to the White House for answers about Qanon and none were answered.

19994875? ago

Sorry, I did not read all the comments.. just your post.

Can you tell us which organization you are with?

Glad to hear you sent in 40 requests. Just curious, were any of them asking if POTUS was Q+?

19994995? ago

I did directly ask that, yes.

19995086? ago

Ok.. so which org do you report for?

19994480? ago

It's so goofy to think the Qanon movement is racist. There's a few loud shitheads here who act racist, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Every village has their idiot.

If you haven't noticed, "racist" is a term the left uses for anything they disagree with, regardless of whether or not something really is racist.

Q is a truth movement and operation to dismantle the cabal. Everything is connected.

19994474? ago

You do know that you are working for the baddies, right?

19994454? ago

Do you realize it is a disinfo campaign against the deep state? It is meant to spook them into bad moves. The proofs are not important for the general public, but just because they can't be offering proof that would violate laws regarding classification, and they want to be credible enough to put fear into these bad actors. They need the fear to make their feints work. They need the deep state to flinch and thereby provide mens rea. As a consequence, many people are misled, but that's okay. It is not meant to be a public awareness campaign. It will not be tried in the media, or even in public anonymous message boards. It will be tried in Gitmo, and the evidence will come from the NSA, not a few anons scrambling around the web baking breads. The breads are important, however, because they provide good ammo that can be amplified without breaking national security laws.

19994578? ago

It is mostly a Socratic laser pointer for the opensource research community that is Qanon. It is also soft disclosure. It is also a disinfo campaign against the deep state.

19994496? ago

I amend this to say that it is partially a public awareness campaign. Awareness of the coming prosecutions lessens the shock of it when it happens. It may not resemble as much as has been made public. This is smaller than you realize.

19994431? ago

Welcome aboard. If you really are a reporter, then it is your duty to spread truth. That is what this is all about. If you want to go down in history, be on the right side of it. Whether printouts or blogs, spread this far and wide.

Also, the fact that you're given a heads up and told to prepare stories in itself should lead you to question MSM and the narratives pushed throughout USA & the world. You better than anyone should see that and call it for what it is. ESPECIALLY to your audience.

19994418? ago

we are not saving israel for last...

19994396? ago

Haha. Nicely done idiot. Fake reporter posting so as to illicit crazy responses from voaters notwithstanding...Let (((them))) all start manufacturing stories about Qanon...just like the rest of there lies it will backfire colossally. It will force the Q-uestion. Which will destroy the narrative and continue to discredit every one like this ‘reporter’ and his ilks. Bring it asshole.

19994386? ago

Operation mocking bird. Fuck off shill

19994357? ago

As more than one has already replied, you are not doing your job as a service to the public if you do not dig into why we're focused on the FISA declas and all tentacles that meet in the Epstein case. That may sound harsh, but journalism needs to get back to investigating with the facts available, not getting paid to sketch out a psychological profile based upon mandated preconceived notions so that a narrative can be sold. The latter approach by the media, reporters and their editors are why these large anon research movements are here in the first place, to try and fill that void!

So in this case, it means you need to examine both the methods and results of all the bread being baked from the crumbs that get dropped, and how or whether this community effort puts forth deeper clues on the most disturbing and puzzling political figures and events in our history as a nation. The motives of the Qanon community should only be criticized ONCE AND IF THEY ARE FIRST UNDERSTOOD.

20003568? ago

I agree with all the replied below, but this journalist needs to have his submission read in a particular light or he/she will not get paid/published. Editors are gate-keepers and will absolutely not publish anything that doesn't follow whatever viewpoint the paper wishes to put forth.

That's not to say that a seemingly MSM talking point article can't be written that instead has the opposite effect. This all depends on the skill of this particular journalist. Write the article in such a way that the reader is inspired to go and look at the original source material for themselves...

19996928? ago

The motives of the Qanon community should only be criticized only once and if they are first understood.

The motives are pretty clear. They see themselves as "patriots", and combined with a pretty loose grip on what we call reality, they jumped at the bait the jews dangled in front of them. Really, the perfect target group for a psyop, and 99% of those poor suckers will be in the hospital when they realize how they were used.

19997187? ago

^ Pure conjecture.

19997628? ago

I've been reading these "Q" posts since the invasion. I'd bet money I've read more of them than 95% of the Qultists.

20005804? ago


19997161? ago

muh jews

Shillax... Why are you here?

19997649? ago

an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

YOU are the accomplice.

20025730? ago

You are shareblue

20036420? ago

You're not adequately intelligent.

20036797? ago

Because I don't eat up your nazi propaganda?

19997332? ago

Why are anti-semites on Voat? Gee, that’s had to figure out.

19997631? ago

It's not really that hard.. You all pretend to be nazis to make it easier for the MSM to call is nazis. Go fuxk yourself ShareBlue

19994506? ago

I have dug into many of the drops and what they discuss, but most are too vague or easily disputed.

19995787? ago

Can you provide examples of each scenario? Some that you find too vague, or find too disputable? There's over 2 years of drops at this point. Some of them were deliberate disinfo, intended to get the bad guys to make mistakes (which they predictably did). At any rate, I doubt you've gone through all of them.

There are too many that are far too specific relating to individuals, locations and times - sometimes noted weeks or months before the MSM picks them up - to be dismissed or even disputed as anything but proofs.

19995896? ago

Many of the photos have been found online in other formats, they were cropped and changed enough to avoid Google image.

19999524? ago

Factually false. People scrambled to find these photos and others like it to support either position. None were ever found.

The only people who claim otherwise are ignorant, mislead by shills, or are shills themselves.

20003567? ago

Research Luther Blisset

19997186? ago

"Many", sure. There's plenty of images that are public domain. But there's been others that couldn't be matched as well. I'm talking about the latter.

19999544? ago

None of the images claimed to be original have ever been found to be anything other than originals. This especially includes the NK photos.

19995054? ago

Qmap.pub has everything you need. Qproofs website is all horsepiss, I wouldnt even waste my time on it personally.

19994614? ago

You understand why that is, right?

National security. Q has explained this in his drops. There are, however, Q proofs that cannot be disputed.

19994738? ago

I've looked at the Qproofs site and there are around 100 listed. I chose 30 at random and all were coincidence or just plain wrong.

19999621? ago


19995763? ago

So 30 some odd random coincidences is not enough? At what point does it cease to be "Coincidence" you dingbat?

19995818? ago

Most I saw weren't coincidences. Many were just pointing out things that were easily disputed. Such as the Tippy Top thing. I found over thirty instances of Trump using that phrase in the past.

19995587? ago

30 coincidences cease being coincidences if they happen 30-100 times.

19995361? ago

Ok, I'll bite.

Give me some examples.... And CNN, MSNBC, etc are not sources...

19994836? ago

And John Perry Barlow?

19994593? ago

So is that how you arrived at Voat? Through your research?

19994521? ago

In your own words you just report what people are saying.

19994745? ago

Some of reporting is quoting people.

19995499? ago

You're too low IQ to even spend 6 hours on the subject. You're what they call a Beta Male. Master will be so happy to see you writing about what he wants you to see. Good boy.

19995476? ago

Can't you find anyone to say anything? Obviously you could paint a pretty bad picture of qanon based on the comments here alone, but that would be dishonest to report what a few shills are saying when the movement is about researching the truth and unity

19994494? ago

This ^^^^^^^

Be a real journalist

19995345? ago

Bravo! Encore! I'll suck your dick for that.

19996773? ago

If you're a girl, that was me ;)

19996792? ago

Does it really matter when the lights are out?

20002506? ago

You saying lips have no gender?

19994456? ago

Well said.

19995353? ago

Stunning and brave.

19996577? ago

Beautiful and courageous.

19996632? ago

19994328? ago

Funny how you "people" don't mind racism when it is aimed at European-descent people. Reporters and editors and the filth that owns the media are anti-white. Until you change, you have nothing to offer, because your foundation is built on hate. Clean your own house.

19997443? ago

Qultists are also anti-white, as demonstrated in a number of comments right here.

19994323? ago

If you don't take time to study Q drops you'll never have a real understanding of this movement.

19994522? ago

I am and have been.

20000500? ago

Tell us something you have learned.

19994691? ago

This kike is making a list and he's checking it twice. He's gonna find out who's naughty and nice.

We better all stop discussing the Jewish problem, right? Kill yourself, rabbi.

20000589? ago

are you calling him a circle? are you saying this person can't read or write? your obsession with jew's needs to be addressed...seek help ... YOU are trying to destroy Q by claiming Q supports this hate ..... crawl back under your rock

19994311? ago

You should document what your editors are telling you then reveal it to the world. You wanna know why? Because they do not have your interest at heart.

19995011? ago

I do actually keep copies of every email.

20001452? ago

Go to project Veritas.

20003448? ago

I have no reason to work with them, they are very biased in one direction and it hurts their credibility in my opinion.

20005665? ago

Fair enough.

19996681? ago

White emails, post jpg here. Otherwise, I think you are FOS.

Reporters are supposed to be impartial. You don't sound impartial, you sound like someone witha preconceived opinion who is here with an agenda.

The Q proofs are so many and significant that there's no way you could look at them and not inderstand this is all very real.



Why are there so many missing children? Look at stats of missing children by state and tell me something very odd is going on.

