20024557? ago

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20020027? ago

Tried posting a screencap and link regarding this on IG. They won't let me. NEVER had that problem before.

20017533? ago

I expect them to blame the hell of Q anons. This guy will probably be connected. This whole "play" was scripted to cast aspersions on the Q community.

20016344? ago

Great post OP.

20016580? ago

Thanks, just putting things together for yall.

I am but a servant of the cause.

20013375? ago

20013235? ago

Simple shit,Search it out.You only learn what you find and it sticks.The rest is rectal ooze

20013106? ago

An eye witness said she saw 4 men in black moving together and firing at random......cops say Crusius was lone shooter. Also, earlier i read the shooter was a Hispanic male, now he is white......huh.

20017993? ago

And another says 3 men in black.

20012924? ago

The shills/Dems are out in force in this thread! Just look at the comments!

Over the target Anons!

20012670? ago

ABC reported WTC 7 had fallen down while it was still standing, undamaged and clearly visible over the reporter's shoulder. They're building great rep.

20012661? ago

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20012262? ago


20012285? ago

Elaborate, please

20012129? ago

Paul Murphy at CNN was a follower of him on Twitter?

20011963? ago

Reminds me of Hillary NYC incident on 9/10/2016 —- the day before her NYC incident on 9/11/2016.

20011815? ago

Heart Of Texas.

August is a HOT month.

20011746? ago

That was staff anon talking about working late. They were sending out letters?

20011628? ago

Surprise, surprise! Just in time for another FF. And, it's in the border city of El Paso, TX. Dems want TX. Ratcliffe staying where he's at. DS responds with this move?

So they create this FF to where it hits home. El Paso has become much safer due to strong border security. So, do they think that people are going to vote Dem over this? Imo, I think gun & ammo sales will go up in the following weeks.

Here's one thing I find odd. I live in a very gun friendly state. I know many people that pack when they go shopping. Despite any posted signs on some establishments. So, article mentioned 3,000 shoppers were there. And not one personhad a gun? Really? I suppose it's possible. But, I find it a peculiar.

Here we go again with this shit...


Says posted manifesto on 8chan. Damn they're so predictable!

20011778? ago

That was my thought as well. Licensed carry in Walmart in Texas, concealed or otherwise, is permitted. No way no one is carrying. It would have been, at the very least a gunfight. The guy they were praising as a hero outside the store concerning himself with children was an armed licensed carrier.

20011569? ago

So, when are you gonna represent with your second amendment? OH YOU ARE ALL PUSSIES, Second amendment died with your fear of getting in trouble , LOLOLPOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

20011408? ago

Google's time stamps are fucked up. Happens a lot.

20011323? ago

If it happened 2 days ago, national and world media would've reported it

20012027? ago

No...the MOS would be holding the article until a release date/time. Someone screwed up and did not alter the date written when uploading the article to MOS.

20012561? ago

What's MOS..?

20010995? ago

Did you see everyone in line to give blood? Think Red Cross and giant crates of money. All that blood for the vamps. I am just now making this connection. It sure explains a lot!

20013562? ago

Never thought I’d that but it makes sense.

20013724? ago

Yup. I didn’t either until I saw the giant line for blood donations. It looked like the line to get into a Trump Rally it was so long! And they were still asking for more! Smdh

20011612? ago

You would think that a city with 2 hospitals and probably a blood bank/donation center wouldn't need to put in a call for citizens to donate for 50 people. What happens if it were something much worse? Are they that ill prepared? I think not. This doesn't sound right. Neither does the reports of how sporadic he was shooting and how he was so easily taken into custody. Be on the lookout for this guy to do something similar to that of the guy who shot the mob boss who associated himself with the movement. Plus, they're going for bonus points with it being a "white male in his 20s". Prepare for another attack on 2A. And, I heard one reporter use the word "slain" in one of their questions in the press briefing earlier today. That will probably be the choice word in the 4 am talking points sent out tomorrow.

20015323? ago

Exactly, good point on banking blood. Pass 4 those who just woke, but hell how many friggin times did O FakeO pull this mental matrix mind shit on the populace? By now all should be able to pick out a tick on a hound from 2 States over, not to mention the lying linguistics used by MSMorons at every created FF. They've been beating the shit out of us for years triggering emotions & perception of reality. When Empath's tell you they feel, no feeling... Humanity's, temperature nursemaids...The sooner the plug is pulled on sewer rats, here & ponds beyond followed by an industrial size Sanitation w/ Bleach, so the sooner emotion, sensitivity & clarity can reboot humanity's heartbeat. & THE END of 4AM Word Games!

