jamesjames ago

eerily accurate!

very insightful

elites4prison ago

Paul Furber archive link


Jaspkirwan ago

Was this the reason for the big push to ask POTUS the Q? Get him to confirm Qanon before their big FF so they can have concrete evidence that he is a "white nationalist" white extremist?

SuckaFree ago

So, 18 dead in El Paso, and the "authorities" are now perusing the "shooter's" "manifesto." No mass shooting is carried out by just a "lone wolf" gunman. None. There's ALWAYS someone else helping the shooter. I'm 100% certain of that.

KeyomeDT ago

Wow. Spot on. Kudos. Everyone stay safe out there

NinaSparrow ago

Also.. this is is eerily creepy. Lmk if this isnt accurate but I dug & seems to be.

Hmm https://imgur.com/gallery/yNLxzHl

amarQ144 ago

and the Dayton shooter?

NinaSparrow ago

Dayton shooter:

Dayton shooter https://imgur.com/gallery/dLdzDY3

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NorCal_Ian ago

Wow good call Patriot!!!

Duckhunter1960 ago

Bingo. Additionally, there will be pressure to have the “feds” shut down all Q related activity to Stop is from organizing”. This is not a good position. I’m holding onto my faith that POTUS and friends knew (((they))) would pull this crap and have a move that will neutralize future FF’s and right the ship. It’s going to be a bumpy ride regardless.

bsg0075 ago

This bullshit narrative is such a tired script. How about commission a study to figure out what is activating these people? Better yet, figure out what what all these shootings have in common. No, we need to demand gun control. Never mind what any of these shootings have in common... no let's disarm everyone. When the fuck do people get off their ass and go after these liberal fucks?

WillowMinxy ago

Apparently you were right ElPaso shooting. Sad but brilliant observation.

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singlebrain1 ago

It turns out that you are correct. Antifa tip off? I am sick and tired of these shootings. Got to go after the DS and perps.

PacaGoat ago

El Paso.


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Lauraingalls ago


mathemagician33 ago

yeah, this is kinda crazy, considering the el paso situation. very accurately predicted. still shocked.

Lauraingalls ago

People can be so EVIL and not care. Just plan to destroy others.

"The ages and genders of all these people injured and killed are numerous in the age groups," Allen said. "The situation, needless to say, is a horrific one."

Primus_Pilus ago

Nailed it

Lauraingalls ago


Lyonessrising ago

Cabal is so predictable.

Right on the money Patriot.

El Paso is their doing

GodsAngell ago

I believe that if WE know about antifa's plans of attack, that Trump Team know about it, and even more so.

Don't take the bait for a show down, let the White Hats handle the little antifa pantywaists.

Problem solved.

Oracle64 ago

Wonder if they discussed this FF at Google Camp?

Duckhunter1960 ago

Right after the team building exercise and their vegan lunch, followed by the Diversity Is Our Strength reminder hour, closed the day with Orange Man Bad chants & tears.

Oracle64 ago

Notice the "Donate Blood" and "Tragedy Funds" being broadcast. They make me sick. Americans being killed and exploited for THEIR political agenda.

wanderingblade ago

Don't let them LITERALLY bleed you dry. That blood is given to the vampires to keep them young

Duckhunter1960 ago

Yep, these are some sick F$cks. Good reminder of why we are here. And why we will be here when this shit hits the fan.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

You forgot the climate change global disaster earth will be gone in 10 yrs after party. :)

Duckhunter1960 ago

True that. I'm sure they will manage to squeeze in a reading of Gore's bible along with plenty of prayers to the climate change god.

MolochHunter ago

flairing and stickying given new developments

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

We’re not even one day in, and this already appears to be sketch city. Questions all over the place.

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theHare ago

I happened to catch live coverage through local msnbc coverage. Crisis actors are the only witnesses complete with the duping delight smiling.

angelCole ago

Did you happen to see the video on Fox news that I guess was from the shooting. It was cellphone footage and everyone was just standing around with their cars and a couple of injured ladies were filmed, one being pulled on a flat cart, she was sitting up and the other was walking to a gurneys holding her arm still. These looked to be very minor injuries. Maybe sprained knee and sprained shoulder, saw no blood on either person.

TexasPatriot972 ago

Okay- I'm in Texas, my former secretary lives in El Paso. I checked on her and the situation on the ground. Thankfully she and family are safe. The shooter was apprehended rapidly without LE firing a single shot. He's a 21 year-old from Allen, TX- around 10 minutes from my home. If he was a troubled student in Allen schools, I'll learn something as I have family members who work with troubled kids in the district.

Couple points. Anyone trying to pass this event off as something that didn't happen, get a fucking grip. This was a mass shooting. It happened. I'm a surgeon in Dallas and my colleagues in El Paso treated a bunch of gunshot wounds today. I think some dumb fucks pile on because they don't understand the basic fucking concept of a false flag. A false flag isn't a faked event. These events happen, the shooting is real and the death is real. What's false is the motive behind it. Some people are mentally ill and highly susceptible to suggestion and/or hypnosis. They can be convinced to do really evil things. The US government/CIA did extensive experimentation on how to mentally control susceptible people- they claim to have stopped around 1974 but I'm convinced they continue to do so, at least passively through casual contact with people identified by NSA data. Once triggered, they'll do their master's bidding. In the case of today's shooting, why did the kid drive to El Paso? If he wanted to kill Mexicans or Muslims, there are plenty within 10 minutes of his home.

As far as what one saw on Fox News- the shooting was reported nearly immediately. Cops were on scene within 6 minutes. Fifteen to twenty minutes later, the suspect was in custody. Most of those injured by gunshots were evacuated quickly and what was shown were minor injuries, some not even from gunshots. I saw one lady, maybe shot in the hand, and another lady being rolled on a cart, looking like she maybe fell and cut her leg. By no means are these brief clips from Fox representative of what happened today.