19995532? ago

From a scale 0-100% probability Q is what they say they are in your opinion? Don't get detracted by the shills they will always be here.

19995835? ago

From the research I've done and people I've interviewed, I would guess closer to 5%. I've learned some interesting things from the YouTubers involved in the early days.

19996293? ago

Such as?

19994298? ago

Your media owners ( who all 5 happen to be Zionist anti-Trump) tell you what to write and you do it?

Yup, sounds like a "free" press indeed.

19994416? ago

U retard, trump is with them. This whole anti-trump in the media is doing exactly what it's intended to do. You couldn't really be so stupid to think the gov is your friend, but you never know.

19996695? ago

He said the media is controlled, and you accuse him of believing the media. Tell us again about "U retard"

20033915? ago

So when the media bashes trump, you think it's geniune. XD XD XD. I hope you haven't purchased too many bridges from door to door salesman.

20037949? ago

Do you even know what "the media is controlled" means? Fucking idiot

20038378? ago

The media is the spokeperson of your masters. Haha keep watching it.

19994623? ago

Yeah. That's why he's being DISCREDITING the media his whole presidency. Makes perfect sense that they are working together.

19994655? ago

Let me ask you a very simple question. If he discredits the media, then why would you believe the media when they say they hate trump?

20033885? ago

America, one of the many places where people become stupider with age.

19997328? ago

Are you really this ignorant?

They are.

19994903? ago

Oh he's not discrediting them for me. I already know the media is full of shit and pushing an agenda for the NWO. But a lot of people dont. President Trump is helping with that.

19994966? ago

It's always good to not blindly trust anyone. I for one, don't even trust trump. I know the media is completely full of shit. I've seen enough of what the gov has done in every country, so trump is no different.

19994987? ago

He has his flaws. But I can see the good hes trying to do

19995003? ago

Problem is, you're speaking about someone you don't even know personally.

19995112? ago

And while I dont know him personally, i have personally seen my life improve since he became President.

19995076? ago

Well I know you even less...

19995280? ago

And that's also why it's not accurate to say you know my intentions.

19995289? ago

I was suspicious when you said you didnt trust your President

19997349? ago

I was suspicious when you said you didnt trust your President

Not very bright, eh?

19995316? ago

Suspicious of what. I'm not hiding it. He's your president. I don't have a president. I trust him as much as I trust any random person I don't know.

19994283? ago

Q, the only cult where everyone is encouraged to do as much honest research as possible, and be patriotic and support our president and country.

19994277? ago

Q is a truth movement. Antifa is a terrorist organization probably funded by the very same people that are calling q-anon a terrorist organization.

19994871? ago

The FBI?

20000714? ago

Q asked: Think [George Soros] pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

Write a fucking story on THAT.

19998820? ago

Your parent organization is likely cabal-controlled as well. Sorry for you-

19995777? ago

Watch some Kevin Shipp videos. Very instructive.

19994997? ago

Now you are starting to wake up. .. #DS funded #ABCagencies heads were owned and controlling narrative through dirty media w/same owners - Deep State.... It's all corrupt.

19999573? ago

all corrupt and all Jewish

19994269? ago

I read your post. I still hate you and everyone connected to "the media". Egomaniacal traitors.

19994267? ago

Do an article on jewish influence in media. I bet your editor would be thrilled.

19994545? ago

Would you consider that important to Qanon?

19999697? ago

Q also made mention that Hitler was Rothschilds puppet. You can use your imagination on why the Zionist Rothschilds would benefit from this. This is not a novel assertion.

Myron Fagen was exposing this stuff in the 50’s.

What’s important about the Zionist component is it’s desire for absolute centralized power (communism) and subverting the human spirit. This, coupled with centralized banking and the atrocities against humanity all paint a fantastic opportunity for a serious journalist.

The story of an epoch is in front of you. The choice is yours - side with good, or side with evil. But truth and God will win.


19998568? ago

It's important to the shills on here.

Look, the only way you will truly understand Q is to start at the first drop and move through them. And you have to do your own research along the way. Q started posting at the end of Oct 2017 - by the time I got through mid December I knew this was real info. Early confirmations were 1/ the info on the helicopter/plane crash outside the Rothschild estate in England (after Q team sent Go signal to good guy chopper pilot Green) and 2/ Q telling us about the failed NY City bomber (whose bomb fizzled) a day before the attempt. By the time you get to late Jan/early Feb 2018 and John Perry Barlow, the hair will be standing up on your arms. (Unfortunately, you will miss many things just by being late to the party - such as an anon requesting POTUS to use Tippy Top in the State of the Union. What president uses those words? He didn’t @ SOTU...but he did use it in his Easter address from the balcony - and emphasized it so we were sure to hear. A nod to us anons.)

You honestly cannot understand Q unless you open up your mind, dig into it and research. And when you do, you will know it is 100% legit. But you have to do a lot of work, just as all of us have.

19996906? ago

Not sure what this question is referring to (I’m reading your questions and answering them because I think what you're doing is important and valuable)

If this is about Jews:


They want us divided.

No, Q is not anti-Jewish or anti-anyone. Q is anti-evil. Anti-bad shit.

19996166? ago

Who exactly is dubbing Q a threat?

19997078? ago

People in on the psyop, or duped into writing those stories. They're certainly not people who recognize a jewish psyop when they see one.

19996059? ago

Nope. Not one fucking bit. Q has posted the "(())" brackets, ( which shills use to mention jews, like ((simon)) means "simon is Jewish" ) around the phrase WWG1WGA. Indicating to anons that Jews are part of the great awakening and part of the Q movement.

Anyone on here ripping on jews is either a shill or hopelessly brain washed and doing the shills bidding.

The sort story is:

Evil people have been calling themselves Jewish and planting all sorts of nasty shit supposedly written by Jews so the Jews become the scapegaot anytime good people get close to the truth. That way the Jews get wrongly attacked while the Satanists continue their game of making us fight each other.

If, as a reporter tasked with digging, you haven't discovered this then you need to dig moar.

20011005? ago

Yup...be prepared to be called every name in the book in 3-2-1...

Can't have any common sense when the haters have an agenda.

19996640? ago

Is the CIA also fooled by those shills? [take note of the .gov address]

This is Voat -- not many here are still convinced your theory is right.

19994763? ago

The only thing Q said about jews is that they are saving Israel for last. I migrated to Voat after Reddit kicked us out. Finding out that there are mountains of evidence against jews that have been completely ignored by you and your contemporaries really pisses me off. I hate being lied to and manipulated and the worst part is that the jews are doing this to destroy the White race. It is undeniable but the jews will just continue to lie, cry, and deny. Free speech leads to the truth and the jew will always fear the truth because it means they will loose all their illgotten power.

19994753? ago

not the most important

maybe the LAST important but it is part of the problem

That tribal association thinks it can rule muslims and christians, pacify hindus and keep the chinese on a stick

19994473? ago

Haha. Yup. Thrilled to have any such reporter fired, smeared, blacklisted and maybe even 187'ed.

19994246? ago

On Tuesday we received a heads up that Q was being dubbed a threat and to prepare stories.

the FBI paper is from 5/30/may and the writer called diLeon. You should ask him as a "Reporter"

19995025? ago

I requested an interview and was told that no one is speaking on the matter and o was referred to DoJ.

19994192? ago

It's just a website that I visit fairly often. There is no membership. There is no leader. A few people make t-shirts.

I just read stuff and sometimes post an opinion here. How is this even a movement?

19994186? ago

Did you actually read and research the q posts? This is the whole essence of Q: do your own research, think for yourself. Qmap.pub

A lot of powerful people are about to be exposed, they are desperate and want you to help save their asses. Not gonna work.

19997373? ago

I read some of the riddles on the chan site, and laughed, then I realized there are people who will believe anything at all.

19994550? ago

Yes, I've read them all several times and asked almost everyone involved or named in them their opinions.

20001982? ago

You spoke to the people named in the drops? Really? All those govt officials? Trump? Epstein? Rothschild? Damn. What did Hillary have to say about the bloody wonderland? Were you able to locate either of the Podestas?

Patriots- stop giving this liar the time of day.

20003440? ago

If someone was specifically named, I reached out to their office or them in person. Most did not respond or said they don't comment on conspiracy theories.

19995810? ago

You've read all 3500+ posts several times and yet you have the audacity to say it's all too vague, nebulous and that the "Proofs" are little more than coincidence?

You're functionally retarded, or you're lying, take your pick.

19998421? ago

Agreed. I call bullshit.

20000514? ago

Yep. LARP or LIAR.

19997391? ago

Those "proofs" definitely tie "Q" to the jewish puppet in the White House.

19995961? ago

EXACTLY!! This 'reporter' is a lazy fool trying to mess with us.

19995877? ago

Most read like a math problem put together by Nostradamus. I am fully open on this and questioning. If you like to call people names, have your fun and move along, other people are having a conversation.

19998254? ago

Hmmm, your replies read like an “AI” bot. It’s like reading a transcript from Siri. I call bullshit on you being a reporter, much less one who wants to understand Q. I think you’re just learning how to respond and become fully automatic. A FUCKING TROLL BOT

19997667? ago

What's with the sanctimonious attitude?

Do your own research.

19996788? ago

You are not questioning. You've made up your mind. You're just looking for more fodder to 'proove' what you've been told to write.