20012397? ago

Yup. And the new rules are not to mention names or even show us who he is. He could have been anyone or no one for all we know. It could have been a team of paid assassins for all we know. I don’t like these new rules.

20012190? ago

Never let a good crisis go to waste

20011087? ago

Always. And all the major outlets prop up the Red Cross, every damn time.

Money & blood is their currency.

20011147? ago

No wonder they like FFs so much.

20011353? ago

Yeh, anything to create fear, revenue and blood.

And more restrictive laws of course ;)

20012184? ago

Blood given in fear after a traumatic incident is probably worth more. All that adrenaline. Just sick!

20010974? ago

Hinky business.

20010907? ago


20011857? ago


20035345? ago

Time travel

20039202? ago


20010900? ago


20010853? ago

I seem to remember that there was one or two early articles about Sandy Hook as well as Go Fund Me/donation sites ready to go the day one of their children was allegedly murdered. If your kid got murdered would your first thought be to make money from strangers even though you can comfortably afford a funeral?

20016933? ago

The Sandy Hook FF evievidence that convinced me was the Memorandum to the parents of SH, written in a Wrod Doc FOUR DAYS before the event. Can’t alter the date a Word Doc is created. That, and all the Newtown homes being paid off. On Christmas Day.

20013117? ago

On 9/11 the BBC reporter announced that Building #7 was down and it was right behind her still standing. This is nothing new.

20011078? ago

Yep, and Adam Lanza's death certificate says he died the day before the shooting

20010673? ago

Confirmed photo of shooter as he entered Walmart (side shot + straight on).


20010629? ago

Either this is true, and you're all very shitty researchers for not pointing this out two days ago

Or ABC/Google fucked up the date on the article today

20011446? ago

Didn't the same thing happen with sandy hook? The cache data cant be changed, if it said it was logged at a time, that's when the bot logged it.

20010329? ago

The guys manifesto doesn’t mention Q at all. He says both Dems and Republicans have failed.

20010702? ago

Well he's right there

20010526? ago

Why even talk politics?

20011380? ago

Because this is a political event if you haven’t noticed. Almost everything is.

20011476? ago

Rhetorical q

20010501? ago

Link to manifesto, please? I hate to get out of boat.co these days

20011388? ago

I’m not linking it. It’s on 4chan /pol/

20019386? ago


20010481? ago

If he was a Q follower he would've trusted the plan. Clearly he didn't.

20017976? ago

Correct. He definitely didn't trust the plan.

20010250? ago


Didn't believe OP and looked at it myself. No shit, he ain't lying.

20011794? ago

Im stealing this.

20011781? ago

Proofs in the pudding.

20011499? ago

Do you have a link to the search results themselves? Not doubting, just want as legit of evidence as I can get.

20012095? ago

I went to Google and did a Google search with the following text:


It returned some results and I had to expand them to find the one that was listed two days old. That being said, I did this from a screenshot that another Anon posted in this bread, so it isn't my original idea to look there.

20011096? ago

I found the same sort of fuckery after the new Zealand shooting and was told that it was a method used by news agencies to be first in search results. The gist of it being that there were place holders that would be updated so they appear first in search results.

20015799? ago

Tnx, didn't know that

20011687? ago

This is most likely. fooling a time stamp

20010796? ago

When you clicked the link for the "2 days ago" article, was the article itself dated August 1?

20012025? ago

Actually the article didn't have a date on it, and I was looking. It only showed when the article was last updated.

20014458? ago

so, no one checked "View page info" "View page source" "Inspect Element," w /lots of info

20014544? ago

No, I have not. I'm not entirely sure that the times displayed are entirely accurate but I don't know enough to dig into it and figure out otherwise.

20011312? ago

If it happened 2 days ago, national and world media would've reported it.

20010945? ago

Nice try faggot. It doesn’t have a published date, only a last updated

20011402? ago

The idea was to determine whether the article itself was from 2 days ago, or whether the indexing is wrong, edgelord wannabe.

