CornyGoatWeed ago

6 men in oldschool cowboy handkerchief masks and some rope skills can handle like 60 of those losers in one 90 second awesome little spot for tv

buildingbetter ago

Do not shoot unless fired upon. Follow III% oath. Bikers beating them up, free game.

joeneesima ago

Texas has open carry -- DON'T TAKE THE BAIT TEXANS.

This is an attempt to take down the Second Amendment.

IF this is well known domestic terror event, it should be PREVENTED...GOVERNOR ABBOTT.

Praying Law and Order actually happen this time before chaos ensues.

Stonenchizel ago

Joe these fuckers cause so much violence against standby individuals, which is a bit thuggery and against the law in all aspect of the word. These Antifa have destroyed property which is private property which is breaking the law. Now the swinging weapons at individuals that are standby innocent people is way too wrong eve in My book and I'm an OG

FreedBy45 ago

It might be time to fight Antifa with the same violence that they

use every time when they gather together.


Or better yet just let nature take it's course and have some

True Texan's that don't like Antifa go down to the Border Meeting and

show the Antifa Organization of Hooded Thugs just how welcomed

they truly are in Texas.


All they’re doing is threatening Texans with a good time.

Don't take the bait. Doing so plays right into (((their))) hands.

ThreeBladedKnife ago

By staging their event in El Paso, this allows the survivors a chance to get out of Texas quickly after it fails.

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Hoppinmad ago

Somebody is trying to start a war. This drawing and organizing is NOT organic. These masked nerds can’t really do anything on their own. Make no mistake. This is designed to piss you off to the point of confrontation.

altaccounttwo ago

does israel still have nukes?

Stonenchizel ago

of course they do, don't be silly


If they become violent to american citizens then just say "im scared for my life" then in my opinion u will have the right to behead them where they stand!!!!!!!!!

ALIENS2222 ago

You are going to be so disappointed... -Portland.

Fetalpig ago

Cellar dwellers. That is perfect.

Shiftworker1976 ago

Texans can handle the bitches.

FreedBy45 ago

One of my friends is Houston PD. When the Occupy Movement came into Houston & refused to leave a park they had no business being on, HPD arrested the leaders (all union leaders) & charged them with felonies. As to the others, they upped the normal charge other states were using (which was the equivalent level of a parking ticket) to a higher class which would stay on their record. The Occupy Movement disbanded quickly. As my friend said, "We don't put up with that sh*t in Texas." I expect Gov. Abbott will handle this situation in much the same way.

bopper ago

Nice. Now if we can only get rid of the mayor.

Nachose ago

If only! He has GOT to go. Along with the pot holes and a panhandler on every corner.

bopper ago

I know!

qanon1776 ago

I hear you don't mess with Texas. These pos better hope Soros provides them with a good medical plan.

crocJT ago

This just might be a huge tactical blunder on their part. I really believe that they think they have much more support all over the country than what is, in reality, the case. They have, until now, only caused big problems in the cucked sanctuary cities where they are protected. The sorry little mofo's may be about to reap a big dose of reality. Get yer earplugs...gonna be a lot of reeeeeeeeeeeing.

cattarhero ago

I bet all the hardware stores will be sold out of pick handles, anywhere within a hundred miles of El Paso!

cattarhero ago

I'm pretty sure that crossing state lines to cause civil unrest is a serious felony.

bopper ago

Don't mess wit Texas (I'm 800 miles or so from El Paso but still in the state of Texas lol).

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

I’m 650 from El Paso, also still in Texas. I’m not looking to play games, but make no mistake, if those games find me, all of my toys hold multiple jacketed hollow points.

Trust me do not want to come to this neck of the woods with sticks and pepper spray and quick-Crete milkshakes.

Archangel_79 ago

I'm a little closer at 550 miles.

If cooler heads don't prevail, and things keep breaking with Pantifa I'm afraid showing up in places like TX may turn this cold and behind the scenes conflict into a hot war.

I don't condone violence and do not go out looking for trouble. But, if it decides to find me I am prepared to defend my family and my community from Brother Pud's Traveling Shit-Digger Show.

bopper ago

Myself, and the family.

Swervish ago

Hell, they might get their asses kicked in El Paso by Mexicans. Im serious.

bopper ago

Yeah they might lol.