19996735? ago

If you don't understand them, go watch prayingmedic's videos

19996073? ago

Did you read drops and follow through on them, doing the research they pointed to, looking into resources, people, places, etc that they reference?

Or did you just read through them linearly, from start to finish, like a book, expecting them to deliver the answers to you directly?

Except in very rare situations, Q drops use the Socratic method, asking questions and leaving it to anons to find, discuss and debate the answers. In your read-throughs, you'll have seen many Q drops saying "research for yourself", "think for yourself" and so on. That's the whole point of Q. Not to be told what's going on, but to do the digging, connect the dots, and find out for yourself.

You didn't mention a period of time that I recall, but if you've "read through them several times", with how deep some of them go, I doubt you really did any kind of actual research into them.

19998768? ago

I found Q just over 3 months after it started and it took me a good 3 weeks to fully research just that short amount of material. Sounds like the reporter is reading through them without the additional work & expecting to be told the story. Completely missing the Use Logic and Do Your Own Reserach part.

  • You didn't think all this research tasking was for nothing did you? (3358)
  • The POWER of Anon research. (3347)
  • It's amazing what a person finds when they simply 'research'. (2868)
  • Logical thinking. Ask yourself a simple question – WHY???? (1822)
  • Logical thinking. (3496)
  • Think logically. The choice, to KNOW, will be yours. (866)
  • And on and on and on

Reporter will never understand unless they do the work.

They are willingly missing out on the scoop of a lifetime.

19994180? ago


You're either full of shit, or you're standing on the railroad tracks and a train is coming.

19994144? ago

This can be a hostel board. There are people here who try to tarnish the movement.

You would be best to contact people who guide the movement.

I recommend: X22Report and In Pursuit of Truth




On twitter: @LisaMei62

See if you can contact them. There are many more, but that is a good start.

19995040? ago

I traced the earliest mentions outside of the chans to a few YouTubers, they refused to speak to me.

20001467? ago

Who were they?

20003446? ago

Tracy Beanz and Pamphlet Anon.

19995173? ago

I suppose I can understand. Reporters are notoriously dishonest. However, I know there are a few good ones... very few.

Oh, Oh, I have the perfect person to ask... TRUMP!!!!!

19995227? ago

I out in that request, it was denied

19995311? ago

Well, that sucks. Wish you luck. A reporter should be asking Trump soon. Hoping this month... It will be historical. I bet you wish you could make history like that. I know if I was a reporter, I would love to be the one to ask.

19994130? ago

Lines up with my hoover dam thread

19994091? ago


19994086? ago

Thank you for the heads up. Hopefully, folks will realize this is legit (been researching it for 2+ years).

19994579? ago

Rookie ;)

19994079? ago

If you're legit, reply to these Anons.

19993998? ago

We woke up that is what is different. You would know what we are about if you were truly a honest reporter. #DemandvoterID

19993958? ago

Perhaps try something wild, write a true story and see what happens. If they fire you, so what. Continued participation in a fraud makes you complicit. Many independent journalists are doing quite well these days. Truth is the key to your success, lies will lead to your downfall.

19993954? ago

Maybe you can interview the President and ask him what he thinks about Qanon.

19994273? ago

I've sent more than 40 requests to the White House for a comment on Qanon and none have been answered.

19993949? ago

Stop telling the truth. It's bad for optics.

19993907? ago

and I've never seen anything like this

Your a shitty reporter if you haven't figured out that the two main things being discussed and researched by this community at the moment are Epstein and is Mossad pedo honeytrap island and the upcoming FISA declas.

Also, if you're working for someone who tells you to attack our community of people who respect the law and our Constitution and our President and conduct research into political abuse and child rapists... then you are part of the problem.

19998971? ago

It's one thing to need a job, but to sell reality, truth down the river to keep the job...well you'd better not believe what your writing. Just find another job and editor and become right with the world.

19996993? ago

They're not a reporter they're a fucking kike

19994404? ago

Reporting on what is said is not attacking.

19996783? ago


Typical behavior for the Qultists. What do you think of their chant where if one of them jumps off a cliff, they all will?

19996336? ago

Anything can be said by anyone on an anonymous forum. For example, you could make an obscene post on there then report that obscenities are being said in the forum. It would be factually true.

19995971? ago

You were hired for your bias.

19996813? ago

Very few people take cult members seriously. Remember your pledge to jump off a cliff if another Qultist does it first?

19994991? ago

I agree. I believe there might be some concern that you are under pressure to take a polemic and that the pressure might get the better of you. It is notable that you are here! I guess some might wonder what you would say to that. What if it turns out that you want to write a bunch of true and supportive stuff in your piece?

19996838? ago

Then he would almost certainly be working for the (((people))) who run the psyop.

19994556? ago

As long as you're not cherry picking the bad things you find to paint a certain ore determined picture of Q researcher anons.

19994491? ago

If what is being said is selectively chosen and taken out of context, it most certainly is attacking.

19994685? ago

absolutely If I say we must hang that racist who molested a child

and somebody reports just we must hang that racist

it is out of context and not close to real meaning

add to mix that most of ownership in media is centralized and ....

19994514? ago


19994633? ago

H O L Y S H I T T H I S M 8

19993897? ago

Odd that you were able to post here with no points. I call BS.

19995019? ago

ha ha ha, some journo comes in here and figures right out that you have to do to post is contribute on a non-anon sub. how long have you been here? you still haven't found a sub to chat in to earn enough contribution points to post? c'mon anon.

19994280? ago

Ive been commenting and asking questions until I was able to post.

19993983? ago

Hmmmm, yes, spoopy.

19993858? ago

Don't judge the movement by posts and comments on Voat! A high percentage of items are put here by trolls and bots trying to make us look racist or crazy. And if we're just crazy conspiracy theorists, why try to discredit us?

19998358? ago

That's very true, it's nothing like the old r/greatawakening- the most active sub on reddit till spez banned us.

19996964? ago

trying to make us look racist or crazy.

Hold on. Are you now claiming that Qultists haven't fallen for this jewish psyop? That doesn't make sense, because what are you even doing here?

19996392? ago

The reason why Voat is under attack is because what the old regulars often talk about is not only accurate but also often well-documented. IF people can overcome the brainwashing disguised as "higher education", they can begin to understand that a lot of those terms (like "racist") were actually created to further control the minds of the masses by causing them to avoid intelligent identification of the problems in society for fear of falling under the numerous labels such as "racism," "homophobia," "sexism," "conspiracy theorist," etc.

There's a reason why education is pushed on everyone; for at least the past 30 years, the demoralization campaign has enjoyed "over-fulfillment" here in the United States.

Remember, per Qanon himself, there's a "very specific reason" why a certain player has not been mentioned even once.

19994994? ago

Diversity is genocide.

19994851? ago

Voat is indeed its own separate culture, but you were sent here and not elsewhere for a reason.

19995844? ago

yep, I've been reading 'conspiracy' forums for years and there is NOTHING like Voat. THIS is the place where I was finally able to make sense of everything, and man is it scary! wow😳

19994515? ago

I second this. I don't hate Jews or African Americans or anyone based on race. I love America and I love anyone else who loves America and what it was founded on. Q has NEVER promoted racism or hate either. Quite the opposite, Q has warned over and over that "they", the deep-state, want us divided based on race. This signals to me that most of racist crap on here are shills and trolls.

19997001? ago

Here is the jewish puppet who wants to eliminate white children, and turn American into an easily controlled multicultural mishmash. And the Qultists upvote this...

19995077? ago

I don't hate Jews or African Americans or anyone based on race.

Me neither. I'm concerned about the effects of loxism on Western Civilization.

I love America and I love anyone else who loves America and what it was founded on.

Me too, unfortunately that doesn't include the loxists behind this ongoing failed coup attempt.

19994606? ago

Q has literally said he's going to gas Israel last. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. You don't represent us.

20010948? ago

"Q has literally said he's going to gas Israel last."

Ahahahhahahhaaaa.....haters now putting words in Q's mouth.

As you haters love to say...prove it. Q said Israel saved for last. Funny that (hate) bias you have.

19995819? ago

nope, said "Saving Israel for last", for a "Very specific reason not mentioned a single time" drop 916. Nothing about gassing jews or hating jews. Try again troll.

19996594? ago

You know what he meant, brother.

RACE VS RACE - Q drop 2994

Race war now!

Go back to where you came from. - POTUS

MAGA! Make America White Again!

We are saving Israel for last.

First Q gasses the Jews in America, then Israel.


20010968? ago

You know Q never meant what you are implying. And you know that POTUS never meant what you are implying.

Your hate and misinformation campaign is so stupid it hurts....

19996893? ago

If you really believe that then I assure you that you shouldn’t call me your brother. I believe you’re just trolling. Trying to divide. We see through it.

19997248? ago

The fire rises.

19997024? ago

No jewish puppet is the brother of Americans. You should be shot in the face, along with your nigger butt buddies.

19995743? ago

Only a certain group of folks use "literally" so loosely and incorrectly.

Logical thinkers do not.

19996219? ago

Q literally called for a race war.

RACE VS RACE - Q drop 2994

He's a legend. Do try to keep up,

Go back to where you came from. - POTUS


20002529? ago


19994670? ago

Literally "gas Israel last?" Fuck off cunt.