20014923? ago

How do you magically index something that doesn’t exist? Use your brain.

20010576? ago

Faked. The marker part was written over

20010886? ago


20011125? ago

The word is source. You sound like an illiterate nigger when you say that shit. Have some fucking pride in yourself faggot.

20025545? ago

Nope. I asked for sauce. And I meant sauce.

I can see you need external authority - someone to tell you what to say and how to be - before you can take steps in the world or even feel pride in yourself, but don’t lay your needs and chains on me. I’m doing just fine.

20011495? ago

Fuck you glownigger.

20011327? ago

Pick your battles faggot.

20010478? ago

I noticed something wrong about this AS SOON as I heard it. A couple months ago, I was an non-believer in FFs...today, not so much.

20010229? ago

I could feel something off last night and didn't know what it was. Just a sense of nervousness and anxiety. This must have been it. Trust your instincts and pray daily.

20010135? ago

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20010064? ago

So glad you posted this! The same thing happened when that jet crashed in Death Valley near China Lake. I did a Google search - and the first story was listed as 8 hours old - the next ones were all 1 hour. I'm in the same time zone and knew the crash was only 2-3 hours old.

20012500? ago

Same with the Borderline Bar shooting. Look how CNN had a screen shot of the shooter's fb post that was supposedly posted "after" the shooting yet..how was CNN there AS THE SHOOTER WAS POSTING THE POST?...LOL https://youtu.be/y2cHPh7eiWo?t=485

20009970? ago

Rookies and global internet time lapse LOL.

20009997? ago

House many times have they blown this... i think sandy hook was the first time that this oopsie daisy caught my attention.

20011704? ago

Try Pearl Harbour and a few more before that.

This isnt a new concept by any means.

20012307? ago


20012448? ago

Much further

20016621? ago

Absolutely, we FF's have been a part of [THEIR] M.O. since the beginning of time! One can find that most major events in history are tied to FF's. Another NSS FF was the Trojan Horse, for example. More recently, the gulf of Tonkin (8/2). THe list goes on and on.

20012885? ago

Do tell...so we all can continue our learning curve...

20009951? ago

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20009814? ago

Thats weird, look!

The first result says 2 days(dagen) ago.

(Sorry its in Dutch)


Google the same line as i did.

20009802? ago

Noticed during a local shooting / standoff (after it had been going on about 4-6 hours) that a local news station’s website’s article (specifically on the incident) was 18 hours old.

It was almost as if they had been working on it privately, then made it public.

News Spooks + News Clowns => Creepypasta.

20017431? ago


And a go fund me page for a victim started 2 days ago


20064768? ago

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20062592? ago

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20053432? ago

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20051979? ago

Wow, someone didn't get the memo with the correct date.

20024520? ago

page says started Aug 4th

20017978? ago

Wow. This is pretty compelling

20015221? ago

Development environment ==>> Production environment maybe?

20009918? ago

screen cap all you can quick as you can

20011762? ago


20011417? ago

Screep caps are next to worthless as images can be doctored. Use archive.today or something similar.

20012236? ago

Thanks for the tip!

20016295? ago

You can make archiving bookmarklets (bookmarks that automatically archive the current page you are viewing. Put this in a bookmark, click the bookmark to archive:


20020703? ago

Thanks! I was not signing for google to do that other one.

20011757? ago


20009705? ago

I found the story, but it's been updated 9 minutes ago. Tried to look on the wayback machine with no luck.

Where else can one look to see pages that update like that?


20010712? ago

that link was valid one hour ago, not now?

20012045? ago

Someone wasn’t careful with the meta data datestamp when uploading their article.

20009943? ago

Thankfully many got a screen grab..

20009886? ago

I'm gonna assume 2 dagan geleden mean two days ago? urr = hours? Cool and Thanks!

20009911? ago

Thats right, i'm sorry its in Dutch ;)

20009482? ago

Couldn't find the thread by the reporter sorry

20009873? ago

Is this it OP?

I'm a reporter, read before you hate me


20010531? ago

I saw that gal/dude ‘s post last night. Wow. The media are just propaganda machines for the Dem/SocParty. All campaign donations, dontchyaknow!

20009950? ago

YES... thank you!

20009841? ago

20010546? ago


20009813? ago

Not OP here, but yes it happened. I commented on it and asked for truth to be spread.