Hope this clarifies that the shooting was real, believe me or not. Was it a false flag? I wouldn't be surprised one bit. Let's find out about whether the kid had a therapist or heard voices. One clue of this being a false flag is that it happened in gun-friendly Texas and ended quickly. The shooter knew that, before long, a cop or citizen would kill him, and we couldn't have let a good guy with a gun kill a bad guy with a gun. That would spoil the leftist narrative. Another clue is that the shooter was presumably white. A white, Texas deplorable; all the more reason that we must urgently dispose of Trump. The election is too far away. Trump must go now. They will make it sound as if Trump was the trigger puller.

TL;DR- real shooting? Yes. False flag? Probably. Let's watch what the news and politicians do with this story. They're hell bent on disposing of Trump and/or starting a new American Civil War. Stay sharp, stay safe, stay armed.

NewSouthernBelle ago

Something else to notice.

This is the time of the New Moon. For magic, it's important.

And the period between July 31 and the 3rd of August are big dates for satanic rituals, including sacrifices, according to this calendar:


That makes these mass shootings seem less and less like a lone wolf kind of thing and more and more coordinated by satanic Deep State, democrats, or both.


One of the more reasonable explanations I've ever heard re this FALSE FLAG shit.

comprametu ago

Thank you for your perspective TexasPatriot. Right on!

tweety51 ago

Great insight. Thanks for helping to clarify "false flag".

steppingup11 ago

I have been on the scene with injured people, accidents, gunshots, serious injury. The first thing you notice is the blood. Depending on the nature, location, and seriousness of the injury it pours or gushes out of people. Next is the shock - people who have been shot or seriously wounded are dazed, pale, and they cannot talk coherently as they are in shock. Some people are hysterically crying and screaming, others cry quietly and others are just dazed and sit there doing nothing.

And then there's the pain - it hurts a lot when you are shot or injured and you do not walk around acting like nothing happened.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I agree, and all sorts of footage from 9/11 will show everything you have described here. That’s what real shock looks like.

Ddboomer ago


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clouds10 ago

There's an active shooter in el paso at a mall right now..

Revel4ti0n ago

Wow! Well why why does logical thinking makes you predict the future? I am not in the US and it is possibleby logical thinking and analysis to find a potential thread?!!

Guess i will be getting special treatement when I do vacation in the US

Lyonessrising ago

Atypical cabal maneuver.

And they have done it.

Liberal spin doctors weaving their lies as we speak.


Patrick Crusius = Anders Breivik

Revel4ti0n ago

Thank you sir!

akilyoung ago




tweety51 ago

Thank you for this information. It's time. This is what we have all been waiting for. Pray without ceasing.

akilyoung ago

I did last night, especially for the familys who lost loved ones. Horrible.

Semlow ago

Yes, your theory fits in with the Dem's playbook.

If I may add the pdf version of the FBI memo (your last link):


because as pdf its easier to download and to read.

Revel4ti0n ago

Will do as soon i have access again to a pc..

HerbanGardener ago

When I saw the post about ANTIFA going to TX, my first thought is that there would be a FF and the MSM would blame QAnon. Their efforts will fail.

sonofjacob ago

I'm worried they are gonna blow some of the dams, like the Hoover dam or something.

akilyoung ago

Sounds like your on the same track as me on this: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3363755


sonofjacob ago

Voat is actually how I came to that conclusion.

akilyoung ago

By what means. Just curious. A specific thread?

Cause I came to it via Qs posts as a one year delta/skip.


sonofjacob ago

Yah, a specific post. Dont know which one it was tho

akilyoung ago

Ok, no worries. Thx

R2-D11 ago

of course you are referring to "Boulder Dam" at Lake Meade, as the locals have been woke enough for 1/2 century to shun the (Herbert) Hoover label

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Hanford, Hoover, Houston, all these names start with an "H" like Hillary. I have this knowledge that Hanford, WA. is the first target, but I have no clue what the following targets are. You could be right. And I know I'm not wrong.

Reallllly ago

That's where I live. Additional info?

AlphabeticalAnon ago

The info I have is that someone familiar with things "on the deep states agenda" and who's definitely against them, said that Hanford would be the first placed bombed.

Didn't say nuclear, didn't say it in a way that was OMG the sky is falling, just that Hanford would be the first. This came from a guy named Rex. Forrest Rex Rinehart. He also predicted UFO sighting before they happened, like the one in the late 1960s and everyone would think they were, I can't remember if she said meteors or military stuff.

That's where that info comes from. This Rex was never wrong and the would be a prediction that is, what, more than 50 years ago. But looking at the prediction itself, it's a logical one. There are other nuclears breeder sites in the world. There are 2 in Japan, there are 2 in Russia, and there are several others around the globe.

If you are in Hanford,

DickTick ago

Looks like dude was fucking crazy close to being right.... That's scary

AlphabeticalAnon ago

And it looks like some faggot asscracking dwellers don't like the name Hanford being splashed around. Look at the downvotes. Wow someone sure has a major ass problem.

I'll be sure to mention Hanford from now on!

Reallllly ago

Upvote for you.

I live in the Tri Cities. If you are knowledgeable about Hanford, that should be sufficient. Proud of the Cloud, if you know what I mean...

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Thanks. I upvoted you.

Yes I know what you mean by Proud of the Cloud. It is a lot of work to produce a nucclear similation and controlled demos of a blast. And they are a sight to behold.

It sounds like you're not exactly in Hanford itself, but in a nearby town, or somewhere along that river that forks off.