19994712? ago

You fuck off faggot.

19994776? ago

Such a cunt you are. Do you have anything better to do than guzzle tankerloads of semen?

19995064? ago

He doesn't, you know that.

19994830? ago

That's what's on your mind huh. Guess I was right calling you a FAGGOT.

19994897? ago

More semen dripping out of your mouth. You shouldn't do that man. It is obvious the sperm has been crawling around your brain pan and giving you kuru like symptoms.

19994964? ago


19994569? ago

jews are behind white genocide. Hope you choke on your bagel Moishe.

19994433? ago

Voat is the board that Qanon referred to as the official board, correct?

19997104? ago

This board on VOAT was established as a refuge for Qanons who were exiled from Reddit, VOAT offers free speech and so maybe it will hold us after all else disappears. Have you not noticed the ridiculous censorships habbening? Habbening to any conservative voices anyhow.

VOAT was set up so we could rally when we need to, want to. Community is important at times, sharing decodes and Karma.

We do not want millions of newbie-fags cluttering up the chans where serious researches happen.

It is not 'official' in any sense other than Q helped arrange it for us all, to keep us off the streets. Having 'this' spot means that we don't have to resort to second amendment solutions, yet. Don't misunderstand that, it is not a threat or harbinger of where we wanna go. That is the last place we wanna go...but it is what we strive to prevent with this. Q acted using Tump to stall what was certainly gonna be just that. Remember, a military coup was possible because the corruptions were known, are fully known.

For instance, hillary is not eligible to hold public office under Title 18 section 2071 of the US code. We know that, others know that and that is just one of the treasons which were being acted out in our faces.


If you are a journalist, then investigate honestly, not per a company agenda or per political urges, honestly.

Because we ARE honest, millions and millions of eyes check things in our movement, we get it right more than the press by orders of magnitude. Y'all need to get back to being a Fourth Estate, the Free Press we guarantee in the first amendment. The press is not respected today, it is not considered honest, and so it cannot continue to be privileged. Y'all need to fix that before we get around to doing it, later.

The internet is great, when we are not censored.

19996866? ago

No. 8 Chan is the only place they said they’d post.

QRV is the q-sanctioned Voat sub.

“No outside comms”

19995960? ago


19995685? ago

You're starting to Glow now..... You sure you want to continue to expose yourself this way?

19994726? ago

8chan is hard to follow visually and to interpret without experience. Try qmap.pub for the main Q drops. Use all the icons on the side and the searches.

19995861? ago

8Chan confuses the hell out of me lol. I just stick to qmap.

19994464? ago

QRV is a semi-official place for people who got kicked off of Reddit to gather. Suggested by Q.

8-chan is the official posting place.

19994289? ago

jews are behind white genocide.

19994450? ago

There's no evidence of that.

19995334? ago

Is it too soon to open up the can of worms from Europa – The Last Battle


19996811? ago

It's never too soon for that.

19995080? ago

You clearly have not been reading the posts here on Voat. It is also clear you have never read the fucking talmud. That has all the evidence anyone needs to see why the jews are doing this.

19994864? ago

You haven’t been here very long, have you? Being a reporter, the odds of you yourself being Jewish are suddenly a lot higher too.

19994760? ago

C'mon dude. They call for it on twitter OPENLY.

19994876? ago

Those are just the shapeshifters. The rules say they don’t count.

19994599? ago

There are shills trying to poison this board with astroturf racism. Q is anti bigotry and so are we.

19995053? ago

Auntie Bigotry is his stage name. It's conflicting because most of us are transphobic and but all of us are racist.

That's why Q talks about unity so much. He wants us to focus and what we have in common instead of our differences. There's too much at stake for us not to compromise.

19997382? ago

Then why don’t you find common ground with the racists?

19997421? ago

We are racists, mate.

19994721? ago

You are the shill if you love jews, beaners and niggers.

19996559? ago

but i dont get paid

19996599? ago

then you are a useful idiot doing the jew shill work for free

19996665? ago


19994478? ago

That doesn't sound very open-minded of you.

19994466? ago

There is tons of evidence on that. You already messed up and admitted you are a jew. Now you are making it worse by trying to lie over something almost every voater knows is truth. Gass yourself Moishe.

19994697? ago

1) I'm not Jewish. 2) if you say so.

19995451? ago

That's the whole point. You make up your own mind. But you may be missing a lot of information if you never look into it. How much time have you really looked into the facts behind the holocaust or did you learn about it at the age of 10-18?

19994773? ago

It's okay, you only work for them.

19994285? ago

The problem is Jews. The media probably only sees you as a threat because you're here at a place where the JQ is openly discussed. There are too many Q people in close proximity to people trying to redpill them on the kikes. That's the problem not your silly larp.

19993889? ago

Oy vey, goyim! Stop talking about the Jews or else...

19994448? ago

moishei! oy vey! ist anudda shoya! 6 gorillioin Q-followers! its the end of the wiemer repiblic all over!

19994243? ago

You're a moron.

19994920? ago

You're transparent.

19995031? ago

Go to bed tonight knowing that most of your "fellow white men" look at you with embarrassment and disdain. Peace out.

19994956? ago


No, you're just a moron

19994653? ago

but off the trolling you can not deny sense of humor

also Pepe le frog has a ton of vit and humor in it

19994705? ago

Shitposting is one thing.

Pepe is another.

The drivel of Jewish insults and race baiting attacks are not what Q is about. That shit resides in the nether portion of the 'net and should stay there.

19994850? ago

fuck off rabbi

19994945? ago

^ this shit moronic

19994958? ago

^this shit kosher

19995714? ago


19993856? ago

OP, if what you say is legit, then please read up on the Q drops and applicable research connected to them. That's where you will find out the most about the movement. We are not terrorists, we are patriots that are sick of our country being run by corrupt, evil, and out of touch, politicians.

Be warned that there are many paid and unpaid trolls that will post awful things. They do not represent Q followers, and learned to identify these "shills" will clear up a lot of the misconceptions about us. Lastly, avoid the chans. If you dont understand them or their culture, you will get the wrong impression. Consider most of them as assholes that will say the most vile things for shock value.

20001917? ago

8chan is the wild west and there's a lot of garbage to wade through, but they have some brilliant participants and the best Q research and analysis on the web.

19998901? ago

This is a good response. It represents me as a Q follower and avid reader. I have done a ton of my own research and studied the presented material. I have way more patience than many who respond particularly in a shilly useless manner. So many have clearly not delved into much. It is not rocket science to see the patterns and connections and needs for certain information/disinformation by Q. Q knows that all types are reading the posts even if they yell out LARP! We have been disinformed for generations by the media and schools and doctors etc, so it's no longer difficult to see and understand what has been going on and how it is all done. I am so thankful to have the information and knowledge. It helps me plot my own personal directions and no longer worry about what everyone says. For the first time in my life it all makes sense and there is a kind of peace that comes with that understanding. BRAVO to the volume of work put in by the Anons, President Trump, and our Military. Thank You!

20001726? ago

Well said. I don't contribute much that is worthy of discussion yet I read and digest as much information as I can here on Voat and am grateful for you all that tirelessly research endless rabbit holes until the evidence of suspected crimes against humanity is uncovered then shared with us "laymen".

The connections made by this dedicated community are invaluable. The way the deep state is publicly panicking on dozens of media outlets for all America to see is encouraging to say the least.

20006133? ago

I would argue that your mere presence and attention to the material DOES contribute a lot. You (and the rest of us reading & asking for truth) are contributing to the Great Awakening even if silently.

But you're right - mad mad respect to those compiling stuff to help the rest of us figure it out collectively!

20012080? ago

Well, thanks!

20001805? ago

Yes it is encouraging! It is working! A beast of this magnitude with so many tentacles is being brought down!!!

20001852? ago

The Satanic child abusers/traffickers crimes and corruption being exposed one by one has been bringing much personal peace and security for me. I feel like some of my deepest desires are coming true: for them to get what is fucking coming to them-in spades.

20000039? ago

Feel the same way, enjoying the movie. Expecting many plot twists and a few "f ck I didn't see that coming"

19996646? ago

We are not terrorists, we are patriots that are sick of our country being run by corrupt, evil, and out of touch, politicians.

So you responded by falling for an obvious psyop by the people you hate so much... This is what the "shills" keep trying to point out to you. You people are as hopeless as the sovcits claiming they're traveling, not driving. They use outdated blacks law dictionaries for their claims. Qultists use outdated dictionaries for their definitions of 'shill'. Note that you people are literally the shills for Q. Go ahead, look it up if you're one of the 1.5% of Qultists who can read.

Anyway, have a good Friday, traitor.

19998244? ago

If the conversation isn't going in your favor, change the definitions of the words to suit your argument. Laughable.

19996725? ago

Forgive me for trying to present an constructive argument for a positive Q article (if OP is legit). The only shills around here are those that celebrate an article about Q that promotes the bullshit you are spewing. Even if you are an anon, you have no idea what this movement is about. Evil comes in all denominations and creeds. To focus on a minority ubgroup within the greater group of DS operatives is extremely narrow minded and shows a lack of intelligence on your part.

19997700? ago

Shill: an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others.

So you don't know the definition of "shill" either. You realize how discrediting that is?

extremely narrow minded and shows a lack of intelligence on your part.


