Drenki ago

This has Project Orion written all over it.

KarmaPuleeze ago

This kind of works both ways, doesn't it? If Q really had foreknowledge where'd he/she/it/they get it from? Either they have access to intel or...

Armpit_and_Ass ago

The post you linked is just links to a bunch of other posts which themselves just link to other posts and shitty sites like redstate and twitter.

Take your recursive, self-propelled bullshit and GTFO.

captainstrange ago

If you can't be bothered to even read then why are you here cunt?

Armpit_and_Ass ago

I'm not sifting through a seven layer burrito of metagarbage. Post your so-called evidence, or fuck off. It really is that simple.

captainstrange ago

If you can't be bothered to even read then why are you here cunt?

captainstrange ago

If you can't be bothered to even read then why are you here cunt?

Nesano ago

self-propelled bullshit

Gotta remember that one.

carlip ago

Complete faggotry.

Joe_McCarthy ago

I have 'predicted' the possibility of an attack on the 50th anniversary of the Manson killings later this week. If it happens you can confirm me Mossad.

v ago


version7 ago

Also see drop 3568

Broc_Lia ago

He predicted that there would be another mass shooting and that it'd be pinned on identitarians. That's like predicting that there's going to be another refugee caravan, or that the dems will try to rig an election.

ChimpStenographer ago

Maybe I'm a nigger faggot and Maybe your a kike shill.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Right on Patriot!


Nesano ago

He predicted it would happen in Texas because of Antifa, though.


The one in ohio was antifa

we_kill_creativity ago

Read the fucking post dipshit. They absolutely linked to another post calling out Antifa targeting El Passo. Jesus fucking christ you are fucking stupid.

70times7 ago

Dont curse using Jesus' name and in the same breath call anyone stupid.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Just stopped by to say this, using God's name in vain. Is it GD or we are the chosen ones?

70times7 ago


TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Who takes God's name in vain? Those who say GD or those who say, 'you cannot condemn us, because we are the special chosen by God' ? Ask a friend if you still say 'what?'

70times7 ago

The commandment is not only speaking of "swearing".

It is also (and even mainly) referring to claiming to "speak" on Gods behalf.

To take His name.

Speaking on His behalf while speaking for satan, is a violation of commandment 3.

Noone said anything about using the title "God' though.

He said

"Jesus fucking christ you are fucking stupid."

What does that have to do with your post?

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Are you offended? I really don't care.

70times7 ago

Not in the least.

Only trying to understand what you are saying?

Its gibberish and makes no sense mate.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Look into that a bit. There are those that lie, deceive, steal, murder and view you as no better than an animal (to be used as they will). They are not Jews, and are not God's chosen people, but claim to be and use His name in vain.

70times7 ago

Well yeah. And thats clear as glass. Thank you.

Before, it wasnt. Your speech was a bit garbled.

Nesano ago

Fucking fuck, man.

Wonder_Boy ago

He also predicted where & when.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Can you screenshot where he mentions El paso and yesterday's date? Because I'm saying your absolutely full of shit.

we_kill_creativity ago

Click and read the other posts he linked to where it literally calls out Antifa coming to El Passo ... you lazy fuck.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Oh, so the shit that has been posted on voat for two weeks? He predicted news that has been on voat for two weeks, the day before the event? Just want to make sure I got that correctly, you brainwashed fucking idiot.

we_kill_creativity ago

You're a fucking moron...have a nice day!

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

You're a qtard. Don't worry, q will get me to avenge you, right? Trust the plan while your race is systematically destroyed.

slowcrash101 ago

Only dogs fetch, when someone asks for a source, they merely want you to fetch. They don't care if what you fetch proves you right. They just want you to fetch, it's a narcissism thing, where the act of you spending time fetching something they themselves could get in a matter of minutes at most, is an act of dominance.

TheKalergiFan ago

Uh no he didn't do either one of those things

Gorillion ago

He did. Look at his links.

El Paso has been previously targeted as a convergence point by both Antifa and the next Charlottesville style "alt-right" march (can't remember what - Free Speech March or White Pride or some obvious bait thing). So we know it's a pre-determined hot spot.

This was probably a kind of test run to see if any problems appear in their organizational strategies before the big show. And the second shooting was probably a distraction so 100% of attention isn't entirely on El Paso in the next several days.

I imagine by Sept 1 all the organizational pieces will be in place for a big media show. Legislation will be ready to drop and pass. Articles pre-written. Tweets pre-scripted. Bodycounts pre-prepared. Roads closed to keep outsiders and casuals from wandering in and spotting the huge support apparatus required for a crisis event this big. Drones will banned etc.

By Sept 11 they likely want some big social shift to have happened as a result or we'll get another "show". Maybe a domestic attack - Dirty Bomb or they'll make good on the Earthquake teases, but more likely something to frame Iran as Big Bad #1. Anything to quiet down the Epstein stuff and get the cattle back in obedient 9/11 mode and looking outward not inward.

we_kill_creativity ago

Uh, he absolutely fucking did, you fucking moron...did you even read the post? In the post, there's a link to another post that narrows it down to El Passo...you are fucking retarded or paid to seem retarded. Either way, go fuck yourself.

Heartdisease ago

I noticed it too and put the links in comments on a few posts about the shooting. I don't think the prediction got a lot of exposure.

the_illusive_man ago

This needs to be widely disseminated

captainstrange ago

Other people noticed it but it was apparently quickly buried or relegated to subverses.