19996633? ago

One easy way for Putt to identift JIDF user accounts would be to simply look at who upvoted this comment.

19996566? ago

If you were a real reporter, youd educate yourself on the jewish question.

Without knowledge of jew subversion youre little more than fake news

19996686? ago

I'm not OP you fucking dipshit. I'm an anon with enough chan experience to see through your bullshit. Move along shill.

19997201? ago

No youre just a hellbound, black hearted kike trying to gatekeep the matrix your vampiric ancestors set up.

19995142? ago

It's no secret that Q has been handing out gold stars like Hitler. The vast majority of his kill-box targets over the past few weeks have all been Juden rats. Patriots have been Sieg Heiling like it' going out of fashion.

19996320? ago


19996417? ago

just so the reporter knows, dafuq is one of more popular chants

"death again for untermensch q!"

"death again for untermensch q!"

"death again for untermensch q!"

dafuq! maga! wwg1wga!

20015846? ago


19995493? ago

I wish you anti-jew shills would give it a rest. You're exactly why the media portrays us as white supremacists.

19997269? ago

why the media portrays us as white supremacists.

So? You should embrace white supremacy. It’s a fact, backed up with overwhelming evidence.

19996319? ago

How come they don't talk about the Jewish supremacist? The federal reserve? Jews* OPENLY admit they seek to destroy America and Europe. Islam and communism is their weapon. Those are established facts.

Perhaps the unspoken question says everything?

*Obviously not all Jews.

19996504? ago

Have any examples to back up your claims? (Itd make you more believable)

19995947? ago

You Qoomers need to wake the fuck up. Every war we've been involved in for the past 50-60 years has been at the behest of Jews. Look into every societal problem we face today, and you'll find a Zionist Jew.

Feminism? Jews

BLM? Jews

Social Justice? Jews

Democrats? Jews

50% of all Democrat funding comes from Jews. Look it up. You can even type that into Jewgle and you'll find the filthy kikes bragging about it. 50% of all Democrat funding, and 25% of all Republican funding. That's way too many shekels in my government.

19996552? ago

You need to wake up and realize there are pieces of shit of every denomination and creed. Not all DS pieces of shit are jewish.

19997294? ago

You need to wake up and realize there are pieces of shit of every denomination and creed.

Yes but more Jews than others and that’s important.

19995959? ago

Everything is the jews, except any good stuff, then whitey did that

19996008? ago

There's a reason Jews have been exiled from like 109 countries.

19995693? ago

jews are behind white genocide, holocaust didn't happen.

19995956? ago

no they aren't. Yes it did.

19996340? ago

Jews literally brag that they are behind white genocide, as defined by the UN.

Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant, a liar, or a shill.

19996105? ago

that's how jew shills always expose themselves. they can't give up the holohoax

19995625? ago

Dude, those anti-jew shills ARE the media. They are simply fabricating their story before our very eyes.

19996155? ago


19994675? ago

Why do you think Q chose 4, then 8 Chan? 8chan is owned by a very odd guy in the Philippines.

19999089? ago

now your beconing a shill disreguarding the proofs. good try fuck face. We see you :) some phiippino LARP bahahhaha

20003573? ago

Do you not know who Jim Watkins is? I do, I've spoken to him twice.

20065357? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#56325) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

20064910? ago

You mention Jim Watkins and bam hes in the headlines?

20065504? ago


20066085? ago

Btw "Manifesto" was posted on Twitter first.

20066168? ago

Jim Watkins says Instagram. Instagram says Twitter. Twitter says 8Chan. The feds are investigating the poster to see who it was and why they would post a random manifesto posted by a totally unknown person before their name became publicly known.

The rumor is that it was posted to 8Chan by a friend of the shooter who promised to post it.

I personally don't know what to think, it's very suspicious that the manifesto would be reposted to 8Chan within minutes of getting posted to a twitter account with a dozen followers.

20066005? ago

Starting to get paranoid? Because what happened after you mentioned this. You are on the end of a large scale tentacle of Deep state power.

20066115? ago

Wan't to see another trick? Do you know who Paul Furber is?

20066036? ago

Why would I be paranoid? 8Chan was becoming a big topic, why wouldn't Jim be mentioned? I just sent his information to congress because they are trying to contact him.

20066226? ago

Lol like you said its odd that you were told to prepare stories before the shooting? Coincidence is all I am pointing out.

(07/30/2019) PREP stories on Q-->You mention Jim Watkins (8/03/2019) just hours before-->Shootings(08/03/2019)-->8Chan-->Jim Watkins.

20066291? ago

I think you misunderstood the Prep part of what I was saying. We were given a lead that the FBI were going to declare Qanon an issue and to start getting big stories ready about what Qanon is so people can understand it. Which we did. But, I have been working on a VERY long piece for our magazine about Qanon looking into the entire history of Pizzagate to Q to placing the whole thing in context of what is true and checks out and what doesn't check out according to actual facts.

20066446? ago

Ah, but what field office did the FBI report come from. What internet sources are referenced, Snopes & Wikipedia? I see you got attacked pretty heavily here with everyone thinking you

are one of "them". But most people cannot understand how a conspiracy transpires or even how the "Cabal" control things. Check this Q site out, it gives "answers" to Q posts. I think you are just a hard working person like most, but you are part of their machine to control the narrative. BTW I operate on a 0%-100% type of belief system,

0% Chance I will marry the same sex as me, 100% chance I love my mother.....Q = 85%. Want to dog deeper? Follow the Hivites.

20066597? ago

Oh yes, Hivites, the ancient descendants of Cain who are now populating the realtor agents population. Sounds scary.

20066825? ago

You want to understand what we are into?

Read what we have look into, reality is stranger then fiction.

20066904? ago

Read what we have look into? Is that a sentence?

20066958? ago

Sorry not the best multi-task person.

20066260? ago

It's literally called investigative reporting. Look up Furber and see what the next stories will be about.

20066286? ago

Sure sure, so just let us know what you hear rumbling in the Q world :)

20004578? ago

What did he say?

20004092? ago

No? This guy?

20004173? ago

Nope, research 2Channel. He's ex military who moved the the Phillipines for a specific purpose.

20004541? ago

Hate ref Fakopedia but says he purchased back 2chan rights in 2014..then Loki Tech purchased it in Oct 2017 right when Q started chatting.

"On February 19, 2014, 2channel underwent a domain name repossession, with Jim Watkins [ja], an ex-US Army officer and chairman of San Francisco-based N.T. Technologies taking full control over the website, relieving Nishimura of all power, and assuming the role of website administrator.[21] It was later revealed that 2channel was suffering from financial setbacks prior to the takeover.[22] In response, Nishimura created his own clone of 2channel at 2ch.sc,[23] scraping the contents of the entire 2channel website and costing the original 2channel website significant bandwidth costs. Currently 2ch.sc continues to scrape the contents of 2channel in real-time. In a Q&A session on 4chan shortly after becoming the site's owner, Nishimura claimed that control over 2channel was stolen by Watkins, and that he had filed a lawsuit against Watkins.[24]

By October 2017, 2channel was acquired by Loki Technology, Inc. The site was rebranded as 5channel to avoid potential legal issues.[12]"

WTF is 2Chan and 5Chan??

19997176? ago

You may not understand this, but it is because you are a niggerfaggot (or rather that I am able to call you that without being sent to the cornfield).

19996851? ago

Q said in the beginning that they were looking to mobilize the hive mind. Read drops and search for hive mind, autist, etc.

The structure of 4 & 8 chan are suitable for wide ranging open discussion. Global reach. They’ve hardened 8chan so it’s pretty unfuckwithable now.

19995438? ago

8chan is owned by a former military intelligence officer. Q seems to be or has connections to military intelligence.

19996302? ago

Offshore, which is the key here.

19995159? ago

4chan is a Limited Hangout to steer the opinions of people who sort of understand what's really going on in the world. Once it was clear that QAnon might not actually be a LARP, they pruned any thread mentioning Q completely. 8Chan hasn't had that (specific) issue to date.

19994827? ago

Free speech isn’t easy to come by online these days. The right to say “niggerfaggot” is a good litmus test. Go try it out and see how many places let you stay. All public spaces, by the way, guarantee us the right to say as much via the 1st amendment.

19996240? ago

I think more importantly it is the right to say that Baltimore is a shithole. It is specific and it is transforming. Niggerfaggot does not really do anything.

19999299? ago

“Niggerfaggot does not really do anything.” Well it will get you instantly banned off of most websites where users can post things.

19995018? ago

Exactly this. I dont care for that kind of speech and I wont use it but most importantly I value their right to use it. When given a chance there will always be people who push the envelope whether it be views I hold offensive or those that just try to get people riled up for funssies. Having to tolerate their filth is the price I pay for freedom of speech. The response should either be to use your own free speech in return or just ignore them. Pick one because censoring speech is not an option.

19997621? ago

You give mere words WAYYYYYYY to much power and influence in your life.

You need to deal with that and overcome your fear of WORDS ya cunt....

19996587? ago

Exactly. Nobody has a right to not be offended

19994823? ago

I cant exactly say why Q chose to move. The 4ch board at the time became inundated with trolls clogging up the breads, making research difficult. You not only have the natural state of scumbaggery on 4ch, but it was compounded once Q began gaining traction and MSM articles began popping up.

I dont think the owner of 8ch is relevant to the overall arch of QAnon. The chans we established long before Q and will exist long after Q. If you're writing a story about QAnon, you should focus on the drops and corresponding research, not the owner of the preexisting website that currently hosts the boards.

20015660? ago

What everyone else said. But also, namefagging on /pol never is a sustainable thing. Q ALWAYS needed its own board, but had to circle /pol to get visibility.

19998854? ago

I do believe 4chan was compromised, so Q moved to 8 chan.

19997849? ago

The chans were established long before Q


That video was posted in 2009 about Q. 8chan was launched in October 2013.

Q was also talked about as chasing after Snowden when Snowden emerged https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/12/us/nsa-shadow-brokers.html (search down for Q group).

20000499? ago

half started in '03

19996322? ago

There was a lot of issue early on about Q's communication being secure. Black hats were trying to censor and co-opt Q's posts. That's when they moved over to 8Chan

19996534? ago

Forgot about this part. Hopefully OP sees it. Thanks anon!

19995658? ago

Would be interested to read it, too.. but if they posted it here as a positive confirmation of who they are etc, it would sorta destroy their anonymity... So, I wouldn't expect it.

19996482? ago

If they believe they conducted an honest investigation of the community, I can see them posting it. If OP doesnt, then we know it's a sham "investigation".

19994820? ago

Q chose 4 chan because it used to not be paid interest. Once the front page began to be sold out Q moved to 8 chan. Other places like reddit are obviously left wing shilled. Voat and 8chan are the last bastions of free speech on the internet, everywhere else is paid interest.

20015643? ago

Yeah. And 4ch has still not recovered from what hell Q brought down. We can't have a convo on there at all anymore for all the shills since the election, and Q. I mean I'll take the lumps but it still sucks.

20016249? ago

4 chan was always compromised. It just had to be revealed. Sorry you enjoyed your programming.

20016363? ago

Yeah it was, but it was at least still fun and somewhat useable. Now it isn't even useable. What program do you prefer you snarky fuck?

20028925? ago

There are none! Keep staring into the jewish looking glass.

20030397? ago

If there are none, then it doesn't matter if I have a preference or not. Then it is just a preference.

20031664? ago

Right, but you have a choice of what your emotional response is. Which is why I am sorry that you enjoyed your MKultra Programming, cause you will miss it.

20045708? ago

Ok then

19994817? ago

4 has more traffic but 8 ended up being more friendly and more suited to storing posts long-term in the end.

19994744? ago

Because halfchan got comped, then fullchan became the viable solution. And well, the chans have always been odd, that Philippine guy is another example of how odd the chans can be. You can't accuse the military of being unimaginative now.

19994939? ago

Okay, more seriously, if you've been researching a bit the chans for years, you'll notice that whistleblowers had used the chans in the past. The Anons like a challenge. If you've followed the HWNDU saga, you'll get a nice idea of what type of geniuses are posting on the chans under the guise of "shitposting". There are undoubtedly Intel guys there having fun when they aren't doing some ops. There were always speculations among anons that the chans were monitored and probably run by some Intel agencies.

4chan, nicknamed halfchan, has always been the HQ for the anons. So yes, Q started at 4chan. But very quickly, there wastrouble when the board owners did dubious stuff, what shills do to spoil the drops and confuse the anons digging. Q let us know the board owners have been comped (by the enemies, I presume and those board owners did some disinfo shilling afterwards). The platform was no longer safe to continue posting there, So Q migrated to 8chan, supposedly invited by other anons.

Again look into the history and formation of 8chan. You can say picturesque and pretty convenient.

19994698? ago

Because the chans know the truth about the jews.

19994798? ago


19994822? ago

I am a proud jew hating patriot.

19995447? ago

You are a glowing shill. Seriously, you aren't even remotely convincing.

19994905? ago

No, you are just an asshole that nobody likes.

19994953? ago

Everybody loves me.

19997745? ago

Aaaww, honey- just because they let you suck their cocks doesn't necessarily mean that they love you.

19997794? ago

All jew faggots get the gass.

19994731? ago

AND they dont censor/hivemind as bad as reddit does

OP check qmap.pub for Qposts

I also like neonrevolt.com for tldr and opinions on the drops

19997196? ago

neonrevolt is either a disinfo shill or quite bad at research

19994634? ago

The whole point of the vile language is to scare the intellectual weaklings away. It is the chans immune system.

20013331? ago

Either that or establish firmly in the public's opinion the association of free speech with being a dipshit. Orwellians, black hat Natl. Intels. and other authoritarians are down with that.

19998026? ago

they are also part of the problem, uncivilized creeps - I'm plenty strong, but not disturbingly filthy

19997229? ago

No, it's not. We hate niggers and kikes and don't give a shit about your movement. We think you're idiots and watching your insane city is slightly amusing.

20005736? ago

The "We" you're speaking of is not the Q movement. Q sent us here for the freedom of speech, which Q followers were being banned for on other platforms. Not your hatred, which you have your right to hate anyone you want. We haven't invaded your stupid or hatefilled subs calling you retards for the idiotic, childish, nasty stuff some of you post nor are we clogging up your posts with unnecessary and unrelated garbage. Seeing you continue to post in the Q subs is like watching a 3 year old banging his head on the wall because his mommy won't let him drink the toilet water. Yet, watching your tantrums is even more amusing.

19997785? ago

Not as much fun as watching the ass hole democraps rip each other up in the stupid fucking debates !😁 wwg1wga

19995212? ago

Exactly. It’s why I absolutely love the Chans. To me, they’re hilarious with what they say.

20014528? ago

Oh yeah. The chans are the best.

19995756? ago

yep, I'm middle aged grandma from the Midwest and I love the Chans. I'll take some vile language over censorship any-day!😎

19995820? ago

are you single?

19996036? ago

not single, but I do have a farm🐓 and yes, those beautiful 'daughters' are sweet girls and definitely worth protecting!🇺🇸

19996128? ago

not single

You're not fooling anyone. You can't go a few sentences without thinking about cock. 🐓

19996212? ago

wow do you (((guys))) every stop thinking about such things!?😱

19996325? ago

😱 So you deepthroat? Stop being such a cock-tease

19996398? ago

omg! that's exactly what I'm talking about👹😆

19996433? ago

You're horny 👹 and you want painal 😆? You country gals are all the same.

19996106? ago

shucks well then I just want to break it off


19996167? ago

I understand. at least we'll always have 'our song'🥰

19996458? ago

Yes! lol

19994986? ago

If people don't support free speech they are weak mentally and do not support the US Constitution. As such, they have nothing to contribute to restoring our nation. They do not have a valid view of anything outside of coincidence.

If you can overcome the propaganda and say, "niggerfaggot", then you've met the right of passage. I don't speak like that and don't view the world like that. But I'm an American and I fight for the right of free speech. All who fight against this are the enemies of Americans - and human rights. There are no exceptions.

The first ten amendments are codified human rights. Take note who wars against our human rights. Only evil men wage war against human rights. It's a trivial litmus test to identify evil.

20014499? ago

This is it precisely. I think it's hilarious when people say things like "the n word". It's a word. It doesn't mean you go around calling people nigger but being offended by a word just gives people power over you. It's as ridiculous as all the people in Harry Potter not being able to say Voldemort's name

19995218? ago

nice post "litmus test"... damn straight

19995191? ago

All veteran Q follower knows that Q sent us to Voat to gradually awaken us to the JQ (Jewish Question). That's what "Q" stands for.Question, as in, the Jewish Question.

19995884? ago


THIS POST is EXACTLY the type of bullshit garbage inserted into Q forums to make us all appear as having a consensus on some racist, xenophobic lie.

Jews are cool. It's the literal baby eating satanists pretending to be Jews that are the enemy of world peace.

20014516? ago

The Synagogue of Satan

19997601? ago

Jews are cool......hahahaha rabbi :) even you know that is a lie not many will agree.

How about white people -of European descent. Can you make a statement of what you believe about them as a group?

19996058? ago

Saving Israel for last...

19997451? ago

Yeah. Last to be gassed.

19996294? ago

(((WWG1WGA))) - Q.

19996049? ago

Relax, bud. No need for the act. The reporter's being lurking for a while. He knows what's up. Just own it.

19998356? ago

one people, one realm, one leader

Fucking aye

19996306? ago

(((WWG1WGA))) - Q.

Per Q, jews are legit.

19995455? ago

Lol. Most of us k ow it isn't really a Question

19994756? ago

I'm aware, but the blanket statements are easier than trying to explain that to an uninitiated.

19996266? ago

My heart fluttered to the day Q ordered us to start the race war.

RACE VS RACE - Q drop 2994

Love you Q! MAGA! WWG1WGA!

20039036? ago

Qpost #2994 complete in context



6 Mar 2019 - 11:34:41 PM

















You shouId remember that Q has never given orders to anons throughout his postings. In fact he has stated unequivocally that he wishes to be seen as our equal and that no one is better than the other or higher than anyone else.

Furthermore he has stated that he wishes only to provide us access to information and directing our investigative power to the information, so that we can decide for ourselves and come to our own conclusions.

So by posting a single line from a post and concluding for yourself that it is somehow an order to oppose your race pigmentation against races that are different and varying in pigmentation is in fact the complete opposite from wat the complete post is saying.

In that it is elites and those doing their bidding that wish for us to oppose race vs race. So that we are weak instead of standing together where we remain strong.

19994800? ago

Agreed, I just thought I would toss it out there in the hopes that someone might read it for slightly clearer understanding.

19995542? ago

Say is this where I can post PEPE and call all of you folks Cornhole Conquistadors?!

19994299? ago

A boomer wouldn't say legit, you jew shill.

19993853? ago

Now look up the economic policy institute's graph of worker pay vs productivity (or pay-productivity gap), look up the Federal Reserve chairs during that time frame, mark out which years the Fed chair was Jewish and which years the Fed chair was not Jewish, and what percent of American billionaires are Jewish. If you're confused on any of that you can contact me for more info on icq # 42099703.

But don't try to publish that story yet or you'll get shot. Just prep it.

19996096? ago

Icq??? Thats still a thing?? What is this, 2001??

"Uh Oh!"

19999519? ago

Ironically, ICQ was a Jewish company.

19994460? ago

What does that have to do with Qanon?

20001288? ago

Everything is connected. You are like Alice in wonderland. You have no idea where you want to go, so the caterpillar is right, it doesn’t matter which path you take.

Ask yourself what you’re actually researching. What do you want to find?

Then you’ll see it’s all connected, and one hand washes the other. Economy. Foreign policy. Judges. Hollywood. Money. Foreign aid. Natural disaster.

Nobody told you this is small or easy. Most people here have had the wool pulled away for some time.

The picture of connections is massive.

Where do you want to go?

20000474? ago

Why don't you actually BE A JOURNALIST, rather than look for excuses to ignore information given to you?


19995432? ago

Nothing. That is probably a shill saying that stuff. There is a relentless effort to insert something eye-rolling, often about jews, in order to disgust us and to slide the otherwise good post into obscurity. Probably the point is to sour a particular trail by confounding it with an offensive red herring. This is an interesting list of all the central banks in the world that have the same ownership and practices, practices that respected Mises economists (so not mercantile, not Kensian) would attribute distortions of the business cycle to (ie. market crashes). You have been invited to avoid looking into The Creature from Jekyll Island by a shill trying to put you off the scent. The battle you are to avoid is the one to assert what the new world reserve currency and economic system will be.

A to C

C to I

I to P

P to Z

19994989? ago

OP - the web of corruption is very deep. The FED, and all central banks, are the real puppet masters behind the scenes. You have to do the research to understand the connections. While the original comment you were responding too is definitely an anti-jew troll, theres always some truth to these types of posts.

Bottomline, you have to do the research into the drops to fully understand. That's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth. You cannot summarize a global corruption ring that has infected everything (from media/entertainment/politics/banking/religion) by reading a few responses from anons. If you want to have the full picture, you need to devote the time to researching g everything yourself. Only then will you be able to describe this movement.

19999639? ago

Spot on patriot. Write that down OP

19998645? ago


Understanding Q takes a lot of time, digging, and logic. Doesn't sound like the reporter is willing to put in the work to find the truth. Sad.

20000556? ago

All you can do is nudge them in the right direction. The choice is theirs, and theirs alone.

19997275? ago

Do you also refer to "anti-evil trolls"?

19994849? ago

Why were NXIVM and Epstein using their sex slaves to control the rich, famous, and powerful? Where did Epstein get his money? Why were the leaders (Bronfmans, Epstein, Maxwell) all Jewish, often with Mossad ties?

This has everything to do with Q. But the Jew pill is not the first pill you swallow.

19994807? ago

Since you actually work as a reporter. Would you admit that news is basically useless information printed to distract the masses?

19994711? ago

it has all to do with Qanon

if you cant connect the FED with qanons research and goals you are a lay person and a lausy reporter

19995536? ago

He's a lazy Beta Male looking to please his master. Cucks like him are too lazy to think for themselves.

19993846? ago

Are you jewish?

19994307? ago


19994335? ago


19994893? ago


19993821? ago

Wow! A reporter? Maybe you can answer this for me... does this shower smell like delousing chemicals?

19993807? ago

Yeah go fuck yourself.

Find your backbone and do some real reporting. Fuckin loser.

19994337? ago

I've requested interviews with the white house and DoJ and have been told they have no comment on Qanon.

19998396? ago

Ask yourself this....does POTUS strike you as a man who would allow an imposter to insinuate they were him? Q+ is widely considered to be POTUS, and there is no way that has escaped notice. Why has it been allowed then?

19997378? ago

Probably because you are a nobody and an idiot.

19996206? ago

Don't you find that interesting? It seems it would be important to confirm or deny. The Qanon moment is huge and global.

19997426? ago

The Qanon moment is huge and global.

Remember that pyramid scam that ensnared around 80-90% of all Albanians? Same level of credibility...

19997590? ago

lol, try harder.

19995644? ago

Do it again. And again. Do it on camera live. At some point, they will answer. And maybe lucky you, you'll get the prize. Or not. I guess they'll choose a journalist they deem worthy of making history instead. So work on your worth. For now, you aren't showing us much worth.

19993804? ago

Why is "journalism" always determined to show one side of a story? It seems that most stories are more propoganda than a true effort to inform citizens of the truth. Thanks for the heads up btw.

19994425? ago

I've interviewed Q followers at rallies and printed what they've said. What do you consider as the other side?

19997990? ago

The ”other side” is all the Q observers who don’t believe the stuff from the fringe, much of it planted shill Disinfo.

ALL of the articles NEVER state that the fringe beliefs are akin to the speaking-in-tongues sects or Christianity, for example - ie not representative of the majority at all.

Another example:

Tom Clancy wrote a lot about government infiltrators blackmailing people in powerful positions and yet he wasnt treated like a kook. He was revered as a realistic suspense/thriller writer that had inside connections into what really went on behind the scenes.

Yet the MSM avoids this topic like the plague. Hey sensationalize the edges, ignoring the horrible possibilities standing in the middle of the room, that evidence seems to support: key positions in governments worldwide have been compromised and are not serving our best interests.

For our parts, that makes “you” - the MSM - look bought and paid for by these same actors.

So, there’s no side here. Just a LOT of people working hard to get at the truth. Right?

19994924? ago

I don't know what you wrote, so I don't want to judge.

However the 'man on the street' interviews are a very common propaganda method.

You interview 25 ppl, then show/print 3 confused dumbasses defending side A and a reasonable well articulated 4th person defending side B.

Again, I don't know what you printed, but simply quoting people does not mean it's unbiased.

19994631? ago

The "other" side is what is actually in the Q drops. Do your own research

19994782? ago

I have done extensive research on what's in the drops. Most of everything is too vague or just false after digging in.

20000544? ago

Has anyone recommended praying medic's youtube videos to you? I understand you probably don't have time to read and research all Q's posts, and yes, they can be confusing. Praying medic provides a clear intro and tries not to editorialize.

20003535? ago

He provides his opinion and interpretation of the drops. I have tried to speak with him, but he refuses.

19998626? ago

Not buying it. Q has told us there is disinformation, but in his drops there is more true info & predictions of what will come to pass.

Most of everything is too vague or just false after digging in.

is why we don't trust reporters. You are fake news for a reason.

19996741? ago

Epstein is false? NXICM is false? Trafficking is false? The Red Cross with trunks of cash is fake? Really? And you're here why?

Why do you think you're mocked here?

19995926? ago

Much of the Q posts are deliberately false to mislead the bad people into doing something in a hurry that leads to their making a mistake - thus exposing their badness. Please don't think that the Q team always posts predictions. It doesn't. Or, if it does, it's so obscure that we can only see the relationship AFTER the event. Hence the oft-used phrase "future proves past". The Q team is NEVER going to divulge, in any meaningful way, what is planned.

19995905? ago

sorry, but if you've done 'extensive research', you would know that Q is not 'vague' or 'false'. Or maybe you're just not quick enough to understand it and then you really have no hope. it's that simple, either study and do the work, or move on.

19994600? ago

Why not read the Q drops on qmap.pub and do your own investigation, if you want to see what the movement is about. Interviewing individuals who may or may not fully understand is not a fair way to judge the movement.

19997210? ago

Why not check to see if she's in jail yet, and if they've all been sent back?

19995913? ago

yeah this guy is already saying Q is too 'vague' or 'false', sounds like a lazy beta cuck to me!😆

19994535? ago

You've interviewed some Q followers. But your editor wants you to make us look stupid. I've not yet seen a legitimate news story on what Q is suggesting that we all investigate. Corruption at the highest levels. Human trafficking, pedophilia, blackmail of government officials. How many human trafficking have been arrested since Trump was elected? Vs obama's DOJ? Who owns all the national news outlets, tv studios, movie studios? Is Twitter an unbiased platform? ( Try posting anything Q related or voter ID related and see what happens) Why does the news always give a pass to Democrats? When Obama said healthcare would be cheaper, better, and include people who were too sick to have health insurance previously, no one asked him to explain how that could happen. ( It wasn't possibly, it was so lies) no one in the news demanded to know why Hillary got a pass from the FBI when she clearly should have been indicted got her intentional mishandling of classified data. I could go on all day.

19994812? ago

There are a lot of valid questions there, but not entirely related to what I'm working on. If someone tells you to write an article about the new mustang, you don't spend the whole thing talking about the fuel economy of the Jeep Cherokee.

20015679? ago

If systemic corruption then really big canvas. It is not convenient, but there it is.

20001252? ago

There is no Q without the anons’ research. Your comparison is wrong.

If a mustang’s only reason to exist is to drive, then you must review its ability to do so. And fuel will be part of it.

In the case of Q, his / their only reason to exist is to educate and lead people to find their own answers. So you ha e to look at what he’s pointing out and what the subsequent research suggests.

People here, on the Chan’s, Twitter, YT and Twitter are only finding public record info. This is stuff anyone can dig up.

So the question must then be: Is the mustang good at driving? Or, in regards to Q: Has he done his job at helping millions awaken themselves?

The Socratic method has always been effective.

The Q movement is thus.

20000429? ago

True, but you also don't just ask a few people if they like the Mustang or not. If you are going to write about the Mustang, and do an HONEST job of it, you have to KNOW the Mustang.

Instead, you will take the easy way out. You will ask a few opinions about Q, not understand what those opinions mean because you don't have any CONTEXT (because you will not actually study it), and then you will MISLEAD your readers.

This is not a human interest story that can be summed up in 1,000 words or less. And it is far too important to treat it as such. By doing so, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

19997629? ago

They are also relevant to QAnon as well, which if you read the actual Q drops you would realise this.

I suggest starting from there.

19997183? ago

The two main questions to ask, if you want to expose Qultist hypocrisy.

Is she in jail yet?

Have they all been sent back?

"Uhhhhhh, we don't talk about that anymore. They gave us new goals to believe in."

Trump is a jewish puppet, and "Q" is his reelection psyop that probably has even more nefarious goals.

19997284? ago

Blah blah blah.

19997471? ago

Sore throat, sheep?

19996142? ago

Everything in that comment is relevant to QAnon. Your low IQ prevents comprehension of such a large conspiracy.

19993802? ago

Start investigating the Jews who run your national newspaper.

19994391? ago

My paper is owner by a public corporation, not a Jew.

20000846? ago

Don't think "own." Think "control."

All the large news organizations are public companies. All of those public companies are CONTROLLED by a few people. They do it in a few ways:

  1. Large pension funds and other investment funds own large shares of Corporation X. Those funds are controlled by a few people. Those few people control Corporation X as if they owned it, even though on paper they do not.

  2. The Board of Directors is appointed by the people who control Corporation X. They get yes men to do what they want with Corporation X.

  3. Shareholders, as a group, do NOT control public companies. There is a reason why most of them are incorporated in Delaware, and it is because the corporate laws of Delaware favor control by the board, not the shareholders.

  4. The Board hires the executives.

  5. All of these people -- fund managers and bank trust managers who control the stock, the members of the BOD, and the executives are all in agreement that they want to promote the zionist agenda. "Jew" really means zionist. Many (most) are Jews, but many are not. Zionists are pro-jew agenda, even if they are not jews themselves.

  6. Corporation X promotes the Zionist agenda, regardless who "owns" the shares.

Do a little investigative journalism for once in your life.

Also, check out "Operation Mockingbird" and ask yourself if it was REALLY ended years ago, or if it continues to this day in a different version. Mockingbird is all about YOUR profession. You should know it.

While you're at it, why don't you go do an interview with Bill Maher. Ask him about his red shoes. Ask him about his production company called "Kid Love" and his pedophile symbolism.

20003515? ago

Do you believe that the evil cabal is forced to display symbolism of their actions and desires, and of so, why?

20007016? ago

If they "tell" us what they're doing, then they can feel justified in believing they have our consent, which voids (in their minds) the associated karma they'd otherwise be in for.

20009133? ago

So, do you think Satan worshippers/pedophiles are concerned about Karma? Those two belief systems aren't related. Also just showing a cryptic symbol could never be mistook for consent.

19994795? ago

public corporation is owned by ?

which is owned by ?

then you get to top 5 owners

all JEWS

19994842? ago

Public corporations are owned by shareholders.

19994873? ago


who sits in the board of your particular PC

who are the biggest 10 shareholders ?

this is the way you uncover the connections

and this is what makes qanons brilliant

they go on a hunch and dig till last breath

19994918? ago

The chairman is Christian, not sure about the entire board. The shareholders have no sway in editorial.

19995202? ago

you got things in reverse boi

this has nothing to do with religion

Jew as in zionist secret rule the world rotschild like fan fam

not the ordinary jew on the streets selling hot dogs

19999845? ago

you think Jews sell hot dogs?

20002760? ago


find me one

that is not usury shark or diamond seler or trader

find me one with hot dog stand and I will believe they are normal people

19993792? ago

Oh, look. A larper larping about a larper's larps.

19994509? ago

Yeah that's what this reads as. The shill marching orders seem to be to try dissuading anyone from talking about q. It's all over the Trump rallies, I see it in bathroom stalls... what laws is anyone breaking again?

19995873? ago

I'd pointed that out elsewhere... If QAnon is supposed to be some "shadowy conspiracy theory" as it's been reported, we're pretty terrible at it! People holding up colorful signs, proudly wearing shirts, out in public, at rallies... Worst. Shadow Conspiracy. Ever.

19994484? ago

Q may be a Psy-Op,but not a LARP.... FucinBunch0Idiotts dosent designate larps as a domestic terror org,, i mean they dont do Antifa either.. tho,,,, how that workk?

20005936? ago

May be a psyop? The greatest psyop in human history - make no mistake about it.


19994303? ago

Put your tongue back in yer yapper.

19995262? ago

Or what, rabbi?

19996152? ago

everyone is a jew. what else you got ya paranoid fool

19993789? ago

We are for the Constitution, and that is a threat to the NWO.

What do you suppose is happening?

19994854? ago

Why is the Constitution a threat to the NWO, and who is the NWO?

19997068? ago

Wow, you are fucking retarded. No way you are going to be able to put 2 and 2 together. You don't even know what 1 is.

19996052? ago

You Are Not A Journalist! "who is the NWO?"

You're a brainwashed Bot! GTFO

19995530? ago

New World Order. They want to take our sovereignty. You will have to research it yourself. Listen to speeches by George HW Bush and others.

I will assume you are sincere, but you should really know about this stuff.

19995858? ago

I asked WHO, not WHAT.

20005461? ago

Look into the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, etc. They are all NWO groups. People like the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, Kerry, Rothschild, Soros, Rockefellers, etc, are all part of the NWO.

Is this all new to you? If so, I can provide you with references. I do no know what to give you unless I know more about your perception of the world.

Tell me this. Who funded the rise of Hitler?

19996317? ago

Good troll or bad reporter a Shrodinger of a dilema I voat both.

20005473? ago

I’m a slep, so I’ll fall for it a bit longer.

19995833? ago

It's no longer fair to assume OP is sincere, OP has stated that they read all the Q drops many times and then later says they're working on it and here suggest they know nothing about the NWO.

Fucking OP is fucking LARPing poorly.

20005490? ago

Fair enough. I answered them, so we will see how they respond. I am bored anyways...

19995851? ago

I didn't say I know nothing about it, I was asking who the person considers to be the NWO. Like precisely who they think comprises the NWO, not what the NWO is as an idea.

19997559? ago

Who is the New World Order, they are an association of individuals with a goal of a one world tyranny. Anyone who believes in "globalism" is anti-nationalist or anti-individual would loosely fall into the NWO camp.

An esoteric understanding would show that at it's root it is an externalization of the occulted Luciferian "Mystery" religion hierarchy. Study Helena Blavatsky if you want to understand this point, she is behind Lucis trust which was/is a publisher for the United Nations. The United Nations was an earlier manifestation of this externalized hierarchy. The league of nations was the manifestation prior to that.

19996111? ago

Then you need to ask more carefully. Asking who is the NWO is basically the same as asking what is the NWO. The same as asking who are the Detroit Tigers is basically the same as asking what are the Detroit Tigers? In both cases the answer is a baseball team, not calling out every person who plays for the Detroit Tigers. The correct phrasing would be "Who is in the NWO", or "Who is the NWO comprised of"? And to find those answers the quickest way is likely to find a list of powerful Jewish billionaires. At that point you could probably hit some if you threw darts at a dartboard of their names.

19995327? ago

On.My.God. “Why is the Constitution a threat to the NWO...?” Girl, go back to kindergarten and start all over again if you really have to ask that question.

19995209? ago

Seriosly?? What planet are you from? Search for speeches by past Presidents mentioning new world order. United Nations takeover. One world govermment. Bush Sr. Bush Jr. Clinton, Obummer... How does the fed and world bank fit Into it all? Who will control immigration, gun control, food supply, etc etc... Not to be mean man, but Take your next paycheck and go buy a clue.

19995027? ago

I want to play too. Ask me some questions. XD

19994998? ago

Are you sure you're a journalist? Many world leaders have uttered the term NWO over the last decade or so. It's a well understood term.

19994933? ago

If you don't know the answer to those questions then you either just got here and you're a fraud or, you're just a fraud.

19993778? ago

OP is larping again

19993817? ago

Smelled your own bullshit?

19993771? ago

Don't talk about Jews or else...

Fuck you.

19993751? ago

What do you want to know?

Also what national news do you work for?

19993727? ago

If you write an article without mentioning FISA, then it'll be rubbish. Just sayin.

19994479? ago

I've discussed that.